A Day In the Life of Joe Smith by Mick Powers Just an average guy trying to do his job. Joe Smith was an average kind of guy. He was the kind of man that you could work next to him for hours and never realize that he was there. Have you seen those pictures of thousands of people walking down the sidewalks of Manhattan, and they kind of all blur together into one undistinguishable mass of humanity? Joe Smith is probably somewhere in that crowd. Joe Smith was single, not bad looking, and, by his late twenties, was settling down into his average life. He had had a few romantic relationships followed by breakups. The years of dating and partying seemed to be slipping past. He had held jobs for a couple of years and then tried something new for a while. He had had his share of roommates and studio apartments. Finally, he had found a good job working for a parcel company. He made pretty good money and enjoyed getting a little exercise on the job and meeting all kinds of different people every day. He was able to afford his own apartment with a few luxuries. He was even able to buy a new car for the first time in his life. Things were going pretty well for Joe. But, you know, sometimes life has a way of choosing an average kind of guy and screwing with him. It happened for Joe on an ordinary day in May. Joe was just finishing up his deliveries for the day. The weather was gorgeous and as he dashed inside for his last drop, he smiled at the prospect of a warm evening under blue skies. He was also smiling because he had been to this particular office several times before, McConell Scientific Controls, Ltd., and he always looked forward to seeing what the secretary was wearing. She didn't have the best body he had ever seen, but she did fill out her tops very nicely and usually allowed a little peek here and there of some of her plentiful cleavage. He had found out that her name was Angela, and it fit her perfectly. She had thick, super curly black hair that hung past her shoulders and framed her beautiful face. She had high cheekbones and dark skin with a vibrant smile and sparkling eyes. He wasn't sure, but she looked like a combination of Italian and Native American. And this being San Francisco, he thought to himself as he took the stairs instead of the elevator, anything was possible. The office was on the second floor, and he liked to walk up the stairs as much as possible to get more exercise. Besides, the package was pretty small and light, about the size of a video box. He wasn't a fanatic about exercise, but he kept in pretty good shape. He was proud that, as he approached thirty years old, he still had a relatively flat stomach and strong legs. He recognized the MSCL logo on the door and went in. Sure enough, Angela was behind the receptionist desk. She smiled one of her most beautiful smiles and tossed her hair to one side as she accepted the computer pad from Joe. Her ebony curls cascaded across her right shoulder, glistening in the office light. "Hi Joe," she said, "you're right on time." "Well, thanks," Joe shyly replied. He wasn't sure how she had found out his name. So he took a step closer and ventured her name, "Uh ... well ... Angela ... this message said to deliver it between 5:55 and 6:00. What's going on?" "We have a very important teleconference with some of our scientists today, and we needed this package for it." She smiled again as she handed the pad back to him. Then she picked up the small parcel and said, "Could you wait here for a little bit? I'll go see if we have anything to send out." "Sure, no problem," Joe called out behind Angela as she disappeared behind a door, "I'm all done for today, I've got plenty of time." As Joe waited in the reception room, he glanced around. Nothing out of the ordinary in here, he thought, just like thousands of other offices in this town. He did notice that Angela's desk was very tidy and there were no pictures of husbands or boyfriends. Hmmmm, he wondered to himself, how did she know my name. Before he could ponder the question further, the door that Angela had gone through and another woman stepped into the room. She was slightly older than Angela, who he had guessed was about his age, and she didn't have anywhere near the figure that Angela had. The serious science type, Joe figured, all the way down to the white lab coat. Must be a whole bunch of science geeks in there, he thought. "Joe?" asked the woman through what seemed to Joe to be giant glasses. "Y ... yes ma'am," Joe replied, again wondering how everyone here knew his name. The woman pushed her glasses further up her nose, "Could you help us with something here for a minute." Joe, always conscious of time, glanced at his watch. Well, it was the end of the day, and