Dani by Musclehead Dani looked at the screen of her cell phone to see who was on the other end of that missed call, and then went back to her workout. She didn't interrupt her workouts for anyone, not even her beloved half-sister, Kate. Soon enough though, soaked in sweat, she called Kate back. "Hi Sis, what's up?" "I saw you on buffyshot.com. Jeeze, you look awesome. Obviously you've been hitting the weights." "Well yeah. How'd you recognize me? I intentionally cut my head off." "I recognized the little tattoo on your left hip. Hey babe, please don't ruin your perfection with lots and lots of tattoos." "I won't, but I want to tell you something. That picture was taken before I started working with weights and all. Someone had told me I was as jacked as many bodybuilders just from track and field, plus, I guess my gymnastics in the past before I got too big. My friend showed me a picture of this Greek track athlete, "Anastasia something" on girlswithmuscle.com, and the comment under the picture said she hadn't done any bodybuilding, only track. I think my picture on buffyshot.com is almost as impressive. And remember, she's in her late twenties, almost ten years more than me. "Well, you're pretty awesome, and hot, if I do say so myself. How's track going?" "I'd say pretty well. The coach moved me to the pentathlon this year. I haven't lost in anything yet this season, not in the overall score, not even in a single event. Even at the states, I almost doubled the point total of the second place girl. But what's really cool is that some of my events, I did better than the boys did on the same things. I threw the discus farther than the guy, and I was using a man's discus, which is heavier than the girls so it's an apples to apples comparison. My hundred meters was faster than the winning guy's. It was so cool." "Wow. I guess that full scholarship is a sure thing." "Pretty much. I've got my choice of any of the track powerhouses, Villanova, Tennessee, you know. But I think I'll stay here and go to USC since it's close to the beach. Oh yeah, that's another thing. Ted taught me to play doubles volleyball, you know, just for fun. I do a lot of sports just for fun, and always wind up better than the guys who taught me." "If I remember, Ted was about six-two and was really good." "Yeah, he is, but you should see me spike the ball. I guess thanks to gymnastics vaulting and tumbling and doing the high jump and all, I'm a really good jumper, well over four feet in the sand. I go right over top of most guys when I'm spiking, even Ted. I think it bothers him, but it also turns him on. He really gets going when we have sex after a day of beachball." "So he's your guy now?" "Among others." "Well, I can't wait to see you in person. Frank and I are coming to visit soon. I'll let you know when." "What about you, Kate? How's your workout program going?" "Pretty well, but let's face it, I only have half the good genetics that you have. Plus, unlike you, I really didn't start doing any exercise until two years ago. Still, I'm a pretty tight package with some definition, and Frank seems to really like it. We train together sometimes, but quite frankly I'm more serious about it than he is." About two months later Kate came home to visit, arriving about a week before Frank, who was held up on business. Mom and Dad were out of town as well, so it was perfect for the two to get re-acquainted after almost three years. "Dani, you look awesome. It seems like you've gotten taller." "Thanks. I have. I'm five-ten now. Wait to you see me with less clothes on. And you, look at you. I envy you." Dani knew she was an awesome athlete, and she knew she had a great body, but she seemed unaware of just what a babe she actually was. In her mind, it was Kate that was the hot one. "You envy me?" "Well I wish I had those boobs, girl. You've gotten fit and lean without losing those honkers. You are so lucky." "Well, I gotta let you in on a little secret. Frank bought these for me. I did lose them when I got fit and he didn't like that. At first that hurt my feelings a little, but then, what the fuck. I like them and Frank isn't the only guy who notices 'em." "Maybe someday I'll get a pair." "Dani, yours look fine, and your body is one in a million. So, sister, let me see you with less on." Dani unzipped the zipper on her cutoffs, letting them drop to her ankles, and then kicking them off along with her flip-flops. Turning around, she showed Kate that her muscular ass was a perfect complement to her powerful legs. Kate gasped as Dani pulled her sweatshirt over her head and stood there in just her undies. "Dani, I've never seen so much female muscle close up. How much do you weigh?" "One-seventy-five." "Wow, that's a lot. Forty-five more than me. That's almost as much as much Frank weighs, and he's 2 inches taller