Pam Starts Training Tamara and Jill Gotta Bench your Weight, Pt. 2 Note: mistake in "Gotta Bench Your Weight" the you tube video with the awesome hold was not "Crushing Calves", search "Crushing Curves" second page of search (Bill Wick) It had been a week since Pam had humiliated Bill and used his face to get herself off. She really didn't dwell on it. She'd done this before and would do it again to any guy who might deserve it. So, she had moved on. Working out like a fiend just about every day, always motivated to get stronger with the hope of being allowed to compete directly with the boys. She was going to try out for the football team in the fall, as a running back, even if she ha d to disguise her appearance until the coaches decided that they couldn't do without her. But there were 3 other people who couldn't move on. Frank couldn't get over the fact the while he was home from college for the summer, he was living under the same roof as someone who was so physically formidable, and that someone was his younger step-sister. He also was coming to terms with the fact that he liked strong girls, a lot. And his sister was strong beyond belief. Every time he thought of her he'd get a boner that was so hard a cat couldn't scratch it. He also thought a lot about Tamara and Jill a lot. To think that little Jill, who weighed 35 lbs. less than him was as strong as he was, maybe a little stronger. And he knew he could have a relationship with Jill, so he'd pursue that. Still, he thought Pam was the hottest thing in the world. Meanwhile, Tamara had agreed to leave Frank for Jill, knowing that she could have just about any guy she wanted and she knew how much Jill liked Frank. Still, she did like having that big dick inside her. But, the girls also had something on their minds. They too couldn't keep Pam off their minds. Pam was just starting her workout. She was wearing running shorts and a tanktop. They weren't super tight like when they had their little competition last week . She wasn't going for affect today. She was simply working out alone. But the running shorts still hugged her round, muscular glutes like a second skin and her upper torso and wonderous breasts still filled her tank top in an amazing way. The basement workout area had a door that opened out onto the patio. Pam had just finished a set of close grip benches for her triceps with 180 lbs. when there was a knock at the door. Pam opened the door and Jill and Tamara walked in. "Pam, we want to be as strong as you." Pam stifled a laugh. These were her friends and she didn't want to hurt their feelings. "Girls, I've got a bit of a head start. But I can help make you really strong, stronger than most guys. Jill, you've got a smallish frame but you already showed that you're as strong as Frank, and you can certainly get a lot stronger. Tamara, I think you have the same potential as me, but, like I said, I've got a bit of a head start. But you're pretty strong, way beyond Frank. I think with a few months training, you could beat Bill in the strength department. And, let me tell you something girls, there nothing as arousing as overpowering some guy who needs to be brought down a peg or two, and then using him for your own sexual gratification while he gets none. Actually it is better if you can prove your superiority to a guy you like and he accepts it and then you have mutually gratifying sex. That's the best. "Yeah," both girls said at once. "Okay, now I know you've both been hitting the weights with the track team, and you're doing pretty well. But, with all due respect to the track coaches, they know how to use weight training to get strong, but they don't know how to use it to get real strong. They don't know about negatives and stuff like that, but the worst thing of all they tell you to do sets of 8 reps or 10 reps, or whatever. That'll get you strong. You know, strong like Frank." They all giggled in unison. Pam continued, "I found this book a year ago call "High Intensity Bodybuilding". The guy who wrote it said that you shouldn't pick a number and then stop when you get there. You need to go with a heavy weight for as many reps as you can, and the reason you stop is because you simply can't go on any more. If you're getting up to 20 reps give or take, then it's time to go with heavier weights. I like to use dumbbells since I work out alone, so when I reach failure, I can just drop the weights, instead of failing and having a bar lying across your chest. Here, I'll show you." Pam went over to the dumbbell rack and picked up 2 85 lb. dumbbells. She went over to an incline bench and started doing incline presses. When she got to 9 reps, she started slowing down, but managed to get to 14 before she got to the point where she couldn't go on. She dropped the weights and sat there, completely soaked in sweat. The veins stood out on her arms like a roadmap. Jill and Tamara were in awe. "Flex for us, Pam." "No, I never flex. You need to get to the point where your muscles look awesome while at rest, and unbelievable when under stress, but never flex." "Can I try a set?'" asked Tamara. "Sure. Let's see. You benched that 145 lb. bar last week, five times if I remember correctly." "Yeah, but I can do ten, probably more, but like you said, the coaches tell us to go to 10." "That's pretty good. I'm trying to figure out what weight of dumbbells. They're different. A pair