Heather by Musclehead "Hi Scott, what's up?" Heather had just come in the back door as Scott was walking through the kitchen on his way back to the basement. "Oh, ... ..Hi, ... ..Heather." Scott had a huge crush on Heather, but was totally intimidated by her great looks, especially when she had her gymnastics leotard on, with a pair of running shorts. "Scott, you don't have to be shy with me. I won't bite, you know. After all, we've known each other since we were little kids." "I know, but you're part of the popular crowd, and I'm not." "But I've always treated you nice. Is there something else?" "Well ... .." "Do you like me, Scott?" "Well, yeah." "I mean, do you like me? Do you think I'm attractive, you know, pretty?" "I think you incredibly beautiful." "What about my body. I mean, do you like the athletic type with a little bit of muscle?" "Oh, yeah. I think muscles are very attractive. You have just a perfect amount." "Thanks. By the way, I think you're pretty good looking too and you're so smart. What are you and my brother doing down there in the basement? I thought I heard the sound of metal banging." "We started working out with weights about two months ago." "Oh, I haven't been around much with gymnastics and all. You guys found Dad's old weights in the basement?" "Yeah." "Well, I think you'll be even more attractive with more muscle. I like that too. Are you getting stronger?" "Yeah. Nowhere to go but up." "Ah, that's cute. Self-deprecating humor. You're modesty is just another nice thing about you, along with your smarts." "I guess you're pretty strong from lifting for gymnastics." "Oh, I don't lift. Just the gymnastics does it." Just then a call came from the basement. "Hey Scott, what's taking you? I need a spot. Gonna try a personal best in the bench." Justin, Heather's step-brother was getting impatient. Scott looked towards the basement door to listen while Justin talked, and then back to Heather to explain. "Personal best is how much you can do for just one rep. Well, gotta go, Heather. Nice talking to you." "You too, Scott. Keep up the good work." After Scott went back downstairs, Heather went over and quietly stood by the door. A few minutes later she heard Justin's grunts and then quietly Scott encouraging him that he'd get it next time. Later that night, Heather's curiosity got the better of her. She went down to the basement. The guys had set the place up pretty well. Her step-dad had more stuff than she realized, but it hadn't been used in years before the guys rediscovered it in the back room. She was surprised out how many weights there were and a whole bunch of dumbbells with the ends shaped with six sides instead of rounded. She went over to the bench. The bar was at ninety pounds, including the bar. "Hmm," she thought to herself, "that doesn't seem like a whole lot. And Justin couldn't do this?" She lay down on the bench and slid under the bar, getting ready to try it for herself. She knew she was strong for a girl, stronger than any other girl in the school except Amy, her best friend. But Heather was about one-thirty-five on her five-five body, somewhat large for a gymnast. Amy had another ten pounds on her, at five seven, really big for all those difficult moves. Just as Heather was about to give it a try she thought, "what if I can't do it? I'll get stuck under that weight." Sitting up and looking around as she tried to gather her self-confidence, something that was usually never in short supply, she eyed the dumbbells. This time talking out loud, "If I try them and I can't do it, I can just drop them to the sides." She went over and picked up a pair of forty-fives, went back to the bench and smoothly pressed them. Still holding them up at arm's length, she wondered, "Didn't Scott say that a personal best was one time?" She then proceeded to do nine more. Ten seemed like a good number to stop at. Dropping them to the nicely padded mat, it hit her that after just one rep, she had shown herself to be stronger than her step-brother, and after ten, quite a bit. Heather hugged herself as she lay there, sort of tingling all over. "I'm stronger than Justin." She got up and put the forty-fives back then went back to the bar. "Maybe the big bar is harder, she thought." After another ten reps, "Nope, easier." Before the evening was out, she had pressed a hundred and forty pounds, more than she weighed, for ten reps. Later in the bathroom, as she stared at her beautiful athletic body in the mirror in just a bra and tiny panties, she wondered how she would look with maybe another ten pounds of muscle. Heather drifted off to sleep that night after pleasuring herself several times while basking in the knowledge that she was already stronger than her step-brother, just from gymnastics. She wondered whether she was stronger than Scott also. The next day, Heather told Amy about what had