I'm not parked in short term parking, he reasoned, and they might really need a strong guy to do something. "Sure, as long as it doesn't take very long. I gotta get my truck back pretty soon. My boss is pretty strict about getting all the trucks in before seven." "No, it shouldn't take too long," the woman answered. "Please follow me." The woman lead Joe through the door and down a maze of hallways past some offices. In the middle of one of the halls, she turned to the right and opened another door and showed Joe into a large meeting room. She motioned for him to sit at a small table with a chair on each side, and then she took a seat next to two other women at a larger table. The others resembled the first in their dress and figures, your typical science geeks. A television was on the other end of the long table that the three women sat at and there was another serious looking woman on the screen. It looked like she was sitting in some kind of lab. "Thank you for helping us, Joe." Another one of the women spoke. "I'm Dr. Cathy McConnell, and you've already met my sister Dr. Colleen McConnell. And these are two of our associates." She motioned to the other woman at the table and the one on the TV. "We have been working lately on an anti-attack spray for women." "You mean like mace? Or ... or pepper spray?" Joe asked, getting a little bit nervous about what he had gotten himself into. "Well, yes and no. Chemical agents can be effective in some cases. But sometimes a person can miss vital areas with the spray leaving the attacker unharmed and probably madder than before." She set her pen down and adjusted her over-sized glasses. "We have been looking for other alternatives, coming at the problem from a different angle." Just then, Angela came into the room. Joe was surprised to see that she had changed out of the business suit that she had been wearing. She was now dressed only in a sports bra and some loose nylon running shorts. He caught his breath as he watched her undulate into the room. The bra seemed to just accentuate the fantastic size of her large boobs, and her shorts showed off lots of her creamy thighs. She crossed over to the small table where Joe was seated and nervously greeted him with a tiny wave. "We've asked you in here, Joe, to help us with a little experiment ." It was Colleen who spoke now. She approached Angela with a measuring tape. "First we'll need some baseline information. Even though we realize that arm girth is not a truly accurate measurement, it is an easy one to take. Angela, would you please make a muscle?" Angela responded by lifting her arm and flexing as hard as she could. A small muscle pushed up, barely causing a rise in the outline of her arm. Colleen wrapped the tape around her and read out the measurement, "11 and a half inches." Then she motioned for Angela to take the seat opposite Joe. "Now if you would, Joe, please arm wrestle Angela." Joe looked up with an incredulous stare. "And please," Colleen added as she pulled out a stop watch, "don't hold anything back." Joe turned back to see that Angela already had her elbow planted on the small table and her delicate hand up in the air waiting to grasp his. He reached up with a scowl and took Angela's hand. "I don't see what this is all about," he muttered barely loud enough for the others in the room to hear him, "but I'll play along." Colleen checked the stopwatch, "Get ready. Set. Go!" Angela put all of her strength into the battle. Joe could feel her struggling to push his hand back. After taking the full measure of her strength, Joe smoothly pushed the woman's hand back and down onto the table. As soon as Angela's hand made contact with the table, Joe let go and Colleen clicked the stopwatch. "3.6 seconds," she announced. Joe saw that all of the other women were busy writing notes down. Joe turned back to Angela and saw her rubbing her arm and shoulder. "Are you alright?" he asked, genuinely concerned, "Did I hurt you?" "No, I'm fine, really," Angela replied, although she continued to rub her sore arm, "I guess I tried to push too hard." "Well ... sorry anyways," Joe apologized. Then he turned to Colleen, "Is that all? Can I go now?" "You've been very helpful, Joe, and we hate to impose, but could we ask you to stay for just another few minutes?" Cathy asked as she rose from the table with the box that Joe had delivered earlier. She took out a small device that looked like a small pressurized spray canister, like the ones that carry mace or pepper spray. She handed it to Angela. Joe's nervousness suddenly returned. He started to rise when Cathy put her hand on his shoulder, "Relax, Joe, this isn't for you. This is for Angela." "Now Angela," this time it was the woman on the TV talking, "spray one quick burst of the chemical into your mouth while breathing in and then hold your breath for three seconds. If any of it gets on your tongue, that's okay." Angela did as she was instructed. She held her breath until Cathy said to relax. Joe stared at the woman wondering what the purpose of the spray was. Suddenly he seemed to notice a flush coming to Angela's face and a slight change in her posture. Her skin, which had been soft and smooth before, seemed to take on a firmness, perhaps even a tautness. "Okay," Colleen said, "let's check that arm measurement again." Once again, she wrapped the tape around Angela's flexed arm, "Hmmm ... 