Victory Feast - Chapter 11 - LYKOPIS (She Wolf) By Nerraw The She Wolf kills a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass. Know you my brothers that my Mistress is a great heroine of the nation of Amazonia. Her mother had been an Amazon warrior of great renown. She knew her father only as the embalmed head of a warrior that had managed to rape her mother before she slew him. Know you that my Mistress, Lykopis slew a total of fourteen men upon the field of battle this day, including the most hated enemy of the daughters of Amazonia, Sart the Sexist. And she led three male captives naked upon her leash These three men will now serve and obey the women of the Amazon Empire. Many fabulous tales could I tell you of the heroic deeds of she who is now my Mistress upon the field of battle. I could tell you of how Lykopis had faced the mighty champion, Goliath the Giant in single combat upon the field of battle. I could tell you the tale of how he had stood more than two and a half times as tall as she. I could tell of how she had struck this giant man down with a sling and with a stone. I could tell of how she had placed her foot upon his massive chest and of how she had chopped off his head with his own sword. Or I could tell you the tale of how she had faced King Macholaos and his three hundred elite warriors at the pass of Thermopylae. I could tell you that when this battle was over, that the mighty King of Sparta and his three hundred men lay in a massive heap that was like a mountain. And my Mistress, Lykopis the Amazon, was the undisputed Queen of that mountain as she stood triumphant with one foot placed upon the massive chest of he who lay topmost upon the heap. I could tell you of how she had struck terror into the hearts of the men of the entire Greek army. For such a fearsome presence to them did my Mistress present as she stood upon this massive pile with her foot planted firmly upon the chest of the headless carcass of King Macholaos and as she had held the King's severed head high in the air for all to see, that these twenty thousand men had fled from her in total terror. And thus did just one woman turn back an invasion force of over twenty thousand men. Also I could tell you of how my Mistress had faced the eighteen foot tall Cyclops in single combat. I could tell you of how she had struck his legs out from under him with her war ax, and of how she slew him. I could tell you of how the women who had been terrorized by this giant of a man and who had been working the fields near by, had given Lykopis a thunderous ovation as she stood triumphant upon his massive chest. Or I could tell the tales of how Lykopis the Amazon slew the three centaurs. Or I could tell the tale of how she slew the brutal Ragnar the Rapist and two of his henchmen in the forest. And I could tell you of how she slew a Jarl and six of his men in single combat upon the field. But unfortunately my fellow slave and peer, Shep, has already told you these stories many times. Yes Shep, who had been the faithful and obedient slave of Lykopis the Amazon before me, has already told you the story of how she slew Goliath the Giant in fair and single combat upon the field of battle. And before my Mistress had chosen me over him, Shep had many times told the tale of how she slew the King of Sparta and his three hundred elite warriors at the pass of Thermopylae. And before my Mistress had at last grown tired of Shep and his feeble and pathetic attempts at lovemaking, and before she had placed him upon the auction block of Themiscrya to be sold, he had many times told the tales of how she slew the Cyclops, and the three centaurs. And before Lykopis the Amazon had acquired the one hundred mightiest warriors of the Male Chauvinist Empire who had been of the elite personal guard of Goliath the Giant when she slew their master upon the field of battle, Shep had told the tale of how she had slain the Jarl and his six men. And before my Mistress had chosen me to be her favorite slave from among the one hundred men who had been of the elite personal guard of Goliath the Giant, and before my Mistress had named me Stiff Penis because she had found me to be far more pleasing as a lover than she did Shep, he had told the tale of how she slew Ragnar the Rapist and two of his henchmen. So I will tell you none of these stories. Instead, I will tell you a tale that Shep had never learned about. I will tell a story that happened after my Mistress had discarded Shep and she chose me over him. Queen Andromache had received word that there had been much trouble caused by the men of Att-Dak the Barbarian along the northern border of the Amazon Empire. She had been informed that the trouble was being caused by a group of no more than twenty men, and so she had decided that it was necessary for her to send only ONE Amazon warrior to deal with these men. The Amazon that she decided to send was my Mistress, Lykopis. Mistress Lykopis had decided to take me with her on this