Carpe Diem Thanks to Michael-Leonard for editing this. Chapter One Alice Babowicz strolled along the main street of her small town. Curvy hips swaying, her flirtatious walk turned heads, male and female alike. She didn't mean to make people stare, but it always seemed to happen. She never actively sought out men's attention, but she always took it in stride, even the occasional lewd comments from men (or catty comments from women). "Boys will be boys," was what she always said when asked about her hold on men's heartstrings. About the women, she never seemed to notice or care. "What comments?" was her most frequent reply. One young stud caught her eye, and she put a little more swing in her step as she passed him. His eyes followed her, just like the other men's, and she noted that there seemed to be a chance of his interest was more than passing. She walked a short distance, noticing the man changed direction to walk behind her. She was wearing a flirty outfit: white scoop-necked shirt, snug-fitting of course. The Capri denims were sung also, and she pulled it off, something a woman her age seldom did;. Wwomen half her age had trouble wearing what she didfollowing in her wake. He can't be more than 26 years old ... oh my, what a catch that would be! She thought excitedly as she paused to feign interest in a pair of sunglasses, bending down to accentuate her voluptuous figure for his eyes to drink in. She was wearing a pair of Givenchy sunglasses as it was, so the act of looking at glasses that cost a fifth of what she wore on her face may or may not have given her intentions away. "They would look good on you," the young man said, walking up behind her. His fashion sense, such as it was, definitely precludeddid not include women's eyewear. A brave one ... good! She looked back over her shoulder coyly, pulling off her sunglasses to show her pretty blue eyes. If anyone asked her, she would have said they were her best feature. Others would beg to differ. "Do you think?" she asked. "I don't know... they might be too broad for my face." She turned back and looked in the little mirror on the sunglasses display, using the opportunity to appraise her would-be suitor. If her guess was correct, that would make him exactly half her age. Men like him were a mixed bag. All full of youthful bravado, he was trying too hard to be suave. He may as likely have been looking at himself in the little mirror as at her, though with the amount of cleavage she was showing, she guessed he had stopped at just the correct spot for his viewing pleasure. She took a breath and watched his eyes perk up. Yes, the cleavage gets them every time. "Give me your honest opinion," she said, turning to face the young man. "Do these make my face look too fat?"[if she's referring to her shades (?) have her hold them up to him. if she's talking about something else, make that clear] I doubt that's the fat you're observing ... "No, not at all," he replied. "They make you look hot." Oh, damn. Where have all the charmers gone? I guess he'll have to do. Breathing a sigh, she turned back toward the mirror. "Hot, hmm, hot. I don't know if that was the look I was going for," she teased. She watched his expression through the little mirror and saw the suave fa'ade crack. "Well, you may not be able to help it," the young man said, trying to recover from what seemed like a brush-off. "What are you trying to look like?" "Oh, I don't know, maybe Lana Turner, Veronica Lake ... Rita Hayworth?" she said, throwing names of actresses that she had been compared to from time to time. Often the men who came on to her at her former job used those sirens of cinema's golden age to circumscribe her glamorous looks. Most of them had a few more brain cells firing than thise young Jersey- Shore -emulating beefcake raptly watching the ebb and flow of her bustline as she breathed. "Who?" the young man asked, confused. "It's not important," she sighed. "Hot, huh? What makes you say that?" And so went her flirtation with a man younger than her daughter. He was nice enough, but she would have chosen better role models for him had she any say. He said flattering things to her, albeit with that atrocious youthful swagger that she would have scoffed at were she not so horny. The boy apparently fashioned himself a player. Maybe he should be given a glimpse of how to really play ... . YesWell, he'll have to do, she thought, her mind coming to a form of resolve. She was past another such shopping trip, and the fire of her burning need made her sacrifice her standards for the first time in... maybe a decade? Two? She honestly couldn't remember when she had to stoop so low. Was she that desperately horny? It was a short drive to one of the motels she used for her little interludes. One of several. She made sure not to frequent any one too often, lest she risk the recognition of one of the staff. Different days, different times, always careful to make sure the person at the front desk was different than the last time she stopped in. She never seemed to cultivate a reputation; as many friends and acquaintances as she had in polite circles, she certainly would have heard by now if she did. Even her previous profession, freely admitted to without a hint of regret, did not seem to cause any ripples in her placid social landscape. More likely it lent an aura of glamour around her, one she actively encouraged. All of her selected motels had one thing in common: they were nice, not seedy, and they did not charge any rates other than nightly. She often would check into the room herself, and bring her "friend" in without using the lobby, frequently staying the evening after her tryst had concluded to maintain appearances. The men all had one thing in common as well. They had to be fit. Not bursting with muscle fit, but they had to look like they were built to go the duration. She liked the distance runners the best: great lower body strength, great endurance, almost without exception. The top-heavy jocks never seemed to be built to withstand strenuous exercise of any duration, and she was definitely a marathon afficianado when her libido beckoned. The latest one, though, turned out to be neither, and the poor kid wore out after only an hour. He also lacked any form of control. He nearly passed out when she took her clothes off, and he was about as steady as a loaded gun wielded by a child. So unsatisfying. Shame, she thought, as the poor boy finally collapsed into unconsciousness between her sturdy thighs. He looked like a marathoner. Ah, well ... serves me right for judging this book by its cover. She tried for one last climax, but her ersatz lover had gone flaccid. Only two was nothing but frustrating, and certainly this thimbleful of water did nothing to quench the fire raging within her. Breathing a long sigh, she climbed from atop her young stud and, bending her knees, lifted him easily in her arms to carry his unconscious form to the bathroom. Alice carefully cleaned and dressed the young man, then threw him over her shoulder and walked him out to her car. It was mid-afternoon on a Saturday, not her ideal time to have one of her little trysts, but the lot was thankfully empty of people and had few cars. She hadn't carefully planned the seduction this afternoon, as she almost always did, but she was so incredibly horny she couldn't pass the opportunity by. Her time as Jordan's sitter was taking its toll. She buckled the young man in the backseat and drove him to about two minutes walk from where she found him, leaving him lying comfortably in the tricked out Mitsubishi Lancer he had so proudly displayed in his wallet. The scant conversation