12 and one quarter inches." She jotted some more notes as did the other women. "And now, if you two will arm wrestle again ..." Angela placed her arm on the table again and smiled a little. Joe wasn't really sure about all this and hesitated but finally joined hands again with the small woman. Colleen again held the stopwatch and gave them the signal to start. This time it was Angela who waited for a second, measuring Joe's strength, just resisting enough to keep both hands in the middle.Then slowly with great effort, she began to push his hand down. But Joe increased his efforts and brought the two hands back to center. As the seconds ticked by on Colleen's watch, the women in the room sat mesmerized by the sudden strength that Angela was exhibiting. Joe began sweating as he really put everything into the contest. Slowly but surely, he began to force Angela's hand back toward the table. Finally with one last effort of resistance on Angela's part and one desperate push on Joe's part, the hands made contact with the table. Immediately Joe released his grip. Now it was his turn to rub his sore bicep. "How do you feel Angela?" asked the woman on the TV. "Fine ... I mean, great!" Angela replied. "I'm ready for a rematch!" "Colleen, will you take another measurement of Angela's arm?" As Colleen drew the tape around her arm, the woman on TV continued. "Our studies have shown that the effects of the chemical will last for approximately one hour and that strength seems to even increase slightly for the first ten minutes." "13 inches even," Colleen reported. Again all of the women jotted notes down on their clip boards. "Angela," the woman on TV instructed, "spray another dose into your mouth as before." Angela complied with the instruction. "Meredith," Cathy addressed her fellow scientist on the TV, "this is really amazing work that you've done. Can you explain it some more, now that we're all together." "Yes, well, we were looking for a quick way a woman to react in case of danger," Meredith explained, "and we hit upon the solution of an oral spray that could be concealed in a purse or pocket, about the size of a pepper spray canister. Next we looked for a chemical combination that would temporarily give a woman extra strength needed to defeat an attacker. I would like to say that we found this combination of pro-hormones and isoflavones through intense research, but really we just happened upon it. Colleen, the second dose should be taking effect now, please take the next measurement." Colleen once more wrapped the tape around Angela's flexed arm. This time there was something different in Angela's appearance. She looked harder to Joe than before, a lot harder. Any smoothness that he had seen on her limbs was now being replaced by the angular hardness of solid muscle. Angela's flexed arm caught him off guard as it pushed the tape out even further than before. She had a good sized bicep where there was little more than a bump minutes ago. "Fifteen and a half inches," Colleen said, trying to mask the excitement in her voice. The women gasped and paused before returning to their note pads. There was something else that Joe saw. It was her eyes. There was a cold confidence in the way she looked at him and said, "Whatdya say Joe, one more match?" Before he could answer, Angela had grabbed his hand and sat down again across from the large man. She planted her elbow and held Joe's hand with such force that he couldn't budge it. "Go ahead Colleen," she commanded her boss with an unusual authority in her voice. Colleen once more gave the signal to start. Joe put everything he had into the initial push, but he felt like he was pushing against a wall of stone. Then quicker than he could believe, Angela smashed his hand down into the table, and nearly through the table! The force of her thrust was so great that it knocked Joe off his chair and nearly dislocated his shoulder. "Oh my," Colleen said with her eyes wide and focused on the stopwatch, "two seconds flat!" "Those results are consistent with what we have found here in our lab," reported