David's Story David's Story, being the story of David Annand, an unsung hero who saved General Barillas during the attempted takeover of Chronos. By J. Pardo libguy3@yahoo.com After the unsuccessful hostage situation at Chronos at the hands of the Varkamazons, General Arturo Barillas threw a victory party. He wanted to reward those that had a part in keeping the situation under control. David Annand, one of the unsung heroes, played a major part in diffusing a tense situation. Shyla, the Varkamazon leader, was getting impatient that her demands weren't being addressed and threatened to kill General Barillas. David used his charm and wit to distract Shyla. "Please don't do that," he said, "it would be a Major pain to replace him, and General confusion would reign around here. Couldn't you use Corporal punishment, like a slap on the hand instead?" The normally humorless Shyla, smiled at David's use of military rank, and decided to wait a bit longer. That waiting was enough time for Arturo's wife, Francesca, the Erics' beloved, Teresa, and Bernie's love Helena to stage a rescue. In the guise of nurses, they administered strength-enhancing Lizade in pill form, which enabled Arturo, the Erics, and Bernie to break their bonds and capture the Varkamazons. And so, David was a hero, and got a hero's welcome at the base. Along with the women rescuers, and Chronos employees, Bernie, and the Erics, each received a commendation, and time off. But before that was to happen, David was called into the General's office. Before, just a plain guard, now David was recruited for another mission, one where the fate of Europe, and the world, was decided. Bernie, the Captain of the Guards, asked David to accompany him to Headquarters. He saw many distinguished men and women there, each looking grave. They were representatives from the G-8, the group of leaders from the Industrialized countries, and they came here on a desparate mission. Each had their leader kidnapped by the Varkins. Since Chronos had the only successful defeat of the Varkins, the leaders decided to put their faith in Chronos. "David and Bernie," President Garibaldi said, "you are being sent on a dangerous mission. Once there your life can be forfeit, if you are caught. You must infiltrate Varkin headquarters and free the leaders of the G-8." "How are we supposed to get in?" Bernie inquired. "That's for you to figure out," President Garibaldi said, "you were so clever to defeat them at Chronos, you surely must know a way. All I know is that in 24 hours, they'll kill the first hostage." David and Bernie returned to Chronos and debriefed General Barillas. "We must ask the women for help again. Without them, we'd be dead now," Barillas said. They arranged a meeting with Francesca, Teresa, and Helena and explained the grave situation. "In order to get them in, we must convince our prisoners to help. I'm sure I can get them to cooperate," Teresa said, "they are our muscular sisters, afterall." The Varkamazons were brought before the women. "Please leave us alone with them," Teresa asked. "You can be outside the door, in case there's any trouble." The three women faced the five bound prisoners, then Teresa did an unusual thing. She released them all from their bonds. "Why have you let us go?" Shyla asked, "you surely know that we can kill you and escape." "Escape to what?" Teresa asked, "do you think the Varkin leadership will take back a disgrace like you all?" Shyla was ready to attack until she realized the truth of Teresa's statement. They were failures, and would be treated as such. "So what are we to do? Be your prisoners? Your slaves? We know what you people do to prisoners. We've been told of the mines where you'll make us work like slaves," Shyla said, her comrades nodding in agreement. Francesca spoke up, "You've been told lies. Look around you, do you see slaves? Everyone here is an appreciated member of Chronos. We are all paid good wages, and have our own homes, which Chronos pays for. They don't require us to live there, they just pay for wherever we wish to go. All they ask is that we do our best and be vigilant against terrorism." "And if you don't?" Shyla asked smugly. "Then, they ask us to leave. I know I wouldn't entruste my life to anyone who would not risk their life for me, as I would for them," Francesca answered. "It's so much different in my country. Women are treated like dirt, unless they prove themselves warriors, then they have some value." Shyla explained. "My comrades here are so used to not speaking up to authority, that they have to beg me to speak. If I could live in your country, it would be wonderful." "Why don't you?" Teresa asked. "I would be shot for treason, for