Paradigm Shift by Musclehead There has been much talk recently about the growing disparity between the very wealthy and everyone else that has been developing for the last few decades. But another trend has been occurring during that same twenty to thirty year interval. The fitness trend began with the baby boomers and their desires to stay young. Certainly, eating well and staying active and healthy was and is a better way to stave off the aging process than facelifts and wigs. Indeed, what looks worse than a middle age man with a little of his gray hair sticking out from under a toupee while forty or so extra pounds spill over his belt, unless it's a woman looking like that. As the fitness trend spread came the development of super fit people, not professional athletes or anything, just ordinary people who started out wanting to simply keep in shape, but with the advent of more advanced training programs like P90X and Crossfit, some of these people were able to achieve a level of fitness and strength that a generation ago would have seemed un-achievable, except by those professional athletes, or bodybuilders with access to the best trainers and sometimes to powerful drugs. And as these people were pushing the boundaries of fitness, almost half the population was becoming fat, hence a huge disparity between the super fit and people so unfit it was hard to conceive of the two groups being of the same species. And then, another paradigm shift was occurring. More and more girls were working out and getting stronger and stronger, and their male counterparts were becoming more sedentary, spending way too much time playing video games while stuffing their faces with junk food and that beverage that amounts to a slow working poison, soda. In certain parts of the country, as the very wealthy wanted to hoard more space for themselves, gated communities and huge homes sprung up farther and farther out into the exurbs that used to be farmland. There were still families that had been in these rural settings for generations that didn't want to be forced out. So, sometimes multi-million dollar homes would be located right next to modest ones occupied by working class families. Emily had been an active girl from the time she had been little. Indeed, she really didn't have much choice. Her family didn't have a lot of money, so she wasn't spoiled with every latest fun trend. They did have a computer but no video games or anything like that, or even internet for that matter. Besides, the area was still very rural when she was a little girl and she spent a lot of time with her friends from their small farming community playing outside, in the woods, etc. The middle school in their area was on land that had been donated by a local farmer and it had a pretty cool playground with lots of swings and a big jungle gym. There was also a fitness par-course that went along a path in the woods. By the time she was twelve, she was very adept at climbing all over the jungle gym, and when she went out to do the par course, she had gotten to the point where she could do more than ten pull-ups, and she did her pushups with her feet elevated to make it harder. And she could do pushups seemingly forever. Even as she got older, Emily remained a tomboy at heart. As she hit puberty, she was turning into a beautiful young lady. She was fit and strong and while she had quite a bit of muscle, she didn't really look muscular. Yes, she was firm everywhere, but hardly any muscle showed until she exerted herself. She looked more the cheerleader type and she was attracting a lot of attention from boys of the same age and even older with her hot curvy body. Billy had moved into the area with his family after his father had built a McMansion next door to Emily's family's house. Billy's dad was a software contractor who had made a fortune with inflated government contracts. Since Dad was so busy all the time, he was never there for his only child so he showered him with anything and everything he wanted. Billy had a refrigerator and cabinet full of goodies in his bedroom and more video games than you could imagine. He spent most of his spare time eating and playing computer games. And he was obsessed with his beautiful neighbor, constantly peeping on her when she sunbathed in her back yard. (Back a few years to when Emily was fourteen.) "Hey, you're really good on this thing." "Thanks, I've been playing on it since I was five." Indeed, Emily could do things on the jungle gym the way a gymnast would perform on uneven parallel bars. She was wearing short cutoffs and a tee shirt that she had cut the sleeves off of, and it made her already relatively wide shoulders look even wider. "It takes a lot of strength to do that." "Yeah, I guess I'm pretty strong for a girl. I'd like to be strong period." "I think you already are. I'm Tommy, by the way." Tommy had just finished his freshman year in high school. He had been hitting the weights since sixth grade. It showed. He had played on the varsity football team as a freshman, playing safety. He was very strong, but was on the small side, maybe due to only just turned fifteen and hadn't finished growing yet or maybe just because he was a small person. Neither his dad nor mom was very big. "I'm Emily. Hey, you're kind of cute." "Thanks. I'm thinking the same about you, and I really like that you're so athletic." As he spoke, he took off his tee shirt exposing his well-developed body. Emily was all but swooning at the sight. She tried to hide it but let's face it, her hormones were raging just as much as his. "Wow, you look really strong, yourself." "I guess I am. I can bench press two hundred and twenty pounds and I weigh about one forty-five. I guess that's pretty strong. I was on the football team this year, the only freshman starter." "I guess that's pretty good. I don't like football. All the guys are jerks, really conceited, and a couple of the seniors actually touched my body in the hallway like it was their right, just because they were big time jocks. But you don't seem like that." "I feel like I should be thankful for my gifts instead of thinking I'm something special." "I like that. Hey, do you think if I started training with weights I'd get stronger? I've seen in magazines that girls are doing that these days." "Well yeah. I'll bet you're already stronger than a lot of guys the same age as you who aren't like real active." "I can do seventy-five pushups with my feet up on a bench." "That's really good." "Will you teach me to work out?" "Sure." That