Meredith. "Now Angela, please take the final dose." As Angela stepped over to the large table and retrieved the tiny canister, Meredith continued. "As I said before, the effects of the chemical last for about one hour. Although additional doses do not prolong the effect, they do however increase the effect almost exponentially. The first dose easily doubled Angela's strength. The second dose tripled her already increased strength so that she was about six to eight times stronger than before. That level of strength should be sufficient for any woman, even the smallest one, to escape a dangerous situation. If however, the situation is truly grave, the canister includes a third dose." Although Meredith continued talking, all eyes in the room, including Joe's, were firmly fixed on Angela. After administering the final dose, she stood still, relaxed but powerful, her body erect, showing definite signs of muscular development. Suddenly though, her body started changing. Her muscles seemed to be pumping larger with every pulse of blood, as if they were being flooded with power. At the same time her prodigious tits seemed to be shrinking. "With the third dose in her blood stream," Meredith continued, "her strength will again be multiplying by a factor of approximately four times. To accomplish this, the chemical actually metabolizes some of the woman's fat stores, utilizing them for the energy needed to build muscle. As you can see, Angela makes a perfect test subject because of the amount of body fat stored in her breasts. She should be able to optimize the effects of the chemical in her system. Colleen, would you please check her arm measurement again?" Colleen approached Angela with the tape again. But Suddenly Angela put her hand up to stop her. "Wait ... just a ... little ... moooore!!!" she said as she bent over slightly, aware of everything happening inside her. With that the muscle growth throughout Angela's body seemed to speed up as more and more fat stores from all over her body were used to build her burgeoning physique. Soon it looked like her skin was paper thin and pulled taunt over her bulging muscles. The size and definition of the muscles was unbelievable. Joe, who had propped himself up against a wall, started feeling the same feelings of dread that he had before. Angela slowly straightened up and raised her arm. Even without stretching a tape around her arm, everyone could see that she had added inches and inches of rock hard muscle. She flexed her arm and allowed Colleen to take her measurement. At the same time she flexed her chest and back. Her lats spread out incredibly wide and tapered down to an impossibly narrow waist giving her a v-shape that would be the envy of any bodybuilder. Even though her breasts were substantially smaller, her chest rose with the flex and stretched her bra out to the tearing point. "Eighteen ... " Colleen started to say, then caught herself, " ... no, eighteen and a half ... oh dear God!" Angela had momentarily relaxed and then put everything she had into her flex. A large baseball sized peak pushed upwards from her arm with a thick vein furiously pumping blood to the new muscle. "Nineteen!" Colleen was nearly shouting in her excitement. "Nineteen inches!" All of the women jumped up from the table and rushed over to examine Angela's bulging muscles for themselves. She obliged them with a double biceps flex and smiled as they poked and prodded her massive arms. While this was going on, Joe quietly rose and tiptoed to the table where the box of canisters was sitting. He picked up one of the three remaining canisters and was about to spray it into his own mouth when Angela happened to notice him. "Excuse me for a minute, ladies," Angela said as she rushed over behind Joe. With one swift motion, she snatched the bottle away from him with one hand and scooped him off the floor with the other. "Not so fast Joe," she said as she held him aloft by his belt. "That's alright, dear," Meredith said, "we were able to include a limiting factor in the formula that excludes it's use by men. Even if he had sprayed the entire contents into his mouth, it would have no effect on him at all. So even if a man did get ahold of the formula, he could never use it against a woman." All the scientists stared in awe as Angela continued to pump Joe up and down using only one hand. Meredith continued, "As I was saying before, Angela is a perfect test subject because of the amount of body fat that was readily available for metabolizing into muscle. She is probably 30 to 40 times stronger than she was just a few minutes ago. On the other hand, Cathy here," she said, indicating the older of the two scientists, "carries so little fat that her strength could only be