Kim, Part 4 Becky by Musclehead Over the course of the next six weeks, Becky worked out constantly under Kim's careful guidance. She was taking protein supplements, which she couldn't afford but Kim payed for them because she could see the tremendous potential that Becky had. As to her diet, Becky was eating lots of eggs and fresh veggies and surprisingly for a teenager, was so disciplined that no kind of junk food ever passed by her sweet lips. She took it like the natural athlete that she was and with all the grueling workouts Becky's strength was growing by leaps and bounds. In six weeks, she gained five pounds, all lean muscle and as a measure of her strength, she was up to a two-thirty pound bench and a one-seventy-five military press. Not much has been mentioned about Paul and Kim's children, mostly because they had been pretty much a non-factor in this story so far. Su, Kim's daughter from an out of wedlock dalliance, now sixteen, was an elite gymnast and for the last year had been away at a training school. She was due home towards the middle of the summer. Rob, Paul's first contribution to this blended family was also sixteen. Ken was the third, now fourteen, still pretty much of a little kid. But Rob was developing into a fine young man. He was very much like his father, similar in height, weight, good looks, etc. Following the example of his Dad and Step-Mom, he had started hitting the weights when he was fifteen of so and he was pretty buff, but he didn't have the genetics to be exceptional. Still, a hundred and eighty pound bench when you weigh about a hundred and fifty-five is pretty good for a sixteen year old who had only been working out a year. So anyway, Kim invited Becky over for a swim one day and she and Rob hit it off very well. Two good looking young people, one buff and one so much more so, but he didn't mind. He lived with a daily example of what women are capable of. He was also smart and courteous, all the things that Pete was not. Becky took an immediate liking to him and didn't care at all that he was two years younger than her. Rob was a nature lover and the Smith's home was somewhat of an estate, with acres of woods that had lots of paths and a meadow that was completely hidden to the rest of the world. They went for a walk and inevitably conversation went to working out. "Mom says you're incredibly strong." Becky waited for him to finish the sentence, but those three fateful words never came. She looked at him like she was anticipating something. "What, Becky?" "Weren't you going to say, for a girl?" "No. I learned from a young age that genetics and hard work play a greater role in strength and athletic ability than gender." "I think I like you a lot, Rob." "I like you a lot too." "It doesn't bother you that I'm stronger than you. "Not at all, I think it's cool and I think you're about as hot as can be." Becky's bikini was not a thong but there was still no doubt that her round muscular butt was world class, and the suit highlighted a body that was just amazing for an eighteen year old. And in spite of his enlightened view about women, Rob would have been shocked to find out that she had been working with weights for less time than he had. "I think you're pretty hot too, not just your body, which, by the way, is very nice. No, it's also your mind." Rob was a little shy, but surprising himself, he suddenly blurted out, "Becky, can we wrestle?" "Sure." "Take it easy on me. I have no illusions about our comparing strength. I'm sure you're much stronger than me." So they wrestled and indeed, though he had ten pounds on her, she simply toyed with him. But she never hurt him. The whole thing was actually very sensual. An hour later, back by the pool, "Mrs. Smith, please don't be mad at me." "What is it child?" "I just took your son's virginity, and....." "Ha, ha. Better you than anyone else I can think of. You look like you want to say something else." Becky had a sort of far off look in her eyes. "And, he's hung like a horse. Isn't it funny, a macho asshole like Pete has this smaller than average dick, and here's this short guy, totally accepting that sometimes women are strong or even a lot stronger and he's more than twice as big. I know who I'd choose, or I should say, who I do choose, if that's okay with you, Mrs. Smith." "You have my blessings." From that day on, the two were like young lovebirds. It was so cute. And yes Becky had such a sweet personality that even now, as her weight was approaching the one-fifty mark and her strength was skyrocketing, she could still be considered cute. And it was a good thing too, about her strength, because she was getting ever worse threatening messages from Pete, all the time because of the pain and humiliation he had experienced at Kim's hands. And although neither knew for a fact, that since football season had ended and Pete stopped hitting the weights, well let's just say he wasn't benching two-ten anymore. But Kim sensed it. "Becky, I think you were close to his strength when I started training you. You're way beyond him now, I don't care if he does outweigh you by fifty pounds. So, I wouldn't worry about him. Besides, no one made him come to