was more than two years ago. Billy continued stuffing his face and playing video games, and his dad still peeped on Emily whenever he had the chance, as did Billy. The cheerleaders were now all envious of Emily. She did indeed show some muscle now, not alot, but mostly she had that healthy glow and the most amazing curvy body. What she really looked like was one of those hot Brazilian hardbody beach babes that could be seen all over the internet. Her family had finally been able to buy a better computer and they had internet access now. Emily's eyes were open to a bigger world now and she like what she saw. She had always had it in her mind since she was little that women could be the equals of men and she liked it. But she also liked that she looked like the kind of girls that men went absolutely ga-ga over, athletic but not too intimidating. They might have been intimidated if they knew how strong she really was. After more than two years of working out with Tommy, she was really strong, as strong or stronger than the average hundred and eighty pound man. She was a hot hundred and fifty pounds on a five six body, nice tits, a hard round ass and firm shapely legs and arms. She and Tommy weren't having intercourse yet, but they were certainly spending a lot of time exploring each other's bodies, and they both had beautiful, almost perfect ones. This did not go un-noticed by Billy, but it never really occurred to him that she might be stronger than the average girl. Emily's dad had done a little better in recent years and he had saved to buy a large above the ground pool and built a deck around it. When he wasn't playing video games, Billy was staring out the window at the usually bikini clad Emily, swimming or sunbathing. On this hot summer day, Emily had her friend, Amy over and Amy's boyfriend came along. This was the first time he could compare her body to another girl's. Amy was pretty hot, but she looked like a boy next to Emily. They were both were wearing tiny bikini's, not thongs, but pretty small. Billy noticed how Emily's butt filled her bottoms and her beautiful tits seemed to stick out more. But he was really surprised that Emily's arms and legs seemed more shapely and definitely bigger than Amy's. Indeed, they seemed as big as Ted's, Amy's boyfriend. Ted was lean and had some muscle and while Emily's appendages had beautiful shapes, they didn't have the same kind of definition. But they were just as big around, her legs possibly having an advantage. At some point, Amy and Ted got into a playful wrestling match. She put up a good fight as Emily cheered her on. They rolled around for about ten minutes before Ted finally managed to pin her, but not without a struggle. Even from his perch a hundred feet away, peeping out of the curtains, Billy could sense that Amy and Ted were somewhat aroused from their physical contact. He noticed that he had a boner too, probably the only muscle in his body that ever got any exercise, actually a lot of strenuous workouts. A few minutes later, as he watched, Emily and Amy started to wrestle. It was no contest. Emily had Amy completely under her control in less than a minute. She got to her feet, extending a hand to her friend, practically yanking her to her feet. They hugged and then Emily turned towards Ted. It was clearly obvious that everyone was pretty turned on now. Emily faced off against Ted and they locked up arms and shoulders. Minutes later, Ted shoulders were on the ground, his knees were up on his chest, his head tucked in towards his legs. As Amy got down next to them and slapped the ground three times, Billy came in his shorts. As he stepped away from the window, he came to the realization that the girl of his dreams had just mopped the floor with a guy who would probably kick his fat ass without too much trouble. "Hi, Emily." "Hi, Billy. Watcha doing outside? I thought you only liked playing video games." "Well, I was watching you doing tumbling stuff and I thought that you must be pretty strong to do that kind of stuff." "Yeah, I guess so." "How did you get strong?" "Well, I've been playing on the jungle gyms down at the schoolyard since I was five and doing pushups and pull-ups on the par-course in the woods for a long time. Plus, about two and a half years ago I started lifting weights." "Wow." "Tommy, my boyfriend taught me. He's like the star football player at school. Was a starting safety, whatever that is and now he's a running back also. He's not big but he's real strong from lifting. Do you know him?" "No, I'm not into football." "Me neither. Most of the guys are jerks, but Tommy is different, not like the others." "Hey, ya know, I'm not very strong and as you can see, I'm kinda fat. Would you, like, be willing to help me? Maybe I'd stay fat, but I'd be a little stronger." "Sure. I'd be glad to help." "Do you have weights?" "No, we can't afford them." "No problem. I'll ask my dad. I'll let you know." He turned to leave, and then looked back at Emily. "You're real nice. All the other god looking people treat me like shit, sorry for my French." "It's okay. I don't like people who act like they're all better than everyone else, that's why I don't like the football players. Tommy's is really nice too, that's one of the things I love about him." "Well, ... ... ... ... ... Thanks." "See ya soon." "Wow. Your dad bought you this fully equipped gym just for asking?" "I wish it had gone that smoothly. He said that it was about time I did something about my fat ass. And then he threw me his credit card and said it probably wouldn't help, that I'm so fuckin' lazy that I'd probably quit after a week. Then he said something about using it himself under his breath as he walked off." "I take it your dad's kind of a jerk." "Yeah, and he never has time for me, never has had in the past either. Always busy with business. He neglects Mom too. I think she has a secret boyfriend. She's had to kind of make her own life. The only good thing about my dad is that he makes oodles of money." "Well, I'm sorry. It just goes to show, we don't have much, but we have each other and we have our health, plus I love living way out here in the country, although, now don't take this personally, but I hate all these huge homes gobbling up all the farmland. We use to be able to walk all the way from here to the high school without seeing any other houses except the farmhouses and barns. Now look at it." So they worked out, well mostly Billy. The only time Emily picked up a weight was to demonstrate. It