Power Girls Part 3 by Musclehead Summer at Fred and Mary's house had to be tough for both Alex and Fred. Pretty much the preferred attire of the women in the house when they were home, was tight tanktops, usually cut off to reveal hard abs, striated obliques, pretty much world class torsos. All three had great tits, large and firm, even Mary, having breastfed her two daughters, had no hint of sag in her torpedo tits. Just amazing. And of course, the tanktops emphasized broad shoulders and powerful arms. All three wore running shorts or cutoff jeans, and the two girls liked to roll the tops of their shorts down, so most of the time, their detailed devil's horn were visible. A lot of time, especially on hot days, they pretty much lived in their bathing suits, tiny suits, and even though they weren't thongs, all three had such terrific asses that the suit bottoms, half covering those round butts, were still way sexier than other women who might wear thongs, but didn't have such perfect asses. Katrina especially, would find her suit working its way between those otherworldly cheeks with even the slightest movement. Her backside was so muscular that the suit didn't have a chance. So, Fred and Alex walked around pretty much with boners, or at least chubbies, every time one of the women of the house was present. And though they were both enlightened guys, and had no problem with female muscle, one day a situation came up that made Fred decide that he had to lay down the law. A neighbor, Bill Wilson, had stopped to borrow a hammer. He was younger than Fred by almost ten years, but looked older due mostly to being overweight and out of shape. Katrina wandered in wearing running shorts that were slit up the side, all the way to the waist, and a top that was so short that when she lifted her arms to get something out of the cupboard, the underside of her boobs showed. "Katrina, we have a guest, don't you think you should cover up some?" Katrina stopped what she was doing, sauntered over to Mr. Wilson, looking him in the eye, looking up, since he was more than a foot taller than her. She reached out and touched his crotch, ever so lightly. "I don't think Mr. Wilson minds, do you, Mr. Wilson?" Bill started shaking. "Katrina, that's enough." Katrina smiled a knowing smile. "Mr. Wilson, which do you like more, my great tits, or my muscles?" He said nothing, couldn't find his voice. "Mr. Wilson, does it turn you on that a tiny girl like me, who probably weighs about half of what you do, could kick your fat ass so quickly and easily that you wouldn't know what hit you?" "Katrina, stop." Fred was getting annoyed. Bill stood frozen for a second, then quickly thanked Fred for the hammer and left, almost ran out the door as Katrina stood there giggling to herself. "That was completely uncalled for, Katrina, and I think maybe you shouldn't be wearing such revealing clothes all the time." It only took about ten seconds for Fred to come face to face with the reality that while he was getting close to his lovely wife in strength, he was absolutely no match for his stepdaughter. He was on his back on the floor so quickly that he didn't know what had happened. Katrina sat on his chest and lectured him, "Step-dad, you're a cool guy, and very good when it comes to accepting us ladies for who we are, but don't ever again tell me how I can dress. I've got an awesome body and I like showing it off. Got it?" She jumped off him and reached out a hand to help him up, practically yanking him off the floor with her formidable strength. "And Step-dad, I have absolutely no respect for fat slobs like Mr. Wilson, so if I want to drive him or anyone like him, wild with desire, and then let him know in no uncertain terms how inferior he is, I'll do it whenever I feel like it." "You know, not everyone is lucky enough to have your gifts." "Oh, come on. You don't have my gifts, as you call them, Alex either, but you've worked to improve yourself and Alex is no slob, but that guy is lazy and he probably eats like a pig. I'm right, aren't I?" "Yeah, you probably are. But you don't have to rub it in." "Yes I do, especially when someone deserves it because they're unwilling to improve themselves. I'm not a bully, but if someone needs an attitude adjustment because of their sexist views, I'll be glad to comply. Kimmy too, and all her friends. And by the way, as you just found out, I'm incredibly strong, in spite of the fact that I'm not very big, so I can pretty much do whatever I want. Did Kimmy or Alex tell you about what happened on the day she had all her friends over, after you and Mom left for the airport? There was this guy, who's in his early twenties, not huge, but way bigger than me, and he was a wrestler in high school and still in pretty good shape. Step-dad, I totally destroyed the guy. I had him under my control in less than a minute. I had him whimpering before I was done. He was an asshole, and he totally deserved what he got." "Well, even though I'm sure you could do the same to me, I'm still your step father and this is your mother's and my house and you need to follow our rules as long as you live here." "Wow." Katrina was surprised by Fred's