The Librarian (part four) by Mac Mary Ende, Librarian, and friends continue to share the power! Meanwhile, across town, Stewart Thompson was pulling his car to a stop, but not outside his own house. He had made a little detour to the house of his girlfriend, Tiffany Chambers. As he sat in the dark car, he nervously fingered two small vitamin pills that he had taken from Rita's house while she was cleaning up. He had always had a thing for Tiffany. She was smart and funny. She was the president of the Physics club. She may not have had the greatest figure in the world, but she was okay looking and besides, she loved Stewart, and that was enough for him. But now, he had a chance to give her the kind of body that he had always fantasized about. She could be as muscular and beautiful as Rita or Mary, and still be smart and funny. Stewart got out of the car and stashed the pills in a pocket in the shorts he had on, along with the car keys. Then he walked over to the tree that grew by Tiffany's second floor window. With surprising ease, he lifted himself through the branches until he was right outside her window. Stewart pulled himself up with one hand and rapped on the window with his other. Again, he marvelled at how easy it was to support his weight with just one hand. His big muscles bulged again as he repeated the greeting. Finally a sleepy Tiffany walked to her window to see what was making the noise. The moon shone brightly overhead, giving the whole scene a soft illumination. She was startled to see Stewart hanging by his hands in her tree. She raised the window and leaned out slightly. "Stewart!" she cried out in a whisper, "What are you doing?" Then seeing him do several one handed pull-ups, she amended her question, "How are you doing that?" Stewart pulled himself up one last time and swung his feet into Tiffany's window. He slipped noiselessly into her dark room. Tiffany, still shocked to see her boyfriend climbing in her window, clutched at her small lacy teddy, "What are you doing here?" she demanded in a whisper. "I've just had the most incredible thing happen to me," replied Stewart as he circled Tiffany with his arms, "And I want to share it with you!" Tiffany was surprised by the strength she felt in Stewart's arms and the hardness of his chest. She pushed back slightly and began examining him with her hands. She couldn't believe the difference in her boyfriend. The wide, round shoulders, the deep, thick, manly chest, the flat, hard stomach. She played her hands down the front of him remembering the old Stewart and marvelling at the new one. Then she continued her sweep to his crotch. Immediately, his super charged cock responded, filling her hand with a bulge like she had never felt before. Without looking up, she deftly slipped the shorts that Stewart had on over the enlarging member. She was aghast at the size and girth of Stewart growing cock. "Oh Stewart!" was all that she could say as she began to stroke his huge cock, "Oh Stewart!" Tiffany moaned as she started to lick and kiss Stewart's majestic pole to its unbelievable limit. In another instant the hard rod was in her mouth and Tiffany was sucking him deeper and deeper inside. Stewart reached down to stop her, to tell her about the pills, but the sensations she was sending through his body felt so good that all he could do was rock and sway with her motions. Then suddenly, without much warning at all, he exploded into her waiting, hungry mouth. Tiffany was surprised at the amount and taste of her boyfriend's cum. She swallowed as fast as she could to keep up with the stream filling her mouth. But it tasted so good that she didn't mind at all. She savored the last drops and licked the big throbbing head clean, just to make sure that she got it all. She smiled as she realized that instead of going limp as he usually did, Stewart's big cock looked like it was ready for more. She wrapped both hands around it and started stroking again and nibbling at the tip of it with her teeth. Stewart finally regained his senses and looked down at Tiffany working hard on his hard on, trying to get him to come again. He only had a few seconds to get her to stop before the overwhelming sensations took control of him again. He grabbed her shoulders and slowed her down as he slowly slid his member out of her hands. "Tiff ... Tiff ..." Stewart was trying to contain himself, "Stand ... stand up for a minute." The love crazed girl slowly rose, her face beaming toward the object of her affection, while she held on to the object of her fascination with one hand. "What is it Stewart? Is something wrong? You said you wanted to share your gift ... isn't this what you meant?" "Ummm ... not exactly, not that I mind at all," Stewart tried to explain as quickly as possible, "it's just ... how ... how do you feel?" Stewart took a small step back to look at the girl. "I feel fine," replied Tiffany, "I'm a bit tired, it is the middle of the night after all, but I'm glad to see you ... what's going .... on ...?" her voice trailed off as she felt a little dizzy. She held onto Stewart for support as a wave of warmth swept over her. "Gosh, got a little dizzy there for a second," she looked up at Stewart, "Do you feel warm all of a sudden? What are you smiling at?" Indeed, Stewart was smiling as he recognized the initial signs that accompanied the growth process. He stared at Tiffany as she was illumined by the moonlight. For a moment it seemed to Stewart that she was shrinking slightly, as if the layer of fat that surrounded Tiffany's body was melting away. But at the same time, it looked as though all those fat cells were being redirected to her breasts. Tifffany's breasts, which previously had been average for a girl her age and weight, started lifting the front of her teddy. The magic in Stewart's semen was transforming her average breasts into mounds of soft but firm tit flesh. Her nipples hardened at the brush of the teddy material as it rose and stretched over the growing boobs. The hardened nipples tented the teddy away from her body, hiding her stomach and thighs from Stewart's stare. If he had been able to see through her nightgown, Stewart would have been amazed at the changes taking place in his girlfriend. Her stomach became flat and as hard as his, but shrinking to a dainty size befitting her gender. Her thighs were swelling with power as inch upon inch of rippling muscle was added to each leg. Tiffany stared, dumbfounded, at her arms as they, too, were beginning to show lots of bulging muscles. Suddenly, the two young lovers heard a ripping sound as Tiffany's expanding back tore through the thin material of her teddy. Tiffany easily removed the torn garment with one hand as she flexed her other arm in bemused amazement. She stood in front of Stewart now looking like a goddess of muscle with her big tits sitting high on a chest packed with muscular power and her arms and legs flexed. The strength of more than ten men flowed through her body, and she loved the feeling! "I take it this is what you're talking about, Stewart?" asked a still flexing Tiffany with a smile. "That's okay, you don't need to answer. I can tell by the way you're clutching that hot rod of yours that this is exactly what you had in mind." She took a step back, put her hands on her hips, and spread her legs. Then rising up on her toes, she flexed her legs to their utmost. Her legs were easily the size of