became clear that, indeed, Billy was pretty weak, but she was so kind, never rubbing it in. To return the favor, he gave her a spare key that went straight to the basement door. Sometimes it just wasn't convenient to go all the way to Tommy's house to work out. Billy suggested they work out together, and Emily told him that she liked to do it alone. But the reality was that she didn't want to embarrass him. She would sneak in when no one was home and do her workouts then before leaving, she would make sure everything was back the way it was before. Evidently Billy's dad started to use the exercise room as well. He wasn't fat like Billy, but he was just as weak. Billy was making steady progress and had gotten stronger, but Dad didn't know what to think when he came in one night and found the bench set up with two-hundred pounds on the bar. Emily had gotten a call from her mom that she had run out of gas and could Emily bring the gas can from the barn. She left in a hurry, also leaving a set of fifty-five pound dumbbells out. "Billy, are these weights that you're using?" Thinking quickly, "Yeah Dad, pretty good huh?" Billy's dad looked at him incredulously. Indeed, he had lost over forty pounds in the last few months and hadn't given up as was expected. "Well, good job. I guess I owe you an apology." "That's okay, Dad. Hey, I gotta go." He left quickly before his dad asked for a demonstration. As he high tailed it out of there, it occurred to him that there was only one other person who used the gym. "Jeeze," he thought, "even with all the improvements I've made, she's still more than twice as strong as me." Little did he know that that was the weight she used, for reps, when there was no one around to spot for her. At Tommy's house, she did quite a bit more when she was going for a single rep max and Tommy was spotting. Billy's dad settled in on the bench, adjusted himself and then reached up to the bar. He couldn't even get it off the rack. So, he picked up the two fifty-five pounders, or rather tried to. If only he could see Emily doing incline presses with them, he'd be shocked. Oh, yes, he knew who she was, that hot little number next door. He also peeped on her when she was sun bathing, although he had never seen anything like what Billy had seen, Emily easily wrapping a relatively strong guy into a very tight cradle, and seemingly doing it without too much trouble. Emily knew that both of them would check her out when she was in a bikini, and now that she was eighteen, her suits were becoming more and more revealing. She really didn't mind that Billy watched her, but she thought it was kind of creepy that Dad did. At any rate, she was becoming more and more aware of her sexuality at this point. Prior to that, her intense relationship with Tommy was really the only time she thought about it. Indeed, even that day when she whooped Ted at wrestling, she didn't quite equate the feeling she with an actual sexual reaction. It was really eating away at Billy that Emily could possibly be twice as strong as her, at least she could bench more than twice as much. Considering how nice she had always been with him, it didn't seem implausible for him to actually ask her. They were at the playground when he decided to be bold. "You know, Emily, last week you didn't clean up after yourself when you were done working out." "I'm sorry. My mom ran out of gas and I had to take her some from the can in the barn. Sorry if I left a mess." "No, it's okay, ... ... ..that's not it." "What then?" "Well the weight bench was set up with two hundred pounds on it." He paused, not sure whether to continue his inquiry. "Can you press that much?" She smiled, a warm smile, meant to put him at ease. "Billy, I've been doing some sort of physical activity almost since I could walk. I've always been a tomboy, you know, doing guy stuff instead of playing with dolls and stuff." "You didn't answer my question." She climbed down from the jungle gym and approached him, noticing that he seemed rather nervous and he seemed to be getting aroused. "Yes, Billy. Yes I can bench that much." He gulped, his shorts tenting more noticeably. "That's more than twice as much as me." "I know, but I've been hitting the weights for more than two and a half years." "So, are you more than twice as strong as me?" "At least in the bench press." "Other things too?" "Does it bother you? You've come along way, Billy. You've lost a lot of weight and you've gotten much stronger than you were. You should only compare yourself to your former self. So does it bother you that I'm stronger than you?" "Not just stronger, twice as strong. And, it bothers me a little, you know, guy ego. But it excites me as well." "I can tell." She gently touched his crotch and he instantly came in his pants. "Oh, my God. I'm so embarrassed." "Don't be. I take it as a compliment. Hey, you know, we've never worked out together. I didn't want to embarrass you, but now that the cat is out of the bag, do you want to work out together sometimes?" "Uh, yeah, I guess so. Promise you won't laugh?" "Billy, I've seen what you can do. And you know I'm not like that anyway. I'm gonna go home and put on my workout clothes. Is the coast clear? I mean, you know, is your dad around?" "No, he's away on business." "I'll meet you there." A little while later, Billy was sitting on the mat with his legs spread in a V, stretching his hamstrings when Emily came in. She walked over and stood in front of him, her hands on her hips. As he looked up, he gasped at the sight before him. Emily was wearing some very short, very tight running shorts and she had on a tank top that was a few sizes too small. It was very old, probably from when she was ten or twelve years old, and the material was so thin that her nipples stood out prominently on those beautiful tits. The too small top rode up on her sexy belly, making it obvious how female and how powerful that perfect torso actually was. She dropped down to her knees, staring at Billy, who was almost shaking with anticipation. "Billy, we know that I can outlift you in any exercise, so I was thinking of another way to test my strength against yours." "Whhhh, what did you have in mind?" "Do you like my body?" He looked at the floor. "You know I do." He paused, not sure whether to go on. "Emily, please don't get mad at me. When you're out by your pool, I watch you in your bikini." "I know." "And you're not mad?" "I was at first, but then, you know, you're an eighteen year old guy and I'm an eighteen year old