Xena - My Story, Part 17 By Love My Muscles If you have comments, please email them to covert.1@hotmail.com attention, Love My Muscles, thanks. Jack and I had been back from the Caribbean for four weeks. While Jack spent many hours at work, 'getting caught up', as he said, I had way too much time to think about lazy days on the beach and the soft trade winds. I busied myself with school work and hours at the gym, either working or working out. Little did I know I was about to enter a new chapter in my life. ****************************************************************************** I knew I had been adding size, mass and weight, but I trained heavy, I ate right and took my 'supplements' as I called them. For those of you who are in to statistics here are mine; my neck is 17", however, it's fair to point out that that measurement is without flaring my trapezius muscles, my calves and biceps are 18", flexed, while my thighs are 26". I have 36" hips, a 30" waist and my chest when expanded measures an awesome 52". I would wear a 'C' cup in a bra if I wore a bra. I didn't relish the idea of being alone at night, with Jack working, and the gym was a 'friend' to me. When I lifted I watched myself in the mirror, looking for imperfections, but also studying my lifting technique. I would spend time after working out in the locker room studying each body part and flexing before the mirror. 'I'm bigger than some male bodybuilders,' I thought, 'and far stronger.' I was thrilled when I got a call from Gloria who wanted to meet for lunch. I had called her a few days earlier, but had just gotten her voice mail. Gloria said she was going to be up in LA and that we could meet. Because of my workouts, clothes were becoming a problem. I ran around the house with practically nothing on, or if I was poolside, I was naked, but to go to lunch with Gloria I wanted to look presentable. I had a couple of pair of jeans that fit, albeit snuggly, and found an off-the-shoulder peasant top that showed not only my trapezius muscles but also my arms. I arrived at the restaurant a little early and took a seat in the outside patio area. It was a nice setting, secluded, with little street noise and not a lot of other diners for this weekday. The waiter looked nervous from the minute he showed up at the table, but I was accustomed to that. "My name is Jeffery, and I will be serving you today, may I get you something to drink," he asked. I smiled, hoping to make him feel more at ease and said, "A friend will be joining me, so I'll just have water for now." "Certainly," he replied and scurried off. He returned a minute later with a large glass of ice water; a lemon slice impaled on the rim of the glass, on a tray and placed it on the table. Before he could take off again, I put a hand over his, holding him to the table. "Jeffery, be a dear and when my friend arrives, give us the service we desire, do you understand?" I said, looking the waiter in the eyes, smiling. "Y-yes, miss," he stammered. "Oh, and one other thing, it's 'mistress', Jeffery, you may call me mistress," I told him. "Yes, mistress," he said softly and I released his hand. Moments later, Gloria came in. I stood up as she approached. She looked better than I remembered; long blonde hair, silver leggings, a plum colored blouse cinched at the waist with a black belt and black strappy pumps. We hugged and I gave her a lingering kiss. She took a step back and said, "Xena, I swear, you've gotten bigger, my god, look at those muscles." I smiled and said, "I have been consumed with working out, I suppose," and we sat, "Jack has been working long hours." Jeffrey showed up and handed each of us a menu. "I'll give you a few minutes to look over the menu and if I can answer any question, please ask," he said and was about to leave when I asked, "Do you have skinless chicken?" "Yes, mistress, we can prepare the chicken however you like," he replied, smiled and left. "Mistress?" Gloria asked. "I had a word with the waiter before you came," I said and Gloria chuckled, and said, "I'll bet you did." We made small talk, going over thoughts and remembrances of the cruise. We ordered and once the food came, Gloria asked, "Do you remember our conversation, about how you like to control situations. Dominate, and how you seduced me." "As I remember," I said, eating my salad and cutting my chicken, "It didn't take much seduction, but yes, I still demand control." Gloria smiled and said, "Interesting choice of words; demand control. What about