she had had on the way to the motel had gleaned the location of his car for her later deposit. I hope the poor boy doesn't forsake his rent for his car's newest gadget, she thought as she laid the little white note on his lap. The ones that wore out always found a note when they awoke, invariably with some variation on the same message: Staying power Endurance Control Take these words to heart. Perhaps we'll meet again one day. With love,[really?] A She left a lot of little notes. This one had started off so well. He was eager and enthusiastic, but not that experienced, in spite of his macho swagger. She had hoped his youthful libido might make up for any lack of control... to no avail. The poor boy had barely gotten his pants off when he came the first time. He had driven no more than ten thrusts into her, and he struggled to last that long. The second time was better: a half-hour. The third was about the same, but much less enthusiastic. She had to do all the work on that one, and the poor boy was so wide-eyed when she pulled his hips off the mattress into her that she didn't do it a second time. He gave out after three, and she had been praying for at least one more go ... . Alice so few times and was thoroughly disappointed[words missing?]. He was so take-charge when they walked in the motel room, pushing her into the wall, groping her roughly, trying to show her who the man was, she supposed. When she returned the favor, pushing the boy into the motel door with a good deal more force than he had mustered, then upping the stakes by picking him up off the floor, just a little, with her thigh between his legs, his bravado faltered. She recognized it immediately and gave in, as she almost always had to, and let him think it was leverage, or luck, or maybe his imagination ... however they rationalized it. So seldom did she find a man who appreciated her physicality, not like Janek, her deceased husband. What a wonder he was. She longed for the fabulous sex life her husband had given her throughout her marriage, and the wonderful romance that had filled the margins of their sexual narrative. He was eager and enthusiastic as well, but so full of stamina. He kept up with her right up until his massive heart attack when her daughter was away at summer camp. It was so heart-breaking to make that call. He was the only man who ever treated poor Terri well, and she adored him so much. Alice nearly wept at herthe? memory. Alice's cellphone rang as she was closing the door of her littleersatz lover's car, the bright custom paint job so garish in her eyes. "Hello, darling," she said upon seeing her daughter's number in the little display, "are you all right? It's only ... 12:30. Do you need me to pick up Jordan from soccer camp?" "No, mother, not at all. Everything's fine... oh, it's so fine! I had to call! I met the most wonderful man! He's off getting lunch, but I couldn't help myself! I had to share this with you!" Her daughter, Terri, gushed into the phone. She was so excited! Alice hadn't heard that much excitement in her voice for years, maybe even the entire length of her marriage. "Really? That's wonderful! Is he handsome?" she asked, unable to help herself. She tried to picture the type of man Terri would have gravitated toward. "How's his butt?" "Oh, so handsome. And you'd love him. He's a triathlete." She said. "He's got a great butt. I feel like a little girl mooning over him like this!" Alice felt her pulse rise at the mention. He definitely sounded like he was her taste in men... maybe Terri was finally seeing the light and realizing that practically nobody could keep pace with her physically. Endurance was so much more important. She cast a forlorn look in the window of her exhausted former lover's car at his tired, smiling face. Much more important. "Oh, you lucky girl," Alice replied wistfully. "Where did you meet him, dear?" "At Jordan's soccer camp. I nearly ran the poor guy over because I was running late. His daughter is attending camp also, and the girls became such fast friends! It feels like a sign. Oh, mother, he's so wonderful! He's charming and handsome ... I feel like I've known him for years. I'm pinching myself! I was going to go back in to work for a while after I made sure she was okay, but I called the paralegals and sent them home! I can't even think about work right now. Isn't that wonderful? Oh, here he comes! I have to run. Love you!" "Love you, too, dear. I'm so happy for you! Have fun," she said, and the line went dead. Mmmm, what I wouldn't give for a triathlete... right now I'd even settle for a tennis pro. [a tennis pro - I love it ;-)] ************* Alice finally realized she had crossed that line of desperation a day ago, when she found herself out, almost against her will, driving the tree-lined roads surrounding Lake (insert namewhereabouts does Soccer Mom happen - I can't recall). She was trolling the joggers at the lake again early in the morning, when the most dedicated ones came out. She drove by slowly, looking at their left hands. Most of the visibly fit ones seemed to have rings on them, but every so often she'd see a man who had a bare ring finger, and out she'd pop, running suit snug in all the right places, zipped down to show an enticing bit of cleavage. The so-called jog bras simply were not sized to contain her bounty, but a succession of bras, each a size too small, did double-duty to both contain her and push her breasts up to give her both expansive cleavage and a firm bosom for running. She had run down three men yesterday, all of them much more quickly than her normal planned approach. The first two turned out to be gay ... pity. Both of them were so handsome and fit, but to each his own. She had often wondered if she couldn't pick up a gay man if she tried hard enough, but never tested her curiosity. The third, though, was only too willing to match pace with her. They chatted a while ... or rather she chatted. He, Philip was his name, was just getting back into running to supplement the gym exercising he did. His conversation came in the form of huffing and puffing breathless responses to her questions. Her breathing was easy, even though she had already spent nearly two hours at the lake, running after her elusive quarry. She had was minutes away from throwing her standards to the wind and dragging the poor exhausted man into the bushes, but relented, knowing she would only be frustrated. He was in his forties and looked to be one of those men who only lifted weights. She fully expected his endurance to be dreadful. What's worse, from the tone of their conversation, she expected him to be a "guy": one of those men who ownedhad a "man cave" and spent his weekends watching sports or that dreadful NASCAR racing. Surely she could bring any man around with enough time, but this one didn't seem worth the effort. She pulled away from him with a sexy bounce as she sped up her pace to a level he couldn't possibly match. Unable to help herself, she put out an ever-present invitation for more interaction. She dropped back and addressed poor winded Philip, her chest bouncing with added empahsis, to take the sting off her words. "Enjoy your run," she said. "If you're here on Saturdays, maybe we'll see each other again." As she sped off again, she cast her thoughts away from her raging sex drive. Why let the poor man down harshly? Why not let him enjoy her curvy derriere as she outran him and got out of sight. She wasn't a dedicated runner, preferring to get her cardiovascular exercise in a decidedly more carnal way, but she had great respect for those who were. Their endurance was truly wonderful... once