Alpha Girls Pt. 5 by Musclehead "Oh, hi Babe. I'm almost done here." The sound of the door opening had gotten her attention. Amy had told Peter that it would be hard for her to remain monogamous, but it still startled him when he interrupted her. Actually, in a sense, she was remaining true. Nobody else got to fuck her, to actually stick his dick in her pussy or her mouth, but she often engaged in one specific sexual activity, using the faces of many a man for her gratification. And right now, she was standing on the couch, her latest conquest sitting. Her left leg draped over the back of the couch, controlling his right arm, and his left arm was pinned behind his back. She had a pink thong on and when you have a musculature was perfect as hers, one leg up and one down created an awesome vision of her glutes, flexed in different ways. Of course, her back had that amazing v to it and was thick and detailed. Her arms were bent at the elbows, the forearms disappearing in front of her because she was holding her servant's head firmly in place in her crotch. Peter marveled that the couch wasn't tipping over, such was the power of her pelvic thrusts, but actually that leg over the top served to balance her perfectly. A minute or so later, she stepped down and away from the poor guy sitting there. His face was glistening like a glazed doughnut and he seemed a little dazed. "Okay, little man, you can go. Leave your cell phone number so I can have you on call." "Yes, ma'am. It was an honor to serve you." He slowly got to his feet and staggered towards the door, not a little man by any stretch of the imagination, but Amy could project a part of her personality that could make just about anybody feel small by comparison, anybody except Peter, that is. Something about his quiet but assured personality was somehow a good match for her. Once he was gone, Amy turned to Peter. She smiled and shrugged her shoulders, as if to suggest that she couldn't help herself. "Who was he?" "He was from my engineering class. He disagreed with me, and you know when someone does that, well, they're wrong. So I offered to give him a demonstration about force and balance. That's why I didn't tip the couch over, my leg draped over the back was pulling with a power equal to my hips and pussy slamming in the opposite direction." "He wasn't the professor, was he? Or his assistant?" "Assistant." "You're gonna get in trouble one of these days." "Ha. I've gotten in trouble since I was twelve. I always find a way out. Anyway, I got a text from Carol. Do you remember her? She's my friend from that off campus barbeque when you and I met? Almost as muscular as me, but taller?" "Yeah, volleyball player, right? She broke some guy's nose with a spike?" "That's her. Anyway, there's a match tonight and she asked me to come. She doesn't know that we're a couple yet. Wanna go?" "Sure." They both needed a shower, Peter because he had just gotten home from practice, and Amy because parts of her body were covered with saliva. They wound up fucking standing up in the water and got to the field house just before hitting practice started for the visiting team. Every girl was over six one except the setter. They all loved to crank the ball in warmups, especially since there was no blocking, and Peter was quite impressed, having never seen women's volleyball live. Amy was trying to locate Carol in the group of tall women huddled by their bench. Carol had been unanimously elected team captain even though she was only a freshman. Even Peggy, a senior who had been the star last year, acknowledged that Carol deserved to be captain because she was clearly the team leader. When she stepped out from the middle of the circle, where she had been crouching down, Amy was startled. Of course, the girls were wearing those tight white briefs, so Carol's muscular legs were on view, but they wore long sleeve shirts. Even fully covered on top, Amy could see changes. "Peter, she looks really big." It didn't have to be explained to him what Amy meant. Even though she was the shortest girl out there, he knew what she meant by big. "Yeah, she almost doesn't look like a volleyball player." And then the home team started doing their warmups. The cheers for every practice spike got noticeably louder whenever Carol hit the ball. She was so high up and the ball was hit so hard and with such straight down trajectory that every spike bounced off the floor and hit the ceiling. Her hitting was so amazing that the other team stopped their little discussion to watch, muttering among themselves that she might be hard to stop. That turned out to be a bit of an understatement. Impossible might be a better word to use. It might be remembered that when they practiced with the men's team, none of them could block her and then there the fact that the women's net is much lower. So the reality was that when Carol unleashed one of her phenomenal jumps there were no obstacles at all, just her, hovering way above everyone else, the ball and then the ball hitting the floor. And because the block was so ineffectual due to her jumping almost a foot and a half higher than anyone else, she