than you." "Well, muscle is heavy. You should know that. Didn't you actually gain some weight even as your waist got smaller and your butt got tighter?" "Yeah. I guess I hadn't thought about it that way." "Anyway, now you." "Huh?" "Let me see all of the new, improved Kate." "I don't hold a candle to you, sis." "I don't wanna hear it. Come on, lemme see. Off with the clothes." Kate followed suit, stripping down to a very frilly bra and panties set, her awesome boobs almost spilling out over the top, though spilling might not be the right word. They were too firm to "spill". Now it was Dani's turn to swoon. "Kate, you could compete in one of those fitness shows. You look great, and after only two or so years. You're a natural if I do say so myself." The next day it was off to the beach. Both girls attracted a lot of attention, Dani reintroducing her older half-sister to her group of friends. Some remembered her and were all very complimentary on how she had gone from valley girl to really fit and hot since they had last seen her. And even though most of them knew Dani, they never seemed to tire of seeing almost daily improvements in a physique that was so jacked and so powerful. When a football game was organized, she was the very first one chosen. It seemed that she was always the first one chosen, no matter what the competition might be. "I'm hard to bring down, 'cause I'm so fast." "Bring down? You guys play tackle?" "Of course. Why not? We're all fit and the sand is soft." Kate watched. Yeah, she was in great shape and all and was a decent athlete, but she wanted to see what her younger sister would do against guys. And while Dani was a big girl, there were males in her group that were bigger than her. After a little while watching Kate realized that it wasn't just the speed of Dani's running that made her hard to bring down. It was the power coupled. She was fast alright, but when she got going full speed, she literally ran people over, almost never being brought down by just one guy at a time. On defense she was just as overwhelming. It really didn't matter that the sand was soft when Dani tackled someone. One guy, about her size, decided to not play anymore after one of her bruising hits. Some of Dani's friends that were also watching instead of playing told Kate that they thought she was not only the best athlete they had ever seen, but, pound for pound, maybe the strongest as well. And no one seemed to mind that competing against Dani in anything could be painful and humiliating because she was just being competitive and she was always friendly and sweet, never rubbing it in or being real arrogant. The next day, Dani and Kate were back at the beach along with Ted to play some doubles volleyball. Totally dominant, just like the day before in football, she hit right over every block with ease. It reminded Kate of what she had said about almost doubling the score of the second place girl in the Pentathlon at the States, her vertical jump was almost twice anyone else's. And she hit hard. That night, Dani invited Kate to join her and Ted for a threesome. "Kate, you know what they say about tall, lean boys, they're all cock." "Oh, you're bad, but I can't. Frank and I are engaged and I would never cheat on him. And I know that he would never cheat on me. I don't even think he looks at other girls." The next morning when Dani came into the kitchen after another grueling workout, Kate slid her cell phone across the kitchen counter to Dani. With tears in her eyes, she managed, "I don't think this text was meant for me." The text read, "Hey man, do a search on You Tube for Zsuzsanna Toldi. All the videos are hot, but look at the twelfth one down. Look at when she's doing sprints on the track. God, what a fuckin' body. Could you imagine fucking a chick like that?" Kate pulled herself together. "That was meant for his buddy, Ken, next one down the list in his phone address book. He hit the wrong spot on the screen. Plus, he sent it to a few other guys." She stopped talking for a second and sniffed a little, trying to gather herself. "I guess I was wrong about him looking at other women." "Have you looked at the video?" "No." "Well, let's go see it." "I don't know if I want to." She sat quietly for a minute. "Okay, let's go." They went to Dani's laptop and watched as a beautiful woman got out of a sports car in a short red dress and walked to a track. When she pulled her dress off, revealing an amazing hot and fit body, Dani and Kate gasped in unison. "I gotta admit, that was pretty sexy the way she took her dress off", quipped Kate. "I can't begin to compare." "God, who could?" quipped Dani. After some warming up and stretching, as this woman Zsussi walked to the starting line, the girls were all but swooning watching this body that oozed strength and sexiness. And then she