most heavyweight female bodybuidlers. Then she raised both arms in a double biceps pose that almost rocked Stewart into another ejaculation. The moonlight cast wonderful shadows over her body, accentuating her bulges and curves. "I've known about your fascination with muscular women for some time, Stewart." Tiffany relaxed and moved closer to Stewart, reaching out for his chest. "H ... how?" "Remember that time that I came over to your house to study, but you were still at the computer lab at school?" Tiffany's hand roamed across his chest as she continued, "Your mom, I mean your step-mom, let me into your room. While I was there, I took the liberty to glance through some of your files to see what you were doing on the internet. I had a hard time at first, wondering if you could possibly be interested in me and those women that you had so many stories and pictures of. I mean they were sexy, in a way, kind of powerful and sexy, so I wondered what you saw in me. But then I realized that you must have been attracted to me for some reason, and I decided to not worry about it and let you work it out for yourself." "You knew? And you didn't mind?" "Well, a little bit. After all, those are pretty impressive bodies those women have." Then she smiled again and raised her eyebrows, "But then again, I'm not exactly chopped liver either, am I?" She lifted her big boobs, arched her back, and placed one hand behind her head, flexing the bicep to its fullest. "And ... and you don't mind being this big? This strong?" said Stewart hopefully. Tiffany looked at her magnificent body, washed by the moonlight, "Are you kidding? I love it! The only two problems facing me right now are 1) how am I going to get dressed in the morning and how much will I have to spend on new clothes; and 2) how can I find out how strong I am? I mean, am I stronger than you? Let's see that massive bicep of yours again." Stewart lifted his arm and flexed his big muscle. He was so proud of his arms now. They must be at least 18 inches around. Tiffany rested her hand over the top of the big peak and squeezed. Stewart's arm almost immediately deflated in pain from his girlfiend's super grip as she pressed in on his muscle. Then Tiffany raised her arm and told Stewart to push in on her bicep. Tiffany's 16 inches fit easily into the palm of Stewart's large hand, but when he tried to squeeze, it felt like he was squeezing a rock. He couldn't even make the slightest indentation in her arm. "Let's wrestle," Tiffany said as she lowered her arm and grabbed a nearby end table. She cleared off the items on top and the two naked opponents knelt down opposite each other. They locked hands and Tiffany waited until Stewart said go. It was no contest from the start. Stewart gave it all he had, but Tiffany was just too powerful. They had the same result with the other hand. Finally, Stewart gave up, admitting defeat. He flopped back on the bed with his hands in the air. "I give, I give." he cried as he lay on his back on Tiffany's bed. "I know when I've met my match." "Your match?" Tiffany said as she stood triumphantly over her boyfriend, "You mean your master ... or would that be mistress? Whatever!" She lay next to Stewart and stroked his shoulders and chest again. "But I was wondering ..." her hand was working its way further and further south, "what if I got another blast of your 'power juice'?" Stewart looked at her in alarm, "Ummm ... I don't know if that's a good idea." He proceeded to divulge all of the night's activities and how it seemed that Rita kept growing and growing and how he wasn't sure if that was a good thing. "I'll tell you what," Tiffany put one hand on Stewart's chest and pinned him easily to the bed while the other hand circled his shaft and started pumping slowly up and down, "I'll be the judge of that." In no time at all, the magnificent pole had risen again and Stewart was nearly ready to explode. Tiffany shifted her hold and placed his giant cock into her mouth. Licking and sucking him with her new found strength, Tiffany brought him closer and closer to the edge. Stewart tried to resist, but the sensations washing over his body were too much. He let loose a torrent of cum into the super girl's mouth. Tiffany, again, swallowed quickly to keep up with the flood, making sure to get every drop. Then she licked up the rest starting at the base of the cock and slowly working upward toward the majestic tip. She was rewarded with one final spurt as she reached the crest, which she caught and consumed. Moments later, she began to feel the familiar warmth flowing through her body. All Stewart could do was stare in amazement as his girlfriend started once more to undergo the most wonderful transformation. Her muscles were growing right before his eyes, just as Maeghan's had done back at Rita's house. Her already large breasts slowly stretched and grew rounder, bigger, and firmer. Her nipples, excited by the growth of her breasts, became engorged with blood and grew to the size of cherries. Tiffany knelt above the prone figure of her boyfriend like a dominant she-beast. She raked her heavy breasts across his chest and teased his lips with her hot nipples. Then she placed one hand on his back, between his shoulders, and lifted him up to her lips. Her bicep bulged as she held him firmly against her mouth while her tongue forcefully explored his mouth. Even if he had wanted to, which he didn't, he couldn't have broken free of her hold, so Stewart relaxed and enjoyed the feeling of being 'taken' by a girl. Tiffany released Stewart and smiled as a new thought crossed her mind. "Oh, I've just got to know." she said as she bounded from the bed and opened her dresser. She pulled out a cloth sewing tape and walked back to Stewart. She flipped on the small light that was on a table next to her bed. "Okay, kneel up on the bed, raise your right arm, and flex." she commanded. Stewart hesitantly agreed. He was half afraid of what the results might be. Sure, he knew that Tiffany was now many times stronger than he was, but what if she were actually bigger than him, too? Still he looked at her arms, and although they looked really strong and sexy to him, he thought that his were bigger. He proudly raised his arms and flexed as hard as he could. "Ooooo," Tiffany cooed as she read the tape, "I'm impressed! 18 big, powerful inches of hard, manly muscle. Okay, now you measure me." She handed him the tape and stood straight up, causing her boobs to jiggle slightly. Tiffany noticed that Stewart was staring at her marvelous tits as they came to rest on her thick chest. "Not there, Stewart," she said jokingly and then raised her unflexed arm and pointed to it, "Here. Try to concentrate." Stewart wrapped the tape around Tiffany's arm and read off the measurement, "12 inches. Now flex." Tiffany slowly started to flex her arm muscles. She took her time just to see the effect it would have on Stewart. Farther and farther she stretched the tape. 15 inches. 