Kim, Pt. 5, Su When Rob got home from the beach, he was in for a huge surprise. Su was home from gymnastics school. When she left a year before, he was three inches taller than her five four, but she really sprang up over the last year and now, at five-nine, she was not only two inches taller than him, but one taller than her mom, both of them pretty tall considering their Asian heritage. Kim already knew what no one else in the family yet did, but that Su had persuaded her not to tell anyone until the moment was right. As stated, Kim didn't want to do anymore rough domination, but then something happened that demanded action. One day at the gym, Kelly called her into the office. "I have to show you something." She pulled up a website and there was a picture of Kim, in a sleeveless workshirt, at her job carrying a couple of cinder blocks straight out to the sides. "I guess it was inevitable that someone would take a candid photo of me and post it on a website. I hope that doesn't sound arrogant." "No, you're right, but wait, there's more." She pulled up a couple more. One was of her and Becky doing lateral raises, when Kim had forty pounders straight out to the sides. There was another of Kim doing inclines with heavy dumbbells, her nipples poking through the sweat soaked wife beater. "Look at the caption underneath, Kim." It said "look at this fine muscle whore fuck meat." Another of her squatting said, "I did her up that fine ass of hers." Kelly looked over at Kim, who was on the verge of tears. "I think maybe my showing off is coming back to haunt me." "I think you're being stalked. At the gym is one thing, but at your place of work? Not good." "What should I do?" "I know who did it. His name is Phil. I saw him take the one when you and Becky were working out together. I think he's staked out your house a couple of times. Just catch him in the act and then beat him to within an inch of his life." "What's he like? I mean, is he some little schmoe?" "No, he works out, stronger than that Bill guy who's life you changed that one night. But no big deal for you." Two weeks later, Paul yanked the guy out of his car parked behind their house, a telescopic lens camera on the seat. Pulling his arm behind his back, he pushed the perv towards the house. "Take him down to the basement where the mats are, make him strip down to his underwear and wait there. I'm going to go change. A little while later, Kim came in wearing that same skin tight dress she was wearing the night she beat the shit out of Fred. She was carrying the guy's camera. "What's going to happen to me?" "You're going to get the shit beat out of you. No, wait. It's going to be far worse than that. Just stand there in on that side of the mat." She sat down next to Paul and started to snuggle with him. "What's going on Kimmy?" "You know I don't really want to do this anymore." "But you just told this asshole you were going to." "No I didn't. I said it was going to happen. I'm retired." She pressed the send button on a message on her cell phone and seconds later the door opened and in came Su, wearing a long traditional looking Japanese Kimono. "Are you ready, Kim?" "Yes." Su dropped her robe, Paul gasped, and probably the guy wet his pants. Su, as previously stated was now an inch taller than Kim, and she probably outweighed her by fifteen pounds, all muscle. She was wearing short cutoffs that also rode low on her muscular hips, and her legs were so big that it left one wondering how she got them through the openings on the shorts. Her bikini top left exposed her rock hard abs but showed that, like her mother prior to the surgery, Su rather small tits. But it didn't matter. She was still hot and looked like a lethal fighting machine, which the stalker was about to find out, was exactly what she was. "But how?" wondered Paul. "A confluence of events, intense training, eight hours a day, five days a week, not just gymnastics, but weight training as well. Special supplements and super foods that we don't have access to, right at the time that she had her growth spurt. This is the result. And even at her size, she can still do all the gymnastics stuff. Just think about the power it takes for a hundred and eighty pound girl to do that stuff that girls half her size are doing, and doing it just as well." "Does she know how to fight? Did she study that too?" 'No, she doesn't need to. Paul, I'm handing the reigns over to the next generation. She convinced me that I should do that." Genuinely perplexed now, "How?" "She beat me. Easily at that. She's much stronger than I am. Much." "But you're the strongest person I know." "Not anymore. And she incorporates all those gymnastics moves. I think she could beat a very strong and well trained man weighing two-hundred pounds or more, with ease. And, you know, my personality is relatively easy going. Not Su. She's aggressive. Very aggressive. She's incredible when it comes to fighting. She was all over me, I could barely mount a defense. She's faster, she's stronger, she was relentless and merciless. Well, I mean, she didn't try to hurt me or anything, but she could have. I told her that this fuckhead called me a muscle whore fuck meat. I don't thinks she's gonna give him a break." They looked over at the guy, who was on his knees, whimpering. "God, we haven't even started yet. At least try to fight back. It won't do you any good, but try." Phil knew that there was no comparison between his strength and Kim's and if Su was stronger than her mother and pissed off at what he had done, he was actually afraid for his life. Su went over and stood in front of the quivering man. "Stand up." She waited a moment. "If you don't stand up. I'll stand you up myself. Come on, wuss." He slowly stood up and then just to taunt, Su went into a front/back split, down