of dumbbells should be about 20% less, and incline instead of flat should maybe be another 20% or so less. I'm not a human calculator, so let's just try some 50s." "Tamara went over to the dumbbell rack and got a pair of 50s. "By the way, Pam, your gym is better than the one at school. How'd you get such a great setup?" "I made my Stepdad get it for me. He's not a jerk like Bill, but he is a wimp. He disgusts me. He accidently walked in on me when I was sitting on Tommy Miller's face. He pulled me off Tommy and tried to make me to cover my nudity. That's when he wound up slammed into the wall, and that's when I realized that even a grown man was no match for me. The next day I told him to build this gym for me or I would humiliate him in front of a large crowd of friends, like maybe at our Memorial Day picnic." "Well, it's an amazing setup, Pam." Tamara sat on the bench and started doing presses. 9,10,11,12. She was slowing down, but kept going. She got to 19 before she failed. "That's great, Tamara, you are one strong babe. Not as strong as me, but then, who is?" They all giggled then got ready for Jill. "I think maybe a couple of 40s Jill." "Whatever you say, Pam. You're the boss." Jill proceeded to bang out 10 quick reps, then started to slow, but got to 16. " I think maybe you can go up on the next set. too." The girls did a few more sets, Pam topping out with 100s, Tamara with 65s and Jill with 50s. "Okay girls, pressing is important but only one part. We'll do some work on our triceps. I think another important factor is what I call pushing and pulling groups. You do your chest and triceps one day, which is pushing, and your back and biceps, which are pulling, on another. You're going to get real sore from these intense workouts, way more than you ever got from the Coach's wimpy workouts. But you'll make much greater progress. And by doing different groups this way, you'll be able to work out almost every day. If one muscle group is sore, you want to allow recuperation, but you can work the other groups. Plus there's leg days which are real killers, and something I think you should do every day, 'cause I think it's most important, which is core training. You know, your abs, but not just your abs, your entire torso. " "You know, I squeezed the shit out of Bill with my legs, and my arms are so strong that I was able to stretch out his arms and legs at the same time, but it was my powerful torso pounding him into the mats that really did him in." Pam walked over to a contraption call an inversion machine. "You just strap your ankles in like so, and then lean back, and the machine turns you upside down. " "Cool. Now what do you do?" "Upside down crunches and twisting crunches like so." Pam proceeded to bring her entire torso up. Very hard to do. "When you can do 50 or more of these while holding a 45 pound plate behind your head, you got something goin' on there." "One other thing that's important girls. Diet. If you're really serious about this, no more sweets. No cookies, no candy, no pie or cake. Lots of fruits and veggies, and lots of protein, including eggs, fish, protein shakes from the local health food place." The girls worked out hard all summer. Both Tamara and Jill seemed to have stopped growing heightwise, but Pam shot up 2 more inches that summer to 5'9" and gained another 20 lbs. of muscle, while Tamara and Jill each gained about 15 lbs., all muscle too. It became clear that neither of them would ever catch Pam. She was a big girl, and ungodly strong. But, at 5'7" and 145 lbs. Tamara was stronger than any 145lb. guy in the school, and likewise Jill could outperform any boy at her size and weight. In fact, they could both exceed lots of bigger guys as well. The cool thing was that no one knew it yet. Yeah, from track everyone knew how muscular and fast Pam was, but they didn't know that she was even stronger than she looked, and she kept to herself that summer so no one had seen her improvement. And neither Bill nor Tommy Miller were about to tell anyone what they had gone through at her hands. When Jill and Tamara went to the pool or the beach, everyone thought that Tamara was getting hotter and hotter, and sure, she was looking more and more athletic, but no one could have guessed that this beautiful dark haired, olive skinned latino was stronger than 95% of the guys in the school. And everyone was noticing Jill's new curviness, especially Frank. Frank also had asked Pam to train him during the summer, and through with her supervision, he had become a lot stronger, and could now bench about 170 for reps, a big improvement. But Pam held back on some of her tips with Frank that she was sharing with the girls. Jill and Frank were an item now, and he couldn't help but notice how voluptuous she was getting. The sex just kept getting better. He sort of led during sex. He was pretty sure that now he was stronger than her. On the night before he went back to college, Jill decided to have a little fun at his expense. On the other side of town, the same night, a similar scenario was playing out. It turns out when Pam pinned Tommy Miller in wrestling, then made him eat her out, he wasn't a jerk about it, so Pam didn't have to humiliate him or hurt him the way she did with Bill. Tommy didn't want anyone to know, but he was okay with the idea of Pam being his superior, because she clearly was. And besides, he figured