Obsession: The Story of Cara A story about an 18 year-old girl's uncontrollable muscle building desire Note - Well folks, after a long hiatus I finally have both the ambition and time to write again. Admittedly, I should have contributed more often over the past year or so but alas I am here now with a new story for all of you. In Obsession: The Story of Cara; I want to get away from the magic, science-fiction, and sort of anomalous topics that I drafted before. While I enjoyed doing those (and surely will again), this time I am portraying female muscle growth with a harder, grittier, real-life edge with some slight exaggerations of course =). This is a gradual growth story, so you'll have to be somewhat patient to get to the good stuff, but fear not it will definitely be worth it (promise!!). With that said, I will not subject you to any further boredom. Enjoy the story and of course all comments, concerns, compliments, and insults are more than welcomed to be e-mailed to me at fmgnut@yahoo.com. My bookshelf on Diana the Valkyrie is: NHLcoolers. Bodybuilding, the physical drive for one to develop and transform their bodies. For the first 18 years of my life I hadn't the slightest idea that such a sport (for women) ever existed. My name is Cara and what you are about to read is a tale of discovery, fixation, passion from the once-little girl that was Cara Dolce. My story begins at the inexperienced age of 18. I just graduated high school when my life took a turn for the worse. Of course, my looser 20 year-old boy friend dumped me for no apparent reason after a year of dating. But even worse was that my parents (who have frankly always been a couple of assholes...) literally kicked me out of our 1 bedroom apartment that the three of us shared for nearly a decade. They said that they were "finally washing their hands of the most expensive mistake they ever made," in that they felt that 18 years of dreadful parenting fulfilled their obligation towards me. I was simply devastated. I did well in high school and had ambitions of going to college, but in an instant that seemingly promising future was taken from me. I pleaded and begged with them for hours, but it was to no avail. Fortunately, my best friends parents owned a 8-family apartment complex on the south side of town; after hearing my cries to my their daughter Ashley they were so heartbroken, that they let me movie in for a fraction of the rent it would normally cost to live there. I already had a job - I worked nights as a waitress at a local restaurant - but with the expense of living on my own I desperately needed a way to make more money. I looked around for a few days and eventually found another waitressing gig for the mornings at a small dinner only 7 blocks from my apartment. While the timing of these two jobs was perfect for each other (10am-3pm at the dinner, 9pm-2am at the restaurant) I wasn't even just getting by. There wasn't enough money to cover even my necessary expenses; again fortunately for me, Ashley's parents were extremely understanding and allowed me to give them "whatever I could afford" and I always did but that didn't rest well with me. Tiered, disgusted, and emotionally drained I needed a way to make more money. Nearly 3 weeks into my job at the dinner, I was called in early one morning; obviously, frantic for some cash, I came in at 7 am instead of my usual 10. Around 7:15, I was wiping down a table in the corner of the room when I saw 4 utterly gorgeous (but oddly scantily dressed) girls walk into the dinner. I was taken back by their beauty; not only were they facially beautiful but their bodies were amazing! They looked liked they could be on the cover of Maxim magazine! Long, shapely legs with sexy calves; tight midsections with a line going down the middle (one girl even had faint definition of her top two abs showing); hot, round bubble-butts, nicely toned arms with no sag/jiggle at all, and of course a nice pair of big full breasts. On top of their super-model figures each of them were tanned to absolute perfection, depicting a deep golden bronze from head to toe. Now, aside from their stunning appearance, there was another aspect of them that I envied: money. While watching passively as I worked, I saw each girl bring out a wad of cash from their respective purses and proceed to count giddily as if they had hit a casino jackpot. Confused and bewildered, I asked Santos (the part-time chef) to explain the situation to me. He said those four girls were strippers at Club Fantasies downtown and had been coming here for years (always having a lot of cash on hand, he remarked). Of course, now this whole situation made sense to me; I finished the rest of my shift contemplating the events of that morning. Upon arriving home, I instantly went into my bedroom and gazed into the mirror. Although I have a very cute face and oddly large boobs (36D) for someone of my build, 5'4", 100 gangly pounds and strangely pale wasn't exactly stripper material. To accomplish any goal you need to have a driving force, and for me it was an easy one: money. If I made the kind of cash those girls did, I wouldn't need to work two crummy jobs, be almost pathetically poor, and have virtually no social life. I was out of options. I had no college credits, no career, and - because of this - I saw stripping as a viable way out of poverty for me. It was clear to see what I needed to do in order to get a job of this nature: my face was there, no need to worry I'm pretty enough; I needed to work on my oh-so-boney body. I craved that sexy, toned, feminine physique that will make men give me their kid's college funds with the slightest glance of my body. But, with zero money to join a gym or fitness center of even the most meager kind, I needed another effective way to shape up. As I mentioned above, I was a