gutsiness. "Okay, I will, up to a point. Look Step-dad, ... .can I just call you Dad, it's easier, less awkward to say, ... ..you just went up a hundred points in my opinion. I could take you apart, without breaking a sweat, but you didn't back down. Look, I'll make sure my tits don't show, but I love my body, I've worked very hard, harder than you can conceive, to make my body what it is, and I'm not going to hide it. And I know that you, Alex too, like looking at it, and Kimmy's and Mom's bods also. Plus, good luck getting them to cover up either. Besides, it's kind of hypocritical of you to say anything. You're much less modest now than you were before, now that you have some muscles." "You're right. I just don't want our neighbors thinking that our home is some kind of den of iniquity." "Oh, that sounds so biblical. But, don't worry. Do you really think that that fat fuck is going to tell anyone that a girl who was half his size almost made him pee his pants from fear, or come in his pants from arousal." She laughed out loud at the thought. "Oh, yeah. I hope you have no allusions as to whether Kimmy or I are sexually active. We are. We won't do anything really disrespectful, like fucking guys on your bed, or anything like that, but we'll do what we want." She stopped talking for a second. "Hey Dad, have you ever heard the joke about the redneck who brings his daughter to the doctor. I hope I don't screw the joke up. Here goes. He tells the doctor that he thinks his daughter has a sex problem. So the doctor says, "Well, sir, do you think your daughter is sexually active?" "Hell, no," says the redneck, "that's the problem. She's not sexually active at all. She just lies there, just like her mother." She walked out of the kitchen, laughing out loud, calling back over her shoulder, "That's not a problem with us. We're very active, ... . just like our mother, and you know how active she can be. Ha, ha, ha." Fred just stood there, staring at that perfect ass and muscular legs as she walked through the door, trying to tear his eyes away, but unsuccessfully, as he felt his cock stiffen watching her tight running shorts fight a losing battle with those firm round cheeks. Alex had started doing the Q91Y workouts and was incredibly sore for the first several days, as sore as when he had had sex with Marcia and then Katrina. But he was starting to get used to the intensity of the workouts and was adapting, which means, already getting stronger and more fit. In the meantime, Katrina had discovered what he was up to and decided to do the thirteen week program herself, but with an added twist, so to speak. She had gotten a job as a trainer in the local gym for the summer, just walked in, wearing one of her usual muscle revealing outfits and was hired on the spot. She was able to train about a dozen people, nine of them women, and make a lot of money. But she still had a lot of free time on her hands. Since she was already way beyond the fitness level that most people might reach even after doing the thirteen week program, she decided to up the ante. She decided to do each hour long workout twice each day. So, when Anton, the trainer on the DVD said, "most workouts would be over by now, but we're doing the whole thing over again", Katrina was going to do the whole thing three more times before the day was out That kind of training was way beyond what most humans could even think about. In addition, she was spending a lot of time out at the pool, practicing her diving, but only when she was home alone. She was also eating tons of protein and getting together with Marcia once in a while to wrestle. Alex was working really hard and Kimmy had joined him for many of the Q91Y workouts. She was also guiding his eating habits. By the end of the summer, he had gained fifteen pounds of muscle and he and Kimmy were fucking on a regular basis without her killing him or making him sore for a week. Was she still stronger? Yes, quite a lot. But what had he beaten her at to earn the right to fuck her again? Chess. She hadn't stipulated that it had to be physical. He had outsmarted her, but she didn't mind, 'cause she really liked fucking him. Actually, she had been intentionally vague to leave the door open for him. She loved that big cock, and she had molded him into a supremely fit and capable lover. She didn't have to hold back anymore, because he could now take a pounding. She even let him be on top once in a while. Katrina also took it to him on occasion, and her brand of sex was as intense as Kimmy's. She was also fucking the three guys that she was training at the gym. She often came to find Alex when she had completely worn out those other guys. So this was the fittest family imaginable. Two strong, fit men and three women for whom the word fit doesn't begin to do justice. Katrina finally had her growth spurt during the summer, but not as dramatic as Kimmy's had been. Katrina only grew about two inches, so at five two, she was still shorter than average, but with the perfect timing of doing the double workouts, she gained twenty pounds of frighteningly powerful muscle and had drawn about even with Kimmy and Marcia strengthwise even though she