Amatorgedden: The end of life as we know it. by J. Pardo Lizator made a mistake, a fatal mistake when she killed Rocko Balboa. She forgot to get the chronoscope from him. He had it under his body as he died, and she didn't think to get it when she left. Rocko's father, Guido, arrived at Rocko's shortly after Lizator left. Rocko's body was still warm, and his crotch oozed blood from its missing genitalia. Guido bent down and cradled his son in his arms. He heard the 'scope drop from underneath him. thinking it was a mirror. He began to throw it away when he noticed Rocko was in it. He knew it wasn't a mirror because it wasn't facing towards Rocko, but Rocko was in it nonetheless. He wondered what had happened when suddenly the mirror's picture changed. Now it showed Lizator coming towards Rocko, very seductively, Guido could not turn away as he saw Lizator kill his son. A rage formed in him as he vowed to kill her and her entire family. He kept focused on Lizator and followed her as she returned to her house. He memorized the house and looked for clues to its location. He saw he looking through her mail, and stared intently as she threw the envelope down. There was the full address, he had her, but a man did not achieve and maintain his position by stupidity. He'd wait for the perfect moment. Guido saw the perfect revenge, Lana and Mark came up the stairs. He knew these were Lizator's, and vowed to take them away from her, like she took Rocko. The next day he tracked Lizator as she left. She pulled out her pocket planner and read her itinerary. She had a 3:30 appointment to give an exercise class to a group of senior citizens. Guido knew what he must do. He drove to the block next to Lizator's house and waited until the children arrived. Shortly after they went in the house, he drove his stretch limo to the house and ran to the door. He knocked loudly. "Who is it?" Lana said, peering through the peephole. "My name's Franko and you must come, there's been an accident at the nursing home and your mother's been hurt." Guido lied. Lana and Mark knew that their mother was to teach at the nursing home today, so believed his story without question. They ran inside the limo while Guido ran to the driver's seat. He quickly raised the inside, bulletproof, window which was used for privacy. As he drove off, he pushed a button which released silent gas into the back compartment. Lana and Mark were overcome with the gas and slid to the floor in deep sleep. He drove to his fortress and had his men grab the kids hauling them to the basement before the awoke. Seeing how strong they were, he used 4-inch chain and secured them to a table, and forced their arms under the table handcuffing them, then he waited for them to wake up. "Where am I?" Mark asked, trying to move his arms. Fear set in as he realized his predicament. "Get these chains off me, you bastard!" He saw the driver sneer as the guy approached the table. "No, I want you right there when we begin the show." Guido said. Lana awoke to the noise, and also realize her fate. Try as she might she could not budge the chains. She screamed, thinking that help would arrive. "Ain't nobody gonna help you, sweetie," Guido said squeezing her left breast. "I'm gonna have fun with you before you die." Lizator came home to an empty house, and the door slightly ajar. Someone left in a hurry, she thought, and looked for the chronoscope. She did not recognize the man who talked with the kids, although they rushed out with him. She heard him say that there had been in an accident at the nursing home where Lizator was helping, and they did not hesitate to follow. She saw the car limo leave and followed it to a raod, then the view went blank. Something must have interfered with the transmission. She called Joey on his cell phone and he drove home immediately. He and Lizator took the Chronoship to the location where the view stopped and looked around. "Look at that Radio Tower," Joey said. "It must have jammed the signal." Lizator saw the large dish pointed right at their location. She tried to fly the Chronoship, but it remained motionless, being affected by the jamming. She got out and saw a softball-sized rock and hurled it at the dish. It smashed on contact, falling to the ground with a loud crash. Before Lizator and Joey could reach for the chronoscope, they heard a large explosion and saw the Chronoship destroyed. Someone had put a bomb on it while they were destroying the dish. Stranded they looked to the chronoscope and saw their fate. They were surrounded by 20 gun-wielding thugs. They immediately put their arms up in surrender, as one of the thugs grabbed the 'scope. "You won't be needing this," Vinnie said. He went back among his friends, gazing at the 'scope. Suddenly he became incensed as he saw his wife making love to a neighbor. Without thinking he threw the 'scope to the ground and it smashed into a hundred pieces. A hundred deadly pieces as the radiation which was controlled by the Lizade under the 'scope's surface was released. Lizator and Joey wisely jumped into culvert on the side of the road as the radiation spread. Screams of agony were heard as the men were enveloped. Waiting an hour for the radiation to dissapate, they climbed out of the culvert and saw dead men. Everyone succumbing to a painful death. They walked to wear the men first appeared and noticed