college bound student, so I was resourceful enough to do some research on fitness through the city's library computers. I found that body-weight exercises (if done precisely!) were an excellent way to shape my body at practically no cost. The routine I conjured up hit nearly every part of my body: Chest/Triceps= Push ups, Biceps/Back= Chin ups (using the metal bar installed high in my closet), Quads/Hamstrings/Gluteus= Squats (with my arms fully extended, held at shoulder height), Calves= Toe Raises, and finally Abs= Sit ups. I had read that the key to body-weight exercises is that they be done with slow, exhausting, and meticulous reps that will hit the target area with amazing precision, for that toned, sleek look that I needed to possess. Strategy for my belly would take a slightly different turn; I performed my sit-ups the moment I rose in the morning, with no food in my stomach I would be burning pure fat from my frame. I decided to work out 5 days a week (doing only one muscle "group" a day), performing each exercise for 15 sets to failure. But this routine would only be a portion of the battle, from what I gathered from my reading; my diet would be instrumental to my fitness goals. While of course I am on an extremely limited budget; even I can make simple, coast conscience adjustments that would aid me dramatically. Instead of eating my usual junk food (cookies/chips/ soda), I would buy items like tuna, chicken, and turkey with only water to drink. In total, it would be a dramatic change to my life-style but it was one that I believed could get my life out of this terrible rut. Thus my fitness mission began; I quickly found out that my body responded well to fitness activities, even after the first few days I could feel these simple exercises beginning to shape and mold my skinny frame. Right from the first rep, I used impeccable form (not cheating in any way- I knew that wouldn't get me anywhere) and because of such strictness, for each exercise I could only do about 6-8 repetitions per set at first (except abs, which I managed to do around 15 reps). As days turned to weeks and weeks into 2 months I literally saw my body slowly change workout by workout. While of course, I couldn't be the cover girl for a fitness web site; I thought the results were rather impressive for a relatively short period of time with zero gym equipment. Again I gazed into the mirror, and this time in place of a frail waif; I saw a sexy, taunt 18 year old hottie. Smiling with self-indulgence, I couldn't help but run my hands all over my new flat stomach that showed definition in my budding obliques, tight thighs and calves that resembled a high-school sprinter, arms with an ever-so-slight hint of tricep showing, and lusciously round and toned tits and ass. After applying the cheap tanning ointment my dark bronze body looked even better, I simply couldn't stop smiling because of how ridiculously fucking hot I looked! Now, I was ready and I knew it. Slipping into a slutty outfit and heels, I made my way to Club Fantasies. It was 4 pm, and the place was dead; as I approached the end of the entrance hallway I was confronted by a man in a red suit. "Miss, the performers enter from the back," he said with a hint of annoyance on his voice, I replied "Actually, I was looking for a job Mr....?"; he then quickly responded "Stevens, Walter Stevens and judging on looks alone you're more than qualified. I am the manager here; you start tonight!" My materialistic ambition worked out marvelously and although I quit my other jobs, I was making triple the pay while working less than half the hours. I'd been working at Fantasies for 3 months and, as I indicated, the money was amazing; I was pulling about $1,500 a week on average. With my escalated income, I moved into a much nicer apartment around the edge of the city, bought a new convertible, and of course joined a fancy gym to keep up the money maker (a.k.a my new stripper body). So, as you can see everything was going to plan and I could not have been happier... until an event took place that would forever change my life. Sunday, August 17th, around 3:30am I was walking my round, tight ass to my car in a practically empty parking lot after yet another lucrative night on the job. I heard the voice of some drunk looser who but not 15 minutes ago dumped a cool $400 in my thong while salivating at my big, firm boobies; he said "Hey SLUT, you didn't think I was going to let you keep my money, did ya?" With a cocky grin a replied "Get lost bud, before I get security to kick the shit out of you." Satisfied with myself, I turned and faced the door of my car when suddenly a large cold hand grasped my shoulder and spun me around. Then the brute hit me with a powerful backhand that instantly sent me falling to the ground. He jumped on top of me and I felt his dick harden and grow through the fabric of his pants as it pressed into my thigh. He then whispered to me "What's the matter, cunt? Not so confident when you have to defend your weak and helpless self, are you?" Just as the asshole brought himself up to unzip his pants, an uncontrollable fury came over me; almost on instinct I lifted my toned thighs up and drove my knees into his soft gut. Grasping his midsection he fell backwards to the ground, were he lay almost unconscious because of the excruciating pain I just put him in. Moments later, security from the club dragged his near motionless body from the ground and threw him out of the lot. I thanked them and again turned to the door of my car, but before I drove home I found myself staring at my athletic quads that fit very nicely into my new jean skirt. I spent a good portion night contemplating this new sensation I was feeling. As I thought about the incident, I soon realized that I liked it, I liked the pain I caused him, but most of all I liked