Beth's Training by Musclehead "We're going to work on explosive moves, Beth." "Whatever you say, you're the boss. But don't a lot of the moves we do already involve that?" "Yeah, but we're gonna make it even more so. Watch." She went over to the high bar. "Now I know that this particular move isn't necessarily going to apply to anything you do when you're wrestling. But it's the explosiveness that is important." Miranda had a long ways to go to reach that bar, but she just bent her knees and, ... .first explosion, easily jumping three and a half feet and grasping the bar. And then she did a muscle up with such force that at the top she let go and continued upwards until those tiny hands were a foot or so above the bar before grasping it on the descent. She got down and turned to Beth. "Your turn." "I can't do that." "Yes you can. Remember just a week or two ago you wouldn't have thought that you could do seventy pounds on the snatch/lunge. You've already proven that you are physically capable beyond what most people could even imagine. You can do anything you put your mind to." So, after Miranda's little pep talk, Beth went over to the bar and on her first try did it, not as amazingly as Miranda, but after some practice she was getting close. The whole workout went that way, Beth already showing formidable power. By the end of the second week, Miranda was astounded at Beth's progress. At the beginning of the third week, Miranda suggested working on some wrestling moves. "No, I would rather win by just improvising and overpowering him." "Todd knows how to wrestle." "Well then it'll be that much sweeter when I beat him in spite of his skills." "I like your attitude girlfriend." "Besides, I seem to be able to improvise pretty well. Now I know that Bill doesn't compare to Todd, but the first time we went at it, I made a move where I pulled him forward and as we went down and rolled, within seconds I had him completely immobile." She went on to explain what she remembered of her quadruple hold. "That sounds pretty amazing, Beth. I'll bet even Todd couldn't get out of that. I wonder if even I could." "Miranda, except for possibly your mother and father, you're the strongest person I've ever seen. You could probably get out of anything." "I'm sure you could just break out of it with your enormous strength. The only people I know of who are stronger than you are your parents." "Not to brag, but I think if I was the same size as either one of them, I'd be stronger. But it's thanks to them. Good genetics, great actually. Plus they've been having me eat right since I was an infant, and exercising in one form or another almost since I could walk." She stopped for a second as she pondered, ... "Could you imagine a two-hundred and twenty pound me?" "Your power is already frightening. I can't imagine how strong you'd be if you were that big." "I don't think you're all that far behind. I think Todd is in for it. Do you want to try yourself out on someone a little smaller, but still really strong? Say Jeff?" "Sure. How big is he? "He's the same height as Todd, about five-eight. He's about as strong as Todd, pound-for pound, but he's about ten pounds less, at one-seventy." "That's about how much Bill weighs." "Trust me, he's way beyond Bill. He should give you some competition." "But how can we do that? I mean, you're my coach and all, and I want you to see me wrestling him, but I lose control quickly and I don't think a fifteen year old should be around when I get all worked up." "I'll leave at the appropriate time." She smiled at Beth. "I'll make the arrangements for the match." Beth wanted Jeff to think that she was there to see how she would do against a male in a serious wrestling match but she also wanted him to be well aware of how hot she was. So she wore some very low riding white yoga pants and one of those t-back workout shirts, pink to emphasize her femininity. It was tight enough to hold her breasts in place since she had decided not to wear a bra. About eight inches of her torso was showing, but oh what an eight inches it was. The v of her lower abs was perfect in detail, as were the rest of her hard ridges of muscle. She had that arch in her back that screamed power. Her bare shoulders and arms were every bit the equal of his even though he was fifteen pounds heavier. Those fifteen pounds were in his three inch height advantage, not in any difference in the size of the muscles. And even though her legs and ass were covered, the tightness of the yoga ants made it clearly that those bodyparts were just as impressive as the others. Jeff was a good looking guy with a finely muscled body. Indeed, this looked like it was going to be a very close match, with the edge going to him due to his size advantage. And, as Miranda had said, he would give her much better competition than Bill could ever hope to, at times early on seeming to have an advantage. That is until Beth was able to get ahold of his upper legs as he seemed to be pushing her down from above. Suddenly, she lifted him, and using some of that explosive power that she had been working on with Miranda, pivoted and jumped, then