they found their stride, she supposed. ************* Her ill-fated jogging trip over, Alice walked in the door of her house and checked her messages. There were five from her daughter, gushing about the man she met, Eric his name was. She was so happy for Terri. After her dreadful marriage, she deserved to have a nice boyfriend. The last one was such a ... wimp. Certainly not the type of man her daughter should be with. He seemed so big and strong on the outside ... Terri seldom considered dating anyone less than six feet tall, more for the physical strength she hoped they had than a height preference ... but he was such a big baby, and the second time Terri humiliated him athletically was the last time they heard from him. At least she was getting out of the house now. For the better part of a year, the poor woman did nothing but work and spend time with Jordan. Alice tried taking Jordan as often as possible, forsaking her own agenda, so Terri would get back out into the dating world. It was the principal reason she had run around the lake this morning, so many times that she had lost count. The prospects didn't look promising lately, for either of them. Maybe this new guy would be a little better for Terri, at least. ************* Alice was torn. Eric was coming over, Terri's new boyfriend, if that's what she calls a man after three dates, and she was looking at her wardrobe, agonizing over what to wear. She wanted to be motherly, but not too motherly. Mothers could be sexy, too, right? She immediately blocked the right side of the closet from her sight. Those clothes were for a specific purpose, one that would not go over so well today with Terri. She settled on a compromise: she wore a light summer blouse, perhaps a bit too snug, and left a few buttons undone. The slacks were very form-fitting as well, but nothing extravagant. She did a quick turn in her mirror. The blouse was clearly overmatched, maybe she should reconsider. Humph!mm, Donna Reed meets Dolly Parton ... dreadful. Her fingers undid the buttons on her blouse, and she had just tugged the shirttails out of her slacks when her phone rang. She walked to the desk by the window facing her neighbor's house. She was never very self-conscious, so she left her partially-unbuttoned blouse hanging open as she reached for the phone. "Hello?" Crank call? Hmm, the second time this week. "Hello?" "Is someone on the line?" The telephone went dead, and she returned it to the cordless charger cradle on her desk. She hadn't planned to leave her blinds open, but also hadn't planned to walk up to the window with no shirt on. The sexy bra she had on was another compromise to herself about the presentation she planned to convey when she met her daughter's new triathlete boyfriend. Who knows, if things didn't work out for them, maybe she could have a little rebound tryst with the guy, show him what he was missing in her daughter, perhaps. Or go an entirely different direction, depending on how badly he behaved with her.... Her mind wandered as she thought about the great amount of endurance triathletes would need to gruel through all of their events. Her hand unconsciously slipped up to her breast as she thought about all of that running, swimming, and cycling. She envisioned a handsome man, legs churning, though decidedly NOT during a run or a swim. Maybe a marathon of another sort. Such wonderful endurance ... A noise startled her out of her reverie. She realized with surprise she had slipped her hand into her bra and was rubbing and pulling her nipple with quickening breaths. The noise, though, made her pull her hand from her bra and ponder its source. It sounded like something fell and broke in the house next door. She glanced out the window to the neighbor's house and saw a dark head of hair just as it ducked out of sight in the window directly across from hers. Aha! Would young David be my mystery caller? Come to think of it, both of the calls were when I was right here in this room.... She took a quick look at her bedroom. Sure enough, her closet afforded a clear line of sight of the window she stood in front of, and an enterprising young naturalist, a young man who had a pair of, say, high-powered binoculars, would probably have no trouble looking right through the window and seeing Alice changing her clothes. Well, what an unexpected surprise... I wonder.... She remembered David sporting a pair of binoculars the last time she saw him. He had givengave her an almost sheepish glance the last time she had seen him, but she ascribed it to the look that most teenaged boys gave her. They found her enticing, of course, but so old ... . She threw back her head and laughed at the thought. Little David, all grown up. His attitude did appear to change in the last few years, along with his body. She glanced down at the row of hedges that separated the two yards and realized that the hedges needed trimminged, despite their neatness. Really needed to be trimmed. So many other tasks to do this summer, things that could use a strong young man to help with. Maybe he would need a few extra dollars before he started college.... "Tomorrow then, David.?" she said softly to the window across from hers and turned to find a new blouse, making sure to stand in the line of sight of the window as she changed. Chapter Two Eric was such a lovely man! Such a gentleman, witty and charming. And handsome, goodness. And a triathlete. Oh my.... Alice's mind wandered as she made her way to her bedroom. She had returned home the next day, as early as she could after her daughter's late late night. Not only had she stayed out so amazingly late, but she had brought him home with her! She had never thought Terri would be capable of such a spontaneous thing, but having met Eric last night, just for that brief moment, she knew she would have done exactly the same thing ... or worse. She certainly would have been happy to take Terri's place. Just the thought of that vital man from last night and this morning was enough to set her pulse rate aflutter. What I wouldn't give for a ... oh, wait. Perhaps my young voyeur is home. Her mind came back to the present as she prepared to undress? for a nice day out. She stopped in mid-step, opting to move toward the window instead of her usual place in front of her closet. She opened the window and made enough noise to alert her suspected young watcher that she was in the bedroom. Then she moved to the closet and angled the door so the mirror on the back had a partial view into the window where she expected she would soon see movement. She sat in a chair near the door, taking an emery board and touching up her manicure. She had unbuttoned her blouse and removed it, and decided to give young David a good show before setting her latest plan in motion. Alice didn't have long to wait. Not five minutes after her announcement, a hint of motion in the mirror caught Alice's eye. She glanced casually in the mirror and saw another little flash of movement. Her young neighbor walked across the field of view in his window, trying to be as casual as possible. A slow smile crept across Alice's face as his eyes nervously darted toward her window as he walked. Gotcha! You've become a handsome young thing, haven't you? Now for your reward.... Alice stood from the chair, setting her emery board aside. She walked in view of the window and turned her back to it. She began undoing the hooks on her bra slowly, exaggerating her movements, drawing her voyeur in. Her burlesque days played in her head as she exaggerated her motions, running her hands over the fabric of the bra band. As the last hook came undone, she held tightly