mission to police the villages near the northern border of the Amazon Empire. I had gone along with her so that I might serve to the domestic needs of my Mistress while she is in the field. Though Lykopis the She Wolf owns more than three dozen male slaves, I am most proud of the fact that I had become her most favorite slave. As we entered the first of the villages that my Mistress had been assigned to police, she discovered that the entire village had been taken over by a band of brutal barbarians from the north. The leader of these men had forced the head woman of the village to kneel down and kiss the head of his penis as a token of her total surrender to the principles of male supremacy. She Wolf was filled with anger as she saw that the leader of these men had forced the head woman of the village to kneel before him and to bow down her head to the ground at his feet. The Barbarian leader had placed his foot upon her neck, and he beat his massive chest with clenched fists as he berated the men of the village for having allowed themselves to be dominated by women. He told these men that they were not even man enough to keep their women in their place. He told these village men that he and his fellow barbarians had come to liberate them from the yoke of female supremacy. But it was soon apparent that the village men did not wish to be liberated from the yoke of female supremacy. Each man of the village knew that in the brutal harsh world that he lives in, that he needed to be protected from his own stupidity by the stern discipline of female authority. Each man knew that he needed a woman who would take firm control of his life, and would save him from the self destructive forces of macho arrogance. These men all knew that it is the intention of the Goddess that the woman shall rule over the man, and that the man shall obey the woman in all things. Soon the barbarians became frustrated with these men and they began to demonstrate their contempt for such men by beating and kicking them. Then the barbarians threatened to kill all men, women, and children of the village. Lykopis the She Wolf came forth to confront these evil men. But there was ten of these men against only one woman. And each of these brutal men was double her weight, and he stood at least a head and a half taller than the woman who faced them with such courage and determination. And these men all beat their chests with clenched fists as they boasted of all the terrible things that they were going to do to this one uppity little woman who had dared to defy them. They boasted of how each man would take his turn in raping her before they at last slashed her throat with their daggers and leave her lifeless carcass to serve as food for the vultures and the jackals. But my Mistress heeded not the arrogant boasting of these men. For she has heard such talk from men such as these before. And she knew full well that their bold talk would soon turn to cries of terror and to pleas for mercy when they discovered that they were confronted by a true Amazon warrior. And my Mistress had new weapons that were invented by her friend Areto the Amazon. These weapons were pieces of metal that were in the shape of a six pointed star. The Amazons call them throwing stars, and they are weapons that the men of Att-Dak the Barbarian had never seen before. The Barbarian men began to maneuver themselves so that they encircled my Mistress, and they surrounded her. Lykopis hurled one of her six pointed throwing stars at one of the warriors who was a little more aggressive than the others. The weapon struck him in the center of his forehead so that one of the six points penetrated his skull and pierced his brain. The fierce eyes of this brutal warrior glazed over in death, and he fell to his knees, and then face down upon the earth. Three more men fell dead with one of these throwing stars embedded in his forehead. But when she threw one of her stars at a fifth warrior, he had skillfully struck it aside with the blade of his sword. My Mistress threw three more of her star shaped weapons in rapid succession, and her male foe just as rapidly deflected them with his blade. As the warrior advanced upon her, Lykopis drew out her double edged war ax. The barbarian struck at the side of her head with his sword, and Mistress Lykopis parried his stroke with her ax in classic Amazon fashion. But instead of taking off his head with the back swing as she would normally do, with her back swing she struck him along side of his head with the flat of her ax. The big man went down on his knees, and my Mistress placed her foot on his chest and she shoved him over on his back to the ground. He lay still and unmoving. My Mistress had knocked him out cold. At this time, the leader of the barbarians perceived that She Wolf was going to emerge triumphant over him and his men. In panic, he grabbed the head woman of the village from behind and he took her as a hostage. With his left arm he held her around the throat in