A Day at the Beach Neri, Part 2 Neri's stepbrother, Bill, had become a pretty good beach volleyball player over the years. Not world class or anything, nor a touring player, but he played in local tournaments, and was usually a top five finisher. He was 6'2" tall and lanky, but very fit, with a pretty decent three foot vertical jump. Bill had been out on the west coast for a while and had come home about a week after Neri had given Ben a new outlook on life. He hadn't seen Neri's transformation yet. Bill and Neri had always had a good relationship, even after she had beaten him at arm wrestling when she was ten. I was out on the patio when Bill got in. He came out to say hi and gave me a big hug. He was wearing his usual, red running shorts and a white wife-beater shirt. It seemed he had 20 pairs of those things. We sat and made small talk. When we heard the glass door slide open. Neri came running out, making that little girl squeal, so happy to see her step-brother. She was wearing her baggy sweats. When they hugged each other, Bill immediately noticed how solid she was. "UhOh, another surprise, close your eyes Bill." "That won't be necessary, Daddy, " cooed Neri. She then started to slowly remove her sweats. It was a very seductive strip, and I didn't know who she was trying to seduce, Bill, or me, or both. When she was done, she stood there waiting for Bill's reaction. Neri had gone into Bill's room and gotten a pair of his red shorts and wife beater. Whereas they fit Bill just right on his lean body, on Neri, the wife beater was as tight as it could possibly be on her magnificent upper torso, and her legs barely fit through the openings in the shorts. The effect was to emphasize the vast difference in their physiques. Thankfully, I had a newspaper on my lap, hiding you know what. But Bill was standing, and his excitement was immediately . Neri sauntered over to Bill and got slow close he could feel her breath on his chest. (Remember he was 5" taller than her.) "I see you like the way I look" she purred as she reached out and gently stroked his boner. Once again I was in too much of a state to say anything. She then stepped back a few feet and stripped down to a tiny white bikini, and went over to the diving board of the pool. She wasn't bouncing around with that usual boundless energy of hers. No, every movement was meant to be as seductive as possible. She got to the diving board, paused and then launched into a dive that had several twists and turns in it, but was most remarkable in how high a bounce she got when she took off the board. She seemed to go 20 ft. above the pool surface. Instead of using the ladder to get out, Neri swam to the side, put her hands on the wall, and just launched herself into a standing position outside the pool. Another display that probably few people could even think about trying, perfectly executed. Bill seemed to be in as much of a trance as I was, but when he finally spoke, he asked Neri, "You look really strong, probably as strong as me, or maybe a little stronger." Neri giggled and then, "Why don't you address that comment, Step-daddy." "Bill," I stumbled, " I think she's stronger than both of us combined." "What else, Daddy?" (There she goes again, switching forth between Daddy and StepDaddy. Another tease?) "Well, she's also got all the other skills of a world class gymnast", I said, my throat dry. "Well, I gotta go, but before I leave, Bill, I need to ask a favor. Will you teach me to play beach volleyball? Ben taught me to wrestle a few weeks ago. I caught on pretty fast, don't you think, Daddy?" Neri giggled. (Remember, Ben was an All-state H.S. wrestler who Neri simply destroyed, then used for her sexual pleasure. Thinking back on those events, it occurred to me that if you took 4 average guys, one pinning each of her limbs, I don't think they would be able to keep my superhuman step daughter pinned down.) "Anything you want, Neri." We'll start whenever you want. See you later. Neri, left, and my mind wandered back to Neri stroking Bills cock. Have they done it, I wondered. I know that a lot of step-siblings when they reach a certain age and, knowing they're not related by blood, decide it's okay to experiment with their new-found sexuality. But there had never been a hint of anything going on in the past, though they're both smart, and could probably figure out how to keep a secret. Bill and I sat there in silence for a moment, both of us staring into the distance. Finally, Bill cleared his throat. "Dad, I know it's wrong to think about your own sister this way, even if she is a step-sister, but, ?. She's so hot." "I know son, I know." We sat a few more minutes. "Bill, have you had sex with your sister?" "No, Dad, why would you ask me that?" "Well, she just came over and stroked your dick." "She did? I guess I was in such a trance I didn't notice." Good God, I thought. Could one female be so incredible as to have all this power over men, in addition to having such physical superiority over them? Thank god Neri was such a good person with such a good heart. Bill started teaching the basics of beachball to Neri a few days later. She was such a great all around athlete that she caught on quickly, very quickly. Within 