took off sprinting and that was even better, so beautiful and yet so fast and powerful. However upsetting it may have been for Kate, she had to admit to herself that Frank was right. But something else crossed her mind. "Dani, that's the way you're body looks, especially your ass and legs. Actually, your arms are a little bigger and your shoulders are broader." "But I don't have those tits." "I'm sure they're implants, but at least they're not all huge like some of those bimbos. Clearly she wants to be able to concentrate on the athleticism that her body is capable of. You can't sprint like that with monster fake knockers. Yours are only a tiny bit smaller. But, babe, you're just as hot." "Really?" "Really. Let's watch some more." They fast forwarded to where Zsussi was doing pushups and crunches, etc. "She's amazing." "You're just as amazing Dani. I have an idea to test Frank. He runs, you know. Works out too, not all that seriously, like I said the other day, but he runs a lot, long distance, but he was a sprinter in high school. Do you see what I'm getting at?" Frank arrived later that day and Kate acted as if nothing was wrong, but she did catch him stealing glances at Dani's muscular legs from time to time. Dani kept her upper body covered up with an oversized sweatshirt. The next day, Dani invited Frank and Kate to do a track workout. After some warm-up jogging and stretching, Dani removed her sweatpants, but kept her sweatshirt on the whole time. She was wearing shorts just like the hot woman in the video and her ass and legs looked just as good. As a matter of fact, her legs were somewhat more muscular. "I'm gonna do some wind-sprints Frank. You know what they are, right? Kate said you were a sprinter in high school." "Yeah, I was. I know what they are." "Good. We'll do a hundred, then jog a hundred, than another hundred all out, etc. Okay?" "I'll watch," said Kate. "Okay, can you start us?" "Sure." They got into position, readied themselves, then Kate said go. Indeed, in those shorts, Dani looked every bit as awesome as Zsussi. By the fifty yard point, she was already ten yards ahead of Frank, finishing the first hundred at least twenty-five yards ahead. She had to jog really slowly for Frank to catch up to start the second fast one. "Wow, you're fast. But I haven't done sprints in a while. I was much faster in high school." "What was your fastest, Frank?" "About 10.2." "Yards or meters?" "Yards." "That's real good." She chuckled under her breath. "Ready to go again?" "Yeah." This time, she was thirty-five yards ahead at the end. Frank had actually gone faster than the first sprint, but so had Dani. Her takeoffs were so explosive that by the time they did the fifth sprint, she was ten yards gone before he was barely out of the starting position. Eventually, he stopped and went over to sit with Kate while Dani did another twenty minutes worth of sprints, eventually going to two hundred meters at a time, just as fast. At one point, during a jog around the back turn, a football rolled near her from some kids playing on the field. "Go long," she called as she went over and picked up the ball. While the boy was running off, she ran towards the goalpost, leaping and sort of dunking the football over the goalposts, catching it on the way down and the unleashing a perfect spiral that went a good forty yards. "Wow, now we know why she holds the national high school records in both discus and javelin. She's pretty amazing, don't you think, Frank?" "Yeah." She knew that he was just as enthralled with Dani's body as he was with her running ability and athleticism. And he hadn't seen her upper body yet. When they got back to the house, Dani kept her bootie running shorts on and Frank was looking over every time she was in the room. The woman in the video was a distant memory and Frank was now wondering what it would be like to fuck his fiance's sister. Frank's legs were sore for two days after his workout with Dani, actually, his quarter of a workout. But she wasn't sore, not even a little bit. Around the house, she continued to keep her upper body covered up, but always had really short shorts on, usually cutoffs, and she could feel Frank's eyes on her whenever they were in the same room. A few days later, she was working out in the basement early in the morning, wearing her sweatshirt and those awesome bootie shorts, when she heard footsteps on the stairs. "Hi, Frank, what's up?" "Oh, hi. I was looking for Kate. Do you know where she is?" A light bulb went off in Dani's head to test Frank's faithfulness. "She went to the store. Won't be back for a couple of hours." "So, this is where you work out?" "Yeah, you figured that out." "Not a lot of equipment in here, just some dumbbells, mats, and a chinning bar. Can you do chin-ups? Most girls can't." "Maybe when you were in high