A Real Athlete by Musclehead Paul parked his car out at the street, threw the keys on the floor and, grabbing his towel, headed towards the back gate. Looking around, he noticed that Dave's car was nowhere to be seen. Wondering where Dave was for a second, he shrugged his shoulders and continued on his way towards the pool, knowing that he could still take a swim to cool off on this hot summer day, Dave and his family wouldn't mind. "Man, no one's here," he said out loud to nobody. "I am." A girl's voice. Paul looked around, but saw no one. "I'm up here, in the tree." Paul looked up and high in the big oak on the side lawn he saw a female figure wearing cutoffs and a long-sleeved T-shirt. He couldn't tell for sure, being that she was pretty high up and that there were branches in the way, but she looked to have a great body. "I'll be right down." The female figure climbed down quickly and with a lot of confidence, never seeming to have to stop to contemplate the next move. At the bottom-most branch she dropped ten feet to the ground, causing Paul to wonder how she got up to that lowest branch in the first place. "Hi, I'm Trish. You must be Paul." She reached out her hand to shake. "Yes, I must be. No one else would take the job," he said with self-deprecating humor. "Wow, strong grip. Is that from climbing trees?" "Among other things. Hey, you're pretty cute." Paul blushed and looked at the ground. "Thanks, you're pretty hot yourself, he returned the compliment, looking up into her pretty face. That's when he noticed that they were looking at each other almost eye to eye. "You're pretty tall for a girl. I mean, ... you're the almost same height as my five eight. That's a little tall for a girl, isn't it?" "Yeah, I guess. 5'6". I know it's tall for a gymnast." "Wow, you're a gymnast?" "Was. When I shot up in height, I stopped competing, even though I could do all the moves, they just weren't as perfectly graceful as when I was smaller." "Well, I give you a ten in the looks department." "Thanks. That's nice." "By the way, who are you? And where is everybody? Where's Dave? And Sarah." "Sarah twisted her arm doing some tumbling and Dave took her to the hospital. It's not real serious, so they told me to stay behind to greet you. Their Mom and Dad went to their mountain cabin for the weekend. I'm her friend from college." "I'm Paul, Dave's friend from school too." "Yeah, we already established that. So you're a sophomore? Like Dave?" "Yeah, and you're a freshman like Sarah I suppose?" "Yeah. Well, enough inane chit chat. I guess you're here to swim. Help yourself." "It would be impolite of me not to ask you to join me, Trish." "Thanks, in a little bit I will, but I want to get more of a sweat worked up first." Paul could already tell that Trish had a great body. She had very full legs, clearly powerful enough looking. Her cutoffs were cut high enough to see round hard cheeks peeking out from the bottom. Up top, he couldn't tell. She seemed to have nice tits, but everything else was still only imagined. That is until Trish started to take her shorts and shirt off. Very tiny swimsuit bottoms, not a thong or anything, but her butt was so muscular that when she moved, even a little, her full cheeks threatened to swallow that bit of cloth. Would it get swallowed, or wouldn't it? That question only added to the allure. As Paul gawked at that perfect ass, Trish took off her top and turned around. Her back had an arch that only people with really powerful cores have. Nice firm tits sat atop of clearly well trained pecs. Round, capped shoulders, and thick. veiny arms completed the picture. She didn't look like a bodybuilder or fitness model. She looked like what she was, a gymnast, a big gymnast. And if you know anything about gymnastics, gymnasts, male or female are about as powerful, pound for pound as just about any other type of athlete. So, Trish looked like a big powerful gymnast, and a very hot one at that, all those muscles and curves combining perfectly into one mouth-watering package. She looked over at Paul, then smiled to herself and started stretching. Paul stood there, gawking at this girl in front of him. His mind raced. "Was this too good to be true? She's so hot. She looks pretty strong. For a girl. Will I get lucky? Hey, I'm staring." Paul snapped out of it just as Trudy was getting ready to speak. "Oh." "Oh. You first, Trish." "I was just gonna say, I won't bite." "I'm sorry. You look really great. Sorry for staring." "That's OK." I'm gonna do some tumbling over here on the side lawn. You going' in?" "Yeah." Paul pulled his shorts down. He had his suit on underneath. Trish kept an eye on him while she continued stretching. She stood, with her arms clasped behind her, stretching her shoulders and triceps as Paul took off his shirt. "Hey Paul, you're a little skinny. I thought Sarah said you were an athlete." Feeling suddenly a little defensive, Paul awkwardly crossed his arms over his chest. "I am an athlete, a runner. Cross-country, and I'm not skinny, I'm lean. I have a very low bodyfat level." "So do I. Anyway, aren't runners