the power I had. I woke at 1 pm and called my best friend Ashley and told her about what had happened. After detailing the encounter, I blurted out the truth to her: "Ashley, I liked it!" Sounding somewhat confused she said, "Liked what Cara, coming close to getting raped?" I replied, "No, the power Ashley. I hurt that scumbag bad and I enjoyed how strong I felt doing it. In these last 3 months I've really been hitting the gym hard you know." She said, "Yea I know Cara, I've been there with you everyday, but babes you look like you should be on the cover of Playboy now, not Flex magazine." It was in this moment that it hit me, what if instead of toning and shaping, I decided to build and grow my muscles? Sure, why not? I see big muscle bitches in the gym all the time, I could only imagine how strong and powerful they are. And to be perfectly honest since I've been going to this gym, I started to like - I mean really liiiikke - that muscle look on women; in fact it had been forcing me to question my sexuality. Seeing all of that sexy, ripped bulk straining the seems of their flimsy gym attire was enough to make me rip my panties off! It was decided: I wanted that power, I wanted those fucking MUSCLES. But I was no fool, I knew that if I went on my "she-hulk" quest and succeeded - which I WILL - the club would of course fire me for sure. With the possibility of financial problems yet again on my mind, I decided to do more research before I went all out. It took me a couple of weeks, but I found what I was looking for; through my own detective work I discovered an underground fighting league for only muscular women right in the heart of the city. The following night when I was off, I decided to check it out. The information I got was dead-on accurate, the fights were held on Wednesday nights in the basement of an old factory complex that had been abandoned years prior. I headed underground and stopped when I came to a metal door. I signaled at the camera to my right and the eye piece in the door slid open at the top. The brutish man on the other side said, "Come on in gorgeous; I hope your wagers bring you fortune tonight." "Don't worry buddy," I thought silently, "the next time you see me you'll be sending me to the competitors area." I flashed a smile and went into the crowded stands. The cage had only one door, and only one girl was coming out of it alive; the matches here were held in the nude and were till death (which explains why the fights are so popular). The fight card was made randomly, it all depended on how many women showed. The audience would bet on the girls and the organizers and the performers would take a cut of the cash. Rumor had it that a win in the cage would score the victor around $10,000, depending on the size of the audience's bets. This all seemed devilishly intriguing to me, but here again, I am no idiot. These girls were worked; large, vascular muscles were bulging all over the frames of these babes and I was in no hurry to get myself killed. It would take me time, but I'll be there someday (I said to myself as I drove home that night after checking the venue out). So with that, I devised another plan of attack. I would start working out and eating like a hardcore bodybuilder immediately. When it became obvious to the owner of the strip club, he would fire me, but by then (hopefully) I will have built up such a big surplus that I could go a while without working until I could hang with the big girls. And at that point, I'll compete in the cage and get back that financial security again. Every waking second that I wasn't working or sleeping I immersed myself into the bodybuilding world. I extensively researched proper nutrition, training, and the always mysterious genetics factor. I was ready to go, I had everything I needed to get huge (or so I thought, but more on this later); I possessed the knowledge, facility (brand new, fully equipped 24 hour gym I belonged to), and most importantly the unwavering desire to grow, in fact I guess you could call it an...obsession. Right from the start my body began to respond quickly to weight training. Within 2 weeks I could feel a difference, I could actually feel my small, fit muscles being stimulated by the weights of my intense bodybuilding training regimen. I felt like a volcano ready to erupt, as if in a moments instance I was going to transform into a Ms. Olympia competitor. By week 6 I could actually see a difference. Early one Sunday morning, around 3:40 am, I was hitting my biceps with some standing alternating curls. Since I began a little over a month earlier, I already moved up in weight in all exercises including this one; I started with those insulting pink 10-pound girl dumbbells and now I am up to the 17.5's. While finishing my grueling 12th rep, I imagined my biceps exploding out of my arms with hideously massive, hard jagged peaks; I enjoyed the thought as I completed the set, taking note of the wet on my pussy of spandex workout shorts. Racking the dumbbells I was soaked with sweat, reaching back to pull my dripping hair out of my pretty face I peered in on my arms and said, "Oh my god, I'm getting bigger!" I looked up at the mirror and flexed into a double bicep pose. Out popped 2 tiny bumps that I swear weren't there but a week before, absolutely giddy I began to flex my hardest all over and I saw similar progress all over my body; especially in my legs and stomach. My belly had a sexy line going down the middle with tighter obliques on the sides, and my legs had become even more shapely with slightly bigger quads and claves. After flexing, I literally ran to the empty locker room and quickly gulped down my post-workout protein shake. When finishing I looked towards the mirror where a single stream of shake missed my mouth and ran down my chin; standing there, breathing