even suggesting it," she replied. "That's ridiculous. No one should be shot for living in freedom. What kind of government would allow that?", Helena asked. "A dictatorship, run by Slobodon Vashka, would allow it, and strongly encourages it," Shyla responded. "Then you must deposed Vashka, and create a government where freedom is allowed," Teresa said. "How are we to do this? We are prisoners here." Shyla asked, puzzled. "Then you must 'escape' and take two of our men hostage. My friends, David and Bernie, have been ordered to sneak into the Varkin headquarters and have the hostages which they captured released," Teresa explained. "How do you know I won't betray you?" Shyla asked. "I trusted you with my life when I released you, now I'll trust you with my heart, my Eric, when you go," Teresa answered. All the women made a pact of friendship. If Shyla was able to overthrow Slobodon, then all would be well, otherwise their bodies would be paraded down Varkin Square as a public example for disobedience. Teresa called David and Bernie in. "I have made a pact of friendship with Shyla and her comrades. They will not hurt you. They will get you in to see their dictator, Slobodon, and once there try to dispose him." "We must leave immediately," David said. "Oh, one other thing," Teresa said, "you must act like their prisoners." "WHAT?" Bernie yelled. "It's the only way that they will NOT be executed for bungling a job, and it will appear that they two prizes with them." "Very well," Bernie said, "but I'm driving." Helena rushed over to Bernie and kissed him lustily. "You better come back," she said crying. "I'll do my best," Bernie said in a soothing voice. "I'll look after him," David said with a macho swagger. Helena gave him a peck on the cheek. "I'll hold you to that," she said gently. They all walked to the chronoship. Hugs and well wishes were shared. "Here's a gun," Bernie said to Shyla, "it's not loaded, but we'll act like it is. Tell me where we need to go." Shyla directed him to the destination. Where they were met by a dozen Varkin soldiers bearing weapons. "Put your weapons away, we have the situation well in hand," Shyla said holding up her gun. The soldiers visibly relaxed. "Where's Slobodon?" Shyla demanded. Given her huge 6ft 8in size, with bulging muscles, no one there questioned her. "He's at his residence," Sergeant Pelapof said. "Take me to him, he'll want to see these vermin," Shyla said with a grimace. Vashka's residence was heavily guarded. Two guards carrying AK-47's blocked the entrance. "Tell Slobodon that Shyla is back!" She ordered the Sergeant. The message was relayed to Slobodon who ordered her immediate presence. She, and the four Varkamazon who were with her on the raid of Chronos, surrounded David and Bernie. As they all approached the Varkin leader's office, David and Bernie saw how large a man Vashka was. Not large as in muscular, but grotesquely fat. They could hardly see his eyes for all the extra skin. He had double chins on his triple chins. Shyla saluted and dragged the two men in front of her, pushing them to the floor. "Who dees?" Vashka asked with spittle coming out of his mouth. Shyla spoke, "we captured these two at Chronos. We were waiting for an opportune time to present them." "No ees failed?" Vashka said surprised. "No, we overpowered them, and brought these two as hostages so they wouldn't try to retaliate", Shyla calmly explained. David looked around and saw no guards were near. He turned to Bernie, "What do you say when a Varkin climbed an apple tree intending to steal some delicious fruit, instead encounters a mountain lion?" Bernie played along, "I don't know, what?" "That guy is Varkin up the wrong tree," David responded within hearing of everyone. Slobodon looked in their direction. "What's a Varkin's favorite animal?" David asked. "I'll bite," Bernie responded. "An Aardvarkin," David deadpanned. Vashka's heart was racing, he had never thought of a Varkin animal. It would make sense that it be an aarvark. This guy is funny. "Who was a famous woman hero?" David inquired, already knowing the answer. "I can't imagine," Bernie said. "Joan of Varkin," David said smiling. Vashka couldn't help himself, he started laughing, this 400 pound tub of pear-shaped lard, was moving his monstrous belly up and down, like an undulating wave, causing his heart to work very hard. He tried to stop but went into a hysterical fit. It had been so long since he laughed, that he could not help himself. So contagious was his laugh that the entire chamber started imitating him. No one noticed when his face changed color. He could not catch his breath and was starving for air. Everyone else was having laughing