Lift and Dominate
Strong Women who like to take care of their men. These men are completely
outclassed and do anything they are told.
- The women in DanBoyII's
stories can easily but gently handle the men. Jennifer
wins the powerlifting, and then wins him.
- GG writes
stories of magnificent horsewomen and the men who end up serving them. Try Riding
Lessons - Chapter 1.
- Karen
discovers that she is not only stronger than her husband, but is able to
dominate him. Start with Chapter
Mistress Mona's stable A tale of four strong men,
totally overwhelmed and dominated by one small women,
Wanderer has a collection of stories about Frank and
Jim and how they are completely overwhelmed by Jim's little sister Maddy.
The plot develops over a dozen stories but the first is
In the Closet.
Amazon Island by
Sonntag. Jonathon is taken away to Amazon Island
My Swedish Vacation - chapter 1 by
Valerafon A collection of stories in which Jim finds himself surrounded and dominated
by beautiful, sexy and very tall Swedish sisters.
Dec 2002