to the floor, her front leg going between his.. He reflexively grabbed his crotch, assuming she was going to kick him in the balls. She laughed out loud as she slid back up to her feet as easily as she had gone down. "Kicking you would be too easy." He decided to try to fight, even though she hadn't done anything yet. He grabbed her by the shoulders and tried to push her side to side, or back, or anything. Laughing again, Su's hands suddenly came up under his armpits, she fell back and threw him over her head and halfway across the room. You might think she'd stand there allowing him to recover, but that was not her style. Quickly moving to where he managed to get to his hands and knees, she put her hands on either side of his waist, and with startling power, he was airborne again, flying the other way. Phil landed hard on his hands and knees and before he could recover, she dove at him, flattening him to the mat, and in one smooth move that required all her quickness, coordination and brute strength, she grabbed his ankles, spread them out then and up to his ears, probably straining some ligaments. She let go, slid her hands under his knees and captured him, arms, legs and body, scrunched together in a bear-hug. Rising to her knees, and then, impossible as it seemed, she went from that position, jumping into a twisting turnaround, slamming him back down with her on top. While he was still folded in half, she ground down on top of him, spreading her feet out some for better power. This guy was not going to get even a second or two of relief. Standing back up like he was weightless, she twisted and let go, flinging him across the room yet again. This time Phil landed on his back. He was clearly dazed at this point, but certain aware enough of the total destruction that was his fate for all of his transgressions. Su quietly and efficiently went about her business, a contrast to the moans and cries of mercy from Phil. Kim and Paul sat there in awe, wondering whether they should stop the slaughter before Su killed him, but at the same time, loving that this asshole who had so violated Kim's privacy was getting what he deserved. Plus, they were getting pretty aroused as well, both being connoisseurs of muscles and strength, and Su was certainly second to none in those areas. Phil tried to get up before she got to him again, and was in a sitting position facing her when she attacked, jumping at him from several feet away. For a second, it looked liked she had misjudged, and was off to the side. But when her almost sixteen inch arm slammed across his chest, flattening him once again, her intent became clear. On her feet once more, Su again grabbed him by the waist, stood up a threw him again, but this time over her head and back. He actually flipped, or rather half flipped in mid air, and was once again splayed out on his stomach. For the most part, all Su was doing was throwing him around. Time for something a little different. Sitting down next to him with her back to him, she lied down so her back was on top of his, but perpendicular to him. She snaked one arm under his chest, high up, near his shoulders, and the other under his legs. Then, bringing her arms together towards the front of her chest, as if she was doing a dumbbell flye exercise, she started folding him in half, the wrong way, his back painfully arched across her broad upper back. She kept bending until his face was pointed towards her mother. "Apologize." But all he could manage was a gurgle. A few more seconds of this, and she dropped him back onto his stomach. Standing, and straddling him facing his feet, Su grabbed his ankles and started to bring his legs up. It looked like she was going to put him in a classic Boston Crab when suddenly, and with explosive power that was almost beyond comprehension, she swung him up and over her head in a huge arc, following him down, and then flipping over so that as he crashed to the mats, she landed sitting on the small of his back. Phil was out, but she wanted him to be awake for the coup de grace, so to entertain her mother and step-dad, she spent the next ten minutes doing continuous no hands cartwheels around his prone, crumpled body. Finally, he came around. Su stopped her cartwheels right at his feet, grabbed an ankle, took him from his prone position and again swung him in an arc, but this time with one arm, slamming him down on the mat yet again. Kim and Paul were coming to the realization that they were seeing a demonstration of awesomeness which possibly no one else in the world might be able to duplicate. Sure, probably there were people out there who were strong enough, and people out there creative enough to come up with the devastating throws and hold that she did. But how many of them could do ten minutes worth of no hands cartwheels except for elite gymnasts, and even then the stamina required to do it continuously was pretty hard to believe, plus, she wasn't even breathing hard when she finished. Paul and Kim had been looking at each other, each so aware of the uniqueness their child had, and when they looked back ,she had flipped Phil on his back and removed her cut-offs. Her thong said "Beast" across the tiny triangle. "Time to go, Mom and Dad." They were only too happy to comply. Heading up to their bedroom for some serious sex. Before they left Kim checked to see if Phil was still breathing. "Good thing these mats are thick and he does work out. If he didn't, he'd be dead." "Oh, Mom, wait. I have an idea. Get his camera." Su picked up the unconscious guy and draped him over her shoulders in a classic back-breaker, While Kim fussed with the camera, trying to figure out how it worked, Su pressed Phil over her head a bunch of times. She looked over at Paul. "Hey Step-dad, do you think you'd have any better chance