Truth or Dare (Chapter 1) By Naive, A game sends six girls into the world of pain and kidnap. ---------------------------- © 1999 copyright by SJTJ (aka Naive) Copyright information: This story is the sole property of SJTJ (aka Naive). No one has the right to alter distribute or sell this story with out my written permission. I do hear by give the right to copy, give, or display this story to anyone who wants it. Changes and follow-up stories should have my permission. Any grammatical or spelling changes are permissible as long as it does not change the ideas or concept. ---------------------------- This story is intended for mature audiences. You must be 18 or older to read this story. This story contains violence and ball busting. If this subject matter offends please DO NOT read. Thank you. ---------------------------- Truth or Dare (chapter 1) Jenny's parents had gone to her grandmother's place in Missouri; leaving the girls alone for the weekend.It was almost one in the morning; The girls had snuck a few drinks from Jenny's parents' liquor cabinet and were getting a bit giddy. It was the first week of their summer break and they planed to have one hell of a summer. Next year they would all be seniors and getting ready to go off to college - it was hard to think about. The little group had gotten pretty close over the past year. Of course, Jenny and Ginger had been friends since they were little. But, Melissa, Teresa, Angie, and Heather had just become good friends with them. Each one had a strong point that made the group whole; Jenny was the leader - she had a strong spirit and always seemed to know what she wanted. Ginger knew fashion. She had all the trendy magazines, knew what shoes went with what earrings, and of course the whole art of being noticed. Melissa owned the transportation and knew all the places to go. Angie was great with people - she could sell ice to the Eskimos and talk to anyone. Heather was the idea person: she could always think of something to do, or some money making idea. And, last but not least was Teresa, she was the brains of the group. She could remember anything, and knew some of the most obscure facts. Also, she was great in school, computers, and tutored most of the other girls - that's how she became part of their click. "Well the drinks were a kick, but what do we do now?" Angie belched out. All the girls started to giggle. "This is a slumber party right? What do girls do at slumber parties?" "Talk about boys?" Teresa chirped. "We did that." Angie scolded. "Pillow fight?" Melissa yelled as she yanked out a pillow. "Too, childish!" "Truth or Dare?" Heather piped in. "Yea! Truth or Dare!" Angie cheered. "I don't know." Teresa leaned back on the bed, her face cherry red. "The last time I played it wasn't so much fun." "Don't worry about it Teresa, we'll take it easy on you. You can even go first." Taking charge as always Jenny walked over and sat beside Teresa to reassure her. "Great, this should be fun!" Ginger rubbed her hands together. "OK, fine since you suggested it Heather I'll ask you. Truth or dare?" "Truth." "Fine, what boy in school would you go down on in public?" Heather's mouth gaped at the first question, all the other girls stared at her intently. "Um . Davie Trudor." "The football star? You slut!" Angie blurted out. Heather turned redder then a stop sign, while the rest were rolling on the floor. "Well, he has a great ass and he's hung like a ." Heather slapped a hand over her mouth - knowing she said too much. "You've seen him naked! You have to tell us all about it!" Jenny hissed out in shock. "No I don't. It's my turn. Angie - truth or dare." Leaping to avoid the subject, to jeers and boos. "All right, dare." "I dare you to take off all your clothes and run around the outside of the house." "You can't expect me ." "Oh yes I can!" Heather smirked cutting Angie off in mid sentence. "Chicken?" Angie started to strip off her clothes glowing shades of red. The other girls whistled and did catcalls as she slipped the last of her clothes off. Angie was well built and tan all over - she had her share of nude sun bathing. Angie tried to cover her red patch and pert breasts as she ran out the room with a squeak. The rest ran to follow. Down the stairs and out the door the cute little redhead streaked around the house. Ginger's mean streak kicked in, so she lock the door. When Angie bounded back to the front, her nipples erect and hard from the cold night air, she found the door impassable. After banging on the door for a few minutes the other girls let her in with evil laughter. "That was just mean!" Rage burned in her chest as she stormed upstairs to get her clothes. "Now it's my turn and because you were so mean I chose dare for you all. My dare is you have to kidnap a guy so we can have fun with him." The other girls stopped laughing and stared at her. "Are you serious? We can't do that! We'll all get in trouble. Anyway that's not fair." Jenny blurted out. "Chicken? I thought you said we could do anything we wanted Jenny. Can you only lead when it's convenient?" Venom burned in Angie's voice as she mocked Jenny's words. "We can do anything! And, we'll prove it!" Jenny looked at the other girls and waved them to sit. "Fine, so who do we kidnap and how do we do it?" "Well we have a car. If we could find a guy we could push him in the car. But, we need some way to make sure he doesn't tell on us." Melissa mused from her thoughts. "Pictures." Heather received a slue of questioning looks. "If we take pictures we'd have a way