Amazonomachy - Chapter 16 - Graduation Day by Nerraw Each girl must win her diploma by defeating a male opponent. Today is graduation day for the young women who are students of the School of Amazonjitsu. Bleachers have been set up at the edge of the great field that is behind the great training hall of the Amazons. Queen Andromache and all of the Amazons of Themiscrya sit in the reviewing stands in order to observe the final test and graduation of the students of the School of Amazonjitsu. First Ainippe sits proudly astride her war mare, Nightmare, as she leads her newly trained Amazon cavalry in a parade past the reviewing stands. As the women ride around the field several times, they demonstrate the various combat formations and maneuvers that were devised by the clever mind of Swift Mare, their leader. The women who have been selected by Ainippe to be a part of this cavalry had already graduated from the School of Amazonjitsu, and they have already achieved at least the status of Amazon Warrior by having slain at least one male foe upon the field of battle. Thus the women of the Amazon cavalry all wear the severed testicles of one or more men upon their breast as they ride proudly upon their war mares. I can see that Queen Andromache is well pleased with the riding skill of these magnificent women. It is her fervent hope that these women will be able to vanquish the cavalry of her hated enemy, the Warlord, Att-Dak the Barbarian. Att-Dak's much feared cavalry is led by the brutal warrior, Arrigorn the Arrogant who rides boldly into battle astride his huge stallion, Machismo. Arrigorn's men all ride upon STALLIONS who have been especially bred for their size and strength. The cavalry of Swift Mare the Amazon on the other hand ride upon MARES who have been bred for their speed and agility. Some two dozen convicted rapists have been buried in the ground up to their necks before the reviewing stands. Thus only the heads of these men show above the ground. One of the women of the cavalry rides towards the first of these men at a gallop. She bends down low from the back of her war mare and his screeching cry of terror is cut short as she lops off his head with one deft stroke of her war ax as her horse gallops swiftly past him. The man's head rolls and bounces until it comes to rest at the feet of one of the warrior women who is sitting in the very first row of the bleachers. As a gesture of contempt for he who would rape and murder peaceful peasant women, the Amazon places one foot upon the rapist's severed head. The women of Themiscrya applaud this splendid display of horsewomanship. Twenty three more of the cavalrywomen repeat this amazing display of fighting skill on horseback. The women of Themiscrya give them a thunderous ovation. As the women of Amazonia continue cheering, male slaves gather up the severed heads and place them in six neat piles of four heads each at the feet of the women who sit in the very first row of the reviewing stands. That is first three heads are placed together, facing away from each other in a triangular shaped formation, and then the fourth head is placed on top of the three heads. Later these same male slaves will shovel dirt over the severed necks of the now headless corpses, and they will be left buried as they are. The twenty four severed heads will be placed on stakes along the border of the Amazon Empire where they will serve as a warning to other men of their ilk who would come to rape and murder the women of Amazonia. Now Ainippe and her cavalrywomen retire from the field and it is the time for the young women to face their final test in order to graduate from the School of Amazonjitsu. This is the event that the Amazons sitting in the reviewing stands have been waiting for. Each student must prove her ability to defeat a male opponent in hand to hand unarmed combat. I am one of the seven men who has been selected to test these women in their fighting skills. Us seven men stand before our Mistress Pantariste as she instructs us in our duties. She tells us that each man is expected to do his best to defeat these women. We are told that if a man fails to defeat at least ONE of the women who he fights, then each of the women who he has been vanquished by will be permitted to strike his naked buttocks five times with her quirt. I am determined that I will defeat at least one of these women today, and thus avoid this painful and humiliating punishment. Normally a male is not permitted to wear any clothing in the Gynarchy of Amazonia. He is normally required to be totally naked at all times. This is considered to be the appropriate mode of dress for he who's status is considered to be beneath that of a dog, or a horse, or that of any other domestic animal. Being naked places the male in his proper position of inferiority to the female. But for