Victory Feast - Chapter 12 - Pantariste by Nerraw The men that my Mistress Pantariste the Amazon had faced upon the field of battle, before the great victory that we celebrate tonight, all stood two feet taller than she or more. But when the battle was over, my Mistress stood taller than the mighty giant Goliath, for she stood upon the pile that was formed by the bodies of the men that she slew. Among the men that she slew this day was the mighty champion, Tarl the Terrible. So great is her fame as a warrior woman, that she has been appointed by the Queen as the head instructrix at the School of Amazonjitsu. It was Pantariste the Tigress of Amazonia who slew the Mighty Captain of the Greek invasion fleet, Tiamedies in the famous battle on the beach. It was also my Mistress, Pantariste the Amazon, who slew the King of Sparta and his three hundred elite guardsmen at the pass of Thermopylae. But I have already told you those two stories several times, so I will not tell you either of those two tales tonight. My Mistress is truly a great heroine among the Amazons. She is a mighty tigress who is feared by her male enemies from as far north as the Marpesian mountains, and as far south as the Mediterranean Sea. But once she was only a young girl. When my Mistress was only seventeen years old, the land of the Amazons was being terrorized by a brutal rapist. This rapist was always accompanied upon his raids of terror by seven fierce warriors. It was said that this man was a mighty Jarl of the barbaric northern tribes. But among the peaceful farm girls and shepherd women who feared him, he was known only as Big Cock. The Amazons had been frustrated in their effort to bring this brutal rapist to justice. For Big Cock and his men would avoid all contact with the armed warrior women of Amazonia. He would attack only the defenseless women who worked the fields or tended the herds for a living. Clonie, who was the mother of my Mistress had been a great heroine who had slain many men upon the field of battle. But when Pantariste was born, her mother had put away her double edged war ax, and she took up the hoe in it's stead to work the fields. She worked a small farm near the northern border of the Amazon Empire. It was when Pantariste was only seventeen years old, that Clonie had taken her for the first time to the great city of Themiscrya. My Mistress was amazed at the sights that she saw in the capital city of the Amazon Empire. She was inspired by the fierce warrior women that she saw walking the streets, often with a naked male slave in tow on a leash fastened either to his neck, or to his testicles. She was fascinated by the sight of large muscular men kowtowing before women who were much smaller than they were. That was the day that Pantariste had decided that some day she would become an Amazon warrior. From that day forward, she desired to follow the principles of female supremacy. She had a strong craving to dominate and humiliate all men. She knew that she would never be happy until she had placed her foot upon a man's neck. But her mother, Clonie had always discouraged her aspiration to become an Amazon warrior at every turn. Clonie feared for the safety of her daughter if she should face men upon the field of battle. She encouraged her daughter to take up the peaceful life of a farm girl. During the trip back from Themiscrya, Pantariste and her mother passed a small farm. The woman who operated the farm appeared to be very agitated. She told Clonie that three young girls had been brutally raped and murdered by Big Cock and his seven surly warriors. She warned Clonie that these men were still believed to be lurking about the area. That night Clonie and her young daughter made camp in a cave. The mother believed that they would be least likely to be discovered by the rapists if they stayed in the safety of the cave. The next morning Clonie left the cave in order to find food for their breakfast. She told Pantariste that she was not to leave the safety of cave until her mother returned for her. She warned her daughter that the brutal band of rapists were still at large in the country side. It was during her search for food, that Clonie was set upon by Big Cock and his men. These men were all armed with swords and spears while the woman had only her hoe for protection. Yet before she had retired from her service to her Queen, Clonie had been a mighty heroine of the Amazon Empire. And when the battle was over, all of her attackers had fallen before the terrible strokes of her hoe. Clonie stood triumphant over the bodies of the fallen men. Those four men that lay either on their bellies or their sides, she rolled over onto their backs with her foot. All of the men now lay face up side by side in a neat row. Thus could the Goddess Artemis look down into the faces of the men who were about to become her slaves. The triumphant ex Amazon placed her right foot on the chest of the first man. She shook him violently with her foot even as a tigress would maul the carcass of her kill. It was obvious that he was dead. She spit in his face. Clonie took a step forward so that she stood with her right foot on the chest of the first man, and her left foot on the chest of the second man. She could see that the second man was dead too. It had been a decade since Clonie had taken up arms against men upon the field of battle. Once again she felt that exalted thrill of triumph as she stood upon the carcasses of her enemies. She took another step, placing her right foot upon the chest of the third man in the row. The weight of her foot upon his chest caused him to start moaning and coughing up blood. Thus Clonie found that this man was still alive. Clonie caved in his skull with her hoe, and his brains spilled out onto the ground. It was necessary for her to place her foot in his face in order to pull her hoe free of his shattered skull. Clonie took another step forward, placing her left foot upon the chest of the fourth