girl..," "With the most perfect body I've ever seen," he interrupted. "Thanks, do I turn you on?" "Yes," he almost whispered. She stood up, stretching, her tits thrusting out, her arms pumping up slightly just from the passive act of stretching. "Am I turning you on right now, you know, in this outfit? I mean, it's not as reveling as a thong bikini." "It's even more sexy because it emphasizes how strong you are." "Well, I was thinking that a way we can test our strength is to wrestle. It would be kind of a turn-on because we'd be touching each other's bodies." Billy was almost beside himself with excitement, but, "I saw you wrestle that guy a while ago. You beat him easily. And he had way more muscles than me." "Oh, that. Yeah, that was the first time I had ever tried it, but I was bigger than him, you know, I weighed more." "You killed him." "Okay, I only weighed like five pounds more, but I was a lot stronger." She could sense his apprehension. "Come on, it'll be fun." "I have no chance." "No, probably not, but you are a lot bigger than that guy. Come on." Reluctantly he stripped off his sweats and they faced off. Indeed, he didn't have a chance, not even for a second. Emily toyed with him for half an hour, getting him into one inescapable hold after another, even letting him get her into compromising positions and then blasting out of them. Soon enough, Billy was lying on his back, more exhausted than he had ever been, almost unable to move. Emily was incredibly turned on, it having dawned on her that those feelings she experienced when she kicked Ted's ass were of a sexual nature. She stripped off her shorts and top and climbed up his body until her pussy was hovering above his head. "Have you ever done this before, Billy?" "You know I haven't." "Well, just lick. That's all you have to do." She spread her legs to the sides, slowly lowering herself as she pulled the fabric of her tiny panties to the side. And then she rode his face to several satisfying orgasms. She got off Billy and pulled his shorts off. "Wow, that's pretty big, Billy." She took him into her mouth and he came immediately, but she didn't stop. Minutes later he came again. Emily sat up and turned herself around again, smiling down at him as he gazed at her. "Emily, your boyfriend is an Adonis and I'm the weak, fat kid from next door." "You're not fat anymore." "But I'm still soft, and I'm still weak. Why would you want to fuck me?" "Because you're a nice guy, and you seem to worship me." "Thanks for not hurting me." "Oh, I would never do that. You're my friend, and you're a good guy, so I went easy on you, not like I'm gonna do with your father." Before he could respond, she scotched back and impaled herself on him, both of them moaning loudly as she took his virginity. (Yes, by this time she and Tommy had had intercourse.) Leaning forward as she entwined his legs and began pumping, "lick and suck my breasts." 'I can't reach them." She lunged forward slightly, legs still tangled together, his thick cock still inside her. Now he could reach them, but her powerful body had his scrunched in like an accordion. Billy moaned in pain so she sat them up to take some of the pressure off, and they fucked with her on his lap for half an hour, Emily doing most of the work but Billy dutifully never waning in his oral stimulation to her breasts. Later: "What did you mean about my dad?" "He treats you kinda nasty doesn't he?" "Yeah, like he's ashamed of me. But lately, well, when you left those heavy weights out, I led him to believe that those were my poundages and now he's being a little nicer. I think he thinks I'm stronger than him." "Well, I've got a bone to pick with him and I hope you'll help me." "What did he do to you?" "Well, I told you that I didn't mind you watching me when I'm out by my pool, but he does it too, and while I can't blame any man for checking me out, ... ..wait, sorry, that sounded conceited." "But it's true." "Anyway, he's a grown man and should know better. If he wants to check me out, then check me out, but don't sneak looks from up in your attic room." "How can I help?" "Do you have video equipment?" "Yeah." "Small enough to hide." "I'll get some." 'So, here's my plan. We'll catch him peeping, and hopefully, and then we'll see what I can come up with. Even before he started peeping on me, I hated him. My dad would help him out occasionally and he never so much as said thanks. Here's this big shot supplying the government with computers and such and right next door, we didn't even own a decent one." Their plan couldn't have worked out any better. About a month or so later, Emily and Amy were hanging out by their pool one sunny afternoon along with Ted. Tommy was away at football camp. The difference in the bodies of the two girls was becoming even more glaring in recent months. Amy was a very hot girl with a great body, but she just couldn't hold a candle to Emily. She almost looked sickly by comparison. Indeed, Emily was noticeably bigger than Ted at this point, probably a good twenty pounds or more of curvy muscle. He didn't seem all that interested in wrestling with her anymore. They were lying there sunning themselves, and Emily was fully aware that there was a set of eyes on them coming from that attic room high on the fourth floor of the mansion next door. Billy had programed the video system to come on if anyone came into the room. But there were two more sets of eyes as well checking Emily out as well, peeping through gaps in the boards of the five foot fence. Two boys, maybe fifteen or sixteen, from down the road had heard about this awesome girl. Actually, they had seen her doing the par-course, but they hoped for a chance to see her practically naked. Unfortunately for them, one of them sneezed. From the upstairs window, Billy's dad watched in amazement as Emily was up in a second, running in the direction of the sneeze. One hand on top of the five foot fence, and she blasted off, vaulting over the top, high in the air as the boys attempted to run off. One was a little faster than the other and as Emily descended, her hand went to the back of the slower ones neck and without missing a beat, she whipped him down, his face slamming into the grass as she took off after the other guy. The faster of the two boys was a good thirty yards ahead of her, but she closed the gap in seconds leaping and tackling him to the ground. Before he knew what hit him, Emily had his arms, neck and head caught in a full nelson, but instead of using her arms, she was applying the