a tunnel. This must have been where the men came out. They went in, following a well worn path to the inside. Guido watched for the assassination, but could see nothing. After Vinnie smashed the 'scope, everything became blurry, like snow on a television. The radiation affected it's viewing, and he did not see his men die, did not see Lizator and Joey make their escape and was unprepared for their arrival. Lizator and Joey went into killer mode. They decided that in order to rescue their children, no one must be alive to tell. Because of her obvious charms, Lizator went first. She opened a door on her right and saw two men playing cards. Since no one had raised an alarm, they were relaxed and didn't even look up as she entered. She walked behind the chair of one and quickly put her large muscular arms around his neck, giving a hard twist, she heard it snap. His partner looked up in surprise as she ran to him, hitting squarely in the chest. He tried to get up from his chair, but his ribs had punctured his heart with the blow, and he died with the effort. She opened the door motioning Joey inside. They phoned Liza and Seth, but they were not home, so they called Dr. Amator. Dr. Amator was resting at his house when the call arrived. As the instigator of the muscular transformations, he felt like a father to all of his creation. At 75, his still muscular body, belied the years, and his beautiful wife, with her massive 30-inch arms and JJ Cup breasts still made pulse rise, his pulse and other parts of his body. "Hello," Dr. Amator said. Lizator practically screamed into the phone. "Doc, you gotta help us, my kids' life are in danger." "Lizator?" Doc asked. "Yes, Doc, it's me" Lizator responded. "Tell me what happened?" he said. "It's a long story," Lizator explained, "but suffice it to say that the kids were kidnapped, and we are trapped here by a madman. We were ambushed by a group of 20 men after our Chronoship was disabled. One of the men threw our chronoscope down and it smashed releasing a green radiation, fortunitely were were able to hide in a culvert while the radiation spread. It killed all the men, and seems to have dissapated. I don't know why we were not killed ourselves having been exposed now that we are out and about." "It's because of your enhanced immune system caused by your genetic makeup. Your Mom's milk could neutralize any radiation, and you were given that during breastfeeding, and obviously you have shared something with Joey," Amator explained. Lizator blushed. "Let's say over the years we've shared a thing or two," she said smiling, but then she turned serious. "I fear we're not going to make it, Doc," Lizator said fearfully. "I don't know how many more men we have to deal with to get to the kids. We're flying blind here." "Just stay put! I will help you, remain calm and I'll take care of everything." Amator said with confidence. "It appears that he doesn't know you are there, otherwise you would have been detected by now. So keep undercover. Only when you hear the word "salami" will you know when it's safe to come out. Just tell me how to get where you are." Lizator gave Amator detailed instructions on how to find them, as Joey kept a lookout for trouble. "Thank you, Doc. I knew I could count on you. See you soon." Lizator hung up the phone. Amator went to the lab to get a few items. He never killed anyone before, and he hoped he wouldn't have to now, but he had things that could knock people out without killing them and he planned on using them. "Doc said we are to stay put," Lizator told Joey. She ran to him. "I am so scared, I didn't want to kill anyone, but now I've killed two, I am so evil!" "You are not evil!" Joey emphasized. "You are a frightened lioness willing to kill to get to her young." Lizator hugged Joey, crying and shaking with fear. Joey calmed her down by massaging her neck, then her shoulder muscles. As she relaxed, he continued down her back. Her fear turned to lust as he squeezed her buttucks, shoving her closer to him. He felt his penis rise as she responded with light moans, he lifted her dress and pulled down her panties, shoving his head into her massive chest. She grabbed his pants and yanked down, but his belt and a very large erection, prevented her. She unbuckled his belt, loosened his pants and grabbed for his underwear, ripping it off. Without hesitation, she pounced on his penis, taking him to the hilt. He gasped loudly as her vaginal muscles contracted, she had him in her love trap, and he fought with powerful strokes to be released. Each little movement exciting her all the more until she relented a little allowing him to move freely. He took this opportunity to ram her repeatedly. With his free hands he ripped the top of her dress down, exposing her bra. He ripped this off as her massive breasts whomped him on the head. He was dazed a bit then came quickly to his senses as she clamped again. "AAAARRGGGHHH!" He growled as the pressure built inside him, he struggled to free himself to get his piston moving. He bit her nipple and she reacted to the pain by letting go. It was all he needed to ram and release his cum like a geyser. The extra expansion in her netherparts caused a powerful sensation as she spasmed and thrashed around, taking him with her. He was powerless under her control, and was delirious as she milked him with her movement. Her