Action Girl by Paul Smith If only real TV was like this. Note: A collection of my stories is now available on Diana's site. The URL is: (If you have any stories like this or you've got some good ideas for future stories then don't hesitate to email me at WARNING: only suitable for those over 21 years of age. You stare in rapt admiration at the wet body of the sensual woman in the tight leotard as she emerges from the lake. The leotard is a very tight fit, allowing every contour to be clearly seen. She has long brown hair, flowing beautifully as she swishes it back and looks you in the eye. Her breasts are, to say the least, enormous. They swell from her curvy figure like two inflated footballs, stretching the lyrca to its limits. You can see quite a bit of her cleavage, hundreds of tiny droplets of water squeesed between her tits. As she strides towards you, her tits bounce a little, almost tearing through her tight top. Her biceps are large and defined, even when they are not in use. Her stomach is packed with muscles, flexing as she approaches. She is Action Girl, and she is currently pursuing a baddy, first across a lake, and now through a junk yard. She sees the man nip round a corner. She sprints after him, easily outrunning him. He is soon cornered. He is a massive bloke, and he reaches out to his side and rips a door from a car. He pulls it back behind his head and slams it down against Action Girl's body. The metal buckles around her powerful form. Without even flinching, Pamela Eleniak (Action Girl's real name) tears the metal from her figure. She reaches out and grabs the man. With ease she levers him clean off the ground and holds him above her head. "Where is Layla Armstrong?" she asks, shaking him violently. "I d-don't know." "I'll ask you one more time, where is Layla?" Action Girl tightens her grip, almost crushing his rib-cage with her bare hands. "I'm right here." says Layla. Pamela drops the man and turns to face Miss Armstrong. "At long last we meet, Layla." The man starts to stand, and limps away. Layla reaches out with a muscle-packed arm and restrains him easily. "Stay." she says, as if he has any choice. Layla reaches to her side and grasps a Volvo from the middle of the pile. Her hands dig into the metal, crushing it until she has a secure grip. Then, with an almighty wrench, she lifts the vehicle from the pile, sending other cars sliding across the ground. She supports its immense weight easily, using only one arm. Her body is also beautiful. Her muscles are vast, as are her erect breasts. She is wearing a brightly coloured sports top, which is taught across her bust. Her stomach can be seen, little lumps of muscles bulging as she wields the car like a baseball bat. Action Girl reaches behind her and grasps a van. She lifts it from the ground, leaving its wheels hanging down. She crushes her hands together until the front of the vehicle fits in her hand, shattered glass flying everywhere. "I see you've been in training since we last met, Pamela," says Miss Armstrong, examining her opponent's physique, "Very impressive." At this, Layla swings her "bat" at Action Girl. Pamela stands fast. The car buckles around her like paper. Miss Eleniak throws her arms back and takes a swing at Miss Armstrong. She buried underneath the van by her strong blow. Seeing that her foe is defeated, Action Girl turns to walk away. Behind her, a muscular fist punches through the side of the van. An imprint starts to bulge out from the metal. It is of a muscular, voluptous beauty queen. The metal tears to reveal Layla. She quickly dashes up to the Action Girl and throws her into a pile of cars, catching her off-guard. The pile collapses as Pamela thumps into them, buring her under dozens of cars. "Ha!" says Layla, "Not so strong now, are you?" At this, the pile of vehicles starts to move. They are thrown aside until Miss Eleniak is revealed. She looks really mad. She strides over to Layla and throws her over her shoulder. Layla quickly stands again and dashes up to Pamela and grasps her leotard. She attempts to throw her to the ground. The lyrca rips off in her hands, revealing Action Girls muscular buns. Pamela turns round quickly and punches Layla in the face, sending her reeling. She walks up to the fallen bad and grasps her sports top tightly. She then attempts to lift her from the ground. The top prefers to tear instead. Layla's massive tits bounce freely. They are tanned, smothered in sweat, and clearly quite erect. Layla pulls back her fist and punches Pamela in the stomach, knocking her back. Then, she stands and kicks Miss Eleniak in the face. Pamela looks up, grits her teeth and charges at Miss Armstrong, pushing her into the sides of the car crusher, denting them quite noticeably. Layla takes the initiative and flicks Action Girl over her shoulders and into the car press. Quickly, she dashes over and presses the "on" button. The press starts to close. Then, suddenly, it stops. The motors whine loudly, straining to overpower Pamela's super-fit physique. Layla clambers up to see what is stopping the motors. Between the two metal plates stands Action Girl, legs apart, arms pressed firmly against the side of the crusher, keeping them apart easily. Layla dashes to where Pamela is and attempts to kick her arms from the sides of the press. Miss Eleniak grasps Miss Armstrong's heavily muscled leg and pulls her in. The crusher continues its motion. The