increased 15 to 25 times. I have included enough canisters for all of you if you would like to try it for yourselves." Joe watched with mounting terror as the women took off their lab coats and picked up their canisters. Angela continued to hold the large man aloft as if his weight was meaningless to her powerful muscles. Joe's attention was suddenly directed toward the scientist who had remained silent throughout the whole thing. After removing her coat, she took off her glasses. As she reached up, Joe saw a good sized bicep swell in her arm. Then he noticed that the rest of her physique was equally as well developed. "Ah, Marsha," Meredith continued, "I'm glad you're here. I'm interested in what effect the formula will have on a woman who is already in great physical condition. I'm guessing that a woman that is already twice as strong as the average woman could easily see an increase to 50 times an average woman's strength with all three doses. By the way, remember the recuperation time." "Yes, as I recall ..." Colleen paused to breathe in the third dose from her canister and hold it in until it had time to pass into her blood stream, " ... you said that a woman who had used only one dose would recuperate quickly, so that her body could actually be ready again for the effects of the formula in a day or two." She raised her arm and tightened her now considerably larger bicep and smiled broadly as she felt it with her free hand. "That's right, Colleen," replied Meredith, "but the more doses you take the longer the recuperation time. Although your strength will begin returning to normal after an hour or so, your body must return to its normative state before the chemical is effective again. An average woman would require at least a week to return to normal after taking two doses and it takes two to three weeks to recuperate from the full dosage. That's why we're recommending that women only use as much as they need." Joe couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing as he looked around the conference room. All of the scientists had taken the full dose of the chemical and were growing muscle like crazy. Hard curvaceous muscles were popping out of all of the women at once, but the most impressive had to be Marsha. Her already large muscles swelled even larger than Angela's had. She flexed every part of her body over and over again as she revelled in her new hugeness. "Meredith," she said as she continued to check out her awesome body, "you said that the strength levels drop after an hour, but what about the muscle hypertrophy that we're experiencing? How long until the muscles return to normal?" "We've found that the side-effect of swollen muscles lasts quite a bit longer. In fact, after taking a complete dosage, the muscle hypertrophy can last up to three or four days. Why do you ask? Are you thinking about competing again? I think you would have a slightly unfair advantage!" "No," Marsha calmly replied as she stepped toward Angela and took Joe into her hands and then began to press him overhead with one hand under his butt. "But I was thinking that if a person could train with increased muscle size, the muscles might adapt faster to the resistance and actually increase her normal strength at an even greater pace." She continued pumping Joe up and down as she talked to her colleague on the video screen. "That's interesting that you should mention that," Meredith replied, "I had that same thought." She stepped back from the camera and removed her lab coat. All those present stopped what they were doing and stared open- mouthed at their friend. She was wearing a tank top and shorts and it was clearly obvious that she had put on some serious muscle. "You may remember what I looked like a couple of months ago," Meredith said as she raised her arms in a double-biceps flex, "but I've been hitting the weights lately." Huge ridges of solid muscle rose out of her formerly skinny arms, arms that the others in the room remembered as being so weak she could barely pick up a kilogram of chemicals. She lowered her arms and placing her hands on her hips, spread out her lats, giving an impressive v-shape to her upper body. Then she stepped back towards the camera. "After trying the formula on myself, I decided to see if perhaps my body might be more susceptible to progressive resistance exercise," Meredith continued as she donned her coat once more. "I found that lifting weights after taking the formula did indeed yield fantastic results, as you can see. My strength and size gains have been nothing short of phenomenal. After only two months of serious training, I've been able to increase my strength threefold." By this time, the women had mostly lost interest in Joe and he tried