a choke hold while he brandished his sword with his right hand. There was an edge of hysteria in his voice as he threatened to kill the head woman if my Mistress or anyone else approached him. But the head woman reached up and in back of her and she seized hold of her captor by the hair of his head. Then bending forward, she rolled the much bigger man over her hip, and she threw him down so he landed flat on his back at her feet. She then stomped her foot down hard in his face. Not even Mistress Lykopis could have dealt with this man with any more skill than did the head woman of the village even though she was untrained in the ways of war. But then the fallen warrior struck at her legs with his sword with the speed of a cobra. The head woman just barely managed to leap back out of the range of his sword in time to avoid having her legs slashed by his deadly blade. The barbarian leader scrambled to his feet and he approached the head woman while brandishing his sword in a deadly manner. It was clear that he intended to slay her now. Besides being much smaller than the man who threatened her, the head woman was also at the disadvantage of being unarmed. "MISTRESS!" Yelled on of the village men as he tossed her the hoe that he had used to work the fields that helps to feed the people of the village. The head woman snatched the flying hoe out of the air, and she used it with great skill to fend off her attacker. She deflected the blow of his sword with the metal blade of the hoe, then she struck him on the side of his head with the other end of the handle. Before the dazed man can recover his senses, the woman catches him behind the ankle with the blade of her hoe, and she pulls him off his feet. The barbarian leader's frantic cry of terror is cut short as the head woman plants her foot on his chest and she caves in his skull with one deft blow of the hoe. By this time the remainder of the barbarian warriors lay either dead or dying at the feet of my Mistress. Lykopis rolled the first warrior that she had killed over on his back with her foot. She then placed her foot in his face as she bent down and she pulled her throwing star from his forehead. Mistress She Wolf then planted her bare foot in the faces of the other three men that she had had killed with the throwing stars and she retrieved her weapons in the same manner. She kicked the two men who still lay face down over on their backs with her foot so that the great Goddess Artemis may look down from her domain in the sky into the faces of the men who are about to become her slaves. At this time, my Mistress noticed that the head woman of the village was distraught over the fact that she had killed a man. The Amazon approached the village woman and told her to place her foot upon the chest of the man that she had killed. I could see that this woman was very timid about placing her foot on a dead man's chest, but my Mistress had insisted that it was her duty to do so. At last the head woman of the village overcame her timorousness and she placed one foot upon the massive chest of the barbarian leader. Lycopis grabbed hold of the woman by the wrist and she raised her hand high in the air in token of victory. "BEHOLD! She Wolf cried stridently, "This woman has slain her first male foe in single combat upon the field of battle! She is now a true Amazon warrior!" Both the women and the men of the village gave Their leader a thunderous ovation. Her former feelings of remorse at having killed a man were now completely gone and she was smiling brightly as she stood triumphant over the carcass of her first kill with her foot upon his massive chest, and her arms raised high in the air in token of victory. She was now an Amazon Warrior as well as the head woman of the village. My Mistress and I had now learned that her name is Luili. One of the village males had gathered up the four throwing stars that the one warrior had so skillfully deflected with his sword just before my Mistress had knocked him out cold with the flat of her ax. He now knelt before the Amazon with his head bowed in the proper posture of respect as he holds the throwing stars up to her with outstretched arms. Mistress Lykopis complimented the women on how well they had trained their men as she took her four throwing stars from this man's trembling hands. My Mistress now noticed that the barbarian warrior that she had cold cocked with the flat of her ax has at last started to regain consciousness, and that he is starting to sit up. But his effort to sit up is frustrated as the Amazon places her foot on his chest, and she forces him back down on the ground. "As you kneel and as you bow down your head to the feet of Artemis, the great war Goddess of the Amazons," Lykopis proclaims fiercely as she stands over him with her foot on his chest and her war ax poised for the kill, "be sure to tell her that it was Lykopis the She Wolf who slew you!" Of coarse my Mistress was merely bluffing. She had no intention of killing this