Sweet Revenge By Mac Lynda grows big and muscular, and gets revenge Riverside High was the typical high school. Typical teachers, typical principle, and typical problems. It also had your typical social groups: the jocks, the nerds, the popular kids, and the 'bandos' (those marching band kids never did fit in with anyone - except themselves!). But Riverside High was unique in one aspect. The undisputed leader of the jocks was a girl, a girl named Jennifer Hummer. 'Jenny' was a beautiful girl. She was also the best all-around athlete in the school. She had competed in gymnastics until she was 12 and only quit because she was becoming too tall and well developed to compete against the smaller, lighter girls. She held state high school records in the javelin, shot put, and the mile run. She was the starting centerfielder and batted clean-up on the boys baseball team. But her passion was football. She was the most ferocious and feared linebacker in the league which had earned her the nickname 'Jenny the Hammer.' Unfortunately, Jenny was also the biggest bully in the school, as well. If she wasn't proving her superiority out on the field, she would be proving it in the halls. Jenny and her girl friends were constantly hassling someone, but their favorite target was Lynda Merkle. Lynda was best described as, well, a nice girl. She was a true bookworm. She would rather curl up with a book on biochemistry than watch TV. Summertime to her just meant more time that she could spend in the library or down at her mother's work. Her mother was a chemist for a small lab while her dad was an accountant. Lynda was aware that she was picked on by these girls, but she had resolved not to fight back. Violence, she reasoned, never solved anything. Jenny, on the other hand, held a different philosophy. She believed that the strong got their way in this world and the weak got pushed out of the way. And to this end, she pushed herself daily. Jenny inherited great genetics. Her mom had been on the dance team in college and her dad was the star of the football team. He had played a couple of years of pro ball before he was cut from the team. He started Jenny in the weight room after she quit gymnastics, to build up her already blossoming strength. She fell in love with lifting immediately and ever since was two workouts a day, six days a week. Over the next five years, Jenny developed the most incredible body. She was 5' 10" tall with long blond hair. Her thighs were nearly the same measurement as her waist. Her shoulders were broad and thick. Her stomach was rock solid with ripped abs and obliques and her breasts, while not huge, were well rounded and easily filled out a C-cup. All this contributed to a dramatic hourglass figure that was topped of with huge, bulging biceps that were the size of baseballs. She was physically perfect in every way. Lynda was just the opposite. Frail and thin, it was obvious that she had been sickly as a child. Although she was equal to Jenny in height, she had never been blessed with the kind of genetics needed to build muscle. So all of her energy had gone into the perfection of her brain. She pushed herself to excel in every academic area. And that's where the trouble started. One day in Social Studies, Jenny was asked a relatively easy question. When she stumbled over the answer, Lynda effortlessly gave the correct answer. But she added a quick, "Anyone with half a brain would know that!" just to annoy Jenny. Well, it did more than annoy her, it pissed her off. From then on it was open season on Lynda Merkle. At first the attacks were not much, a shove while passing in the hallway, knocking Lynda's books off of her desk in class, stealing her pencils, breaking her calculator. But the more Lynda ignored these things, the madder it made Jenny, and the more vicious she was in her pranks. Soon she was throwing Lynda's clothes into the showers during P.E., tripping her down stairs, even ripping the door of Lynda's locker (with her bare hands!). The final blow was delivered on the last day of school. As Lynda was coming in from P.E., she was suddenly surrounded by Jenny and her friends. They started shoving her and spitting on her. When she would offer no resistance, they began to punch her and kick her until she was on the ground, nearly unconscious. Then they ripped her clothes to shreds, leaving her naked for all the school to see. As they were leaving, Jenny turned and said, "This is just a little something to remember me by this summer. And think about all the fun we'll have next year when we're Seniors!" Lynda's shock and embarrassment quickly turned to rage and then commitment. She would show these animals. She would meet