weighed ten pounds less than Kimmy and fifteen less than her wrestling partner and sometime lover. She really didn't consider herself gay, but these two supremely trained athletes would get so worked up wrestling that they would just naturally fall into other enjoyable physical activities. Her diving practice allowed her to avoid the troubles that Kimmy went through when she shot up, temporarily losing some of her flexibility, coordination, etc. Katrina was able to keep her skills at a high level. But in addition, Katrina had something that very few people have. Coaches in all sports like to say "hurry up and slow down". People like Michael Jordan, or the famous volleyball player, Karch Kiraly had it. The way they see the world, makes it seem like everyone else is going in slow motion. Katrina had that quality. It made her so fast that she was several steps ahead of any opponent at all times. That ability, coupled with the coordination, flexibility and eye to hand coordination of a world class gymnast, harnessed to a hundred and forty five pounds of amazingly strong muscle, made her more than a match for anyone. As stated, she and Marcia were about even at this point. It must be remembered that the hundred sixty pound Marcia had destroyed a bigger guy, an athlete, with just her overwhelming brute strength earlier in the summer. Yes, to say that Katrina was a force to be reckoned with would be quite an understatement.. The day had come when Alex had finished the Q91Y thirteen weeks. Mary and Fred had continued doing it, and as stated, Kimmy did it with Alex. But no one was aware that Katrina had done it, let alone had done it double. Yes, everyone had noticed her growth during the summer. It was not to be denied. But she had started covering up, so everyone in the family could see the height difference, and could see that she was gaining some weight also, but they had no clue as to her development. When she fucked Alex, she made sure it was completely dark. Her muscles and strength had always been evident, so while lost in sexual chaos with her, he really didn't register the changes in her all that much. When the moment was right, she would reveal the results of her intense training. Fred and Mary decided to have an end of the summer pool party, inviting neighbors, friends, etc. Most of the power girls were there, including Marcia. By this point, Alex had fucked every power girl except Michelle, who was away most of the summer. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that they had fucked him. Katrina had to work late, but would be along eventually. All the girls were so impressed with Mary that they made her an honorary power girl, and all teased Mary about how they wanted to have their way with Fred. Lots of showing off went on, nothing too over the top, except when a couple of guys played Kimmy and Marcia in some doubles volleyball. Kimmy didn't play all that often, but she was such a fine athlete that she was an adequate partner for Marcia, and she could hit the ball well enough that she was not easy to dig. Marcia was another story. She loved to show off. Holding back was not in her vocabulary. But it must be remembered that this was a friendly neighborhood gathering, and she knew that if one of her spikes hit an opponent, tempers might flare, therefore, the only concession she'd make towards holding back was to not hit the ball directly at one of the guys on the other side of the net. But every chance she got, she just buried the ball, straight down into the sand. It was a sight to be seen, her spectacular leaps, an armswing that was so fast it all but disappeared followed by the ball blasting off the sand and rocketing straight up into the air thirty or forty feet. It appeared at times as if she was putting her whole soul into each and every hit, never easing up, each one as awesomely hard as the next, her hits being the volleyball equivalent of a LeBron James dunk. Sometimes, as her closed fist slammed down on the ball from above, the contact was so hard, it appeared to propel her even higher. She put on quite a show for the appreciative crowd, everyone sure they were seeing a once in a lifetime athlete, right there in Fred and Mary's back yard. The guys on the other side of the net good naturedly joked that they were glad she wasn't hitting at them, but they were right. Her hits would have left bruises, a shot to the stomach would have knocked the wind out of an unfortunate recipient, a hit to the head could cause a concussion. But, accidentally, inevitably, one of her frightening hits struck one of the guys in the shoulder, spinning him around and onto his butt. He cried out in pain as he fell. Marcia ran to him, apologizing profusely and helping him to his feet. "It really was an accident, I'm so sorry, I know what one of my hits can do." "Now I do too," he said between grimaces. There was already a big bruise forming on his shoulder. She walked him to a chair, and then went and got him a beer, and some ice. After she got him comfortable she turned around to all the staring people. "Anyone else wanna play?" She was greeted with unanimous declines from everyone, even the other power girls. A