Cream Cheese by plowjack Diana finds the kind of guy she likes... Diana focused her attention and pushed. Her arms strained and her chest expanded as the 155 pound bar rose over her body. Her arms trembled just a little, but she kept up a steady pressure and the bar moved smoothly. She felt a rush of triumph as she completed 5 reps with the most weight she'd ever bench-pressed. She hung the bar on the rack over her head and relaxed, stretching her chest. She stood, and turned to face the wall-mirror, flexing her arms and chest. Her round, curvy, 5'11" body was pretty well padded, but she was pleased to see her arms pumped with a nice peak, and her chest swell. "Geez Di, you're getting huge!" piped up Betty, her training partner. Betty put down the 20 pound dumbbells she'd been using and stood next to Diana. She nudged Diana in the ribs and flexed her own arm, making a small, well-defined biceps pop, as the two women smiled in the mirror. Betty was slim-shouldered and big-bosomed, with wide hips and muscular thighs.She'd been working out with Diana for some months, and they'd watched her waist shrink, her thighs and belly harden and her arms develop visible muscle. Still, at 5'7" she seemed slender and soft next to her big friend. "You look great, too Betty!" Diana said, as she stretched and sat herself in the leg-press. Betty grinned and said "Yeah, Jack liked it a lot." "That's the guy you've been dating, the big guy from the design department?" "Yeah, but he's not so big anymore - he's lost lots of weight." She reduced the weight on the bench-press to 65 pounds and began her routine. "So, he was fun?" Diana asked. Both women liked to gossip about their love adventures there in the company gym. "Kinda... he sure liked my new body, and he's a nice guy, but he just didn't do it for me." Betty chest swelled as she pressed the weight. "Equipment issues?" Diana asked as she pressed 350 lbs with her huge thighs. "Oh no!" Betty laughed, "none of that..." she hung her bar back on the rack. "So..." Diana Prodded, with sweat running between her c-cup breasts. "Well," her friend replied, "he's not what you'd call athletic. Like I said, He's lost a lot of weight, but he hasn't been to the gym... like, maybe, ever!" Betty chuckled. "So he's kind of soft?" Diana asked, pausing to look over at her friend. "Like cream cheese!" Betty laughed again. "I felt like I might squeeze him right in two between my legs." Betty was toweling off as she said, "I had to let him down easy, but I'm afraid I told him the cream cheese thing at one point... Not my best moment... Now I'm going to find a guy with more muscle than me." Diana laughed with her, but her mind was already working. Diana, at 37, was an executive secretary for a large ad agency. Over the next couple of weeks she arranged to meet Betty's ex. She started taking lunch at the same time as the design staff, and found chances to be standing by Jack at the coffee. He was friendly and handsome, and tall - They traded heights, as tall people will do, and he was 6'4". His black hair was medium length, his skin pale, lips full and red, eyes blue. She figured he was a few years younger than her. Diana finally introduced herself as a friend of Betty, and Jack blushed a bit, but was a gentleman about the break-up, as he smiled and shook her hand one day. His hand felt soft in hers, even as he made an effort at a manly grip. At 5'11" tall and somewhere over 200 lbs, diana knew she wasn't every man's dream girl. Not long after high school she had discovered a dominant streak in herself, a delight in having a man helpless in her strong arms. It had been a while since she had had a nice, soft guy between her legs, and the feel of Jack's hand in hers made her wet. Jack, of course, had seen this woman around the office, and heard betty talk about her training partner. There was no way he could miss a 6' woman with long brown hair, tanned skin, a tight waist and what he guessed was a c-cup chest. He had always appreciated the grace and light-footedness of the big woman. Now, as they shook hands and introduced themselves, he gave her hand a solid squeeze, smiled warmly and looked her in the eyes. Her green eyes were bright, and her smiling lips parted in her tan face, pink tongue running over red lips. They started sitting together at lunch, but Jack seemed to be a little shy - he still blushed whenever the subject of Betty came up. Finally Diana thought 'What the hell,' and said, "So Jack, maybe we could go for a drink tonight." Jack smiled back, and he took her hand in his. She quickly reversed, taking his hand into hers, her hand was only a little smaller than his. He smiled, and agreed happily to a drink after work that night. Jack went away happy, his head making a quick calculation - betty's friend, heard about him from Betty... Still