to quietly slip out the door before any of them decided to use their new strength on him. Being picked up by a woman was frightening at first and then rather exciting as he thought about how strong she must be in order to do that. But the prospect of a room full of super strong women that might get carried away and have their way with him was just too much. "Oh Joe," Meredith said, stopping him in his tracks. She had been able to see everything that was happening in the room and noticed him edging toward the door. "We just wanted to thank you for your help today." "Oh ... uh ... no problem," Joe stammered. "Glad that I could be of service ... but ... I better get going now." He gave a little wave and reached for the door handle. "Let me walk you to the front office," Angela offered as she stepped toward Joe. "Uh ... oh ... that's okay, I can find my way out ... I think ..." "Oh it's no problem, Joe," Angela insisted as she ushered him out into the hallway and led him to the right, closing the door behind her. Joe began to feel a lot less tense as he left the room behind. But still, there was an uneasiness about him. There was something about Angela that put him on guard. Perhaps it was being so close to a woman so scantily clad. Perhaps it was her confident swagger as she led him down the hall. Perhaps it was the fact that she was bulging with muscles strong enough to place her in the super human category. "Isn't that stuff just the wildest?" Angela asked as she led him through the halls. "I mean, just look at my body!" she gushed as she examined her rippling arm muscles again. "I feel so powerful! And aren't these muscles just the coolest thing you've ever seen?" "Uh, yeah, I guess so," Joe halfheartedly agreed. "Say are we going the right way? I don't remember coming in this way." "Oh, sure," Angela reassured him, "there's lots of ways to get around here. But I know where I'm going." With that she opened a door and directed Joe through it. But instead of another hallway or the reception area, Joe realized that he had been led into a supply closet. "Uh, Angela, maybe you don't know this place as well as you ..." Joe began as he turned back to the door, but he never finished his sentence. Angela was blocking the door. "Oh, no, Joe, I know exactly where I am," Angela lowered her voice and spoke in soft, sexy tones, "and exactly what I want to do." Suddenly it all came clear to Joe what she intended to do to him now that she had the strength of a superwoman. In a moment of panic, Joe rushed at the diminutive woman in an attempt to push her out of the way. But he may as well have been pushing a brick wall. Angela wouldn't budge an inch. She grabbed Joe by the wrists and with incredible ease, shoved him back across the supply room. "Listen, Joe," she continued in her soft, sexy voice, "we can do this the hard way or the easy way." With that Joe bounded back across the room and lowered his shoulder. Angela tightened her abs and took the whole force of his charge without so much as a flinch. Joe bounced off of her steel-like midsection and stumbled backwards sure that he had dislocated his shoulder. Angela stepped toward Joe. "So, you want to do it the hard way, eh?" Angela grabbed him by the belt and lifted him with one hand up off the ground and into the air, her big bicep bulging remarkably for a woman of her size. "I was kind of hoping that you would," she said with a playfully evil gleam in her eye. She set him down on a cabinet. Joe winced in pain as his shoulder popped back into place. He was quickly running out of ideas about how to escape this muscle monster. And the strange thing was, he wasn't sure if he really wanted to escape, or if he wanted to give himself over to her power. Not that he had a lot of choices. Angela snuggled up to the frightened man and gently played with the top button of his shirt. Then she held it between her thumb and index finger and started squeezing. With a loud crunch, the button disintegrated into plastic dust. Joe's eyes widened even more as he thought about the strength in those two fingers. "Do my muscles frighten you, Joe?" Angela cooed as her hand slowly opened his shirt. Then she traced one finger down the middle of his chest, which was barely holding his pounding heart in place. When she reached the next button, she repeated her feat, then moved down to the next one and the next one until his shirt lay totally open. "Mmmmm ... I used to fantasize about what you looked like under your uniform, Angela said as she stroked his bare chest. " And I know you probably did the same, didn't you?" Joe couldn't answer her. If he admitted that he had indeed thought many times about what she would look like without her top on, she might be offended