Victory feast part 13 by Nerraw My Mistress is Pisto the Amazon. During her entire career as an Amazon warrior she has confronted the men who would brutally rape and murder the peace loving women of the Amazon Empire. She has always confronted the men who would force all women to wear the chains of male oppression and slavery. The testicles of such men that she has confronted, and then slain, and then castrated upon the field of battle would fill five ox carts full to overflowing. Such men that she has confronted, and then conquered upon the field of battle, and then lead naked and beaten upon a leash through the streets of Themiscrya, form an army that now faithfully serve and obey the women of Amazonia. They form an army of slaves who work their fields and harvest their crops. The men who were confronted by my Mistress upon the field of battle have filled the coffers of Queen Andromache full to overflowing as they stood naked upon the auction block of Themiscrya to be sold to she who was the highest bidder. I had been a man such as these men that Pisto the Amazon had confronted upon the field of battle. At first I had cursed her for all that she had done to me. First she had shattered my false beliefs that man is superior to woman as she had stood over me with her foot upon my massive chest and she had forced me to whine like a dog as I pleaded for her to spare my miserable worthless life. She had humiliated me by taking away my macho warriors name and then renaming me Faithful Dog. She gave me no slack nor did she allow me even the smallest token of a chance to save face, or to salvage even the smallest fragments of my totally shattered male ego. She insisted upon humiliating me by exhibiting the most extreme form of the domination of the female over the male by leading me naked through the streets of Themiscrya by a leash that was tied about my testicles. In front of all of the women of the great city of Themiscrya did she force me to kneel naked before her and to voice my total and unconditional surrender to her in the most humiliating of terms. She made me swear my oath that I would obey her in all things, and at all times. And I cursed her for the way that she had so arrogantly placed her foot upon my neck and she told me that henceforth, I was to be her property and her slave. But now I thank her for all that she has done to me. For she has taken me away from the self destructive life of arrogant macho bull shit. No longer am I permitted to interrupt a woman's superior words of wisdom by striking her brutally across the face as I hysterically scream for her to shut her fucking mouth so that I can think. It is no longer necessary for me to burden my inferior masculine mind with thinking. My Mistress now does all of my thinking for me. It is not my place to think, but only to obey my Mistress. Now I no longer lie face down in my own vomit on some filthy bar room floor. For my Mistress Pisto the Amazon does not permit me such behavior. It is no longer necessary for me to get my teeth kicked out in a bar room brawl with other men in order to prove that I am a man. It is no longer necessary for me to rape and brutalize all women in order to prove that I am a man. For my Mistress has proven that I am a man for me. Yes she has proven beyond all doubt that I am a member of the inferior male sex! But the story that I tell is not of me. For I am but one of the hundreds of insignificant male dogs that Pisto the Amazon had confronted and then crushed beneath her foot. Of all of the men that my Mistress had confronted, perhaps the most dangerous were the men that she had faced alone and unarmed deep inside the territory of the Male Chauvinist Empire. Her most dangerous encounters with the male enemy were not when she went into battle with her sister Amazons at her side. But her most dangerous battles against the male oppressor was when she posed as a slave girl or as a simple farm girl, or as a waitress in one of the many bar rooms that were frequented by the brutal warriors of Att-Dak the Barbarian. Much abuse did my Mistress endure at the hands of brutal men that she could have struck down in an instant. In other circumstances, each of these men would have ended his career as a loutish brute flat on his back with the foot of Pisto the Amazon planted squarely upon his chest. My Mistress would have worn the testicles of these men strung together as a necklace for having dared to touch her breasts or her buttocks without her permission. But Pisto had to hold her anger in check so that our glorious Queen might know of the activities and evil plans of Att-Dak the Barbarian and his Jarls. While posing as a barmaid, Pisto had overheard drunken warriors speaking of the plans of their mighty warlord Att-Dak the Barbarian. She had heard that Att-Dak had planed to launch a full scale invasion against the Amazon Empire. But the two warriors said nothing of when or where this attack would take place. Hoping to learn more of these plans, my Mistress had followed these two men when they had left the bar. And when they had come to a deserted place where she was certain that no other men would interfere, Pisto had revealed her presence to these men. Pisto knew that these two men would attack her with the intention of rape. And when they did, each man got the sole of her bare foot slammed into his face instead of the sexual pleasure that he had expected. My Mistress had stood upon these men with one foot upon the chest each as she had interrogated them in great detail about Att-Dak's plans to invade her beloved homeland. Although