16 inches. "17 inches!" read Stewart, a bit relieved that he was still the larger of the two. Still, his lengthening cock gave silent testimony to just how turned on he was by his girlfriend's mighty muscles. Then, suddenly, Tiffany flexed her arm even harder. A mound of muscle the size of a baseball popped out of the top of her arm forming an incredible peak of rock hard muscle. She stretched the tape past the 18 inch mark and Stewart's cock snapped to attention. "18 and one half!" Tiffany was practically bursting with pride. Before Stewart could say anything, she pushed him back on the bed, "Now watch this!" she announced as she reached down for the bottom of the bed. "I've been doing some mental calculations," she said as she grasped the edge of the bed and began to lift, "and I'm wondering if I'm strong enough," slowly she lifted the bed in her hands, "to lift this bed with you on it, by one end." Her forearms swelled to tremendous proportions as her hands strained to hold the cumbersome weight aloft. Her biceps bulged as she supported the bed and her boyfriend. As she rattled of the complex formulas to find the weight of the bed, figuring in vectors and gravity, the dimensions of the bed and the increase in Stewart's weight, Stewart rolled over on his stomach and gazed lustfully at her massive arms. He played his fingers over the bulges and contours. He traced the thick, blue veins that ran from her forearms to her shoulders, and then ran his hands down across her rippling pecs and settled on her nipples. With a soft moan, she stopped talking physics and tilted the bed until Stewart slid down and into her arms. Then she set the bed down gently on the floor and flung Stewart down on top of it. She stepped back and hit another double-bicep pose, "So as I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted, I estimate that I have the strength of at least 25 full grown men. What do you think?" Stewart was captivated by the sight of his super muscular girlfriend. Although her muscles were not that much larger than his, because of her 5' 6" frame, she looked incredibly buff. "I think you are the most beautiful, intelligent, sexy, wonderful woman in the entire world," Stewart stood up and picked up Tiffany with relative ease, "I also think you should shut up and lay down with me for a while before I have to go." Stewart laid her down on the bed and turned out the light. He looked at her again in the moonlight, totally in awe of her muscular beauty. Then the two young lovers cuddled up next to each other, knowing that they would have to part before daylight, and that daylight would come all too soon. Stewart nestled his head between Tiffany's massive bicep and huge shoulder. He lay his arm over her stomach and gently stroked her ponderous breast. Stewart was in heaven. Sally O'Rouke had never quite felt like this before. At least, not that she could remember. Her middle-aged body suddenly felt very light, like she weighed only a fraction of her normal 130 pounds. She looked at her daughter, Maeghan, seated with her at the kitchen table and opened her eyes wide in surprise. "Wow." was all she was able to say. "So," Maeghan was smiling from ear to ear, "how do you feel?" "Really ..." Sally was searching for the right word. "Light?" "Yeah ..." "And strong?" "Strong?" She hadn't thought about it, but she was feeling stronger. All the usual aches and pains that hit her at the end of the day seemed to have disappeared. "I ... guess so." Maeghan stood up and helped her mom stand as well. Then she jumped into her arms like she used to do when she was a little kid. Taken off guard by her daughter's actions, Sally instinctively held on to the girl. She looked down at her muscular bundle and smiled when she realized how easy it was to hold her. "Megs, you feel so light!" "Guess what, mom," Maeghan said as she put one arm around her mother's shoulder, "I just weighed myself after my shower. I weigh 185 pounds now." Sally couldn't believe her ears. If Maeghan was telling the truth, then she must be ... really strong! She put Maeghan down and looked at the solid oak table. She knew that it took both she and her husband to move the table because of its weight. She calmly placed one hand under it and steadied it with her other hand. Then, almost effortlessly, she lifted the entire table with just the one hand. It rose higher and higher until Sally was standing with it at arm's length above her head. "Cool beans, Mom!" Sally lowered the table again and straightened out her blouse, which seemed to be pulling a bit tighter around her chest, "Oh, my stars." was all she said. Then she glanced at her husband still watching the television in the other room. Maeghan caught the glance and the sly smile on her mother's face. "Well, I better get to bed." She gave her mom a kiss on the cheek. "Oh, Megs," Sally said, holding her daughter's arms and feeling the power that they held, a power that she now shared a little bit of, "Thank you so much, this is such a wonderful gift. I feel like I'm twenty again!" "You're welcome, Mom. And make sure you call Aunt Rita in the morning and tell her thanks again from me, too." Then Maeghan went up to her bedroom. Sally turned to the family room, walked in, and stood in front of the TV. "Sal, you're in the way." She reached back and turned the TV off. "It's time for bed," she said as she unbuttoned the top two buttons on her blouse. The opening gave her husband a glimpse of cleavage that seemed deeper than before. "Sally," The man stood and walked over toward her, "I was watching that show." He tried to sound authoritative, but he was too busy looking at her breasts. Were they larger tonight? Was that even possible. He stood in front of her and examined her, "Are you okay, Sal?" Pat O'Rouke was a big man. He stood 5' 11" but he weighed 245 pounds, most of it muscle. So when he stood in front of his 5' 5" wife, he got a pretty decent view down her blouse. But the view tonight struck him as different somehow. "Am I okay? Sure. Never better. It's just that it's time for bed." With that the short woman reached down, wrapped her arms around her husbands legs, and stood up again with him on her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. She walked with him into their bedroom and laid him on the bed, with him protesting all the way. "Sally! Why ... how ..." "Why? Because I'm still in love with you, you lug, and because I want to make love with you like we used to years ago. And how?" At that, she reached up and ripped her blouse apart, buttons flying all over the room, "With a bit of magic, a bit of muscle, and a lot of love." Meanwhile, [Have you noticed that I probably have too many story lines going here? It's just that I hate to leave any of them stranded. Don't lose faith, true believer. I'll try to get them all back together. Or at least a few of them. It would certainly make keeping track of them easier. - Mac] Mary, Mona, and Joe arrived back a the magic shop. Eunice explained to Joe and Mona the possible side effects of the pills on young men. Joe was adamant that he had no intention of passing on his gift to any women within the next twenty- four hours or even within the next twenty-four months. Joe was a serious student, and didn't even allow himself time for a relationship. Still, the three women agreed that someone should keep an eye on Joe for the next day. He was just too good looking, Mary thought to herself, especially now with all those big, burly muscles. The girls won't be able to leave him alone. Mona said she would love to stay, but she needed to get back home to Blythe [that's a small town on the border of California and Arizona] for work the next day. But she thought that Joe would be in good hands with Mary. Secretly she hoped that maybe something might happen between these two. She so wished that Joe would