man, but she merely wanted to frighten him into total submission. Her bluff worked as it always does, and the man was soon pleading frantically for mercy, and uttering promises of obedience. At last my Mistress grew weary of his hysterical babbling, and she removed her foot from his chest and she stuffed it deep into his mouth in order to silence him. "You will speak only when I have given you permission to speak, or when I have asked you a direct question!" She Wolf proclaimed, "Do you understand that, cock!" Y-Y-Yeth Mithtreth!" he mumbled as best as he could with Lycopis's foot jammed deep into his mouth. The triumphant Amazon pulled her foot out of his mouth and she placed it back on his chest. She forced him to admit to being a member of the inferior sex, and to swear that he will devote the remainder of his life to the principals of female supremacy, and that he will obey all members of the female sex. She then interrogated him thoroughly as to the activities of the men of Att-Dak the Barbarian in the villages near the northern border. Lykopis learned that Att-Dak had established a garrison of ten men each in seven villages that are just within the border of the Amazon Empire. It was obvious that my Mistress was greatly angered that the men of Att-Dak the Barbarian would dare to make such an intrusion into her beloved homeland of Amazonia. She Continued to question her fallen foe until she was certain that she had extracted every last bit of information that may be of any use to her in dealing with these men. At last my Mistress removed her foot from the man's chest, and she rolled him over on his belly with her foot. She striped him completely naked by cutting off all of his clothing with her dagger. She bound his wrists behind his back with a leather thong. She then further discouraged his mobility by tying one end of another thong around his testicles and then pulling it tight. She tied the other end to the thong that bound his wrists. She then stood over him with one foot on his neck as she thought about what she should do with him. This man would have made an excellent assistant to Pantariste at the school of Amazonjitsu, and she could have sold him to her for a good price. But alas she realized that she could not have a raw untrained slave in tow when her mission was to wipe out the garrisons of male warriors that had been established in the remaining six villages. So she sold her new slave to Luili, the head woman of the village, for a mere four talons of copper. My Mistress then turned her attention to the men that she had slain. She placed her foot upon the chest of one of the eight men that she had slain, and the head woman of the village placed her foot upon the chest of the barbarian leader who she had slain. Together the two women recited an exalted paean of victory to the Goddess Artemis. Lykopis drew her dagger and she castrated each of the eight men that she slew. She then handed her dagger to Luili, the head woman of the village, and she castrated the man that she had slain. Both the women and the men of the village gave her a thunderous ovation as she placed her foot upon the chest of her first kill, and she held his severed testicles high in the air for all to see. The nine men were then beheaded, and their heads were impaled on stakes along the border of Amazonia so that they might serve as a warning to other men of their ilk who would try to enslave the free women of the Amazon Nation. She Wolf grabbed the remaining barbarian warrior by the hair of his head, and she pulled him to his feet. The women giggled gleefully as they saw for the first time that this man had an enormous pulsating erection that thus revealed him to be a man who was born to be a woman's slave. The Amazon cut the leather thongs that bound his wrists behind his back to his testicles with her dagger. As the man and the woman stood face to face, She had to look upwards in order to look him in the eye. But the instant that eye contact was made, he lowered his to her feet in order to avoid her piercing gaze. His face was red with humiliation. "Face towards she who is your new Mistress, cock!" Lykopis had demanded stridently. The conquered warrior turned obediently to face Luili, the head woman of the village. "Do you acknowledge yourself to be the slave and property of this woman, cock?", She Wolf demanded. "I do!", the man replied meekly, "Do you swear that from this day forward, that you will obey this woman in all things?", Lykopis demanded. "I do!", he replied. "And at all times?", she demanded. "I do!", he replied. "Then KNEEL and swear your oath of obedience on to her!" my Mistress commanded him. Normally a woman will force a man to memorize an oath of her choosing before the ceremony of male submission to the female takes place. She Wolf regretted that she had been unable to prep him. But as the new slave swore his oath of obedience on to Luili, his words proved to be both elegant and submissive. "Now lower your head to the