school, Frank, but most girls doing high school sports nowadays develop at least some upper body strength as well as leg strength. And of course, core strength is important too. It's a new world Frank. Even some of the cheerleaders can bench press their bodyweight, or more. Can you?" "Yeah ... ... ... ... .Sure, sure I can. What are the mats for?" "Well, stretching and doing core work. I do the Q91Y Ab ripper, but I do both Ab ripper I and II, one right after the other. Oh, yeah, my boyfriend and I wrestle around some. We like the physical contact, if you know what I mean." "Do you do that "sex-wrestling" or rather "wrestle-fucking" if as they call it on the internet?" "Well, that's kind of a personal question, but, yeah, the wrestling often leads to sex, all that physical contact can be pretty much of a turn-on." "So you wrestle and after he pins you, he fucks you?" "Yeah ... ... ... ... ... ... ... That's it, that's what happens." "I'll bet it would be fun, but I'm too big and strong to do it with Kate." "Well, I'm almost as big as you." "But you're not as strong. Hey, wait a minute, are you suggesting we do it?" "Well, it would be fun, but after all, you are engaged to my half-sister." "But I'm not married to her." Bingo, just what Dani , and Kate, for that matter, had suspected." "Okay, let's do it." "If it's supposed to be all sexy and all, shouldn't we be wearing less clothes?" "Yeah, I supposed." "Hey, I gotta pee before we start." Frank couldn't believe his good fortune. He had the hots for her incredible ass and legs and he assumed the rest of her body would be just as awesome and hot. "There's a bathroom right over there. We don't you just strip down while you're in there." As Frank went into the bathroom, there were footsteps on the stairs. It was Kate. "Dani, have you seen Frank?" "He's in the bathroom, we're getting ready to wrestle. He thinks he's gonna win and then get to fuck me. Ha." "What?" "Sorry, Kate. I told him that my boyfriend and I wrestle than fuck. He thought it would be fun but that you would be too small. All I did was point out that I wasn't too small, that I was almost as big as him, and that's all it took. He said something like he was engaged to you, but not married yet." "That asshole. So are you going to let him fuck you if he wins?" "He's not gonna win and I don't like that he would so willingly cheat on my sweet sister." As she spoke, she was picking up a huge dumbbell, carrying it over to the mats. It said 90 lbs. on it. It didn't seem like it took a whole lot of effort for her to carry it other than leaning away from the hand she was using to hold it. "He has no idea what he's in for, does he?" "No. None." Just then, Frank came out of the bathroom. "Kate, I,..uh, ... I ... ." "You were getting ready wrestle with Dani." "Well, ... .. uh, ... ..yeah." "Well, I'm gonna watch." "Frank, before we start, I wanna show you an exercise I do that helps me to jump so well. Could you bring me that dumbbell over there? Just set it next to this one, about two feet away." Frank went over and tried to pick it up, failing the first time and then managing, but with both hands and great difficulty. "Man, this is fucking heavy." Dani went and stood between the two dumbbells, squatting down, and grabbing them and then standing up straight. She bent her knees slightly and then sprang up, jumping over a foot off the mat. She set them back down after just one jump. "I just wanted to demonstrate. I usually wrap me knees before I do a whole set. Now, can you put that one back, I'll get the other one." As Frank laboriously returned the dumbbell to its resting pace by the wall, Dani removed her sweatshirt, She had a cut-off tank-top with her low riding booty running shorts. Her arms were pretty pumped, just from having held the two ninety pounders. And her torso looked magnificent, just like that Zsussi chick. Even though she didn't have big tits, they were decent size and of a firmness that went along with the rest of her power packed bare torso. Frank almost gasped at the sight of her and Frank junior was beginning to look pretty pumped as well. She stared at Frank for a second, and then she reached down and grabbed the dumbbell. In one explosive movement, the weight was above her head, held steady by her powerful right arm. "Let's wrestle big boy. By the way, I'm left handed." Frank gulped as Kate smiled, hoping that Dani would put him in his place. He knew in an instant that she was way stronger than him but there was no backing out now. They locked up arms and shoulders and after little movement for about ten seconds, Dani slowly started pushing him to her right as her right leg came forward just a little bit. Frank thought he saw an opening, reaching down for that leg. Quick as a wink, she was behind him her right arm around his waist, and her left