hold with those powerful legs that had chased him down like he was standing still. She fell back and slid her arms under his legs, and then sat back up, painfully torqueing his back the wrong way. Pouring on the pressure, Emily started twisting back and forth, left and right and in seconds it was over. She disentangled herself from his body as his arms and legs flopped to the ground. Turning back towards her pool area, she saw that the other guy had revived somewhat and was trying to escape. Quickly, she ran him down but instead of putting him in some devastating hold, she tossed him up onto her shoulder and jogged back to the fence. Her hands went under his waist, and with one powerful push, she tossed him over the fence before hopping over like it was two feet high instead of five. Billy's dad saw the whole thing, absolutely astonished at her athletic skills and her formidable power. By this point his pants were around his ankles and his rather small dick was in his hand. He brought himself to climax as Emily used the poor boy's face for her own pleasure, Amy and Ted watching, totally in awe of their friend. Billy saw the whole amazing episode also, but he didn't need to pull his pants down and grab his dick to have the same physical reaction as his dad. The next week: "Hi, Mr. Jones, Billy and I decided that we'd like to work out with you. That okay?" "Yeah ... ..Sure." Emily was wearing sweats, but Mr. Jones sort of knew what was underneath that baggy outfit. "How long have you been working out, Mr. Jones" "A few months. My business keeps me very busy. But I've been making very good progress, considering many years of not doing much. I'm benching half my bodyweight now, eight-five pounds." "Wow, that's quite a coincidence. That's what Billy here is doing. Also, there's another coincidence." Mr. Jones turned to Billy. "I thought you were doing two-hundred." "I just wanted you to be proud of me." He turned back to Emily. "What's the other coincidence?" "Oh, let's see, you said eighty-five is half your bodyweight. Well, I weigh one-seventy also." "Wow. That's a lot for a girl. But I'm at least three inches taller than you. How ... ?" "Muscle weighs a lot." That said, she pulled her sweatpants off and set them on a chair as Mr. Jones stared at those beautiful shapely legs. She had on those same tight shorts as when she wrestled then fucked Billy, the only difference being that they had torn up the sides when she was twisting him into un-natural positions so now that line that goes up the side of the legs could be seen all the way to her waist. But they were still just as tight stretched over that round muscular ass. She didn't make a big show of it, just going about her business like she was there to work out. She called over to Billy, "Why don't you set up the bar with, like maybe seventy to warm up." While he was doing that, she got on the floor to stretch, every once in a while glancing up, catching Mr. Jones checking her out. "You go first, Mr. Jones." After he pumped out ten smooth reps, Billy followed, then Emily. Then they put on eight-five. Mr. Jones managed three reps before he needed help getting the last one up. Billy then did ten reps, his personal best, probably due to Emily's presence. After he was done, Emily lay down on the bench and banged out fifty reps, the bar brushing against her ever stiffening nipples with each rep. Walking up to Mr. Jones, getting so close that those nipples brushed against his chest and he could feel how stiff they were, even through the sweatshirt. She whispered "I could go on with that weight for two hundred reps or more if I wanted." Clearing his throat, the clearly aroused but equally intimidated Mr. Jones managed, "Was that two-hundred pound setup yours? Is that what you can bench?" Emily let out a little laugh. "No, Mr. Jones, that's not what I bench." Pausing, she turned to Billy. "Hey, buddy, can you set up that workout tape. Maybe your dad here could get some benefit from it. We know it certainly helped you." Turning back to Mr. Jones, "In case you haven't figured it out, I've been training Billy here. You must admit, he's made major improvements." "Dad, can you give me a hand. I can't figure this new gadget out that you brought home." While both men were distracted with the video equipment, Emily loaded the bar. When they turned back, they were stunned to see her finish a rep and re-rack the heavily loaded bar. She sat up, and looked their way. "Two-seventy, a hundred pounds more than I weigh, more than three times what you can do. Roll the tape, Billy." They began watching and it only took a little bit for Mr. Jones to figure out that it wasn't a workout tape. In horror, he turned to Emily, who was standing about five feet away, behind him. She had removed her sweatshirt and was wearing that same size "small" tank-top, it too having some tears from the previous wrestling match. "See what I mean, Mr. Jones, a hundred seventy pounds on a five-seven girl is a lot of muscle, even if I'm not all muscly looking ." "Wh ... ... ... ... ..what are you gonna do?" "You and I are gonna wrestle. Obviously you saw what I did to those two boys for peeping on me. But they're just boys, they don't know any better about peeping like you should. Plus I could have taken them both on at once. Oh, by the way, Billy, your son, who is somewhat stronger than you, he and I have wrestled. Why don't you tell him what it was like, Billy." "I had no chance Dad, she's just way too strong, and super athletic as well. A while back, I saw her wrestle a guy who could beat me easily, that guy who was with them by her pool the day we caught you watching. She creamed him. That was her first time wrestling and she had him pinned in like, what, two minutes." "And I've gained another fifteen pounds of muscle since then, plus, my boyfriend, who is getting ready to go to college on a football scholarship, so you know he's strong as shit, well we practice wrestling a lot before we have sex. I can't beat him, but he can't beat me, either." "Dad, when we wrestled, she would allow me to get her down with her completely under my control and then she would reverse us in seconds. She didn't want to hurt me, so she was going easy on me and she still did whatever she wanted. I couldn't stop her. I have a feeling she's not going to go so easy on you." "You know, Mr. Jones, Billy tells me that you've been somewhat of an asshole dad towards him all these years, and I've always hated it how condescending you were towards my father, just because