could hit the ball just as hard as during warmups. Due to her having add some more muscle since school started, when the ball didn't hit the floor, it was so hard the she was never dug, and there were lots of bruises on the other team after the match ended. She and Dave were pretty much a regular thing these days and so the two of them and Amy and Peter went out to get something to eat afterwards. That's when Carol surprised Amy by daring to challenge her. None of the girls ever did that before, knowing how incredible a fighter Amy was. "I don't want to fight with punching and kicking. I have no illusions about that. Just wrestling." "Collegiate style? Oh, my man here can beat me at that. That's why he's my man." "But I can't pin her. I've pinned every opponent going back to eighth grade but I can't pin Amy. She's amazing." "That I know. No, I don't want it that structured. We just wrestle until someone is pinned or submits. No rules. But I don't want to do punching or kicking, 'cause I know you'd kill me." They were sitting in a booth at the restaurant and Amy was trying to psyche Carol by just looking at her with that intimidating stare of hers, but Carol just smiled back, and just as Amy was about to agree, Dave started speak. "Can ... ? "No, Dave, you can't watch. This is our own little thing to work out between us." Later on that night to assert her dominance, Amy pinned Peter's feet up by his head but spread out, while she sucked his dick with so much intensity that he thought she might pull it off. "If we were fucking in this position, it's called the Amazon position. Do you like it?" "Well let's fuck that way and find out." So they did, for another hour. He really didn't mind. He was one of the best collegiate wrestlers in the country, secure in his manhood. And he thought that if maybe he let her do these sorts of things with him to fulfill that urge to overwhelm anyone who might be foolish enough to challenge her, maybe she wouldn't be so inclined to put people in the hospital, like that Tarzan guy. He wondered what was going to happen with Carol. Later one, while they were cuddling, Amy chuckling to herself that this was the first guy she had ever cuddled with, her cellphone beeped that a message had come in. "What the fuck is going on here," she exclaimed. "What is it Sweety?" No one had ever called her "Sweety" before either. "I'm being challenged on all fronts." She showed him a photo on her phone. "Who's that?" "Tammy, one of my girls, another Alpha female just like Carol. But they all seem to be forgetting that I'm the Alpha Alpha. Read the caption." "My new sex slave. Do something about it." He looked over at the fuming Amy. "I was talking about the sex slave." "Oh, him. That's my Dad." Peter was kind of quiet for a minute, trying to comprehend the dynamic here. Finally, "your friend is sexually abusing your father?" "Yeah. How dare she? She didn't get my permission." "That's the problem?" He was incredulous. "What about him?" "My father is a wimp. And I'm not talking about physically. I mean, sure, he doesn't work out or anything, but it's not that. He's spineless. No, the problem is that everyone in my inner circle knows that before they do something like that, they need my permission, which I would have gladly given. No, she's challenging me. What the fuck? Tammy is another awesome female. This summer, she entertained us by beating the crap out of one of my brother's friends who outweighed her by sixty pounds. At the end, she picked him up over her head and dropped him on his fat ass. She's all muscle, but she only weighs about a hundred twenty pounds to my one sixty. I'd kill her and she knows that. Something's up." "Why do you hate your Dad so much?" "I don't hate him, I love him in a way. He took care of my brother and myself after our Mom abandoned us. Lemme explain. Mom left when I was six, I think. I had been doing gymnastics since I was four. When I was about eight, I was like so many of these other little gymnasts that I'm sure you've seen, no hips, obviously no boobs, just one hundred percent hard defined muscle. So the only shapes were round biceps, thick triceps, and frog-like legs, all from gymnastics. And the strength to weight ratio is simply phenomenal." "Wrestling's like that too." "Not a chance. At least where I lived, boys didn't start wrestling until fifth grade. I was way stronger than any of them, and remember, I was eight. So one day, there was this kid, he was like fourteen or so and quite the bully. At the playground one day, he picked on the wrong person, me. I became a big hero, beating the shit out of him. But soon enough, steeped in the knowledge that I was so much stronger than so many other kids, I became the bully. And I had some gymnast friends, Carol, Tammy Ginny and Emily and they were all strong as shit too, but I was the most aggressive and quickly became the best fighter. So they were my girl gang of little playground terrorists." "What does this have to do with your Dad?" "I'm getting to that. So, at ten, we all started lifting weights. Carol's dad had a little gym set up in his garage and we used it when no one was around. Talk