2 weeks Neri was playing well enough that it amazed Bill that she was as good in some skills as he was after years of playing. Especially hitting. With her excellent vertical jump, easily over 3 ft., she could spike the ball well. Bill recognized that his step sister was something special, with physical ability so superior as to be extremely rare. It takes years to master the skills needed to be a good Beach volleyball player, skills that she was developing in a very short time. He decided it was time to test her skills. There was going to be some pickup games on Saturday and they decided to go and see how she'd do in competition, but not the pressure of a tournament. "Don't tell anyone that I'm your little sister, let's say I'm your new girlfriend." "Neri, none of my friends would think I could get a girl as hot as you." "Bill, alot of guys are threatened by me, usually because they're insecure about their own manhood. You'll hear them saying my muscles are ugly, or that I look like a man. But you are lucky to have been raised by an exceptionally enlightened man and you seem to have none of those issues." Neri came close and put her hand on Bill's chest. "Bill, you're the kind of guy that girls like me are attracted to, not some macho chest thumper who only wants to prove that he is superior to me, because there aren't any, and sometimes they need to find out the hard way." With that she kissed him on the cheek. "Let's go play some ball." They got to the beach at about 1:00 in the afternoon. It had been overcast all day and only a few people were at the court. Phil was there. He was probably the best player of the locals. He was 6'3" and about 200 lbs. Just an inch taller than Bill, but about 20 lbs. heavier. A typical jock, he was full of himself, and was pretty much an asshole. His latest partner, Kenny, was there. He was a nice guy, a decent player, especially a good defensive player. He was 5' 10" and weighed about the same as Bill, about 175. A couple of girlfriends were also hanging around. Bill introduced his "new girlfriend" to everyone. Neri, had on sweats, due to the chilly weather, but not her baggy ones. Even though she was covered up, you could still see she had a nice body and with her pretty face she certainly attracted attention. "What's a hot babe like this doing with a dweeb like you, Bill? Were the first words out of asshole's mouth. "See, Neri, I told you so" Bill whispered under his breath. "Don't worry about it Bill, remember what I told you." The sun came out and everyone started stripping down. Neri had on a white bikini, modest by her standards, but still showing lots of skin,? and lots of muscle. "Disgusting", the first word out of Phil's mouth. "Muscles don't belong on a girl". Such a pig. "Why do you want to look like a man?" " I think she looks great, said Kenny. "Thanks", Neri responded. "Well, I think it's ugly." "First of all, I've been an athlete all my life, specifically, a gymnast. What do you expect? And if you think my body is so ugly, why do you keep staring and why do you have a hard-on? Come on let's play some ball." Neri turned and walked onto the court with Bill. Asshole Phil just stood there, embarrassed at having been put in his place so easily. Neri, superb athlete that she is, was totally competitive from the start. It seemed that with each play, she got better. Soon, when she received serve, offering her a chance to hit, she hit well, (this is on an 8'0" man's net mind you), and timing her jumps, very good 3' jumps, and hitting around Phil's block. Her defense was good and her sets were right where they should be, allowing Bill some very nice hits. Phil was becoming increasingly frustrated, He considered himself the best player around. In reality, he and Bill were about even, though Bill's cool attitude and Phil's hotheaded, egotistical attitude were polar opposites. But, by the third or fourth game, it was becoming obvious that there was a new "best" player, and that was Neri. Bill beamed with pride at what an awesome his "new girlfriend" stepsister was, but Phil was seething at his inability to read her. She was not overpowering or anything like that, just consistent, with good timing and good court sense. Soon, Phil's temper boiled over. He started to verbally abuse Kenny, who was trying to dig both Neri and Bill's hit, getting some, mostly Bill's, but too many balls were hitting the sand, according to Phil. After about ten minutes of Phil's shit towards Kenny, Neri finally spoke up. "First of all Phil, this is just a pickup game, you don't have to get so uptight. And secondly, don't blame Kenny. If you could block a little better, maybe he'd have more of a chance." Phil glared at Neri. She continued, "In fact, Phil, your block is kind of easy to read, and pretty easy to go around. In fact, it's getting kind of boring." "Shut up you pumped up freak. No girl can be as good as you without some chemical help." (n.b. Neri never used anything besides good genes, good nutrition and intense training.) Bill chuckled under his breath. Phil would freak out if he knew that Neri had gotten better than all of them in just 2 weeks. Not overwhelming, like she had been with Ben, (which Bill didn't know about yet) but better