the purposes of today's test, us seven males are wearing the typical costume of a warrior who would serve in the forces of Att-Dak the Barbarian so that it will seem more like each girl is facing a real male foe upon the field of battle. Thus each man wears the typical thick leather belt with the large brass buckle and studs, and the brief leather loin cloth, and the leather sandals with their thick leather straps that crisscross up to the knees. It is the Amazon tradition that the last girl to face the man in hand to hand combat will strip him of these items of clothing once she has defeated him upon the field. Thus she returns him to his proper status of slave. Next my Mistress addresses the women of her class. "All of the women of Amazonia will be watching you today!", she tells them, "They will be watching to see if you are worthy to fight by her side in the battle of the sexes! If any of these men defeats you upon the field, he gets to FUCK you! He will fuck you right here upon the field as all of the women of Themiscrya look on! And remember girls, I had to pay good money for these men, and I will expect you to pay me wergild if you slay one of them!" Thus it is certain that neither man nor woman wants to experience the humiliation and the punishment that goes with being vanquished by the other upon the field. Thus are the women of Themiscrya sure to be treated to many hard fought contests upon the field this day. A trumpet is blown, and us men are faced off against our first seven female opponents. My first opponent turns out to be Okypous, the young woman who had been my stern task Mistress when I had been put to work in the fields. Though I am much taller and heavier than my opponent, I prove to be no match for her, and she takes me down quickly. The women of the audience give Okypous a thunderous ovation as she stands triumphant over me with one foot on my chest, and her clenched fist raised in the air in token of victory. Okypous maintains her victory stance with one foot on my chest until the six remaining matches are over. Soon all seven of the women stand triumphant with one foot placed upon the chest of her vanquished male foe. The women of Themiscrya give the seven victrix a thunderous ovation. I fight several more of these female students. Each Time the fight ends the same way, with me laying flat on my back with my female opponent standing triumphant over me, with her arms raised in token of victory, and her foot on my chest. Then I find that my opponent is Scyleia the farm girl who's two sisters had been so brutally raped and murdered by Ragnar the Rapist and his six henchmen. Scyleia speaks to me as she faces me upon the field. "Man!", she says to me, "I do not blame you for what happened to my sisters! I want you to know that I bear you no malice! But you are a member of the inferior sex! And I intend to assert my superiority over you!". And assert her superiority over me she does quite handily. Though I am much larger than Scyleia, she manages to sweep my feet out from under me, and she throws me hard down on my back. She turns around, facing away from me. Then bending forward and placing her hands on her knees, she falls backwards. The air is knocked out of my lungs as her ass lands with full force on my chest. I lay there gasping desperately for breath as Scyleia stands over me and waits patiently for me to get back on my feet so that we can continue our fight. But both the wind and my will to fight has been completely knocked out of me, so instead, I seize hold of her ankle, and I place her foot upon my own chest to indicate that I have had enough, and that I concede that she has fairly vanquished me upon the field. Scyleia shrugs her shoulders and she raises her arms high in the air in token of victory. As I lie there with her foot on my chest, the cheering of the women of Themiscrya is ringing in my ears. I remain laying flat on my back with the foot of the conqueress upon my chest until moments later, my six fellows have also been vanquished by their female foes. By this time, three of my six fellows have been knocked out cold by his female opponent. These three men now lay naked in a neat pile on the sidelines, for each man had been striped of his macho leather costume by the girl who had knocked him senseless. Each girl had cut the leather garments off of the body of her vanquished opponent with her dagger. Mistress Pantariste gives these three girls a verbal dressing down for being excessively rough on the three men who are badly needed to complete the testing of the rest of the girls who wish to graduate from the School of Amazonjitsu. One of the three girls stands with one foot placed upon the chest of the man who lies topmost on the pile as she receives her dressing down from my Mistress. Pantariste admires such arrogance in her students, and