All in the Family, Pt. 2 by Musclehead Four years. It had taken Frank four years to get strong enough to bench press a hundred and seventy-five pounds. Actually, three years. Now, after four, he could bench two-forty-five, twenty more than Celeste did on that same first day that she sexually ravaged him. Four long years. He had worked so hard, remembering that sex with Celeste was like no other experience he had ever had, except possibly when her Mom raped him the last time he saw either of them. He was quite a specimen now, a hundred and seventy-five pounds of lean muscle. Frank was getting laid all the time these days. With his good looks, his smarts and easy going personality and now a buff bod, not to mention his huge cock, he could get just about any girl he wanted. But he wanted Celeste, he ached for Celeste, so he worked an extra year so he could not just match her but surpass her in the strength department. He still maintained a little bit of contact with Bill, mostly through texts, and he knew they had moved to Alabama, along the gulf coast, but other than that, he was pretty much in the dark as to what was going on in the Miller household. When he was ready, Bill sent him Celeste's phone number. He texted to her that he had finally met his goal. To his surprise, an airline ticket arrived in the mail about a week later. Following the instructions that had come along with the ticket, he was met by a driver at the airport who drove him to what could only be described as an estate. Obviously, the Miller family's financial situation had dramatically changed over the last four years. Indeed, Mr. Miller, whom Frank had never met, was a computer geek who had invented a tracking device that was now being used by police departments all over the country. He was now a very rich man, but still a geek. And he may have been the bread winner of the family but he sure wasn't in charge, as Frank was about to find out. A very hot looking maid greeted him at the door and gave him instructions to go into the downstairs bathroom and change into the speedo bathing suit that she had handed him. When he came out, the maid, Carmen had stripped down to a tiny swim suit. It was immediately obvious to Frank that she hit the gym on a regular basis. Her hand went to his crotch as the other began stroking his abs and chest. Seconds later his speedos were around his ankles and his huge cock was in her mouth. And a few minutes after that he was fucking her from behind standing up. When they finished, Carmen looked him in the eye. "Just priming the pump, Senor." Gesturing towards the back of the house, Carmen led the way with Frank staring at those hard round cheeks that only moments before have been wrapped tightly around his massive member, wondering what might be next in store for him after such a greeting. He wouldn't have to wait very long. The double French doors opened out onto a spacious back yard that could only be described as some sort of tropical paradise. The yard was dense with tall palm trees that had thick vines hanging down. Lush undergrowth surrounded a huge pool that was built to look like a natural lagoon, all curves and rocks, no straight lines. Beyond the back yard jungle was a private beach. As Frank was taking all this in, they walked around a hidden corner. Carmen grabbed Frank by the arm before they could reveal their presence, pulling him back, and they hid behind some high ferns to watch the goings on. There was Mrs. Miller wearing only very tiny bikini bottoms made of leopard skin. It was hard to tell with her lying on her back, but she seemed even more muscular than Frank remembered. Between her spread legs was a scrawny man, dutifully licking her pussy, his pasty pallor so contrasting her dark tan, his soft, shapeless limbs even more so when compared to her hard, full muscles. As Frank and Carmen watched, Mrs. Miller, having gotten off from the licking, pulled a leg up, put a foot onto his sallow chest and simply kicked him away. He flew several feet and then rolled a few times, coming to a stop by the edge of the pool. Frank was about to step out from their hiding place when Carmen again stopped him. Just as she pulled him back, a muscular female arm came out of the pool near where the weak little man sat, grabbing him by the arm and flinging him into the warm water. A second later, a bare breasted Celeste emerged from the pool with matching bottoms to what her mother was wearing. She looked even more awesome than Frank remembered, having gained another several pounds of curvy muscle since he last saw her. As Celeste sauntered over towards her mom, Frank was thinking to himself that this whole scene was kind of strange. The man, Mr. Miller, (in case you hadn't figured that out), had pulled himself together after being flung into the water, seated himself on a rock with his back to the two women, his wife and daughter. As Frank looked on in amazement, Celeste lowered herself down onto her mother's rock hard abs, and leaned back, arching her powerful torso, her awesome tits sticking up towards the blue sky. As her hands found their way to Mom's shins, her triceps exploded in detail while supporting her upper body. Mrs. Miller's hands started caressing Celeste's beautiful breasts. Now this was getting downright kinky. Carmen glanced over at Frank, her eyes moving from his face