Xena - My Story, Part 18 By Love My Muscles If you have comments, please email them to covert.1@hotmail.com attention, Love My Muscles, thanks. I had been staying with Gloria and Roger following my surgery, this past week, and while I hadn't spoken to Jack, I assumed he was buried in work. What he was 'buried' in wasn't work, but play. ****************************************************************************** ****************** Rather than drive home, I thought I would surprise Jack by going to his office. I knew that he had been working long hours and maybe we could go out to lunch. Traffic in Los Angeles is hectic, especially downtown. I found a parking garage, paid the attendant and walked the two blocks to the high rise that Jack's firm was in. I took the elevator to the firm's floor and went into the lobby. I wasn't familiar with the staff or the receptionist, but it didn't surprise me that when I asked for Jack, she looked at me from head to foot, forming some preconceived opinion in her tiny brain. I was wearing jeans and my off the shoulder peasant blouse. Not quite 'business attire', especially for a legal firm, but it wasn't as if I were naked or anything. Besides, this was LA and what I had on might be considered 'trendy'. "I'm sorry, but Jack is not in this morning, would you care to leave a message, miss?" the twenty-something piece of 'eye candy' asked, pushing a notepad toward me. "No," I said, "no thank you," but what I really felt like saying was, 'Why don't you get your stuck up head out of your ass.' "Can you tell me if he'll be back later?" I asked. Without consulting her desk or her computer, she said, "I really couldn't say, miss." "You couldn't or you won't," I asked. Now clearly uncomfortable, she began to say something, but obviously changed her mind and said, "I don't know when Jack will be in or if he'll be in at all." I smiled and said, "That's better, thank you, Meagan," having read her name on her desk plaque just above the word 'receptionist.' She smiled briefly and said, "You're welcome, miss." "Its mistress," I corrected, smiling at her, "call me mistress." Her eyes darted from one side of the reception area to the other even though we were the only two in the room. "Ah, yes," she stammered, "you're welcome, mistress." "That's better, Meagan," I said, still smiling, "perhaps you would like to get to know me and my muscles better." I crossed my arms over my chest allowing my trapezius muscles to jump. Her eyes left mine and widened as she looked at my neck and chest. Her mouth opened slightly, which I found funny, and laughed softly. "I, ah, that is, err," she stammered again, "I, I would like that, mistress." I really wasn't expecting her to agree, so I had to repress the urge to rip her two-hundred dollar silk blouse and one-hundred dollar bra from her body and have my way with her here in the reception area. "Perhaps one day, Meagan, perhaps one day," I said. I turned and went through the double glass doors to the bank of elevators. I knew that Meagan was watching me as I walked so before pressing the call button for the elevator, I turned and sensuously licked my lips and then for a reason even I couldn't explain, pulled the neckline of my peasant blouse down exposing one of my massive breasts. Meagan's eyes looked as if they would pop from her head. I chuckled to myself as I straightened my blouse and turned to face the bank of elevators and pressed the 'down' button. 'Maybe Jack is with a client, taking a deposition, or maybe he wasn't feeling well today,' I thought, 'and stayed home.' I drove the twenty miles or so from his office to our house and noticed that his car was in the driveway. 'Poor Jack,' I thought, 'it must be all the work, he's home sick, why couldn't Meagan have told me that.' I parked next to Jack's car and let myself in through the front door. 'He's probably in bed', I thought as I kicked off my sandals and unfastened my jeans. 'I'll surprise him,' I thought, and slipped my blouse over my head and padded to the back of the house. "Oh, oh, oh, Jack," I heard coming from behind the bedroom door, "please, you're going to rip me apart," the woman's voice pleaded. 