she is unable to maintain the stern expression on her face as she speaks to the girls and soon there is an uncontrolled grin on her lips. Each one of my matches with the remaining female students ends the same, with me laying flat on my back, with the foot of my conqueress planted squarely upon my chest. Each time the fight ends with my three remaining fellows laying flat on his back with the foot of his conqueress placed firmly upon his broad muscular chest also. At the end, I remain the only man still standing. The three other remaining men have been knocked out cold by his last female opponent. Now all six men lay unconscious in a neat pile on the sidelines. Each man has been striped naked by the last woman who had defeated him. A woman who had knocked out one of the six men stands like a triumphant victrix on top of this heap of men with one foot placed upon the chest of the man who lies topmost on the heap, as she watches the last fight of the day. As my last opponent I face Thraso or Confidence. This is my last chance to save face by defeating one of my female opponents. Thus I would be the only man among the seven who would successfully avoid the painful and humiliating punishment of being struck on my naked buttocks five times by the quirt of each and every one of the women who had vanquished me upon the field. Also since this is to be the final fight of the day, I would also escape the final humiliation of being striped naked by my last conqueress as the multitude of women in the reviewing stands look on. Thus I would be leaving the graduation day ceremonies with both my leathers and my dignity intact. Being the only man to have defeated one of the female students of the class would put me in favor over the other men in the eyes of Pantariste, my Mistress! Thraso is the smallest student in the entire School of Amazonjitsu. The fact that she stands only four feet tall, means that I stand almost three heads taller than she. During our practice sessions, I noticed that I was much stronger than her, and that she was barely able to throw me to the ground. I feel confidant that I will be able to vanquish this one small woman in hand to hand combat. I arrogantly beat my massive chest with clenched fists and in the most intimidating voice that I can muster I say to her, "I am going to enjoy FUCKING you when I am finished kicking your ass, GIRL!" Thraso bristles with anger at being called "GIRL" by a member of the inferior sex. I lewdly thrust my exposed throbbing erect penis at her in a crude simulation of sexual intercourse. The interest of the women in the crowd perks up as they wonder if Thraso will be able to prevail over her much larger male foe. Confidence attempts to sweep my feet out from under me as so many other of the students had successfully done. But this time I stand firm, and it is as though Thraso is trying to sweep an iron post buried in the ground. I shove her forcefully with the palm of my hand. The little woman falls sprawling on the ground, and she rolls several feet away from me. "You should have stayed in the kitchen where you belong, LITTLE GIRL!", I snarl at her as I once again beat my massive chest with clenched fists. I approach her confidently intent on taking my pleasure from her. Once I lay upon her, she will be helpless and unable to resist me. Thraso will become the first student of the School of Amazonjitsu to ever experience the humiliation of being raped by her male opponent as the women of Themiscrya look on. But as I approach her, Thraso strikes with the swiftness of a cobra as she thrusts her heel upwards into my unprotected testicles. I double over in pain, vomiting up the breakfast that I had eaten this morning. Thraso springs to her feet with a magnificent acrobatic maneuver. She straightens me up by landing a devastating front snapping kick to my chin. She follows up with a devastating tornado kick that sends me staggering backwards as her bare foot slams into my face. I stagger desperately forward, and I somehow manage to grab hold of her slender throat with both my hands. Thraso tries frantically to pull away from me just as she had once done that day in the class. But just like on that day, she is unable to break the grip that I have on her throat. Just like she had done on that day at the School of Amazonjitsu, she tries to kick me in the nuts, but she fails because I am standing in that same crouched protective stance with my knees pressed tightly together. Just another moment, and this little woman will fall unconscious at my feet, and I will take my pleasure from her. While she is still unconscious, I will subject her to the ultimate humiliation of being raped on what would have been her proud day of graduation from the School of Amazonjitsu. I will fuck her right here upon the field as all of the warrior women of Themiscrya