happened the day before. "It was so kewl finding out that I was stronger than my brother." "How much did you lift?" "At the end of my little workout, when I was starting to feel sure of myself, I bench pressed a hundred and forty pounds." "I think that's probably really good ... .." "Ten times." "Well, I'm sure that is." Amy grabbed her phone and started texting someone. A minute later, "My brother says that's amazing for a first time. He lifts you know, has been for a lot of years. He said the first time he tried benching, that's what you call it, benching, not bench pressing, ... .." "Oh, so technical." "Anyway, the first time he tried it, he could only do a hundred. And he weighed one sixty-five at the time. He said very few people, men as well, can do more than their bodyweight their first time." "Well, we both knew that gymnastics made us stronger than most other chicks, but I had a small orgasm right there on the weight bench when I found out I was stronger than my step-brother, and then I really went at it when I went to bed, 'cause I realized I'm not a little stronger than him, I'm a lot. Like I told you, he couldn't even do ninety pounds one time." "And even trying that much probably means that he's done eighty or eighty-five, and while that's by no means strong, at least it take him out of the wimp category. He's, I guess you'd say, average. That means we're both stronger than average guys." "I wanna start lifting." "Coach isn't gonna like it. He says it'll make you lose flexibility." "He doesn't have to know. I'll work hard on staying flexible. You wanna do it with me?" "I don't know. I'm stronger than you now, you know." "That's only because you're bigger. I know that you're the strongest girl in the school, but maybe not for long." "I'll think about it. What about Scott? Do you know how strong, or I should say, weak, he is?" Both girls started giggling, really enjoying their new found knowledge that they were stronger than at least some guys. "I don't know about Scott. I kinda like him. He's a nice guy, modest but very smart. I hope he gets muscular. I'd fuck him in a heartbeat if he had some muscle. You know, guys like him are much more sensitive to the girl's feelings. Funny as it seems, jocks are usually terrible at sex 'cause all they think of is themselves. You get a guy with a head like Scott and a body like an athlete and you've got something there." Over the next couple of months, Heather worked out when no one else was around, often late at night. She could tell by the weights left on the bar by Justin and Scott that they weren't making a huge amount of progress, at least not compared to her. Her foundation in gymnastics, and exceptional genetics allowed her to make quantum leaps while Justin and Scott made slow, although steady progress. In a relatively short amount of time, Heather was getting really really strong. In gymnastics practice, it was clear to everyone that Heather's moves were getting more explosive, her flips higher than they had been, higher than everyone else's by quite a bit. She kept a sweatshirt on most of the time, as it was evident that she was becoming more muscular and she didn't want anyone to know yet. Amy was the only one that knew she was lifting, but she was the only one who knew what she looked like now, at least her upper body. Her legs had always been pretty muscular, so the changes there were somewhat more subtle. And, like most gymnasts, she always had a tight core, which had gotten fuller and even more firm, but also remained hidden from view because of the sweatshirt. Finally, one day when Heather and Amy were hanging out in her room, Amy's curiosity got the better of her. "Okay, girlfriend, you've been covering up for several months, most of the summer, like when you'd normally be prancing around in your bikini. First meet is coming up. You're going to have to show what you got then, might as well show your best girlfriend now." "Oh, okay." She got up and went into the bathroom. A few minutes later, she came back, wearing a white terrycloth robe. Amy gasped out loud as she dropped it to the floor. "Oh my God, you look incredible. I never thought I'd say this about another girl, but you're turning me on. How many sizes too small is that thing?" "Just one." Heather had on a white, long sleeve leotard, very tight and so sheer that every muscle of her perfect torso was clearly evident through the stretchy material. Her arms looked pretty big, the detail of her triceps visible, even the vein running over her rounded biceps. If you've seen the way gymnasts stand at the end of a routine with their arms out, their chest high and their back arched, that's the way Heather's body looked just standing there. Her awesome physique was not like a bodybuilder or anything like that. No, it was the body of the ultimate gymnast. Heather had medium sized breasts, not