Amator : The Next Generation, Teresa's Return, pt. 2 J. Pardo Continuing the saga of when Teresa met Eric. The following contain sexual situations. I had to stop, I couldn't bear to watch anymore. I had such love for this woman, this muscle goddess, I couldn't stand myself for deceiving her. I was afraid to tell her the truth, how would she react? She'd dump me, that's how. I would if I were in her shoes. All these years of spying on her, on all of them. I was just doing my job. As an Observer in the year 2020, I had to keep watch. This chronoscope made it easy. All I had to do was think of the person and the time, and the scene would change to my request. Why did I have to steal that chronoship? Why did I have to meet her? Because I love her, that's why. Eric woke up. "I must have been dreaming", he said groggily, then he looked down. His zipper was opened and his penis was sticking out. His pants had dried cum spread on it. He heard gentle breathing and saw Teresa sleeping quietly next to him. He could have raped her right then, and she probably would have allowed it, so desparate she was for his body, but his conscience wouldn't allow it. He stopped her from pouncing on his penis, he couldn't stop her from grabbing his penis and making tender love with her breasts. At least her virginity was still intact, but not his shame. "I must confess to her", he thought, "but I can not." "I'll do the next best thing, I'll confess to Dr. Amator", Eric brightened, "he'll know what to do." He looked around her apartment trying to find something he can change in to. As he was hustling around, she woke up. "Looking for something, my darling", Teresa asked lovingly. "Just something to wear. I can't go out in public looking like this", Eric stated grinning as he looked at her. "What?", she asked. "Look in the mirror", he answered. She got up and went to the full-length mirror in her bedroom. Loud laughter could be heard as she saw her face. "It looks like I have a goatee", she guffawed. "Actually, a Fu Manchu, with its long tail", Eric lovingly correcting her. The semen had formed around her chin and dripped down her cleavage leaving a tail as it dried. "Care for Chinese?", she asked, and laughed heartily. "No thanks, I just ate", Eric replied and grinned. "Maybe, we'll have dessert later", she said sensually. "But, I'm on a diet", Eric whined like a child. She came over an hugged him, then slapped him on the ass. "I can see why", she said and giggled. "You don't know the half of it", Eric said forcing a smile and letting the subject drop. "Let's go back to the area where we first met," Eric said. "Okay, but don't you think we better get washed up first?", Teresa said slyly. "You first", Eric stated, "I don't know if I could contain myself if we were together." "I was hoping to contain you", Teresa said then pouted, "but I'll forgive you this time." "I hope you forgive me, after you find out", Eric said silently. While Teresa was washing up, Eric decided to try to wash the stain off his pants. It took some doing, but with some soap and water, and blow-drying, they came out looking reasonably well. Teresa came out of the bathroom naked. Eric's penis rose again, but he turned around stopping its extention. "You're not making this easy", Eric said. Teresa looked down at Eric's pants with its pup tent visible. "Sure looks hard to me", she said and laughed. She got dressed and they drove to the fateful spot. Teresa frowned from the memory, but smiled at its outcome. "There's a park near here", Eric said, "let's go." He was really wanting to see if his chronoship was still there. He left it there disguised as a large, heavy, rock. It was. As was several other rocks. Eric was confused. Someone from the Park Service came over. "Do you like it?" Sam the Ranger asked, "someone left a large rock there and the boss thought it could use some company. Now we have a rock garden." "Yeah. It's beautiful", Eric replied. "Great, I don't know which rock is mine, they all look alike", Eric thought to himself. "Can we go back to Dr. Amator's? Suddenly I don't feel so good", Eric pleaded. "Sure, my love", Teresa said with concern. Driving back to Amator's Eric fretted over his problems. Not only didn't he tell Teresa the truth, he couldn't find his ship. He didn't want to press the converter on his watch. The ship could get crushed between the other rocks, he'd just have to think about it. "Feeling any better after the ride?" Teresa asked. "Some", Eric answered. "I'm sure Dr. Amator can help, he's got all sorts of good stuff in there", She said confidently. It was late when they