'That son of a bitch,' I thought as I opened the door quietly and stepped into the bedroom, our bedroom. There on the bed, Jack was having sex with a red-head, her hair splayed out on a pillow. My pillow, her legs wrapped around Jack's waist. Quietly I walked to the foot of the bed and stood, watching Jack hammer his hips back and forth. The woman, her eyes shut tight was clutching the bed sheets in each fist, moaning. Although this was my man in our bed with a strange woman who had her head on my pillow, I found the scene oddly intoxicating. My new, improved, cock was becoming aroused. I touched my shaft, feeling the scar beneath and stroked myself slowly. I had stood there for perhaps two minutes when the red-head opened her eyes. The look on her face was priceless as she focused and saw me standing beside the bed and slightly behind Jack. "Ah, ah, Jack, wait, stop," she said, and then more urgently and even louder, "Please, Jack stop, who is that?" Jack slowed his thrusting as he heard the urgency in the woman's voice, and then stopped altogether. The pair remained together, Jack's penis in the red-heads vagina. "Xena!" Jack said. "Hello, Jack," I said calmly, "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?" "Ahh, well, ahh," he stammered, stepping off the end of the bed, "this is Joy, Joy, this is," and Jack didn't finish the statement. "Hello, Joy, I'm Xena, Jack's girlfriend," I said, extending my hand to the naked woman on my bed. Joy was blinking rapidly, but managed to prop herself up on one elbow and glancing between Jack and I, extended her hand. I shook her hand and watched her wince in pain before I released it. I looked at Jack and asked, "Joy? Really, Jack". He shrugged and I turned back to the red-head. She was pale with light freckles on her legs and across the bridge of her nose. Her small breasts were capped with pale areola and small nipples. While her pubis was waxed, her small labia appeared pale as well. She was perhaps the 'polar opposite of me', I thought. As I looked at her, she pulled the sheet over her body as if to hide. I'm sure I had a smile on my face as I realized she was looking at my erect clit. I put my hands on my hips and asked her, "Jack didn't tell you he had a girlfriend, did he?" She shook her head and I looked over at Jack and said, "And you had to screw her in our bed?" He gave a weak smile and shrugged his shoulders. I turned my attention back to the woman on the bed that now had the sheets drawn up under her chin. I grabbed the sheet at the end of the bed and pulled them from her grasp. "Jack!," she yelled. "Xena, please," Jack said, but I turned and looked at him and he could read the look on my face and said no more but held his hands up, palms facing me. Looking down at the girl, I said, "Joy, Jack is easy, yes, he's a stud, but Mistress Xena is in charge now," and I put one knee on the bed. Joy brought her legs together tightly and began pushing her body toward the headboard. I smiled. 'This is great,' I thought, 'she actually thinks she can get away from me.' As I put my other knee on the bed, she kicked out, hitting me in the thigh with her right foot. I continued to smile as I walked on my knees towards her. Her other foot made contact with my abs, and then her right foot once again, hitting me near my 'cock'. I grabbed her ankles and pulled her toward me, pinning her legs in place. She began to sob, her eyes wide, tears running down her cheeks. Quickly she sat up, fists balled, pounding my chest and neck. I let her hit me knowing she would only tire herself out. Spent, she lay back on the bed. "Jack," I said without taking my eyes from Joy, "Does Joy mean anything to you?" I didn't have to look at Jack to know he was thinking this question over. Joy, however, glanced around me as best she could to look at Jack. "Yes," Jack said softly, "Yes she does." The answer didn't surprise me. I had trained Jack well, and I knew he was ready to move on. 'So am I', I thought. "Good," I said, "I will go easy on her," and I quickly leaned forward, bringing the head of my clit against her labia. Looking down at the woman I said, "Relax and enjoy this, Joy, I don't want to hurt you, honey. Let Mistress Xena do the all work," and I laughed softly as I thrust my hips forward. "Ahh," she said, "please, ah, please," she said softly. "Mistress Xena," I said, "My name is Mistress Xena. Please what, Joy; tell me, baby, what do you want Mistress Xena to do?" I was slowly moving my hips and Joy was matching my rhythm. We were moving as one, in sync with each other. Slowly I lowered my body onto hers, enjoying the feel of my breasts against her chest, my dark skin against her pale flesh. I kissed the nape of her neck and then kissed her lips, parting them with my tongue, exploring. "Hmm," she cooed as I buried my 'she cock' fully inside her and lifted my body from hers. Her hips rose slightly from the bed, impaled on my shaft. I chuckled and lowered her. I rolled to my right, holding Joy against my body until she was on top of me. "Hmm," she continued, "please, Mistress, don't stop." I laughed lightly and whispered in her ear, "Take me in that sweet mouth of yours, baby, Mistress Xena wants to come in your mouth." She lifted her head and looked me in the eye and then sat up. She stepped off the end of the bed and I slid down so that she might kneel on the floor. Jack was standing behind her watching as his new girlfriend performed fellatio on his old girlfriend. Somehow I was alright with that and it gave me satisfaction to see that Jack was not. Propping myself up, I grabbed the back of Joy's hair and began to increase her tempo. "More, bitch, faster," I hissed, as I watched Jack, until he turned away at which point I allowed myself to explode. Seconds passed before I realized the woman was joking. I held her face tightly against my pubis; my clit buried no doubt in her throat. I released my grip of her hair and she fell to the floor, coughing, and a trickle of my semen running from a corner of her mouth. Jack knelt to comfort her, putting one arm around her shoulders. 