huge, but very firm. Now with increased pectoral muscles, they really stood out and her full upper back and broad round shoulders made her rock hard waist look tiny by comparison. A pink bra showed through the white material as well, and when she turned around, you could tell her panties were a thong, not a big deal, that's what all the girls wore. But you could even see the dimples above her round butt through the stretchy material and the thong emphasized the awesome muscularity of those glutes. The leotard was cut high on the hips and those indentations in the middle of each glute muscle were exposed for the world (or Amy) to see. Obviously, Heather had been doing some heavy squatting as well, although, like most gymnasts, she already had a fine ass before she started hitting the weights. Once she got her breath back, Amy managed, "You look awesome. You know you won't be able to wear that leotard in public." "That's not what I had in mind. Do you want to find out how strong I am now?" "Well, I've seen how much higher you're getting now on tumbling runs and vaulting, and your releases and catches on the unevens are amazing." "Do you want to feel how strong I am?" Almost shaking, Amy nodded her head in the affirmative. "Okay, you strip down, she said as she took off the leotard and stood there in her undies. "I don't want to get any of your blood on my leotard," she teased. Amy had a body that was pretty impressive, a bigger version of what Heather had looked like four months prior, strong looking and certainly a body that any woman would die for and any man would find extremely arousing. Once she was down to her bra and panties, Heather said, "Let's wrestle." She had the larger girl under her control in less than a minute. Both girls were swooning as they untangled after their little match, or rather mismatch. Amy was a very strong girl, but now, even though she was smaller, Heather was a lot stronger. They stripped each other completely naked and made frenetic girl love for an hour, Amy on her back most of the time, Heather on her face. Afterwards, "I think I'm gonna start lifting, girlfriend. I always knew it was cool being strong, but you ... " "I'm almost always in a state of arousal at my strength." "Understandable. Like I said before, you can't wear that leotard in public you know. You'll have everyone going." "No, I got this with one particular person in mind. It's time to find out what guys think of a girl with muscles. Actually, one guy in particular." "Your step brother?" "No dummy, Scott. My step-brother will find out later. I know that Scott works out by himself sometimes, when Justin is at his job down at the Quikmart. Maybe I'll go work out when he's there by himself. A couple of days later, Scott was indeed over at the Reynold's house, getting ready to work out. He had been friends with the family, as previously mentioned since they were kids, and they trusted him with a key so he could work out even when Justin wasn't around. But it was not a good day for Heather, and she was getting ready to head out when he got there. Before she left, he asked if she could spot him. He wanted to try a personal best on the bench. "From what I remember from four months ago, not having seen you in a while, I just get the feeling that you'd do better spotting for me than Justin. I think you might be stronger." "I'll be glad to help, Scott." She followed him down to the basement, noting that even though he had a loose fitting long sleeve shirt on, his shoulders seemed wider than last time she saw him. Once he got the weights set up, "Scott, I'm impressed. One-eighty. Wow." "Pleased don't be impressed. I haven't done it yet." A few minutes later, he had a new personal best. Heather reached as he still held the bar over his head and stroked his chest, whispering in a very flirty voice, "Do another for me, Scotty." He did two more before she helped him rack it. As he lay there re-cooperating, Heather came over, straddled him and sat down on his lap. She reached forward, again stroking his chest. "Oh, Scott, that turns me on so much. You're really strong." She could feel his cock stirring just below her rock hard ass. Suddenly, Heather tore his shirt to shreds like it was tissue paper, bent forward and started licking his chest. Just as quickly she sat back up. In a breathy voice she said, "I remembered that you said you like the athletic look. I've started hitting the weights because of what you said four months ago. Next time Justin isn't around, can I work out with you?" " Ssssssure. ... ... I'd ... like that." As she climbed off him, he sat up and she removed the shirt the rest of the way. "Mmmmm. It looks like you haven't skipped the biceps curls either. By the way, is Justin doing as well as you?" He looked down. "No, that's why I didn't want to do a personal best in front of him, that plus the fact