Alpha Girls -Pt. 3 - Tammy by Musclehead Bob Taylor was an unhappy man. His wife had left him years earlier, calling him a wimp. She had been a college athlete and continued to always keep herself fit. Bob, not so much. In reality, she was a bit of a bitch, very high maintenance, and Bob worked long hours to earn enough money to keep her happy, so he had no time to take care of himself. He became impotent partly due to his lack of fitness, and partly because she was such an emasculating bitch. Eventually she met a young stud at the gym and started getting her sexual gratification outside the home. Soon enough she left him. Bob sued for abandonment, winning custody of the children, Ted and Amy. As his daughter, Amy grew into young womanhood, she quickly proved herself to be amazingly good at everything she did. In addition to being extremely intelligent, she seemed from a young age to be able to read people and instinctively understand what was going on inside their heads. She was also beautiful. Topping it all off, she was a superlative athlete with every physical gift imaginable. She was fast, coordinated, flexible, had amazing reflexes and topping it off, was very, very strong. By the time she was at the end of her freshman year in high school, she ran the household. She was mostly kind to her brother, Ted, who had always been her defender when they were younger. He was nine years older than her and she always looked up to him. But as she developed into an awesome physical specimen, she realized he was a total nerd and he was the one who needed defending. Her father, on the other hand, she had nothing but contempt for. She was already stronger than him when she was twelve and could kick his ass with ease. Of course that was true with the majority of the people she met. And he really wasn't that much of a wimp. He was just mild mannered, and in reality, very few guys could be compared to his daughter without coming out on the wimpier side of the equation. Anyway, also compared to Amy's forceful personality, the former wife was a walk in the park. Amy also knew that her father had the hots for her body, part of her ability to be able to read people. Even though she made his life miserable, the fact that she was so physically superior to him excited him. He started getting boners again and even though he was glad of that, he could do nothing about it except masturbate. He tried not to think about his daughter, knowing it was wrong, so he would think about other strong women, but inevitably she would re-appear in his fantasies because she was the strongest. So, now she was off at college and Ted was back living at home, since he was in that limbo that so many young people are in, not being in a good enough job that allowed him to pay off his student loans and pay rent in an apartment and feed himself. Ted was out for the evening, and Bob was watching TV. He often watched Big Bang Theory. It's funny how something that can make a person feel so awful, like a wife leaving because she wasn't sexually satisfied, or a daughter that was way stronger when she was twelve, can break a man's spirit but also be something that excites. When Bob watched his favorite show he always fantasized about Penny being able to take on any one of the brainiacs who she hung with. Actually, that probably wasn't too far off the mark, she probably could. So, Bob happened to be watching the episode when Penny and Sheldon wrestle for about two seconds, and as his mind wandered and his penis swelled, he thought about pulling it out right there and potentially staining the sofa cushion. And then the doorbell rang. Who could that be, he wondered as he quickly pulled his Pajama bottoms back up and got up to answer the door. "Tammy, what are you doing here? You know that Amy is away at college, don't you?" "Oh, Yes, Mr. Taylor. I just came to check on you. Amy asked me to check in. With no women in the house, I was wondering if you're one of those old fashioned guys who needs a woman to make the dinner, and stuff like that." "Are you kidding? I've been cooking for Ted and Amy for years." "May I come in?" "Of course. Where are my manners?" They sat down, Tammy noticing what TV show was tuned in, even though the sound was off. "I'm surprised you're watching Big Bang Theory. Well, actually probably not." He looked at her quizzically, wondering if she could read his mind as well as his daughter could. "Anyway, Tammy, why did you say you're here? Amy could care less how I'm doing. She looks down on me like she does with so many people, as inferior beings. But you're not like her. I mean, you're nice and you're not a physically imposing and intimidating person like her." "First, Mr. Taylor, a couple of things we need to get straight here. I am like your daughter, just smaller, as you may have noticed if you didn't spend so much time staring at HER body. And, in case you were wondering why I'm not at college, well I got a full scholarship just like all the other girls in our group, but I decided to take a year off and concentrate on getting just getting as strong as I possibly can. Being the smallest of our group has motivated me. Anyway, she didn't ask me to see how you were doing. She asked me to make sure you weren't mis-behaving. And I see I caught you in the act." "Wwwwhat do you mean?" There are two reasons to watch that show, and only one of them can be done with the sound off. You're ogling Penny, and probably since you have such a thing for your strong daughter, you're probably fantasizing about Penny being stronger than any of the nerdy brainy guys on the show." "No, it's not like that. I was just ... " "It's exactly like that. Remember, everyone in our little