to the band, relaxing it as she turned her body slightly, arching back to bring her full right breast into view of anyone who might be watching her through the window. What do you think of that, my young voyeur? Alice thought, wanting so much to glance over, imagining David's rapt expression. She drew out the tease, waiting several long moments to release her foundational garment. She couldn't help but tease the young man. She wondered how long he had been watching her undress. Weeks? Years? What was he now, seventeen, eighteen? she thought, her mind wandering back to her last conversation with Peggy Shaw, David's mother. She recalled with a smile that the main topic was about college admissions. Oh my... how's your endurance, David? There I was, running around the lake like a fool, when what I sought was right under my nose. Alice raised her arm, making sure to turn further toward the window. A sidelong glance confirmed her suspicions: David's head, barely visible, peeked up from the sill of the window. She dared not risk more than a fleeting look for fear of startling her young watcher. She didn't want that;, not at all. Quite the contrary. She cupped her breast with her left hand, bringing her arm across both of them, pushing them with her forearm as she strecthed her hand out wide to contain her firm fleshy globe. Then she eased the cup of the bra off her chest and slid the strap the length of her upraised arm. Her big breasts came free of their confines and did their inevitable dip that gravity required, but the combination of her breast's remarkable perkiness and her upraised arm kept them high and proudly standing off her chest. She chanced another quick glance and nearly laughed. David now sat fully in view in his window, eyes wide. His mouth hung open almost comically as he stared at her. Alice turned back toward the closet and looked through the mirror at David, watching his eyes. She stood fully in view of him, angling the mirror on her door to give him a good look at her fully nude chest. She again had to stifle a laugh: poor David was so engrossed by her display that he didn't notice her watching him in return. How cute! Enjoy the show my dear boy.... Alice closed her eyes and stretched, lifting her arms gracefully above her head. She exaggerated the motions and held the stretch for an extended period, then opened her mouth in a simulated yarn. Her taut stomach tensed slightly with the intake of air, and her arms got goosebumps thinking of the boy next door watching her. She had an overwhelming urge to run next door and sweep him into her arms, whisking him away to her bed. She opened her eyes, looking again at David, but he was nowhere to be seen. Oh, dear ... maybe he doesn't like older women after all ... pity. I could have shown him the ropes ... No sooner had the thought crossed her mind then David appeared again in the window, slinking back into a chair that barely kept his head above the level of the windowsill. He now had his binoculars. Ah. Wonderful. Alice walked slowly in view of the window to her dresser and retrieved a satiny camisole from her lingerie drawer. Her former profession allowed her to gauge just how long she could go on with the tease and still appear nonchalant and completely casual as she continued her seduction. She made a show of lifting her camisole up over her head, letting it slide down her arms until it bunched atop her marvelous chest. She placed her arms on either side, her body in profile to the window, and pulled the fabric down slowly over her erect nipples, letting out a slight gasp as the fabric stimulated them to rise further still. Her hands rose to her breasts and her fingertips grazed her growing nipples. They rose proudly to push the fabric of the cami out to the point that David almost expected the garment to tear along the deep strain lines of her clearly outmatched top. She turned back toward the mirror and looked at the binoculars aimed her way and mouthed the words: "Did you enjoy that?" She winked and left sight of the window. She laughed out loud when she heard a crash shortly thereafter. The levity was short-lived as her body shuddered with nearly uncontrollable desire from mercilessly teasing David ... and herself. As unfulfilled as she was, her sexy striptease made her already raging libido completely unbearable. She went to the window and looked over to David's room, but he was nowhere to be seen. She quickly threw on a shirt and made her way next door, where she rang the doorbell. Several minutes passed, and the door opened. A shocked David stood in disheveled clothing obviously hastily thrown together. His face was flushed and the heavy sweatshirt he selected did an admirable job of hiding his erection. "Hello, David," Alice said, her voice sultry. "Is your family home?" David's face went white. "N-no ma'am," he said. "You're here all alone, then?" "Yes," he said, and looked at Alice's feet. "Really!" she said, and grabbed him by the front of his sweatshirt. "Come with me, my young voyeur." "Wha-what-" David began, barely able to speak as Alice pulled him strongly through the doorway, his feet barely touching the ground. David was a young, lean boy ... and he was a runner! He ran cross-country and track for his high school. Alice had made sure to congratulate him the day he placed second at the last invitational of the season, wishing him luck on his trip to the district semi-finals for individual runners. She had made sure to wear one of her sexiest tops when she greeted him across the hedgerow that separated the two houses. She had masturbated furiously when she got to her house, one of the few times she ever did, and had harbored fantasies nearly identical to the situation she was now in. Never one to pass up an opportunity, Alice pulled David hard into her body and swung him around to shut his front door. "I never had a chance to congratulate you on your excellent running season this year," she said, her lips close to his ear. His body trembled against her as her full breasts pressed into his overmatched chest. "Would you like me to congratulate you now?" "Oh ... I'd ... oh my God, would I!" he moaned, suddenly finding his voice. Hopefully, none of the nosier neighbors were home, peeping through their window shades. She was past caring at that point. Alice took David's hand and rushed to her house. She dashed through the door and scooped David into her arms, barely giving him time to clear the doorway. She kicked the door shut with her foot as she ran up the stairs to her bedroom. David hung totally stunned in her arms as she turned to move sideways through the doorway. She carried him to the window facing his house. She had closed it after making getting David's attention, but anyone could see into her bedroom, especially a curious neighbor who happened to be the mother or father of the boy in her arms. Can't have that, now can we? She thought as she held David tightly to her chest. "Get the blinds, would you dear?" In a daze, David reached out and pulled the string that dropped the louvered blinds over the window. She just RAN up the stairs with him in her arms ... she wasn't even breathing hard![her bedroom is on the first floor?] As the shade hit the windowsill, Alice slid her hand up David's back and pulled him into a fiery kiss, pressing her chest hard into his body. As her lips parted from his, his eyes opened wide. His mouth moved, but no words were coming out. She knew he was trying to tell her something, but the mechanics of speech were apparently not working for him. It could wait. "You've always struck me as a shy young man, David. Are you?" "Yes ... yes, ma'am," he