Amazonomache - Chapter 15 - The Pass of Thermopylae by Nerraw She cuts them off at the pass. My Mistress, Pantariste the Amazon places her foot upon the chest of the leader of the rebellious males and she raises her war ax high in the air in token of victory. All of the other rebellious males of the village throw down their weapons. The men then kneel and bow down their heads to the ground at her feet. The rebellion of the men of this small village on the southern border of the Amazon Empire against the principles of Female Supremacy is now over. It has taken my Mistress less than five minutes to put down this uprising of about a hundred men Queen Andromache had sent Pantariste to deal with this situation when she had received word that the males of this village had rebelled against the women who rule over them. "One male uprising, one Amazon.", is a popular slogan in the Amazon Empire. My Mistress had taken me with her so that I might tend to her domestic needs while she is in the field. Mistress Pantariste had only to slay the leader of these men in order to put an end to their foolishness A closer examination of the carcass that lies beneath her foot reveals to Pantariste that he is not an ordinary man of the village at all, but that he is a Greek warrior. He had no doubt infiltrated the men of the village in order to ferment discontent and to incite the men to rebel against their female rulers. She is fairly certain that this man was not just an ordinary Greek, but a man of Sparta. The men of Sparta are much more macho and warlike than the men of any of the other Greek city states. These Spartains are not only bigger and stronger than other men of Greece, but they are much more skilled in the ways of war. It is said that one Spartan is equal to three ordinary Greek warriors. But one Spartan was NOT equal to one Amazon! It is known that Macholaos, the King of Sparta harbors an especially bitter hatred towards the women of the Amazon Nation. His malice towards the daughters of Amazonia dates back to that day long ago when Queen Andromache slew his father, Manalaos, in fair combat upon the field of battle. The fact that the Queen of the Amazons uses the embalmed head of the once mighty King of Sparta as a hassock to rest her foot upon as she sits upon her throne in the palace of Themiscrya, has been a cause of great humiliation and anger to the men of Sparta for all these many years. Long has King Macholaos desired to seek revenge and he has tried for years to incite all of the city states of Greece to attack Amazonia The warrior that Pantariste has slain is just another in a long series of agitators that Macholaos has sent secretly into Amazonia in an effort to work his evil malice upon the peaceful peasant women of Amazonia. Pantariste removes her foot from the dead man's chest, and she castrates him with her dagger. She keeps his severed testicles as yet another proof of conquest The recalcitrant males are all required to kneel and kiss the feet of the head woman of the village as an expression of their apology for having dared to take part in this rebellion against members of the superior sex. Village males are considered to be slaves, and they are expected to obey all women of their community without question. Most village women never advance beyond the level of Amazon maiden, but some village women have advanced to the level of Amazon warrior and even to Matriarch by having successfully defended themselves from the various rogue males who regularly enter the Queendom of Amazonia seeking to rape and pillage the peaceful peasant women of the Amazonian country side. Village women are permitted to bear children by village men without having achieved the status of Matriarch. An Amazon Warrior is any woman who has slain one or more male enemies in single combat upon the field of battle, and a Matriarch is a woman who has slain three or more male enemies in fair combat. The head woman is the only woman in this village who has risen to the rank of Amazon Warrior. She had achieved the level of Amazon Warrior when she slew a rogue male who had tried to rape her. That is no doubt why the women of this village have chosen her to be their leader Village males are naturally subservient and it was only because they were riled up by the Greek agitator that they had rebelled against female authority. Now that my Mistress has slain the Greek Warrior, these men have become docile and subservient once again. Many of the men now kneel before his woman, and seizing hold of her ankle, he places her foot upon his own neck as an expression of his devotion to the principles of female supremacy. My Mistress is pleased to see that domestic tranquility has been restored to this village But just as my Mistress and I are about to take our leave of this village and return to the city of Themiscrya, an escaped slave girl comes upon the scene. We learn that she