guy, named Tim, probably about Katrina's age, who lived at the end of the block, had just shown up and hadn't seen Marcia's awesome play, but was listening to everyone's comments about how amazing she was. He made the stupid mistake of saying that volleyball was a faggy girl's sport anyway, and that's why most high schools didn't have boy's volleyball. "I'm a state champ wrestler. That's a man's sport." "Put your money where your mouth is," said Marcia. "What, you wanna wrestle me? I can see that you have some muscles, but you have no chance. I've been state champ two years in a row at a hundred and fifty-five. But, if that's what you want, you're on." "No, wait, Marcia." Kimmy reached out to her friend. "We don't want him to have any excuses that you're bigger than him. I'll wrestle him. I weigh a little less than you do." Kimmy wrestled him to a draw, impressing him enough to admit he was wrong, and commenting on how she would have probably beaten most of his opponents that he had faced that year. Little did he know that Kimmy was holding back, after all, this was a friendly community gathering. The match augered very different responses from the men and the women. Some of the more macho guys were making excuses, saying he was just a boy and that Kimmy was some kind of weird girl, and bigger than usual, but that most women weren't like that, even though there were half a dozen extraordinary athletic women at their pool party right then. Some guys are stupid beyond belief. Mary asked Fred if she could tell the women about her encounter with Raul, and how much it turned her on overpowering him. She told them that they could get pretty close to her in strength if not in physical skill, unless some of them had some gymnastics experience. They just had to work out hard and eat right. Another group of Q91Y converts was had on the spot. One woman said that she had done some cheerleading in high school and what Mary was telling them brought back some memories. She told the gang that she had never overpowered her boyfriend but that it had made her feel all tingly when she realized one day, when they were moving some furniture, that she was stronger than him. As Mary was telling the ladies that it would amp up their sex life if they could get as strong or stronger than their husbands, one of the stupider guys, who had caught some of what they were saying, butted in. "That's bullshit. We're all bigger than you girls, therefore we're all stronger." "So, you think if you're bigger, then you're stronger. How about quicker or more coordinated or more flexible? Better stamina? Don't those things count for anything?" All heads turned in the direction of Katrina's voice. She had quietly entered the scene and was wearing a huge hooded sweatshirt that was so big on her it was almost down to her knees. "I don't know who you are, mister, I guess one of our neighbors. I'm Katrina, Mary's younger daughter, Fred's step daughter. And I'm more flexible than you, more coordinated, and way quicker, and I think I can kick your fat ass. What do you think about that?" Fred knew not to interfere, and this time, well, he really thought this asshole deserved whatever Katrina had cooked up for him. "Why don't you and I have a go at it, over in the sand, so you don't get to badly hurt?" "Why, you do have a mouth on you, young lady. It's obvious your parents haven't taught you to respect your elders, so maybe I'll have to give you some learnin'. And my name is Frank." "You're on, you stupid fat fuck." Katrina knew how to push buttons. She pulled her sweatshirt over her head. Everyone gasped, almost in unison, except Marcia, who was the only one who had seen Katrina's body recently. Kimmy turned to Marcia. "She looks awesome Marcia." "Yeah, I know. She's gonna kill the guy." "He's really big." "I'm tellin' you, girlfriend, he doesn't have a chance. Katrina and I have been wrestling on a regular basis. She's about even with us now in strength, even though she's fifteen pounds less than me and ten less than you." "She weighs a hundred and forty-five?" "Yeah. And she's so fast." Katrina stood there, giving everyone time to fully absorb her physical perfection. She was wearing that suit again. The one that said "Wish you were here" over one breast and "And Here" on the other, with the slogan, "But you face is gonna be here" on the bottoms. The extra muscle she had added had really pushed the suit to its limits, just as she was pushing the envelope by wearing it around her parents and other adults. She glided over to Fred as every eye followed her every move. Her body was almost beyond description. Her waist was layered in muscle, almost thick, but appeared tiny because her shoulder width and lats seemed almost twice as broad by comparison. Her arms and legs exuded power and her pretty face, gravity defying tits and all-around curvy body made Katrina a walking wet dream. And she knew it. "Dad, I know that this suit is sort of, "in your face" sexual, but I thought it complimented my new improved body better than anything else I had." Then she went over to Mary. "Mom, thanks for everything, including the genetics you gave me, also the drive to excel. I hope you're