down to his noticeably bulging speedos. "You like watching two awesome musclewomen go at it, don't you Senor Frank," she whispered. He didn't respond, his eyes never leaving the unfolding Sapphic scene in front of him. And then that wonderful sensation as Carmen took him into her mouth yet again. Mr. Miller was glancing over his shoulder every once in a while, his body jerking and shaking in an odd manner as he caught quick glimpses of his wife and daughter pleasuring each other. Celeste and her Mom put on quite a show, exploring each other's perfect, luscious, powerful bodies, sometimes with great sensuality and sometimes a little bit of roughness. Frank came hugely as he watched these two women, Carmen swallowing every drop, Celeste and her Mom achieving sexual nirvanas at the same time. The weak little man continuing to glance over his shoulder shuddered and then slumped in exhaustion. Both women were sitting up now, Celeste on her Mom's lap, her strong legs wrapped around Mrs. Miller's tight waist. They were sort of hugging, rubbing breasts against each other, when Mrs. Miller suddenly looked in the direction of the giant ferns. "Carmen, have you serviced our guest?" "Yes, Senora Miller, twice. He's huge, just like you said." "And did you take advantage of that hugeness?" She paused as Carmen remained silent. "Carmen, did you?" "Please don't be mad, Senora Miller. I couldn't help myself." "Don't blame her, Mrs. Miller. I'm as much at fault." "Couldn't resist that tight little Latina body, could you now, Frank? Did you take her from the rear? " No answer. "Well, it doesn't matter. I told her to welcome you and it's okay if she enjoyed it too. Now get out here, both of you." As they came out from behind the plants, "Oh, Frank, you look like a different person." Celeste was quite pleased. "I suppose you can bench one-seventy-five now and look at those abs." "I thought that I should improve all of me. And I can bench a lot more than that now." Mrs. Miller was inspecting him like he was a prize stallion, which in her mind that's what he was. "Good boy. Turn around so I can check you out from the back. Oh, very nice." He turned around again. "Your cock is way too big for that little bathing suit. Carmen?" Mrs. Miller gestured towards Frank's still semi-inflated cock, in the down position, barely contained in the speedos. One touch of Carmen's hand and he was once again fully erect, rather comical looking with four inches of it sticking out of the bottom. Mrs. Miller interrupted, "Carmen, you've got work to do." Carmen mentally went through her checklist of household chores. "I cannot think of anything Senora Miller. What is it?" "Senor Miller has been bad. Imagine him jerking off watching his wife and daughter?" Frank knew things had become really strange around here. It seemed that it was okay for mother and daughter to engage in incestuous lesbian sex, but the man couldn't get aroused by it? He knew he sure had been. "Carmen, Mr. Miller needs to be punished. Please entertain us." Compared to Celeste and Mrs. Miller, Carmen was petite at about a hundred and forty pounds on her five foot two inch body, thirty some pounds less. That's about what Mr. Miller weighed. But he was no match for the former gymnast. Diving into the pool, she grabbed ahold of the poor sap before he could even respond, dragged him to the edge and pushed him out, jumping out right behind him. Grabbing him under an armpit, she flung him forward where he rolled down the slight slope to where there was some soft grass and there she proceeded to beat the hell out of him. She may have been small, but she was all muscle, and strong as shit. In the end, Mr. Miller found his face buried in pussy for the second time that day. As Carmen had her way with Mr. Miller, Celeste and Mrs. Miller taught Frank what it was like to be sandwiched in between two awesome muscle babes who for the moment wanted to do nothing more than rock his world. Later that evening, Mrs. Miller left Celeste and Frank alone so Celeste could fulfill her promise of giving Frank that blowjob that he earned, working so hard in the gym for those four years. And then they sixty-nined and fucked for hours, Celeste still taking the lead, but Frank now fully capable of keeping up with her. He also not getting beaten up as he had in the past, seemingly very much her equal at this point, but still very comfortable with her assertiveness. The sex was as awesome as he remembered it, maybe more. In the meantime, Mr. Miller didn't fare so well. Mrs. Miller was really worked up. She really liked that Frank now had a body to go along with his dick and she looked forward to having her turn with him the next day. She was infinitely more aggressive than her daughter and she wanted to show Frank that even though he had made quantum leaps in strength and fitness, she would still totally dominate him in wrestling before she fucked his brains out. But right now, all that pent up energy was manifesting itself in a very one-sided physical encounter with Mr. Miller that he was simply not up to. After she had rendered him unconscious with her sexual assault, she went off to have some fun with Carmen. Celeste slept in the next morning, something she rarely did. But she had made an agreement with her Mom that she would make herself scarce early the next day. Over the years as