challenge me at the gym that night." "Yeah, but he clearly doesn't see it that way. And I'm not too worried. I almost relish the idea of a confrontation." But it didn't happen for another month. During that time, Kim and Becky started adding some plyometrics to their workouts to increase their explosive strength. And it helped Kim get even more awesome, a truly frightening thought at this point in time. But that's not to short change Becky at all. The way things were going, in ten years it might be hard to comprehend how powerful she could get. Watching this eighteen year old phenomenon do three dozen pull-ups where she would release at the top and clap her hands before re-grasping and doing another was a truly astounding sight. On this exercise , the student was passing the teacher. Sometimes they would do them side by side and with the competitive juices flowing, Becky's moves were so explosive that sometimes her tits were above the bar from going up with such power, and she definitely went faster than her bigger teacher. Inevitably, Pete's abusive messages manifested themselves as a real threat when he showed up in her back yard one day while she was sun-bathing. Big mistake. Becky's dark tan made the detail of her ever more muscular body stand out in sharp relief. She was really starting to look formidable. Her white suit was really nothing more than some strings and some tiny triangles of fabric. She didn't have monster tits like Kim's bolt-ons, but the were pretty nice and the patches of cloth barely covered her nipples leaving round firm tit-flesh exposed on all sides. Good thing her parents were vacationing. She was going to join them later in the week at the beach, and though she would surely wear a suit that left most of her awesome body uncovered for all to see and envy, she certainly couldn't wear this one that she had on now. If Pete had any smarts, which he didn't, her "barely there" suit should have sent the message that "this body could mess you up", but instead, he stupidly still thought he would get his revenge and then fuck her but good, since the over-riding sensation he was getting when he came into the yard was that her body was very very hot indeed. The ass kicking she put on him was even worse than what Kim had done. Not having done much since football season ten months ago, he was slow, almost cloddish, inflexible and definitely not at the strength level that he had been at. Becky's plyometric training had not only given her explosive strength, it had made her very fast. That speed, coupled with her flexibility and acrobatic skills from cheerleading would have made her a difficult enough opponent, but the fact that she was now quite a bit stronger than he had been at his peak made her pretty unstoppable. He had no chance against her, none at all. Becky was so overwhelming that their fight was not even a fight. It was about as one sided as it could get, virtually over after one or two minutes, the big oaf never knowing what had hit him. But she prolonged the beating for almost an hour. At one point, he was bruised and scraped up all over his body and he was barely conscious. Finally, he sat up and got his bearings. Becky was doing a bunch of tumbling runs across the lawn. Even though Pete wasn't very bright, he marveled at the height she got on some of her flips and such. But it didn't quite get through to him that it was all the newly acquired power that allowed her to do her cheerleading stuff even better than when she was on the sidelines at the football games the previous fall. When she noticed him sitting up, Becky sauntered over, put a foot on his chest and pushed him onto his back again. "Please don't hurt me anymore." "Shut up. Watch this." She jumped high in the air, hovering above him, back flipped, and as she descended, spread her legs in a split and landed hard on his stomach. As he coughed and wheezed, she taunted him, "If you were in decent shape, that wouldn't have hurt so much. You're pretty pathetic from my point of view. You weren't even all that great when you were playing football. Jeeze, you weren't even first string and it's not like it was a great team. I think you would have done better if some of the cheerleaders had been on the team. You know, the first night I worked out with Kim, I benched one-eighty, thirty pounds more than my previous best. I'm sure there were at least a dozen guys on the team who couldn't do that." She started to fondle her breasts as she continued. "Don't you think my tits look bigger?" Pete didn't answer, he was too busy staring at her as she massaged herself, her fingertips slipping under the tin patch to rub her nipples. Already erect since she was rather turned on from beating the crap out of this asshole. Suddenly she slapped him across the face. "I asked you a question." "Yes, yes, they look bigger." "Well, they're not. When you were playing football, what was your best bench?" He didn't answer. Bam, another slap. "Next time I'll close my fist. Now, tell me. What was your best bench.?" "Two-ten." "At a body-weight of one-ninety? Weak." She took off her top, not that she needed to, almost everything was already out there to be seen. But now