allowed to have some muscle?" "Are you picking on me?" "Sorry. I'm just kidding. I just think that some added muscle can improve any athlete in any sport. What's your fastest time?" "I did a few seconds over eighteen minutes for the three and a half miles this season. I was better than the seniors, the best on my team." He paused, looking at her pretty face for a reaction. "What are you grinning at?" "Oh, nothing." "No, come on, first you pick on me and now you tease me." He looked with awe at her body again, only then realizing that he had a raging hardon. "Maybe that's why she's grinning," he thought. "No, I'm not trying to tease. Well, ... . it's just that, ... ... . with some quick calculation, that's about how fast I run when I'm out jogging. I'm sure I could do better if I pushed myself." "What? That's hard to believe. Are you just picking on me some more? That's hard to believe. I'm a runner. A good one, and you're saying that your aerobics workout is better than me in competition." "Well, we'll have to run sometime, just to see who's faster ... ... Jeeze, I can see your ribs." "I can see yours, too." "Those aren't ribs, they're obliques. If you punched them you would hear a thud. If I hit yours, we'd hear a crack." Paul did a double take, and Trish giggled. "Oh, don't worry Paul, now I am just teasing." With that, she ran off towards the lawn, Paul once again staring at that amazing ass, churning away as she ran. Paul went to the side of the pool and dove in. A few minutes later he was on the diving board. He looked over in her direction, marveling as she did a double black flip with a twist at the end of a tumbling run. "Man," he thought to himself. "She's probably a great fuck." Somehow his mind could come to grips with the link between amazing athletic ability and great sex, but he didn't connect with the idea of how much power it takes to do that stuff. As she finished her tumbling run, she came over to the pool as wet from sweat as Paul was from the water. She looked amazingly hot. He could see her abs tighten then relax with each breath. "She'll be able to take it when I pound away at her later," he thought to himself. In the meantime, Trish was thinking to herself, "He so slightly built. I don't think he'll be able to take my over the top brand of very physical sex." Paul thought he'd show off a little. He took three preparatory steps then bounced off the end of the board and did a nice pike back dive into the water. When he re-surfaced, Trudy came over to the side of the pool. "That was pretty good. I never thought a skinny runner could do a dive that well ... ... ..Hey, you want to have a little contest?" "What do you have in mind?' "Copycat diving. I'll do a dive, then you try to copy it." "I'm sure I won't be able to what you can. I know that a lot of gymnasts do diving also." "Well, you go first then. Okay?" She reached down and offered him a hand as he started to climb up the ladder. Suddenly he was flying up to the pool deck. He pretended not to notice, but in the back of his mind he understood that she must be pretty strong to do that. He wondered if he could pull her out of the water like that. Paul went over to the diving board, pondering what he might do. After a moment of reflection, he took his steps and bouncing off the board, he did a one and a half back flip, diving in with good form. "Very nice, Paul. My turn." Trish got on the board and easily copied Paul's dive, with one difference. When she exploded off the board, she went almost twice as high into the air as Paul had. He couldn't help but notice. "Wow! How do you get so high off the board?" "I'm really powerful." "For a girl." "I can't believe he just said that. Can't he see how much better built I am than him. Can't he see that he has no muscle and I have alot." While she pondered these thoughts, Paul continued. "I guess it proves that girls can get strong." Trish was starting to get annoyed. She thought he was kinda cute, and that she might want to take things into a sexual realm, but she was starting to think he needed to be taught some facts about what she was capable of. "Do you mean that they can get strong compared to other girls, but not necessarily compared to guys?" "Yeah. I mean, guys are naturally stronger." "Didn't you take anatomy courses in school? Don't you know that a muscle is a muscle?" "Well, I didn't think that they were comparing guy muscles with girl muscles." "Why can't you accept the idea that I might be stronger than you? Can you accept that, pound for pound, gymnasts are strong, really strong? Ya know, a lot of those small gymnast girls that you see out there are as strong as a grown man." "Yeah," quipped Paul. "Any average man, not an athlete." "Okay, Buddy," a clear annoyance in her voice that eluded Paul. "Will you admit that gymnasts, girl gymnasts are pound for pound, amongst the strongest?" Paul had not noticed the edge in her voice. "Yeah, okay, yeah, I guess so." "How much do you weigh, Paul?" "About a hundred sixty," he answered, not sounding defensive, but his body language giving him away. Trish