their tongues were loosened by their terror of Pisto, they were able to reveal nothing further of Att-Dak's plans. When she was satisfied that these two men had told her everything that they knew, she slew each man with the sword of the other so that it would look as though they had slain each other in a drunken quarrel. It was necessary for her to forgo the barbaric Amazon custom of taking the testicles of these two men as her proof of conquest. In order to learn more details of the plans of Att-Dak the Barbarian, it was necessary for my Mistress to infiltrate his fortress by posing as one of the many slave girls of the brutal warlord's personal harem. This was a very dangerous thing for Pisto to do. The poor women of the harem were subjected to especially brutal treatment. Att-Dak was known to slit a girl's throat with his dagger simply because of his failure to achieve an erection. The women of the Harem of Att-Dak the Barbarian lived a life of constant terror. Pisto was very unfortunate to be immediately recognized by a man that she had previously encountered upon the field of battle. She had been patrolling the northern border of the Empire with her two friends Andromeda and Lykopis, when they had been ambushed by Jarl Bjornson and two dozen of his most brutal warriors. Fairly early in the encounter Pisto had engaged the Jarl in single combat. Though Jarl Bjornson was much bigger and stronger than the Amazon heroine, he fell before her even as the great bull would fall before the lioness in the jungle. He had pleaded so frantically for mercy as Pisto had stood over him with her foot placed firmly upon his massive chest. In his terror, he would not stop crying like a new born baby or whining and howling his frenzied cries for mercy. Pisto had not time to deal with the Jarl since her two sister Amazons were frantically fighting off ten warriors each. She removed her foot from his chest and she shoved it rudely into his mouth in order to silence him. "Do you agree that from this day forward, that you will be my faithful and obedient slave?", she had demanded tersely. "YETH MITH-TRETH!", was his mumbled reply. He was unable to speak clearly because his mouth was filled with the unshod foot of his Amazon conqueress. "Do you swear that you will obey all members of the female sex?", the Amazon had demanded. "YETH MITH- TRETH!", he had mumbled. Pisto had pulled her foot out of his mouth and she had placed it back on his chest. "Do not so much as scratch your nuts until such time that I have finished dealing with your fellows and return to see further to your disposition!", she had told him, "Perhaps I will allow you to live!" But when Pisto had turned to fight the men who remained standing upon the field, the cowardly Jarl had fled from the scene of the battle. He had left his men behind to be slaughtered by the three Amazons. When the battle was over, all of the men of Jarl Bjornson were dead. Pisto realized that her vanquished enemy was gone. The three triumphant Amazons drew their daggers and collected their harvest of testicles. Now Jarl Bjornson had recognized Pisto and he had her thrown into the dungeon beneath the fortress of Att-Dak the Barbarian. He had her put in chains. He had tortured her and he had raped her repeatedly. But he was unable to break her will or to force her to reveal the reason that she had infiltrated the fortress of the warlord Att-Dak the Barbarian. "If you do not tell me why you are here, then I will tell the Warlord that you are an Amazon!", Jarl Bjornson had threatened her, "That which he would do to an Amazon spy is not a pleasant thing to think about! If you tell me what I want to know, I promise you that your death will be a swift and painless one!" "Oh false and churlish dog!", Pisto answered Jarl Bjornson defiantly, "Of what value is the promise of a man who has dishonored himself by breaking his vow to surrender himself as my slave! Perhaps you would like to explain to your master how you had whined for mercy like a cowardly jackal as I had stood over you with my foot upon your chest. Perhaps you would like to describe to him the taste of my foot in your mouth! Perhaps you would like to explain to him how you had deserted two dozen of your best men and how you had left them behind to die upon the field!" She had spit in his face. She knew that he would never tell his warlord about her for fear that he might learn of his shame upon the field of battle. Jarl Bjornson had Pisto taken back to her cell for the night. He had intended to torture her to death first thing in the morning. But a true Amazon knows what men are going to do even before the men know themselves. So when the two guards had foolishly entered her cell with the intention of raping her, she was ready for them. Pisto slew these two men with no greater effort than it would have been for her to crush two bugs beneath her foot. When their bodies were found the next day it would just be thought that they had been killed by a common criminal who had escaped from the dungeon. Once again she had to forgo the Amazon custom of taking the testicles of these men as trophies of her victory. Pisto had decided that her next move would be to dispose of Jarl Bjornson because he knew too much about her. She was certain that he would not have told any man who she was. She took the sword of one of the two dead guards and she made her way to his private quarters. She found the Jarl surrounded by ten of his personal guards. The Amazon's attack was swift and deadly. Four of the men were slain before they even had the chance to draw