heavy I again acknowledged the changes that were already occurring in my body as I let my eyes dance across my physique. This preliminary progress wasn't quite enough to get me fired from the strip club, but I was certainly on my way and loving every second of it. Crushing the plastic bottle in my hand, I threw it in the trash and skipped my now slightly tighter, rounder, more protruding butt to my car, drove home, and went to bed, I had growing to do! (if you're not sleeping, you're not growing, baby!!) Another 2 months had passed since the discovery of my progress and I was now 18.5 years old. Speaking of progress, things continued to go nicely. When I began training I was 5'3" 103lbs. with 12% body fat, I am now 114lbs. with 9% bodyfat. Numerically, it may seem like not much has changed, but believe me a 3% drop in body fat and an 11-pound weight gain of pure, solid, unsaturated muscle is amazing for a girl my size who has only been training a hair over 3 months. I decided to workout before I went into work on Wednesday and lucky for me it was leg day, my absolute fucking favorite body part to train. In the locker room I slid my tiny grey cotton shorts over my glutes (yes I actually have a kind of noticeable "buff butt" now!!). I smirked as I can feel that my ass was filling out the shorts more and more every time I put them on. Walking to the hallway that accessed the gym, I stopped and shot in the mirror; I looked like a figure competitor now; tight, firm, and toned all over with distinguishable parts. I love training legs, I love the pump they get, I love the feeling of my shorts getting tighter around my growing thighs, but mostly I love letting the handle fly and going all out in training them as I do with every other part. After a grueling 2-hour workout, my legs were fucking worked. I finished my last set of presses with 2 45-lb plates on each side. Walking back to the locker room I felt my legs pulse with new muscles like never before; the teardrop was actually getting noticeable and they are certainly thicker overall, even through my hamstrings. After I changed, I returned home and had to go to work, and finally the inevitable happened. I headed directly to the changing room, but was confronted by the owner, Mr. Stevens; "Cara, please come with me" he said. We entered his office, and I was pretty sure he didn't want a blowjob, he sat behind his desk and said "You know I hired you 4 months ago now because you were a knockout, you could give a fucking guy a hard on just by looking at him; now you still have that gorgeous face, but I've been noticing your body has been getting sorta muscle-ish...too much for this strip club". He continued "Now, you're far from Ms. Olympus or whatever they call that lesbian freak show competition, so it will be nice and easy for you to get back to being my #1 piece of ass in this joint. So, I'll give you whatever time you need to get off this fitness binge and get back to looking the way you should, does that sound fair, babe?" His ignorance was infuriating me, I clenched my fists and I felt my forearms pulse with power; new veins rose to the surface of my arms as I flexed my arms as hard as I could. I said, "How about this...Stevie, you give me every fucking dollar you have in that safe behind you and I might not beat you senseless." The arrogant bastard laughed and said, "What, ha-ha, you get a little cut up with some pathetic girly muscles and think you're She-Hulk or something, hahhaahaha." After that remark I blew my fuse, I leaped over his desk, grabbed him by his cheap suit collar, balled up my fist and gave him the fiercest punch I could muster. The impact sent him hurling to the floor. I then crossed my quads around his neck and started to squeeze. I applied more and more pressure, flexing my legs as hard as I could; I simply was possessed, I couldn't stop myself. Looking down at my thighs, and I liked what I saw, they were the same size as this morning after my intense workout; pumped and hard they swelled larger than ever. I was immensely enjoying myself as I felt my pussy get wet again. Then he barely managed to get out, "Wa..i...t, don't...take the mon..eyy." But that wasn't good enough, he needed to be punished, he needed to be taught that this is what happens when a girl decides to start pumping serious iron; fortunately for him, my morals got the best of me and I stop squeezing just as he passed out. Standing up I looked at what I had just done, and I liked it; even though I'd just started and I was not nearly as big as I wanted to be, I was on my way, I was getting stronger, bigger, and more powerful with every passing day. I got the key to his safe and unlocked it; with $20,000 inside, it was well worth my effort. I looked the door of his office and I left club Fantasies for good, I don't think Mr. Stevens will be pursing any criminal action; unless he's wiling to admit he was beaten up by just a wimpy girl. Upon arriving home, I assessed my funds; I had saved up $15,000 of my own money plus this $20,000; which gave me $35,000 to go on until I was big enough to tussle with the big girls downtown. A reasonable amount of money I thought, it should last me about 8 months; but given that my food bill was growing steadily too (you need to eat to grow, baby!!), I actually was a little nervous, I needed another way to make some additional cash. The following Monday morning at 7 am I arrived at the gym, I weighed myself before I started my workout; the needle tipped to 115lbs. "Nice," I thought to myself. I was hitting chest today, another favorite of mine, but then again what body part don't I like?? Today I started with incline dumbbell presses. After a few warm up sets, I could already feel my little pecs pushing my tits (they haven't lost any size at all, this I chalked up to my genetics!) against my sport