take more of an interest in women, and Mary was just the kind of woman to arouse his interest. Mary was too tired to put up much of a fight and she knew that she was the logical choice to keep tabs on Joe. "Okay, okay, he can crash at my place for the next twenty-four hours." Mary said, giving in. "One more thing," Eunice held out two bottles, "Here is the antidote for your potion." Mary stepped over and examined the bottles. "Actually, these are two counter-potions. One will reduce the person's size but not effect their strength. The other will reduce their strength but leave them the same size. Two drops of either one, or both, should do the trick." "Mary took the bottles and opened one. She smelled it, noticing that it smelled like honey, too. "How much of a reduction will happen with just two drops?" "Sorry Mary, this isn't an exact science. It might negate any growth that occurred, or it might take the person most of the way back. Hard to say without trying it." The three women looked at Joe. He smiled shyly, "I ... I kind of like being stronger ... and bigger. No thanks." "Mona?" Mary asked. "Nope. I feel like a kid again. And thanks to your pills, I look like a million bucks, as well! No way I want to have my old body back." Mary thought about her own body. If she took the potion that reduced her muscle size, she wouldn't stand out like some freak. Then again, if she took the strength reducer, she wouldn't be so afraid of using her tremendous strength and hurting someone by accident. But she had to admit that she loved being this powerful and she also had to admit that she really was getting used to being oggled by other people. "Yeah," Mary finally said, "I know what you mean Mona, I guess we'll just have to wait for a while to see if Eunice's potions will work." With that, Mary bade a fond good-night to Eunice and accompanied Joe and Mona back to Mona's car. After seeing her off safely, the two young people walked back to Mary's car and drove off for her place. Along the way, they discovered that they had a lot in common. Joe was a history major at Point Loma College and hoped to be teaching high school himself in the near future. Mary had a keen interest in English Literature, especially from the Middle Ages. As they drove on towards Mary's apartment, the conversation was lively and often animated as they talked about favorite subjects. Finally, as they were almost to their destination, the conversation turned toward the events of the day and how Mary had transformed herself and, eventually, all these other people, too. As Mary was pulling up to her parking space, Joe asked, "So Mary, just how strong are you now?" Mary stopped the car and smiled at him, "Well, let me just show you how a real woman parks a car." She leaped out of the convertible and walked around to the front of the car. Reaching down, she grabbed the front bumper and slowly began to lift the massive Cadillac. As the car started rising, Joe also leapt out, wanting to get a better look at what was happening. And what was happening was nothing short of astonishing. Joe saw Mary's arms swell to more than twice their original size as she took the weight of the front end in her hands. Then the car began to rise higher and higher, until Mary was holding it above her head. When she had it at arm's length, she supported the front end with one hand and reached toward the middle of the chassis with the other hand. She worked her way toward the balance point of the car and then locked out her arms like an Olympic lifter. Only she was holding at least 5,000 pounds of the finest American steel above her head. As if in a trance, Joe approached the gorgeous amazon, oblivious to danger above his head. He had always been attracted to women with large breasts (probably got it from being around his mom) and Mary's humungous pair were straining the limits of her tank top, puffed out even larger than before by her display of superhuman strength. He was also fascinated by the size and hardness of her muscles. He had never been particularly attracted to muscular women before, but Mary was certainly an exception. Her broad shoulders and back that bulged under the tremendous weight of the Caddy, led to a relatively tiny waist and then into curvaceous, womanly hips. Her brilliant smile glowed with as she reveled in her superhuman strength and her wavy brown hair shone lustrously as it splayed across her thick chest. Which led Joe back to those awesome boobs! And he wondered if the tank top material would be strong enough to hold those monsters in. Joe never got a chance to see the conclusion of the struggle between cloth and flesh as Mary turned and stepped over to her parking place in front of her door. She gently reversed the process of lifting the car and set the heavy car down perfectly in place. As she stepped away from the car she dusted off her hands and smiled at Joe. "So, does that answer your question, Joe?" She smiled again as Joe just stood there, shaking his head in disbelief. "C'mon inside," she said as she walked up to her door and unlocked it, "I am totally beat. I know I make it look easy, lifting huge cars over my head, but it really does take a lot out of me. And this must have been the longest day of my life!" She showed Joe into her tiny apartment and showed him around, then headed off to bed. Mary peeled off what few clothes she had on and collapsed onto her bed. She was out like a light practically before she hit the pillow. Joe and Mona and Stewart and Rita and everyone else would just have to wait for a few hours. This super girl was out. About at that time, Rita was waking from her nap on top of the weight bench, not a very comfortable place to fall asleep, but she had just gone through the most intense orgasmic experience of her life and her body just shut down for a while. As she sleepily opened her eyes, she saw the bar above her head that still held the 400 pounds of weight on it. She stretched her arms lazily and then reached up to grasp the bar and lift it. To her surprise, it felt no heavier than a broomstick. She tried to lower the bar down to her chest, but something was preventing its descent. She thought that she could usually lower a bar farther than that before. What was stopping her? Rita glanced down and saw that the bar was resting on two large, bronzed mounds. Initially, she was puzzled as to what they were. Then suddenly it hit her. Those were breasts. Those were HER breasts! "Oh god, they're huge!", she yelled to no one in particular. Then she corrected herself, "Oh god, I'M huge!!" Slowly the bar began lifting out of her hands, seemingly all by itself. Rita couldn't figure out what was happening, until she saw her expanding nipples appear over the crest of her giant boobs. The coolness of the metal bar combined with the sexual thrill that passed through Rita's body when she realized how big she had become and caused her nipples to suddenly harden. And as they got harder and harder, they began to lift the 400 pound bar off her chest. "Holy Shit! Even my tits are stronger than most men!!" She sat upright, massive weight held easily in one hand and looked at herself in the mirror. She was totally flabbergasted by what she saw for at least the third time that day. Muscles were piled on top of muscles. Her melon-sized breasts were held high by her thick pecs and inhumanly elastic skin tissue. She lifted her hand that held the