smiled, knowing she was inside his head finally. Now it was time to do some teaching. "What about you, Trudy?" "I weighed a hundred and fifty-five this morning. Do, you think your five pound advantage will translate into being stronger, considering that you're a runner and I was a gymnast?" Before he could answer, Trish changed the subject. "You got another dive?" "Sure." Paul decided that he had to do something to prove that he was stronger. He decided to do a simple swan dive, just concentrating on a high bounce off the board. He did his dive, certainly getting much higher than his previous one. "Did you do that easy dive so that you could concentrate on the bounce?" He nodded yes. "Too bad it didn't work very well," she mocked. Trish got on the board and this time went almost three times as high as Paul had. And there was so much power in that bounce that by the time she was over to the side of the pool, the board was still vibrating slightly. To show off some more, Trish put her hands flat on the deck and launched herself out of the pool into a standing position. Paul noticed that Trudy's nipples were stiffening. "She must be getting turned on being with me," he deluded himself. In the meantime, Trish was feeling the same thing that she had felt so many times with so many other guys. "This guy is no challenge whatsoever," she thought to herself. "And his ignorance is stunning. Time to turn up the heat, and I might as well get myself off while I'm at it." "You want to try something else?" "What did you have in mind, Trish?" "You're the man, so, according to your thinking, you should be stronger. Why don't we armwrestle." "Sure." Paul looked at her arms, which were not only harder and more defined than his, they seemed bigger. But she was just a girl. He sat down at a table and put up his right arm. "You should win, Paul. I assume you put out your stronger arm." He nodded in the affirmative. "Plus, you're the guy, right?" They started off. After about thirty seconds, they were getting nowhere. Another minute or so and Paul's arm was starting to shake, but the match was still even. Finally, Trish spoke. "Why don't we call it a draw and try the other arms?" As Paul shook out his sore arm, Trudy decided to rub it in a little. "Paul, that was your strong arm against my weak one. You should have won." "Well, I've never armwrestled before. Since you suggested it, I assume you have. I've heard that it's all technique." "Good excuse, Paul, but I really haven't done any either. I prefer other forms of competition. Let's do our other arms, you know, you're weak one against my strong one." "Okay." Paul clearly was apprehensive, but couldn't back down. They began and things went the same way for a while. Finally, Trish looked up and directly into his eyes. "Paul, like I said, this is my strong arm against your weaker one. I'm just toying with you right now." "Prove it," Paul said in an annoyed voice, expecting her to put him down and end this embarrassment. He wanted to fuck her, not armwrestle with her. "I'm trying my hardest and I can't budge you. You say you're toying with me, so just put me down then." "My my, you seem to be getting an attitude. No, I want to tease some more. Why don't you try adding your strong arm, you know, use both arms." That got Paul absolutely nowhere also. "Paul. Stand up and put all your weight behind it." Turning red, from embarrassment and exertion Paul found that his entire bodyweight didn't help either. He was standing, with both arms off the table, leaning into her, with no tangible results. "I guess this is a draw also, she giggled. "Wanna try another competition? How about some Indian leg wrestling?" "Why don't we just wrestle? That's what we both really want to do," quipped Paul, thinking that this was a guy's realm. Plus, he'd get to put his hands all over that luscious body. "So, you think I want to wrestle you, Paul?" He nodded, somewhat sheepishly, hoping he hadn't stepped over the line and turned her off. "Paul, I'd like to wrestle you, but when I do something like that, it usually gets me pretty aroused and will probably result in us having sex. I'm a very sexual person by nature. I don't know if you'd want that, ya know, since we just met." She knew that he wanted to have sex with her very badly. She really hadn't met very many guys that didn't. "I'll take my chances. I think you're really hot and fucking you is all I can think about right now." "Oh, you're so smooth. Should we do it on the lawn?" "They have some mats in the pool shed. Let's get them out. Burns from rolling around in the grass can be painful." Trish took it to him right away. Going in low, she wrapped her arms around his legs as he tried to tie her up from above. Instantly, Trish lifted Paul off the ground and twisted, throwing him a good ways, off the mat and onto the grass. Then she stood with her hands on her hips, waiting for him to recover. In a few seconds, he was up and running at her full speed trying to tackle her to the ground. It was like running into a wall. She reached down and grabbed him around the waist, flipping him up