bra. For my first set I grabbed the 35's, which by now I can do a strict 15 reps with. I sat on the bench, got the mental image of my growing pecs and began pumping. After a solid 15, I racked the 35's and grabbed the 40's, which I stick with for 10 reps now; looking in the mirror I crossed my arms over my chest a few times just to get the blood flowing. Smiling, I was taking note of my swollen chest when suddenly I overheard the solution to my money problems. I overheard two meat-heads in the corner talking about an open bodybuilding regional competition, in which the winners of the respected male and female weight divisions would each earn $15,000 and the heavyweight winners (and only the heavyweight winners) would qualify to compete nationally (this will be explained later, don't worry, you'll love it!). "God Cara, that's it!!" I thought to myself, why not put this body into use right now. The competition would be held in 4 weeks at the auditorium in the city, there would be 3 divisions, light, middle, and heavyweight; each receiving the same first place prize. It was settled; I was going train as harder than ever and win the lightweight division in 4 weeks. I finished my chest workout with intensity like never before. In the locker room I hit an abdominal shot and took note of my now 4-pac abs; fat was melting from my midsection with every workout. I then stripped my sports bra and looked at my pumped, bloated tits; bigger than last week for sure, smiling I headed to the shower. "Common bitch, one more fucking rep", I was thinking as I finished my last set of bicep curls with the 25 lb. dumbbells. "Getting stronger every week Cara, not to mention bigger too," I said to myself as I raised my left arm and flexed; a tennis ball-sized bulge popped out of my arm. I enjoyed myself as it ripped and continued to harden while I continued to flex. It was early Sunday morning again, and nearly 4 weeks had passed since I heard about the competition. In that time I have worked very hard and it has indeed paid off. Alone in the dark gym, I took off my spandex top and bottom, standing nude I looked at what I've accomplished over the last 4 months. I weighted in at 121 lbs. now with 7.8% body fat. For some reason, my body has the uncanny ability to get leaner as I gain sheer bulked muscle weight; it was another anomaly I chalked up to my superior genetics. Every muscle group was clearly noticeable now, I could see vascular muscles popping all over my physique; my build had certainly entered the lightweight bodybuilding realm, but with every blessed second I craved for more. I closed the night with an abdominal thigh flex: planting my toes into the rubber mat, I thrust my hips forward and flexed my now ripped belly. In a mere 4 months, I got a fucking 6-pac! But, this sight only fueled my passion, as I imagined my abs bulging out further, thicker and harder than ever. "Nice definition," I thought, but my pride and joy are my legs; sinewy and defined my 21" quads were starting to press tightly together to the top of my legs. "My dear, you growing very nicely," I whispered to myself. Going to bed that night, I slept confident about tomorrow's event and content with my progress at that moment. The following morning I woke at 5 am and hit the scales immediately, it showed a slim increase at 121.5; "Christ Cara, you look leaner than ever, too!" I said out loud as I twisted my upper body side to side while admiring my grainy abs and striated obliques. Excited as hell, I ate a hearty breakfast, prepared my makeup, show bikini, and music CD for my posing routine; I then put on a baggy sweat suit and headed out the door at 7 am. I arrived in the parking lot a half-hour later, signed up, and headed backstage to change; the show started promptly at 8:15 am. While applying my makeup, I discreetly listened to a conversation going on in the corner between two heavyweight female competitors. "Holy shit Pam, you're as big as those national girls now; it looks like you packed on a good 20 lbs; what the hell are you weighing these days?" the smaller of the two girls said. "146 shredded pounds," the larger of the two said as she inflated her chest and expanded her lats, causing the somewhat loose fitting t-shirt she had on to instantly fill up with mature, beefy muscles. The larger of the two continued, "As you know Kim, to get even on the national stage these days you have to be at least 150, since they and the Pros only have a single heavyweight division now." The smaller of the two, Kim, responded, "No shit, huh? Over the last 5 years, competitive female bodybuilding sure has made a turn to better and BIGGER things; hell, the smallest Pros are coming in well into the 160's today" (see I told you I'd explain it, and I'm sure you loved it!). Kim continued: "So how much did you up your dosages to?" At this point my interest reached an even higher level. The bigger girl, Pam, said, "My Deca (mass building steroid) is at 800 mg/week, and my Winn-V (common fat loss anabolic) is about 100mg/ day. I was out of options, I am 43 now and over the last year I had to make one last push to make it BIG." "Fuck girl, no wonder why you're heading to the nationals!" Kim concluded the subject with that as they entered discourse about their amazing non-stop sex lives. "Wow Cara, how the hell could you have been so naive?" I muttered to myself as I finished my make-up and headed to the restroom. "I gotta get on that stuff, I need to be stronger, I want to be bigger, NOW!!" I screamed out loud in the empty bathroom. The show went smoothly enough. In the lightweight division, I was among the biggest there and easily had the best muscle quality among my class; thus I succeeded in taking 1st and got the $15,000 check. Take a fucking guess were every cent of that prize is going to. As I drove away from the