replied, still in a daze. "Shh. No need for those pleasantries. Alice will do fine." "Okay ... Alice." "Do you only prefer to watch, or do you enjoy being a participant?" she whispered in his ear, biting gently on his earlobe. "Participant!" he said, barely able to get the word out of his mouth. "That's just what I wanted to hear." She said and tossed him onto the bed. It wasn't far, but the authority of her limbs throwing his body told David she was easily capable of more than the few feet to the bed. "How about watching for one more minute? Then you can participate to your heart's content,." Alice said, and pulled her shirt sexily over her head. David watchgazed in rapt silence as the woman he had been watching for the last three years stripped in front of his amazed eyes. The shirt and camisole came off one at a time, then the slacks, and lastly the panties; surprisingly youthful panties, cut high on her hips. She moved so sexily, like it was impossible for her body was impossible to be anything but sexy. As she stood proudly before him, he stared, unable to even draw a breath. She was beyond incredible. Her body looked like it belonged on a much younger woman: next to no wrinkles, porcelain skin, firm curvaceous body, full, amazingly perky breasts ... nothing to indicate she was nearly old enough to be his grandmother! Alice strolled around the room, comfortable in her nakedness. David watched her glide through the room as she drew the blinds on the other windows, marveling at her body. It was firm and taut everywhere, even her amazing bosom. All of her was outrageously curvaceous and womanly, and she cast a coy glance back over her shoulder at David's amazed stare. "You're ... you're magnificent!" David breathed, awed at her flawless figure. She was so heartbreakingly beautiful! Only the laugh lines around her eyes and the tiniest hint of grey amongst her sandy blonde hair would suggest she was a day overy thirty. A smattering of light freckles scattered across the bridge of her nose and her high cheekbones further enhanced the illusion of youth. That, and those mesmerizing eyes, such a brilliant shade of blue, the color of a perfect summer sky. "Mmm ... thank you, David," Alice said, flashing her devastating smile. "I might return the same compliment to you. Such a wonderfully lean, fit body. I've caught myself several times watching you, much as you've watched me, warming up for your morning runs. I'd often thought of joining you, but I don't think that would come across as appropriate in our straight-laced little neighborhood, would it? Mmm... that lovely runner's body. Did I ever tell you how much I admired runners? You see, I have the greatest ... respect for the stamina a runner needs to excel. And I've noticed that you excel in earnest, my dear voyeur. As many accomplishments of yours that I've read about in the newspaper, I've never seen your stamina in person. I would love it if you would show it to me." She always got the same amazed look when she revealed her body to her lovers. She never tired of it, and it fueled her blazing passion as much as the nubile young boy sitting on her bed, erect as a tent post, nearly bursting with that youthful energy. "Are you ready, my young lover?" Alice said to him as she closed the last blind. "I'm ready!" David said. His quavering voice was hushed, almost reverent. "Show me that lovely young body," Alice said turning to face him. David stood and pulled his sweatshirt over his head, revealing a slim, yet tightly muscled chest and arms. Alice could feel her temperature rise as she watched with nearly the same rapt expression as David had for her. Her breathing quickened, and she could feel the wetness grow in her womanhood, so eager to test this young man's mettle. She felt a nearly irresistible urge to rush across the room, rip the remainder of his clothes from his body and throw him down on the bed. Patience, Alice ... good things come to those who wait ... She mentally chided herself. David appeared self-conscious as he dropped his top to the floor. She thought for a minute he was going to cover his bulging pajama pants with his hands, and nearly chuckled at the thought. "May I see the rest of you?" Alice asked, prodding him gently along. "Okay ... ." David said hesitantly, and nervously brought his hands to the waistband of his pants. He started pulling them slowly, unsurely. His unintentional tease made Alice squirm, and she felt her womanhood practically gushing in anticipation. Oh God, she thought, I thought I was seducing HIM.... She struggled to restrain herself, but it was futile. Her body began a purposeful, graceful walk toward him. He almost shrank away from her confidence, her sheer force of personality, but held his ground, pants midway down his hips. The head of his penis now poked out of his waistband, the glans glistening with his arousal. Unable to bear it any longer, Alice knelt in front of David, who was visibly trembling with excitement. She fed off it, driving herself into a frenzy of passion, and brought her hands to his, drawing his pants down. David's nervousness made hims resist the slightest bit, but Alice's arms pulled them down despite the tension in his arms, overcoming his muscles surprisingly easily. They dropped to the floor as she ran her hands back up his tightly muscled thighs, unintentionally flexed in his eagerness. She nearly salivated as she felt his virile young body. "Oh, my G- ... ooh!" David moaned as her breath blew across his manhood, causing David to swoon above her. Alice licked her lips as she faced his erection, pausing to admire him. She cast her eyes up to David's flushed face, her own face flushed and lusty, exuding an incredible sexual aura that nearly overwhelmed poor David's inexperienced body. "May I?" she whispered to him. "Y ... yes," he moaned, and Alice's lips closed over his erection, drawing the glans into her mouth. "Nnnghh!" David moaned loudly, and swayed. Alice's hands immediately closed on his hips almost crushingly strongly, holding David in place. She knew he would be nearly instantaneous, so aroused, so eager, but she also knew his fires could be stoked back to blazing almost as quickly. It had been years since she had taken such a young lover so young, but she remembered with relish the almost constant erection the last young man had maintained, and the hours of pleasure she lavished upon his hard young body. He was a swimmer, Jamal was his name, and he had had remarkable endurance, nearly matching her own. She loved how hise dark skin glistened as he sweated, his body so lean and hard in her hands. She hoped fervently that David would be his equal. After the last disappointment, she didn't know if she could bear another. True to her thoughts, David was unable to hold out before she could slide her lips down his shaft, the mere act of running her tongue on the underside of his penis unleashing a massive orgasm. His body went completely slack in her arms, and she felt the increased strain as she held his body up. It was times like this that she wished to have the tiniest fraction of her daughter's fathomless strength. She was able to keep David on his feet, as it were, but it was more of a struggle for her, especially in her awkward position. Another reason she so seldom kneeled for any man. Usually they kneeled for her. Sweet David, she thought, you have me so excited! You have literally brought me to my knees. But now it's time for a little fun of my own. "Close your eyes, dear boy," she said, taking his member from her mouth for the briefest momentperiod. He was shaking like a leaf, he was so aroused. His hands came down to rest