she could start pinching her already swollen nipples and fondle those gravity defying puppies with nothing in the way as she felt him squirm under her. "My tits aren't bigger, they just stick out farther now with the pec development underneath. And I am almost ten pounds heavier than when we were dating, all muscle." She stopped talking and closed her eyes, bringing herself to an orgasm stimulating her breasts. Then, "by the way, I benched two-fifty last week, a hundred pounds more than I weigh. Now THAT'S real strength, you pathetic excuse for a guy." Becky put her hands down on the ground on either side of his soft torso and went into a handstand. He cringed with fear, wondering what she was going to do next. Once again bringing her legs out to the sides in a split, steady as a rock in her handstand, she suddenly twisted them as she lifted her arms, causing her hard torso to spin in mid-air. As she completed her mid-air spin, she spun top to bottom, landing on his face. She quickly tucked his arms under folds of her knees and then pulled the fabric aside, her pussy now clean shaven, part of Kim's naughty influence. "Get busy," she ordered. She rode his face furiously for quite some time until at this point he was completely unconscious. Not that it mattered. She continued to slide her sopping wet pussy back and forth on his nose, sometimes grabbing one of his legs and using it almost like a joystick, sometimes both of them, spreading them to the sides or pulling them back, folding him in half as she relentlessly banged away. At some point she noticed that even though he was unconscious, he was erect. She laughed, thinking it funny that even though he wasn't all that big, she could still see it popping his shorts up some. "Rob's would shorts would look like a circus tent," she thought to herself. She reached down and unzipped his shorts then stuck her hand in the opening. Pulling her arms out to the side, she tore them apart easily. "Those lateral raises are really helping." She was up to twenty pounders on that exercise at this point. Most men would be considered pretty strong if they were able to do that tough exercise with tens. Anyway, he sprang to attention and it was obvious that he had already spilled his beans at least once. "Ha ha. Another stupid man who can't admit that a woman can be strong and a better fighter, even as it gets him excited." She decided he needed a little time to regain consciousness and recuperate because she wasn't done with him yet. Off for some more tumbling and then a little while later. "Ah, welcome back to the land of the living." She had taken off her thong as well so now she was completely nude. "Hey, I wanna try a new position." "No, please." "Sorry. You hit me once upon a time and you're messages have been very nasty, and now you show up in my back yard uninvited. No, Petey, we're not done yet." He was sitting up at this point and she went behind him, put her hands under his armpits and just flung him forward, poor Pete crashing down on his face. Going around by his head, she sat down, pulled him forward and putting his head where she wanted it, in her crotch, his neck craned back, his mouth at her lips. Quickly securing his arms once again with her legs, she explained. "I read about this hold once. It seems sooo kewl. A girl has to be really strong in order to pull it off, but we both know that I'm really, really strong. It will be really sweet for me and plenty painful for you." She leaned forward as far as she could, putting terrific pressure on his neck, then she grabbed his ankles before sitting back up. "Yes," she cried, "but we're not quite done." Becky began to lean back arching her back, and his too. But she was very flexible and he was not, in addition, she was pulling his much farther. Pete began screaming into her pussy, sending her into convulsions. She only had one orgasm in this position, but it was a doozey. She still had one more thing in mind and she was sure this position was so painful for him that he might lose his little boner. As she sat back up, relieving the pressure, she could see that it was still there, barely poking up past his soft belly. As he flopped to the ground, she got up and kicked him over onto his back. Sitting down on his thighs, "I remember you saying that my being fit and somewhat strong made it better when we were fucking. And of course you were right. You've already seen how strong I am. Are you impressed?" He didn't say anything But his eyes revealed how scared he was. She laughed. "And as long as I've been beating the piss out of you, I've hardly expended any energy. I could go on for a couple more hours. I think that speaks to how fucking fit I am. So we're gonna fuck and as amazingly powerful as I am now, it's going to be awesome, for me at least." "You know, I'm seeing a guy now who's two years younger than me. He's only like an inch or two taller and maybe ten pounds more. He's pretty strong, stronger than you, and he doesn't mind that I'm a lot stronger than him, actually he likes it. He said he understands that the ability to build strength has more to do with genetics than gender. Smart guy, a lot smarter than you also. Oh