competition, I vowed to myself that I would do everything and anything to get on the stage with the big girls and beat them. All of them. Immediately upon my arrival home I went directly online and purchased a 6 month supply of the same anabolic steroids that Pam from the contest was taking, except I wouldn't take such wimpy dosages; I settled on 1500 mg/week on the Deca and 150 mg/day for the Winn-V. It took a seemingly-forever 6 days for the drugs to arrive; when they arrived on that Monday afternoon, I tore the package open immediately. Nearly salivating at the mouth I uttered, "Here we go, baby; this is what you've been waiting for." With that, I attached the syringe and sucked the liquid into the vial until it was nearly overflowing. I pulled down my sweat pants to my knees to reveal my plump buttocks, swabbed the target area with a cotton ball and injected the juice into my body. The pain felt so satisfying I almost fucking orgasmed when I felt the liquid enter my body. Directly after, I pulled up my pants, grabbed my gym bag and headed straight to the gym. Monday, as you know its chest day, I parked my car and made my way to the locker room; there I put on my tan colored sports bra and matching tiny spandex shorts, weighted myself at a ripped 122 lbs. and began training with unmatched intensity. First up today was the flat bench press, after my warm-up sets I put on my current rep weight of 150 lbs. (10 reps); "not bad for a girl who started with the 45 lb. bar, but don't worry I AM going to be doing much more soon," I thought to myself. Laying down on the bench, I again began to press the weight. Peering down to my chest, I could see that with each hard rep my pecs were pumping up underneath my 36 D boobs. It seemed that right from the first set, the roids were working; 2 hours later I held my extremely pumped tits in the shower after my workout. tthey felt heavier, harder, more taunt, and most of all appeared bigger than they ever had before. From that moment, I knew that nothing would ever be the same again. And changes there indeed were! From my first injection I began a different lifestyle. I now always worked out late at night - around 11 pm - to ensure that I would be undisturbed while going all out and training my fucking hardest. My workouts increased to last an incredibly demanding 3 hours, with a strictly imposed 30 second rest period between my sets to ensure my muscles were pumped to their skin-tearing limit. The one side effect I had to the immense amount of steroids I was taking was a moderately deeper voice, which I think sounds sexy as hell now. Consuming a ridiculous 6,000 clean calories a day was actually beginning to wear down my savings, and on top of that my roids were almost depleted. It has been 5 months and 2 weeks since I started juicing and the results as you probably expected were nothing short of outstanding, my obsessive dedication to my body paid off in goddamn spades. It was Thursday, shoulder day, and I was sitting in the military press rack; drenched with sweat, strands of my sexy long black hair stuck to my head as perspiration poured down my pretty face. Gasping for air, I was dead-set on finishing this last set of my brutally punishing 3 hour workout. I had 225 pounds loaded on the bar that was suspended above my head and you can bet your fucking balls that I am getting that for 10. Taking a final breath, I heaved out my 48-inch striated chest to the point were I felt the seems of my sports bra gradually pull away from each other; raising my beefy, vascular arms I grasped the bar and tensed my now 17-inch grapefruit sized biceps. Ready to begin, I raised my head and looked at the mirror across the room; the single light shining down on me accented my 8-pac slabs of abdominal muscles. Through the shadowy glaze I could see every individual pac rippling, from the 2 below my tits to the 2 right above my pussy, covered by my tiny spandex bottoms. I lifted the bar from the rack and powered that mother for a full set of 10, after racking the weight back above me I stood up and gawked at the softball sized deltoids I had pushing out from my shoulders. Walking back to the locker room I felt my 27" quads expand and press even tighter together, as they bloated out larger every time I stepped. In the changing area, I stood on my tippy toes and I could only smirk as I felt my 18" calves pushed up through my skin to form the perfect inverted heart shape they now possess. Looking back into the mirror on the far wall, I zoned in on my buttocks. God you should see it now; it looked as if I surgically implanted a volleyball into each side of my ass. The huge perfectly round orbs of meaty muscle were protruding out more and more every time I worked my gluteus. I was now 152 lbs. of shredded beef, and my strength was also growing at an equally alarming rate. My bench was 275 for 10-12; squat 405 for 8-10; and I was curling 50 lb. dumbbells for straight sets of 12. Every moment that I wasn't training, eating, sleeping, or injecting was spent on pure pleasure. I couldn't help it; I was so turned on by myself, I haven't had a partner in these 5 months, I would rapidly finger myself while flexing in my full-length bedroom mirror for hours on end in the solitude of my apartment. The reactions to my new physique were amusing, ranging from scared shitless to visibly drooling; I put in countless hours, sweat, and tears to look like this, I am one of the big girls now but it's not enough, it never will be. As I indicated above, money was becoming a serious issue. I only had a mere 3 weeks left on my gear and I sure as hell wasn't good to stop taking the juice. The problem and the solution was clear, I needed more money to keep growing and the next open regional contest wasn't being held until a little less than 2 months from now; I needed to fight in