onto her shoulder in one smooth, powerful motion with his back arched the wrong way. She rearranged her hands, stooped down on one knee, dropping his back painfully down onto her thigh, then pushing on his chest and lower torso until he screamed. She pushed him off onto the ground. It took Paul almost a minute to gather himself. He sat, trying to get the cobwebs out. "Okay, you win. I guess you're probably stronger than me." "Too late, Paul. You got me going, so I have to finish what you started. And I'm not probably stronger than you, I'm so much fucking stronger than you that you'll be lucky not to get badly hurt before we're done." "No, Trish, you've proven your point." He looked up. Trying to focus on where she was. Turning his head, he was both surprised and frightened, and very aroused. Trish had stripped off her bathing suit and was standing there completely naked. If her body looked good before, it was stunning now. Her breasts were as full and round, and firm as everything else on her. She was turned sideways towards him, and her magnificent tits stood straight out, almost pointing upwards, on top of deep thick pecs. Her torso swelled out then back in towards her crotch. Even from the side you could see the ridges of her abs. Her ass stuck out, full and round and muscular. Her thighs curved out in both the front and the back with big strong calves completing the picture. And we haven't even described her arms, which were just as overwhelming as the rest of her. When she turned toward him, he saw that she was clean shaven, her detailed devil's horns seeming to point towards that beautiful pussy. Paul was instantly hard, in spite of the new realization, not to be denied, that she was his superior in every way. As she slowly walked towards him, he recoiled in fright. Trish put out a foot and instantly pinned him back down to the ground with her foot on his chest. She reached down and tore off his shorts. He lay there, as naked as a jaybird, as she stood over him, his erection saluting her even as the rest of his body shook with fear. Backing up a little till she was six or seven feet away, Trish pounced, leaping high and far. Paul fell from his knees onto his back and put his legs up, hoping to deflect her. But with amazing quickness, she grabbed his feet in mid flight, and using brutish arm strength, pushed and spread his legs out to the sides, as she landed hard, with her powerful torso pounding him into the ground. That certainly dispelled any idea that Paul might have better reaction time and speed or any other kind of advantage at all. Coming down from that height could have been just as painful for her as it was for him, but her core was so well trained that she didn't even feel it. Trish had learned from past experience that when a guy has the wind knocked out of him, as Paul now had, their mouths involuntarily contort into all sorts of shapes, with accompanying gasps and tongue spasms that prove extremely stimulating to the female genitals. She leaped forward from her knees, no small feat, and planted her pussy on his face. In less than ten seconds, Trudy erupted in an overflow orgasm that coated Paul's face with girl goo. She got off him quickly. She didn't want him dead. No, she was so aroused now that she wanted more. Unfortunately for Paul, Trish was just getting started. Backing up and sticking one finger in her pussy and the other running up and down her hard, rippling stomach, she stood and watched Paul's already beaten body convulse and twitch as he tried to catch his breath, bringing herself off as she waited. He was embarrassed, humiliated and enraged. He was kinda roughed up, but not hurt. Rage won out over fear. Yelling like he was some kind of wild savage, Paul ran at Trish and knocked her to the ground, a little more successfully this time. She landed on her back with Paul straddling her waist. He grabbed her arms to push them to the ground. When he got them almost three quarters of the way down towards the sides of her head, the movement suddenly stopped. "Having some trouble, Pauly?" She smiled up at him. Then she pushed back, seemingly with little effort, until their arms were back to where they started. His arms fully extended, Paul felt an unstoppable force slowly pushing his hands inward towards each other. As soon as they touched, she grabbed ahold of both of his with her right hand, "My weak arm," she mocked, and held them in place. She waved with her free hand, reached down, grabbed him by the leg, and, bam, she flipped them over with such power that they were both momentarily airborne in mid flip. She spun around so she was facing his feet and again planted her highly charged pussy on his poor face. His arms were quickly trapped under the bend of her legs, which were splayed out to the side, and she began to hump him with a ferocity that would astonish any observer. As she pleasured herself at his expense, she ran hands up and down her entire body, knowing that her hard abs, her capped shoulders, her vein covered biceps, were as arousing to her, and everyone else, as a great set of tits might