she was one in a million. Tamara was dating Tommy now. They hadn't had sex yet, but she liked his muscular body, he liked her muscular body and he loved her firm tits and round muscular ass. She knew about Pam beating him in wrestling, but he didn't know that she knew. "Have you ever done wrestle fucking Tommy?" "What? What do you mean?" Tommy was taken aback. "You, know, we wrestle as foreplay. Have you ever wrestled with a girl before?" "Well, no," he lied, understandably. "I was an all-state wrestler. It wouldn't be fair. And besides, I wouldn't want to hurt a girl." "Tommy, take a closer look at me," Tamara had short cutoffs on, which she slowly, sexily dropped to her feet. Then she unzipped her hoody sweatshirt and took it off. She had on tiny undies and a frilly bra. Clearly she was more muscular than your average female. "I won't break, Tommy." "I don't know," he paused. "Tommy, look at this body, look at my tight butt, look at my beautiful breasts. Don't you think I have the best body you've ever seen." Tommy nodded his approval. He didn't say that he thought Tamara and Pam (the former Pam that he remembered from last year) were about equal. "Tommy, I am an athlete and I have a competitive streak. You can identify with that. And I think it could be a real turnon for us to wrestle, the person in control stripping the other and having their way with them." Tommy still seemed hesitant. Tamara knew why and even before they started, she was getting aroused by the fact that somewhere in the back of his mind, Tommy wasn't sure that he'd be the one in control. "Tommy, if we don't do what I want, which is to wrestle fuck, then there won't be any fucking. I think it would be cool to do and I'll go find some other guy who's willing." "Tamara, I want to have sex with you more than anything in the world right now, so I guess we'll, what did you call it, wrestle fuck." Tommy was almost shaking with anticipation. Tamara was writhing with arousal. Meanwhile across town, Jill was taking a different tack. They were down in Pam and Frank's gym. She and Frank had been having sex all summer. This is where they usually did it, and it just kept getting better and better. Frank was getting stronger and he knew it. Jill was getting way stronger and she knew it. Frank could tell that Jill had been getting stronger and had definitely gained some muscle. Now he was a modern guy, and had no problem accepting that Pam or Tamara or many other women in the world could be stronger than not just average men, but even male athletes. It just hadn't occurred to him that Jill could actually have gained 20 lbs. of muscle or that at 125 lbs. she could be stronger than his 150. But it sure had occurred to Jill. "Why don't we have a little bench press contest like we did before Pam started training us. "Pam's been training you too?" Frank was quite surprised. "Yeah, you know, going to absolute failure on each set, that kind a stuff." "She didn't show me that." "Well, let's see who's results were better." She seemed very confidant. That bothered Frank. Both were wearing sweats. "Let's make this fun, Frankie. Each time you succeed at a given weight, I'll take off an article of clothing, and vice-versa. Strip benching." "Sounds like fun." They kissed then decided that they would start at 150, 5 more than they did that fateful day earlier in the summer. Frank went first, pretty easily doing the weight. Jill took off her socks. Then she went over and just as easily pressed the weight. This went back and forth, until they were up to 175. Jill was down to bra and panties and Frank to t shirt and underpants. Frank was very surprised that Jill was keeping up with him. He got down on the bench. He struggled, but got it up. "Can I choose what you take off?" "Sure." Frank asked her to take off her bra. Her breasts were medium sized, not mind blowing like Pam or Tamara, but very nice and firm. Her newly developed pecs really made them push out. She went over to the bench, brought the bar down 'till it brushed her nipples, then forcefully pushed it back up. "Take off your shirt Frankie." While Frank was taking off his shirt, Jill put 10 more pounds on, bringing the weight to 185. "Go, Frank," she said somewhat commandingly. Frank failed. Jill quickly went over and helped get the bar off his chest and back on the rack. He got up, somewhat dejected. "Why so glum, Frankie, you've improved by 30 lbs. this summer. That's great. But you would have had to press that 185 if you wanted to get my panties off. Jill sauntered over to the bar, her hard, round glutes moving like a couple of puppy dogs playing under a blanket. She stared at him as she sat down. Then she lay down and easily pressed the weight. "I cheated Frank. I'm so turned on right now that my nipples are erect, and I only had to move the bar ½" less." Then she giggled, got up and walked over to Frank. She reached out and touched his crotch. "Déjà vu, Frank. Just like when you realized I was as strong, no, stronger, during our first competition. Take off you shorts." Frank stood there with an erection. Jill went back and added another 10, then pressed that. Frank got stiffer, so stiff in fact he couldn't blink his eyes. She then added another 10, laid down and smoothly benched 205 lbs., at a bodyweight of 125. Frank was harder than he had ever been. Jill was more turned on than she had ever been. She walked over to