about strong, we were all pretty frightening, and it seemed after a year or so of lifting that it brought on puberty earlier than usual. By twelve, I was a hot little number, we all were. Those female shapes had shown up, big time, enhanced by a lot of muscle." "Then I went a little too far with my bullying. After beating up some guy who was a lot bigger than me, I took his pants off, threw him over my shoulder and climbed to the top of the jungle gym at the playground. Everyone was in awe of the strength it took to do that. Anyway, I tied his legs together around the top rung and hung him upside down from it. He wasn't hurt, but his parents wanted to press charges for assault. My Dad talked them out of it." "So that was good of him to do that, although I hope he punished you himself. What's the problem?" "None yet. So yeah, that night, he decided that I needed a spanking. I told him if he thought he could he should go ahead and try. At first, he surprised me and got me over his lap. He pulled my shorts down and started spanking. After a bit he stopped for a second. I don't know if he was tired or if his hand hurt because my ass was so rock hard. When he stopped, using my gymnastics flexibility, I arched my back and swung my legs up and towards my body. I caught his head and pulled down hard. He couldn't get free. I continued to pull downward and soon I was sitting up on his head, his body twisted awkwardly. I grabbed his legs and started pulling and pushing them in any direction I could think of as he started screaming and squirming to escape. "Pretty soon his struggles grew weaker and weaker. I disentangled myself from him and as I got up, he fell to the floor. I left him there. I think he was crying. I was in heaven. I was tingling all over, not quite sure of the feelings I was having but it didn't take too long to figure out that those feelings were arousal. Over the next couple of years, the connection between my physical superiority and my sexuality melded into one. "You should have seen us girls back then. We were so obnoxious, Carol and I especially. She hadn't shot up yet, so we were both the same height, about five-three. So here we were a couple of thirteen year olds who had been doing gymnastics practically our whole lives and lifting weights for three years. We looked more like we were eighteen, at least our bodies, and at about a hundred and forty pounds of muscle, we were so fucking strong. We went into this gym one night. The guy at the desk wasn't too bright and had no idea how young we were. We made it seem like it would be worth his while to let us work out there that one time. "We were both wearing short tight gym shorts that hugged our round asses like a second skin and little baby-doll tops with our gymnastics honed midriffs showing, the spaghetti straps emphasizing well developed shoulders. Everyone was staring at us and drooling over us, watching us crank out pull-ups like we could go one forever, doing clapping handstand pushups, really showing off. We'd watch some big guy over on the bench, struggling to get out one rep with say a hundred and eighty pounds, and then I'd go over and add a ten to each side and then crank out ten fast reps. I loved humiliating people. Carol too. At the end of the night, the desk guy closed up and then Carol and I each took turns wrestling him into submission and using his face for our pleasure. He found out real close up how fucking awesome we both were. I was already way beyond Carol, but he was easy pickings for her too. We were just a couple of immature brats who happened to be great athletes and fucking scary strong. Not good for anyone we chose to target. "Back to my Dad. He only challenged me one more time, and it wasn't really much of a challenge. I was going out and I was dressed totally inappropriately for a thirteen year old. Very short very tight cut offs and nothing but a larger handkerchief used as a halter, no bra and I was already quite well developed up there. He stepped between me and the front door, grabbing my arm to pull me back. I simply flung him half way across the room. Amy stopped talking for a second, sniffing a little, almost appearing vulnerable for a second. "He never tried to stop me again. From that moment on, I owned him and I ran that household. That's why he's a wimp. Three years later, I would come home with a guy and he'd be sitting in the den. I'd tell him to go to his room so I could use the den with the nice fireplace to fuck the guy. He'd just put his tail between his legs and leave. God, I was awful to him." "He was my father and even though I knew I could kick his ass without even working up a sweat, if he had continued to do his duty as a father, I probably would have respected him more. First my Mom abandoned us and then he became an absentee father, there, but not being very fatherly. I also noticed him stealing glances at my body, which I flaunted at every chance I had." Suddenly, Amy was crying and Peter put his arm around her hugging her while she quietly whimpered. "I needed a strong father, and he let me down. I'm talking personality strong, not physically strong." After a