THE NEUTERING NEWS By I.C. Publications A publication to explore the castration and genital torture fantasies / fixation of interested persons. ____________________________________________________________________________ _____ Volume one, Number 1 Premier Issue June 1995 ____________________________________________________________________________ __ Address Enquiries to: I.C. Publications, P. O. Box 54, Calgary, Alberta. Mistress Amanda Victoria Canada. June 1995 T2P 2G9 ( See Personal Ad) EDITOR'S NOTE Dominant Women tend to exert control over their male slaves. One common control exercised is the control of male sexuality. There are several ways this can be accomplished. The first is to prohibit the slave any form of sexual expression including masturbation. Along with the prohibition comes a punishment for the crime of sexual expression. The crime should be known to the slave for greater certainty in the Mistress / slave relationship. Another way to control male sexuality is by means of genital restraints. These are various in nature, but generally stop the male's ability to attain erections. Often there is built into the restraint a mechanism to produce pain if the male organ should attempt to erect. This mechanism may include pins or needles which push into the male's genitalia upon the slightest sign of erection. The third option open to the Mistress is castration of the slave. The purpose here is to effectively eliminate the excess production of the male hormone, testosterone. Castration can be done by two methods. The first is chemical castration. This involves administering a chemical to the male which counter-effects the testosterone produced by the male's testes. The second is surgical castration. This involves the surgical removal of both testes. This procedure is subject to the laws of the country in which the operation is performed. Most countries have strict regulations on castration surgery. Most medical practitioners will only perform the surgery if the patient requires such for medical reasons. The most two common medical reasons are cancer of the testes and prostate cancer. Castration surgery involves the opening of the scrotal sac and excising of the two testes. Castration surgery is performed as part of a sex change operation in conjunction with other surgeries and female hormone treatment. A word of caution to any males contemplating non medical castration surgery and to Dominant Females who contemplate castrating willing males. As mentioned earlier, you must be aware of the laws in your country regarding castration surgery in a non medical environment. Any surgery in a medical environment is strictly controlled in most countries. Also the term willing males must be strictly observed. The male must be a willing participant. Most males and Dominant Females use genital torture to accomplish their goals. Genital torture involves the torture of male genitalia by usually the Dominant Female. Again this is done with the consent of the male involved. Genital torture involves the striking of the genitalia with a small cane or whip, electro shock to the genitals, opening of the scrotal sac and setting the genitals on fire. The variety of genital torture is usually up to the Mistress but this is usually accompanied by male consent. The laws regarding castration surgery in most countries do not generally prohibit Dominant Females from counselling males who have a castration fixation. In Pairs, France there exists an organization known as the " Theatre du Supplices ". Actually I have no information as to whether they still exist but have only heard of their prior existence ( about ten years ago ) by means of articles in magazines which tell of such. They apparently exist at an ever changing address and exist in total secrecy. In the "Theatre", male volunteers are ritually put to death by Dominant Females with other Dominant Females observing. The process generally includes castration of the male victim with other procedures involving faeces. My knowledge of the "Theatre" is only by third party means so I personally have no other knowledge of their operations or whether they still exist. Apparently there is not lack of male volunteers nor Dominant Females who wish to observe this process. Castration has been quite common in times past. There are several references to the term " eunuch " in The Holy Bible. Male volunteers were often made eunuchs to obtain a position of trust. Many positions such as harem keeper required such. Also peoples at war often castrated the captured soldiers. This implied a punishment for their military service to the opposing side and ensured that no further offspring would come from these soldiers. In various countries, prisoners were castrated as part of their sentence. Neutering today generally involves pets or farm livestock. Responsible pet ownership usually implies the neutering of the pet. This is usually done by a veterinary doctor. The results are a more even tempered pet and no further