Frank, and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him warmly and putting her cheek against his chest. "Frank, you've eaten my pussy many times. You have a very talented tongue and you are a wonderful and thoughtful lover. But tonight you are going you're going to eat my pussy because I can make you." With that she started squeezing him in a bearhug. The she lifted him off his feet, twisted and body slammed him to the floor. She didn't hurt him. She would never do that. Jill loved Frank. But she momentarily stunned him. She crawled up on his chest and looked him in the eye. "Frank, you're going to pull me panties aside with your teeth and you're going to lick me until I cum." Then she moved up and positioned herself over his mouth. She didn't sit down, that might hurt. No, she hovered over him. Her panties were already soaked from her arousal and Franks tongue soon easily found its way deeply into her pussy. She came so hard she almost passed out. "Oh, Pam was right. This is the best. She quickly reversed her position so she was facing his feet. "Wow. Your dick is so hard it looks like it's going to explode. She leaned forward and licked it. He immediately started spasming. Quickly, Jill backed up and sat back down on his face, having another earth shattering orgasm before Frank had finished his. Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Tamara and Tommy were getting ready to have their own battle of the sexes. Within minutes Tommy was wondering if this was some kind of dream. He wanted to pinch himself to see. But he couldn't. Because his arms were pinned to the floor above his head. His legs, too. He was on his back and his legs were splayed out and under Tamara's armpits and she had a hold of his wrists. Her beautiful breasts were right in front of him and she could feel his dick growing against her hard stomach. She was on her knees. "Do you give?" "No." "Okay, I'll try to add something here." She threw her legs out behind her so now all her weight was on her torso instead of her knees. And right on top of his folded up body. The she started bouncing. "Ow, Ow, Ow, Okay I give." She eased up a bit. He was fully erect. "You like this, don't you." "Yes and no. I have no problem with girls being equal and all that. But, I'm a state champ wrestler. I'd expect a girl like you to be better than most guys. But I'm amazed that you're better than a state champ. I'm a little ambivalent about that." "But you've got a boner that could break a cinder block." "I know. I guess I'm really turned on by you." Tamara released her holds on him and got back up on her knees, but upright, hovering over him. Upon her release, his legs flopped to the floor. Staring down at him, she reached behind and undid her bra strap. She looked as she threw it to the side, then looked back at Tommy. As she stared at him, she reached back and pulled his underwear off, his member springing out like a Jack-in-the-Box. She started fondling her beautiful breasts, Tommy, still on his back reached up to touch them. Tamara immediately grabbed his wrists and pinned them to the floor again. He looked up at her with a look of awe, fear, admiration and lust. Tamara knew what he was feeling. She let go and put her hands on the floor on either side of his head, her tits hovering above him. She slowly, gently started to rub them on his face. Swinging them back and forth. Both she and Tommy starting to moan with arousal. Meanwhile, on the other side of town: As Jill savored her afterbuzz, she turned around again and laid down on top of Frank, who was still panting from his explosion. They snuggled for a bit. This was not a Pam/Bill scenario. This was two strong, fit young people who were in love with each other. It was just different from most couples in that in this instance the female was the stronger one. And the male was totally excepting of that. 15 minutes later, Bill was still hard as a rock. Jill slid down and took Frank's member lovingly in her mouth and slowly brought him to climax. As he came, he shot what seemed like a gallon of cum into her mouth. Jill swallowed every drop. She looked up at Frank and winked. "Pam said to get as much protein as possible." She laid down on her back and spread her legs. Frank tenderly returned the favor, eating her out while Jill played with her breasts, alternately cupping them, then pinching her nipples. When she started cumming yet again, she planted her feet and arched her back lifting Frank's upper body off the mat and squealing with delight. Tamara got back up on her knees and hovered over Tommy, fondling her breasts, smiling down at him as he looked up at her with glazed eyes. She remained upright on her knees as she inched her way up his body until her pussy, which was already glistening with moisture like a million stars was right above his head. She started to spread her knees a little so she was right above his mouth but not with her weight on his face. She liked Tommy and she didn't want to hurt him. He reached up with his tongue and flicked her clitoris. It felt like a jolt of electricity went through her. A second flick and she was already starting to orgasm, she was so aroused. A third, and she completely lost control. Her knees sort of buckled and slid farther out to the sides and her crotch came down fast and hard on Tommy's face, the lips of her vagina forming an airtight seal. It happened