little while, she dried her tears. "There's still time, baby, to make it right. You two need to talk." "You're right, but in the immediate future, I need to wrestle my number two girl, tomorrow night, and then I need to see our pint sized Alpha Girl when I go home at Christmas." The next night: "Carol, you looked pretty big last night from what I could see." "I'm twenty pounds more than you now, pipsqueak." "So, the trash talk has started. Well will see if your fat ass can keep up with me." "Ha. You know that I'm just as lean as you, so if you mean keep up with you quickness-wise, you'd better be faster 'cause I'm definitely stronger. Let me see everything, bitch." They were at Carol's apartment since she still lived alone. Dave lived on campus, unlike Peter, so he was still close enough that he and Carol saw each other whenever they wanted. Amy stripped down to just a thong and Carol laughed out loud. The tiny little things were red with an inscription in white, "Don't just win, dominate." "Girlfriend, you have always looked awesome, one percentile physically, but you haven't changed much since summer. You're just a tiny little thing compared to me, but that's not why I laughed. She took off her sweats down to her little panties. It was white with red lettering, the same inscription. "Damn, Girlfriend, have you been doing steroids?" "No, but thanks for the compliment. Lots of lifting, lots of protein and the muscle just packed on." "You're just like me now, but bigger. Maybe you do have a slim chance after all." Actually, after about an hour of intense fighting, Amy was in the unusual position of being on her back and Carol sitting on top of her. It was power and speed versus more power and size. Carol's twenty pounds were too much to overcome and she indeed was stronger. In fact, though they were wrestling with no rules, Carol pinned Amy where Peter had not been able to do so. "Oh, my God, I'm losing my edge." "Girlfriend, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. I know you'd still beat me if we were punching and kicking, but I've wanted to be able to beat you since we were ten. Now, we've licked each other's pussies many times, but you've made me do it on many occasions. My turn." She slid up and settled down on Amy's face, holding her arms flat on the mat. Amy dutifully took care of her, before Carol flipped around and they spent a couple more hours in mutual pleasuring. Later as they lay in each other's arms, Amy offered, "There's this guy Peter was telling me about on the wrestling team. He's one weight class up from Peter, and even though Peter beats him all the time in practice, he's an arrogant asshole who needs to be put in his place. You know, Peter beat me but he couldn't pin me like you did. Do you see where I'm going with this?" "Yeah, but he probably wouldn't agree to wrestle me." "But he couldn't resist the opportunity to have sex with you. And I'm sure you can be just as overwhelming at that. And as for you and me, well, we don't have to compete anymore, you and I, but I do have a score to settle with Tammy." "Tell me about that in a minute. I think we should still wrestle. Come on, where's your hyper-competitiveness? Besides, we do it with almost nothing on and it's so hot." "You're right. Okay, Anyway, look at this." She showed her the picture on her phone. "She did that to your Father? Ha ha. So you didn't like that she abused him?" "No, it's not that. Did you read the caption? She's challenging me. You've proven to be my equal. I'll squash that tiny little thing like a bug. I wonder what she's up to." They would have to wait about seven months to find out. A few days later, by sheer coincidence, a bunch of people including Carol, Dave, Amy and Peter, were throwing around a Frisbee on the lawn and the asshole, Jack, was there. Even though Carol had on jeans and a sweatshirt, it was obvious what an great body she had. But Jack was kind of annoyed that she could jump so high and snatch the Frisbee out of the air when he was going for it as well. One time they collided in mid-air, her knee and his head, that's how high she was above him. Down he went. Carol attended to him and he was alright, just embarrassed. She offered to make him dinner at her apartment to make it up to him. She explained to Dave their little plan and that he could go hang out with them that night or some of his other friends. If it bothered him, he didn't show it. Jack was sure he was going to get laid, because he thought he was irresistible. And things didn't go as Carol planned, to just fuck him into submission. She was still pretty covered up when he arrived and as she showed him around her apartment, "Wow, this is pretty nice. How do you have this place?" "I'm on a full academic/athletic scholarship." "Really, what sport?" "Volleyball." He laughed, sort of snorted. "Hey, Babe, I think it's great that they have girly sports and all, but giving you money for it, that's ridiculous. I didn't get a scholarship and I'm doing a real sport, wrestling." He had called her Babe, disparaged her sport and said women shouldn't get athletic scholarships. This guy was in for it. "Let me show