wanted to go out with him... Jack found himself looking forward to the evening. *********************************************************** Diana stood in the ladies' room and took the pins out of her hair, letting the long brown waves fall over her shoulders. She had left her jacket at the desk, and traded her conservative trousers for an above-the-knee slit skirt that displayed her curvy legs well. Her blue silk blouse was fine, with a couple of buttons undone for a little cleavage. A pair of 3' heels made her calves nice and firm, and she smiled, looking at 6'2"of red-hot mama. On the way out she ran into Betty and gave her a grin and a high five, saying with a wink, "cream cheese..." Jack sat at the bar of the club where the gang sometimes drank after work. Still dressed in the casual jeans his graphics department job allowed, he looked himself over in the mirror. He had lost 100 pounds in the last two years, with strict diet and aerobic exercise, and he was proud of the result. He was nearly to his college weight of 180, and his love-life had improved dramatically, even if Betty had said... Tonight he was excited by the prospect of seeing Diana, who had the kind of tall, thick frame he liked. with those thoughts in mind, he looked up to see that very frame swaying toward him. He smiled at the mirror, knowing she could see him as he could her, and she joined him, sitting on his right. She took his right arm in her hand and gave a friendly squeeze of greeting. Like most guys would have done, Jack reflexively flexed his arm under Diana's hand. Diana said "Hi Jack," and, to his delight, gave him a warm peck on the cheek. She took the stool next to him, still gripping his arm, a little tightly. He gestured for a drink, and her grip squeezed a little as his arm moved. He maintained a partial flex, but her grip seemed to tighten a little more. Just as he began to wonder what she was up to, Diana made a little sound of appreciation, and released his arm. Did she actually like his arm? Diana smiled as she held Jack's arm. His right biceps really was small and soft! She very gently tightened her grip on his muscle. She knew he wasn't really flexed, and felt his little muscle jump in her hand. She squeezed a little harder, sure she could practically meet her fingers in his arm if she wanted. The waitress came with their shots - a double of single malt for them both - and she decided to release Jack's arm, running her fingers over it as she did, with a murmur that he might take as approval, which it was, of course. They raised their glasses, and Jack was surprised to see Diana knock back the single-malt double like a trooper, forcing him to follow suit. Jack gazed into Diana's soft green eyes, and, pleased that he seemed to have passed the arm-squeeze test, chatted casually for a while. The subject of Betty came up, and Diana was delighted to here Jack express admiration for Betty's exercise program and her muscular body. He said they had met talking about exercise and weight loss, and talked about his success. Diana told him she thought he looked good, and asked about exercise. He talked about aerobics, but said he hadn't started weight-training yet. She squeezed his shoulder, and said, "There aren't many guys taller than me in these heels - I like that..." Their eyes met, and she leaned her face toward him. Jack leaned in to give her full, dark lips a soft, quick kiss. She followed him as he pulled back, stealing another soft kiss, then called for another drink. Jack was hearing bells in his head - he was right, this woman was his! His head filled with images of the big woman on her back, sighing with delight... They ordered a light dinner, and discovered they liked one another's company. When the talk turned to exercise again, he surprised her by saying that he liked Betty's 'little muscles'. They had been finding excuses to touch each other, and he reached over and squeezed her left arm. Diana made a partial flex, and Jack's eyes went wide as he felt how thick and dense her arm was. She watched his face go red again, and he seemed to lose the power of speech, making Diana grin as he took back his hand, saying nothing. Man! Jack thought, she's probably got more muscle than betty! She watched him directly, and he felt himself blush again. But she didn't say anything else, and he found a new topic. Just then, the DJ started his routine. Jack asked Diana to dance, and they hit the floor with several other dancers and couples. They writhed and wiggled their way through a couple of fast, techno numbers, then the DJ put on a slow R&B tune. Most dancers headed for the bar, but Jack and Diana seemed to gravitate naturally into each other's arms. They swayed to the sultry rhythm, and Jack admitted he knew nothing about slow dancing. "That's OK, sweetie," Diana answered