to make sure he didn't say anything, or we'd put them on the bulletin board at school." "Yea that would work." Ginger perked in. "If we got some stockings, scarvesand a bed sheet we could tie him up in it. But, how do we stop him from fighting back?" "None of you have brothers do you? Well if you did, you'd know a good kick to the nuts'll put him down." After awhile the girls got their plans down, but didn't have a victim. A couple suggested a random guy off the street, but with all the diseases who wanted to risk it. When Teresa spoke up. "I know someone." "Really, who?" Melissa clamored. "Roger James." "Roger the nerd? Why would we want to get him?" Ginger balked. "Well, without his glasses, he's kind of cute. He does karate too, so he's more fit then he looks. He's just really shy. Also, his parents are gone this week, on vacation; they let Roger stay by himself." "That's perfect!" leaping to her feet Jenny ran to the stairs. "Come on let's do it." "Wait! He's a friend of mine. We're not going to hurt him are we?" Teresa wore a look of shame. "Of course not!" crossing her fingers behind her back Angie smiled at Teresa. "Just to make you feel better, lets repay him for his service." Heather said. "With what?" "I'll make him popular." Ginger said with a smirk. "Now there's a challenge worthy of me." "Oh, all right. But, we can't hurt him." Teresa caved in to the looks the other girls gave her. "Now for the fun!" Jenny and the others ran up to her room to get ready for their late night raid. Roger awoke with a start. Banging noises shook him from his deep sleep. Again, the noise came. It sounded like someone knocking on the door. Roger thought he must of over slept, and it was Greg, his best friend. They were going to go play volleyball with a few of their other friends in the morning; Nothing else to do in the summer. He glanced at the clock, but had to take a second glance - it was only three A.M.. `Who could be at the door at this hour?' he thought to himself, as the knocking continued. Roger fumbled for his glasses and slipped the jeans, he had tossed on the floor the night before, over his boxers. He grabbed the robe from the back of his door and started stumbling toward the front door. Wiping the sleep from his eyes, he slipped on his glasses: the world was just a blur without them. Flicking on lights here and there he finally got to the front door and opened it - slightly annoyed at being woken in the middle of the night. A young woman stood with her back to the door. Her long red hair swept back into a pony tail. "Can I help you?" placing a hand on the girls shoulder Roger felt a little concerned for her. `What could a young lady need in the middle of the night?' Roger thought 'Maybe someone tried to rape her?' 911 kept repeating in his head. Suddenly she turned. Just before the pain hit, Roger had time to notice the wicked smile on her face. The Impact to his balls dropped him like a rock. He wasn't prepared and half a sleep, so he took the full force without even the slightest readiness. After gagging a few times; he could just hear voices through the ringing in his ears. Trying to open his eyes he was blinded by tears, as he felt many hands grab him. Using all his strength he started to yank his arms free - when a second strike got him in the groin again. With a sudden violent jerk Roger puked all over his front lawn. He tried to curl up into a ball: he could hear a few squeaks of gross and eww as he retched. But, still the hands grabbed him - he didn't have any fight left. He felt his arms and legs taped together and something cloth pulled over him. Roger tried hard to gain control over himself, but the pain in his head and groin was excruciating; it was like nothing he had ever felt before, and he still felt like he was about to lose his lunch. His temples were pounding and he was scared; scared like never before. `Why would anyone kidnap me?' He thought. 'My parents aren't rich. I didn't do anything! What's going on?' Confusion reigned his thoughts. It wasn't a long drive, but to Roger it felt like forever. His groin was aching, and he was starting to lose feeling in his hands and feet. Suddenly, the car stopped and shut off. All he could do was wonder what fate was before him. The voices were all high and muffled; they sounded female, but Roger wasn't sure. The bag, he was in, started to move it lurched back and suddenly he fell downward. With a large thud the bad impacted with the bottom of the door frame. A shock of pain flashed in his mind before consciousness fluttered away. The girls quickly dragged Roger, wrapped in the sheet, into the house. "How could you drop him?" Teresa yelled at Melissa. "He could be hurt!" "It was heavier then I thought. Sorry, it slipped . anyway a little fall like that wouldn't hurt anyone." Melissa gave a shrug as they pulled him into the living room. Melissa didn't seem to care all that much about their new toy. "That's enough!" Jenny hollered. "Let's just get him out of this sheet." Jenny leaned to forward to untie the stockings around the sheet. The other girls quickly unrolled the sheet and noticed Roger wasn't moving. "Is he ok?" Melissa wore a look of terror. She hoped that she didn't really hurt him. they unrolled the sheet and she saw him laying there, so unreal. But, there he was: a product of her carelessness. "Angie, you were a lifeguard you check him." "Help me untape him." Angie reacted quickly to Jenny's suggestion. She and Jenny untied the scarves that bound Roger's hands and feet. A red welt was starting