slammed him onto the ground on his back with her shoulder right in the middle of his torso. The move so stunned him that he didn't respond for close to two seconds. That was all the time she needed. Letting go of his left leg, she lifted his right one and pushed it up, putting the top of her thigh on his hamstring. Then she swiveled around that leg, entwining hers around it in a sort of single leg, up in the air grapevine, but continuing to turn until she was again facing the same direction. Jeff screamed in pain as his leg was being mangled. But she ignored his cries as she reached forward, grabbing both arms and twisting them behind his back, securing them with her left knee. Then she reached forward with both hands, cupping his chin and pulling back hard. Miranda watched with delight. Beth may not be quite as strong as her, but she had an amazing knack for improvising devastating wrestling maneuvers. To make matters worse, Beth rolled to her left and let go of Jeff's chin with her right hand. Reaching back, she grabbed the ankle of his left leg and pulled up. She was proving that her arm was stronger than his leg. Pressuring this amazing hold had him in such pain that he screamed his submission. Beth let him go immediately and bound to her feet as he lay there in a crumpled heap. It was obvious that she was already turned on from what she had done to this strong guy. Her nipples were erect, and her crotch was damp. Her breathing was shallow, not due to exertion, but rather from arousal. She wanted to flip this guy over and shove her pussy in his face, but she also wanted to give her young trainer some more entertainment. She sauntered over to where Miranda was sitting. "That was amazing, Beth. I think you've been holding back." "I have. Your Mom sort of broke the rules and let me come in here by myself to work out even more than just the training I've been doing with you. Remember what I've been doing in to barbell snatch?" "Two-hundred. Really good." "Two-thirty." "Wow. That's only fifteen short of what I can do." "This guy is a chump compared to me. I could feel the first time we locked up that I was way stronger than him, but I held back, waiting for the right moment." "Fuck you, bitch." Jeff was sitting up now, rubbing his sore leg. It hurt, but there was no real damage. But it seems that being smart wasn't one of his strong suits. "Ready for round two, little man?" Beth was really feeling her oats. He got to his feet and ran at her, almost jumping as he wrapped his arms around her head. Timing it perfectly, Beth arched her back and fell backwards. Using his momentum she wrapped her arms around his chest as she went into a wrestler's bridge, but since he was high up on her, it wasn't the top of her head that wound up on the mat, it was his face. He was once again stunned and before he could respond, she pushed off with her powerful legs, flinging both hers and his skyward and wrapping him up in another grapevine, this time with both legs, while they were in that momentary position and the bodyweight of both of them was on his face. As their lower bodies started to descend to the floor, she torqued to the side so when they landed, he was on his back and she was on top of him, his legs once again being twisted by her clearly more powerful ones. She still had him in a bear-hug, but his arms were free and he started wildly punching at anything he could find. Beth was not worried that his blows would do any harm to her hard body, but she was concerned that he might land a lucky one to the side of her head or something, so she poured on the pressure, stretching his legs out to the sides. Soon enough his arms slowed and eventually the swinging subsided, but she felt him ejaculate just as his thrashing ended. Quickly letting go, she got to her feet, grabbed an arm just below the arm pit and one of his ankles. Anyone who has ever tried to lift an out-of-it human knows that it's a lot tougher than lifting weights, but Beth was so out of control, so turned on at this point that she felt like she could do anything. Indeed, she threw Jeff's body up into the air to arm's length above her head like it was nothing. Turning to Miranda, barely able to talk, she managed, "Maybe you'd better go now." She lowered him to her shoulders, then blasted him up once again, letting go at the top and throwing him behind and away from her. As he crashed to the mat, Miranda came over and gave her a big hug. "You were awesome. I think you'll destroy Todd as well. She turned and left and was barely out the door before Beth had her clothes off and was tearing his away. She got him in the same position she had Bill in that second time, with her on her knees, his body arched back with his face buried in her beautiful shaved pussy. She was so sure that he would be worshipping her as well before this was done that she wanted to be able to watch as his dick paid hands off homage to her, his hands on her awesome thighs for better tongue penetration. And to think that at the age of twenty-nine, she was really coming into her own, based on a few words of encouragement from a fifteen year old phenomenon named Miranda.