against her shoulders, and Alice decided to enjoy her young lover's endowment in one of her favorite ways. She was never thrilledone to kneel at anyone's feet; her dignity simply wouldn't allow it. As much as she was enjoying fellating David, that strong sense of self required her to be in control. She tightened her arms around David's legs and rose, holding him tightly to her full chest. Her strong legs tensed and lifted his body lightly from the floor as she rose to her full height. David was so lost in the moment he barely stirred as his body rose smoothly, and Alice watched his eyes as he shuddered, still overwhelmed by the sensations her mouth was producinged in him. She walked to the wall near her closet, wanting its support as she held his hips close to her face. The tiop of his head brushed her bedroom ceiling as she held him high above her, pushing her body in tightly against his legs. Alice again used her skillful mouth on David's manhood, teasing his cock back to an erection in minutes. "Oh, wonderful, David! Your fortitude is just aswhat I hoped it would be." Alice held David high, cradling his hips tightly in her hands, feeling the muscles of his legs tighten as her breasts pushed hard into him. David's hands felt the swell of her strong neck and shoulders, but didn't register the hardness under his hands. She kept him in a nearly constant state of arousal, his moans echoing through the room. Alice's expert mouth brought him again over the edge, and she crushed his body against her as she felt his climax. His body continued to sway in his afterglow, and Alice took the time to gently suck on his penis, savoring the feel of it in her mouth as she coaxed the last of his seed out of him. "Oh David, I know you have more for me, don't you?" she said as she watched his face. "You have so much more where that came from ... I know you do. I want it, my young lover. I want it all!" She moved her mouthlips to his balls and mouthed them, causing David to squirm in her arms. She licked and nibbled him with abandon, feeling her arousal wash over her. "I need you, David ... I need you so badly!" Alice said, and crushed his legs even harder to her in her lustful frenzy, causing David to wince at the unexpected pressure. Alice quickly moved David over to her bed, nearly knockbashing his head offon the overhead light in the center of her room in her urgency. She lowered his body, sliding it down over her ripe curves. David opened his eyes partway down and was amazed to see how high he was. His eyes were level with the tops of the closet door. "Oh my God ... " he breathed as he slid down her remarkable body. She stopped at his words, holding him steady. Then she lifted him again, more slowly this time, watching his amazed reaction as he rose. "Do you like this? Mmm, you do, don't you? I can never be sure until I try, but you don't seem to be intimidated. Maybe it turns you on. It does to me, David, feeling you in my arms ... oh, so much! Since you've been such a good boy, I thought I'd share this with you. It'll be our little secret." She held him high for several minutes, letting the realization sink in, then slowly let him slide down her curves. His feet touched the floor and Alice looked into his eyes, relishing his arousal, or amazement ... either would do. As long as it wasn't fear or revulsion. Alice guided his body to the mattress until he sat before her. Her thighs moved around his and she seatedsat herself on his lap, sliding her womanhood along the front of his penis, driving herself mad with lust. Her full breasts sat to either side of his face, pushing into his cheeks. She twisted at the waist and slid their full, round forms against his mouth, shuddering with her excitement as her nipple traced over his lips. Her womanhoodpussy lips rubbed against his partially erect manhood and parted, the full labia slid along his shaft. She writhed against him, bathing his cock in her wetness. David latched onto one of her erect nipples and pushed his face deeply into her breast. The supple flesh closed over his face until it vanished from her sight. The turgid nipple in his mouth further hardened as his lips pulled greedily on it. "Oooh ... ." Alice moaned, rubbing her pussy strongly against his penis, pushing into his body with her solid thighs. Her hips undulated so erotically, so fluidly ... she was the most enticing woman David had ever encountered. All of the pretty young women he desired in his school were completely forgotten, erased from his memory by this irresistable mature siren perched on his lap. Her sexuality pushed through his youthful uncertainly like an invading army, overwhelming his senses, conquering his inhibitions, unleashing his raw lust in a flood of passion. David pulled her strongly into his body, his hands gripping her full, surprisingly firm ass into him, devouring her breasts in a fit of mad passion. His urgency excited Alice as much as she had prayed it would. She was dying to have him in her. "Oh, that's it, David! Let yourself go. Take me, lover. Take me!" She deftly maneuvered her hips up over his newly engorged penis and took him into her. He thrust up into her so forcefully, out of control, mad with passion. He pulled so hard on her, and she let out a cry of sheer joy at his eagerness. The sensation coursed through her with unbelievable intensity, and she had to force herself not to scream at the top of her lungs. She came almost immediately, and almost laughed when she thought of her gentle reproof of his quick release. But she had so many more to share with him this day. She rode David hard, driving down onto him as strongly as he did into her. Their hips pounded against each other, the loud slap of flesh on flesh echoing through the room. Her moans rose with each passing minute, the need in her voice so urgent as she pulled David's body against her, burying his face in her abundant chest. She came twice more in the span of twenty minutes, and rose up, rearing for more. Oh, God yes! This is just what I needed! Oh, why didn't I think of him before now? After an impressively long time, David's arousal crested and he came hard into her, thrusting up as his body twitched and spasmed under her. Alice pushed her thighs together, crushing David to her, riding his forceful ejaculation, controlling his movements. His youthful vigor intoxicated her, driving her mad with desire. She had come so many times, and so quickly. Her last young lover hadn't been able to do that to her. She had lost count she was enjoying him so much, but she knew he wasn't completely spent, and she wanted more ... so much more. Alice bent forward slightly, reaching down to hold David's body against her and lifted with her legs, bringing David's body up off the bed, holding him tightly to her still-twitching pussy. "Slide back, my sweet lover," she said and David put his hands down on the mattress, pulling them onto the bed. She rode him down as she held to him, and toppled forward. Their bodies dropped onto the mattress, and she brought her arms around his head, burying his head in her huge chest as they hit. Her breasts softened the impact of her body on him and she quickly maneuvered them around until they were centered on the bed with her under him. She could feel his slightly erect penis still pulsing with his recent climax. He squirmed in her strong arms, the sensations of her vaginal's muscles contracting around his manhood shooting jolts of electricity through his body, overwhelming his sensitive penis. "Ahh ... ahh ... oh, oh God," David's muffled voice said through the incredible mass of Alice's breasts, and he thrashed against her. "Shh ... shh, dear