Diary of Muscle Kelly Part 2 Spring now 13 My class got the afternoon off from school, due to the cancellation of a field trip. This gave me plenty of time to workout . I got home at 1:00 p.m., got into my bikini bottoms and tank top and headed downstairs to the weight room. My body heaved and strained as I pumped the weights. Muscles upon muscles bulged out from my body. I worked out very hard for over 2 hours, till 3:20 p.m. My young body was pumped solid with throbbing muscles. I decided to take a shower.....stepping on the scale in the bathroom, I grinned with pleasure as the needle tipped to 132lbs! Stepping off and walking towards the shower my thighs ballooned with muscles as I planted each foot, reaching for a towel on my tippy toes; my now nearly 15 1/2" calves eruptively jutted out into huge diamond shaped, granite-like muscles, with my eyes fixated on the mirror I turned around promptly and continued to flex. Even relaxed, the muscles of my arms were obvious. They were thick and curved now, definitely emerging on bodybuilder class. Several veins flowed down my forearms. And a small puffy vein was apparent on both of my shoulders, running the length of my biceps. I also took notice of how big and defined my traps were getting; tapering well up onto my neck. Flexing, thick triceps flared out; my biceps, fully tensed, bulged into a hard ball the size of an orange. The vein running along my biceps was no longer small, as it thickened, darkened and snaked up to my shoulder. Wondering how big they could get I flexed harder, letting out a soft but determined groan. I felt my muscle form, harden and grow worshiping every little twitch and ripple as my peaks rose higher. Finally maxing at out at 15 1/4". Not realizing the time, it turned out to be almost 6o'clock and mom would be home soon! I hopped in the shower and then went to my room, by then mom was now, but still having a few minutes before super I decided to go on the stair master. The stairs were stiffening my already muscle swollen thighs and calves. With my thighs a solid 22" they now pressed together tightly without flexing! Later that evening it was time for dinner, I came downstairs in my now much tighter attire, and took my usual seat at the table. Over the last couple of months my mom has grown supportive of my muscles and encourages me to do my best. My hunger for more and more muscle was getting the better of me. I wanted bigger and bigger muscles. My workouts became longer and harder to satisfy my craving. Just turned 14 and my body has begun to bloom in a womanly manner. No longer flat-chested, my bust has blossomed very nicely. I have no need for training bras, or things of that sort. My muscleful young breasts stand at full attention at all times without the aid of a training bra. My young bosom has filled in the last part of my body that has been lacking shape and fullness previously. Sitting on top of meaty, rippling pecs I enjoy bouncing my new found endowments for hours on end! In the fall I woke up early, as I did every Saturday morning. After a hearty breakfast I made my way down to the weight room. Pulling off my sweats, I remained in my one piece white leotard. I stretched and did some light weights. After about 20 minutes of the light weights I moved on to some heavier weights. Two short barbells with 80 pounds on each caused my biceps to swell to the solid 15 3/4 inches they each now measure. I loved to pump heavy weights, so I put another 20 pounds on each barbell, bringing the total to 100pounds on each. I curled each barbell in succession, and my biceps swelled and striated under the slight strain. I pumped the weights furiously, longing to add more and more muscle to my already muscle teeming young body. I curled the two 110 pound weights 20 times each. Setting the weights down I could feel my arms surging with muscles. I turned to the mirror and flexed my biceps. The twin peaks rose to the size of softballs. I then pulled down on the top of my leotard, in the cleavage area. My 42" chest was taut and full of muscle. I twisted and turned my arm sending subtle waves of rippling power through my chest. My 24" quads now look like medium sized tree trunks, they rippled with definition, and every time I flexed them they bulged and swell with thick cords of muscle. I turned my back to the mirror, looked over my shoulder and tightened my glutes one at a time and watched as they exploded with mind boggling definition. Even my butt got bigger, molding itself into two perfectly round spheres of hard flesh. My 16" calves resembled oversized bulging hearts, their hardness is incredible! I gazed at my stomach, which was now narrow, but as hard as plate steel and so defined that I could do laundry on it! At 5'4 and about 145lbs I am very pleased with my muscle development. About a week and a half has passed and I am relaxing after I rigorous workout, with my muscles still quite pumped I decided not to flex, foreseeing the life of my clothing in severe jeopardy. While going threw the channels I saw an advertisement for the Ms.Teen Olympia on TV. The commercial said ages 15-19 are welcome to enter! Now as you can imagine this got me VERY excited, and due to my recent developments over the last 2 years; I thought my chances were well above average=). (Next in Part 3""Kelly gets to know a girl who is MORE than her equal ... .)