your some high-falluten big wig and he's a working man. And now it turns out you're just some pathetic little pervert, jerking off while peeping at your hot eighteen year old neighbor. And it seems that you really get off on how strong I am. Well, get ready to experience my strength close up." Fearing for his life, he leaped at her. Catching him with her arms around his chest, "Nice try, Mr. Jones. Hey, I've never given anyone just a straight forward bear-hug before. I wonder if bench pressing strength translates well." That was the only warning he got as she suddenly started squeezing. His legs were flailing and his arms were swinging wildly, striking her repeatedly on her shoulder and arms. She barely noticed. "Please," he screamed, "you're killing me." "Te,he. I guess it does translate well." Soon, as his struggles were waning, "Should I try something else?" "Ahhhh, pleeease!" Just as suddenly as she had started squeezing, Emily stopped. Mr. Jones sucked in some much needed air and then without warning, Emily slammed him down onto the mat on his back, with her on top. Slowly rising up on her knees, her hands absentmindedly moved to her already damp crotch, rubbing her pussy with the flats of her fingers. Savoring the moment looking down at this already broken man, Emily pondered what to do next. "Billy, you don't mind if I really fuck him up, do you." "No." "Good thing, 'cause you couldn't stop me if you wanted to." "I'm sorry for the way he treated your father." But she wasn't listening. Her eyes were closed and she was pleasuring herself waiting for her opponent to recover some, the word opponent not really an apt description. There was no use inflicting pain if the person wasn't coherent enough to experience it. She got up and came over to where Billy was sitting on a bench, leaning against the wall. He was frightened by the look in her eyes, and yes, she was overflowing with a desire to punish the man on the floor who had slighted her father, had flaunted his wealth, was emblematic of the people that ruined her rural paradise, had never shown any kind of neighborly generosity, and then to top it all off, masturbated while watching her in her back yard. Talk about invasion of privacy! Anyway, Billy was truly frightened of her at this moment, but all she wanted to do as far as he was concerned was to rub her tits in his face while she stroked a penis that was twice as big as his father's. A few minutes later, Mr. Jones started coming around and as he cleared the cobwebs, what he saw was this goddess, still in her tight, torn workout clothes, rubbing her crotch against his son's still clothed dick while she sat on his lap, and pulling his head into her breasts as she moved them side to side, totally controlling the larger boy with her overwhelming strength. It looked like she was going to crush the poor boy, (not that he minded), between her magnificent body and the wall in the heat of the moment. Suddenly, Emily sat upright, both her and Billy panting loudly from such intense arousal, and Billy from not having had a chance to breathe. She looked over at Mr. Jones as he stared back, full of fright but totally turned on by what he had just seen. "Peeping again are we?" "NNnnnnnnnnn no, I didn't mean to." She stood up, still straddling Billy's legs as he caught his breath. "That's okay. It really doesn't matter. I was still planning on beating you to pulp whether you were watching or not. I've got an idea the next little demonstration of my powers, a sort of variation my bear-hug theme." "No, please," he pleaded. But his cries fell on deaf ears. Stepping back from Billy's legs, she turned and walked ever so slowly towards Mr. Jones as he got to his feet and backed away, his hands out in front of him as he pleaded. As his back hit the wall, she closed the gap, reached out with her right hand and snaked her arm around his lower back and yanked him out into the middle of the room. Her left hand went to his chin and she pushed his upper body back, she cinched in with her right, obviously with not as much crushing power as before, but certainly with more than enough to put him in a world of hurt as she arched his back. As she felt him starting to go limp, she released the pressure, flinging him away as he flopped to the floor once again. "Take off your shorts, Billy," she practically growled as she grabbed Mr. Jones under one armpit and yanked him to his feet. She picked him up across her chest and then forcefully pushed him up over her head, letting go at the top and stepping out from under him as he crashed to the floor. She didn't even bother to look back at his crumpled body as she sauntered over to Billy, taking her shorts off as she walked and then pulling her top over her head. The little triangle of fabric covering her pussy had the inscription, "The Strong Shall Rule" emblazoned across it. Pulling the fabric aside, she once again sat on his lap, quickly impaling herself on his thick cock and then fucking him so hard that at some point she accidentally banged his head against the wall with her powerful torso, dazing him even as they came simultaneously. "Sorry, Billy," was all she could manage as she got up off him, their duet sex organs making a popping, sucking sound. When he came out of his wall induced stupor, what Billy saw was his naked dad, with just his head and part of his upper body on the end of the bench where the two-hundred and seventy pound bar nestled in the rack. Emily was sitting on his face, leaning forward with her hands on the bar and she was riding him so hard that the rest of his body was flopping around off the bench like a fish out of water. His little dick was sticking up in the air and it was obvious that he had had an ejaculation in spite of the humiliating beating he was experiencing. After several more minutes of furious face-fucking, Emily got up and turned around. She flipped his beaten body over and pulled him forward just a little, and then bent his neck back and shoved his face into her crotch on again as she lay down on her back, swinging her legs over his arms and catching them in the folds under her knees. Grabbing the bar off the rack, She proceeded to do rep after rep while her legs pulled his upper body forward, bringing his face tighter and tighter against her pussy. Billy was absolutely astounded that this quiet, kind-hearted country girl had turned into a ravenous sex monster, easily capable of killing his father while in the throes of her sexual explosion. But was also afraid she might lose