and beat the crap out of him. But he was so aroused by her strength and beauty, that finally he nodded his head in fearful agreement. Angela stepped back as if to allow him a better view of her magnificent upper body. Then she crossed her arms in front of her breasts and slowly, sexily, lifted her sports bra over her head. Poor Joe nearly came on the spot as he watched her boobs jiggle free. They were much smaller than before yet they were still amazingly large and incredibly firm. "I saw you staring at my breasts every time you came into the office," Angela cooed as she gently hefted her marvellous mammaries. "What do you think of them now?" With that she circled her nipples with her strong fingers. They instantly responded by rising up higher than poor Joe could have ever believed. And as Angela's nipples got harder, so too did Joe. He nervously shifted position on top of the cabinet to try to hide his raging hard-on. "Mmmm ..." Angela purred as she slowly, gently, traced the outline of Joe's cock with the same fingers that had just crushed the buttons of his shirt, "looks like you are enjoying the show, Joe, if your little friend here is any indication." Then she knitted her eyebrows together and set her luscious lips into a little pout, "But you know, I can't help but feel sorry for the little guy ... all cramped up inside there." Suddenly she brightened and smiled, "How about if I lend a hand, or two." Angela grasped Joe's pants at the crotch and tugged. Joe stared in stunned amazement as her pecs nearly burst through her skin as she began to slowly tear his pants in two with her bare hands. In fact, every muscle in her chest, shoulders, and arms were straining to even larger size than he had seen before. Joe heard a seam rip, then the zipper popped, and suddenly pants and boxers were dramatically torn asunder. Needing no more coaxing, his member sprung upward. "Oooh! He's not such a little guy, after all!" Angela gushed as she viewed Joe's sizable endowment. She released her grip on Joe's pants and gently but firmly reached under his butt and drew him up to those luscious lips with as much effort as a child picking up a doll. By this time Joe was shaking with fear and anticipation. Try as he could, he couldn't stop the eventual eruption he felt building in his groin. Frantically he reached down to pry himself loose of Angela's grip, but all his hands met were her bulging biceps, swelled to an impossible hardness and size. One touch of those monstrous guns was all he needed to send him over the edge. As he exploded into Angela's mouth, his entire body convulsed. Joe arched his back and sent his head flying backwards into the corner of a filing cabinet. The blow knocked him out cold and he slipped into darkness. Slowly, painfully, Joe opened his eyes, adjusting his focus to the bright light coming in through the van windows. He looked around himself, shocked to see that he was sitting in the driver's seat of his delivery van. But a sudden, sharp pain from the back of his skull confirmed that he had not been dreaming. He reached up to rub the back of his head and felt a good sized bump rising under his skin. That's when he noticed his shirt still open as well as his pants. All too quickly, he sat upright and winced in pain that stabbed at the back of his skull. Slowly he opened his eyes again and noticed a note taped to the steering wheel of the van. It read: "Joe, thanks for helping with our little experiment. I hope that we didn't keep you too long ..." "Oh man!! The time!" Joe yelled as he checked his watch. It was seven thirty! He had never been late getting his rig in before, but he knew the penalty. He had seen several drivers fired for being only a few minutes late. He slammed his fist down on the wheel. With tears forming in his eyes, he read the rest of the note: "I hope that we didn't keep you too long. And thanks for the lovely time. Love, Angela." Joe crushed the note and threw it on the floor, enraged by how he had been used by these women, but still trembling from the memory of Angela's sexy power. He pulled his clothes around him as he searched for something to hold his pants closed. After he had found a safety pin, he drove home to get another pair of pants and then drove to the delivery depot to drop off his vehicle. Joe was indeed fired from his job but never had the nerve to go back to the offices of MSCL to complain. He just seemed to lack enthusiasm anymore. He lived off unemployment for a while then moved away from San Fransisco, making his way to L.A. But that's a story for another time. The End (for now). Questions? Comments? Suggestions? You can contact Mick Powers and his brother Rick as well as the rest of the Power Company at Power_Co@hotmail.com