group of alpha girls, we're all super smart and super observant. I could tell that you had a bit of a boner when you answered the door." She stopped talking for a minute and stood up, turning around towards the couch, right in front of Bob. "If that's what turns you on, Mr. Taylor, you should know that I have a much better, much stronger body than Penny." Tammy started to pull her sweat pants down when Mr. Taylor jumped up to stop her. "Tammy, stop. You can't be striping in front of your friend's father, and you're only eighteen." A strong hand went to his chest and very forcefully pushed him back down. "You stare at your daughter's body all the time, you pervert. Well, she's not the only on around here with a lot of muscle. Yes, she has the most, but pound for pound, she and I are very similar, as you'll see." He tried to get up again and this time as he leaned to push himself up, he was met with a knee to the chin, crashing him back into a seated position, somewhat dazed. When he came out of his funk, Tammy was standing there in very small, very tight workout shorts. She had on a tee shirt with the sleeves torn off, and tied up under breasts that were every bit as big as Carol's, and on a much smaller body. Tammy's torso was, if anything, more detailed than any of the other girls. "See, Mr. Taylor, you were so busy having incestuous thoughts that you didn't even notice me. Look at my arms and legs. Don't you think I'm just a smaller version of your daughter? I can see your boner. You want to fuck me, don't you?" "No, it's not like ... " "Shut up. Yes, you do." She went out to the middle of the room, the stretchy material emphasizing each movement of her muscular ass. Above the short shorts, the dimples where the glutes meet the lower back were very pronounced in their detail. Her shoulders were very broad in relationship to her tight hard waist. Turning around to face him, Tammy went down into a full French split, legs straight out to the sides. "You know, some consider me to be the better gymnast compared Amy, but she got so much attention for being bigger and being so fucking strong." Putting her hands together on the floor in front of her, Tammy lifted her torso and legs off the carpeting, slowly brought her legs towards the front, into a v and then with total control, brought her body back and up, her legs following until she was in a perfect handstand. She held it absolutely still for a few seconds before flipping to her feet. Bob sat there frozen, wondering where all this was leading, but afraid to move. "Mr. Taylor, do you remember back last summer when you came out to the pool when Amy was getting ready to clean Bill's clock? Nod your head." She went back into another handstand and then she started doing a bunch of handstand pushups. She stopped but remained in that upside down position. "We all had a good laugh when you high tailed it out of there. I'm sure you saw how messed up Bill was later that evening?" No comment. "Answer me now, Mr. Taylor." "Yyyes, yes, I remember. She didn't need to rough him up so badly. I'm sure he could figure out that she was much stronger than him." "She didn't." "Huh?" "I'm the one that fucked him up." Tammy bounced to her feet and slowly walked towards Mr. Taylor. "Pound for pound, I'm just as strong as any of the other girls in our group. I picked him up over my head and dropped him behind me at the end of my trouncing of his fat ass." Tammy got a little closer. " Actually I should say was just as strong." As she talked, she peeled off her workout shorts, dropping them to her ankles before stepping out of them. She had "almost not there" panties on, mere strings on the sides, running right along her detailed devil's horns. The little triangle over her pussy said "Mighty Mite". "What do you mean?" As scared as he was, Mr. Taylor found himself getting aroused by the beauty of her perfect athletic body. "I told you I wanted to spend this year, while all my friends are away at school, getting as strong as possible. So I've started taking steroids." "That's not good for you." "Shut up you little weasel. Anyway, they're estrogen based, like the European women use, not testosterone, so that they don't cause all the problems with deep voices and facial hair, shit like that. In fact, they enhance femininity even as they build muscle and strength. My tits have gotten bigger and fuller since I started on the stuff." As she spoke, she pulled her shirt over her head. Her tits were large, round and as firm as every other square inch of her body. "My strength has gone through the roof, as you're about to find out." One more step and Tammy leaped at him, landing on his lap her knees on either side of him. Her hard body had smashed into his soft one, driving him back onto the couch. Quickly, she was on her feet, standing on the couch, grabbing the back of his head and pushing her crotch into his face. Showing some of that athletic gymnastics ability, Tammy pushed off with her strong legs, leaping backwards and pulling his head and body along. In mid-air, she brought her legs out and up over his shoulders, and then back, capturing his arms, forcing them straight out to the sides. In the same movement, she threw her head back and flipped them both head over heels, landing on the floor, Mr. Taylor on his back, Tammy on his head. Her fabric covered pussy never lost contact with his face. Now that she didn't have to hold onto his head, she used one hand to pull the tiny patch of her panties to the side. "Lick. Lick good, Mr. Taylor." But he resisted, so she reached back with both arms, grabbed his legs at the ankles, bringing them forward to the sides of her body and pinning his feet to the floor by