control of the heavy weight in the throes of another orgasm, and he had the where with all to go over behind her in case that happened. Before he could get there, she had re-racked it, grabbed Billy and pulled him close as she kicked Mr. Jones to the floor. "Fuck me again, Billy." Now, even though Billy had lost a lot of weight, but he was still well over two-hundred pounds, Emily barely felt his weight sitting on her pelvis, and she pumped away just as hard with her upward thrusts as he did with his downward ones. When they came together in a simultaneous explosion, Emily actually arched her back so much that she lifted him right off the bench before actually bucking him off her and onto the floor with one of her powerful thrusts. After coming down from her orgasmic high, Emily looked over at the two bodies lying on the floor, and the abruptly got up, quickly put her top and shorts back on and left. A few days later, Billy peered over the fence. "Emily, are we, ah, you know, ah, is everything okay?" "Oh, hi Billy. I'm just embarrassed as to how carried away I got. I'm sorry." "Don't be. Dad will be all right. He's all bruised up and he's wearing a neck brace, and he has multiple strained muscles but there's no permanent injury. Besides, he deserved what he got." "Are you okay? I mean, I know now that I lose control, especially when I'm physically dominating someone. When I threw you off me, accidentally mind you, it was rather sudden and you seemed to have fallen pretty hard." "Plus you banged my head against the wall when you fucked me sitting on my lap." "Sorry. And I'm embarrassed that I got so aggressive." "Don't be. There aren't too many fat video geeks around who will ever have a sexual experience like that in their life." "You're not fat anymore." "Okay, soft, and you know it. But you've put me on the right path and someday I won't be." "We can't fuck anymore, you know. Tommy and I have a pretty serious thing going." "And someone of your awesome physical gifts needs someone like him. I understand. Are you done with my Dad?" "No, but I need to let him heal up before we move on to phase two." "Are you going to beat him up again?" "I'm going to make things right and then some. You'll see." About a month later "Hi, Mr. Jones." "Whhhhaat are you doing here. Please don't beat me up anymore." "I won't. I've got something else in mind. This is Carla." Coming through the door to the Jones gym right behind Emily was a girl who looked to be around thirteen years old. "Are you over your injuries? I see you're back here in the gym." "Promise you're not going to hurt me?" She nodded her head. "Well, I thought I'd better get stronger. Being a captain of industry isn't enough when your average eighteen year old girl is stronger than you." "Maybe I will beat you up for saying I'm average." "No,no, that's not what I meant. One of my employee's daughter's beat me in arm wrestling and she's just a high school cheerleader, Junior Varsity at that." "Times have changed. More girls are fit and strong these days. I'm an anomaly, being way beyond just strong. And speaking of cheerleaders, you know how strong I am, and you can tell that by looking at me, that I'm strong, but I still have that curvy, voluptuous cheerleader look. Carla here is also an anomaly, but of a different sort. You see, she's a little older than she looks at fourteen." She turned to Carla and gave her a nod and Carla began taking off her sweats, pants first. Mr. Jones gasped out loud. Whereas Emily was all curves, so was Carla, but of a different kind. Her bodyfat levels were very low and the separation of the four heads of her quads was amazing, but the muscles were full and round. Her hamstrings did the same in the back and her calves could clearly be seen bulging out on both sides front the front. Even her bare feet seemed to be full of detailed muscle. As she continued to strip, Emily continued talking. "You see, Mr. Jones, Carla just finished her freshman year in high school. She wrestled for the local high school, on the men's team. She was state champ in the hundred and forty-three pound class. She won every match by a pin all year long, something that only happens once in a while, with the absolute best of the best." Carla chimed in, "It wasn't until I went to the state tournament that any match went more than one round, actually, my semi-final match was the first one all year that went beyond 45 seconds." "She's absolutely unbeatable by anyone within ten pounds of her. She's incredibly strong." By this point, Carla's sweatshirt was off and she was standing there in a tiny bikini. Her upper body was every bit as awesome as her legs. She had almost no breasts to speak of, but she did have very well developed pecs. Her shoulders were amazingly broad and her upper arms were on the verge of being out of proportion to the rest of her incredible body. And whereas Emily's torso was tight and firm, with her abs showing mostly when she was exerting or breathing deeply, Carla's was like a relief map, even when relaxed, and it was so tight that her upper legs actually were a tiny bit bigger than her waist. She turned around so Mr. Jones could get a look at her back, her perfectly round, hard as a rock glutes, and talk about a v taper, her shoulder to waist ration was almost beyond belief. She turned around and slowly smiled at Mr. Jones, an intimidating smile if ever there was one. "Mr. Jones, you remember how badly I beat you, don't you? Well, aside from my boyfriend, Tommy, who I generally tie with when we wrestle, Carla beats me every time." He gulped, so sure that Emily was going to make his humiliation even worse by making it happen at the hands and muscles of a fourteen year old girl. "Now, Mr. Jones, please understand, I am stronger than Carla here, I would hope so, after all, I'm four years older and thirty pounds heavier, but even as athletic as I am, she's so much faster than me that she makes three or four moves to my one. And pound for pound, she's actually stronger." "Do I have to wrestle her?" "Eventually, but I have something else planned first. By the way, when you do wrestle her, it will be strictly high school type, not bear hugs or lifting you over her head, though make no mistake about it, she could lift you over her head if she wanted. The point being, you're not going to wind up all beaten up like before, but considering that she's quite a bit smaller, and so young, it will surely be just as humiliating." Just then there was a knock at the door leading to the outside, the