Frank had gotten more and more into being healthy, fit and strong, he would get up early, something the Miller women had been doing for quite some time. Mrs. Miller was already out by the pool, with an even tinier animal skin thong than the day before, if that was possible. This one was slicker than the previous day's leopard skin, maybe a snake skin or something. She was wearing a very tight, cutoff tanktop, soaked in sweat, sticking to her breasts, nipples erect. This was the most she ever wore. While her tits weren't as spectacular as her daughter's they were still amazing, thrusting out off of deep pecs. It was hard to believe that this woman was forty-six years old. She was the most awesomely conditioned person he had ever seen. Mrs. Miller's muscles had gotten fuller over the last four years. Seeing her standing there, a sheen of sweat glistening on her perfect physique, Frank knew that now that he was way stronger than the average hundred and seventy-five pound man, he was possibly a match for this incredible woman who was old enough to be his mother. "You're up late." "It's six o'clock." "I've been up since four-thirty. You'll never be among the physical elite if you don't get a metabolism boosting workout in first thing in the morning." "I think I already am among the elite. And besides, what about Celeste? She was still in bed when I got up." "That was just part of the setup to give me some alone time with you. As soon as you got up and were out of the room, she woke up and went to the basement gym. You should see that place now that we have more money." "Well, tell me what you've done so far this morning." "I've done all bodyweight exercises so far because I like workout out outside. Hundreds of pushups, dozens of pullups and my favorite." She gestured over her shoulder. At first Frank couldn't figure out what she was indicating so she went over nearer the pool. With all the goings on the day before, Frank hadn't notice the thick vine. Mrs. Miller took off towards the water, her muscular ass churning away, and then her powerful legs her blasted off and up nearly four feet. She grabbed the vine and in one smooth motion, she was climbing up, arms only. At about thirty feet, there was another vine attached to the first one, its origin in a tree some forty feet away. Mrs. Miller unhooked it and swung out towards yet another hanging vine. Repeating this incredibly difficult maneuver, she gracefully carried herself to one end of the huge yard and then headed back, diving into the pool at the end of her Tarzana journey. "Your turn, Big Boy." Frank actually climbed the vine pretty well, also using only his muscular arms, but when he got to the swinging part, going from one to the next, he found out it was a lot harder than it looked. So rather quickly he was in trouble, hanging on that second vine and over thirty feet off the ground, but still swinging. Mrs. Miller quickly scrambled up the first vine, reached out and pulled him back. When the got to the ground, am embarrassed Frank thanked her. But she decided to rub it in. "Frank, this whole setup, the jungle like yard, etc. has been my life long fantasy. I was always a tomboy, but when I started hitting the weights, I knew I could become a female version of Tarzan. And then when Stan, (Mr. Miller) hit the jackpot, I made him buy this property and build my rain forest for me." "Obviously, he's no match for me, never has been. I was thinking about you, with your much improved body and your huge dick, becoming a sort of jungle mate, but if you can't even swing on the vines, you're more like a Jane to my Tarzana." She laughed out loud at his further expense. "So now how do you think you'll do against me in wrestling, or any other kind of fight?" While Mrs. Miller had certainly improved an already spectacular physique over the last four years, she had only gained maybe five pounds of muscle, give or take. Frank had gained thirty. And he was closing in on being three times as strong as when he first started exercising. So all in all, he was sure he was at least her equal. He'd learn to do the vines. Indeed there is a lot of technique involved and some tricks that he didn't know about. "I think I'll do just fine, Mrs. Miller." "Please, call me Anne. And you might be as strong as me. You look like you weigh about twenty pounds or so more than me. But trust me, you're a nice guy. And even though I have no idea what you're capable of fighting-wise, I know that I am skilled, I am relentless and I have what's known as killer instinct. That doesn't mean I want to kill, it just means when I know I have an advantage, I am merciless in achieving my goal, which is to not just win, but totally dominate. You don't have that in you." As she talked, Frank glanced towards the beach in one of the few small openings in the lush growth. There was a man walking along the edge of the water. "I thought your beach was private. That's what Bill told me in a text. There's someone down there. By the way, where is Bill?" Anne looked down to the beach. "I'll be right back. As to Bill, he'll be along soon enough." She took off running, fast. Frank was amazed at how quickly she made her way down towards the water, churning through the sand faster than he could. He jogged along behind, getting close enough to watch the goings on. "Hey you, this is a private