has escaped from the seraglio of Macholaos, the King of Sparta himself, and that she has come to Amazonia seeking refuge from a brutal life under male supremacy. She tells us chilling tales of how the brutal King of Sparta treats the women of his seraglio with great cruelty. She tells stories of brutal murder, and rape, and other horrors that are too terrible for me to describe But most important of all, the former slave girl tells my Mistress of the coming invasion that will be lead by King Macholaos against the women of the Amazon Empire. She tells Mistress Pantariste that even now the King of Sparta and his three hundred elite guardsmen are marching upon the borders of Amazonia. And as he marches, his top generals are busy mobilizing all of the city states of Greece. Thus will King Macholaos' advance be soon followed by a massive Greek army that will wash over the Gynarchy of Amazonia even as the tide would wash over a small sand castle on the beach. Mistress Pantariste quickly comes up with a plan of action. She tells the former slave girl to take the news of the coming invasion to Queen Andromache at her palace in Themiscrya. She must tell the Queen that she must lead the daughters of Amazonia to the pass of Thermopylae where Pantariste will try to hold back the hosts of the Greek armies for as long as she can. Mistress Pantariste knows that in order to invade Amazonia, that King Macholaos and his three hundred Spartains must come through the pass of Thermopylae. Thermopylae is a narrow pass through the mountains that is only about thirty feet wide. If a mighty Amazon heroine such as my Mistress were to station herself in this narrow pass, she might be able to hold an army of men at bay for many hours before she at last fell upon the field of battle. This might give Queen Andromache the time she needs to mobilize her warrior women and repel the Greek invasion Pantariste decides to take me with her as she makes her forced march to the pass. We are about twice as far away from the pass of Thermopylae as king Macholaos and his three hundred elite guardsmen. Therefore we must move quickly if we hope to arrive at the pass before them. We run most of the time and only walk when we are too tired to run any further >From the very beginning, it becomes apparent that the stamina of my Mistress is greatly superior to mine. It is with great difficulty that I struggle to keep pace with her during this forced march despite the fact that she is carrying the heavier load. By nightfall I am pleading with her to stop and make camp for the night. But Mistress Pantariste forces me to continue onwards. She explains to me that we must hope that the men of Sparta have made camp for the night, and that we must continue our march throughout the night if we are to have even a small chance of reaching the pass of Thermopylae before them. She forces me to follow her at this exhausting pace throughout the long night By midnight, it is necessary for my Mistress to take the bag of food from me and for her to carry the food as well as the water skin and her war ax so that I might be able to keep up with her. Finally, shortly before dawn, I can keep pace no longer, and I fall upon my belly upon the ground. Mistress Pantariste commands me to get back on my feet. When I fail to respond to her commands, she rolls me over on my back with her foot, and she prods my face roughly with her foot as she sternly commands me again to get to my feet. When I again fail to obey her, she places one foot on my chest and she looks fiercely down upon me. I plead with her that I am unable to continue on our journey as her foot rides up and down on my heaving chest. But Pantariste the Amazon is totally without compassion as she tells me that either I will obey her and get back on my feet, or that she will slay me on the spot At last she removes her foot from my chest, and I struggle to get back up on my feet. Mistress Pantariste fastens a leash around my testicles, and she tells me that if I fail to keep pace with her, that she will rip my nuts off. For the rest of the night and into the morning, I struggle desperately to keep pace with her. It is only the terror of being castrated that enables me to keep pace with her for the remainder of the journey. It takes all of my strength and endurance to keep enough slack in that leash so that my testicles will not be pulled off as she runs ahead of me. Finally by mid morning, we arrive at last at the pass of Thermopylae Even as we arrive at the pass, we can see King Macholaos and his three hundred elite Spartains approaching from a distance. Thus, after a forced march of about twenty hours, my Mistress is not given even a moments rest before she must face these men upon the field of battle. These are not ordinary Spartans, but the three hundred elite personal guardsmen of the King. These men are Sparta's greatest warriors, and they spend