their swords from their scabbards. The remaining six men fell before her sword as stalks of wheat would fall before the reaper's scythe. The Amazon stood with one foot upon the chest of the captain of the guards as she faced Jarl Bjornson for single combat. The Jarl drew his sword and brandished it defiantly. Pisto took three steps towards him. His sword fell from his numb fingers and clattered to the cobblestone floor. He then fell to his knees and he bowed down his head to her feet. At the same time, he seized her ankle with both his hands and he placed her foot upon his own neck. Pisto looked down at this man who had so arrogantly postured as a macho warrior with an expression of total disgust upon her face. She removed her foot from his neck and she forced her toe under his chin, and she pulled his head up until he was in an erect kneeling position. The Amazon then placed the ball of her foot on his chin and she commanded him to lick between her toes. She felt his tongue moving smoothly between her toes. Pisto had always enjoyed humiliating men like Jarl Bjornson before she slew them. Suddenly she placed her foot flush in his face and she shoved him forcefully down on the floor on his back. Jarl Bjornson pleaded for mercy as my Mistress stood over him with her foot on his chest and her sword poised for the kill. His pleas for mercy were alternated by his sobbing promises of obedience. He whined and he begged for the privilege of being her faithful and obedient slave. "Only once does an Amazon give a man the chance to surrender himself as her slave!", Pisto had told him grimly. In desperation the Jarl told the Amazon that he was Att-Dak's most trusted general, and that he knew everything about the plans to invade the Amazon Empire. As Pisto stood over Jarl Bjornson with her foot upon his chest, she interrogated him thoroughly about the plans to invade her beloved homeland. He told her everything that he knew. He held nothing back. Often she had pressed her foot down hard upon his chest as though to force vital information from his lips. At last she was satisfied that she had learned everything from him that was of any value. "I regret that I have no further need of you!", she told him smugly. His frantic cry of terror was cut short as she took off his head with just one deft stroke of her sword. Pisto had poured wine upon the bodies of these men and she had made it look as though they had all slain each other in a drunken brawl. In lands that are ruled by foolish men, such events are common place. No man would ever suspect that these men had been slain by an Amazon, for the men of the Male Chauvinist Empire believed that all women are helpless and unable to defend themselves. Att-Dak the Barbarian would never know, or even suspect, that the Amazons had learned of his plans to invade their lands. Of coarse it was once again necessary for Pisto to forgo her custom of taking the testicles of the men that she had slain in battle. And so it came to pass that when Att-Dak the Barbarian had launched his evil sneak attack against the women of Amazonia, that Queen Andromache and her Amazons had lain in wait for him. And that even though the men of the Male Chauvinist Empire had outnumbered the women of the Amazon Nation by more that ten to one, they had suffered a devastating defeat at the hands of the daughters of Amazonia. And as you all know, that our glorious Queen Andromache had engaged the mighty warlord, Att-Dak the Barbarian in single combat upon the field of battle. And that she slew him. And that she had placed her foot upon his broad muscular chest, and beating her breast with clenched fists, she had uttered an exalted cry of victory that could be heard by all combatants upon the field of battle. And so it came to pass that the word had spread among the men of the Male Chauvinist Empire as a wild fire would spread in a field of dried hay. And when the men of the Male Chauvinist Empire had learned that their mighty champion Att-Dak the Barbarian had been slain by the Queen of the Amazons, they had been completely demoralized, and they had lost all will to fight. And they had thrown down their weapons and fell to their knees and they had bowed down their heads to the ground before the women of the now triumphant Amazon army. And it was in great joy that the daughters of Amazonia advanced upon the ranks of the hapless kowtowing men of The Male Chauvinist Empire. And in triumph, each Amazon had placed her foot upon the neck of one of these men. And so it was that with great courage, my Mistress had entered alone and unarmed, the evil lair of Att-Dak the Barbarian himself. And it was with the aid of the information that she had gained there, that the daughters of Amazonia have won the crushing victory over the men of the Male Chauvinist Empire that we celebrate tonight. And it is with great pride that I tell you that my Mistress, Pisto the Amazon has slain twenty three men upon the field of battle this day. And this time, as is her custom, she had taken the testicles of the men that she has slain in battle as trophies of her many victories. And now Faithful Dog closes his eyes and bows down his head to indicate that his tale is finished, and to show the proper respect for his Mistress, Pisto the Amazon. He has also bowed down his head in a silent prayer of thanks to the Goddess Artemis that his Mistress has returned, and that he may once again serve and obey her. At last it is the turn of the slave named King to boast arrogantly of the mighty deeds of his Mistress, Andromache, the Queen of the Amazons herself.