two ladies punch each other with such force that it could tear through solid steel. The sides start to press against their sweaty bodies. The motors whine but manage to continue squeesing the sheets together. The iron starts to mould itself around their contours. Their silhouettes bulge out from the sides of the crusher. Suddenly, they rip through the metal. As they emerge, Action Girl catches her leotard on the torn iron, ripping it from her body. Her figure is wonderful, trained to perfection, with ample tits. Miss Eleniak continued unabated and punched Layla with all her might. Miss Armstrong flew up in the air, the remainder of her clothes falling off as she did so. She landed several hundred meters away, in the lake. Action Girl quickly reached the shore and dived in. She swims gracefully, powering through the water like she was born in the sea. It is not long before she can see Layla treading water ahead of her. Pamela pauses for a moment to contemplate the beauty of what she is viewing. She examines Layla's long, muscular legs as they thrust powerfully in the water. Her stomach too, is clearly very strong, looking remarkably like a six-pack. Layla's buttocks are firm and large, with little dimples in the side that become particularly defined as she forces her legs back and to. Her cunt is dark and hairy. Pamela notices that cum oozes from it even now, large globules being blown around by the underwater currents. Miss Eleniak surfaces, her naked flesh splashing water onto Layla's beautiful face. Layla wipes the water from her deep blue eyes and kicks Pamela between the legs, lifting her from the lake completely. On landing, Action Girl dives under and grabs Miss Armstrong's legs, pulling her under. Layla trys to kick free, but to no avail. She takes a deep breath and dives under. Now, she can see Pamela clearly, her muscular, graceful figure holding her legs tightly. Layla can see Action Girl's pert bust, her nipples poking from her figure. She can see her long hair, flowing out behind her curvy body. Layla dives a little deeper and kisses Pamela on the lips. Pamela responds. Several minutes later, the two superhumans re-surface, still engaged in their kiss. Carefully, Layla disengages from the embrace. "I'm not too good at swimming, could you carry me ashore?" she says in a husky voice. Action Girl scoops Layla up in her arms and swims towards the shore. When it gets shallow enough, Pamela stands up. It is a truly erotic sight, Miss Eleniak striding out of the water, soaking wet, her strong arms cradling Layla gently. "Let's make love." says Pamela, carefully placing Miss Armstrong on the ground. Layla wrapped her arms around Action Girl's neck and pulled her closer. Then, the couple engaged in a long loving kiss. "Action Girl" has always been you favourite TV show, and deep down you wish that you knew someone like her, and that someone loved you... Then, to you surprise, the wall to your right explodes in a shower of rocks and pebbles. Action Girl stands in the hole her body has just made. She is wearing very little - just a torn piece of green cloth draped across her chest, hanging down and just about covering her vagina. She is smothered in camoflage cream, making her look rock-hard. "Hi." she says, huskily. "Action Girl?" "The very same." "H-how come?" "I saw you from the street. I think I love you." At this, she rubs her hands against her chest, lifting her clothing clean off for a moment. Her breasts are even more impressive in real life than they are on the telly. "Do you want to see my Action Tank?" she breathes. "S-sure." She leads you out through the hole that she just made using that fantastic body of hers. As you enter into the sunlight you can see the Tank. Its a highly impressive piece of hardware - not that Action Girl needs it, she can easily overpower any foe using only her bare hands. "When I get randy, I want to use my strength," she says, "and you make me very, very randy indeed." With this, Pamela strides over to her tank. She delicately clambers unto the tank. She takes the turret firmly in her hands and starts to pull. The long, thick steel barrel starts to bend, twisting easily in Pamela Eleniak's overpowering grip. The steel creaks and moans loudly as it is mangled by Action Girl. Her biceps bulge from her body impressively, her breasts start to swell. Her top slowly tears down the middle, her bust ripping it apart. As the two seperate halves fall to the ground the full beauty of her body is revealed to you for the first time. Her tits dominate her figure, like two bowling balls, hanging from her muscular chest. Her buttocks are gorgeous, a dimple in each as they clench together tightly. All the time, Pamela continues to rip the turret apart, until it is just a shredded mass of metal. That is what Action Girl can do to anything when she uses her awesome strength on it. It is this that you find so erotic about her. Jumping down from the vehicle (her breasts bouncing as she lands) she smiles at you before turning to face the tank again. She carefully slips her hands underneath the tank. As she crouches down, you examine her buttocks in painstaking detail. They are large, firm, and very VERY strong. You reach out and touch them. The sensation of her sensual skin touching your own makes your penis become instantly erect. Her buns clench together as Miss Eleniak starts to stand, lifting the vehicle with her. She seems to have no