the cage event I described earlier. I would do absolutely anything to fulfill my lust for growth and power, even kill. On the following Wednesday night, I drove to that old factory complex were the matches were held, steadfast and indomitable I proceeded to the underground entrance. Even with wearing baggy sweat pants and a XXL t-shirt, there was no hiding my now heavyweight frame. I approached the same metal door as I did almost 9 months ago. The eye-piece slid open and the same brutish man was behind entrance. I heard a soft chuckle and the door opened; the man said, "I figured I'd be seeing you again. Take a left to access the competitor area, and good luck gorgeous." I thanked him and followed his instructions, I had the biggest shit eating grin on my face as I walked down the long murky corridor. At the end I came to a dimly light room, in it there were around 20 muscle girls pumping up and preparing for battle. Although a few of them still had baggy attire on, it was clear my body was comparable in size to the largest of women there, when I signed up I got more than a few scowls as my presence did not go unnoticed. I made my way to an empty corner and started to prepare when I was interrupted, "Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you, but are you Cara Dolce? The beautiful girl who won the open regional lightweight championship 5 months ago?" Turning to face her I recognized the girl; it was Pam, the girl whose steroid conversation I eavesdropped on. I almost creamed in my pants when I saw that we are the same size now. I said with a slight giggle, "Yes...that's me, little Cara." Almost dumbfounded, Pam managed to mumble, "A..nd..dd.. how old are you my dear?". I cockily replied, "Oh, I am turning 19 in two weeks," as she showed facial expressions of disgust and jealously, I saw Pam's large muscles enlarge and harden beneath what used to be a baggy top. Pam then blurted out, "19 huh? You conceited bitch, it took me 20 goddamn years to build this body and I am not going to let some young freak of fucking nature get in my way of my last SHOT!!" After her rampage, Pam stormed away. I was both perplexed and emboldened by the incident; curious, I went over to the table were the score card had just been made. And there it was, it read "Fight number 7: Cara Dolce vs. Pam Oliver." An evil sneer of delight crept across my face as I returned to the corner to finish preparing. Eager to pound this cunt, it seemed like days passed before the match was called, and then over the speaker I heard, "Contestants in bout 7 please be ready, you're up next." With that message I stood up and began to strip my clothes off, standing there in the nude my body was bursting with more power that I ever felt before; the announcer called our names and we walked to the ring. When I stepped on the blood stained mat the crowd of hundreds went into a mighty uproar, so load that I could barley hear the cage door slam shut behind us. 20 feet away stood Pam. I examined her bulky body and compared it to my own; it was clear that she had grown since her I last saw her, but it was equally evident that my size matched hers in every area. The official weigh-in billed us both at 153 lbs, the one exception between us was my overwhelming muscle quality. Even though we had the same measurements, my muscles looked far more developed as my body fat was significantly lower at 6.8%. She looked scared and she should be, she's obviously worked very hard to get this big but her older muscles were struggling to keep their fullness as they looked flat compared to mine. The bell rang and the fight began, Pam was the aggressor as she thundered towards my position, her thick 17" arms swung wildly but failed to hit me. When Pam missed with a violent left hook I quickly drove my densely muscled 27.25" leg into her open gut, but at the last second Pam managed to tense her stomach and her tightened 6-pac abs absorbed the blow with ease. "Lets see who's the real woman here", Pam mockingly said. She raised her arms and opened her palms, I accepted her offer and we locked hands in the established test of strength. Her grip was so tight it hurt. Not to be outdone I too flexed my arms for more power and thus added more pressure to the hold. The sight was truly one to behold: in the middle of an iron-caged ring stood the 2 swelling bodies of nude heavy-weight muscle girls. Her strength was amazing; Pam was every bit as strong as me and she knew it. For over 2 minutes, we grunted, moaned, and pushed with every ounce of raw female muscle power that we could muster. Mid way through the second minute we were both sweating profusely and our arms were starting to shake. As our stances drew closer, we were forced to arch our backs to accommodate the strength erupting from our pumped bodies. Moments later we locked eyes and proceeded to gaze at each others impressive frames. With each passing second, I slowly but surely could feel my muscles continue to inflate larger and larger until it was almost painful for my skin to accommodate the growth. To be fair, the same change was happening to Pam, but at a slightly slower pace; her ripe older muscles were being pushed beyond their limit every moment that we remained locked. Pam knew she was in trouble; her bulging muscles were completely tapped as they reached their maximum pump. The 43 year-old's body began to tremble from the strain of the now insurmountable force I was applying. Her hands suddenly gave in, I took this opportunity to place my 17" plus arms around her torso and squeezed with more power than I ever dreamed of possessing a year ago. Pam let out loud desperate screams as she kicked her meaty 26" legs with no apparent plan of escape. Her width decreased by a inch or two, when I heard a disgusting popping noise coming from what used to be a broad solid