bar and watched as a football-sized bicep took shape, even though the weight was truly insignificant to her now. She stared down at the bar, which should be impossible for her to lift and wondered aloud, "My god, just how strong am I now?" As if to answer her own question, she grasped the steel bar with both hands and slowly began to try to bend the ends together. Her already thick chest ballooned outward with the effort and her bounteous boobs nearly blocked the bar from her sight. Much to Rita's shock and pleasure, the bar was gradually starting to bend! For five solid minutes she wrestled with that bar trying to bend it further. She was totally dripping with sweat by the time she gave up. Quickly, she slipped the large weight plates off the ends and held up the arched bar proudly, "Bends steel in her bare hands!" she said triumphantly. Hanging the curved bar across some clothes hooks so she could admire it later, the super-charged PE teacher grabbed another bar and loaded it up with as much weight as she could fit. When she was finished, she added it up to 2200 pounds. That was about what she was squatting that morning after Mary had given Rita her special 'milk.' She figured that her strength had increased about ten times. Now she held the bar in her hands and tried to curl the massive weight. To her surprise, the heavy bar rose and fell quickly and easily. She shifted the bar to just her right hand and tried again. This time she curled it slower, but still was able to crank out ten good reps. She practically tossed the bar into her left hand and repeated the feat. Her biceps bulged with power, pumped beyond belief by the workout. As she flexed them again in the mirror she calculated that she was easily 100 times as strong as before. With each pose she said a quiet thank you to Mary and Stewart. Rita spent the next hour or so posing and measuring and marvelling at her new body. She knew that she could never compete in another bodybuilding contest. Hell, she would even be too freaky for the Mr. Olympica contest! Huge mountain ranges of muscle erupted from her thighs as she flexed her super human legs. Her calves jutted sharply out above her smooth, tan ankles. Every separation in her abs and obliques were deeply etched as if carved out of marble. To her utter surprise, Rita found that her muscles were almost as large as Mary's now. They had measured each other yesterday morning (was it just one day ago?) and the measurements that she just took were only a couple of inches smaller. She couldn't wait for Mary and her to hit the beach down at Mission Bay in skimpy bikinis and sun their gorgeous bods together. Or maybe they could take a trip to LA and hang out at Venice Beach with all the buff guys, and totally blow them away with their new humungousness. Rita glanced at a clock and was surprised to see that it was already 5:30 in the morning. She felt so alive and wonderful that she wasn't even tired. She took a quick shower and downed a huge breakfast (being this strong made her really hungry) then set about cleaning house and doing laundry. She couldn't wait to call Mary with the news, but she thought she should hold off until a more decent hour. While Rita was trying to keep herself busy, Stewart had just woken up in his girlfriend's bed, still nestled in her muscular arms. He sat up quickly, remembering where he was, and horrified that he had slept there so long. If he didn't get out soon, Tiffany's dad might catch him, and then all hell would break lose. As Stewart quietly lifted himself out of bed, Tiffany stirred and slowly opened her eyes. She reached up and pulled Stewart back down to her, laying him on top of her newly expanded tits. Stewart knew that it was hopeless to resist his amazonic girlfriend now, so he gladly returned to her arms and her bounteous bosom. "Stewart," she said sleepily, searching his face and feeling the strength in her powerful limbs, "This wasn't a dream, was it? You really were here ... and you turned me into some kind of supergirl..." "Oh Tiff," Stewart whispered back, "Is that ... okay?" "You silly boy," Tiffany held his head in her mighty hands and pressed her lips against his for a super kiss, "It's better than okay - it's great! The only problem is ... I've got to get some new clothes!" "Yeah, me too, if you haven't noticed. My pencil necked geek outfits just won't do now that I'm so big." "Oooh, I noticed," Tiffany cooed back as her hands roamed over her boyfriend's back and butt, "Hey, how about I pick you up around ten and we'll go shop together." "Cool!" Stewart pushed away from the sexy muscle girl and once again rose off the bed. "But I gotta get out of here before someone sees me." He dressed quickly and started out the window. As he turned to blow Tiffany a kiss, she sat up and cocked one arm behind her head then flexed her bulging bicep til it reached its awesome peak. "See ya soon, lover." she whispered with a wink. Stewart could feel his manhood responding to this fetching image of raw sexual power, but he knew that that would just get him into more trouble. Smiling wanely and giving a quick wave, he reached out for the branches and disappeared into the morning. Stewart arrived home shortly before six and quietly slipped into the house. Luckily, it was Saturday, and no one would be up for a while. Stewart lived with his step-mom, Carol, and her brat of a daughter, Andrea. His father was a widower and had married Carol when Stewart was in 4th grade. Along with Carol came Andrea, two years younger than Stewart and the bane of his life ever since. Unfortunately, Stewart's father died also last year, and Stewart did his best to get through his last year of high school. Actually, Carol was a pretty good mom, quiet, hard working and self-sacrificing. It was Andrea that gave him the most grief. Andrea the Pest. Stewart took a long hot shower, beating off a couple of times as memories of the night's events replayed in his head. Would this monster ever be satisfied? He hoped he would be able to control himself a little better today. Then he flexed his big, newly buffed bod and felt all the great hard muscles under his skin. He felt like a superman today. As he stepped out of the shower he heard noises coming from the basement. Then he remembered that Andrea was going to get together with some friends to start exercising today. There was a weight set in the basement that Stewart's dad had set up in the hopes that Stewart might work out some day. But Stewart had been much more interested in computers than weights, so the only use it got was when Andrea would lift some light weights every now and then. Andrea was more athletic than Stewart. Not a jock, but just in pretty good condition. She ran several miles a week and did some aerobics with friends. Now it seemed that she wanted to try to get some friends involved with weight lifting, too. Stewart had a wild idea of strolling in to the basement and showing off his buff new body. So he found some biking shorts that someone had given him for a birthday and pulled out a tight white t-shirt. He checked himself out in his mirror. The clothes fit so snug that every rippling muscle was clearly showing. And his overgrown cock made a nice big bulge in his shorts, too. As he walked down the stairs, he got just the reaction he had hoped for. There was Andrea, laying on the bench getting ready to press what looked like 50 pounds. On one