boy. Hold still," she said, and her strong arms held him tightly. "There, that's better. Just rest for a second. Wait until it's not so sensitive. Yes, that's it. That's my lover. Yes ... oh, you feel so good in me. Your lips feel so good on me. Your body feels so wonderful, so strong and so incredibly sexy. Oh, David, oh yes." She held David's shoulders up with her arms, giving him some room to breathe. He had been pressed to her bosom for so long, she wanted to make sure he hadn't passed out. His face was so flushed, eyes tightly shut in his afterglow, his breaths coming in gasps. He opened his eyes, and she could see the sheer adoration in them. That was the way it went sometimes with the young ones, that puppy love. Her pussy gushed anew at the look of total surrender to her. He was hers, whenever she wanted. She looked forward to having him at her beck and call this summer. She began to compile a list of "chores" that would provide a believable excuse for his presence at her house at school's end. She had her own curriculum for him this summer. Too bad she didn't own a swimming pool, they require constant care. "Oh, God, Alice! You're so... you're just... so... I l-" he began and Alice placed her finger over his lips. "Oh, not yet, dear lover. Just hold onto me. That's it. Put your hands on me. Mmm, yes ... touch me, David. " His hands immediately rose to the breasts resting just below his face, so remarkably firm and full. He held one with both hands and pushed the engorged nipple into his mouth, and Alice let out a hiss of pleasure as his lips suckled her hard. He was biting at her nipple as he sucked it, and it was driving her again over that loomnearing precipice. Her hand heldgripped the back of his head, holding his mouth onto her breast, pushing it deeply into her flesh. "Oh, David ... yes!" she cried and came again, lifting him slightly with her hips as she pushed up against him, gently up and down as she came. "More, David, give me more. Make love to me... show me that fantastic endurance." She coaxed Davidhim back to full erection with her impossibly curvy body, the lush flesh driving David wild. He drove into her, so long and hard, his hips slamming into her full hips, his chest pressing into her breasts. Her hands cradled his head and her lips sought his, holding them in her kiss. Alice was increasingly impressed with this young buck... no. This young stallion... oh what a lover he will be when the summer is through! David rode atop his own personal sex goddess for an even longer period, until his arms were weak with fatigue, and Alice OK over[??], moving her hands down to his hips, and slowly sliding him upward by pushing his hips upward with her arms! It only took a few of those unbelievable lifts for David to come again, this time with Alice's climax right on top of his. He dropped down onto her chest, and she stroked his head as he nestled into her breasts, letting out a long, shuddering sigh. She let him rest until his breathing slowed to normal. He began kissing every single bit of flesh his lips could reach, and a low growl was coming from his lips. She reached down to his hips and began anew. Her voracious sexual appetite was easily the match of Terri's, but her experience was vastly superior. David would get to learn all about it. Alice rolled him over and rose up, straddling his hips and pinning his arms to the bed. David rose up, or tried to, but was surprised to discover that Alice was more than capable of keeping his arms right where they were. She slid her feet under his knees and pulled his body tightly into hers, and David again showed his amazement that Alice was so strong. Her first amazing show of strength apparently went completely forgotten in his rapture. She would remind him. He tested her limbs again, this time more aroused than surprised, and she smiled down at his appreciative look. "Mmm, I love that look. I never tire of seeing it. Are you curious, my sweet? Most men are when they realize. They have to test themselves against me. Would you like to see just how strong I am?" Alice released her advantageous position and let David raise his hands up. She guided them to her breasts and sighed as his hands kneaded the supple flesh. "Keep your hands right there, my dear. If you can hold them there for say, ten seconds, I'll be at your service all summer, day or night. Available for your every whim. I daresay I can't lose either way." "Don't you have a condition if you win?" he asked, excited at this new game. "No, my lover. What more could I want than what you've already given so freely? I was concerned that you might not join me, but you were so eager, so excited. Hmmm ... I suppose if I had to name a price for my victory, it would be for you to come over to visit during the summer. I'm sure I could find something for you to do." She let David knead her breasts in his hands for a while longer, savoring the feel of his eager fingers upon her flesh. She arched back and let him fondle her for such a long time, nearly changing her mind in showing off for him. She put her hands over his, and helped him touch her the way she liked: pinching her nipples, pulling on them, sliding his palms up over the huge swell of her breasts to nearly her neck, then back down to cup their fullness, or at least as much as he could. They spread out beyond his fingers in every direction, so huge and heavy. "Oh, your hands feel so good, I don't want them to leave ... but a deal is a deal. Are you ready?" "Yes!" David nearly yelled, as awestruck as he was. "Begin," Alice said, and for the first few seconds, he thought he was holding on. Then he saw her amused look. "...Five, six, seven... shall I begin, my dear?" Her hands closed around his wrists so hard that he gasped, and easily pulled them off her breasts. He pushed to his utmost, the prize being so desirable, but it was no use. She controlled him without any apparent strain. She smiled that heartbreakingly gorgeous smile the entire time. "Are you surprised, my sweet? Every man I've ever shown is. The question is, can you deal with it, or does it hurt your pride too much? I'm sorry if it does." She had such a gentle look on her face, almost like she was apologetic, like she wanted to make it easier to accept. His heart melted utterly. "It's wonderful...." he sighed, and she felt his arms go slack. "My dear David, you may enjoy this as much as I do! That's so rare... ooh, do you feel what it does to me?" She rose up on him, and her womanly juices gushed around his manhood, running down his shaft. She was so incredibly wet! "Let's try one more time... oh, God, I love this so much!" Alice slowly slid up and down his shaft, her legs flexing strongly. She was even wetter, if that was possible! "Tell me how turned on you are by my body, David. I need to hear how much you worship me. Tell me, lover." "I-I'm so turned on!" David said, and she felt his body tremble. "You're so wonderful... so strong. So sexy! Your body is so hard... but it's so curvy... I feel like I'm going to lose my mind! How can you be so sexy... so perfect?" Alice slid on his shaft as he praised her, and she felt the knot tighten in the pit of her belly, that epic, all-consuming orgasm that was occasionally the thundering crescendo of her marathon lovemaking sessions, the one that only crested when she was so totally and utterly aroused. She was so excited David was going to bring that out of her! It began its inexorable rise as his adoration washed over her. Yes, he was hers to take as she pleased. He would do anything she asked of him. Her control was complete. But she had this last demonstration of her undeniable