that I was afraid he wouldn't be able to handle the weight if I failed. But, I didn't want him to feel bad that I've kind of moved ahead. He tries and all, but I just don't think he's got the genetics for it." "Where is he at as far as that goes?" "He seems to be stuck at one-ten." She quickly wrote down her cell number. "I gotta go, call me or text me when it's good to work out." Heather left quickly, having an orgasm on her way up the stairs, her tight jeans providing just the right amount of friction, her mind doing the rest, totally turned on by the thought of her being almost twice as strong as her brother who outweighed her by twenty pounds. She didn't want Scott to see her having a meltdown, at least not yet. A week or so later, Heather looked down at her phone. A message from Scott read, "Justin has to work tomorrow." She checked her own calendar to see if she was free, and was pleasantly surprised to see that she was and that her Mom and Dad would be out of town for the weekend. So she and Scott would be totally alone, at least for that first evening. Heather wore some loose fitting running shorts and a short sleeve tee shirt for that first workout, not wanting to scare him off due to his reserved nature. She wore a long sleeve front zipping hoodie sweatshirt, which surely come off after they had been working out a bit. During that first workout, on whatever exercise they were doing, Heather always did less weight than Scott. He had said that he like her muscles and athletic build a while back, but she wasn't sure how he'd handle it if she was stronger than him. About fifteen or twenty minutes into their workout, it was getting kind of stuffy in the basement gym. So off came the sweatshirt. "Wow, Heather, you've got more muscle than last time I saw you." "Is that okay?" "Yeah," he said enthusiastically, probably with more excitement than he had ever exhibited around her due to his shyness. "So you like it okay? Some guys get grossed out, or at least they say they do." "They're lying. They're probably just intimidated. I think you look great." "Thanks. I sure wouldn't give them up for anyone. I would be really disappointed if you, of all people, didn't like them." "Why?" "I really like you, Scott." "But Heather, you're one of the most popular girls in the whole school." "A cross I must bear. No, really. I can't think of any other guy I like better. And, if you don't mind my saying so, I like your new muscles too. I think I demonstrated that the night when you did your new personal best. You're smart, you're a nice guy, you've got beautiful muscles and you're way stronger than average without being a jerk about it. Perfect combination as far as I'm concerned." She came closer until her firm puppies brushed against his lower chest. He could feel her sweet warm breath on his neck. Suddenly the situation felt awkward, his shyness getting the best of him. 'What's ... .what's next?" "Do you mean with us?" "I ... ... .I ... ... I meant what exercise next?" Heather realized that she was going to have to take the lead all the way and possibly be more aggressive since brushing her tits against him didn't do the trick and he seemed to have forgotten that she tore his shirt off that previous night. But she would save the seduction for next time. "Let's do squats. I'll bet I can smoke you on that one. My legs are extremely strong from gymnastics." "I thought all of you was strong from that." "Yeah, but legs more so." And smoke him she did. He managed one ninety, not much more than he could press, but Heather squatted two-fifty, and not just squatted. Her glorious butt almost touched the floor when she went down. Scott was more amazed then ever after her squat performance. "Just wait 'til I get these babies wrapped around you." Heather let out a friendly laugh at Scott's surprised expression. "But not tonight," she continued. The next time came around only a week later. Getting ready, Heather put on a bright red thong, no bra. Time for that sheer white too small leotard. Just pulling the tight material over her beautiful body caused her nipples to stiffen right away. Looking at herself in the mirror, it was all she could do to hold herself back from pulling the leotard and thong to the side and shoving a finger into her clean-shaven pussy. "No," she thought. "Gotta let it build up." But she didn't want to scare Scott with those headlights, knowing how lacking in self-confidence he was. She had this old sweatshirt with the sleeves half cut off and cropped just below her breasts. It was too big on her and the neck had been torn, so that the shirt drooped off one shoulder, very sexy, but it least covering up some. She put on some running shorts, but this pair was very tight over her round ass, and low cut, so Scott would be able to see her abs through the leotard. Some knee socks that actually came over the