them on their level. She would fight fire with fire, and muscle with muscle! The next morning, Lynda joined a gym. She was determined to get in shape by the end of the summer. She met with a personal trainer and was put on a program. She worked very hard at her program for the first two weeks, but her gains were minimal at best. At this rate, she figured, it would take her ten years to get to be Jenny's size. Discouraged and ready to quit, she suddenly came up with a brilliant idea. Her strongest body part had always been her brain. Why not put it to use in this situation? Lynda dove into her research. She poured over weight training manuals and nutrition journals. She spent hours at her mother's lab, mixing and testing different formulas. In a couple of days she had designed the perfect weight program in addition to the perfect combination of diet and supplements. To top it off, she had invented a 'Power Shake' that she would drink twice daily before each workout. The shake would convert every bit of energy she used into muscle. From the very first day, Lynda noticed a difference. Her skin felt a little bit tighter, the weights felt a little bit lighter, her grip was a little bit stronger. Every day more and more muscle mass began to appear on her once skinny frame. Soon the shorts and t-shirts that she had used in the beginning to work out in became too tight. She replaced these with baggy sweats so she could hide the remarkable changes that were happening to her body from the other regulars in the gym. She knew that she was building an awesome body, but she didn't want anyone else to know, not just yet! Lynda also began noticing another pleasant side effect of the Power Shake. Although she was 17, she had never really developed much in the way of breasts. She wasn't totally flat chested, but having little or no body fat or muscle, her breasts fit easily into a training bra. Now she was noticing a marked development in her chest, not only from her thickening pectoral muscles but her breasts were actually filling out, too. After the first two weeks of her new program, Lynda had to go buy new bras along with her baggy sweats. Standing in the dressing room, modeling her new bra for herself, Lynda loved the changes that were happening to her body. And she couldn't wait for even more and bigger changes to come. Lynda always seemed to be hungry. She was eating an enormous amount of food at every meal and eating at least five times each day. Her mom was involved with an intricate problem at work and didn't take notice of her daughter's growing appetite. And her dad was either constantly thinking about work or fiddling around with his computer at home, so he didn't notice Lynda's growth either. Lynda would gulp down breakfast while her dad read the newspaper and then drink her Power Shake and bolt off to the gym before her mom was even up. July began with Lynda lifting even heavier than before. She was bench pressing 200 lbs for reps and curling 80 lbs with both hands. She knew that those were impressive weights for a girl who had just started lifting seriously two weeks before, but she also knew that she was nowhere near Jenny's strength yet. So she pushed herself hard all month long. Two workouts each day that lasted about an hour each, and at least an hour on the bikes or stair machine to build endurance. She would take several naps during the day to help release her natural growth hormones. She had decided to not take steroids (she was sure that Jenny had been 'on the juice' for years) because of all of the negative side effects. Besides, she had her Power Shakes, and even the brightest minds in the supplement business had never come close to anything that worked as well as those did. By mid-July, Lynda was becoming truly large. She had been measuring herself all along to keep impeccable records of her growth. She had started with 8" toothpick size arms and now they measured 15". Her chest had gone from 24" in June to an amazing 40" now. Her waist, always thin, was a scant 20" previously and now measured a thick, muscular 24". Her thighs had doubled in size from 13" to 26". Even her breasts took on a fuller look in the last two weeks. She had to buy new bras again as she was a definite B-cup! Her endurance had increased as well. She was now able to run the equivalent of a mile on the treadmill before she even broke into a sweat or started to breathe hard. One day, towards the end of July, Lynda was riding her mountain bike over some of the town's toughest hills for her aerobic training. The route happened to take her past the high school. Although it was still the middle of the summer, Jenny was there with several other football