got back. Dr. Amator was waiting up like a concerned father. "There you are!", Amator said gruffly, "I was up half the night waiting for you," then he laughed. "Come on, it's not even 11 yet", Teresa said and then hugged him. "Since it's late, you better spend the night", he said to Teresa, "you have to work tomorrow." "I know. I can't miss tomorrow, we're training for the Gymnastic competition in Rome on Saturday. My girls need a little more help", Teresa said, "Good night" then she came over to Eric and gently kissed him. "I'm sure it will be", Eric said. When Teresa had gone to bed, Eric confessed to Amator. "Doc, I need to tell you the truth" Eric started. Dr. Amator froze thinking he was going to hear the Eric was some murderer. "I'm from the future", Eric continued. "Wow, you scared me, young man. I thought you were going to say that you killed someone" Amator said with relief. "The only thing I've killed is my job, when I get back", Eric stated. "Where's back?" Amator asked. "Back to the future" Eric confessed. [Editor's note -- this is not to be confused with silly movies starring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd. Really, who ever heard of a flux capacitor? Everyone knows that time travel requires a Chronotomic Discombobulator (TM) manufacturered exclusively by Microhard. "Why go Soft? We Make things Hard!" (TM)] Dr. Amator was not amused. "What kind of idiot do you take me for?" Amator asked, "Here I get you out of jail, give you hospitality, let you go out with Teresa who I love as a daughter, and you're given me this bull. Just tell me the truth!" "It is the truth, and I can prove it" Eric said proudly. "Your name is Dr. Musculus Amator", Eric said. "Tell me something I don't know", Amator insisted. "You don't know that I've been spying on you in the year 2020, using a devise called a chronoscope. I'm an Observer, and I was assigned (actually I begged) to watch you because of the great things you were about to accomplish" Eric explained, "I also know that you used Seth by injecting him with your strength-stealing virus and spraying him with Maria's pheromones so that she would mate with him, and thus started the whole chain of events leading to where we are now." Dr. Amator's legs became weak, he needed to sit down. "But why me? Why did you choose me?", Amator asked with a sigh. "Because without you, I wouldn't be here", Eric answered, "you saved my mother's life when she was a little girl, and she had me. The pill you gave Mom strengthened her enough that she was able to get her health back. Since it was only a small amount, I must have not gotten any of the virus." "But why did you come? Surely, you could have continued watching without being here", Dr. Amator said, still confused. "I had to come. I saw what was to happen to Teresa and I had to stop it", Eric explained, "I didn't come to save the little boy (although I'm glad I did), Teresa ran out in the street to save him, which she did, but died in the process. I've watched Teresa grow up. I saw her take your specimen bottle from the lab and become the muscle goddess she is today. I saw her goodness and gentleness with the kids. I've loved her from a distance and couldn't let anything bad happen to her." Dr. Amator's mind raced with all the information. "All that matters is that you love her, and she apparently returns your love", Dr. Amator said with compassion, "what can I do to help?" "Tell her for me", Eric pleaded, "tell her everything about me. I'm afraid that if I do it, she'll leave me." "Eric, there are many things I can do with this mouth. I can kiss my beloved Maria. I can give praise to my staff. I can say kind words that will calm a child's fears, but in matters of the heart, I must be silent. You must do this yourself. If it is truly love, she'll forgive you. If is it not, then at least you'll know you tried", Amator said lovingly as a parent. He knew what he had to do. Somehow he had to get the courage to do it. The next morning Teresa awoke. Not wanting to bother Eric and Dr. Amator, she took a shower and got dressed. She always kept extra clothes at the Institute in case she stayed late. She left for work. Eric fretted all day. He didn't eat much, waiting for Teresa's return. Finally, she arrived. He enthusiastically kissed her, and she returned the favor. "What was that all about?" Teresa said breathing hard, "not that I minded." "It's just that I love you so, and need to tell you something. Something very important, but not here", Eric said, "we must go back to the park." Eric was silent all the way there. Teresa looked at him concerned. "Teresa, this may be a strange request, but I need you to move these rocks around", Eric said firmly. "If you will think it will help", Teresa said having her doubts. "I need them at least 4 feet apart from each other. The need to be placed on level ground so they don't tip over. There was six rocks, each weighing about 100 kilos [220 lbs, ed.]