knees completed the picture along with her trainers. Wouldn't want to drop a weight on a bare toe. Scott was already down in the basement warming up. Heather was pleasantly surprised to see him in a very tight tank top the showed off his shoulders and arms very nicely. Maybe this wasn't gonna be so difficult after all. And even though she hadn't revealed more of herself yet, she still looked very hot and he told her so. After stretching, barely taking their eyes off each other, they warmed up with some pushups. Towards the end, Scott heard a sound that startled him. "What was that?" "Oh, I did some clapping pushups at the end." "You can do them?" "Yup. One armed pushups too. And, believe it or not, from gymnastics, I can do handstand pushups, without leaning against a wall." "You're so amazing. Are you ready for bench night?" "I am." Scott set up the bar with ninety pounds. "Why don't you add twenty, Scott? You know, warming up with Justin's personal best. I'd almost want him to be here to see that, except I want to be alone with you." "Heather, it turns me on that you're stronger than your step brother." "Mmmmmm, me too." He got on the bench and cranked out ten smooth reps and then Heather did the same. Adding another ten pounds, Scott did his ten, and then Heather did twenty. "God, you're incredible, Heather." "Thanks. Why don't we cut to the chase?" "How much should I put on?" "What about one-sixty?" "You can do that much? Man, you're so strong. You wanna go first?" "Sure." She slid under the bar and once again did twenty reps. Scott was speechless, and very turned on. He was so inspired by this strong hot girl that he did twenty reps also, something he had never done before. After he was finished, Heather came over to him as he lay there, leaned down and kissed him on the lips and then on his neck, wanting to make it clear to the shy young man that she had the hots for him as much as he did for her. Then she whispered, "Time for a new personal best, Scott? I think your adrenalin is stoked enough to do it. I'll set it up for you. Straightening up, she gently stroked his cock as she moved to pick up two tens and then two fives to add to the bar. As he psyched himself up, she got in place to spot him. Scott struggled a little but managed to do it without any help. "Another," she beckoned. He did it, stronger than the first. "Another." Mission accomplished. He stood up, flush with excitement. Heather sauntered over to him getting so close, those nipples brush against him, just like last time. But this time she put her arms around his waist. "Scott, I am so turned on right now by how strong you are." Scott could hardly speak he was so beside himself with lust for this awesome girl. "Will you spot for me? I wanna try your old personal best. One eighty." "Really?" "Really." After her success, it was his turn to wrap his arms around her. Finally, a breakthrough. He had made a move. "It turns me on so much that you're almost as strong as me. Strength is such a sexual thing, man or woman. I never realized it until I started working out with you." "Are you a virgin, Scott?" "You know I am." "Well, not after tonight." She paused for a moment, not sure if her next question might ruin the mood. "Scott, would it bother you if I was stronger than you? I mean, I proved that I could squat more. Would it bother you if I was stronger in the upper body too?" He thought for a second. "No. You're so awesome and you've been doing gymnastics your whole life. I've not done a lot until I started lifting a few months ago." Just then, there were footsteps coming down the stairs and in walked Justin. "What are you guys doing?" "Working out." "How long has this been going on?" "A couple of weeks, whenever you're working." "But I thought you were my workout partner, Scott." "Not anymore," interrupted Heather. "You're just not strong enough to keep up with him." "Oh, and I suppose you are?" Scott went to say something, but Heather gently put a finger to his lips. "Justin, look at my legs. Don't you think they're stronger than your toothpicks?" "You shut up," he screamed. Heather smiled at Justin, turned to Scott and asked him to put twenty more pounds on the bar. He did as told. "Now, Justin, do you think you could spot Scott safely while he attempts a new personal best? That's twice what you can do." "How do you know that, bitch?" "I've seen the bar set up after your workout. Okay Scott, let's show him how much stronger you are." "I can't do that, Heather. That's thirty pounds more than I could do two weeks ago." "Maybe you need some inspiration." She kicked off her trainers and took her shorts off, then quickly pulled her cutoff sweatshirt over her head. As she planned, the red thong showed right through the white leotard, and it was clear to both boys that she was braless and judging from her erect nipples, very turned on. Plus, she