be. After a few minutes of furious face fucking, she lifted off to allow him some breath. Looking down past her fine, perfect body at his pathetic, scrawny one, she once again felt a bit of indignation that this pathetic creature would doubt her superiority. He should have known instantly when she stripped down to her bikini earlier that he was no match for her. Still annoyed, she spoke, no whispered to Paul, "Do you admit that I am stronger than you? Let me rephrase that. Can you acknowledge that I am overwhelmingly superior to you, that the difference in our strength and all other physical attributes is so great as to be way beyond comparison?" Paul nodded his head. "Do you think you've been humiliated enough?" she asked. He shook his head vigorously. "Well, I don't think so." Surprising Paul, Trish let his arms loose. "Paul, your arms and legs are free. I'm going to use your face and tongue some more and I'm not going to stop to give you any breaths. You're such a big man, use your arms and legs to free yourself." She started up again, powerful thrusts of her luscious hips and ass. Paul thrashed and grabbed and kicked to absolutely no avail. He was so ineffectual, it was as if he wasn't even there, except that his futile attempts to meet her challenge only served to heighten her arousal. Finally, she started to find his ever weakening thrashing to be a little annoying, so she wrapped up all his limbs around his torso, wrapped her arms around him and gave him a total body bearhug as she came yet again. Letting him go, he flopped back down on his back. Trish quickly re-secured his arms under her legs. Reaching down as far as she could, she grabbed Paul's lower legs, bending them down and back as he screamed loudly. Quick as could be, she loosened her hold on his arms, tucked his feet in along with the arms and re-tightened. He was basically hog-tied. "There, how's that? Your entire body is completely under my control, and I still have both my arms free. Your dick is sticking up in the air, looking like it's ready to explode, and your face is buried in my sweet pussy." She looked down at his face. "Oops, it's not buried yet." With that, she dropped down hard on his face and rode him some more, letting him up for breath when she thought he needed it. After several intense orgasms, Trish opened her eyes and as she stroked her magnificent breasts, pinching her nipples, looking up at the sky, she slowly brought her gaze down towards Paul's hog-tied body, only to see the last of his twitching cock sending a stream of semen two feet into the air. He was covered in the stuff, causing Trish to laugh out loud. "Oh, Paul, you've been a bad boy. And I didn't even touch you. Boy, I must really turn you on. But, nobody told that you were allowed cum. You need to be punished for that." She got off him and went over to get a towel, throwing at him. "Clean yourself up. I don't want any of that stuff on me when we start round three." "No, please, no more. Why are you doing this to me?" "Because I can." She laughed. "No, really, it's because you were so clueless as to the vast differences between us. I'm the real athlete here. You are nothing compared to me. I am even better than you at your own sport. I didn't want you making some excuse that I just barely beat you. So I have had to demonstrate to you in no uncertain terms just how far beyond you I am, in every way possible and then use you in any way I choose. Really now, I think I could take two or three of you without much effort." As soon as he was done cleaning himself off, Trish grabbed him and threw him to the ground again, slamming herself down on top of him. She spent the next few minutes twisting him into unbelievable human pretzels, before eventually making her way towards straddling his head again. But instead of settling down on his face, she grabbed him under the backs of his arms, up near his shoulders, then stood. She pulled him up high so that inevitably his face was plastered against her womanhood. She then proceeded to walk across the yard to where a bench was up against a wall, dragging him along on his butt. She positioned the back of Paul's head and his neck so they were up against the front edge of the cushion and Trish proceeded to grind herself against him, leaning and putting her hands high up on the wall for more leverage. The tops of her thighs were pressing against his arms, so once again he could only move his legs. Her rock hard lower abs were pushing against his nose and the rest of his face. She was so strong that she was really putting tremendous pressure against his head and neck. When the thrashing of his legs started to distract her, Trish twisted so she could reach and grab an ankle, lifting his lower body up, but with one leg up and one leg down, another painful pretzel like position. Paul started screaming right into her pussy. "Oh my God," cried Trish as she went to yet a new sexual high, thanks to his cries of pain. Time for a new position. Stepping back, Trish grabbed Paul under one of his armpits with one hand and just sort of held him to the side while