The Next Generation, Teresa's Return, pt. 1 J. Pardo Amator : The Next Generation, Teresa's Return, pt. 1, where we finish up the story of Seth's Children, for now, and get to talk about Teresa. The following has sexual situations. Wow, how exciting! Mary was almost dead and Amaseth came up with the perfect solution, with "came up" being the operative words. He called his parents from Mary's house. "Hi Mom", Amaseth said as his mother answered the phone. "Where are you, young man?", Liza yelled into the phone, "Your dad and I have been worried sick." "I'm over Mary's, you remember Mary I told you about her. Mary got really sick, but I didn't know that, and I didn't know where she lived and I saw her dad at the pharmacy and he told the pharmacist that she had cancer and so I followed him home in my bike and snuck in her room and she looked deathly ill and she said she loved me and was sorry that I couldn't love her, and I said that it wasn't too late so we made love and she died except she didn't really die because she got strong and we made more love and we're going to get married", Amaseth said without taking a breath. ""Slow down, son", Seth had gotten on the phone, "just tell us where you are and we'll come and get you. You can explain on the way home." "I'll get Mary's dad, he can tell you how to get here", Amaseth said running off. "Hello, Mr Lewis, this is Mary's dad. Your son saved my daughter's life, and I'm forever grateful to him", Mr. Del Toro explained, "without him, she'd be dead. I don't know what was in that boy's semen, but it was miraculous. According to Amas, Mary had taken her last breath, but came back to life, and quite strong too. Amas asked me for my daughter's hand in marriage, which I readily gave. They promised to wait until after high school to get married. Please join us as we celebrate my daughter's rebirth", Mr. Del Toro said and gave Seth directions. "That's quite a boy we have", Seth said after explained what had happened, "I'm very proud of him, and of Lizator who gave her little friend the courage to stand up for himself." They drove off to the Del Toro's. Now to get to what I'm actually going to write about. My dear, sweet, wonderful, wife, Teresa. Only she doesn't know it yet - the part about being my wife - she'll find out soon, and boy will she be surprised. Teresa was twenty years old when I first met her. I saved her life, and she didn't even know it. I was tracking the progress of Amator's "children" (those made strong because of Amator's virus), when I fixed on Teresa. She was such a joy to see. Her 7ft. 5in. muscular body moved with grace like a gazelle. She had been at the Gymnasts Academy training her little charges in both gymnastics and self-defense. Her charges were muscular in their own right, having drunk a small portion of Amator's virus found in Liza's breastmilk. This Lizade made a big difference in their lives, and helped them to defeat Don Amici. Teresa never married, being dedicated to the kids. I was about to set in motion a plan to change that. I looked ahead in the chronoscope (being an Observer in the year 2020, I have full access to time-events up until a few minutes ago my time), and saw potential tragedy. Teresa was on course to save a child. The child had wondered out in the street near where Teresa was walking, and Teresa pushed him back onto the curb, just as an out-of-control car smashed into her. She fell forward, cracked her head, and bled to death in the street. I was in shock. This was to happen tomorrow, and I was determined to prevent it. Violating our most sacred policy, I stole a chronoship. To hell with the ramifications, I'd fix them later, I just knew I had to save her. Setting the chronoship back to 10 minutes before the fateful accident. I parked it in an area behind a large bush near the scene. As I approached I saw Teresa run in the street. I ran after her and pushed her out of the way of the car that would kill her, and into the path of another car which not only killed her, but the occupants of the car, as well as killing the original child she was trying to save. I hurried back to the chronoship. This was not what I had in mind at all. I tried again. This time I'd prevent the child from going in the street. I set the chronoship to 15 minutes before the accident, and leisurely approached the intersection. Knowing that the child would go into the street, I grabbed its hand. His nearby mother started screaming, thinking I was kidnapping the child, and Teresa came running over and put me in a headlock. "Wait!," I said having my head squeezed, "it's not what it seems." Then I passed out from the pressure. When I regained consciousness, I found myself in a police cell being arrested for attempted kidnapping. I couldn't even post bond because I didn't have any present-day money. I had credit chits from the Intersteller Bank of New Holland. New Holland was formed when New York merged with the New England states, so I rotted in jail until a kind benefactor took care of my bail. When I was released, my benefactor approached, Dr. Amator. "Teresa said she heard you say that things aren't what it seems, what did you mean?", Amator asked. Here's my dilemma, do I tell him that I'm from the future and violate the law (I was already in hot water for stealing the chronoship), or do I lie to the man responsible for my existance. I fudged a bit. "I'm not from around here, but I've heard great things about you." Eric tried his best not to lie to Dr. Amator. He calmly explained that he was a reporter (that was true) and had studied his work (also true). He said he was on his way to see Dr. Amator when he noticed a child heading toward the street, so he grabbed him before he went in. The mother misinterpreted what she saw, and Teresa^Òs choke hold prevented him from explaining. ^ÓEverything you say makes sense, in fact, they found the child^Òs deflated ball in the street where a car hit it. You have saved that child^Òs life^Ô, Dr. Amator smiled and shook his hand, ^Ódo you have a place to stay?