'Touching,' I thought, 'the little wimp, and after all I did for him, after all the sex.' "I'm going to pack a few things, Jack," I said, standing up and looking down on the couple, "and then I'll go, but I want one last thing from you." He looked up and I smiled down at him. "What, Xena, what do you want," he asked. "I want to have you one final time," I said, "I want to feel that magnificent cock in me that I trained one final time." He looked from me to Joy and then said, "Alright, Xena, one last time." Stepping around the girl on the floor, I sat on the bed and then laid back. Jack was erect by the time he knelt between my legs with the prospect of having me again. My nub of a clit out of the way, Jack entered me and began his ritual of bringing his women to orgasm. I relaxed my vagina for the first five minutes or so, enjoying his cock. He did have a beautiful penis. "Hmm, Jack, doesn't this remind you of old times," I asked as he began to increase his thrusts. Slowly I tightened my vaginal muscles as a python would constrict a rabbit. In this case, Jack's penis was my rabbit. "Hmm," I cooed, "you're making me hot, Jack," gradually increasing my pressure on his member. "So hot," I said, and he began to squirm. "Xena, please, let go," he said, and I tightened more. I knew it was as if his cock was in a vice, and that gave me pleasure. "Yes, baby," I said, "I love that big cock of yours." Jack began to pound on my chest as I held him fast against my body. "Oh, baby," I said, "Jackie wants to play," and I squeezed with my arms. I could have snapped his spine, but I didn't want to hurt him, well, not much anyway. Joy was on her feet, standing next to the bed. "Let go of him, Xena," and she began to pull on my wrist trying to free Jack. I tightened my vaginal muscles a little more and felt Jack explode. 'Good,' I thought, and released my hold on him. He slid from my grasped to the floor at the foot of the bed and Joy knelt beside him. He was panting heavily as I sat on the edge of the bed. That's when I noticed the blood on the inside of my thigh. I thought Jack had climaxed but apparently I had crushed his penis. I looked down at him and saw a small pool of blood under his now flaccid penis. "You better call the paramedics, Joy," I told her. She got to her feet in a daze, but Jack looked up and said, "No, I'll be alright. Don't call." I grabbed the phone away from Joy and said, "Go get the bag of frozen peas from the freezer and get back here, quick." She was really out of it, so I said, "I'll get them, and you help Jack on to the bed." I returned a minute later with the frozen peas and put it on Jack's penis. He winced when the plastic bag and the cold came in contact with his manhood. "Hold this in place," I told Joy and placed her hand on the bag of vegetables. I went into the bathroom and raising the toilet seat, peed, and then with toilet paper, cleaned Jack's blood from my thigh. I gathered my toiletries, and put them in a tote bag. I went to the closet and retrieved a suitcase and began emptying drawers. "I'll be back for the rest," I said as I moved to the closet to take things from hangers, "maybe in a day or two." "OK," Jack said. I stopped, shutting the suitcase and looked at him. "I'm sorry, Jack," I said, "I didn't mean to hurt you, really." He looked up at me. "I know, Xena," he said, "Take care of yourself." "Always," I said, and then to Joy, I said, "Take care of Jack, he's a good man, I know, I trained him; but now he's yours. And one other thing, just a word of advice, learn how to swallow without gagging," and I smiled as I left the two of them sitting on the bed. I gathered my clothes and dressed in the living room. A hundred questions streamed through my brain as I drove back to Gloria and Roger's. 'How long had Jack been cheating on me? Where did he meet Joy? Wasn't I woman enough for him?' I thought, but most importantly, 'What now?' I was waiting for the traffic light to change when a convertible stopped against the curb to my right. The driver, a nice looking man leaned toward the passenger door and appeared to say something to a young man wearing a leather jacket. They shook hands and as the light turned green, the man in the convertible accelerated past me, cutting me off. 