so fast that Tommy didn't have time to catch a breath. As with all women whose strength seems to intensify in the throes of orgasm, Tamara was no exception. And she was already so strong to begin with that try as he might to push her off him, he had no chance. Tommy stopped licking and started gasping for breath and in affect sucking on her clitoris with his efforts. This only made her orgasm stronger,?. and longer. She started bouncing up and down, lost in her own world, oblivious to Tommy and his struggles, which grew weaker and weaker. Eventually, Tamara came down from her high. "Oh, Tommy, that was wonderful. Tommy? TOMMY? Oh, my gosh. Tommy, Tommy, wake up." At some point she realized he was breathing, and she calmed down a bit. She looked down and saw his raging hardon sticking up towards the heavens. She started to giggle. "Boy, he must really like me. Let's see if this will wake him up." She made her way down to where his unconscious salute to her awesomeness stood at rapt attention. Slowly she started licking at from the base of the shaft to the tip, sometimes swirling her tongue around the head, sometimes not, before returning to the bottom and licking her way up again. She couldn't believe as hard as it was before she started, it was getting harder. "Wow, I must be pretty good. I wonder how hard it would get if he was awake." When she thought he was about to explode she took him into her mouth and swallowed every last drop. "Like Pam said, get as much protein as possible." She giggled again, then lay down next to the still unconscious Tommy. She gently rubbed his hard abs and powerful chest for about several minutes. His boner never went away. Tamara's pussy was still quite moist and throbbing for more action. So she mounted his shaft. Then sat still, waiting for him to wake up. While she waited she played with her breasts and nipples, bringing herself to satisfying orgasm a couple of times without even rubbing herself down below. Eventually he woke up, but was still in a daze. When the cobwebs finally cleared, "What happened?" "I'm sorry Tommy, your tongue was so good and I was so turned on that I lost control and I knocked you out with my pussy. I'm really sorry. I never meant to hurt you." She then went on to explain how she had sucked him off while he was unconscious. "You came an incredible amount. And look, you're still hard 20 minutes later." "I guess you turn me on that much." "Did Pam knock you out?" Tommy looked up at her in shock. "You knew?" "Yeah. Anyway, who cares. It's you and me now. And you're hard as a rock and you're inside of me. Do you think you have it in you to have another go at it?" "Can I be on top?" "No." "But I might need the leverage, this being the second time and all." "Just leave it to me." She reached over a grabbed a couple of pillows, grabbed one of his arms and pulled, lifting his head and body up and put the pillows behind his head. "There, now you can reach my breasts." Tommy reached up. She immediately grabbed him by the wrists and spread his arms out with almost no effort, just to remind him who the stronger one was. "It's okay. I want you to play with them. But nothing else moves except your hands. Understand? Nod your head." She let go and Tommy reached up and started to fondle those magnificent breasts. Tamara stayed perfectly still and started to flex and unflex her pussy muscles. Tommy couldn't believe the sensations she was creating, squeezing and unsqueezing. He involuntarily started bucking his hips. Tamara instantly grabbed his wrists and pinned them to the floor while throwing her legs back and putting his into a grapevine. "I said nothing except your hands move." Then she started to squeeze with her pussy muscles again but didn't release. "I can squeeze harder." "Okay, Okay, I couldn't help it." "It'll be better if you can remain completely motionless, except for playing with my tits. You can start moving when I give you the signal." She released her hold and sat back up. He started playing with her breasts again, cupping those firm melons while at the same time running his thumbs over her nipples. It drove her crazy. She returned the favor, flexing her pussy with renewed vigor. More and more. Harder and harder. "Ohhhhhh, NOW TOMMY." Tommy started thrusting his hips up as Tamara started slamming down. They both exploded simultaneously and for an unbelievably long time. She collapsed on top of him and he hugged her tight, both of them drenched in sweat, surely the greatest physical experience of their young lives. Then they fell asleep in each other's arms. Across town, in Frank and Pam's basement, as soon as Frank finished eating out Jill, he tried to mount her, but quick as a wink she flipped him over and impaled herself on his giant member. She grabbed his arms and pinned them to the sides of his head, just to remind him who was in charge, and rode him hard until they both came. Then, much like the experience that Tamara and Tommy had in Tamara's bedroom across town, Jill and Frank fell asleep in each other's arms. And where was Pam as her protégées were basking in the glow of being physically superior and in love. Pam had remained completely celibate all summer, saving herself for the right moment and keeping a low profile. She was at a hardcore gym she found in the next town working out with guys who weighed 50-75 lbs. more than her. And keeping up with them.