to form on his head. She looked in his eyes and checked his pulse. "He seems ok to me, but I'm no doctor. I think he'll be fine, but he'll have one hell of a headache."They all giggled letting off some of the tension that had built up so quickly. "Let's just get him up stairs to my room," Jenny said. "Do we have to?" Ginger sighed. "He's way to heavy. For a small guy he sure weighs allot." "Yea, we don't want to hurt him anymore." Teresa said with a pitiful guilty look. "Fine, let's drag him into my parents room." Jenny grabbed an arm and started to heave him toward her parents room. The other girls jumped to help, picking up his arms and legs and carried him to the bed. Melissa ran and got some ice and a wash-rag to put on his head, at Angie's request. Jenny left to go get `things' as she put it. After awhile Jenny came back with some lingerie and a pair of scissors. "I thought we might do something interesting with these." She put the lingerie on the chest of drawers. Jenny picked up a handful of scarves and tossed them to a few of the girls and they started to tie Roger to the bed. His glasses were gone, lost during the kidnapping. Heather reached out and slid his robe open and looked at their prize. As she looked at his face, she couldn't help but notice he was kind of cute. His chest was well sculpted, and he had tight abs. She let her finger run around his belly button and pull at the hair that grew from there down into his pants. She didn't notice that the other girls had finished and were watching her. "What? I'm just looking." Her said her face flushed. The other girls giggled at her. "Your right he's not so bad looking." Angie admitted as she placed the wash-rag across his forehead, gently brushing his hair back. "But, what do we do now?" "Now we see what we got." Jenny snipped at the air a few times with the scissors, her face wore a wicked little smile. "So, who wants to cut him free of those constricting clothes?" Jenny asked. "I know I would, but we should be fair about it." "So how do we decide?" Ginger looked ready to jump for the scissors. "How about we draw cards for it?" Heather suggested, to quick agreement. It took a little while for them to find a pack of cards. One by one they drew their card and placed it before them. Ginger got lucky and pulled the ace of hearts - the scissors were hers. Ginger took them from Jenny and walked toward her prey. She felt like a predator; hunting her wounded helpless prey. It made her wet thinking of the power she had over him. He belonged to her at the moment. She walked to the head of the bed and looked at his unconscious form before her. Placing the scissors to his neck she ran them down the center of his body, letting them ride gently over his skin, as they trailed behind her fingers. Turning them around she slid the sharp metal under his jeans and his underwear, but that would be too quick she thought to herself. Pulling them back out she placed them between his underwear and the left seam of his jeans. She started to snip away at the cloth. Like pealing an orange she took it slow and gentle: it made her tingle with each little cut. She could feel her whole body flush and her nipples start to harden under her thin blouse. With the last snip his leg was free. Ginger quickly cut off his sock and walked to his other side. Again she ran the scissors down his chest; the silence in the room was deafening, as the others watched. Working her magic little snips, Ginger had to stop as she shook with pleasure. Her other hand wandered over her breasts as she finished the last few slices. Heather and Jenny pulled the remnants of his pants away. Gently she slide the blade under the left leg hole, pulling it away so she wouldn't cut flesh as she sniped them away, then the other side. Angie reached in and pulled the underwear away leaving him stark naked before them. The room was a hushed silence. "Is that all?" Teresa broke the quiet, changing through various shades of red. "No silly. It's gets bigger when he's aroused. Want to see?" Angie didn't wait for a response as she started rubbing his cock and massaging his balls. It didn't take long for Roger to rise to the stimulation. A thin sweat started to glisten over his body, and his breathing became raspy. Suddenly, Rogers eyes popped open. The room was a blur for a moment, and it took all his concentration to focus his eyes. "What the hell!?!?" Roger roared as he started to struggle to get up. He noticed his nudity, so struggled even harder. All the girls gasped and retreated in surprise. "Help! Somebody Help!" He yelled hoping beyond hope someone would get him out of this. Melissa and Heather reacted simultaneously. Melissa clamped her chocolate colored hand over Roger's mouth as Heather reached down and took hold of his balls and started to squeeze. Roger's call for help died in the palm of Melissa's hand as pain ripped through his balls. "Shut up or I'll keep squeezing." Heather said. Melissa looked so calm as she stared into Roger's frightened eyes. But, not another sound left him. "Good boy," Melissa said. "Now you stay quiet while we talk. You belong to us now, so you will do as we say or you will be punished." With that she let go. Roger caught his breath and had time to look around. His situation just starting to dawn on him. He knew these girls they were all from his school. The shocker though, was Teresa, his own friend, betraying him like this. A cold feeling of fear and anger burned in his chest as he pondered his fate. © 1999 copyright by SJTJ (aka Naive) Naive