players, running wind sprints and practicing plays. Lynda got close enough to watch without being noticed. Jenny looked like she was in awesome shape, easily as heavy as the boys, but just as easily beating all of them in the sprints. Then Jenny grabbed one of the larger boys and pressed him over her head a couple of times, just to show off. Instead of being shocked or scared, Lynda became even more determined to push herself even harder toward her goal. "Just you wait, Jenny Hummer," she said to herself as she pedaled away, "summer's not over yet!" By the end of July, Lynda was benching 375 lbs. Her strength in all of her lifts had almost doubled in the last four weeks! She was doing concentration curls with 75 lbs dumbbells, and leg presses with eight 45 lbs plates on each side for a total of 720 lbs. Lynda's muscles were thick and strong. She looked like she had been training hard for five years. She had to admit, she loved her new powerful body. Activities that had been too strenuous before, now were easy. Things that had once been too heavy to lift now seemed unbelievably light. Even her movements had become more graceful, flowing, like a huge wild cat. But she knew she still wasn't to the point of challenging Jenny. She had one month, she reminded herself, to get ready for a rematch, a rematch she was determined to win! Late one night, as Lynda was finishing up her workout, she stopped for a while to punch the heavy bag that was hanging in the martial arts room of her gym. It felt great to get some of her anger and frustrations out on the bag, and maybe even pretend that it was Jenny she was punching. An old woman was on the other side of the room moving very slowly in what seemed to Lynda to be some sort of strange dance. When she finished, she stood with her knees slightly bent, her hands crossed gently in front of her. "You have so much anger in you, Lynda." she said softly, "It keeps you from achieving true focus for your energies." She remained perfectly still. "What?" answered Lynda, "How did you know my name? And how do you know how I feel?" "I have watched you since you came in here last June." the old woman said, as she slowly turned toward the muscular girl, "And I have seen the remarkable progress you have made in such a short time. But something is fueling this intensity of yours, and I feel that it could be revenge. Am I correct? You look like a warrior getting ready for a battle." "Yeah ... maybe." Jenny punched the bag a couple more times, then turned towards the old woman. She was Asian, perhaps Chinese,she stood only about 5' 4" tall and looked to be about 60 years old. "I figured sometimes a person has to stand their ground, and if that means being a warrior or an amazon or being the biggest and strongest, then that's what it takes." "But the biggest and the strongest may not always win." the woman replied, "You are certainly bigger and far stronger than I, but you are so unbalanced by your revenge that even I could defeat you." Lynda smiled, "Yeah ... right ... ma'am, I don't want to hurt you or anything, but I could probably lift you with just one hand..." "Push me." the old woman interrupted. "What?" Lynda couldn't believe what this lady was saying. "Try to move me, push me, knock me down." the old one insisted as she beckoned Lynda towards her. "Okay, ma'am, but like I said, I don't ... want to ... hurt ..." Lynda was struggling against the tiny woman, but she wasn't budging. She tried pushing, throwing, pulling, nothing would move her. "How ... how are you ... doing ... this ..." "My chi, my life energy is focused," the old woman calmly explained, "I am rooted to the ground. You might as well try to uproot a tree. And I can also direct that energy out through my arms ..." She pushed Lynda in a way that was both gentle and forceful. Lynda practically flew across the mat, landing 15 feet away on her butt. "WOW! Who are you and how did you do that?" Lynda was totally shocked by what had just happened. The woman resumed her relaxed posture, "I am Rose Chiang and that is called 'Pushing Hands'. It is part of Tai Chi." "Is that what you were doing when I came in here, Mrs. Chiang? Lynda asked. "Can you teach me?" "It takes many years of practice to achieve the level of focus that I have, but you can start." Rose replied. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. I will be honored to teach you what I have learned. And you can just call me Rose. In return, I would love to know your secret. How did you grow so fast? I wouldn't mind building up my muscles a bit." "Meet me here tomorrow, Rose, and I'll bring the drinks." said Lynda with a wink. The next week went by quickly. Rose was astounded at how fast Lynda was learning the secrets of Tai Chi. She could sense the young girl's chi strengthening day by day. And Rose, too, had never felt so good in all of her life. Lynda had shared her secret Power Shake formula with her and her body was already responding. She could feel her muscles toning, and her own energy level rising. Lynda began to practice Tai Chi for an hour before her workouts. She found that her energy level was soaring after the session and that she was able to make even greater gains in strength. By the middle of August, her strength had almost doubled again. She would warm up with 800 lbs on the leg press machine and then go up from there until she was doing sets of 8 reps with 1400 lbs. She was easily benching 700 lbs for reps now and could curl 150 lbs in each hand 10 times. Lynda started going to the gym even earlier than before, not just because she didn't like to attract attention, but because she needed to use nearly all of the weights in the gym just to get a good work out, especially on leg days. Lynda continued to monitor her progress with a tape measure, but instead of weekly readings, she was now taking her measurements every other day just to keep up with all of the changes that she was going through. She would take her measurements at home in the privacy of her bedroom because she was still wearing her huge sweats to the gym to continue to hide her bulging muscles. She didn't want word of her transformation getting back to Jenny. So she would strip down late at night at pull out her mother's cloth tape measure from the sewing kit. Her thighs now measured an amazing 31" while her waist grew to 25" of steel-hard muscle. Her chest (under her breasts) was a solid 50" of thick muscle and her upper arms each measured a full, hard 20". She knew from looking at the bodybuilding magazines at the gym that her arms could blow away any female bodybuilder, and most of the men. And she was finding it incredibly hard to find a bra that would fit, not only was the circumference of her chest so large, her breasts seemed to be growing as well. They were huge, perfectly round globes that would easily fill a D-cup. Luckily for Lynda, they were also so firm that she really needed very little support, and she only wore a bra when she went out in public, which was becoming more and more infrequent. True to her bookworm nature, Lynda was still spending a lot of time in the library, when she wasn't at the gym. For some reason the exercise and the Power Shakes seemed to stimulate her mind as well as her body. She had read through all of the books in the public library on science (her first love) and was now camping out in the university library reading nearly a book each day in between workouts and meals. All-in-all, she was having a great summer, but she was still anxiously awaiting the beginning of school and her inevitable show-down with Jenny. Lynda kept up her intense workout schedule for the final two weeks of summer, and by the end of August she had nearly doubled her strength again and again added inches upon inches of rock hard, rippling muscle. She loved to work her biceps until they nearly tore through her sweatshirt's usually baggy sleeves. She even started popping a few seams toward the end of the month. And she loved to load on the pounds and feel her quads scream for mercy as she relentlessly lifted over a ton of weight, pumping her thighs to unheard of dimensions. She was inadvertently drawing some attention at the gym. Some guys would come early just to see if they could get a glimpse of the mysterious 'wonder woman' that they had heard about. And sometimes, when Lynda really wanted to push her legs even harder, she might have a couple of big guys climb on the leg press for the last two reps. Even Rose was looking great. After only a month of drinking Power Shakes, her muscles looked firm and even showed a little bulge here and there. Her breasts were swelling a bit and sitting a little higher on her chest. She looked like a woman half her age and was getting quite a bit of attention from some of the older men in the club. Finally (!) the last few days of summer vacation were coming. Lynda had topped out at 2500 lbs in the leg press, 1250 on her bench, and had to use an Olympic bar to hold the 300 lbs for her one hand bicep curl! The last night before school started, she stood in her bedroom in her once baggy sweats, looking at herself in a full length mirror and thinking about the next day. Then she grabbed her sweats and effortlessly ripped them off of herself, shredding them into little pieces, just like the girls had done to her last June. But now instead of the sickly, skinny frame of a frail bookworm, there