the violence?" "If provoked," I replied, sipping my tea, "I told you about the drunk on the tour." "Yes, you did," Gloria said, "did anymore come of that?" "No," I said, "and I'm glad, although I would have loved to beat that bully into the ground." Gloria laughed and said, "I'm sure you would have too." "More tea, ladies, ah, err, mistresses?" Jeffery asked as he stepped to the table, a pitcher of tea in hand. "Yes, please Jeffery," I said, and he refilled my glass. "Do you find me attractive, Jeffrey," I asked. Gloria studied the young man. "Yes, mistress," he replied quickly. "And am I your type of girl," I asked. This required a little more thought on Jeffrey's part, but he eventually said, "Yes, mistress." "Good answer, Jeffrey," I said, "Thank you," and he left. "There, see," I said to Gloria, "I didn't lose my temper." She looked at me quizzically and I said, "Jeffery doesn't like muscular women, hell, the little bitch probably likes men, but I didn't get angry." Gloria laughed and said, "I see. It's nice you keep your emotions in check, Xena." "Xena," Gloria said, "I'm going to speak frankly. Would you be interested in talking to Roger about having your clit fixed so that you could perform as a man?" I was caught off guard, my fork full of chicken stopped midway to my mouth. I'm sure my mouth was open. "A sex change operation," I asked. "No, no, not that," Gloria said, "This is something a little different, but rather than me try to describe it, would you consider talking to Roger?" "When," I asked. "Whenever is convenient for you, my love," Gloria said. I smiled and reached across the table taking her hand in mind. "You sure know how to butter a girl up," I said. "What about tonight?" Gloria asked. While this was moving fast, I said, "Sure, why not, I can at least listen to what Roger has to say." Gloria wrote out directions and we set a time. As I drove home I thought, 'This will be interesting. I'm not interested in becoming a man, I already have a beautiful clit,' and I could feel myself getting hard against my jeans. By the time I got home I had to masturbate, an act that I found myself doing more frequently with Jack's absence. That evening I drove to Gloria and Roger's house in Newport Beach. 'I wonder what their house is like,' I thought, as I turned onto their street, 'but if it's anything like what I've seen on 'The Real Housewives of Orange County,' I'm going to ask to move in.' The long, low, ranch style house looked like it took up two lots. A four car garage flanked one side of the house. I parked on the street and walked up the flagstone walk and rang the bell. The door opened and a beautiful black woman in a short black leather skirt stood blocking entryway. "Yes?" she asked. "Is this Gloria and Rogers, house?" She stepped aside and held the door for me, a brief smile crossing her lips. "Yes," she said in proper English, "Mistress Gloria and Dr. Roger are expecting you, please, follow me," and she shut the door behind me. Besides the short leather skirt, she wore three-inch heels and a white silk blouse with no bra. With the pumps on she was as tall as I. She led me past a library that was richly paneled, a sitting room, dining room, media center and a home gym. The house seemed to go on forever and ever. The woman turned to wait for me as I slowly walked, looking into each room. The black woman was expressionless as I caught up with her and said, "Please, let's continue," and turned left down another hallway and then right into what appeared to be Roger's office. I could see a swimming pool in the back yard, lit by underwater lighting and a basketball size patio. Roger was sitting behind his desk when the black woman entered, but quickly stood. "Dr. Roger, Mistress Gloria, Mistress Xena is here," she said. "Thank you, Fiona," Gloria said. Gloria was sitting in a leather arm chair tucked in the corner of the room. "Would you like something to drink before we begin," Gloria asked me. "Just water, if you don't mind," I said to Fiona. "Not at all, mistress," she said and left the room. "Welcome," Roger said, "Did you have any trouble finding the house?" "No problem at all," I said, shaking Roger's hand, a rather weak squeeze. 