Jack and Diana by Plowjack Pt 1 - First Muscle The first time Diana showed Jack her muscle, he was an immature twenty years old. He and his family had moved into the middle-income neighborhood in Pittsburgh during the winter and he had kept his head down, gotten a decent starter job in a bookstore, and made a few friends. One of them was a girl - a young woman, really - from his street, Diana Taylor. She was friends-of-friends with one of the girls in the group of gaming geeks he settled in with, and he got to know her a little, by the time spring arrived. Diana was a 23, and as tall as Jack, though she often wore small heels with her professional outfits. She was a legal intern, often buttoned-down like a pro, but around the neighborhood she ran in loose t-shirts and shorts. She was brown-haired, green-eyed and pretty in an uncaring, no-makeup way, full lips and laughing nature making her a fun companion. She was obviously an athlete of some sort. Her 5'11" body was broad-shouldered and curvy, her breasts round as baseballs on her thick chest, legs and hips turning heads as she ran. Jack thought she was very cute, but he didn't really think of her as girlfriend material. Jack was timid around women. At 6' (he insisted) and 130 lbs he was embarrassed by his thin, undeveloped body. An A-student and a popular member of the chess and drama clubs in school, he never seemed to 'get' sports, and had never climbed a rope or succeeded in a pull-up in his whole school life. He was still a virgin, but Diana wasn't scary like popular, pretty girls usually were. She wasn't a tiny waif hoping to get something from some big guy, she was frank and clever and kind ... and sexy. She didn't play games. He liked hanging with Diana, and she seemed to like him. He liked to read in the park where she often ran and used the public exercise frames. Jack didn't know that Diana had first spotted him in the park. She was walking with Beth, her geeky gamer-girl friend when they saw him walking. Beth yelled for him, and introduced him to Diana. She liked what she saw - Jack was tall and handsome, thin face and clever eyes, nice smile, shoulder-length hair that was nicer than either of the girls'. She saw him check her out (he seemed to not even know it himself) and his face blushed, eyes darkening - so, he liked her big frame in her tight jeans and silk shirt. She noticed that he was slim ... skinny, really. In his little black t-shirt his white arms looked like they might blow in the wind... cute. They started to chat, and she ended up walking him home - they certainly had a vibe. By April they were pretty close, meeting after work for a quick dinner, though Jack never thought of that as a 'date'. Diana hit the gym three or four times weekly, but sometimes when Diana was free she accompanied him home. One Friday they were in the park, by the exercise area. Diana had finished a quick two miles on the small track. Jack would sit and read while she exercised, but he couldn't help but notice the beauty of her athletic body, legs easily speeding her heavy torso ... (heavy ... big, round ... ) She finished the run and was stretching out on the pull-up bars. Jack expressed his frustration that Diana was spending so much time in the gym, and he hadn't seen her much. "But dude," she said, standing up, "I have to train. There's a show in February, and I think I can win it." "Really, a show ... " Jack said - he was kind of shy around locker rooms, and had never watched Diana work out at the gym, "like... a pageant? You're certainly pretty enough to win something like that." "Aw, that's sweet, Jackie," she blinked, and smiled at him like a neon sign, "No, dude, like a bodybuilding show. Coach says I've got the best physique of the women in the gym, and I know I've got the biggest muscles." "Muscles?" Jack said. He had never thought about whether Diana was strong - just pretty, and smart. Now he looked at her more directly. She was maybe an inch shorter than him, (maybe not ... ) and her shoulders were wide and round. She was pulling off her jacket, and she wore a loose t-shirt over tight running shorts. Diana was thick - big round arms and legs, but Jack was a bit surprised to see obvious muscle in her arms - how had he not noticed? She pulled back her right sleeve. "Muscles, dude," she said, smiling, as she flexed. Her round arm popped into solid lumps and cables of muscle with her biceps like a billiard ball. "See, Jacky," she said, and squeezed her own arm, watching her friend. "W ... Wow," he moaned, in awe, "You're like Superman!" This made them both laugh together. Well, she thought, he hasn't run away yet - in fact he can't take his eyes off. "Wonder Woman, boy, Superman's a wimp" she chuckled, "Maybe even Powergirl, if you think my chest is good enough." She winked and squeezed her muscle, then she frowned. "I'll let you feel it, but it's too soft - I worked legs this afternoon; wait, look." She reached up and caught the overhead bar. Raising her legs she did a slow five pull-ups with one arm, then switched and repeated with the other. Doing one more, both hands behind her head, she held herself in the air, and pointed her legs. Her broad chest stretched, and Jack's eyes were riveted to her round, firm breasts on the thick muscle. Diana watched, smiling as his eyes glazed. "See, Jacky - super strong." And she did five more quick pull-ups as fast as she could count them, Jack's eyes fixed