was pretty pumped from so much benching, her arms swollen and her shoulders and pecs pulsating with power. Her abs, obliques, in short, her whole perfect torso was simply humming as she breathed deeply. She looked absolutely incredible, a walking muscle wet dream. "Inspired, Scott?" He was, and gave it a shot at two hundred and ten, but at the very end of his effort, she had to help him a little. He got up, and went over to Justin, feeling kind bad, as if he had deserted his old friend. Before he could offer an apology, they both heard a grunt, a high pitched one. Turning towards the bench, they watched in disbelief as Heather benched the heavy weight ten times, re-racking it herself when she was done. Both boys were stiff as a board from what they had just seen and it was obvious to Heather that Scott, in addition to all his other attributes, was well hung. She got up and sauntered towards her step-brother. "From what I understand, you can only do a hundred and ten once. That doesn't make me twice as strong as you, that makes me a whole lot more than twice as much. Now leave." He beat a hasty retreat. Once gone, Heather turned back to Scott. "Now, where were we?" But Scott was upset that he might have hurt his old friend's feelings, and he felt awkward that he and Heather were no longer alone in the house. "Maybe I'd better go." And in a wink, he was gone. Heather was furious at Justin's inadvertent interruption, and she was so turned on that she needed immediate release, and Scott was gone. She all but ran up two flights of stairs to Justin's bedroom. The door was locked, so she stepped back a little and with one of those powerful gymnast's legs, kicked the door in. Justin was standing at the foot of his bed, in his underwear. It seemed like he had a little more muscle than before he started working out, but just looking at the two of them, anyone could instantly tell that she was totally superior. Heather ran at him tackling him onto the bed and for the next twenty minutes showed him what a hundred forty pounds of very strong, well-trained muscle was like as she effortlessly maneuvered him from one painful position to another, twisting his limbs like they were pipe cleaners. He tried to fight back but he had no defenses against her. Finally, growing bored of brutalizing him, she got off, removed her leotard, but left her red thong on. Barely managing to open his eyes, he popped a boner as soon as he saw her almost naked body, although he had also gotten stiff when she was in her see through leotard down in the workout room. He started to sit up and she knocked him right back down, climbed onto his head, facing his thin body. Pulling the thong to the side, she shoved her pussy onto his mouth. "I wanted Scott's cock inside of me tonight, but since you ruined everything, your tongue will have to do. Plus, you called me a bitch." Heather ripped his underpants off. "Do I turn you on, weak boy? Ha, for such a weakling, you have a pretty good sized cock there, but once again, inferior to Scott's." She rode his face to several orgasms, her eyes closed, back arched, teasing her nipples, cupping her firm breasts, running her hands up and down her perfect torso. When Justin's tongue lagged, she slid up to his nose, grinding away, getting more and more into abusing her step-brother's face with each passing minute. At some point, in the midst of her deepening sexual firestorm, she felt something splattering her hard abs. Opening her eyes, she saw the last twitchings of his glistening cock a testament to her hotness, with his arms pinned under her muscular legs. Her torso was splattered with his cum. Lifting her weight up off his head, shoulders and arms, she grabbed him on either side of his waist and slid him towards the foot of the bed. Getting into a plank position above him, her abs right over his face, she commanded him to lick it off. As she held the plank, steady as a rock, she lectured him. "What were you thinking, Justin, when you asked if I was strong enough to spot for Scott? Look at my arms. They're so much bigger than yours, and more defined and harder, same as my legs. My beautiful tits stick out because of the strong pecs. I'm so much stronger than you it's silly to even compare us." Suddenly he started erupting again. With her lightening quick reflexes, she reached out and grabbed his cock, squeezing it hard, stopping him instantly while her one armed plank stayed as steady as before. "Are you done cleaning up down there?" "Yes," he moaned, from sexual frustration and exhaustion. Heather, raised her torso up and suddenly crash down with her abs onto his face, knocking him out. She still had a lot of energy left, so she made her way back to the basement in just her thong to work out some more. When she got there, Scott was back. "I felt bad for him, but I couldn't stay away from you. You are