she sat down on the bench. She pulled him back into her sweet womanhood face first once again. This is what she liked, so this is what she would do. He couldn't stop her. He couldn't even slow her down. Paul's legs dragged out behind him so they were straight and he was half lying on the tops of his thighs. His torso was arched up and, as mentioned his face was where Trish wanted it. She wrapped her legs around his chest and crossed the behind his back, not to squeeze him. Lord knows she'd kill him if she did that. No, it was just to hold him in place. Leaning forward as far as she could, torqueing his neck back severely, she grabbed both his ankles this time, pulling up and arching his back painfully. Leaning far back and using poor Paul's backwards bending legs for leverage, and as Trish had another stupendous orgasm, a thought entered her sexual fog, causing her to laugh out loud, that Paul's Cross Country team must have at least done flexibility exercises, even if they didn't hit the weights. Suddenly, Paul's thrashing stopped and his body went limp. Trish ground herself against him a little more then let go and watched as he plopped to the ground. He was breathing deeply, completely out of it, and covered in cum again. "I guess I'm just too hot." His face was all red and he was covered in sweat except his face and hair which glistened with something a little more viscous. He was alright, though a little banged up. And his back would probably be sore tomorrow. A little while later, the gate to the pool opened, and in came Sarah and Dave, Sarah with her arm in a sling. They both stopped in their tracks. Paul was lying face down and crossways at the end of the diving board and Trish was in the pool, swimming laps. Dave was a swimmer, a good one and he couldn't help but be taken aback that she swam her laps faster than he ever could. He loved her muscles and, unlike Paul, readily admitted to himself, and to her, that she was physically way beyond him. He had an instant boner, just watching her power through the water. When she climbed out of the pool, she had put on a tank top, very tight, tied under her glorious breasts. Both Dave and Sarah gasped at the physical beauty of this magnificent woman. Sarah had seen her friend's body many times, and even though she was no slouch when it came to muscles, being a gymnast herself, she still never failed to be aroused by the site of Trish's awesome physique. And she didn't even consider herself to be gay or anything. No other girl caused the same reaction in her loins that Trish did. Dave was hard as a rock, almost to the point of neither noticing nor caring about his friend lying on the diving board. Finally he gathered himself. "What's wrong with Paul?" "Oh, he's just resting. We've been practicing this tandem dive, you know, both of us doing a trick dive at the same time." "Can we see it, girlfriend?" "Sure." Trish sauntered over to the board, reaching out and rubbing the top of Paul's head. 'Paul. Wake up, Pauly." Finally he stirred. "Sarah and Dave are back." As he regained his senses, Paul thought to himself that his torture would finally be over now that there were other people around. "Paul, they want us to demonstrate our tandem dive. You remember, the one we've been practicing." "No, please, no more. I can't take it." Trish looked over towards her friends. "He's really tired from all the practicing. But I don't know why, after all, I've been doing all the work." As Paul pleaded some more, Trish shushed him. "We can't disappoint our hosts." He flopped down again, totally dejected, as Trish got on the board and readied herself. Dave and Sarah were trying to figure out how this was going to work considering that Paul continued to lie there like he was when they first got back. Moving to the middle of the board, Trish started to bounce up and down in place. Soon, Paul's body was starting to bounce up and down off the end of the board, landing on his stomach each time, but somewhat out of sync with Trish's bounces. They each got higher and higher off the board. Eventually, when they both were high off the board and finally in sync, Trish suddenly dove forward, like a flying tackle in a football game, slamming into Paul and catching him in mid air. They both sailed out far from the board and as Trish gracefully dove in with Paul's body in her arms, perpendicular to her chest, his landing in the pool was far less graceful than hers, and very painful. It was like a reverse belly flop, onto his back, with her dense, powerful body slamming him so forcefully, he might as well have landed on the hard ground. "My God," exclaimed Sarah. "I don't think anyone else could do that." She looked over at her brother, who was in the midst of cuming in his pants, shaking and grabbing ahold of a chair as his knees buckled. "Oh, Dave, isn't she just about the most amazing and hot girl in the world?" "Oh, yeah. I want her so bad," he said as he looked over at his sister, all flush from arousal as well as embarrassment from losing it like that. They looked back over to the pool. Trish had come over to