ground at her feet!", the Amazon commanded him. After the conquered male had obeyed, Lykopis spoke to Luili. "I relinquish all claims to this man!", Lykopis told Luili, "You need only to place your foot upon his neck, and he will be your slave!" Luili took a step forward, and she placed her foot firmly upon the neck of the man who was kowtowing before her. The women and the men of the village gave her a tremendous ovation. Having restored the women of the village to their rightful place of dominance over men, my Mistress bid farewell to them, and we went on our way. There were six more villages that She had to liberate from the yoke of male supremacy. The village people gave her their thanks as we walked away towards the next hamlet. I, of coarse, walked obediently at her heels in the proper manner of a slave. Mistress Lykopis proceeded to eliminate the garrisons of Att-Dak the Barbarian from the villages one by one. By the time that she had finished liberating the fifth village, word of her heroic deeds had reached the brutal Warlord. My Mistress was still at the last village that she had emancipated from the yoke of male supremacy when a messenger from the forces of Att-Dak had come to that village and approached her. The Amazon stood with her foot upon the chest of one of the six men that she had just slain as the messenger spoke to her. The emissary appeared nervous, and his eyes kept glancing down to the carcass of the hulking brute that lay pinned to the ground beneath her foot as he spoke to her. He told her that Jarl Igorson, who was Att-Dak's top general, had arrived at the next village with a force of one thousand men. The courier further explained that Jarl Igorson had taken all of the women of the village as his hostages. The Jarl demanded that She Wolf comes to the village alone and unarmed, and that she surrender herself to the forces of male supremacy. The messenger said that if Lykopis failed to comply with the Jarl's demands, that all of the women of the village would be put to death. As soon as the messenger had gone away, I fell to my knees before Mistress Lykopis, and I had pleaded for her not to comply with the demands of Jarl Igorson. I wined and I begged pathetically before her for I knew that it would have been suicide for her to have followed the instructions that the courier had given her. My Mistress was angry that I would council her to put aside her honor, and to forsake her sworn duty to protect the peasant women of the Amazon Empire. She planted her foot firmly in my face, and she shoved me forcefully over on my back. She then stood with both feet on top of my chest for a moment before she stuffed one bare foot deep into my mouth in order to choke off the disgraceful words that I was uttering. She reminded me that I was but a lowly male slave, and that I was to stay in my place, and that I was to speak only when I was spoken to. I followed stealthily behind my Mistress as she made her journey to the next village. I was quite fearful, for She Wolf had told me that she would slay me if I should have followed her. But I was much more fearful for the life of my Mistress who I loved, for she had left her double edged war ax behind, and she was alone and unarmed as she walked towards almost certain doom. As the Amazon entered the village, Jarl Igorson came forth to meet her. He was closely followed by his one thousand men. From my vantage point where I was hiding in the bushes, I could see all that was taking place on the street of this village. Jarl Igorson stood a full two and a half heads taller than the woman who faced him alone and unarmed in the center of the street. He carried a massive war hammer that must have weighed about three hundred pounds. The beating of his clenched fist against his gargantuan chest made the sound of a base war drum as he both boasted and threatened my Mistress in his deep gruff voice. "You have caused the men of Att-Dak the Barbarian much trouble, cunt!" the Jarl bellowed, "But now you will pay for having defied the forces of MALE SUPREMACY! First, each and everyone of my one thousand men will take his turn with you! If you survive that, I will stick the blade of my dagger up your cunt, and I will rip you open all the way up to your chin! I will leave your lifeless carcass to serve as food for the jackals and the vultures! And I will……… The arrogant boasting of the Jarl was cut short and his eyes glazed over in death as one of the six points of a throwing star penetrated his forehead and it pierced his brain. My Mistress had nailed him with the throwing star that she had hidden in the folds of her garment. And the big man never even knew what hit him. He just stood there and stared at Lykopis with an incredulous look on his face until the Amazon planted her foot on his belly and she shoved him over on his back. Jarl Igorson fell to the ground with a crash and he lay still. My Mistress snatched up the jawbone of an ass that she saw laying on the ground. She stepped forward