reaching forward then blasting back, her tricep across his chest. Showing that same power that blasted that heavy dumbbell over her head, in an instant, Frank was being bent backwards across her hip. Then she let go of his waist, reached down and grabbed this opposite ankle and pulled up as she wrapped her sprinters legs around his free one. He was pulling on her arm with both hands but there was no way he was going to have any success because in addition to her phenomenal strength, Dani's torturous hold was fueled by anger that he could so easily be baited to cheat on her beloved sister. She started leaning back, putting even more pressure on Frank's body, his one leg being twisted, his back being torqued and his other leg being squeezed by her pythons. His foot was beginning to come off the floor, and it felt like that lower leg was being torn from his body. Finally, she let go of all her holds at once, and he was kind of flung forward onto the mat. As he lay there in a heap, moaning from the pain, Dani just about snarled at him, "You were going to cheat on my sister just like that because you like my strong body. Get ready to find out how much punishment this strong body can dish out." She went over to where he was, finally in a sitting position. Pulling him up to his feet, Dani suddenly pulled him forward and came up with one of her massive thighs towards his chest, but twisting to the side as she went. There was so much force behind that move that he was thrown backward and onto the mat on his back as she landed turned completely away from him and looking at Kate. "Enjoy the show, baby." Kate could tell that Dani was getting really worked up punishing him. That was okay 'cause she was turned on as well. She stared through glazed eyes as Dani pulled her sweat soaked top over her head. "Dani, your breasts are perfect." "They're not as big as yours." "Maybe not, but they're just as perfect. What are you going to do next?" She grabbed Frank by the wrist and whipped him into the wall, his back slamming hard, and Dani had already taken two quick steps toward him, leaping and turning ever so slightly, her shoulder slamming into his chest just an instant after his back hit the wall. She was already walking back towards Kate as he sunk to the floor, not even bother to look back at him. She knew the damage she had done. Standing with her pumped arms hanging at her sides, she commanded, "Kate, take off my shorts." She was wearing a pink thong under the tight shorts that had the inscription "beast mode" across the tiny patch of fabric. "Appropriate, don't you think?" Looking back towards Frank, Dani called over her shoulder, "I wonder if it will be easier or harder to put him in some holds with him convulsing all over the place like he's doing now. Oh, yeah, sis. I expect you to be stripped down when I finish."" Dani pulled him up to his feet, but he couldn't really stand up, slouching forwards towards her. No problem. She put her hands under his shoulders and with stunning power, flung him up in an arc, his body flipping and landing on her broad shoulders in a classic backbreaker position. Pulling down on his chest and legs for just long enough to elicit a cry of pain, she knew he was conscious enough to appreciate what would happen next. Dani pressed him over her head easily several times before going down on one knee and draping him across her other, more forward leg. She pushed down on his chest and legs, another version of what happened when he was draped across her shoulders. As Frank writhed and twisted in pain, Dani turned her head towards Kate, and non-chalantly explained, "This is just the standard back breaker over the knee. But I'm so much stronger and more athletic than him, I'm about to make it worse." "Noooo. Pleeeeeeeeease." "You should have thought of that before you were so willing to cheat on Kate. What were you thinking? When I was so much faster than you on the track, or jumped high enough to put the football over the goalposts before throwing it so far, didn't you think that I might be alot stronger than average. Didn't Kate tell you that I was state champ in the pentathlon, that I almost doubled the score of the second place finisher at the state tournament? And she was no slouch, she was second best. Didn't she tell you that even though I just play other sports for fun, that I'm better at volleyball than my volleyball playing boyfriend, better at football than my guy football friends, etc? Plus, she didn't know this, but the guy you said would wrestle me and then fuck me, well, he's a wrestler, and, do I need to finish this sentence?" Turning back to Kate, she continued, "anyway, watch this." Dani reached over and tore his tidy whitey's off. "Oh, my, he's huge. Do you mind if I fuck him later?" "That's fine. The wedding's off anyway." "No, baby. I'm