offspring. On farms and ranches, farm livestock are castrated by the farm hands. Cattle and pigs when castrated have better meat for human consumption, are more even tempered and produce no offspring. Male animals which have not been castrated are kept for breeding purposes only. Generally animals such as the bull tend to be violent and dangerous while the castrated steer is a much more docile animal. Welcome to The Neutering News. Readers are invited to send submissions ( fact or fiction) for publication. The format used is WordPerfect 6.1 for persons who desire to send computer disks. All stories submitted are subject to edit before publication. We hope that you gain insight into your fantasy or fixation from our efforts. Thank you for your membership in The Neutering News. Future issues will deal with research into castration in the past and present (where applicable) and the various aspects of CBT. We'd love to hear from members. Please let us know whether or not you wish your letters or submissions printed. Ian Clifford, Editor Castration in the News In Edmonton Alberta a man at the Misericordia Hospital was found in the parking lot with his entire genitalia recently removed. At first the police were looking for who did this deed. They then discovered that the man had recently committed a sex crime against a Woman and in a mood of repentance, did a self mutilation with a knife. In a small rural area a youth was riding his motorbike across his father's field. The seat of the motorbike had been removed. While he was thus riding his balls fell into one on the holes under where the seat would have been on the motorbike. He was thrown off the motorbike but his balls remained behind. One man who discovered that another man had been sleeping with his wife castrated the other man and fed the freshly sliced testes and scrotum to his dog. ( To a dog, it's just fresh meat ) Castration in the Movies Ilsa - She Wolf of the S.S. - a young man wakes up in the bed of Ilsa, a heavy chested Germanic blonde after what would be believed to be a night of sex. He believed that he had found Her favour and would be spared the harsh treatment of other prisoners in the camp. He was surprised when two of Her Assistants dragged him from the room. He was taken to and fastened on a crude operating table. Ilsa joins Her Two Assistants . One of the Assistants proceeds to castrate the screaming man with a semi circle shaped blade. The Assistants were then dismissed from the room. Ilsa takes up the blade and explains to the man " there is a doctor in Berlin who examines the penis' of inferior men. Yours will be sent to him." She then proceeds to amputate his penis to his continued screams. The Ladies Club - group of Women notice that males who have committed sex crimes against Women tend to go unpunished by the courts or receive extremely light sentences. They decide to form a vigilante group and take matters into their own hands. Where they discover that the courts have been extremely lenient with such men, Women in the group capture the man and take him to a Female Doctor in the group for castration. All proceeds well for a while. One day the Doctor is castrating a patient when she realizes that it was he who had perpetrated sexual violence on Her in the past. In a fit of rage, She kills the man by slicing his throat. She is charged with the murder and goes to jail. At the end of the movie, the remaining members of the group got together to have a discussion. One noted that they had found another Female Doctor sympathetic to the cause who would continue to perform the operations. CASTRATION AT THE Y-S CORRAL By Ian Clifford Mark and Andy had been on many summer vacations with their parents, Bruce and Maria. They had gone to Disney Land, Disney World and Las Vegas. Maria was the Dominant spouse and just after Andy was borne, She had her husband castrated at the Y-S Ranch. She figured that She wanted no more children and that this would give him a better temperament and make him more docile. Mark and Andy were raised in a Female Dominant relationship. When Mark was fifteen and Andy ten, She announced that their summer vacation would be at their Aunt Marsha's ranch. They both looked forward to their vacation as they loved animals. Aunt Marsha had a ranch in Nevada very close to Reno. They went by bus and were met by Aunt Marsha at the bus terminal. She put them into a van with the Y-S logo on the side. The trip to the ranch was very uneventful with the boys noticing all the scenery during the drive. When they arrived they were taken to the house and fed a big country meal. One thing that they had noticed on the ranch is that they could see no cattle or farm livestock. Being late both went to bed. Early in the morning the two boys were awakened by Aunt Martha. They enquired what was for breakfast and were informed that breakfast would be later for this morning. They were to get a tour of the ranch before breakfast. Both boys showered and went with Aunt Martha and two