nonetheless. Neri turned and walked back to serve. As she passed by her step-brother, she said under her breath, "Bill, believe it or not, I've been holdin' back. If you get the chance, set me high and right on the net. Asshole Phil needs to learn a lesson." On the very next play, Phil had an awesome hit, and Bill had an awesome dig, but as the ball flew up in the air from his great defensive play, Bill fell on his back, and the ball drifted high and towards the net. "Take it over" he shouted. Both Phil and Kenny were about 10 feet off the net, since they had just been on the offense and had had little time to back up for a defensive play. All Neri had to do was punch the ball deep for an easy play. With a one step takeoff (you don't want to take too many steps, you just dig into the sand) Neri launched herself off the sand like a rocket, jumping well over 4 feet and just burying the ball in the sand, straight down in front of Phil and Kenny with such power that the ball bounced a good 30 ft. up in the air off the sand. Neri, nonchalantly turned and started to walk back to the end line to serve again. There was total silence and open, gaping open mouths all around. The 3 guys on the court, and the few people that had gathered around to watch were completely dumfounded. They had just witnessed one of the best hits any of them had ever seen, and it was done by a girl, and not a 6 footer like some of those tall, skinny Olympic players, but a 5'9" goddess, (which is tall for a girl, but not tall for a volleyball player). A bit of a crowd was starting to gather to watch the game and this awesome girl. For the rest of the afternoon, Neri totally humiliated Phil. Every opportunity she had to hit, (they never served her on purpose, knowing the devastating hits to follow), she simply went right over top of his block. Sometimes, seemingly defying gravity she would float (that's what it seems like) above the net while Phil return to earth, then slam the ball past his outstretched arms. There was nothing he could do to stop her. Everyone was in absolute awe of her hitting ability and her vertical jump which was in the neighborhood of 5ft., a rarified air the likes of which maybe 3 or 4 people in the whole world inhabit, (like Spud Webb). But Bill was the most awestruck of all, knowing that she had just started learning the game 2 weeks earlier. Afterwards, everyone was buzzing with excitement at what they had witnessed, except Phil, who sulked around afterwards. "Boy, he's a sore loser," commented Neri. "It's okay," said Kenny. "He's just used to being the best athlete in our group." "Was the best athlete in your group," chirped Neri. As everyone started laughing, Phil blew up. He ran at Neri and grabbed her in a bear hug, lifting her off the ground, growling in anger. Squeezing as hard as he could, Neri soon went limp, or so it seemed. With her dead weight and his growing fatigue from the effort, Phil started to bend slightly at the waist. Soon Neri's feet were back on the ground, her knees bending slightly, and her back arched. In an instant, Neri pushed off powerfully with her feet, launching herself up with Phil still holding her in the bear hug, she did a twisting back flip layout, I think it's called a "baroni" or something like that. When they came back to earth, Neri landed on her feet, and somehow, she was holding Phil, crossways at chest level. She then lifted him up over her head with such ease it was as if he was weightless. In one smooth motion, Neri threw poor Phil up and over her head. While he was still in mid-air Neri launched herself high in the air again, (her leaping ability was simply unbelievable) and went into a back flip. Phil crashed to the ground on his back, and almost instantaneously Neri came down on top of him with amazing force. She then rolled onto her back towards his feet. Reaching across her body with one arm, she grabbed one of his ankles, then rolled in the opposite direction, taking his leg with her, winding up face down with her large, firm tits on top of his face, and his body folded in half. It all happened so fast and with such explosive force, everyone stood frozen staring at what was happening. Neri broke the silence. "He attacked me, and besides, he's a sexist jerk." After a pause, Neri spoke again. "They say when someone is panicking, their strength can double or triple, with all the adrenalin and survival instinct. Let's see if Phil can muster the strength to get me off him." With that, Neri pushed down with those great breasts, completely cutting off his air. Within seconds, he was starting to struggle. Soon, he was thrashing around with everything he had. It wasn't enough. Neri had him completely under control with little effort. A few more seconds and Phil stopped struggling. She had knocked him out with her tits. She slowly got up. "Don't worry guys, he'll be fine, a little bruised, both body and ego, but he'll be fine." It seemed that destroying Phil in about 5 seconds had aroused Neri a bit, her nipples were poking through her bikini top like a couple of bullets. And all the guys were sporting huge boners, some of them quite surprised at themselves, previously unaware that a demonstration of female physical superiority would