not embarrassed that I 'm going to clean this stupid fuckhead's clock." "You have my blessing, dear." All the women gathered around started to encourage her. They wanted to see for themselves what a superior female could do. Yes, they saw Marcia, and Kimmy and what they did to their male opponents. And those guys displayed good attitudes, so things didn't escalate. But this somehow seemed different. This was direct competition with a loud mouthed sexist man, who thought his size was sufficient to prove his worth, against a most formidable, supremely trained young woman. Just before they got ready to start, one of the women grabbed Katrina's arm, not in an aggressive way, but with an almost pleading touch. Katrina could sense that something wasn't right. "Katrina, that's your name, isn't it? I couldn't quite hear before." Katrina nodded her head. "I'm Karen. He's my husband. He's hit me in the past. He's a bully." "Ma'am. He has no idea who he's missing with." "He knows how to fight. And he fights dirty. Watch out." "I'll make him sorry he ever laid a hand on you. He's a fat, out of shape slob, and he's a stupid sexist. You deserve better. I've been training all my life and even though he's bigger than me, almost twice as big, ... .well, you'll see." She turned her attention to all the ladies. "If Mom hasn't told you yet, you are all as capable of getting as strong as she is." All the women wished her luck, although she really didn't need it. Then she turned back to Karen. "Does he satisfy you?" "At one time. A lifetime ago. Now he only satisfies himself." Katrina headed over to the sand, all eyes on that body, every dick in the house starting to stir, all the women, envious of her perfection, all of them wanting to be like her. Tim, the guy who had wrestled Kimmy, was overheard by Marcia saying something to the effect of, he wished he had a girlfriend like that, or any one of the power girls. He looked over at Marcia and smiled, and at that moment, she decided that she was gonna fuck little Timmy that night and she wouldn't hold back the way Kimmy had when wrestling him. "Oh yes, Tim," she thought to herself, "You have a nice strong body, but later you're going to find out about real strength, in a most sexual way." Katrina spotted Mr. Wilson, sitting with a beer in his hand. She stopped for a moment and turned to face him, whispering, "Mr. Wilson, what you're about to see will amaze and frighten you. Be glad it's not you out there ... .And try not to come in your pants." She giggled at his expense as she walked away. Frank seemed oblivious to what was to everyone else so obvious. Katrina was physical perfection and she was hot, so hot. As they faced off on the sand of the volleyball court, Katrina told him, "I told you that I'm more coordinated, more flexible and quicker than you, but before we're done, I'm going to show you that I'm stronger than you. And we're not talking pound per pound here. We're talking, I'm stronger than you, period. A lot. That huge sweatshirt I had on, I won in a bet, a little match with a guy I was training. It was his shirt . He was as big as you, but in better shape. He's still recovering. Frank probably weighed around two-fifty, hard to tell, so he wasn't twice as big as her, but he was a lot bigger. What a study in contrasts. This big man, yes, strong looking, sort of, but certainly with a lot of extra, useless weight, a big beer belly, way past his prime, if he ever had a prime. Facing off against him, a short, perfectly tuned fighting machine, all muscles and curves, no useless weight anywhere, in her prime, a prime that was so extraordinary that until that day, most of the guests never knew such female perfection even existed. Even some of the other power girls were in awe of her. The match began. Frank reached out with both arms toward Katrina's shoulders, slow and clumsy. In a blur, she grabbed both his wrists, pushing downwards, between his knees. She transferred the hold to one hand, and reached around behind his legs with the other as she stepped to the side of him. From the back, she again switched the grip on his wrists to that hand and pulled. Frank went down hard, face first into the sand, without his hands to break the fall. It all happened so fast, just like Marcia had told Kimmy. Katrina let go as he lay there trying to figure out what had just happened. People had begun applauding and cheering, so Katrina put her hands in the air, acknowledging the crowd as she circled around Frank's prone body, intentionally leaving herself vulnerable to an attack by keeping her back to him. Sure enough as he got to his knees, he dove forward to capture her legs from behind, but she was already ahead of him as he grasped at thin air. Katrina had jumped at just the right moment, a jump every bit as spectacular as some of Marcia's during volleyball, but without even so much as a one step takeoff. Frank crashed to the ground, face first once again as Katrina hovered above him, flipping herself backwards at the last second, pulling her arms and legs back and leading with her rock hard torso, crashing down on his back, and knocking the air out of him. Once again, she bounced off him, leaving