. Teresa, with her 7ft. 5in. muscular body, wrapped her hands around the first rock while squatted. Then she stood up on her powerful legs and proceeded to arrange the rocks as requested. The fifth one was heavier that the others, and she had to strain some to get it in place, while the sixth one was lighter by comparison. She had worked up a good sweat and her muscles glistened with the effort. "Teresa, I love you. I've loved you ever since you were a little girl. I loved you when you drank from the jar in Amator's refrigetor and became the goddess you are. Yes, I know all about you. What you like to eat, your favorite color, and your weight (I peeked at the scale). I'm from the future. I'm an Observer from the year 2020, and I came back to take you with me", Eric stated boldly. Then he pushed the converter on his watch. The chronoship appeared before him. Teresa looked confused, she did not want to believe him, but the ship gave evidence to his veracity. She stood quietly, then started crying. "You pervert! You voyeur! How dare you watch me like I was some kind of movie. What kind of sick man are you?", she screamed running away from him. "Wait!" Eric pleaded, but it was too late. She ran to her car and was gone. Not knowing what else to do, he got in his chronoship and went home. Arriving the same time I left [trust me, it's easier that way], I looked at the chronoscope. There was Teresa racing through town back to Amator's. When she arrived, she ran in and cried her heart out to Dr. Amator. He hugged her as she told him of my betrayal. "I feel used", she said, "dirty. As if some Peeping Tom was enjoying himslef watching me naked. How can I trust him anymore? How can I trust any man?" "You trust me, don't you?" Dr. Amator asked, "Am I not a man?" Teresa went quiet. "I didn't mean you. I love you. You've been so kind, so gentle you've never hurt me. I'm sorry for implying otherwise", Teresa said fearful that she hurt her dear friend. "Teresa, I've loved you like a father, and I would never have hurt you. But I am a man, and you are lovely, and I was tempted to express my love inappropraitely, but I never did and I never will. You had a man here, who was just like me. Yes, her spied on you. He spied on me too, he told me, but he was only doing his job. He was protecting us. His job was to see that there was no anomolies in time. Someone could be messing with time, and cause great consequences. He concentrated on our circumstance for a personal reason. I saved his mother's life when she was small, and he feels an obligation to watch me, and those around me. As he watched you, he came to appreciate you. He saw how caring you were to the kids, and to me. I'm not sure if I'm violating any law, but I must tell you. Without him, you'd be dead. That incident near the park wasn't meant to save the kid (which would have happened had he not come), it was meant to save to, because you would have died in the rescue, and I would have died of a broken heart", Amator said crying. Teresa hugged him to ease the pain. "I'm here and I'm safe", Teresa said trying not to cry herself. "Thank you for loving me", she said, "now I have to find a way to get Eric back here so I can thank him too." She drove back to the park. "ERIC!", she yelled, "I'M SORRY!" "You don't have to yell. I'm right here", Eric said with a smile. "Eric, please forgive me. Dr. Amator explained it all. I feel like such a fool", she said apologetically. "Kiss me, you fool", Eric said in a melodramatic way. He tried lifting her for effect, but couldn't. "Allow me", she said carrying him easily to the chronoship. Inside, Eric pressed the converter. The rock illusion would hide their action. People strolling the park were surprised to see a rock moving in jerking fashion, the moaning sounds coming from inside caused parents to take their children and leave, while young couples lost their inhibitions and made love near the rock. The grunts, moans, and screams made a virtual rock concert. This concludes this story of Teresa and Eric. There are more adventures as Teresa discovers the future. We now turn our attention back to Amaseth's love, Mary. As we'll find out shortly in Amator : The Next Generation, Mary's Rebirth or There's Something About Mary. J. Pardo