my Goddess." They had very physical sex for several hours, two young, strong virile people enjoying mutual oral servicing and vigorous fucking. Scott lost his virginity in an overwhelming way and even though Heather didn't abuse him like she had her step-brother, there was no doubt who was the stronger one of the two. Two days later, on Sunday late afternoon, Heather's Mom and Step-Dad came home from their weekend trip and then her Mom ran out to the grocery store for a few things. Step-dad decided to confront Heather while Mom was out. Big mistake. It seemed that while they were away Justin called and said that Heather had hurt him. He didn't go into a lot of detail. Now that the people closest to her knew what her new body was like, she didn't hide it anymore. The suit she was wearing when Step-dad came out to the pool was literally just a few tiny triangles of leopard skin. He could see how muscular she had gotten but it certainly didn't faze him. First he started berating her about the indecency of her suit, then he started up about Justin. Heather had always had an uneasy peace with her step-dad, mostly for her mother's sake. She really didn't like him much and she decided then and there that this would be the day to set the record straight. "What did you do to Justin, you fucking bitch?" he screamed at her. "Well, if I can remember correctly, I started with this," she said as she tackled him to the lawn. Justin watched with horror from his bedroom window as his hot step-sister beat the daylights out of his father, realizing that there wasn't going to be any protection for him coming from his dad. Heather was especially hard on him because he hadn't been the greatest of step-dads, and he hadn't just called her a bitch, he had called her a fucking bitch. Plus, as relatively weak as Justin was when compared with her, Step-Dad was even weaker. After the initial tackling him to the ground, Heather jumped on his back, pulled his head and shoulders back, tucking his face under her armpit and wrapping her powerful arms over his shoulders and then under and around his upper back. Yanking his upper torso back with tremendous power, arching his back severely, she then wrapped her muscular legs around his mid-section and started to apply pressure. As crest fallen as he was knowing that if Heather decided to kick his ass any time she felt like it, Justin found himself getting hard watching her combination of overwhelming strength and athleticism. It was about to get better. Suddenly she rolled onto her back and suspended her step-dad in the air above her, his legs kicking frantically, his head smashed into the ground behind her shoulder. After ten or fifteen seconds of this totally dominant hold, she threw him away from her as Justin came in his pants. Heather had gotten the idea to combine some of her gymnastic moves with the ass kickin' she was giving her step-dad. He was pretty much out of it, on his back now. She took several preparatory steps towards him and then jump forward and up, but flipping backwards in a perfect layout. As she descended on him, she pulled her arms and legs back, so all the impact would be on his soft torso with her hard, muscle packed one. She literally bounced off him, and wound up landing on her feet, straddling his head. Jumping again, straight up, higher than Justin thought was possible, she did a perfect French split at the peak, and held it as she came down on his face. Justin's swim trunks were down around his ankles now, his cock in his hand, furiously pumping away as he watched his step-sister use gymnastics to dismantle his dad. Heather now took advantage of where she was and ground her pussy on his face until she felt that sweet sensation. Scooching back just above his head, she slid her right leg under his back on that same side and then hooked her left over his opposite shoulder then back. Raising her torso off the ground on one arm as the other went up into the air, she did a graceful pose like one might see at the end of a floor exercise. But as she did this beautiful move, she was twisting his back painfully as his upper body came off the ground with one side being pushed up and the other pulled down. Releasing that combination pose and punishing hold, Heather walked around his totally beaten body on her hands a few times, and the settled herself down, onto his upper chest, almost to his neck, once again going into a full side to side split. As Justin stared at those muscular glutes as they bunched up, he ejaculated so hard that some of it hit the window. Kneeling with her legs on either side of her head, Heather raised up some and tucked her Step-dad's arms in the folds of her legs, behind her knees. The she laid back on him until she could reach his skinny but still flabby legs, sitting back up with them captured, but way up under her arms, so her hands were still