as she maneuvered him into her arms, "just follow me." She laughed a lit,e but, to her delight, Jack let her lead, putting his arm around her to bring them closer. Her lips were just inches from his, and they kissed occasionally, that intimacy seeming as natural as could be, as she guided him firmly across the floor. "You're very good at this," Jack said, as he felt himself find the rhythm of her movement, follow the sway of her hips against his. he felt his cock swell a little, pressed lightly to her skirted waist. He ran his hands over her back and shoulders, and was surprised at how wide and thick it seemed. as she swooped him across the floor he dug his finger into her back a little, and she smiled and kissed him a little longer. He hugged her, squeezing her hard shoulders under the silk of her blouse. She kissed him hard, and he felt himself pressed into her big chest. Diana felt Jack's fingers exploring her back as she held him in her arms, moving him as she pleased. He was so slender around the chest that she felt like she could slip him between her breasts. She squeezed him to her, and flexed the thick muscle of her chest. As she moved a little more slowly, she rubbed her bosom against his chest. Keeping one arm in place to press him to her chest, she reached a hand down to his butt. Jack felt his cock firmly pressed against Diana's hips as he was pressed to her big bosom. Diana's hold tightened as she sighed, nearly crushing him to her. Her round bosom seemed to provide to cushion as he was squeezed against the broad wall of her chest, almost hard enough to make it difficult to breathe. Her warm body felt nice, and he told himself to be tough, and enjoy the contact with this sexy woman. Then the pressure relented as Diana grabbed his ass hard. He gasped a little, and struggle reflexively, but her other hand gripped the back of his neck and she kissed him hard. Diana restrained her date, as she began to toy with him more seriously. She filled his mouth with her tongue as she squeezed his butt. The muscle of jack's gluteus was well-shaped, but buttery soft, and she kneaded it like dough, even when she could feel him trying to harden it. She held his head pressed to her lips, and felt him lean into her, so that he was turning his lips up to hers as she released his mouth from hers. Jack found himself again gazing - up this time - into green eyes, his lips steaming. He was nearly draped over the woman, off balance and leaning against her soft chest as she caressed his ass. He gathered his wits and found his feet, though he had to brace himself on one of Diana's unmoving hands as he did. Immediately Diana wrapped him in her arms and they kissed again, both her hands crushing his ass and stiffened cock against her. The slow number came to an end, with the two of them alone on the floor. Just then a crowd at one of the tables burst into applause, hooting and cheering, with several calls of 'get a room'. The both looked over to see a crowd from their company laughing and raising their glasses. Jack and Diana fled the floor, laughing, and found a dark booth in the back. "Wow, Diana, you don't waste any time, do you," Jack said, caressing her shoulder as they settled in. Diana gave a hot smile and said, "Why sir, whatever could you mean?" She straightened her blouse "I just took you for a little dance." He reached a hand behind her neck to pull her to him. he pulled gently but she didn't budge. She hooked an arm around his neck in turn, and Jack was hauled nearly into the big woman's lap. He laughed again, but found his neck clamped in the crook of her arm. He struggled, as they giggled, but he couldn't move her arm or wiggle free. She wrapped an arm around him, gripping his shoulder hard in her hand, and pulled his lips to hers as hestruggled. "Hey Diana, c'mon", he gasped, as she ran her tongue into his ear. "Do you mean you want me to stop, sweetie?" she asked, as he stopped struggling, and lay against her, his breath coming fast. She petted his soft shoulder, ran a firm hand down his arm and pressed him to her gently. "Don't wear yourself out, jack..." she said, then eased up, letting him lean against her. Jack was confused., but he loved the feel of leaning against Diana's body, so he stayed there as Diana ordered another round of drinks. As they sat together, jack found his mental balance, and once again became the funny, charming guy he usually was on a date. He was totally horny for this woman, and she obviously was for him. They even danced again, no slow dance this time, and when they got back to the booth Jack threw his arms around her wide shoulders and decided to go for it. "So, beautiful, should I plan breakfast for two?" he asked with a soft kiss. "Sure, baby, though if you mean for me, better make it breakfast for three - I eat like a horse!"