sorry." "Shut up." She pushed back down for a few seconds, then she slid her forearm of her right hand, which was pushing down on his legs, forward until it was her upper arm holding his legs in place. Then she reached down and grabbed each ankle, one at a time, and pulled them in and under so that now his legs were bent down and back, his knees touching the floor. She pushed his feet towards her planted foot, quickly lifted and then put her foot back down on his dual ankles, locking them and his legs in place. She let go with her arm and brought it back and then down again, except in between her magnificent torso and his body. Going down underneath, she suddenly pushed much harder on his upper torso with her left hand until she could cup his chin from underneath with her right. His arms were free and he was trying to pull at her right hand to try and break the hold, but was getting nowhere. Frank was completely locked up, bent backwards almost into a donut over her powerful shapely right leg. He was in agony. This was not the sweet friendly Dani that all her circle of friends encountered as she was overwhelming them in other sports, this was a pissed off young woman intent on getting back at her sister's cheatin' fianc'. Could she make it worse? Yes. Showing amazing balance, she put her now free left hand onto the floor behind her for support. Then she took her left leg, which she had been kneeling on the whole time and swung it out and over Frank's tortured body, coming to rest right above where the other leg was, underneath. She bent her knee and fumbled around until the top of her foot and her toes found the back of her calf of her other leg. Arching her back for extra torque, and extra effect, she looked at Kate upside down as she slowly clamped down on his poor body with legs capable of a 9.5 hundred and a four foot jump. In seconds he's was unconscious. Releasing her hold, she kicked him aside and got to her feet. Kate was so turned on watching this amazing display of female superiority, her half- sister no less, that she was swooning. She had dutifully stripped down to her tiny undies and was up on her knees as her awesome younger sister approached. They licked and sucked for a good half hour. At some point, Kate realized that Frank had revived some and was up on one elbow watching the girl love. "He's conscious, Dani," she managed between slurps. Dani got up and went over to Frank who fell to his back in fear, but Frank junior was still saluting Dani's awesomeness. Instead of mounting him, Dani dropped down on his face, facing his body and began grinding so hard that his whole body started flopping around as if he had been tasered. Then she grabbed him under the arms and stood up, with his face still buried in her crotch, his neck bent back. Watching from the edge of the mat, her hand in her own crotch, Kate barely whispered, "Oh Dani, you should see your ass now as it tenses and relaxes with each pulse. It's even more awesome than that Zsussi girl. Just then, Dani's whole body started to tighten as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her body. Kate had a simultaneous meltdown watching this awesome athlete. Frank was out once again but still rock hard. Now was the time. If he was unconscious, he couldn't enjoy it. Dani was so lubricated at this point that she mounted him easily, as large as he was. But he started coming around sooner than expected. No big deal, just a slight change of plan for Dani. She entwined her powerful legs around his as she grabbed his wrists, slamming his arms down on either side of his head. "Frank, you'd think with legs as muscular as mine that flexibility might be an issue. But you're going to find out somewhere along the way that that's not true." She started to rise up and down on his shaft, slowly at first, but gradually getting faster, her strong arms also slowly, almost imperceptibly pushing his farther and farther out to the sides, as her grip on his wrists tightened. Soon enough, his arms felt like they were being ripped out of his shoulders even as he wondered if she might break his pelvis, so powerful were her thrusts. And then, she hit the moment, her pussy tightening around his member as she spread her legs to the sides and powered down. So powerful was her orgasm that as it spread to her whole body, Frank was being put in a world of pain more intense than he thought was possible. His wrists, his arms his shoulders, his knees, his ankles, his hips, entire torso and his cock were all subject to her overwhelming strength all at once. Ultimate pleasure for her, ultimate pain for him. As she came down from her high, she dis-entangled herself from his totally fucked up body came towards her sister on her hands and knees, like a big cat on the prowl. "Will he be okay?" "I hope not. No, actually he probably has some