stood a massive, radiant, magnificently muscled body of a super woman!! She flexed every muscle til they took on unbelievable size and hardness from her steel-cable forearms all the way down to her huge, bulging calves. One last time she measured herself: 18" forearms, 23" upper arms with high peaked biceps and thick veins, 32" across her shoulders, 58" around her chest (just for fun she measured around her nipples - 74"!), 26" waist, 36" hips, 40" thighs, and 22" calves. "All right, Jenny Hummer," she said as she held her arms up and flexed in an unbelievably huge double-bicep shot that would be the envy of most male bodybuilders, "it's time for a little 'Sweet Revenge"! The next day, Jenny rose early and dressed in her new clothes that she had just bought the week before. Although she was extremely proud of her new physique, she still didn't want to give anything away before she saw Jenny. She wore a blouse with long, puffy sleeves and a long skirt that reached down to her ankles. At the breakfast table, dad was reading the paper as usual. Lynda marveled at how she was able to build this mountainous body right under his nose. She had seen her mother looking at her strangely a few times, but she had never said anything either. After she finished her breakfast and had one more Power Shake, Lynda got a crazy idea. As she started heading out the door, she leaned down to kiss her father on the head like she did every day, but today she lifted up his chair with one hand and planted her kiss on his head, then set him down before it could hit him what his normally diminutive daughter had just done. Just then her mom came in wearing her usual bathrobe. Lynda swept up to her and lifted her up by her waist, twirled her around and hugged her. "See ya mom and dad, gotta get to school," Lynda said as she bolted through the door, "have a great day!" "Martha, did you notice something ... different about Lynda?" asked dad as he lifted up his coffee cup. "Well, George, if you mean that she just lifted you and your chair with only one hand," replied his patient wife as she mixed a shake for herself, " ... then I suppose so. Oh George, you are so out of touch some times. I noticed Lynda growing right after school got out and she joined the gym." "Hmmm, I guess I did miss something," said George as he looked back at the morning paper, "I thought that she was using that old ski track thingy that was set up in the basement." "As a matter of fact," said Martha, leaning against the counter and draining her glass, "I was the one using that 'thingy'. I let Lynda use our lab to work on a special shake that she's been drinking a couple of times a day. So I figured I would give it a try, too. I found that I had so much energy, that the only way to burn it off was on that machine. You know, it gives you quite a workout." "Mmhmm ... " said George lost in an article. "Good for legs and arms and abs," said Martha as she slowly let her robe fall to the floor, "and great for endurance..." She stood totally naked in front of George. He slowly looked up from his paper and nearly choked on a mouthful of coffee as he saw his wife. She had always had a plain figure with smallish breasts that had sagged some over time. Now she was radiant, voluptuous, her clear skin pulled tight over well toned muscles, breasts larger, fuller than they had ever been, sitting high on her chest and bobbing sexily. She turned slightly, running one hand over her perfect, round glutes while she cocked her other hand behind her head showing off a shapely bicep. "It must have been something in Lynda's shakes," she purred as she brought her hand up to her full, luscious breast, "I started drinking them a couple of months ago and I feel so good!" "You ... you ... look good," George finally found his voice, "no ... you look great .. phenomenal ... unbelievable!" Martha sexily strolled over to her overwhelmed husband and swung her firm, strong leg over him and squeezed, pinning his arms to his side. He reached up and began exploring the tight contours of her beautiful butt. She slowly lowered one of her large, erect nipples to his mouth and teased him with it. "I took the liberty of calling your office and mine," Martha breathed into George's ear in between flicks of her tongue, "we're going to be a little bit late for work today." Meanwhile, Lynda was arriving at school. All the kids were clumped in small groups talking about classes, lockers, dates, summer vacations, and of course, how the football team was going to do this year. And the star of the team was again holding court with her gang of friends. Suddenly, Jenny spotted Lynda walking toward the group of girls. "Hey, look who's coming