side was her friend Terri, a round-faced girl with nice tits, but a little too much body fat to go with them. On the other side was Debbie. She had a nice build and a cute face, too. Of all of Andrea's friends, Stewart liked Debbie the best. If he and Tiffany weren't a thing, he probably would have asked Debbie out a long time ago. Standing at the head of the bench was a shy looking girl that he didn't know. She was really skinny and the tight shorts and striped top she had on didn't help her looks any. All the girls stopped simultaneously and stared at Stewart. "Morning girls." he tried to sound casual, as if he did this all the time, "How would you like a real man to show you how it's done?" With that he loaded another 250 pounds on the bar. The girls were too dumbfounded to talk. Andrea got up from the bench and scowled at her brother. "You've never lifted a weight in your life, Stewart, how are you gonna ..." Her question was answered soon enough as Stewart smoothly lifted the 300 bar and started pumping out reps. The girls stared in amazement as Stewart's large chest and arms swelled with power. Finally after about ten reps, he began to slow down as he pumped out three more. Seizing the opportunity, Andrea straddled Stewart's prone body and leaned on the bar adding her 120 pounds to the weight. It was all Stewart could do to keep the bar from crushing his chest. Andrea motioned for Kelly and Debbie to hold the bar down, too. "What? What the heck are you doing? Let go! I can't hold all of you!" Stewart was wild-eyed at the prospect of being crushed. "We'll help you as soon as you tell us what's going on." Andrea shot back. "I ... don't know ... what you mean!" "Just this! You been a skinny wimp all of your life until today when you show up like some after picture in a bodybuilding magazine and start lifting twice your weight. So what gives, big brother, and how do we get some of it?" "Yeah!" the other girls chimed in. "I ... can't ... can't tell ..." Andrea guided the bar up to Stewart's throat, "Tell us now, or we'll crush your throat!" "Okay ... okay," Stewart managed to squeak out, "Just let me breathe!" The girls eased up the tension on the bar and Stewart spilled everything about the magic pills and the effect on him. "And now I'm the one that big and strong ... and I can make ... others ..." his voice trailed off as he realized that he had said too much. Andrea returned the pressure to his throat, "What do you mean, you mean without the pills? How? Answer!!" "I slept ... with Tiffany ..." "Tiffany?" "Oh gross!" "Woof! what a dog!" "You wouldn't say that if you saw her today. She's huge! And strong! Just from ..." "From what, Stewart?" Andrea asked, inching the bar closer to his neck. "My ... you know ... my semen." The girls stood in stunned silence. "He's got magic ... cum?" "What if he's lying?" "Yeah maybe he just wants to get off..." "No, he's too much of a baby to try to lie just to save his neck." "We gotta drink ... it?" Then the shy girl spoke up, "I'll give it a try." They all looked at her. Andrea said, "Are you sure Ginny?" Ginny stood up and walked over to the bench. She was just under 6 feet tall, gangly, with pipe cleaner arms and legs that seemed to stick out all over. "Sure, I mean my boyfriend back at my old school was kinda into that thing, you know? It doesn't taste too bad..." After lifting the weight back up with the help of Stewart and the other two girls, Andrea ordered the girls to get some jump ropes and tie Stewart hands and feet so he couldn't move. Then she found some scissors in the next room that was used as a sewing room and she cut away Stewart's tight shorts, exposing his relaxed dick. Stewart was protesting all the while and trying to think of computer code to keep his mind off of what They were doing. Although he was a lot stronger than before, he was still no match for the ropes. "Alright, Ginny, go for it." Ginny gingerly knelt in front of Stewart and started gently rubbing this cock. Then she proceeded to taking it her mouth and sucking it. Sure enough, try as he might to not give in, Stewart's magnificent manhood began filling with blood. Higher and higher it rose as Ginny hastened her pace, sucking and rubbing it. The other girls were astounded at it's growing size. "Way to go Ginny!" "You go girl!" "Holy shit! Lookit the size of that thing!" [As mentioned in part 3 of this epic, I have tried to affect the distinct language of the Southern California teenager. For more about this, consult the definitive work on this topic, Dialects of Teenagers - Origins and Pronunciations, by Walter Heisenbacher- Mac] [Okay, I'm just kidding- don't go running to your local library looking for the book, I made it up - Mac, again] Ginny was shocked at the mammoth cock she was working on. Her boyfriend was only half this size. But she continued working it harder and harder. Soon it was all she could do to fit its hot, throbbing tip in her mouth. She licked the shaft and wrapped her slender fingers around it, urging it to come forth with its magic jism. Stewart was trying to fight the overwhelming feelings that were racking his body, but all he could think about was how good it felt, and how much he wanted to explode in the young girl's mouth. He tried to think of computer programs but his mind kept designing a program to create supergirls. Finally, he could hold back no longer. His entire body quivered and strained and then finally let loose a torrent of super cum. Ginny knew that he was about to blow. She braced herself and got ready to swallow. One more suck on the tip and he started to shake. Then he started to cum. And he came and came. It seemed to Ginny like he would never stop. It tasted so strange, but so good, that she greedily swallowed every drop that he offered. Finally it was over. Ginny stood up and wiped the remains of the sticky liquid from the sides of her mouth. The girls watched intently for any changes. A minute passed, and then two. Andrea was just about to start the torture again to get the truth from Stewart when she noticed something happening to her friend. Ginny felt a little dizzy as a warmth spread through her lanky frame. Then suddenly, her tits, which had previously been little more than nipples pushing against her tight top, began to push outward on the stretchy material. Soon her thin arms and legs began to fill in with toned muscles like a fitness competition. But the growth kept up. Her breasts now stretched the top so tightly that they were being held flat against her expanding chest muscles. Her arms were swelling with hard muscle and her legs started showing definition in her quads. Then her butt, which was pretty much flat before, began growing and rounding and her calves blossomed into hard diamonds of muscle. Ginny held up one arm and flexed it hard. To her surprise a bicep the size of a lemon popped up out of her formerly shapeless arm. She reached out with her other hand to see if it was for real. As she felt her arm, her muscle seemed like it was made of rock, it was so hard and solid. The other girls gathered around her, ignoring Stewart. They touched her muscles and tried to squeeze them. Terri grabbed a hand and tried to pull it down. Ginny just grinned and held it motionless. Then Terri put all her weight on the arm, even lifting her feet off the ground. Again, Ginny didn't move an inch. But a couple of seams in her sleeve popped open as