of her Female ranch hands for the tour. They saw the well, the windmill and the outside of the barn where they were told that livestock were kept. They would see the insides of the barn later. They proceeded to the Y-S Corral where both boys took a look around. The corral was surrounded by wooden fences and the only things in the corral were two wooden posts staked into the ground. The boys were asked to make a fire and provided the wood and matches to make the fire. When they were finished Aunt Martha placed a poker from one of the surrounding fences into the fire and also got lengths of rope from the surrounding fence. Aunt Martha then instructed the boys to remove their clothing and when they hesitated, the two ranch hands forcibly undressed them. A length of rope was placed about the neck of young Andy and a gag placed in his mouth. He was held over to one side of the corral. Mark had his arms tied behind his back. His tied arms were fastened to one post and his spread legs to the other. He also was gagged. He felt very vulnerable and afraid. A length of cord was tied with a loop around the base of his scrotum and the other end tied to the post which held his legs and tightened. One of the ranch hands knelt by his hip with a large knife in her hand. Aunt Martha took the poker from the fire. The end now glowed white hot. Aunt Martha explained to the boys that they were to be castrated to make them better persons. Their testes She explained would make them harsh and ignorant and that they would be better off without them. Mark muffled from behind the gag. The ranch hand by his hip grasped his scrotal sac at the base with Her left hand and pulled his balls away from his body. With the knife in Her right hand She sliced through the scrotum severing his balls in the process. Blood poured from the wound where his balls had been. He screamed in pain from behind the gag. Aunt Marsha quickly grabbed the hot poker and cauterized the wound. His screaming and thrashing about intensified and shortly he passed out from the pain. His body was placed over one of the fenceposts and he just hung there like so much meat over the fence. The ranch hand holding Andy shoved him forward. She noted that "it's your turn." He fought and Aunt Martha and the other ranch hand came forward to help. Soon he was fastened to the posts and crying behind his gag in fear of what was about to happen. Andy was roughly castrated in the same manner as his brother. Hie passed out from the pain also and his limp body was placed over another fencepost. The two boys hung there with their bare backsides on display. Aunt Martha had previously placed two branding irons brandishing the Y- S brand in the fire. The branding irons now glowed white hot and it was time to brand their livestock. Andy was done first. The two ranch hands held his arms and legs from each side of the fence while Aunt Martha applied the branding iron to his right butt cheek. Andy was done next. Both boys awoke when the hot branding irons seared their flesh, marking them permanently. Now the process was complete. They had been castrated and branded just like real steers on any ranch. They were led in their pain back to the barn. This was to be their home for the remainder of their vacation. In the barn they met with other boys who had undergone the same fate. The boys were chained into stalls and brought out only for exercise and punishment. Mark and Andy were not subjected to anything further during their period of recuperation which took about three weeks. The remainder of their summer was taken up doing domestic and ranch chores. They were subjected too long hours and hard work. Each night they were chained into their stalls in the barn. They were fed a type of gruel for meals. Each Friday evening, the boys were punished for their failures during the preceding week. The punishment generally comprised a good whipping using the cat -o-nine tails.Every boy from the barn received this weekly punishment. By late summer it was a very different Mark and Andy who were picked up by their parents. They were both docile and submissive and well marked from the whippings. They were glad to see their parents and thought the ordeal was over. They were mistaken as they were taken to Mistress Marion's home to further learn their lifetime duties. There they were trained in intimate service to Women. The Friday night punishments continued and each week they found they were punished despite their best behaviour. Their mother, Maria had sold the two into slavery. After about one year of this further training they were sold to Dominant Women as trained slaves. They were to live out their lives in the service of these Women performing household as well as intimate duties. They had been trained to serve and would spend their lives serving Dominant Women. They were sold and lent out to her Dominant Women during their lifetimes. For a male to offer his balls to his Mistress is the supreme sacrifice and ultimate gift he can give.