this way." Jenny said to her friends, "Is she stupid, or what?" "She probably wants to make peace with you, Jen." suggested on of the girls. "Yeah? Well what do you say we just pick up where we left off last year." said Jenny with a wicked grin. Lynda slowed her pace as she approached the group. "Well, here goes!" she said to herself as she looked at the girls and mentally prepared herself for her challenge. It was obvious that they had spent a great deal of time in the gym that summer with Jenny. She was probably even supplying them with steroids by the looks of their buff arms and legs. And Jenny herself looked like she had added ten pounds of muscle during the summer. She was wearing a cut-off tank top and short shorts that, being barely enough to cover her, showed off each of her finely developed muscles at their best. Quickly the girls surrounded Lynda and Jenny stood right in front of her, cutting off any escape route. "Hey, space case, what's with the baggy clothes? Have you been porking out all summer, while we've been working out?" Jenny taunted as she flexed her big bicep. "Maybe we should call you Fatso?" Jenny poked Lynda in the shoulder, "What do you think of that, Fatso?" "Well, I suppose," Lynda said as she pushed her glasses up her nose with her middle finger, "it's better than being a kiss-ass, pussy-wipe, air- headed bimbo like you!" Lynda's words had the exact effect she thought they would. First Jenny was stunned, then as she looked around at the others she was embarrassed. Then her embarrassment turned quickly into red hot rage! Jenny flew at Lynda sputtering, "I'll kill you ... you little ..." Jenny never had a chance to finish her threat. Lynda neatly dodged Jenny's lunge, tripped her, and sent her sprawling face first in the dirt. The other girls just stood by, too shocked to move. Jenny pushed herself up. "Don't just stand there!" she yelled, "Grab her! Kill her!!" Suddenly all four girls rushed toward Lynda. She was ready. Weeks of intensive training with Rose had prepared her for this. She blocked the first girls punch with her notebook while she took out the second one with a quick side kick to the head. She caught the third one in the side of the head with her binder sending her reeling. The fourth one tried to punch her, but Lynda blocked her hand, grabbed her arm and flipped her ten feet through the air like a rag doll. The first girl circled behind her and grabbed her arms at the elbows as the third one prepared to smash her fist into Lynda. Lynda took an easy blow to her rock-hard stomach which seemed to hurt the attacker much more than the victim. Smiling at the ineffectual punch, Lynda easily broke free of the first girl's grasp, then elbowed her hard in the stomach. The girl doubled over in pain and Lynda grabbed her and threw her at the third girl like a missile. They collapsed in a heap by the second and fourth girls. It was all over in a matter of seconds. "Now to get back to Jenny" thought Lynda as she turned around. But she was met with a tremendous roundhouse to the head that knocked her to the ground. "I didn't think anyone could hit that hard!" Lynda thought to herself as she sat dazed on the ground. Jenny reached down and grabbed Lynda's blouse, "Try to get back at me, eh? You little shithead! We'll just have to teach you another lesson!" Jenny ripped open Lynda's new blouse, expecting to expose her again to the whole school. Instead, she stared in shocked surprise at Lynda's gigantic upper body. "What the fuck ...?" Jenny's mouth dropped open, "You're ... you're ... fuckin' huge!" Lynda took advantage of Jenny's momentary shock. "Such language!" Lynda scolded as she swung her massive legs, sweeping Jenny's feet of the ground and as one girl went down, the other jumped up. "You and your language belong in the garbage, and I'm going to send you back there." Lynda stripped off what was left of her blouse and slipped out of her skirt. She had worn a leotard and biking shorts under her clothes just in case something like this might happen. Now as she stood in the middle of the school, her huge, thick muscles pumped and hard from the fight, it was obvious to one and all the Jenny had met her match. But Jenny's ego would never let her give up so easily. She jumped back to her feet and charged at Lynda like she was tackling a quarterback. Lynda braced herself and took Jenny's best shot square in her rock hard abs without giving an inch. The crowd of students that had gathered gasped because they had seen Jenny take a lot of guys out of football games with tackles like that one, but Lynda had barely moved. Then Lynda came up hard with her knee in Jenny's ample chest, standing her straight up.