twelve hours a day practicing the skills of war. Even as a single man of Sparta is equal to three ordinary Greek men, so is a single man of King Macholaos' elite personal guard equal to three ordinary men of Sparta I feel great fear for my Mistress as she takes her position in the center of the pass of Thermopylae. Her face is grim as she stands facing the advancing warriors with her war ax griped tightly in her hand. I scurry away to a place of hiding where I can observe what is taking place upon the field without being seen by the men of Sparta. I tremble in great terror as I watch the confrontation that is about to take place As the men of Sparta draw near, King Macholaos walks ahead of his men and approaches my Mistress. He stands more than two and a half heads taller than Mistress Pantariste, and there is no doubt that he intends to intimidate her with his greater size and strength. The beating of his massive chest with clenched fists sounds like the beating of the great war drum as he threatens her and he demands that she step aside so that he and his men may pass. "If you yield yourself on to me,", Macholaos proclaims arrogantly, "then I swear that no harm will come to you! You need only to kneel down and kiss the head of my penis as a token of your total and unconditional surrender to the principles of MALE SUPREMACY, and I swear that I will spare you your miserable life! Just throw down your weapon and kneel and bow down your head to the ground at my feet! I will place my foot upon your neck to indicate that you are now my slave! Since you are only a woman, you need not feel any SHAME in this! Every one knows that woman is INFERIOR to man!" My Mistress must look upwards as though she would look to the domain of the Goddess Artemis in order to look the hulking brute who stands before her in the eye. "I did not do a forced march for the last twenty hours," Pantariste hisses at him through clenched teeth, "so that I might yield to the likes of you! Now take your band of low life male scum and return to your homeland while you still can!" Macholaos is enraged that an uppity woman who is so much smaller than himself would dare to defy him, and his clenched fists beat against his burly chest with even greater fury. "I appreciate a spirited woman, just as I would appreciate a spirited horse!" His witty quip fails to conceal the rage in his voice as he speaks, "I would greatly enjoy breaking you to my masculine will, and then riding you, but I regret that it will be necessary for me to IMPALE you with my BLADE rather than with my PENIS! That is such a pity, since you would have been such a good FUCK! And after I strike you down, I will cut off your right breast! And from that lovely breast of yours, I will make a tobacco pouch!" "Save your breath for battle, cock!", Mistress Pantariste answers him, "For I shall strike you down! And I shall CASTRATE you! And from your scrotum sack I will make a coin purse! And I shall take your head from you, so that it may lay at the base of my favorite chair, so that your embalmed head may serve as a hassock or footstool for me to rest my foot upon as I sit before the fire, just as the head of your father now serves as a hassock for my Queen to rest her foot upon in the palace of Themiscrya! And your big ugly buck teeth will scratch my heel when it itches!" Pantariste had expected the mighty King of Sparta to face her, and to fight her man to woman. But instead, Macholaos turns angrily on his heel, and he returns to the ranks of the three hundred elite warriors of his personal guard. There is a slight edge of hysteria in his voice as he beats his massive chest with clenched fists, and he orders them to attack and to slay the Amazon who stands alone between him and his ambition to conquer the land of Amazonia My heart leaps up into my throat as the three hundred men of Sparta proceed to advance upon my beloved Mistress. Each of these men stands at least two heads taller than Mistress Pantariste, and each man is at least double her weight. Each man has bulging muscles in his arms, and a massive hairy chest. Each man is armed with either a sword or spear. These men move as a single well trained mechanized unit as they advance upon her. It does not seem possible that my Mistress could stand against men such as these for even a moment But Mistress Pantariste fights with all the frenzy and fury of an enraged tigress. As the three hundred elite guardsmen come upon her, she slays, and she slays, and she slays. Soon the mighty men of Sparta begin to pile up like cord wood. And as she slays her foes, the pile grows. And still she slays, and she slays, and she slays. Until at last, the three hundred elite warriors lay in a massive heap that is like a mountain. And Pantariste the Amazon is the undisputed Queen of the mountain. For she stands triumphant upon over seven and a half tons of conquered male flesh, bone, and