against me than this asshole?" Before he could answer, she continued. "You wouldn't. I mean sure, you're probably a lot stronger than him, but it still wouldn't matter. I'd still destroy you." He gulped. "But don't worry, I'd never hurt you. Mom, have you figured that out yet? This exercise is getting boring. Too easy." "I got it now." "Good. Take one in the back-breaker and then one with him overhead." After the pics were done, "Okay, one more." She moved her right hand to the small of his back and then removed the other. "Ha. How many people can do that? I am one bad mother-fucker, don't you think?" Then she dropped him, went down on one knee and he landed across the other before bouncing to the floor. "Okay, out now." Once they were gone, she knelt down on his face, her knees splayed out to the side, ripped his shorts off and started playing with his very average dick. For the next two hours, she rode his face and every time he started to erupt, she clamped tight. A few months later Phil was all healed. Su summoned him back to their house, saying that she might hurt him, but she definitely would if he didn't show up and that he should wear the same clothes. She had on the same cut-offs and now her legs looked even bigger, almost impossible to comprehend how she got those tiny shorts over them. But she had on a different suit top. This one had just two thin vertical strips, covering her nipples and little else of her new perfect breasts, paid for courtesy of Phil. No, they had no relationship whatsoever. Just whenever she wanted something, she summoned him and he obeyed. She got him in the same poses as last time while Kim took photos. So now they had a complete set of before and after. This time, Phil was conscious and when she held him over her head with one hand under the small of his back, he totally lost it, ejaculating so hard that his movements almost caused her to drop him. "Put those on your website. But here's what the inscription will be: 'Muscle Meat Fuck Beast' and then below that, 'a Goddess among Goddesses'. Got it? Shake our head." Su went back to the gymnastics school in the fall. At this point she no longer wanted to compete in gymnastics, but she did want to keep up her skills and take advantage of the special training and other resources. Over the course of the next couple of years, she maintained her weight but got leaner, the net result being her shoulders looked as perfectly round as can be, tying into the biceps and triceps with remarkable detail. The tie-ins from her lower abs to her legs rivaled the definition of those shoulders and arms. And her legs were beyond description. She was about as lethal looking as possible and when she turned eighteen, she opened her own website. As expected, it was called "". She made Phil set it up for her. She got another updated photo for the home page, but this time holding a guy over her head who weighed forty pounds more than Phil, at about two-twenty. He was pretty muscular, maybe almost as strong as her, but he simply could not match her agility, coordination, amazing quickness and above all, her fierceness. She was always an aggressive fighter, but really stepped it up a notch or two when motivated. And nothing motivated her more than an abusive husband or boyfriend. She really cleaned this guys clock and then held him aloft for the camera. And that's how she used her website to make a fortune. Advertising that she would make things right for any woman who had been wronged. She had learned to use her immense strength and ferocious fighting ability for that cause only, being gentle as a kitten the rest of the time, knowing that she was strong enough to kill someone. But for guys who hit women, or demean them in any way, well this was her blurb: "I will rip his cock off if you want, I will twist him into positions that will tear ligaments. I will break bones. If he practiced too rough of sex with you, I will show him what rough sex is really all about." There were other pictures always showing off her hotness, her strength and her ability to inflict extreme pain on any deserving man. There were little blurbs like, "I can crush his dick with my pussy, or simply rip it off," or I can fuck so hard that I'll break his pelvis, or entwine his legs with mine and dislocate his knees and ankles as I achieve one of my two minute long orgasms." The message was clear. There was only one video. The guy was an MMA fighter, about two-hundred and twenty pounds and mean as a snake. Also an abusive asshole. He found out that his wife had gone to Su's website and actually told Su to "Bring it on,Bitch" in a cage. If there had been a ref, the fight would have been stopped after less than a minute. He was already in serious trouble. Su not only threw him around like a beanbag, but by this point she had added devastating punches and kicks to her arsenal. And she didn't hesitate using her extraordinary jumping ability, honed from years of vaulting and floor exercises, to rain her body down on him from high up, leading with and elbow or knee. At the end of the slaughter, he had to be hospitalize with multiple contusions, lacerations from being flung into the cage, a few broken bones and a concussion. No one felt sorry for him. Kim and also Becky were happy to see Su take over the ass kicking. Neither really had the personality for it. Kim still got a kick out of those rare moments like the incident with Juan or Bill at the gym, where she could be gently dominant, and her devotion to Paul put him at ease as to her little dalliances. Becky was happy with Rob. They still wrestled as foreplay, but it was playful and it stayed that way, and as with Kim and Paul, over time, the strength gap widened with the young lovebirds as well. So, everyone lived happily ever after, except for abusive husbands.