Amator : The Next Generation, Seth's Children, pt. 2 J Pardo Sorry, I had to run. Duty calls! It's hard saving the world. Okay, I confess, I went to the bathroom. I can't be Observing ALL the time. Even in the year 2020, I still have needs. Now back to Amaseth and Lizator. At 14, Amaseth and Lizator, were beginning their prime. Their parents, Seth and Liza, muscular in their own right, were proud of their children's physiques. The were also proud how well balanced and respectful they were. Having been homeschooled, they didn't have the social interaction their parents thought they needed. They decided to enter them in high school. The school tested Amaseth and Lizator for intelligence and compatability. They passed admirably, and were put in 9th grade in separate classes. As the new kids on the block, they mainly kept to themselves. Lizator threw herself into her studies, and her classmates tended to ignore her. Some were scared of her large size, others thought she was stuck up. Joseph was another outcast, and while a bookworm, was short and thin. He boldly approached Lizator. "Does it hurt?", he asked Lizator. "Does what hurt?", Lizator responded. "The loneliness", Joseph said, "I noticed that everyone ignored you. They ignore me too. Hi, my name's Joseph, my friends call me Joey." Joseph put his hand out to shake. Lizador looked up at Joseph. Here was this short, skinny, kid who was talking to her, and it amused her. She took his hand. It dwarfed his like a large glove. He smiled. "Glad to meet you, Joey", Lizator said, "I'm very pleased you came over. I'm Lizator, but you can call me Liz." Joey was ecstatic. "She called me Joey", he thought happily. "Lizator is a lovely name, Liz. Maybe we can study together. I've lived in this town all my life, I can show you around." "Getting rather forward, aren't you?", Liz smiled, "I'd love to." "GREAT!", Joey yelled shouting louder than he meant to. The class all turned in his direction. Joey turned red and sat back in his seat. He looked to Liz "I'll meet you after school", he mouthed. Liz responded silently, "great." Amaseth was having the opposite problem. Ever since he was introduced he became a babe magnet. A job he did not want. He just wanted to be left alone, not have a girl at his elbow at all times. The rest of the guys hated him. At lunch the guys ostracised him, while the girls all crowded around him. The guys plotted revenge. After school they intended to put him in his place. They'd show him. He couldn't muscle in on their girls. Amaseth tried to look as small as possible, but at 6 ft. 3 in, 280 pounds, it was hard. He couldn't help how he looked. It was genetics. Running away from the girls he dashed into the library. There was hardly anyone around except a small, frail-looking, girl. "Hi", Amaseth said, "I'm new here." "Yeah, I know", the girl said, "you're Mr. Hunkarama. Am I supposed to be impressed?" Amaseth was taken aback, he didn't expect such hostility. "Have I said something to offend you, if so I apologize", Amaseth said contritely. "Why'd you do that?" the girl asked. "Do what?" Amaseth, replied. "Apologize", the girl said. "Well, since we don't know each other< I must have done or said something pretty bad, for you to treat me like this", Amaseth said matter-of-factly. "No, it's not that", the girl said, "it's how you look. You're so big and strong, and all those girls fall over themselves to touch you, and here you are lowering yourself to talk to me." "Stop that!", Amaseth said, "stop condeming me for my looks, and stop putting yourself down. You're very pretty, if you allowed yourself to be." The girl's next words froze in her mouth. "He called me pretty", she thought to herself, "Here I am a plain Jane, actaually plain Mary, and he called me pretty." She took a chance. "I'm Mary. Mary Del Toro." "Pleased to meet you, Mary Del Toro. I'm Amaseth, please call me Amas." "I've never met anyone like you Amas. Thanks for stopping me from wallowing in self-pity", Mary said. "My pleasure, Mary. Mind if I sit here?", Amas asked. "I'd be honored", Mary said with a smile. Liz and Joey met after school in the school library. The check their class scedules and found that they were in 3 classes together. One was PE (Physical Education). Joey hated that class because he was never any good at anything. He couldn't run fast, dribble a ball, or tackle anyone. His coordination was horrible, so when they made him play soccer, they all laughed at him. All except Lizator, who smiled at him for his efforts and cheered him on. When they game was over, Joey ran over to Liz. He was so appreciative of her efforts that he hugged her. "Thanks", he said unashamed. She was so touched by his response that she hugged him back. It felt so natural to have him close to her. His nose fit comfortably in her cleavage, like