and placed her foot upon the bull chest of the dead Jarl, and she faced the thousand warriors with a savage demeanor. For a moment, the men reeled back in terror from the woman who had slain the man who all of them had feared. Then one warrior who was bolder than the rest, drew his war hammer and in a berserk furry he charged upon the Amazon. She Wolf parried his war hammer with the jawbone of an ass, and at the same time she kicked him in the nuts. As the big brute doubled over in pain, she caved in his skull with her weapon. The barbarian fell dead face down on top of the carcass of his master. Other men swarmed upon my Mistress. I saw several of these men fall before the fearsome strokes of her weapon. Then she was completely surrounded by these men, and I was unable to see her. I cried tears of despair, for it was certain that I would never see my beloved Mistress alive again. I saw more and more men moving into the crowd of men who surrounded my Mistress. Soon men had to climb to the top of an ever growing pile of bodies in order to join the throng of men who were engaged in the battle. I saw men who had fallen in battle rolling down from the top of the pile. Some of these men had rolled all the way to the bottom of the pile, while others only rolled part way down. I saw men stepping on the necks of their fallen comrades as they climbed to the top of the pile in order to engage my Mistress in hand to hand combat. Soon the crowd of men who were attacking the Amazon grew thinner, and I could see her once again. Armed only with a jawbone of an ass, she continued to slay the men who charged upon her from all sides. She struck right and left and front and back with this strange weapon as though it were her war ax. And when this battle of the sexes was at last ended, the warrior woman stood triumphant upon a pile of slain enemies that was as large as one of the pyramids of Egypt. For my Mistress, Lykopis the Amazon had slain a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass. And Mistress Lykopis placed her foot upon the chest of the barbarian warrior who had lain at the very top of the heap as she raised the jawbone high in the air and she uttered an exalted paean of victory to the Goddess Artemis. She offered her Goddess the souls of these men that she had slain so that they may serve as her slaves. At this moment there was a loud peal of thunder and a brilliant flash of lightning that silhouetted the triumphant Amazon in all of her glory. Many believe that this was a sign from the great Goddess Artemis expressing her pleasure with She Wolf the Amazon for having delivered to her the souls of so many men who would now be her property and her slave. And the people of the village gave the Amazon a tremendous ovation as they saw that she was triumphant over Jarl Igorson and his brutal men, and that she had rescued them from the evils of male supremacy! And ten packs of jackals had appeared upon the scene of this great victory of Lykopis the Amazon over the Jarl and his men. And the female jackal who was the leader of her pack sent forth her mate to pay homage to the triumphant Amazon. And so a male jackal from each pack climbed to the top of this enormous pile of corpses. And each jackal in his turn licked the foot of my Mistress that was placed upon the chest of the warrior who lay topmost on the heap. He licked her toes in order to express the gratitude of his pack to her for having provided them with the flesh of so many burly men to feed upon. And it came to pass that there was no need for Mistress She Wolf to liberate the seventh and final village. For nine of the ten men who were of the garrison of that village fled for their lives across the border of Amazonia, and into the land of the northern barbarians. And the tenth man of this garrison came forth and he knelt before the triumphant Amazon, and he bowed his dead down to the ground before her. And he did seize hold of Lykopis the She Wolf by her ankle with both of his hands, and he placed her foot upon his own neck as a token of his total and unconditional surrender to the forces of female supremacy. The men of all seven villages, as well as those few men of the macho garrisons who my Mistress had captured alive all helped me to carry the carcasses of the thousand men that Mistress Lykopis had slain some two hundred feet to the northern border of the Amazon Empire. There we lay these men in a long row face up and side by side in such a way that their heads pointed towards the land of the barbarians to the north. Thus did these men lay in a line that was about two thousand feet long. Four of the conquered males followed naked behind my Mistress as she castrated each and every one of the men that she had slain. Each of her new slaves carried a large leather satchel. My Mistress threw the severed testicles of each of her slain foes into one of these leather satchels as she castrated him. When the Amazon came to the carcass of Jarl Igorson, she placed one foot upon his