same door that Emily and Carla had come in, the one Emily had a key for. "Carla, can you get that?" She looked to Mr. Jones. "A little demonstration first, Mr. Jones." As Carla opened the door, "Hi, Carla." "Hi, Tommy. Come on in. Are you sure you want to do this?" "Anything that my Emily asks." As they walked over to where Mr. Jones and Emily were standing, the conversation continued. Tommy didn't have to strip down. He was already wearing a tank-top and shorts and Mr. Jones could see that he was pretty muscular, at least a hundred-eighty pounds. Mr. Jones overheard the talk between Tommy and Carla, "But you won't be embarrassed?" "No. Wrestling is your sport and you're the best, by far. I'm a football player." "What's going on here?" asked a puzzled Mr. Jones. "Mr. Jones, this is my boyfriend, Tommy. I've told you about him. As you can see, he looks very strong. He outweighs Carla here by forty-five pounds. They're gonna give you a little wrestling demonstration." "But he seems scared of her." "No, he's not. But the outcome is a foregone conclusion." "And I'm not embarrassed because I'm a modern guy. I've already proven myself in football. I have no problem with the things women and girls are capable of these days. Not only is Carla here an incredibly skilled wrestler, but she's extremely strong and her quickness has to be seen to be believed. She's one of the best ever. I can't wait to see her in three more years." He took off his shoes and shirt and they faced off against each other. After a few feigns here and there, suddenly Carla shot in and secured a leg, driving her shoulder into his lower abdomen while lifting that leg as high as possible and twisting, all of it so quick that Tommy was on his back in a heartbeat. Scrambling to turn himself over, it was only his strength and weight advantage that allowed him to do this. And the strength advantage was far less than the weight one. So he managed to get himself onto his stomach so he wouldn't be pinned in the first fifteen seconds, but he was totally on the defensive and Carla was already moving on to her next maneuver. And so it went, but really for only another minute. It would be hard to describe all the awesome moves she made, but the coup de grace was when somehow, she had managed a leg between his while he was on his stomach, and the other leg on up over his head, then bent and capturing an arm. Then she simply rolled them both. His other arm was underneath him, and his only free appendage, his other leg was sticking straight up in the air. Tommy's shoulders were on the mat, and Emily was lying on her hard stomach, her elbows on the mat, her chin in her hands, staring up at Mr. Jones with a smile that suggested, "see how easy that was?", while Emily got down, counted, then slapped the mat to signify a pin. She looked at her stopwatch while Carla released her hold, bounced to her feet and sauntered towards Mr. Jones. As she stared intimidatingly at him, they heard Emily say, "One minute and twelve seconds." "I must be getting rusty," she laughed. "Your turn, Mr. Jones, in a minute." She turned back to Tommy, who was lying on his back staring up at the ceiling, then she went over and sat down on his face, pulling her tiny bottoms aside. He eagerly did his duty. "Ah, that was nice. Thank you, Tommy. Now, time for round two." She turned back to Mr. Jones. "What's the point? Look at him. Look at me. Emily's three times as strong as me. I assume he is as well. And you handled him with ease. I won't wrestle you." "Does that mean you won't fight back when I wrestle you?" "Well, ... .maybe ... ..I'll just roll up in a ball, in a fetal position." "Ha, ha. That's good enough for me." Emily turned to Carla. "Well done, babe. You wanna stay and watch the next part?" She turned back to Mr. Jones. "You're humiliation as almost complete. You've admitted that you'd rather roll into a fetal position than wrestle a fourteen year old girl." She waved her cell phone at him. "Recorded live." They all had a good laugh, as Tommy gave Emily a kiss at told her he had to go, then gave Carla a big brotherly hug before leaving. "Okay, now for phase three, Mr. Jones." "I thought you said you weren't going to beat me up any more." "I'm not. Carla?" She motioned towards the door. Carla went and opened it and in came Billy, and Mrs. Jones. Hi, Billy. Hi, Mrs. Jones." "You know my mother?" "We are next door neighbors, Billy." Billy turned toward his mom. "Mom, why'd you ask me to come in here with you?" Mrs. Jones gave a disdainful look in the direction of her loathed husband. The only reason she stayed with him was for the money. As mentioned earlier, he ignored her as much as he did Billy, so she had to make her own life. As Emily started to talk, Mrs. Jones started to take off her designer running outfit. "Mr. Jones, while you were neglecting your wife here, I have been helping her train for close to two years now. Billy, you have a lot of potential. I know that because you have your mother's genes in you. For full effect, Mr. Jones was wearing booty shorts and a sports bra, and at the age of forty-five, she could easily pass for late twenties. Make that late twenties and a fitness model. She was stunning. "Mr. Jones, those two-hundred pounds on the bench was your wife's workout that day. She's done more since." She looked over at Mrs. Jones. "Mrs. Jones, Stacy, do you want an audience?" "I don't think so. Carla here is way too young to see what I have planned for my dear husband, and I don't really want you watching, Billy. Emily, you can stay if you want." "No, thanks. But maybe we can record it?" "Sure." She turned to her husband. "By the way, Fred, Emily told me about you masturbating while watching her out by her pool. I think you owe her. So, you're going to use your money to set her up with a complete workout facility so she can train other women like me. You'll pay for everything, including advertising until she's making it on her own, which I'm sure she will. If you don't, the tape of you jerking off in our tower, by the window, goes to the board of directors of your little business." After everyone left, Stacy Jones put the final touches on a long overdue attitude adjustment in a most physical way. She wasn't as strong as Emily, but she was way stronger than her husband, more than enough to beat the crap out of him and then him have do anything she wanted to him. He couldn't stop her. She sexually abused him for hours, but mostly a lot of face sitting, but eventually including some strap-on fucking.