it was meant to be there. She gently kissed him. When he lifted his head he said, "I'd give my life for you." "My sweet Joey, I'll protect you always", Liz said with love in her heart. Ten minutes later, several of the "big" kids came over to Joey. "Hey, punk, you got in my way on the soccer field", Rocko said as he pushed Joey to the floor. Rocko's friend, Tommy, kicked him in the stomach. Rocko and Tommy felt themselves being lifted by their necks. Rocko was then thrown against a locker where he hit with a thud. Tommy's head was smashed against the wall. "JOEY! Are you alright?", Liz said with concern. "Yeah, I'm fine. A little banged up, but fine", he said as he started crying. Liz held him close letting him get under control. When he had his composure, she stood. "This guy is under my protection", she yelled, "anyone who lays a finger on him will answer to ME!" Rocko got up groggily, "wha' happened?" he asked. Liz went over to him. "You're lucky I didn't use all my strength", she said as she flexed. Her soccerball-sized biceps roped with veins as she was so pumped up. "You would have gone through the locker otherwise", Liz answered. Rocko saw her biceps and fainted. Tommy made loud, groaning, noises. "I thin my noth ith broken", he said. "I'll break more than that, if you or anyone else touches my Joey", Liz roared. Just then the Principal came around the corner. "What happened here?", Dr. Allegeri asked. Liz answered, "these two jerks knocked down my friend here. I guess I accidently knocked into them while trying to help my friend." Dr. Allegeri saw the crying streaks on Joey, then looked at the boys, then at Liz. "Try to be more careful", he said giving her a quick wink. "Yes, sir", Liz responded and smiled. He turned to the boys. Rocko had recovered by this time and stood up. "Get yourselves to the infirmary", Dr. Allegeri demanded, and stop being so clumsy." He left the area. "You don't scare me, bitch! You just got a lucky punch is all", Rocky said trying to sound like a macho man when inside he was scared witless. Tommy yanked on his arm. "Leth go!", he said having trouble breathing through his nose. Later that night Rocko made a phone call. "Angelo, this is Rocko. I need your help. Some bitch attacked me when I wasn't looking and damn near broke my head. I need you to gather some of the boys and meet me before school tomorrow. She's going to learn that nobody messes with Rocko Balboa", Rocko said slamming the phone down. In the morning, Joey and Liz were walking to school holding hands. They came around the corner near the school entrance when they were met by Rocko and eight of his friends, all carrying knives. "No one messes with me, and lives to tell about it", Rocko said with bravado. He walked toward Liz making threatening gestures. From a distance, Amaseth saw what was happening and came running. Joey saw his friend was in trouble and went berserk. He rushed out and kicked Rocko in his balls. As Rocko was bending over in pain, Joey unleashed a volley of smacks to Rocko's face. "Take that, and that, and this", Joey said hitting more savagely with each blow. Rocko's friends stood back and watched. The fact that Liz and Amaseth were behind Joey, flexing their enormous muscles and making threatening gestures stopped them. "I'm tired of being picked on by you and your goons. STOP IT!", Joey said with a wicked 2-fisted roundhouse to Rocko's head. Rocko was out. His friends dragged him away. Seizing on the opportunity to lift his spirits Liz yelled, "MY HERO!", and hugged him kissing him on the lips. Joey was in ecstasy. Here was the girl of his dreams calling him a hero. He snapped out of just in time to see Liz hug Amaseth, and his heart broke. Crestfallen, he heard Liz say, "Joey, I'd like you to meet someone. This is Amaseth, he's my brother." Joey was in a daze, how could she love another, he was going to marry her. He then heard what she said "BROTHER, HE'S YOUR BROTHER???", Joey's face lit up. He rushed over to Amaseth. "I'm very pleased to meet you. I'm going to marry your sister", Joey said confidently. "You ARE? Ain't she a little young?", Amaseth said with a grin. "Not right away, mind you, but someday. Right, Liz?", Joey inquired. "Anything you say, my love", Liz said with affection. News of Rocko's defeat spread like wildfire. Joey was a hero. Many students were intimidated by Rocko and now he was gone. Principal Allegeri announced on the PA that Rocko had taken ill, and was being transferred to another school closer to the coast. A cheer went throughout the school. Everyone wanted to be Joey's friend, even Tommy. With his nose still taped, Tommy asked Joey to forgive him. "Rocko was a bully to me too, I'm glad he's gone. Can I be your friend?", Tommy begged. "Sure", Joey said, "there's always room for more friends." J Pardo