difficulty at all in lifting the 10 tonne tank - with seconds she is holding it high above her head, her huge bust stretching up towards her thick neck. You look on in awe at her sensational physique, all the time you dick hardening further still. The muscles seem to descent in ripples down her arms, swelling as they are used to hold the tank above her head. Pamela's legs are packed with muscles, making them as thick as tree-trunks. She turns to face you, still holding the tank above her beautiful face. Millions of tiny droplets of sweat reflect the sunlight, occasionally dripping onto the hot tarmac. You notice that Action Girl's feet have sunk into the road due to the extra weight she is so easily supporting. "I really do LOVE you," she says, throwing the heavy vehicle aside. As she approaches, you rub you hands over her body, smearing the camocream. You can feel her contours now, particularly her erect nipples. "That reminds me," she says, sucking in her breath sharply, "Where's your shower? I need to wash off this cream, so that you can see the full glory of my body." You direct her to the shower. She turns it on, and steps in. You watch as the water slowly washes the cream from her body, the dirt running down the plug hole. Realising that you are invading her private space you shut the shower's metal door and turn to leave the bathroom. "Stay," breathes Pamela, punching a fist through the shower door and grabbing you tightly, "Make love to me!" You can hardly refuse an offer like that. "Of course!" you reply. Action Girl tears down the shower door like it were paper. Now you can see her perfectly curved figure without the camoflage cream. It is completely gorgeous. Her breasts swell from her figure towards you, supporting a flannel effortlessly. Her stomach is very defined, flexing erotically as she gently (but forcefully) pulls you towards her. Her vagina is covered with darkly covered pubes and oozes love juices, which run down her long, long legs. Miss Eleniak pulls you towards her and scoops you up in her muscular arms. You slide your penis deep into her warm cunt. She bits her lip in pleasure. She reaches behind her and punches a hole in one of the tiles. Then, with her head back and her eyes closed she starts to slid her massive pelvis back and forth, so that your dick rubs along her sensitive insides. She sucks her breath in sharply and her tits harden further still, pressing into your chin. You start to chew on one of her nipples. "Oh YES!" she screams, thumping a fist through the metal sides of the cubicle. Her breasts grow even more, pinning your head up against the wall. Action Girl seems completely unaware that she is now supporting your entire body-weight just using her sexual organs. She doesn't seem to be having any trouble at all. Her nipples start to dribble milk. You lap this up, exciting you even more. As your chewing becomes more frantic her bust becomes firmer still. It is now far stronger than solid steel. Yet, somehow, her breasts continue to swell, until you are lifted clean off the ground by her tits alone. You remember one episode where Pamela, as a publicity stunt, lay underneath a garbage truck and excited herself. Her breasts bulged so much that the truck was lifted clean off the ground. Now that you are experiencing that kind of raw power for the first time, you can't help but be turned on. Miss Eleniak continues her erotic thrusting motion, sending you both to unparalleled levels of excitement. "Oh my God, YES!!!" she shouts, ripping the shower head from the wall and crushing it using her bare hands. Noticing you plight, Action Girl swings her bust away from you and whacks it into the side of the shower cubicle, denting the metal easily. Now, her nipples are releasing a torrent of milk, blasting it all over the wall. "Oh OH OHHH YESSSSSS!!!" she screams at the top of her voice, crouching down and sliding her hands into the bottom of the wall. "Oh FUCK, YESSSS!!" she screams again, standing upright, lifting the house from the ground, tearing through the foundations with ease. She orgasms and throws her hands up in the air, flinging the house aside like a rag doll, You are now standing where you house used to be, except with n walls. She strides around, oblivious to what has happened, still having one of the best climaxes of her life. She thumps her hand down the television, crushing it instantly. Her breasts spray milk all the way across the street, splattering people's windows generously. Her cunt blasts out cum with such force that it tears through the ground, digging a deep hole quickly. You join her in orgasm. "Fuck ME, YESSSSS oh Oh OH YESSSS!!!!" she shouts grasping you car in her iron grip, buckling the metal. Then, she lifts the vehicle (using only one hand) and throws it down against the road. All four wheels fly off, the windscreen shatters and the engine is completely flattened. Slowly she recovers from her climax, and gently lowers you to the floor. "Sorry about the mess," she breathes, "but I tend to lose control a bit." "N-no, that's quite alright," "Will you marry me?" she enquires truthfully, "I get a pretty big salary - I can pay for this lot no problem." "R-really?" "Of course! That was the best sex I've ever had! I love you." "In that case," you say studying her fine physique, "yes!" At this, Action Girl takes you in her powerful arms and kisses you over and over again. And that's not all she does...