you my exercise room." It didn't have a lot, some dumbbells, a chinning bar and mats. "What are the mats for, pilates or yoga?" he sneered. "Wrestling." "Ha. Girls wrestling? Ridiculous." "I could beat you, some of my friends could too." "Come on, you crazy bitch. I just told you I'm on the wrestling team." "But you must not be very good if you didn't get a scholarship." "You're asking for it." "Asking for what? You gonna beat me up for pointing out the obvious? Why don't we wrestle? If you beat me I'll suck your dick all night, or anything else you want." "You're on bitch." "Why don't you just strip down to your underwear. I'll go change." She went to her room and started rummaging through her drawers, looking for an outfit that would simultaneously turn him on while emphasizing her powerful physique. It seemed that all these girls saved old clothes from when they were younger and smaller just to remind themselves how big they had gotten. And they also saved them for certain circumstances where these old, worn, way too small outfits would be stretched over muscles and tits to create just the wanted impact. Tonight was one of those occasions. Sure enough, at the bottom of one of her drawers, "Here it is." She picked it up and held it to her face, shuddering at the thought of that first time she had worn it in public, way back at that gym five years ago when she was thirteen and whooped that twenty-something desk clerk. Thinking back to then, she was already pretty muscular, about as much as anyone that age could be, and she already had nice boobs, but now she could barely get that little pink baby-doll over her broad shoulders. And it rode up on her torso so her whole powerful core was exposed. As to covering her present day boobs, not happening. Next were those gym shorts. As she finished pulling them up she heard ripping sounds as the side seams gave way. The way they sort of flared out now underscored how muscular those thighs were. They rode so far down on her lower torso that the detail where her abs met those massive legs, those beautiful devil's horns, were fully exposed, the strings of her thong riding up up along those lines. Her Big tits, made bigger by deep pecs, stuck out so much that firm round tit-flesh stuck out on all sides and above the tiny top. Now that she was ready, she looked in the mirror. "Oh, Baby, you are so hot, like a cross between one of those Tumblr bimbo babes and that Mowi chick. He's gonna cream his pants before I even get to beat the hell out of him." She took a minute to pleasure herself, or rather a few seconds, she was so turned on by what she saw in the mirror. It wasn't just what she saw, it was what happened every time she put this outfit on, harkening back to that night, sitting on the face of that guy who was at least ten years older and forty pounders heavier, but weaker. And now she was the one who was forty pounds heavier. And the leg regimen that now had her jumping over fifty-five inches had caused the faded material of the shorts to finally give way. Instead of covering up and making a show of it, Carol just nonchalantly walked back into the room as if having a body like hers was something she just took for granted. She walked over to the bench and set her water bottle down, and one for Jack. She turned and looked at Jack, who had that same look that so many had had, only more so, since she saved this outfit for special occasions, like when she was planning on re-arranging some asshole outlook on life even as she was turning him on beyond his wildest imagination. He already had a leaky boner. "God, Babe. You look so hot. I never thought I'd like muscles on a girl, but you are incredible. And your tits, wow. I guess you're wearing that outfit 'cause you want to turn me on. Well, mission accomplished. As you can see, I have a great body too. Why don't we skip me beating you in wrestling and get right down to the sex?" "Wait. I want to tell you something about this outfit. Amy, Peter's girlfriend, and I started gymnastics when we were four. It's only been since high school that I've played volleyball. You saw how high I jumped today when we were playing Frisbee. That was my knee that hit you in the head, and remember you were jumping too, although as far as I'm concerned, what you were doing was hardly jumping. It takes super strong legs to jump that high. And my arms and legs are strong enough that I spike the ball so hard I never get dug. I'm the best player on the team, probably the best college player in the country even though as volleyball players go, I'm not real tall. "Anyway, I digress. So we did gymnastics since we were four, and that stuff makes you very strong. When we were ten we started lifting weights in my Dad's garage. One night, when we were thirteen, but our bodies, fully developed into womanhood, but with a lot of muscle, we went to this gym where the doofus desk clerk let us in because we led him to believe that maybe he'd get to fool around with us. He weighed about one eighty to my one-forty. Amy was about the same size. We embarrassed a lot of grown men that night by proving ourselves stronger, even as they were getting