'Drug buy', I thought. In an instant I turned and went around the block to where the traffic light was. I parked and walked from the side street to the corner. The man in the leather jacket was caught off guard as I walked around the corner and stopped in front of him. "Hey," he said, "I'm working here!" We were in front of an empty store that was for sale, a real estate sign in the window. Without saying a word, I grabbed the man by the collar of his jacket and pushed on the door of the shop, breaking the lock. "What the hell, lady," he said, "Are you crazy?" "Maybe," I said, but continued walking, half carrying and half dragging the drug dealer with me. He had both hands around my wrist trying to loosen my grip on his jacket. As we entered a backroom, he let go with one hand and dug into his pocket. I threw him across the small space and he landed on the concrete floor. "Who are you", he asked, "Who sent you?" 'He thinks I'm from a rival gang,' I thought. "It's none of your business who I am or who sent me," I said, "What does matter is that you're done selling dope." He looked at me a moment and brought a knife out from his pocket. He pushed a button and a blade appeared. Holding the knife in one hand, he slowly walked toward me. I was between him and the door through which we came. When he was perhaps six feet from me, he lunged; as he did I stepped to the side and turned sideways as he narrowly missed my stomach. I caught him by the arm and twisted his arm in back of him as his momentum carried him forward. The knife fell to the floor as I lifted his wrist high behind his back. "Ow, you're hurting me," the man screamed. "And what were you going to do with that knife asshole," I asked, "clean under my fingernails?" I pulled his arm higher and he was now standing on his tiptoes. "OK, OK, let go and I'll forget this happened," he said. "I don't want to forget this, bitch," I said and jerked up on his wrist, dislocating his shoulder. "Argh!" he cried, "You broke my arm." I let go and his shoulder dropped. "I didn't break your arm, I dislocated your shoulder, but that's the least of your worry," I said. He turned to face me and as he did, I hit him with a short jab to his nose. Blood flew, some splattering me, as he yelled and grabbed his face with his left hand. He brought it away from his face and looked at a palm full of blood. "Son of a bitch, lady, you broke my nose," he said, although the words sounded slurred. "Did I mention I don't like drug dealers," I said. "Screw you, bitch," he slurred, it sounded like, "Scu you, bith." I looked at him and said, "Are you that stupid or do you just not get that I'm going to take you apart?" I was no more than a foot in front of him so I knead him in the groin and he collapsed to the floor, holding his manhood with his one usable hand. I looked down at the pathetic druggy. "You're a poor excuse for a human being, sissy-boy," I said. He was lying in a fetal position so I grabbed him by the ankle and with one hand on his heel and one on the toe of his well-worn work boot; I twisted, snapping his ankle. The man howled at the top of his lungs, tapering off to deliver a string of profanities. "Peas stop, wady," he begged through clenched teeth, "Jus take da money an go." "Take the money," I asked, "go? I'm having too much fun to leave now; I haven't even started on you ribs and spine." His eyes went wide. "No, wady, peas, no, don hurt me any mo," he said, and then began to sob. "OK," I said, and extended a hand down to the man, "get up." He reached up and I pulled him to his feet, although the broken ankle prevented him from putting any weight on it, I grabbed him around the waste and then encircled his chest with my arms, standing with his back against my chest. I locked my fingers together and flexed my biceps, crushing the man against me. I heard first one, then a second and finally a third and fourth rib snap as I continued to apply pressure. The man passed out. I let his body drop to the floor. I felt the wad of cash in his pocket and jammed it into his mouth. I was feeling better now having taken out my aggressions on this worthless piece of crap. I drug his body to the front door of the shop where I retrieved his cell phone. I dialed 9-1-1 and reported a man being attacked and gave the address of the shop. I wiped the phone off and let it fall to the floor beside the man and left. By the time I reached Roger and Gloria's I was in a better mood. 'I would just have to find another well-endowed stud that I could train to pleasure me', I thought, 'but right now, I need to get out of these bloody clothes and take a shower.' To be continued ... .