power... the one that would push her so far over the edge and take her to that place she hadn't reached since she lost her beloved Janek.... Oh, God! What a summer this is going to be! "Are you ready to try again?" she was gasping for breath, suddenly shaking above him. "Are you all right?" David asked, worried she had hurt herself by holding him down. "I am so unbelievably all right, David! Give me your hands." Alice took David's proffered hands in hers, then moved both hands to press against her right hand, one palm over the other. Their fingers spread out against each other's and a light pressure pushed against David's limbs. "No way...!" David moaned. "No way!" "Yes, dear," Alice said, and David could almost see her arousal climbing as she put more pressure on his hand. "Can you stop me? Show me, David." Her left hand released David's and he wrapped both of his hands around hers, pushing with both of his palms her single mighty limb. Alice sat atop him, and started to lift her head up, and her pretty chin pointed toward the ceiling. Her left hand drifted to her breast, and she began kneading it as the pressure on David's hands increased further. A moan escaped her lips. "Oh....oh, oh David! I'm getting so hot, oh... are you ready?" Alice was kneading her breast in a frenzy, her fingers pinching and pulling hard on her nipple. She was forcing David's arms, both of his arms, down toward the center of his chest, and not even concentrating on it! She seemed totally consumed in her mounting orgasm, and he felt tremors in her legs as they tightened against him strongly. Her hand kept moving forward, and the muscles in her arm stood out as David's shaking hands were forced down. He stared at them, unable to comprehend what he was seeing right in front of his eyes. "H-how... how is this possible?" he moaned, and his hips began rocking up into hers as his excitement grew. "I'm so much stronger than you, David." Alice moaned. "This body is so strong, my lover. My arm is more than a match for both of yours... can you feel it? Here, try again." She relaxed her arm, smoothly controlling David's limbs as he pushed upward, until their mass of hands pressed into her chest, right between her breasts. "There, that's as much of a handicap as I can give you. Try to keep me from touching your hands to your chest for as long as you can...." Alice began sliding her body up David's cock again. She didn't push against him, but the hand kneading her breast began sinking deeper into the flesh, and her moans became more desperate, more plaintive in their tone. "Are... you pushing, David? Ooh... oh, I can't feel... uh.... ohh... you pushing... push hard... hard as you can... oh, God, your cock is so hard... so hard... push, David! Here I go.... ooooh!" Alice extended her arm forward and David nearly cried out. She pushed his hands down to his chest like they weren't even resisting... so quickly, so easily! His hardest effort, every last ounce of strength he could muster, wasn't enough to even give her a second's struggle! The crushing dominating weight of that realization washed over him, and he watched her incredibly curvaceous, bounteous body rise above him like the sexual goddess she had become in his eyes, so irresistable, so powerful, that his body wrenched back into the mattress and he came harder than he had ever come in his life. Nothing even came close. Alice likewise had crested that nearly insurmountable summit of that penultimate climax, and was coming, her juice flooding out of her. He felt her incredible hard thighs hold him firmly between them, and her single powerful hand pin both of his hands effortlessly to his chest. Alice lay on top of David, surrounding him with her overwhelmingly sensual presence. They held each other, sharing soft kisses, their mouths exploring each other's. After she felt he had rested a bit, Alice rose up again, placing her hand over David's heart on his chest. "Do you like that, David, being controlled? Doesn't it feel good, letting yourself relax, completely and utterly, having me lavish your wonderful body in my affection? You've made me feel so fantastic today, David, better than I've felt in so long. I want to show you how much I appreciate it." "You've done so much... I want to give you what you've given me. Please let me worship you, my goddess."[teenage boys don't know how to talk this way] "No David, my sweet lover, I need you right where you are." Alice bent down to him, putting her hands on either side of his head. Her breasts hung inches from his face, and as she started rising up on his hardening cock, her amazing bountiful breasts bumped gently into his face. He could feel their great weight even through that soft contact... they were so full! Alice rode him, so slowly and gently, taking minutes to ascend and descend. Her pussy massaged his cock like doszens of tiny fingers everywhere on his shaft. She took one hand and pulled his face into her breasts, and had him suckle her the entire time she rode him. His hands would wrap around one huge breast and suckle it, licking the thick nipple and big round areola surrounding it, then moving over to repeat the same loving attention to the other. They stayed like this for hours, rising to another thunderous orgasm, taking so much longer than the others. Their tryst lasted the rest of the morning, when they paused briefly for lunch. Alice could only resist his alluring presence for so long, though, and their meal rapidly devolved into an extended foreplay. They ended up on the kitchen floor, sharing bites of food as they explored each other further. Their lovemaking took on a different tone, with Alice showing him just what to do to bring her to rapture. He was a quick study, and so eager to please. The afternoon saw them settle into a comfortable rhythm of sex and cosseting, with David getting his wish, worshipping every inch of Alice's amazing body. She finally wore the poor young man out, subjecting him to an epic sexual marathon the likes of which she hadn't experienced since her husband had died so unexpectedly. It was a shame he was so much younger, a lover so enthusiatic and giving came along so seldom. Alice finally lay back on her sweat-soaked bed, the room heavy with the scent of their lovemaking. David lay with his head cushioned on her prodigous bosom, the most sublime smile gracing his youthful features. She stroked his head as he slept, purring in her complete satisfaction. The lessons she would give him this summer should make him a veritable Lothario when he went away to college in the fall... the least she could do for such a spectacular performance. He came to her a shy, unsure boy. She would make him a man. An AdonisCasanova. As eager as dear Terri was to share her lovely Eric with Alice, she almost thought of confiding this most satisfying conquest to her daughter, then shook her head with a chuckle. David's head bobbed atop her quaking breasts, but he didn't so much as stir. She guided his mouth to her rapidly hardening nipple, coaxing him latch onto her in his slumber. No;, no confidance, no sharing of this guilty pleasure. This was for her and her alone... one of her little victories. They came along so seldom. This was just what I needed! she thought as she watched David's head rise and fall high atop her breasts, her deep, even breaths lending a fitting symnetry to this most pleasant denouement. She thought about what the summer would bring, and if they could their union a secret. Then she settled back, and took a deep, languid breath, loving how David rose so high atop her bosom when she did that. To hell with the consequences, she thought. Seize the day!