muscle. And perhaps there is about half an ounce of male brain tissue in that entire pile The King of Sparta can not believe that his entire force of elite warriors has been struck down by just one Amazon. His desperation to save face has clouded his judgment. He draws his sword and climbs to the top of the pile in order to engage Pantariste the Amazon in single combat. But my Mistress easily parries the stroke of his sword with her war ax, and she strikes off his head with the back swing. To my utter amazement, the once mighty King of Sparta still stands taller than my Mistress even though he is now headless. The gigantic carcass stands before her for a moment as the blood spurts high in the air from his severed neck. Then the massive headless corpse of Macholaos collapses and it lies upon it's back at the very top of the heap of bodies As the hosts of the Greek armies approaches the pass of Thermopylae, they are frozen in their tracks by what they see. For the pass is clogged by the huge pile that is formed by the bodies of the three hundred elite warriors of Sparta. And there at the very top of the pile the triumphant Amazon, Pantariste stands with one foot placed upon the burly chest of the headless carcass of King Macholaos. She holds the severed head of the King of Sparta high in the air for all to see. Her voice is both arrogant and authoritative as she speaks to the men of Greece "Warriors!", she cries fiercely, "Return to your homeland in peace! This fight is between the men of Sparta and the women of the Amazon Empire! This matter does not concern you! Be gone while you still have your testicles attached between your legs! Be none now!" Only one single Amazon warrior faces over twenty thousand Greek warriors upon the field of battle. But the spectacle that she presents as she stands upon the carcasses of the three hundred mightiest warriors in all Greece, strikes fear into the hearts of the hosts of the Greet army. Many of these men think that they have been confronted by Artemis, the mighty war Goddess of the Amazons, herself. All twenty thousand men turn and flee from Pantariste the Amazon in terror. Twenty thousand men flee from the field of battle and run back to their city states. Thus just one woman has single handed turned back an invasion of the entire armies of Greece! My Mistress stands majestically on top of the massive pile of dead men with one foot still placed upon the chest of the once mighty King of Sparta. She holds his severed head high in the air as she utters an exalted paean of victory to her Goddess. I crawl out from my place of hiding and I kneel and the base of this huge pile. My heart is filled with total awe and adoration for this magnificent warrior woman as I bow down my head to the ground before her Now my Mistress collects her huge harvest of testicles. I empty out the large leather satchel that had been used to carry food and other supplies and useful items for Mistress Pantariste. I follow her about and I hold the bag open for her as she castrates King Macholaos and all of his men with her dagger. She puts the severed testicles of each man into the bag as she castrates him. By the time that Mistress Pantariste has castrated the last man, the large leather satchel is almost filled with the trophies of her victory over the men of Sparta We have no sooner finished the laborious task of harvesting the testicles of the men that my Mistress has slain, than we see the hosts of the Amazon women approaching the pass of Thermopylae from the north. As the Amazon army draws near, Mistress Pantariste approaches Queen Andromache, holding the head of King Macholaos in her hand. As she stands before the Queen, I dump the sack full of severed testicles upon the ground at their feet. The daughters of Amazonia give Pantariste the Amazon a thunderous ovation as she places one foot upon the massive pile of pure masculinity and she holds the head of Macholaos high in the air for all to see "I see that my sisters and I have traveled all this great distance for nothing!", Queen Andromache proclaims as she looks down upon the pile of severed testicles that Mistress Pantariste has placed her foot upon. "I see that the mighty King of Sparta is following in the path of his father.", Queen Andromache proclaims, "I am sure that his head will serve as well as a hassock for you to rest your foot upon as the head of his father serves me for the same purpose. Once again you have proven to be a mighty heroine of the Amazon Empire!" Thus has my Mistress won a great victory over the King of Sparta and his mightiest warriors. I now put the head of Macholaos and the severed testicles of he and his men into the leather satchel in preparation for the long journey back to the city of Themiscrya. I look forward to telling the tale of this great victory to my fellow members of the inferior sex back in Themiscrya with great pride