beach. You'd better leave now if you know what's good for you," she yelled as she ran towards the man. "I was just passing through." "The fuck you were. Now turn around and go back where you came from." He was a pretty big guy, certainly a lot bigger than Frank, and obviously larger than her as well. Maybe not quite as jacked but no slouch either. "Listen lady, I said I'm just passing through, and that's what I'm gonna do." Mrs. Miller ran right at him, jumping high and coming down on him from above. In an instant, she had entangled her powerful arms around his head and shoulders and then she torqued her powerful body to the right. Down they both went, Anne sort of behind him as their momentum caused them to roll. She seized the opportunity to wrap her legs around his torso as they rolled and by the time they came to rest, she had him completely tied up, her left arm securing one of his hands behind his back, and her other pulling his head back, his face under her tricep, also capturing the other arm. She squeezed his midsection with all her might as she jerked his upper body back and forth, arching her back and pulling up as she pushed down with her legs. The guy was screaming in pain in seconds, his body feeling like it was being torn in half. To make matters worse, with all the wiggling around, she was able to maneuver him so she could grab both his wrists behind his back and keep his head captured and pulled back with that one arm. With her now free hand, she grabbed his crotch and started squeezing. A few seconds later, his struggles stopped. Mrs. Miller had totally subdued this much bigger man in less than a minute and as Frank watched, she extricated herself from him, sat down roughly on his head, pulled her thong aside and used his nose for her personal satisfaction. After she finished she jerked the wobbly man to his feet, draped him across her shoulders and then walked into the surf. She pushed him up to arm's length and threw him into an oncoming wave, turning around and brushing her hands together as she waded out of the water. When she got back to Frank, "I knew you'd watch." She reached out and touched his boner, barely contained in his little suit. "And I knew it would excite you. Now, you were saying about doing just fine against me in a fight? We'll see." She was so sure of herself that it was unnerving. "Let's head back to the pool area for some morning entertainment." As they went back up towards the pool area, Frank recognized Bill standing there on the deck, looking quite apprehensive. Frank didn't want his old pal to see him with an obvious boner and he tried to rearrange it as they walked. "Ha, ha, you don't want your friend to know that his mom turns you on. Well, don't worry about it. By now he's totally used to it. And besides, as long as you're here, you're probably going to have a hard dick day and night. We Miller women tend to have that effect on men." When they got up to the patio by the one edge of the pool, Anne went off for a minute, giving Frank and Bill a chance to talk. "I tried to warn you not to come." "Why? I couldn't wait to get back together with Celeste. That's why I worked out like a maniac for four years." "Yeah, I can tell. You look really jacked, man." "How about you?" "Both my Dad and I tried working out but we got no results. Seems like the women of the house are what they call "easy gainers" and Dad can't do anything to get even the slightest bit stronger. It seems that I got his genes. The women in the family are so fucking superior, as you're about to see." "But why did you feel the need to warn me about coming? I'm strong as shit now. I can hold my own quite well. And so far, I've gotten two awesome blowjobs from your maid, and I fucked her up that sweet round ass of hers, plus well I don't want to go into details about my evening with your sister ... .." "As if I didn't know. She has her way with me whenever she feels like it." "Incest?" "No. There's no fucking, but she makes me eat her daily. Sometimes more than once." "Well anyway, sorry if I brought up a sore subject." Bill looked so dejected, as if he was about to cry. "Is there anything I can do to help?" "I doubt it. And like I said, I tried to warn you. They'll use you too." He looked back toward the enormous house and saw his mom and sister approaching with Mr. Miller about ten steps behind, head down, looking as hang-dog as Bill. "We gotta stop talking now, although I'm sure Mom expected me to fill you in while she was gone. She's very smart and she seems to have everyone figured out." "So, even though your dad makes all the money, she runs the place." "Not exactly, but I really can't say any more. If I do, my miserable life will only get worse. Shhhh, here they come." It seemed that mother and daughter liked to dress the same. Celeste also had on a thong made with the same snake skin, and a way too tight top, although hers was not yet transparent with sweat. As always, or so it seemed, Anne took the lead. "Are you guys done talking yet? Has my weak little boy filled you in on all the details?" "No. He said that no matter how much Mr. Miller or him work out, they seem to get no results. That's about it." "Well he's certainly right about the first part, but I doubt that that's about it. Anyway, time for a demonstration as to how weak these two pathetic Miller men are. You