massive chest, and she loped off his head with her war ax. Leaving her throwing star still embedded in his forehead, Lykopis threw the Jarl's severed head into one of the sacks along with the testicles of his men. She then castrated Jarl Igorson and she threw his severed testicles into the sack also. By the time that my Mistress had finished castrating each of the men that she had slain upon the field of battle, all four of the leather satchels have been filled to near capacity. Next my Mistress walked upon the chests of these men. She stepped upon the chest of each man in order to force his soul out through his mouth and into the clutches of the Goddess Artemis. When she came to the headless carcass of Jarl Igorson, she stomped down especially hard upon his chest to force his evil soul out through his severed neck. And when my Mistress was finished with these men, the women from the seven newly liberated villages approached this two thousand foot long line of carcasses. Each woman carried a sword that had belonged to one of the thousand warriors that Lykopis had slain with the jawbone of an ass, and several long sharpened wooden stakes. A woman planted her foot upon the chest of each man, and she chopped off his head with her sword. A wooden stake was then driven through the chest of each man and into the ground beneath him. The head of each man was then impaled on the top of the stake. Some of the women cut off the penis of each of those men who had raped them. The severed penis of each of these men was inserted into his mouth in such a way that it dangled down his chin. Thus did the headless carcasses and severed heads of these men serve as a grim warning to other men of their ilk who would cross the border seeking to rape, and pillage, and to enslave the women of the Amazon Empire. Mistress Lykopis had destroyed all of the garrisons of male warriors that had been established within the borders of her beloved homeland by the brutal Warlord, Att-Dak the Barbarian. She had destroyed the forces of Jarl Igorson, and she had liberated the seven villages from the yoke of male supremacy. The women of these villages had now been returned to their proper place of dominance over the men. As Mistress She Wolf began the long march back to Themiscrya, she was followed by three of the former garrison men that she had conquered and myself. All four of us men were now her slaves, and we walked naked at her heels in a neat column. Our throbbing erections stuck up at a jaunty angle to reveal the intense devotion of each of us to our Mistress. Each of us carried one of the four massive leather satchels full of severed testicles upon our backs as we marched in step to our Mistress. My head was filled with pleasant dreams of my magnificent Mistress as I slept that very night upon the floor at the foot of her bed. And the great Goddess Aretmis came to me and she rolled me over upon my back beneath her foot. And she rubbed the shaft of my throbbing erection with the ball of her foot in such a way that she caused me to ejaculate in my sleep. And the Goddess Artemis placed her foot upon my chest, and much that will take place in the future was revealed to me by her in my dreams as I slept. Many years in the future, the Queen of the Amazons shall incur the wrath of the Goddess. And the Gynarchy of Amazonia shall fall. And brutal and foolish man shall become dominant over woman. The triumph of my Mistress over the men of Att-Dak the Barbarian on that glorious day shall be forgotten from the memory of history. It will be forgotten that it was my Mistress, Lykopis the She Wolf who slew a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass. Just as it will be forgotten from the memory of history that it was my Mistress who slew Goliath the giant in single combat upon the field of battle. And the men who promote the cause of MALE SUPREMACY will claim that it was a man named Samson who slew a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass. Just as these same men will claim that it was a man named David, the King of Israel who slew Goliath. And these false claims will be recorded in their book called the Bible. Stiff Penis now closes his eyes and bows his head down to the floor in token of his total reverence and respect for his Mistress, and to indicate that his tale is told. Since I had also once been the faithful and obedient slave of Lykopis the Amazon, I bow down my head to the floor in token of my total reverence and respect for this magnificent warrior woman also. I feel somewhat disappointed that I had failed to steal all of Stiff Penis' thunder. And yet at the same time, it gave me a great deal of pleasure to hear this magnificent tale of she who had been my former Mistress for the first time. I feel a little nervous and apprehensive for I know that it will be very difficult for me to top the story of Stiff Penis who I see as my rival. It is now my turn to tell my story of my magnificent Mistress, Pantariste, the Tigress of Amazonia.