look on in dismay. Suddenly Thraso leans forward so that her face is near my chest, and without warning her bare foot slams into my face with bone crushing force. Stunned, I stagger backwards nearly loosing my footing and falling upon my back. She had kicked her foot backwards and over her head and into my face, much like the stinging tail of a scorpion. Thus I have learned the hard way that Thraso is one of the few students in the class to have perfected the devastating SCORPION KICK. It takes all of my strength and my will power to remain standing on my feet. I know that if I fall before her, that I will not get up again. I stagger towards her on rubber legs and I swing my fist at her in a desperate wild attack. A hushed silence falls over the women in the audience as my female opponent and I stand facing each other for a moment. I tower over her so that she must look upwards in order to look me in the eye. I think of how easy it should be for me to defeat her since I am so much taller and heavier than she is. I think of how much that I am going to enjoy taking my pleasure from this beautiful young Amazon maiden as the women of Themiscrya look on in horror and in shocked disbelief! Thraso places the tip of one finger on my chest and she shoves me back away from her. Then Thraso falls upon her back on the ground and she lies still. "I did it!", I think as I look down upon her. I have become the first male to ever defeat a female opponent in the final test of the School of Amazonjitsu. I hear the wild cheering of the women of Themiscrya as they applaud my victory! It is only when Thraso steps forward and she places her foot upon my chest as she beats her breast with clenched fists and as she utters an exulted cry of victory that I realize that I am the one who has fallen and not her. The women of Themiscrya continue to give Thraso a thunderous ovation for her magnificent victory over a male foe who is so much larger than herself. Thraso removes her foot from my chest, and drawing her dagger, she cuts the brass studded leather clothing from my body and she throws them on the pile along with the leather garments of the other six men. Thus have I now been striped naked by a woman and reduced back to my rightful place as a slave who will obey all members of the female sex! Thraso smiles and she helps me up on my feet. I stagger on rubber legs still dazed from the beating that Thraso had given me. By this time the other six males have all regained consciousness and are standing on their feet also. Okypous now comes forward and she seizes hold of my beard, and she forces me down on my knees. Her foot on the back of my neck forces my head down to the ground so thus I am kneeling with my head upon the ground and my naked buttocks raised up in the air. I whine like a whipped dog as Okypous stings my upraised buttocks five times with her quirt. Each of the women who has defeated me upon the field takes her turn placing her foot firmly upon my neck and striking my naked buttocks five times with her quirt. Though my face is pressed into the dank earth, I am able to recognize each of the women by the feel of her foot upon my neck. The farm girl Scyleia shows me no mercy when it is her turn to place her dainty little foot on my neck and to strike me with her quirt. The other six men are also kneeling with their exposed buttocks raised in the air as each of the female students who has vanquished him places her foot upon his neck and she strikes his naked buttocks five times with her quirt. At last I feel the tiny little foot of Thraso treading ruthlessly upon my neck. I feel the sting of her quirt as it strikes my now red buttocks five times and my ordeal of pain and humiliation is over. The final event of graduation day is that each of the graduates receives her diploma from Mistress Pantariste. Okypous is the first to receive her diploma. As the Head Instructrix hands her the diploma, I step forward from the ranks of the seven males, and I kneel before her. "I congratulate you on having graduated from the School of Amazonjitsu, SUPERIOR ONE!" Okypous smiles proudly as for the first time I address her as SUPERIOR ONE instead of GIRL. Thus do I officially recognize her as one who has proven to me her ability to vanquish me in hand to hand combat upon the field of battle. I now lower my head to the ground and I kiss both of her feet as the ultimate expression of my acknowledgment of her superiority over me. As each of the women receives her diploma, the man that she has conquered in her final test steps forward to repeat the above ritual. As Scyleia the former farm girl receives her diploma, I step forth and kneel before her. I am very proud of she who had been but a cringing victim, but who is now a magnificent fighting woman. It is with great pride that I kneel and address Scyleia as SUPERIOR