ready, Celeste?" "Yeah. Carmen will be along in a minute." Sure enough, minutes later she came down from the house. Frank was starting to get used to the idea that things around the Miller Estate were very odd, but he still was curious what was going to happen next. Celeste explained. "Frank, back when you were as weak as my brother here, you might remember that I fucked you to within an inch of your life, but we never actually wrestled, and you've never seen me fight. So sit back on this chair and enjoy the show while I take on my father and my brother at the same time." "Why is Carmen here?" "She's going to service you while I demonstrate my superiority over these two dweebs." "No." Frank jumped up from his seat. "It's bad enough to see my friend getting his ass handed to him, but I can't get pleasure from it." "Trust me, Frank. You really won't be able to help yourself. It's gonna turn you on like you can't believe. Anyway, it's two of them against just one of little old me. I guess you assume I'm gonna win. You're right of course." "Well that doesn't mean I have to cooperate in his humiliation." "Thanks for making that clear, Frank." Mrs. Miller surprised him from behind, getting him into a full nelson and plopping down on the chaise lounge that had been reserved for him. Before he could do anything, her legs came around, hooking his in case he continued to fight it. Since his arms were incapacitated, she thought she'd better do the same to is legs to prevent him from kicking or anything. As Celeste moved out onto the mats, Bill and Stan followed, knowing that getting beaten in a wrestling match was a lot better than what might happen if they didn't cooperate. Stan got to her right and Bill to her left as she extended her arms out towards them, fifteen inch arms that were about four inches bigger than either of theirs. But due to the full round muscles, her arms appeared twice as big as either of the men's skinny, shapeless ones. Surely they were more than twice as strong. The men were very cautious, knowing how formidable she was, but they managed to each grab a wrist with both hands and try to control her by pulling on her arms. Soon enough it was she who was doing the pulling. Back and forth, one at a time, she pulled first her weak brother in towards her and then relaxed as he sort of flopped back, almost losing balance. As everyone laughed at his expense, she did the same to her poor dad. As she released, he did lose his footing and quick as a wink, Celeste pulled and as Stan became airborne, she swung him around in front of her as she pulled her brother in with much greater force, smacking him into her shoulder. Stan's flight ended when he slammed into his son. Celeste let go as both men crumbled to the ground, this competition pretty much over before it had begun. In the meantime, Carmen had removed her top, revealing tits that were every bit the equal of Mrs. Miller's. Against his will, Frank's cock was now at full attention, sticking a good five inches out of the top of his speedos. Quick as a wink, she pulled them down out of the way as all ten inches shot straight up. Carmen began tit fucking him as she reached forward and raked her fingernails across his chest. Anne was hold his head steady so he would have to watch the mismatch over on the mats, something she didn't need to do since he was already getting into it, just as she predicted. Celeste glided around the two scrawny male bodies, Stan kind of half on top of his son. She did hadn't shown a lot of fighting skills, all she needed washer overpowering strength. Keeping in mind that Celeste looked like a cross between a bodybuilder and some Tumblr bimbo, it was so hot seeing her standing over two men whom she had rendered helpless in mere seconds, faster than her mother had dispatched the trespasser on their private beach. Between the amazing sensations that Carmen's tits were providing to his dick and the erotic vision he was witnessing, coupled with being held firmly in place by a woman whose strength was hard to comprehend, Frank was coming in buckets all over Carmen's torso and his own abs very quickly. Anne released him and joined Carmen in starting to lick all that delicious protein off of him. Not to be left out, Celeste grabbed her dad and her brother by the scruffs of their necks, pulling them to their feet and them slamming them into each other with tremendous force. As they collapsed back onto the mats, she went over and joined in the party, the women at times taking turns cleaning Carmen's torso as well as Frank's body. It was too much for him and he started spewing all over the all of them once again. Celeste disentangled herself from the three on one orgy and went back to her dad and brother, both of whom were now on their knees, Stan facing towards the women and Bill the other way. Celeste grabbed Bill by the shoulders as she stuck a knee in his back. Bending him back until he was facing up towards the sky, she then straddled him, facing the women as she positioned his face in her thong covered crotch. As she clamped her legs together, locking him in place, she then leaned to her left, grabbed her dad by the arm, yanked him to his feet and then flipped him up onto her broad shoulders, upside down in a classic backbreaker hold. As Frank watched with baited breath, now both other women licking his