his head. He wasn't all that flexible, and the pain caused him to scream into her pussy, putting her over the edge immediately, bouncing up and down until he thought she'd break his neck. After a few minutes, she got up and just kind of walked around his prone body, disdainfully looking down at his almost lifeless form. "You never thought a little five foot two inch, hundred and ten pound girl could generate so much power, did you, Mr. Taylor? Well, I'm not a hundred and ten, I'm one thirty-five. And even though you're not a total wimp, well, compared to me you are. Since Amy's away, I'm going to be her substitute. Tammy stepped over him with one leg, straddling him at his waist, her hands on her hips, staring down at him. As he looked up at her powerful body in that domineering stance, he knew she could take Amy's place easily. "I know what you're thinking, that I'm just a smaller version of Amy. And I'm turning you on just as much as she did. But you knew that that was forbidden fruit. At least you won't have that guilt with me." She looked down at his crotch. He was wearing pajamas and it was obvious that he was totally under her spell. Bending at the waist, she grabbed his waistband with one hand, then stood back up, lifting him off the floor, her thick arm exploding in detail. Soon enough, even though his weight was no problem for her, it was too much for the soft fabric and his PJ bottoms started to tear. Tammy just stood there like a rock until they completely gave way and he thumped back down onto the floor. She knelt down beside him and started to pull them the rest of the way off. "No, Tammy, we can't do this." He began to struggle, trying to sit up. Before he got very far a hand to his face pushed him back to the floor. He squirmed and kicked his legs as both hands went to her forearm but he couldn't budge her hand. Peering through her fingers up her arm, the muscles so pronounced, the veins so thick, he knew he had no chance. Soon enough, his pajama bottoms were off. "Wow, Mr. Taylor," she let go of his head, but put a knee on his chest. "You're pretty well hung for a being such a wuss." Indeed, his dick was hard as a rock. Almost eight inches long. "How could your ex not have liked that?" "Please, don't ask me about that." "Well, it doesn't matter. You're certainly look like you're ready to perform for me. I must really turn you on." She got up for a second, and slipped her tiny panties off and he could see for the first time what his mouth had already felt, that she was clean shaven. Even though Bob was ready to explode, another part of him didn't want to be sexually assaulted by this woman who he outweighed by fifty pounds. He didn't know if he could take any more humiliation. Too bad. As he tried to get up, Tammy's quickness was too much to handle. She again straddled him, but this time facing his body and slammed herself down and back, knocking the sitting up Bob onto his back once again, her sweet snatch right in his face, in spite of his protests. "You know what to do, Mr. Taylor. He tried to resist, so she brought her thighs inward for just a few seconds, and gave a mighty squeeze. Going back to the previous position, "it's lick or I pop your head right off. And this time I want you to stick it way in there." As he tentatively stuck his tongue in, he felt her lick his shaft from the base all the way up to the tip. She lifted her head for a second and watched it twitch, then she did it again. Suddenly, he groaned and she grabbed it with her strong little hand, stopping him instantly. The next groan was one of frustration. This went on for half an hour, Bob dutifully keeping up the licking, Tammy teasing his cock in all sorts of ways as she had one orgasm after another. Finally, she held on to his penis as she sat up, grinding and bouncing on his poor head even more vigorously than before. After a few minutes, she let go and sat back, still on his face, and fondled her breasts as she watched him shoot a load worthy of a horny teenager. He was so exhausted that he just lay there. "I knew it. You should feel lucky, Mr. Taylor. I knew that what excited you about your daughter was that she was so strong and could make you do anything she wanted. Well now you have a new muscle goddess to excite you." Slipping her panties back on, knowing that these were ones that Amy had given her for her birthday and that she would recognize them, she went and sat on Bob again, the fabric right at his chin, the inscription still readable. Using her phone, she snapped a picture of his face and her crotch. "What are you doing? Please don't do that, please." "Let me tell you something, Mr. Taylor. Amy didn't ask me to come and check on you. None of us do things like what I did to you without asking her first. I want her to know what I did without her permission." With that, she sent Amy a text with the picture. The message: "My new sex slave. Do something about it." "Why? she'll kill you." "I plan on avoiding her, like if she comes home for Christmas or something, until next summer. By then I will be up to one sixty, all steroid infused muscle, only five pounds less than her. I love her and she's my friend. But all of the girls, especially Amy, always picked on me because I was the smallest. This summer I plan on tearing her a new one." She got up and finished dressing. "I own you now. You are only here to serve me. If you get to have pleasure from this, I don't care, but you are here for me from now on. Got that?" She turned and went out the door, leaving him lying there, his lower body covered in his on semen. And even though he realized that now there was another dominant female to torment his life, she turned him on like crazy.