him to recover, and sauntered over to Frank's abused wife, Karen. She stood in front of Karen with her arms at her sides, her deep breathing causing her beautiful core muscles to tighten and relax. She gently touched Karen face, stroking her cheek as Karen reached out and touched Katrina's marvelous abs and had a meltdown on the spot. Back to business. Frank was on his feet now, his breath recovered and he was hoppin' ass mad. Now it was time for Katrina to show him that she was not only faster than him, but that she was stronger. No more breaks for him to recover, either. She was going to destroy this stupid man, both physically and mentally. He grabbed her in a bearhug, something she allowed, as he never would have had the quickness to get her into that hold, or any hold if she didn't let him. He squeezed for all he was worth, sure that he was causing damage. Because of the height difference, he was high up on her, and though her arms were caught in his hug, from the elbows down, she had some room to move her arms. That was all it took. She reached around the back of his thighs and lifted his two fifty plus pounds off the ground, spinning and slamming him onto his back. This time she didn't stop. He lifted his head, trying to again comprehend what had happened, and was met by a knee under his chin, as she dove forward with her trademark blinding speed. From that point on, Katrina was a blur of motion and power. Frank's ineffectual bearhug was as close as he got to ever doing anything to her. She had him tied in knots like a pretzel. She slammed down hard on his bruised and battered body numerous times, at times jumping higher in the air than it was believed possible, before descending down on him like a human bomb, sometimes leading with an elbow or a knee, sometimes with her rock hard torso, further emphasizing his complete helplessness and the hardness of her body. She actually lifted his heavy body off the ground a few times with her unbelievable strength. Some of the people thought that maybe they should stop this slaughter, but most agreed that the guy deserved it, especially as word spread through the crowd that, on occasion he had hit his helpless wife, Karen. That, and the fact that everyone was aware that the only people who might be able to stop her were some of the other power girls, specifically Kimmy and Marcia. But those two were loving every minute of watching their sister and friend do her thing. Finally, the slaughter nearing its end, Frank was completely helpless. Actually, he had been helpless right from the start. He just didn't know it. He was lying on his stomach and Katrina sat down on the ground by his head, pulling him forwards towards her, and pushing his head into her crotch, right where those prophetic words were, "but you face is gonna be here". She entwined her legs around his arms, forcing them down and back behind his back, a sort of double chicken wing but held with her strong, shapely legs. As she pushed on the back of his head to push his face farther into her pussy, his legs began to flail and kick. Once again, with stunning speed, she caught his legs, and then leaned back, bending him backwards. It was hard to believe she could arch his back that far, due to his lack of flexibility and extra weight, but she was so far gone at this point, so aroused at her own superiority, power and raw sexuality that her already formidable strength had seemed to increase exponentially. She bent him backwards in half, his screaming mouth buried in her crotch, lifting him off the ground, holding his entire weight upside down above her as she ground her womanhood into him. As if that wasn't unbelievable enough, she suddenly torque her body to the side and proceeded to roll the two of them, with poor Frank still caught in her amazing hold. She rolled them completely over two or three times until they came to rest near the outdoor chinning bar, and then she released her hold, Frank's body flopping lifelessly to the ground. No, he wasn't dead, but he was completely out of it. She left him lying in a heap. By this point everyone in the crowd was reacting with a mixture of disbelief and arousal at this spectacular demonstration of female athleticism. Katrina went over to Alex and pulled him to his feet. "Hey, everyone, none of you have seen what Alex can do now. A mere thirteen weeks ago, he was skinny and weak. By the way, Mom and Dad, you should know that Alex and I have been having sex, and I think he's been doing Kimmy, too, or rather she's been doing him. Please don't be too shocked. We were almost adults when we were thrown together in this household ... .Anyway, ladies pay attention, this is what he accomplished in thirteen weeks, doing the Q91Y workouts. He's not as strong as Kimmy or me, but he's caught Mom, strength-wise and he's way stronger than he used to be. Andt you've got to remember that we've been doing gymnastics since we were very young. Mom too, and nothing builds strength like gymnastics. "Oh yeah, by the way, ladies. If you get tired of your fat, lazy husbands, especially after you all start getting in great shape, Alex here is fit and strong, and he's got a huge cock and a talented