on her flexing chest and arms, then swung down to her feet. "Wow", Jack said stupidly, his mind rather numbed to see his friend display such strength. Diana laughed out loud and stepped in close, her bosom almost touching his chest. He really was a slight little thing - his chest and shoulders narrow compared to hers. The feeling of being bigger and stronger than her friend excited her, she found. Nice ... His blue eyes were fixed on her smiling lips. "Jackie likes," she said in a mock-sexy voice. Diana clenched her fist and flexed her right arm, two or three times, then again, almost under his nose. Jack watched as her biceps pumped, swelling, until she squeezed hard and a vein popped over the hard muscle. He was amazed to see the amount that her muscle grew, until it swelled into a peak that looked like a little mountain. "See," she smiled, "like I said ... muscles ... solid steel." Diana was amused at the expression on Jack's face. His eyes were glazed, focused on her muscle, and his tongue moistened his pretty lips. He *was* cute, she thought. "Feel it, Jack, c'mon." Jack obeyed without thinking, lightly gripping her muscle with two fingers and a thumb. Her arm was hard as stone, with a layer of warm silk. He got one hand halfway around it, sort-of, and he gave it a little squeeze, making no dent. "Grip it, Jacky," she said, a funny tone in her voice, "Make a dent. Here, watch ... " She flexed twice in his hand, and her muscles swelled bigger, fuller. He put both hands around her arm and squeezed, but even pressing his thumb he could barely dent past the skin. Her hard flesh sent a wave of excitement through him, and he felt himself swell in his pants. Diana laughed a little and shook off the flex, then flexed double again, both arms rippling with muscle. "Is the other one just as big" Jack asked, stepping forward to grip it. She flexed a little and her arm thickened in his hand. He moaned a little, cock now stiff down his pants, and Diana giggled. Perfect, she thought. "So, you like my muscles, Jacky," she laughed, "I see Little Jack is excited but, honey, I guess we won't be calling him that." Surprising Jack, she leaned in and kissed him quickly on the mouth. "I think you should come with me, sweetie," she said, and took him by the hand. "Sweetie ... " he said, sounding dumb even to himself as she took his wrist firmly and pulled him along. He stumbled and caught up. "Mmm hmmm, sweetie - I think you're sweet, Jacky, and you obviously like it. Now come on, just down the street." She pulled him along at a fast walk, smiling at him. Jack followed along willingly and soon he was actually holding her hand (her big hand), but he was confused and maybe a little scared. Diana was so big ... how had he not noticed that she was so thick, muscular? But so pretty ... he watched her big chest bounce as she strode along, him nearly skipping to keep up, until she turned behind the house where he knew she lived. She went past the back door and to the side of the garage, where a stairway went up the side to a small porch. "C'mon," she chuckled, pulling him up the stairs. "But don't you live with ... " "I don't live with my parents any more silly - I'm a big girl," She reached the top and released him to unlock the door. She opened it and stepped in, turning to smile at him. "Come in baby," she said, in a whiskey-honey voice. With no conscious thought at all, drawn by the shape of her body in its little running clothes, he stepped in, and she closed the door behind him. He was all excited, and a little out of breath. His cock was still half-hard down his pants-leg, and Diana was looking right at it, eyebrows raised. To Jack's surprise she stepped in and threw an arm around him, pulling him tight against her chest, while her other hand gripped his cock. Her arm felt long and strong, and he was held securely as she brought her face to his. "We're gonna take right up where we left off, sweetie. The thing is, Jack, I've been waiting for the right time to kiss you." "Kiss me?" he squeaked, his face beet red as his pants grew strained against her. She rubbed herself against his bulge; oh yeah, he was ready. "Uh huh. You're really good-looking, Jack, and smart, and you've been following me around so sweetly. I think you would make a nice boyfriend. Would you like a kiss, sweetie?" Jack nodded, his face amazed, lips parted. Diana was a little taller than him, especially with him pressed into her, she felt his hard response in her hand, and somehow his soft face and acquiescence warmed her up. She bent down a little to kiss his lips softly. He pressed his head forward and she moaned and kissed him harder, bending his head back. She greedily pulled him tightly into her arms, holding his head and releasing his cock to grip his ass, crushing him to her. Their kiss may have lasted for a minute, or a half-hour. She pulled away at last but kept both arms around him, one hand squeezing his butt. She started squeezing him, and her hand kneaded his back, the other pressed him against her hip and thigh. Diana had some experience with guys, but most had been bigger than her, taller, wider in the shoulders. Jack ... wasn't, and she discovered that being with him made her feel safe, strong. He obviously lit up in her presence. She felt like she could just ... use him; it made her surprisingly hot. She hoisted against his butt, lifting him over her thigh. He wasn't as tall as her, she