yeah. In spite of his relatively smaller stature, his dick is more than twice as big as yours, and oh so thick. I'm probably going to have to squeeze really hard to even feel your funny little thingy." Inching her way up, she impaled herself on him. "Yup, after my guy's huge, thick cock, I can hardly feel it. Just another example of your failings as a man. I think you should be punished." Ignoring his pleas, she grapevined his legs, spreading them out to the sides as she slammed his arms above his head, pushing them as far as she could until his shoulders felt like they were going to be ripped out of their sockets. She started to furiously thrust her strong hips, slamming his pelvis to the point where it was starting to bruise. At one point his little dick popped out, so she transferred both of his hands to one of hers, reached back and shoved it back in. "Okay, I'm gonna have to squeeze real hard so that little thing, let's call it Tiny Pete, doesn't come out again. But if it feels to me like you're going to come, I'm gonna squeeze it so hard, you'll stop immediately." Becky finally got off, but it was hardly worth the effort considering his size, or rather lack thereof, and at any rate she had accomplished her goal. She showed him what power fucking was all about. Pete really should probably have gone to the hospital, but he would never admit to anyone that a girl did this to him, plus, she reminded him that she saved all his threatening texts. Stupid man. She told him to leave, but he said he couldn't walk. "Then crawl. You better not be here when I come back out." She picked up her suit and went in the house to take a shower and wash every bit of that loser off her fine body. Now that she had gotten back at him, she decided that she was too nice of a person to do that again to anyone. She rather liked the more sensuous play wrestling with Rob. In the meantime, Kim was having similar feelings. It really went against her nature to be real aggressive and beat the shit out of people, but she loved the physicality of the wrestling. She didn't like how she got with Paul sometimes even though he always assured her that it was okay. So they started doing playful wrestling before sex. Of course he had no chance, just like with Rob and Becky. And just like the younger couple, Kim took it easy and as she toyed with him and they really got turned on pitting their respective strengths. And Kim still got a kick out of the occasional encounter at the gym, demonstrating to some guy that she was several times stronger than him. If they acknowledged her superiority with no qualms, she ask if they wanted some after hour training, and encounters similar to what happened with Bill ensued. These men would inevitably remember those nights for the rest of their lives. As to Becky, she stuck solely to Rob. They had become so close in the month and a half since they met. Becky was getting ready to head to the beach a couple of days after destroying Pete's world, but she didn't want to be away from Rob so she called her parents and asked if she could bring him along. They said sure, no problem, but they'd have to stay in another room, (as if they minded) since Mom and Dad always got horny when they were at the beach and were fucking every night, so they needed their privacy. Becky and Rob could see out onto the beach from their balcony. "Look, Rob, women are wearing thongs all over the place. I guess it's okay." "And none of them has an ass as fine as you, or any other bodypart for that matter." "Oh, you're so sweet. Wait to you see the suit I have." She went into the bathroom to change, and when she came out, in the same suit she said she couldn't wear to the beach, Rob was instantly hard. "Oh, babe, you are so incredible." "Looks like we'll have to do something about that thing so you're not walking around the beach that way." "What did you have in mind, tying it down." "No, just relieve some of the pressure." She pulled his swim-trunks down and it sprang out so fast it almost hit her in the face as she was already headed down there. Taking him in as far as she could, she started to stand, her hands on his butt. "Wait, Becky. I know you're much stronger than me, but I'm pretty strong. Can I show off for you?" She nodded. "Stand up." As she stood, smiling, he went down on her and then put his hands on the firmest, rounds glutes and lifted her. He ate her out to a huge orgasm, and then he lowered her down, slowly, as she pulled the suit bottoms to the side. She never failed to be in awe of how his bad boy felt going in. And so they fucked standing up, her man showing his strength. It was wonderful. As they were headed out to the sand Rob commented that he'd probably have to fight guys off her, "Not that you couldn't do a better job, but, you know what I mean." Sure enough, Becky was the focus of a lot of attention right away, mostly positive. And they were still such a cute couple, when they'd walk down the beach holding hands, they'd swing their arms forward and back in unison. So cute. Then, the inevitable. "Hey there, you are one hot muscle babe." He was built much the same as Rob, but three inches taller, and twenty-five pounds heavier. His