man. She could tell that he was dead also. Despite her vow that she would never take up arms again, Clonie could not help but feel the joy of having slain these male enemies of the Amazon Empire. Again Clonie took a step forward, placing her right foot upon the chest of the fifth warrior. She found that this man was also dead. Clonie realized that she still had the spirit of an Amazon warrior. She greatly regretted that the need to tend to her seventeen year old daughter prevented her from becoming an Amazon warrior once again. Clonie placed her left foot upon the chest of the sixth man. It gave her much pleasure to find that he was dead too. By this time Clonie realized that she would be unable to resist reverting back to the savage Amazon custom of cutting off the testicles of the men that she had slain and to keep them as trophies of her victories. Her urge to return to her former profession was strong now, but she knew that she had to steer her daughter Pantariste away from the barbaric life of an Amazon warrior. The former Amazon took another step, placing her right foot upon the massive chest of the seventh man. Clonie could tell that this man was just as dead as the other men. But she was suddenly shocked out of her mood of gloating triumph as she realized for the first time that the massive carcass of Big Cock did not lie among the slain. The moment that Big Cock realized that Clonie was not just a helpless farm girl as she had appeared to be, but an Amazon warrior, he had fled from the field of battle. This brutal leader of the band of rapists had always been very careful to be sure that he was attacking helpless women who were unable to defend themselves. "Pantariste!", Clonie had cried out in panic as she realized that her daughter was alone and unprotected from this brutal rapist back at the cave. Clonie was a skilled huntress, and she quickly picked up the trail of her enemy. She stalked him just as the lioness would stalk a bull that she has targeted as her kill. "Pantariste!", Clonie had cried out in panic as she discovered that the tracks of Big Cock lead directly to the entrance of the cave. Her heart sank as she realized that her worst fears had been confirmed. But her fear and sorrow quickly turned to rage and she grimly griped the handle of her hoe. She entered the cave determined that the brutal rape and murder of a seventeen year old girl would be swiftly avenged! "Pantariste!", Clonie had cried out in dismay as she saw that Big Cock lay flat on his back and that her young daughter Pantariste stood triumphantly over him with her foot on his chest. The seventeen year old girl had killed her attacker with his own dagger! At first her mother was mortified that Pantariste had cut off his testicles with his own dagger, but then Clonie could not help but feel proud of her daughter. Big Cock looked like a giant compared to the small girl who stood triumphant over him. It had been necessary for young Pantariste to lift her knee above her waist in order for her to place her foot upon that massive chest. As Clonie gazed in astonishment upon this scene, she was reminded of the legendary Queen Lysippi as she had stood triumphant with her foot upon the chest of Ajax the giant. Pantariste had achieved the status of Amazon warrior and she was only seventeen years old. Clonie realized now that it had been a mistake to try and discourage her daughter from becoming an Amazon warrior. She realized now that Pantariste was a true Amazon, and that it was her destiny to become a mighty heroine of the Amazon Empire. She now praised her daughter for having slain this most brutal male enemy. Clonie noticed that the dead man's penis stuck up in the air like a long flag pole. He still had an enormous erection from his intended rape of her daughter. His penis was twice the size of that of a normal man. That is why the women of Amazonia had called him Big Cock. Clonie told her daughter to cut off his penis so that she could show it to the women of the villages that Big Cock had terrorized. Pantariste cut off the penis of her vanquished enemy with his own knife, and then the two women left his body behind to serve as food for the jackals. Clonie took her daughter back to the scene of her battle with the seven warriors. Pantariste was astonished when she saw the bodies of the seven men that her mother had slain. She was proud that her mother had killed so many men while armed only with an ordinary farm hoe. Clonie castrated the seven men that she had slain, and she strung her gruesome trophies of victory as a necklace upon a rawhide thong. Mother and daughter made a tour of the villages and the surrounding countryside that had been terrorized by Big Cock and his men. Everywhere they went the women that they met all cried out with great joy when Pantariste showed them the enormous severed penis and told them that the brutal rapist that they all feared was dead. There was also great rejoicing when they saw that Clonie wore the necklace that was formed by the testicles of the seven warriors that she had slain. Clonie sold her farm and returned with her daughter to Themiscrya. There she resumed her career as an Amazon Warrior. She slew many more men upon the field of battle. Her daughter Pantariste trained hard at the school of Amazonjitsu until she graduated at the age of nineteen. Her mother Clonie had taught her many of her fighting techniques. Clonie also taught her daughter the skills of how to humiliate and to dominate the men that she has vanquished upon the field of battle. Many men have fallen before the strokes of her terrible war ax. Many men have thrown themselves at her feet and vowed obedience on to her rather than to face the wrath of her blade upon the field. Thus did my Mistress become a truly great heroine of the Amazon Empire. I am silent now. I bow my head as a token of my respect for my mistress. It is now Faithful Dog's turn to tell the tale of the heroic deeds of his Mistress, Pisto.