her bicep swelled even larger. "Geez Ginny! How strong are you?" an incredulous Debbie asked. "I don't know," Ginny shrugged her wide shoulders, "Let's find out." With that she walked over to where the bar was racked. It still held 300 pounds. Without thinking, she grabbed the bar and lifted it easily to her bulging breasts. Her biceps finally pushed the fabric of her top too far and the sleeves ripped open exposing the largest arms these girls had ever seen on a girl. Andrea ran back to the sewing room to get a tape measure while Ginny transferred the bar to her left hand. With steady, controlled motions, she curled the heavy bar five times then switched hands for another five reps. "Wow! That was easier than I thought it would be!"Ginny gushed as she returned the bar to its rack. "And you could only do twelve bench presses, Stewart. I bet I could bench that all day!" She held her pumped up arms and proudly displayed her big biceps while Andrea wrapped the tape measure around one. "Check it out girls, Ginny's got guns! 13 inchers!" Andrea called out. Then Ginny started pulling at the neck of her t-shirt, "But I gotta tell ya, this shirt is just too small now!" With that she tore open her shirt like she was ripping a piece of paper. Released from their bondage, her newly developed breasts poured out, bouncing in front of her until the came to rest on her powerful chest. The sight of Ginny's boobs exploding out of her shirt was too much for Stewart. His hard on returned with a vengeance. Seeing the stiffened member, Terri knelt down quickly and grabbed it with both hands. "My turn, now." she said as she tried to duplicate Ginny's actions. After a few tries, she got into the rhythm of it and stroked Stewart closer and closer to the edge. "Stop!" Stewart protested, "Wait ... stop ... you ... don't know ..." "Shut up Stewart," Andrea commanded, "Or I'll stuff a gym sock in your mouth." "No ... help ... gotta ... stop" "That's it!" Andrea found an old sock and forced it into Stewart's mouth. "Go on Terri." Terri resumed her stroking and licking. She sucked the big red tip and nibbled on it, too. Soon Stewart was ready to climax again. How many times is this? he asked himself before he lost himself to the immense pleasure rocketing through his body. When he came, Terri made sure to swallow all of it. While Terri was waiting for the changes to start, Andrea straddled Stewart's legs and gently grabbed his big cock. "My turn." she said looking him in the eye. He looked back with a shocked expression and tried to scream out a protest. But the socked was lodged too firmly in place and all it came out as was a muffled cry. He lay his head back in resignation. "You're gonna blow your own brother?" asked Debbie. "Sure ... why not. Besides, he's just my step-brother." Andrea said as she lowered herself closer to the already hardening rod. She sucked him like an expert. Slow and gentle at first, then harder and firmer. Even though he was repulsed by the idea of his cock being sucked by his step-sister, she was so good at it that he couldn't resist getting turned on. Suddenly he was rock hard again and felt a power surge all through his body. He was huge, powerful as an ox, a superman! The pleasure raced through him and he rocked and bucked in time with Andrea's deft hands and mouth. Then, explosions went off in his head and groin as he released another torrent of jism, pumping it out, spurt after spurt. His whole body tensed for one final second then went limp again on the bench. As Andrea stepped back, wiping her mouth, she noticed that Terri seemed to be shrinking. It looked like her outer layer of fat was just melting away. But then it seemed as if all those fat cells suddenly concentrated in her boobs as they stretched further and further outward. Then her muscles started growing, and growing. She was wearing a loose tank top over her pink sports bra, but the bra was having trouble containing her new size. Her sweatpants, now four sizes too big, slipped down her legs showing off her bulging quads. She stood there in just her panties flexing and re-flexing her legs. Although Terri's muscles were probably no larger than Ginny's, because of her 5' 6" size, she looked huge. Terri went to take her turn with the bar. As she lifted it neatly with one hand she saw that Andrea was beginning her growth spurt, too, and Debbie was tentatively kneeling down in front of Stewart. "What's wrong Deb?" asked Terri as she lazily curled the massive weight, "Don't you want to be strong, too? Lookit this!" She held her rock solid arm up and flexed her thick bicep. "And check out these abs." she said as she lifted her tank top. The material of her bra had taken just about all it could and it was starting to rip at the top. "Yeah, I guess" she paused for a second, playing with Stewart's relaxed dick, "It's just ... should we be using Stewart like this? Just for our own growth?" Then she smiled wickedly and winked, "I mean hell, let's share the wealth with more of our friends!" "Right on!" "Yeah, we could help like dozens of girls at school." Then Debbie wrapped her beautiful lips around Stewart's quickly swelling monster of a cock and got down to business. It began responding instantly to her ministrations and soon reached its magnificent fullness. Debbie was impressed. She had seen pictures of penises this size and once saw a movie with a guy this big, but she had never held on in her hands and mouth before. She decided that she wanted to enjoy this as long as she could. Just when Stewart was about to cum and his body was tensing up, Debbie slowed down and then lifted her head to watch Terri flexing her new muscle for the other girls. She continued to stroke the underside of the towering cock, just enough to keep it hard but not enough to allow release. Andrea and Debbie often dressed alike and today was no different. They were both wearing oversized sweatshirts and tight aerobic leotards underneath with some loose shorts. Debbie watched as Andrea stripped off the sweatshirt. Her tits were filling out the leotard to the point of ripping. Then her muscles stated growing. Her arms filled with balls of powerful muscle and her legs kept getting larger and larger. Debbbie returned her attention to Stewart flagging pole, just in time to keep it rock hard and throbbing in pleasure. Again and again Debbie would bring Stewart to the edge of release then slow him down. This caused Stewart's erection to grow even harder, screaming for creaming. Stewart was beyond comprehension. All his mind could think of was cumming. His entire body was wracked with the intense sensations and he bucked and arched his back trying to get off. Finally, Debbie was ready and pushed the monstrous organ over the edge. Explosions were going off everywhere in Stewart as he let go with everything he had. Debbie did her best to keep up with the deluge. Just when she thought he was done another stream of warm, sweet tasting cream would spurt forth. This went on for at least a minute, Stewart jetting forth his magic cum, and Debbie greedily gulping it all down. In the end, Stewart was totally spent and he collapsed back on the weight bench. Debbie rose from her knees in time to see Andrea lifting the bar with her right hand. Her muscles looked huge and beautiful. She had just walked over to touch the newly formed muscle when she felt an intense wave of warmth rush over her. She stopped and