orgasm subsided with time and she rested with him still comfortably within her. He drifted off to sleep feeling quite satisfied. Guido was beside himself. No only couldn't he see what was happening, but no one was reporting in. He'd have to go out and see for himself, but he didn't want to leave the kids alone. The girl, especially, although she was chained to the table, her breasts stuck up invitingly. Her yearned to grabbed and squeeze them, to climb on her and pound into her. He was getting dizzy from the thought, his blood going from his brain into his expanding dick. "NO!" he said aloud. "I don't want no friggin' men in here to see me gettin' of with a kid. If I lock the door they'll break it in, thinkin' I'm in trouble. I better go check on the men first, and tell 'em not to bother me for awhile. I'll be back for you Sweetie," he said lasciviously, grabbing her breasts. He felt the muscular pecs beneath them and got more turned on, then he abruptly ran out of the room, leaving the door open. "MARK!" Lana yelled, "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine. These damn chains hurt like hell, but I'll live with it," he replied. "What about you?" "If that filthy animal touches me again, I'll kill him!" Lana said straining to break the chains. The chains held, but seemed looser after the effort. "Mark, I'm going to try something. I know for a fact that I'm stronger when I'm sexually stimulated. I want you to get me going." Lana explained. "I can't do that, Lana." Mark replied. "I've had it drummed into me that you are off-limits. Hey, wait a minute, what about Harry?" Lana blushed when Mark mentioned his name. She had the hots for him ever since her mother introduced them. "I'd like that, Mark, I mean Harry." Lana said, getting in the mood. "In order for me to do this, I'm going to think of you as Julie, although I'm going to call you Lana" Mark explained. "I've secretly wanted to make love to her since I met her. Now I may never get the chance." "Stop that!" Lana said forcefully. "We will get out of here, and to do so we'll have to do it ourselves since it looks like no rescuers are coming. So help me out, Harry" Mark changed his voice to approximate Harry's and said "Hi Lana. My you look sexy today." "How do you mean, Harry?" Lana replied. "You look good in chains, it pushes your breasts together, making them so inviting. I want to grab them, and caress them, licking and flicking until you moan." "Harry" said. "Mmmmm" Lana said "go on." "Then I'd feel your arms. When you flex I want to cream myself. I love your softball-sized biceps, with your pulsing veins. I want to feel them, make love to them, kiss them." "Harry" said, getting more excited with the thought. Lana was panting now, imagining Harry giving her pleasure. Her heart pumped all the more, exppanding her chest, causing the chains to creak. "I want you Harry!" she said, straining against the chains. "You'll have to come to me, Lana. I'm tied up. Come to me, my love!" "Harry" said. The chains started pulling apart as she struggled. Her arms, although secured from under the table, swelled giving her new strength. Finally the chains broke apart, and her arms and chest were free. Trancelike, she went to Mark and started proceeded to rape him. "LANA, IT'S MARK!" Mark yelled. Lana jumped back then realized what she was about to do. "I'm so sorry, I thought you were Harry," she said remoresfully. "I understand, just get me out of this." Mark commanded. Lana found the keys on a table and set Mark free. "Let's get out of here," he said. They ran down a hall to the main entrance, suddenly, they heard voices. Guido was coming! Frantically they tried several doors and found them locked. Finally they found an open door and ran in, only to be tackled. "Now you're going to die!" Lizator said able to give a killing blow. "MOM!" Mark said. Lizator stopped dead in her tracks and cried "MARK!" She hugged him fiercely. Lana ran over to Joey's waiting arms as he bear-hugged her. Lana hadn't felt this safe since her ordeal, then they all came together in a group hug. Guido, and three of his men, had heard Lizator's cry and barged in, breaking the door. He waved his gun in Lizator's direction. "You're the bitch that killed my son, then ripped off his balls," Guido said with disgust. The three henchmen all reached for their privates in sympathy. "I'm going to kill you, but first I'm going to kill your son," Guido said. He aimed his gun at Mark's privates, and got ready to pull the trigger. He didn't see as someone ran into the room. A deafening shot was heard, and Lizator looked at Mark, expecting him to be bleeding. Instead, Dr. Amator was on the ground, with a large hole through his stomach. Guido was so surprised that he yelled, "who the hell is that?" Not wasting time, Joey ran into him, slamming him again the wall. Lana swung her arms around, which were still attached to the chain, and took out two of the thugs. Mark smashed the remaining thug in the balls, and while the man bent down, hit him with a devastating blow to the temple, killing him. Joey kept hitting Guido with powerful blows. Guido's face became unrecognizable, as Joey pounded on Guido's nose and head. He then punched him in the stomach with such a devastating blow, that his hand went through halfway, breaking Guido's spine. Knowing that Guido was incapacitated, he ran over to