fit while Vashka slowly suffucated. Eventually his heart stopped, and he slumped in his chair dead. The quick thinking Shyla finally saw his plight and rushed over to him. She bent over as if listening to him, and announced, "Vashka had decreed that these two men are to be freed. He wants me and my comrades to meet with him in secret. You are dismissed." The guards all were shocked at this announcement and started to protest. The Varkamazons gathered around Shyla, flexing their huge muscles. "Anyone want to argue?" she asked. The guards obediently left. Shyla closed the door. "Quick, let's get him into his bedroom", she demanded. It took three Varamazons to hoist him to his room. They threw him on his bed. Shyla went into the throne room and quickly wrote some official proclamations, which she then signed with Vashka's name. She took his ring and sealed its impression in document wax. She rushed out of the room yelling for help. "Get a doctor! Get a doctor! Vashka has had a heart attack." The Varkin doctor rushed to Vashka's side. He saw all the classic symptons of massive heart failure, and declared him dead. As news of Vashka's death spread many people rushed into his throne room. Shyla took the opportunity to speak. "My fellow Varkins, we know what a tragedy it is to lose our leader. It leaves a void that none could fill, but we must try. I have in my possession some of the last official proclamations that Slobodon wrote before he died. He must have know he was dying, because these show some of the compassion he had for his people. She read the first proclamation. "Whereas, in my last hours I have come to see the error of my ways, and whereas all my people are important to me, and whereas Varkin women have been treat with less than the respect they deserve, therefore let it be resolved that they shall be given full status in the eyes of the law with all the protection afforded men." Shyla made herself cry to add to her sincerity. "What a man! What a wonderful man!" she exclaimed. The Varkin ruling government was suspicious. Slobodon never discussed any of this with them. Maybe he was crazy, anyway they'd see to it that it would be negated. Shyla read the next proclamation. "I, hereby, dissolve the ruling government so that free elections can take place immediately after my death. The ruling government is corrupt and must be made to pay for their crimes." Shylas looked up to see the Varkin rulers rush to her location. "Seize them!" she yelled. "Seize the corrupt leaders who defile us with their presense." Her Varkamazonian sisters grabbed them and took them away. Sounds of struggle were heard, with an occasional CRACK. The Varamazons returned unescorted. Shyla continued reading, "any guard who has been found to be abusive shall be summarily punished." Many of the guards tried to run away in fear, but the people held firmly to them. They were brought in front to Shyla. One by one they were brought to trial. The trial consisting of parading them on Vashka's chair and if two people agreed that they had been abused, then the guard was taken out and shot. Very few guards escaped this fate. One or two were actually applauded as they were hoisted up. They were taken behind into Vashka's bedroom and rewarded with sexual favors. They quickly joined the ranks of the converted. Shyla read the last proclamation. "As my dying wish, I ask that a leader by found among the Varkamazons, who will lead my people until elections can be held." Her four comrades started yelling "SHYLA! SHYLA! SHYLA!" Soon the people followed suit, and Shyla was declared interim leader. Visibly touched, Shyla put up her hand to silence the crowd. "I am honored to accept this interim position. As your new leader, I command, no make that request, that these two prisoners be given diplomatic immunity, so that they may go back to their country with the message that Varkinia wishes to make peace." David spoke up, "what about the captured leaders of the G-8?" Shyla said, "they shall be freed as well to spread the word of our liberty." "One other thing, if I may," David spoke like a true diplomat, "I wish to remain here to represent my country as Ambassador." "That would please me no end," Shyla aid proudly. She knew that David was responsible for her victory, and she would reward him in due time. Shyla turned to her people. "Varkinia is free!" she shouted, and received a deafening and joyous response. This concludes David's Story written to honor David Annand. David is a writer himself, and an accomplished graphic artist. You may have seen the works of Masschine, well that's David. His muscular maidens are proportionally even, and beautifully portraid. J. Pardo libguy3@yahoo.com