ONE for the first time. It is with great pride that I lower my head to the ground and I kiss her feet. I am so proud of this magnificent warrior woman that I am unable to resist bestowing the ultimate gesture of my acknowledgment of her superiority over me. I seize hold of her ankle with both my hands, and I place her foot upon my own neck! The women of Themiscrya applaud my splendid demonstration of male subservience to the female. The very last woman of the class to receive her diploma is Thraso. It is with great pride that I step forth and kneel before her. "Though you be small in physical size,", I say to her, "you are a GIANTESS in terms of courage and in spirit. I congratulate you for having graduated from the School of Amazonjitsu, and I acknowledge you as my SUPERIOR ONE!" After I have kissed and licked her feet like a groveling dog, I passionately seize hold of her ankle and I place her foot upon my own neck! The women of Themiscrya give Thraso a thunderous ovation. There is just one more event before the graduation ceremony is ended. Three of the men lay down on their backs upon the field side by side in a neat row so that their heads point in the direction of the reviewing stands. The next three men lay face up on top of the first three men side by side in a neat row so that their heads point to the right of the three men that they lie upon. Next I lie on my back on top of the second three men in such a way that my head points towards the reviewing stands. We lay in this neat formation or pile in order to symbolize the fact that we had all been vanquished by the graduates of the School of Amazonjitsu. Because I had been the last man to remain standing upon the field, I have been granted the honor of being the man who lies topmost on the heap. Based on her performance in this final test of hand to hand combat upon the field, Thraso has been selected by my Mistress to serve as the VALEDICTORIAN for the graduating class of the School of Amazonjitsu. Thraso climbs to the top of the pile, and she places her foot upon my chest. Thus does she symbolize the fact that just one woman who has graduated from the School of Amazonjitsu would be able to defeat many men upon the field of battle. As she stands in this majestic pose on top of the pile of seven men, and with her foot on my chest, she delivers an exalted speech to the daughters of Amazonia. "Hail to thee, my sisters of the Amazon Empire!", Thraso cries fiercely, "My sister graduates of the School of Amazonjitsu and I look forward to fighting at your side in the battle of the sexes! We look forward to fighting at the side of she who slew Goliath the Giant! We look forward to fighting at the side of she who slew the mighty Greek Champion, Tiamedies and she who also slew King Macholaos and his three hundred mightiest Spartans at the pass of Thermopylae! We look forward to fighting at the side of she who slew the mighty Greek Warrior, Lykos the Lion of Sparta in fair combat upon the field of battle! We all look forward to following our glorious Queen into battle against the men who would rape and enslave our beloved sisters of the Amazon Empire! We look forward to following she who had led our sister Amazons to victory against the men of Hercules, the mighty son of the great God Zeus himself! Each woman who has graduated from the School of Amazonjitsu this day looks forward to that glorious day that she will grab hold of her first male enemy by his testicles, and that she will castrate him with her dagger! And it is her wish to be upon the field of battle with her sisters of Amazonia on that great and glorious day that the hosts of the brutal tyrant, Att-Dak the Barbarian, at last falls before the triumphant daughters of the great Goddess, Artemis! And it is the prayer of each woman who graduates today, that the mighty Warlord, Att-Dak the Barbarian will at last end his career as a brutal rapist and as an oppressor of women with her foot upon his massive chest!". When the speech is ended, the women give Thraso and the other women who have graduated from the School of Amazonjitsu a thunderous ovation. At last the graduation ceremony of the School of Amazonjitsu is now over. The Valedictorian removes her foot from my chest, and us seven men are allowed to get back on our feet. Both my Mistress, Pantariste and myself feel very proud of all of the women who have graduated from the School of Amazonjitsu today. Each of these women has proven that she has both the courage and the fighting skill to face her male foes in fair combat upon the field of battle. Each of these women will no doubt prove to be a mighty heroine of the Amazon Empire. But she has not yet achieved the status of Amazon Warrior. In order to become a true Amazon Warrior, she must slay her first male foe, and she must take his testicles as her PROOF OF CONQUEST!