Amator. Ineffectively holding his stomach, Joey tried to stop the bleeding. "We should go back in time and prevent Amator from being here," Lizator said desparately. "NO!" Amator said with blood pouring from his mouth. "I'm an old man, let me die to save Mark," and gave his last breath. "OH GOD!" Lizator cried, and ran over to hug her friend. Joey, Lana and Mark joined her as they all bawled in grief. Liza and Seth ran in, and saw the gaping wound from Amator and blood covering Lizator. "LIZATOR!" Liza ran over to her, "I'll save you!" "MOM! It's not me, Dr. Amator is dead, and this is his blood. He died saving Mark from THAT evil man." Liza looked over to Guido who was trying to pull himself up on his arms, but fell over in the attempt. Guido landed on the gun which went off shooting himself in the chin, the bullet exiting through his skull. He died looking surprised. They all looked away in disgust. "Let's go home!" Seth ordered. He carried his beloved friend to his chronoship, and set him down gently. They all piled in surrounding Amator's body, and flew away. "How did you find us?" Lizator asked. "Dr. Amator left a message with us on our answering machine. We got here as soon as we could." Liza answered wiping a tear away from her eye. "Just a few minutes earlier and we could have saved him, but now it's too late. He knew he could die and asked that we not prevent it, if his actions prevented the death of another." Mark turned away, his body shaking from grief. Lizator went to him, comforting him. "Why did he do it? Why did he die for me?" Mark cried. Seth came over and hugged him. "I've known Dr. Amator many years and, loved him like a father. He treated us all like his children, and he would die for any one of us. Remember this, and be the best person you can be." They were quiet the rest of the way back to Amator's home. Maria greeted them as they landed. "Musculus left a note saying he had an emergency, is everything alright?" she asked. Being his wife for many years she knew he could get into mischief. Seth said nothing but started silently crying as Liza carried Amator's body out. "He died to protect me," Mark said crying, shaking uncontrollably. Maria gasped as she saw his body, and wanted to rush to it, but instead comforted Mark. "I'm sure he did what he had to do. He died like he lived, honorably." Maria said stroking Mark's hair. Maria then went to her beloved and gently carried him inside. She put him on a table in the lab and removed his clothing, wiping the blood away from his face and hands, then she poured gallons of Lizade over him. This killed any bacteria, and preserved the body better than formaldihyde. She dress him in his best suit, and carried him out for the others to see. "He looks like he's sleeping." Lana said, kissing his face gently. "He is, the sleep of eternal rest," Lizator said. Maria carried him to his cherished hospital. He spent many hours here helping others. As they entered, there was a big rush of nurses and doctors wanting to help. "Dr. Amator is dead," Maria said. "He died saving the life of another." Everyone stopped suddenly and cried. Here was their hero dead, and they felt powerless. "You are his legacy," Seth said. "I know that he would want you to continue saving lives, just like he did." Maria walked to the large chapel which Amator had built off of the main hallway, and placed his body on the alter. His body would lie in state, as friends and family gathered to see him one last time. Calls were made to those whose life he directly affected. Teresa and Eric and their children arrived, as well as Isabela and Franco, Don Juan and Constanza, and Amaseth and Mary. All saw their beloved doctor and wept. Teresa went over to her mentor's body and collapsed. As strong as she was she couldn't handle the fact that she'd never be able to speak with him again. She did not hear the gasps as the room suddenly became quiet. SOmeone held out a hand for Teresa. She grabbed it and stared in the face of Dr. Amator. She stood in front of him stunned, then he spoke. "Hi Teresa. It is good to meet you. Dr. Amator has told me all about you. I am an android. Dr. Amator called me Rotama," Rotama said. "I am from your future. Dr. Amator had me created in the event of his death. I was to be his stand in, of course I could never replace him, but you can still talk to me. I was given a copy of his memory engrams, and know the events of your life. Before his last mission, I was instructed to come if I did not hear from him at the hour, and so I am here." Teresa was confused. Here was someone who looked like Dr. Amator, even copying his gestures, yet he wasn't alive. She decided, however, that he was the next best thing, and hugged him, crying fervently, but being comforted just like Dr. Amator would have. The others broke their silence and ran to him as well. Even in death, Dr. Amator had provided comfort and hope. This concludes the fantastic stories of the Amator series. There will be other series as the spirit moves. I thank Diana the Valkyrie for given me the opportunity to spread my wings. I've always wanted to be a writer (and as many will attest I am a sloppy one, throwing in commas at will, and generally being grammatically incorrect) and I hope that I've entertained as well. I'm always glad to hear from "fans." If anyone has any ideas for stories, please send them. J. Pardo