the side, and once again launched herself from the water, to a standing position on the deck, her amazing muscular triceps exploding with power as she rocketed herself out. Dave was having a really hard time tearing his eyes away from this muscle goddess, but out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Paul floating face down in the water. He quickly dove in, with all his clothes on to help his friend, but his wet jeans were weighing him down and he was able to turn Paul over so he could breathe, but he lacked the strength to pull him to the side or to the steps. Trish had wandered over to Sarah who was at once rattling on and on like a tweeney about how awesome Trish was while at the same time swooning, she was so overcome and turned on. Their attention to each other was distracted by calls from the pool. "Pathetic,huh?" Trish dove back in and pulled both guys over to the steps, leaving them at the bottom to crawl they're own way out. She looked back with amusement, then went back to Sarah. "What happened with Paul?" "Ya know, I think he's kinda cute, and he seems nice enough. He might have gotten lucky, but he had to be shown, beyond the shadow of a doubt, who was the real athlete here, who was quicker and more coordinated, more flexible and way stronger. Actually, thinking about it, he was as flexible as I am, and good thing, too. The girls looked over at Paul, who was on his hands and knees, up on the pool-deck, trying to decide whether he wanted to try to stand up. They both giggled once more at his expense. "Tell me more." "He told me I looked strong for a girl." They stifled a laugh so Trish could continue. "He should have known with just once glance at me in my bikini that I was much stronger than him. But he actually revealed his prejudice, even when I bounced twice as high off the board, or held him back in armwrestling even though he was using his entire body. I was getting ready to show him, in a very physical way that I could change his life forever. But before I acted, he suggested wrestling. That worked out perfectly. I warned him that it would lead to sex and I wasn't sure if he might want to have sex with me ... ... NOT." Another round of little girls giggling ensued. "Girlfriend, you're so hot I'll bet gay men would still want to fuck you." "Thanks. That's nice. Anyway, we did have sex. Sex my way, with him servicing me in any way I chose, and since he was in such need of attitude adjustment that meant only one thing, his face in my pussy, several times in several different ways." "Oh, that is sooooo cool." "You should try it sometime. I got a little carried away with Paul 'cause he needed it. But you're a gymnast, a real athlete, and you know that you're stronger than most guys, even other guys who are athletes." "Oh, I know. I can beat Dave in wrestling, even though he's a lot bigger than me, and being a swimmer, he's a lot stronger than Paul. But I can't exactly be sitting on my brother's face now, can I?" "Of course not. But do you mind if sometime I wind up with his tongue buried deeply where men's tongues should be?" "He's all yours. But, he's not like Paul. He fully respects you amazing strength and athletic ability. He thinks you're the hottest thing in the world because of your muscles and strength. So I don't think he would deserve to be beaten up. He doesn't need an attitude adjustment." "I won't hurt him, but just having sex with me will probably lead to exhaustion and bruises." "He won't mind." "But in the meantime, when you're arm heals and you find yourself in a situation where you need to set some jerk straight as to the fact that some females can indeed be much better athletes and much stronger than males, let your pussy and your muscles do the talking." A weak voice interrupted their discussion. They looked down as Paul, on his knees, wrapped his arms around Trish's lower legs. "Please don't hurt me anymore, you are way too fast, way too strong. You are my superior in every way." "Paul, Sarah here is also better than you in every way. In fact, if you were totally fresh and she still had her arms in a sling, I'm sure she could still kick your ass badly. Imagine that, you've known Sarah most of your life and never known that she was stronger than you that whole time. There are lots of girls out there who could do it, not just to a pathetic weakling like you, but even somebody stronger, like Dave here." Paul looked over at Dave. "It's true, Paul. Sarah can beat me at wrestling with astonishing ease, and I can be you easily. Probably every girl on their gymnastics team at college could destroy either one of us. Some, like Trish here, could probably wreak havoc on both of us at the same time. Even high school gymnasts are way stronger. The rules have changed, Paul. Now that girls are doing strength training, they are catching and surpassing guys everywhere. Gymnasts were always there and now gymnasts doing strength training, it's truly frightening. I hope that Trish here has changed your attitude. Paul didn't say anything. He just went back to groveling at Trish's feet. As it should be.