little band of followers, including some girls, sort of hung out behind him. "Thanks." And they kept walking, two love-birds, arms swinging, starry-eye. "With that tiny suit on, showing off that fine body, seems to me you're advertising that you like to fuck." They stopped instantly and turned around. "I do, with him." She nodded towards Rob. The guy, who Becky had already ascertained was an asshole, came closer, kind of getting up on Rob, affirming what else she was also thinking, that he might be a bit of a bully. "What's a hot babe like you doing with a pint size guy?" "I love him." "Yeah, well maybe that's 'cause you haven't been with a real man." As he said that, he kind of bumped Rob. "I wouldn't do that." He turned and walked towards her. "Well, little muscle missy, what you gonna do about it?" "Kick the shit out of you." Now, one of Becky's little advantages at moments like this was that, yeah, she looked strong for a girl, and yeah, she was muscular. But she wasn't huge, in fact she still looked very girly, like a high school cheerleader with some more muscle than usual. Her advantage was that she although she looked strong, "for a girl", she was far stronger than she looked, far stronger than a guy with the same degree of muscularity. "Ha. I'll beat your pretty ass and then my friends will hold your little buddy here and make him watch while I fuck you." "Right here on the beach?" "Yeah." " You want to have a girl kick your ass right here on the beach." Confused for a second, "I thought you were talking about the fucking,..." "Which isn't gonna happen." "Buddy," spoke Rob, "I'll bet you couldn't last one minute with her." "How much you wanna bet?" He turned to his group of followers. "Pony up everyone." All of them started to reach into their pockets and suits, coming up with a hundred and twenty dollars. He turned to Becky. "I don't have any money on me. As you can see with this suit, there isn't much there, no place to keep any money." A voice came out of the slowly gathering crowd. "I'll cover for her." "Dad?" "Nice suit honey. "She blushed. "Now, be careful, he looks like the kind of guy who'd be a dirty fighter." Turning to the punk, "I'll hold your bet too, if you don't mind." "Sure, but I don't need to fight dirty to whup your daughter here. You're not gonna sue me or anything after I beat her, are you?" "No." he smiled at Becky. "But remember, you don't have to beat her. You just have to last more than a minute." The guy smiled, thinking that this would be a piece of cake. They started, the guy immediately getting Becky in a headlock, pouring on the pressure. Rob shouted encouragement to her, but the guy was really powering down on the hold. Not much action, just a headlock. Then, "fifteen seconds to go," said Becky's dad. Quick as a wink, Becky's free hand went to his ankle. She lifted, he was in the air, her shoulder was into his chest, and he was on his back, the headlock broken. "Twelve seconds." She was still holding his ankle so she dove forward above his head, flipping him, end for end, over onto his stomach. In a heartbeat, she was on his back, her right arm went under his left side, and back across under his chest and shoulder area, then she pulled his upper body up, his back arched off the sand. Ten seconds to go. Her legs shot forward on either side of his body and around his waist, clamping tight, then she reached back and grabbed his left ankle with her left hand. "Eight." Pulling his leg up and back towards her, she started to squeeze with her legs and pull back as hard as possible on his upper body. "Ahhhhhhh," he screamed. In a couple of seconds his free right hand was pounding the sand, tapping out. Becky let go and bounced to her feet as the gathered crowd clapped and the guy's group of followers began to laugh and taunt him. He was just lying there in the sand, wondering what happened. One of the girls, evidently his girlfriend, or former one, went over and kicked him and called him a fag. Rob bent down next to him. "Too bad, and you were doing so well with that headlock." Becky went over to her Dad and gave him a peck on the cheek as he handed her her winnings. "You're going to need those fighting skills with a suit like that. Don't you think it's a little revealing?" "Well, yeah, Daddy, but look around. Lots of girls are similarly uncovered...." "And she does have the best body out here by far, sir. I'm Rob." Rob reached out his hand and shook with Becky's dad. "Becky, where'd you learn to fight like that?" "I mostly improvise. I'm really flexible and coordinated from my cheerleading acrobatics. And I've gotten so strong that I seem to be able to do whatever I think up." Now, Becky's dad was pretty fit, exercised regularly, but her genetics came from the other side of the family. "You're a lot stronger than me, aren't you little girl?" As always, acting like Daddy's little girl, blushing, she quietly said, "Yeah, a whole lot." "You could kick my ass, couldn't you?" "Yeah, but I never would." "Well, I gotta find your mom. Why don't you guys join us for dinner." "Sounds good." Rob and Becky turned, grabbed hands and started down the beach, arms swinging like the lovebirds they were.