stretched out tendons and a lot of bruising, but he'll survive." "That was pretty brutal. Was that all because he was ready to cheat on me with you?" "Not all. When he was in the bathroom I looked at his phone. He had sent nude photos of you to some friends, as well as some pics he managed to take in the kitchen of my legs and butt." She picked up Frank's phone and tossed it to Kate. As she looked at the photos, wondering when he managed to take them, she got tears in her eyes. Then, all of a sudden, "Dani, I've got an idea. Can you get him in one of those holds again?" "Sure. I think I know where you're going with this. Let me put my panties and tank-top back on." She ran upstairs for a second and came back down with a pair of sunglasses on. Kate got the camera on the phone ready as Dani got him into a variation of that first punishing hold except she was had the one leg which had been pulled across before, now straight up and tucked under the same powerful arm that was across his chest while bending him backwards. His other leg was still being crushed by both of hers like earlier. To make things even more humiliating, she was resting on her other elbow as if she wasn't even trying. Plus, his dick, still fully hard, was basically pointing at the camera. In the next pic, he was again on her shoulders, facing the ceiling, boner pointing there as well. One more, her sitting on his face, his arms under the folds of her knees, his weak legs spread out in a split by her much stronger arms. "I got another idea, Kate. Get his shorts on. Do you have a friend who could help out with some camera work?" "Yeah, I'll call my friend, Molly." A little while later they were at the track. Dani talked while Molly ran the phone camera. She still had sunglasses on, trying to maintain a modicum of anonymity. "Hi there friends of Frank. Kate and I discovered his message to you about that hot Swedish fitness girl doing sprints. You know, the one that's on you tube. So we thought we'd make our own video for you." She had a tight summer dress on, and instead of taking it off down like Zsussi, she pulled it over her head, just as sexy, though. "As you can see, I have a little less boob than that girl, but more muscle in my arms and shoulders and my legs also. Kate says my ass is just as hot, especially with booty running shorts on. What do you think?" She turned around and indeed, as was already known, her ass was just as awesome, and it moved in that same incredible way as Zsussi while she walked to the starting line. As fast as that Zsussi girl was, Dani was faster, faster out of the blocks and faster into full stride. Molly did a good job of following Dani with the camera as she sped off. When she approached the curve in the track, Kate's phone camera took over, Dani first coming at her with blazing speed and then blowing by. As Kate panned the camera along, following Dani, there was Frank, barely managing to stay standing, in the middle of the lane in his tidy whiteys. Dani plowed into him at full stride, knocking him back a good seven or eight feet as she blew past him, barely a hitch in her stride. Frank lay there in a heap as Dani finished her run and came back to him, straddling his crumpled body and staring at the camera. "What did you think of that, guys? Not only am as almost as hot as that woman, but I'm faster and I'm incredibly powerful. By the way, Frank is not all that strong and Kate said he's probably the fittest of your group. I'm pretty sure that that beautiful Swedish fitness chick could have run him over too. Maybe not quite as thoroughly as me, but I'm pretty sure she could kick his ass pretty easily. I think it's great that beautiful, extremely desirable women are becoming so superior to average men, and you are all so average." "We also have some pictures of me twisting Frank into a pretzel, even as his dick betrays how much I turn him on. He was such an asshole, sending to you all those pictures of his fianc' nude. Yes, we know about that as well. This video is going up on You Tube by the way." She put a foot on the side of his face as she continued to look at the camera. "Oh, one other thing. As unfortunate as it was that you got to see Kate without her clothes, you must admit that she's very buff. And she's stronger than the average girl. She's done it all in only two years. I know she hasn't gotten to my level yet, but I have a lifetime of athletics. The reason she's been able to achieve so much so quickly is called genetics. And we've decided that she's gonna stay here and train with me for a while. Yeah, I fucked Frank up pretty good, but I'm sure Kate has a lot of pent up anger at him. So she's gonna train with me and get really fuckin' strong, and when she's ready, she's gonna get her revenge on Frank, and then she'll come after you guys, one at a time. Bye, bye."