dick, Celeste powered down on her poor dad's back as she squeezed her brother's head. Both men passed out as Celeste had a very nice orgasm, and Frank once again showered the faces of Carmen and Anne as if he had hadn't ejaculated in weeks. Celeste released Bill's head and he slumped to the mat as she stepped forward, shrugging her dad off her shoulders. Unfastening her snake skin thong as her dad crashed down on top of Bill. She pulled her now soaked top off and sashayed towards Frank. Anne and Carmen seemed to be enjoying licking and sucking Frank's huge bad boy as much as he did being on the receiving end. They reluctantly moved away, but quickly coupled up with each other to continue the pleasure as Celeste almost leaped, impaling herself on Frank and fucking him so hard that the chaise lounge broke. So, Frank had seen a forty-six year old physical phenomenon destroy that guy on the beach, watched the woman of his dreams have an easy time with two weaklings, been tit- fucked, had his dick serviced by two women at once and then been fucked by a sexual tour de force. And it wasn't even eight o'clock in the morning yet. As strange and kinky as this whole scene was, Frank was beginning to enjoy it. All the fucking and sucking done for the moment, the three women and Frank went down to the beach for a swim while Stan and Bill made lunch. When Frank asked why it wasn't Carmen making the meal, Anne explained that they had something else in mind for Carmen that day. They headed back up after everyone was refreshed and had washed all the love juices off. When they got back up to the deck, Frank wanted to know when he would get to wrestle Celeste, as she had anticipated he would. "When you've earned the right." "How do I do that?" "After you beat Carmen here." "You're kidding, right. I'm sure I outweigh her by forty or so pounds." "Then you should have an easy time of it before you move on to bigger challenges. Carmen, you don't mind, do you?" "No, Senorita. I will gladly kick his gringo ass for you." She smiled at Frank in a playful way. "Are you ready to lose, Senor Frank?" "I saw you fight yesterday against Mr. Miller. He was not much of an opponent." "True. But I was barely trying. I could have beaten him and Bill at the same time just like Celeste did." "Well, show me what you got." And she did. They faced off and with startling quickness, she went low, grabbed an ankle and before Frank knew what had happened, he was on his back. He lifted his head as he started to get up and was met with a knee to the chin and quick as a wink he was down again. Carmen leaped high and displaying her gymnastics talents, back flipped and came down in a split across Frank's chest. She twisted towards his legs, grabbing them a pulling up hard. Leaning towards his face and she planted a wet kiss on him, shoving her tongue into his mouth for a second. "Senor Frank, you are totalmente out of your league. You may be a lot bigger than me, and probably stronger, though not by much. But I am muy rapido and you are que lento." As Celeste and Anne laughed at his predicament, Carmen pushed off with her strong legs jumping over his head and landing on her knees, still holding on to his legs, and flipping him over onto his stomach. Proving that what she said was true, she was very fast and he was slow, she jumped onto his back and pulled his arms behind him in a double chicken wing, then moving farther up, she secured his hands under her crotch. One free hand went to his chin, the other to an ankle, and then she pulled with all her might. He submitted quickly but she couldn't hear him because she was wallowing in the intense pleasure her pussy was getting from his captured hands. "What are you gonna do now, Frank?" ask Anne as she crouched down in front of Frank's face to taunt him. "He's not gonna do anything, Senora because I am still way too fast for him and I think he's tiring. Poor hombre." She let go of his chin, stood up and grabbed his other leg and, arching her supple back, pulled as she fell backwards, bending his less flexible one pretty damn far. Now her head was right next to his. She kissed him on the cheek. "I don't get tired. You're bigger and maybe a little strong, but you're not as conditioned as me and now that you're tired, you're no longer as strong as me. Better give up, Senor." "I already did." "I didn't hear you, not that I would have stopped anyway. I think the senora and senorita wanted some more entertainment." "Now to the victor goes the spoils." Celeste had come up behind her mother now, coaxing Carmen on. She let go of his legs and stood next to him, pulling her little bathing suit bottoms off as she nudged his side with her foot, signaling for him to roll over on his back. He got the message. Carmen settled down on his face and began wiggling. As Carmen began moaning, Celeste noticed a steady rise in Frank's speedos. "Mom, I've already had that delicious massive cock inside me for quite a long time last night and also a little while ago. I think it's your turn." Without hesitation, Anne yanked his little suit off and impaled herself, riding him to several orgasms while Carmen did the same to his face. They left him lying there on the mat as they went in to have a mid-morning snack, laughing at his inability to even mount a defense against the smallest of the three women. End of Pt. 2