turn them on so much. Some of the girls that had been watching the game were also in a state. Neri looked around at the group of people staring at her. "I guess my secret's out." Neri began her narrative. "It started when I went off to college this year. I knew I had been slacking off about staying in shape due to my frustration with the judges marking me down in gymnastics just cause I made a louder thump when I hit the floor because I was bigger than the other girls. Anyway, I digress. I didn't want to get fat like so many freshman girls do, with those muffintops that they think are sexy but are really not, and are just a sign of laziness. So I started going to the gym on campus. Now, you know I like guys and all, but I really didn't like getting hit on all the time when I was there to work out. And besides, so many of them were egotistical asshole jocks, you know, like Phil over there. (At this point Phil was starting to come around.) "So, anyway, I started to try to hit the gym during off hours, when there were less people there, less guys staring at my tits all the time. I was progressing nicely, and was gaining muscle and strength. I was really happy to be in shape again, and glad that I had gotten out of my funk over gymnastics. One night, when I went into the gym, there were half a dozen people there, including this beautiful guy. He wasn't real tall, maybe 5'8" which is a little shorter than me. But he was all muscle. Very strong. I was really attracted to this guy, but figured with that body, he was probably another asshole jock. A little while later, after warming up a bit, I started to do some incline dumbbell presses. I like using dumbbell because then I don't need a spot. I can just put them down when I reach failure, easier than crawling out from under a bar that you can't get off your chest. I was getting pretty strong by then, and I was pressing 70 lb. dumbbells. As I started to fail, I suddenly found a pair of hands lightly touching my elbows. I looked up and saw that guy. "Come on, a couple more, he said in a quiet voice." This was so nice. He knew exactly how to spot, not too much like less experienced people do. I thanked him and, this is so cute, he blushed. When I asked why, he told me he thought I was beautiful and he loved my muscles. Most jocks, like Phil over there, (he was sitting up now, but still in a fog.), are somehow threatened by chicks with muscles, and would rather die than admit they they like them. It turns out his name was Dave. He was everything I like in a man, soft spoken, modest, and really smart. And he had that beautiful body. And yes, we had wonderful sex that first night. Dave, it turns out, was 6 years older than me, but because of his boyish looks and his relatively diminutive size, we looked to be the same age. He was doing his doctoral thesis in new forms of strength training. He had a theory that really goes back to Milo, the Greek wrestler who carried a baby calf on his back and as the calf grew, Milo got stronger and stronger until he was able to carry a full grown bull on his shoulders. I knew the story well, the origins of resistance strength training. That's what weight lifting is about. But Dave had a new, or really old twist on this idea. He told me that he was doing experiments with three females and needed a fourth. I immediately volunteered. I met 2 of the other girls a few days later. They were both very buff. One was a gymnast also, and the other was a girl who wrestled in high school and was good enough to come in second in her state tournament against guys. "Where's the other girl?" "It's my half-sister, Kelly. She doesn't live around here, but you'll meet her in a few months. I've already been experimenting with her for a while. I've also been experimenting on myself. I'm not genetically predisposed to the strength and muscles I've developed, which has convinced me that my methods work. Kelly got the better genes from a different father, and the 3 of you are genetically superior in my opinion." "Dave went on to explain his methods. Very simple. He had constructed a series of vests, using very dense fillers, graduated from 25lbs. amazingly up to 200 lbs. without getting bulky. We would do our gymnastics exercises, (it turns out the wrestler had a gymnastic background also) wearing the vests. As we got better at doing tumbles and flips, etc. with a vest on, we would move to the next size up. Needless to say, after 6 months of training we were all becoming really strong. When you can do a flip with an extra hundred and fifty pounds on your back, you're way past not only the average person, but even those with a lot of weight training experience. Finally, during Spring break we all stayed around . And Kelly came to visit. The first day, she came to training and stripped down to a leotard, the other girls and I just stared. (By the way, the other girls were Megan, the gymnast, and Terry, (Teresa) the wrestler. Kelly was 5'6" and weighed about a hundred sixty pound of dense, sexy muscle. She was very pretty, and Dave was right, genetically superior. Yes, we all were that, but Kelly had had a years jump on us training wise, and it showed. She was really nice and very bubbly. She was also a bit of a showoff.