free. She pulled the tiny piece of fabric of her suit bottoms to the side, and then grabbed his head, one hand on either side, covering his ears. Pulling up so hard that Justin could she her biceps bulging, she started vigorously grinding herself once again on his face, but really roughly. As she started to climax, she was bouncing up and down so hard that Justin wondered whether his Dad would survive. Not that his dick cared, again convulsing to his Step-sister's awesomeness and amazing sexual domination as she actually lifted his body off the ground as she exploded up with each intense pulse in her clitoris. And then, even though his window was closed, he heard, "What the hell is going on here?" Mom was home, Justin's last hope of someone standing between him and his seemingly crazy sister. He carefully opened the window in order to not attract attention, but he wanted to hear Mom berate Heather. "Oh, hi Mom. Step-Dad here called me a fucking bitch. Not only that, while he was yelling at me he was staring at my body in a very creepy way, and I could tell he had a bulge in his pants." "Oh, well in that case, looks like he deserved it. Can you stand up a second? I wanna see your body since you started hitting the weights." "You knew?" "Mothers know everything." Heather turned around and faced her mom, and then did three hundred and sixty degree turn so her mom could see every square inch of her perfection. "My, my, Heather, you do look very impressive, and I can hardly blame your step-dad. You look pretty hot too. Are you really strong? Stupid question. You obviously have to be to do what you did to him." "Not really. He's very weak. You've been doing your pilates. I'm sure you're stronger than him. Although, I am very strong. Justin is stronger than Step-Dad here, after all he has been working out for four months, but I'm easily more than twice as strong as he is." Suddenly she looked up at Justin's window. "Isn't that right, Justin, she said in a louder voice." He pulled back from the window but it was too late. "Mom, you should start hitting the weights. Look, I got my great genes from you, and Justin got his not so great genes from this pathetic worm. You're already stronger than him I'll bet. And let me tell you, there's nothing better than making a guy lick your pussy because you're totally superior to him and there's nothing he can do to stop you." "Oh, and it turns out Scott's got really great genes too. He's not quite as strong as me. After all, I had that foundation of gymnastics, but he left Justin in the dust a while ago." "Are you and he ... ... ." "Yes, Mom, just this weekend. I took his virginity." "Are you done with your step-dad over there? "Yeah, I have a score to settle with Justin, peeping on me like that." She found him in his room, sitting on the floor with his legs out in front of him. He was leaning against the wall next to the window, clearly in a daze, having come to the realization that if his step-sister wanted to make his life miserable, he couldn't stop her, his wimpy dad couldn't protect him and his Mom seemed to be in on it. She stepped up to him as she dropped her suit bottoms, straddling his legs and shoved her crotch into his face as placed her muscular arms, spread out above her, hands against the wall. She gyrated her hips until the sensations she was after started coming in waves, banging his head against the wall until she cracked the drywall. At some point, she felt his hands on her hips, pulling her in tighter as he desperately lapped at her pussy. "He's trying harder," she thought to herself. "He's serving his Goddess step-sister." As to Mom and Step-dad, Heather's mother did indeed start working out with the weights and those amazing genes resulted in a woman who was as strong and physically talented as a twenty-something elite athlete in very short order. Hard to believe that she was forty-eight her body was so fit and strong. In fact, Heather was right, just from pilates Heather's mom was already stronger than her step-dad, as they both found out as soon as he was recovered from Heather's ass whipping. From that day on, he spent a lot of time with his face in her crotch, a lot of time. Over the next few months, Heather got Amy and several other girls involved in working out. As Scott continued to work out with Heather, constantly doing heavier weights now that he had a partner who cold spot for him, he eventually caught her in strength. They would playfully wrestle before sex and were very evenly matched there as well. Since she had already established herself in the hierarchy of the family, she didn't feel the need to abuse her step-brother or step-father anymore. That wasn't really in her personality, anyway. Picking on lesser mortals was more suited to Amy's aggressive personality, so Heather let her take over the duties of making Justin's life miserable.