thought, by a little, and she lifted his feet from the floor, amused at how little the young man weighed in her arms. He was obviously willing, and she kissed him again hard. Jack's mind was void of coherent thought, his body burning as he was pressed against Diana's frame. She pressed him to her chest, her bosom a thick, firm cushion. One of his arms was trapped in her grip, and he threw the other around her back. She was so big. He had kissed a few girls in his time, but now he felt like he was being kissed, felt like he should ... surrender as she literally swept him off his feet. She was so strong ... her breasts... he humped against her, unthinking ... and ... Diana felt herself steam up as she pressed the little guy to her and leaned back against the wall. His lips were very nice, soft, and he moaned and met her tongue. She flexed her chest - guys loved that - and pressed him to her breasts. His arms were around her, but his squeeze was feeble; he felt like a pillow in her arms. Her forearm went under his butt and she was lifting and holding him. He moaned, and then gasped sharply. "Oh Jacky, you're not ... " but he twitched in spasm, his hips rocking against her, and she could feel his organ throb and pump against her leg. "Oh my goodness," she said, in a baby-talk voice, "what a little boy, what a little baby," she carried him down the hall and into the big main room of the studio apartment, then across to the sofa. Along the way she lifted him further until she was cradling him, then sat down easily with his whole weight resting on her lap on the couch. "Did you comey-come, Jacky? Tell Diana, now - I made you come, as easy as that, didn't I," she bounced him on her lap, and stuck her hand between his legs. "Oh yes, all wet. Here," she said, and began to unsnap his jeans. He protested and tried to pull her hand away, but she ignored him and soon had his bottom half naked. "Stop fighting, you little weakey," she chuckled, as she reached her arm under his back and gripped his outside arm, crushing him against her. She mopped his leg with his underpants and threw them aside. Jack's mind was spinning with humiliation and, yes, lust as the big, beautiful girl handled him like a doll. He was a man, he thought, vaguely, and once his body stopped trembling from his orgasm, he began to try to escape Diana's grip. She was pulling his arm behind his back as she crushed him, and he pulled against her grip, squirming on her lap. She casually unbuttoned his shirt as she controlled him. "Ooo, fight me, little Weakey-weak, Jacky - that's what I used to call the little tenth-graders. They'd get all excited over my body, and I'd beat 'em at armwrestling or just slap 'em. Make 'em scared of big Diana. You're weaky-weak, baby ... I just picked you up and squeezed the cum right out of you." She tickled his naked nipples in her hand as she cuddled him to her chest. This was amazing for Diana. She had a man ('man' ... she'd always been stronger than men ... ) helpless in her lap. His struggles were just cute, and she controlled his upper body easily, crushing him into her bosom, and she started kissing his face and mouth, working down to nuzzle his neck. His struggles stopped as he responded to her kisses. Wait until she told Mom about this! She ran her hand down to his thin, soft leg and squeezed his thigh. "You're so soft, Jackie ... " "I'm so sorry, Diana, really ... sorry ... you're my friend ... I didn't ... wouldn't ... ," he was beet red, his voice whiney as she released his arm and hugged him. "Oh Jacky, it happens to boys. Did you like it when I picked you up, sweetie? Tell the truth, dude - I was there ... " He laughed, and said "I ... I liked it. You're ... you're so strong ... " "I know ... here," she quickly stripped his shirt off, flopping his arms as needed, "now you're all nakey, little weaky-weaky," she giggled and stroked his body from his leg up his chest, squeezing his soft cock, then cupping his face and kissing him hard again. He threw his arms around her and suddenly raised up, climbing up in her lap and pressing back against her. It was natural. Jack would just roll her over and lay her down, like one did with a girl, right? Lips still hungrily locked he pressed against her, but she didn't move. Not a bit. Stroking her hair he tried again to guide her under him. He heard her chuckle, and felt her hands grip his ribs. Then he was pressed hard against her chest, as she ignored his efforts. He was tall, his arms reaching around her, but so little, she thought, her hands easily managing his torso. Flexing her big chest she playfully bounced him against her tits, rocking his head back and forth. His hands went to her big breasts, and he found them confined in what seemed a thick bra under her shirt. He moaned as he squeezed them, bigger than his hands. "You wanna take my shirt off, sweetie," she asked, releasing him and raising her arms. Her little running shirt rose on her, leaving her navel bare. He lifted her shirt and ran his hands up her arms pulling it over her head. She flexed under his hands, and he felt thick muscle ripple. She shrugged the shirt off of her breasts contained in a thick white bra. "It fastens in the front, baby," she purred, and flexed her chest. Jack was amazed at the expansion of her thick body, the muscles above her breasts hardening and making a deep cleavage. Her breasts seemed to lift and widen. He felt like his was ... tiny compared to her ... those breasts ... "Yeah ... take it off ... " she was grinning as he mumbled oh yeah and fiddled with the clip. Her chest flexed again, and her breasts stretched the clip tight. He had to pull her tits together to unclip the thick strap. "Pull, sweetie, you can do it," she laughed, but he did do it, and her big, round breasts spilled out into his face. Immediately he plunged his mouth onto one big brown nipple, sucking hard. "OOooh Jackie" she moaned, and pressed his face deep into the thick flesh of her breast. She hugged his naked body to her, his cock still soft, and wrapped him in her arms. Her breasts pressed together to hide his face, but she felt him kissing and sucking. This was going fast. Diana felt as if the sudden surprise of Jackie's orgasm had changed the dynamic. Little Jackie was as soft and submissive as a kitten, and she had better become the object of his desire, if she was to have her first little boy. She played with his body, her hands squeezing up and down his torso. She thumbed his nipples and he moaned in her bosom, finding the nipple of the other breast. She squeezed his waist, thin and squishy-soft, and started again at his shoulders. She wasn't pinning his head, his mouth seemed magnetized to her breasts. Jackie was excited to hear the big girl pant as he sucked and licked, and he felt himself stir a little. Diana felt heat rise in her pussy as she toyed with the little man. His shoulders were kind of broad, but bony, thin soft flesh. She squeezed down to his biceps, and her thumb pressed into his skinny arm. Jack knew his arms were pitiful. "Ah Jackie, you're so ... slim. So soft," she murmured, and turned her head down, allowing him to kiss her. She gripped both biceps and squeezed, then chuckled. "Just little and soft, baby. Really soft. Flex a little, dude, show me what you got." Blushing, Jack turned up his fist and flexed his right arm in her hand. He knew he had some muscles - he flexed them in the mirror. They looked like a piece of hotdog on top of his arm, not the stone balls of Diana's body. Diana pinched it gently between thumb and fingers, and smiled, looking him in the eye with her marvelous green orbs. "Little and soft," she giggled," ... like a little girl, Jack. No gym for you, eh?" "I always hated it," he said quietly, face red, "I'm really thin, and I'm just no good at stuff. I do think I'm stronger than most little girls." He chuckled and she squeezed his flexing arm again as he tried to flex harder, her fingers encircling his upper arm, squishing it despite his flex. "Do you? You don't have any muscle at all. That little thing isn't a biceps, this is a biceps." She released his left arm and flexed her right, muscles swelling hard. Jack just had to grip it again, amazed at how big and solid it really was. "I know," he said, blushing, his head bowed. A life-long weakling, Jack lived in a mild state of fear that people would discover what a sissy he really was. Now the prettiest girl he had ever kissed was making fun of his toothpick arms. He felt like shrinking into the ground, but he was also excited, and he felt his cock begin to inflate as she pressed him in. She saw him stir and put one big hand over his cock. "Wow, Jacky, you like it ... weaky little Jackie, likes my big muscles," the girl said, taking his chin in her hand. She kissed him again, and worked his cock, feeling it thicken. She kissed him hot and hard, tongue invading his mouth, as she worked him back to solid. "You're gorgeous, and I don't even care that you're as weak as a little girl" she squeezed his thin arm hard, and he squeaked. His cock got harder. "Ow! that hurt! I'm not weak as a little girl!" he squirmed, but she held him firmly and he stayed where she had him. She thought he looked so cute, face all excited ... those lips ... and his slender, soft body made her feel ... huge ... superior. It made her feel warm toward her little ... Lois Lane. She giggled her sweet little laugh, and flopped his meat a little. "Yes, you are, there are lots of 13-year-olds with more muscle. Ooo, Sweetie, you're getting hard again," she cooed, pressing him to her breast. His lips took her nipple and he sucked as she worked him. She said gently, pulling him to her body and wrapping him in her arms. "You like this, sweetie ... little naked Jackie in my arms. I know ... get hard, Jackie. I like hard cocks, especially when I can just play with one. Here, baby," she said, and pressed him into her chest again, letting him lick and suck. "Nice, Jackie. Nice and hard, too. I want you hard when I tell you to get hard, if you're gonna be my little weaky boyfriend. Mr. Spurty is stronger the second time round," she chuckled, and then lifted him lightly to his feet, standing with him. "Now, I have some things to do, but there's a show tomorrow at the Mansion that I mean to see. You get dressed and go clean yourself up. I want you here, dressed for the club, at 8:30, and get some shoes with heels, and you can be my date. Wanna be my boyfriend, handsome?" She helped him gather his clothes. His underwear was soaked. She smiled as she offered him a pair of very plain, white, cotton briefs of hers. He blushed bright, hesitated, and Diana laughed when he could barely keep her panties up on his thin hips. He wore them home under his pants, cock still half-hard, thoughts of Diana's wonderful bosom ... her lips ... and muscles ... hot in his mind.