tongue." Alex turned red with embarrassment as all the ladies started giggling and hooting. She turned to Alex and whispered, "What's the most number of pull-ups you've done in one set during your Q91Y workouts?" "Twenty-two." "If you get to thirty for this crowd, I will give you the sexual experience of your life tonight, even better than anything you've ever experienced before." "Katrina, you inspire me. I'll do my best." Alex jumped up and cranked out pull-up after pull-up, reaching twenty-five, his most ever, before slowing down. When he stopped to rest at the bottom, Katrina reached out and touched his cock. "You can do it. Come on." He reached thirty-four before dropping to the ground, spent. Katrina gave him a big hug, and then turned back to the crowd. "That's what Q91Y can do for a person, in only thirteen weeks. I've got a surprise. I've been doing Q91Y too, but since I was already really fit, I was doing each workout twice a day. And I love doing pull-ups. I'm not trying to show Alex up here, or anything. Remember, I had a head start. I think what he's done is amazing. But for my finishing move on fat Frank here, I'm going to do some special pull-ups." Marcia and Kimmy watched with baited breath, knowing that they had each done pull-ups with a guy held between their legs, but not someone as big as Frank. Katrina positioned Frank, who was still pretty dazed, right where she wanted him, on his back, spread eagled, about eight feet away from the bar, so it was obvious that carrying him along was not her plan. Then she went over and took Karen, Frank's wife by the hand, helping her to her feet, the first time seeing her standing up. "Karen, you have a beautiful, fit body. Why have you put up with this slob?" "That's a good question. I don't have an answer." "Well, you have a good start, a great foundation. Today is the first day of the rest of your life." Katrina led Karen over to where Frank was still laying, still pretty much out of it. She whispered something to Karen, and then said, "Follow my lead." She jumped up and grabbed the bar and then proceeded to do her special pull-ups. Her powerful arms exploded her up, beyond a pull-up, even beyond the finished position of a muscle-up, high above the bar, letting go with her hands, and then re-grasping on the way down. Frank was awake now, still lying on his back, not ready to get up yet, watching this amazing feat by this sexy, strong young woman. After about ten of these explosive moves, suddenly at the peak of her last rep, Katrina twisted her body, turning a hundred and eighty degrees, so she was facing away from the bar and towards Frank. She started to descend down onto Frank from almost fifteen feet in the air, the bar having been at about eight feet off the ground and her last thrust rocketing her entire body, right down to her feet, above the bar, all with just arm strength. As she spread her body out in mid-air in a swan dive position, her arms and legs once again pulled back for the greatest impact, Frank screamed, sure that when she landed on him from that height, she would permanently injure him. As she descended he shrieked like a little girl, covering his face with his arms. She nailed a perfect landing, a sort of belly flop onto Frank's soft middle. It was amazing that coming down from that height had not injured her as well, but her core was so solid, she barely felt it. Frank gasped for air as the wind had been totally knocked out of him, even worse than before. Katrina sat up on his chest, reached out with her hand to Karen, and sat her down on Frank's face, with her back to Katrina. Katrina reached around Karen's hips, pulled her swimsuit bottom to the side as Karen positioned herself for maximum effect, then Katrina put both arms up and fondled Karen's breasts as she ground herself against Frank's gasping, convulsing mouth. Hard to know, but it seems that Karen may have had the most intense orgasm of her life, collapsing back onto Katrina's strong embrace as she finished. Katrina led Karen back to the group of women who hugged and comforted her as she cried like a baby, years of pent up frustration escaping as if the floodgates had been opened. Then Katrina went back to Alex, who was standing with his mouth open. "Alex, I'm so proud of you. Thirty-four. You deserve a bonus for that. I want to hang out with these women and my power girl friends for a while, but be ready for the fucking of your life later tonight." She went back to Frank, standing over him, straddling his body. He looked up at her with abject fear in his eyes, his macho world shattered in fifteen short minutes, by an eighteen year old female phenomena. "If you ever touch your wife, or anyone else for that matter, ever again, I will seek you out. By the way, I was holding back some. I could have broken bones, torn your ligaments and tendons if I wanted to." She looked down and giggled at the sight of him peeing his pants. She left him and walked back towards Mr. Wilson, who also had a telltale wet spot on his shorts, and it wasn't urine. "You're next, Mr. Wilson." The spot suddenly widened as he shook in fear watching her walk away, her body a symphony of muscular movement.