pulled off her sweatshirt seeking some cool air. She stared down at her arms as she felt a tingle pass from her fingertips to her shoulders then across her chest. Then it started in her toes and went up to her vagina, thrilling her momentarily. She closed her eyes to take in the sensation, When she opened her eyes again, the other girls were staring at her, specifically her chest. She looked down and saw the two most perfect breasts protruding from her chest. But they were still growing. Past a C-cup and well into a D- cup, these puppies were expanding quickly. They were extremely heavy and started to weigh her down. But then she felt a tingle run across her back and her back muscles started growing. In seconds the stress of her tits was removed and she stood up straight and tall. As a matter of fact, she thought to herself, they almost seem weightless. Then Debbie saw the muscles in her forearms begin to writhe and swell. And then her biceps and triceps. Everywhere she looked on her body, there seemed to be inches and inches of muscle being added by magic. She could feel power coursing through every cell of her magnificent body. Debbie looked at herself in the mirror just in time to see her chest and tits rip through her hopelessly outsized leotard. The material fell away leaving Debbie naked from the waist up. The image that greeted her was some kind of combination porn star and Ms. Olymipica. Indeed all of the girls could easily go toe to toe with the best lightweight female bodybuilders. But Debbie had a lot more up front than the others, including Terri. Stewart realized somewhere in his darkening mind, that she had turned out just as he had imagined her. He smiled as he gazed on her reflection in the mirror, then he finally passed out. The girls spent the next few minutes posing and checking each others bodies out, then they found some extra clothes for Ginny and Debbie. The clamored up the stairs and out into the light of another beautiful San Diego August day, leaving Andrea's unconscious brother still tied to the bench. But at least they remembered to take the sock out of his mouth. "So what do you guys wanna do?" Said Ginny, unusually cheerful, but not considering that she now had the strength of ten men and the body of a supermodel. "Let's go to the high school and watch football practice - I wonder if Coach Sprokett would let us work out with the team?" Andrea said. "Let's just find some boys and work out with them!" suggested Terri. "We could go to the park and challenge some guys to a basketball game - I bet we could slam dunk easily now!" added Debbie "Or we could just slam dunk some boys!" reminded Terri. "Hey we could head down to Silver's Gym and watch all those big buff bodybuilding dudes salivate at the sight of us and then crush their pumped up egos by out lifting them with just our pinkies!" suggested Ginny. "Or we could just pick 'em up and crush them in our arms and then drag 'em into a back room and then ..." "Terri!" the other three shouted in unison. Joe got up quickly when the phone rang. He had only gotten a couple of hours of sleep when the noise from the next apartment woke him up. Apparently there was someone guy in there wrestling around with someone named either 'god' or 'Jacquie' because those were the only two names he heard the man cry out. And it didn't help him sleep when his penis would suddenly start stiffening. It seemed to happen when he would hear 'god' through he wall, cry out in pleasure or when he would think of Mary who could lift a car over her head and still make conversation about Chaucer. Just when the noise tapered off, and his persistent hard-on relaxed, the phone rang. Since Mary didn't pick it up on the first three rings, Joe got it. After he finally straightened out who he was and who the caller was and where Mary was, he took a message and promised to wake up Mary right away. He hung up the phone and peeked into Mary's bedroom. She was wrapped in the sheets sleeping soundly. Not sure of what her reaction would be to being woken up suddenly, Joe decided to gently rub her back and wake her up slowly. After all, if he startled her, she was strong enough that she could throw him across the apartment with even realizing it. As Joe gingerly approached the slumbering amazon, he was struck once again by her incredible beauty and fantastic physique. But even more than her awesome physical presence, her personality was absolutely stunning. She was confident, self-assured, deeply insightful, incredibly intelligent and wonderfully humorous. In fact, she was about the only thing he could think about all night long. As he stood next to her bed, marvelling at her, she stirred slightly, exposing most of one leg. The curves of the muscles, how they loomed out from such small joints to such enormous proportion only to disappear again at the next joint, her soft, smooth, perfect skin, all began to overcome his sense of propriety. In other words, he was getting seriously turned on just by looking at her leg. Joe decided that he better concentrate on gently waking her before his hormones took over. He sat down and started to deftly knead her shoulders, wary of any sudden movements of her powerful arms. As he pushed the relaxed muscles about and squeezed them in his hands, he was astounded by the sheer size of them. Muscles larger than any male bodybuilder could ever hope to have covered her upper body. Enormous shoulders led to traps and lats that defied description. Even relaxed as she was, a deep crevice ran down her back separating her thick back muscles. And all of this mass gave way to a relatively tiny waist that was just as packed with muscle as the rest of her. As Joe's hands explored the vast regions of Mary's back, his eyes wandered from her lustrous hair to her arms which only hours before he had seen her use to fold and mold a car hood like it was aluminum foil. The thought of her unbelievable feats of strength again caused a sudden stirring in his loins, so he quickly looked away and concentrated on something else. Slowly, almost erotically, Mary began to stretch and move. She let out a low moan of pleasure in response to Joe's hands. "Oooh Joe ... that feels soooo gooood." She lazily rolled over, careful to keep her gigantic breasts concealed under the sheet. Then she sleepily looked at Joe and smiled. "Mmmmm, I've been thinking about you all night long." Mary said dreamily as she let her fingers wander over Joe's arms and chest. "I've been thinking about how gallant you were to protect those girls from that gang of thugs, even though you didn't stand a chance." Joe looked down, embarrassed. Mary's powerful fingers easily lifted his face back up so she could look him in the eye. "And I'm ever so glad that your mom gave you some of my magic pills, because you are such an incredible hunk of a man!" With that Mary sat up, letting the sheet drift away exposing her dramatic endowments which she pressed against Joe's chest just as she was pressing her lips against his. Joe's reaction to her was instant and hard. As the kiss went on and Mary began exploring his mouth with her irresistible tongue, they could hear a ripping sound coming from below. The End of Part 4. [Alright so I thought I could wrap this up in four parts. I was wrong. At least I got it to the next day! Hopefully you won't mind if I add another chapter in the continuing saga of: Mary Ende, Librarian. - Mac]