^Ô ^ÓNo, actually, I just arrived in town and hadn^Òt looked for a place yet^Ô, Eric said truthfully. ^ÓThen I insist that you stay with me^Ô, Dr. Amator stated refusing any no. ^ÓI^Òd like that very much^Ô, Eric said and grinned. ^ÓThis is working out better than I planned^Ô, Eric thought to himself. Later that evening he saw Teresa. She came over to him in a bowwed, subdued, fashion. ^ÓI owe you a big apology, Dr. Amator explained everything. I^Òm sorry I knocked you out^Ô, Teresa said contritely. ^ÓNo apology necessary, you were acting out of concern, and I don^Òt blame you. Children are precious and if I was his father, I would have done the same thing. Besides, you did tell Dr. Amator about me and got me out of jail, and I^Òm grateful to you. In retrospect, being trapped between your muscular bicep and beautiful chest wasn^Òt a bad thing^Ô, Eric responded with a big grin. Teresa was taken aback. She had never met another like him. She liked his attitude toward children, and his humor, and the fact that her muscles didn^Òt turn him off. Every man she dated in the past blanched when he saw her muscles. They felt intimidated, and could see pass them to who she really was. Without thinking, she kissed him. ^ÓWhat was that for?^Ô, he asked truly surprised. Realizing what she did she blushed, and started to apologize for her forwardness when Eric said, ^Ówhatever it was for, do it again^Ô and broke out a big grin. ^ÑIf you insist^Ô, Teresa said and kissed him in earnest. Eric melted in her arms. He felt his passion rise up, and his body responded accordingly, when she suddenly pulled away. ^ÓI don^Òt know a thing about you^Ô, Teresa stated firmly. ^ÓMy name is Eric Blair, and I^Òm in love with you^Ô Eric said passionately. ^ÓWell, that^Òs a good start^Ô, Teresa said with a smile. They were holding hands when Dr. Amator arrived. ^ÓI see you^Òve met Teresa^Ô, Amator said with a smile. He was please she found someone she can be comfortable with. Dr. Amator was like a second father to Teresa and had known her for more than ten years. Teresa had accidently drank a solution containing his strength-enhancing virus and she grew to the size she was today. This is the first time that^Òs he^Òs seen her truly happy being with a man her own age. ^ÓWhy did you want to meet me?^Ô, he asked Eric. ^ÓI^Òm writing a book of your life. I^Òm very impressed with your work and how it helped so many people, and I wanted to know the man behind St. Amator^Òs^Ô, Eric explained. ^ÓThen you^Òve come to the perfect place^Ô, Amator said as he smiled. "There's not much to tell, really. I've been at the Institute for Muscular Research (it's new name) for 30 years, and made great strides in the area of muscular development. One day I discovered, quite by accident, a virus that caused a genetic change in cells. Several factors affect the change, making the virus act in certain ways, sometimes gaining strength, sometimes losing it. By careful dosage we are able to help with muscular dystrophy, or other muscular degenerative diseases. Also, it will help with bone degeneration as well. We are still discovery more of what it can do.", Amator explained. Just then Seth and Liza came in bringing a very strong girl with them. "Who do we have there?", Amator asked. Seth answered carefully seeing that Amator had company. "This is Mary, Amaseth's beloved. Before yesterday, she was a frail girl who attended my son's high school. They found out she had cancer, and as I turned out, nearly died yesterday. My son went to her house and applied his special serum to her, applied in the usual way (although SUB-dermally), and she not only recovered but became as you see her now. The tested her for the presence of cancer at Genoa General, and it was negative. I thought you would want to know. Amaseth is here and he can tell you the actual dosage", Seth explained. "Great, send him to the lab, and I'll visit him shortly", Amator said very happy that another benefit has been found, "if you'll excuse me, we'll continue this later." "That's ok, Doc. I'll just take Eric out to eat", Teresa said taking Eric's hand, "we have lots to discuss." (You, dear reader, may be wondering why I'm using Eric in place of I when I talk. It's less confusing that way. I could say Eric (past) and Eric (future), but this seemed to make more sense. From now on, if I'm referring to now - 2020 - I'll use I, if in the past, I'll use Eric) They went to Teresa's apartment to eat. She had some leftover spaghetti and meatballs which Eric said was fine with him. Terea brought out some wine. "I don't usually have this, only on special occasions", Teresa explained. ""I'm honored that you think this is special", Eric replied. "I've never been with a man before", Teresa said shyly, "that's why this is special." Taking her hand Eric said, "I've never been with a man before either" and grinned. It wasn't the answer she was expecting and suddenly laughed. She boldly took the next move "Well, you're not with one now", she said, sensually putting his hand on her breast, "are you?" "DEFINITELY NOT!", he gasped, his penis suddenly enlarging in his pants. She quickly pulled down his pants and underwear to relieve the pressure. Feeling himself ready to explode, he willed himself to calm down, and was partially successful. Teresa suddenly moved forward. Eric yelled, "STOP!". Teresa frowned. "Believe me, I want you more than anything, but I want to wait until we're married", Eric explained. "Married? I wasn't thinking about marriage. As a matter of fact, I just wanted to make love to you. I had this powerful urge, and I don't know why. Oh, I like you well enough, but something just came over me. I'm sorry I was so forward", Teresa said embarrassed. "That's the second apology you gave me. Really there's no need to apologize. When a woman turns 30, her biological clock sends out signals", Eric said acting like a teacher. Teresa's eyes narrowed, "that makes sense, but I never told you I was 30", she said cooly. Eric stammered realizing his mistake. "Amator must have told me", Eric said recovering his wit, "when he was talking to me before you came. He said that he's known you for 20 years, and that you were 10 when he first saw you." Teresa blanched realizing her error. "I'm sor" "HUSH", Eric ordered, "no more apologies. Just hug me!" "Gladly, but I still want to give you something", she said removing her blouse and bra. "THIS!", she said, and lifted him up placing his penis between her breasts. Using her powerful pectural muscles she milked him as he gushed his translucent semen squirting her in the chin and dribbling down her chest. "Nice hug", Eric said, right before he collapsed with pleasure. "Marriage. I like the sound of that", she said as she laid next to him, holding him tight. J. Pardo