boners looking at our hot athletic bodies. "We could both bench press two-hundred pounds for reps back then. Think about that for a minute, a hundred and forty pound, thirteen year old girl pressing two-hundred pounds ten times. Later, Amy and I took turns cleaning that guy's clock in the back room after closing. He had no chance against either one of us. We were both way too athletic, too quick and too strong. I was wearing this outfit that night, and it's become sort of a tradition to put it on every time I'm in the mood to mop the floor with some asshole, like you. As you can see, it's just way too small for me now. I mean, look at me. My tits are sticking out all over the place and my massive legs finally tore the shorts. Maybe that's because now I'm the one who weighs one-eighty. By the way, I don't bench just two-hundred pounds anymore." Jack audibly gulped as Carol slowly, seductively approached him in the middle of the mats. "That's more than I weigh," he said, getting a little intimidated.. "I know." "You know?" "Yeah. Peter was gonna have Amy beat you because they've wrestled and even though he beat her, the first time she had ever lost, he couldn't pin her like he does to you in every practice. When Amy and I have fought in the past, with kicking and punching, she's always won. But the other night, we just wrestled and with the additional ten pounds of muscle that I've put on in the past couple of months, I was stronger than her and I pinned her, which means I could probably beat Peter, who we know beats you." Carol was already on fire, so turned on by her own awesome body, and wearing that outfit that harkened her back to that first time when the connection between strength and sexuality intermingled. She was so much more powerful now, and about as hot as a woman can get. This guy had called her Babe when he hadn't earned that right, he had disparaged her sport, called her a bitch, and on and on. He had no chance against her. Even with all his wrestling technique, her strength and all her other physical attributes completely neutralized any advantage he might have with those skills. She simply destroyed him, threw him all over the place, slammed him down, twisted him into a pretzel and sexually abused him for hours. At some point, she stripped off her clothes, hoping to save them for the next victim of her power. His had been long gone, ripped to pieces. Through her dominating sexual frenzy, she realized that while she really liked Dave, and the sex was great, she was getting off on this so much more. Beating the once indestructible Amy had lit a new kind of fire in her that could not be extinguished. Carol rode Jack's face through several twenty minute long non-stop orgasms, slamming his head into the floor with powerful pelvic thrusts as she pulled him in tighter and tighter. Sometimes she moved him into a sitting position against the wall while she stood, leaning into him, her muscular legs spread, those meaty arms against the wall. In this position, she repeatedly fucked his face so hard that when she threw him back onto the floor to fuck him, she noticed she had broken through the drywall with the back of his head. Good thing he was reasonably well hung or she probably would have face fucked him until he had a concussion. His midsection didn't fare much better and in the end his legs and torso were covered in bruises. But through all the pain he remained hard as a rock the whole time, coming many times also. Even though he was getting the shit beaten out of him like never before, he was so turned on by this superior goddess his dick stayed hard for hours as she sexually abused him like few women would ever be capable of. The next afternoon, the women's volleyball team scrimmaged against the men. Carol was still in the throes of her sexual firestorm and she was hitting the ball so hard that some of the guys stopped playing for fear of getting hurt. The trainer was watching and he swore that some of her jumps were over sixty inches that day. Several guys hit on her afterwards. She told them all that if they stopped playing for fear of getting hurt by one of her spikes, things would be much more painful if they wanted to have sex with her. When she got back to her apartment, she called Dave and when he showed up she told him to go into the bedroom and get naked. When she came in wearing her little outfit, he instantly shot his load all over the wooden floor. She didn't beat him up, but the sex was so overwhelming that he was bruised and exhausted the next day. Jack spent the rest of the season on the bench as he could not wrestle. He couldn't even practice he was so beaten up. Peter was happy that Jack had been put in his place and while he still thought Amy was the most awesome woman on the planet, he knew that there was at least one other who was Amy's equal. And while Amy settled down into her deepening relationship with Peter, Carol knew that she needed more of what she had that night night with Jack. She had also decided that, while she wouldn't beat Dave up or anything, if he couldn't take her very physical and overwhelming kind of sex, then he'd best move on.