back. Dropping her shrinking physique to the floor I quite literally went in for the kill. I wrapped my strapping 27.25" plus quads around her sickly-looking submerged abs. Her cries of agony only made me squeeze even harder as I enjoyed feeling and watching my thighs bloat out thicker with new cords of muscle. "I'VE GOT A KID, I GOT A FUCKING KID", Pam yelled. Before responding, I took pleasure in the sound of her cracking ribs. I then said, "Pathetic cunt, I'm sure you must have spent lots of quality time with your child over the last 15 months while you were lifting your ass off in the gym 5 fucking hours a day! Besides, you knew the stakes, baby. Too bad though, for an older girl you're actually kinda hot." Rearing back I was writhing with pleasure as I let out a near primal roar and used my full power to crush my opponent between my mighty legs. Looking down, my bulging thighs were saturated with a mixture of the blood from Pam and the cum I just ejaculated all over her lifeless body. In the midst of the thunderous applause from the crowd, I heard a hysterical "NOOO!!" Standing up, I looked out into the stands to see a teenage girl of no more than 16 years old unlock the cage door and run to Pam's corpse. "Mommy, no..oo...", the pretty blond uttered as she sobbed holding the head of her Mom in her lap. The girl had obviously just begun to tinker around in the gym as her small but rather lean arms showed the protrusion of golf ball sized biceps when she cupped her mothers skull. She lifted her head and darted me a cold vengeful stare. As I drove home that night with the $12,380 bounty, it almost turned me on knowing that I had not seen the last of her. Unbeknownst to me at the time, Pam's grief soon turned to revenge when she arrived at her trailer park home; sliding open the medical cabinet she found her mothers stock of steroids. Lifting her right arm she flexed her bicep, peaking higher than it ever had before she held the flex until her arm trembled with fatigue; she then boldly announced "No matter how long its takes Cara, I swear it." Regardless of the dire stakes, the kind of money I earned that Wednesday night was impossible to turn down; to finance my freakish muscle obsession I decided to compete in the cage from now on. Next up for me was another open regional contest being held in exactly 1 month and 2 weeks from now, and this time I was more than built to take on even the most difficult of challenges there. To get ready, I went back to the gym for more painstaking hours of training; besides with my exceedingly high cost of living (mainly roids and food), I could always use another pay day, even though I was taking in thousands every week from those nude cage matches. The time passed quickly; all I could think about, all I could do was train, eat, inject, play with myself unfailingly, and sleep. I was simply consumed with developing my muscles; so much so that, when I officially turned 19, I didn't look at it as my birthday, I looked at it as biceps day. The day before the contest I was in the gym at my usual time of 1 am and again it was time to assess my marked progress. Even though I was growing at a even more explosive pace than before, I could only imagine myself with an extra inch, another pound, or with additional detail. At this point I was spending well over my regular 3 hours a day working out, pumping more and more iron with every visit. My sinewy, rigid, 161 lb. body pulsed with dark thick veins that covered my tanned physique; when I reached the girls changing area I had a tremendously difficult time peeling off my spandex now, calling it a second set of skin at this point wouldn't quite do it justice. Standing in awe of what I was becoming, I began pleasuring myself right there in the locker room of my 24- hour public gym; ounces of hot steamy cum kept spewing from my pussy. I stopped 45 minutes later, well after my orgasmic convulsions became uncontrollable. Wearing my usual warm up attire I drove to the neighboring state early the next morning for the competition. I had to get new clothes for these contests as even my baggiest of garb was now snuggly clinging to my swelling frame. I signed-in and heard the same typical, witless sex banter that always comes from the mouths of these fitness sluts; it made me sick to think that instead of crafting and improving their bodies, they were wasting their time with such unnecessary pleasures. As I predicted, my physique was leaps and bounds ahead of the other girls in the heavyweight division; with my closest competition coming in at a feeble 143 lbs, victory was guaranteed. With this new sense of superiority, I strode confidently to the pump room to prepare; when arriving an announcement was made that the current Ms. Olympia, Lena Burst, would be guest posing before the event! This was something I had to see, I quickly finished my preparations and went out to the stage to see this goddess in action. What I saw was what I imagined myself becoming one day; at 218 lbs of incredibly dense meat, the reigning Ms. O possessed mounds of enormous, shredded muscles that made me so envious I wanted to fucking scream. I had never seen a girl so developed; I wanted to look like her, I wanted her body, and as you know I was prepared to do anything to get it. I won the contest that day and thus qualified to compete on the national level, but my success did nothing to fuel my obsession, as it had a new goal to achieve, and another level of muscularity to attain. My reason for existence now was centered on defeating Lena Burst and as always becoming the most muscular girl on the planet, and beyond. But that tale is for another time, perhaps... =) I hope you enjoyed the story, please as always I encourage everyone to send their responses to my new (and hopefully permanent) e-mail address to: fmgnut@yahoo.com