'Roger's a wimp,' I told myself, 'but he's Gloria's wimp, and supposedly a great surgeon, so I'll accept him as he is.' Gloria got up, and we hugged and kissed. "I'm so glad you agreed to see Roger." Looking from Gloria to Roger, I said, "I'm just here to see what you have to say, I'm not making any commitments." "I understand, Xena, but I wanted to give you something to think about," Roger said, "Is Xena alright, or would you prefer I call you mistress." I thought about that for a moment and then said, "If you're going to be my doctor, you better call me Xena, but if we don't pursue whatever it is you're going to suggest, call me mistress, understand." He shot a look at Gloria who smiled but said nothing. "I understand," he said, "please, have a seat." I took the chair in front of his desk and crossed my legs. I wore a sleeveless sun dress even though it was at night, mainly because it fit. Fiona came in with a tray on it, a glass with ice cubes and a bottle of Fuji water and one of Perrier. "I wasn't sure which you would prefer, mistress," she said, extending the tray towards me. I took the Fuji and glass and said, "Thank you, Fiona." "You're welcome, mistress," she replied, and left. "The reason I wanted to speak with you is that I know you have a large clit and with your muscular structure, you use your clit as a pseudo penis," Roger said, "What happens though is that with your ejaculation sprays everywhere. What I'm proposing is that I can fix that so that you ejaculate is contained." I looked at him for a full minute and then asked, "So, this isn't about turning me into a man?" Roger looked at Gloria and then back to me and said, "Heaven's no, Xena, I just want to help with your orgasms." "Go on," I said, "What are you proposing?" "A new material has recently become available. Its FDA approved. An artificial vascular material or AVM for short," Roger said, "What I would like to do is use the AVM between the female prostate and your clit. This will in no way impact your sex as a woman or your urine flow." "What are the risks," I asked. "It's a low risk procedure, but it is surgery. There's always a chance of encountering some problem," Roger said. I turned to Gloria, "What do you think, Gloria?" "Having your 'ejaculate', as Roger called it, shot up my ass," Gloria said and laughed, "I think I would prefer to have it inside me, as I recall you made quite a mess of the carpet on the cruise." I laughed remembering soaking the carpet and bedding in their stateroom. "How long will the operation take and where will it be done?" I asked. "The operation will take about two hours and I could do it here," Roger said, "We have a small surgical unit here at the house. You would have to abstain from sex for about three weeks while the incision heals. You could stay here where we could keep an eye on things." "Ah," I said, "now that's the problem, I'm used to having sex three or four times a day, I don't know if I could stop for three weeks." Roger smiled, "Perhaps you would have to adjust to just having sex solely as a woman, what I meant was it would be best not to stress your clit for three weeks." I liked the idea, but the prospect of not being able to masturbate my 'she-cock' was a little troubling. "Alright, let's do it," I said. "Do you want to consult Jack," Gloria asked. "No, it's my body and my cock," I said, "besides, right now he's all about work and he won't miss me for three weeks." I left Jack a note the next day saying that I was going to be spending three weeks at Roger and Gloria's. I didn't explain why. When I knocked on the door, Fiona answered, wearing surgical scrubs with a paper apron around her neck. "Come in, mistress Xena," she said, "we're nearly ready for you." "Are you a nurse?" I asked, surprise in my voice. "Yes, mistress, I'm Doctor Roger and Mistress Gloria's personal nurse," Fiona said. 'Personal nurse,' I thought, 'Were they sick?' "I assist them on procedures here at the house and sometimes in their offices," Fiona explained. I followed Fiona down a different corridor and into a small waiting room. "Please, get undressed," she said, "There's a paper gown if you like, but it's not really necessary. I need to take your temperature, height, weight and blood pressure." I had worn only flip-flops, shorts and a T-shirt. I stepped out of my sandals and peeled the shorts from my hips and was lifting my T-shirt over my head when I heard Fiona let out a soft gasp. "I'm sorry, mistress," she said, "It's just that, well, you're the most muscular woman I've ever seen." "Thank you," I said, "I've worked hard." "It shows," she said, "Now if you would just step on the scale." I did and she measured me. "Five foot ten inches and two hundred pounds," Fiona said as she typed onto a keyboard. She placed a thermometer under my tongue and put a blood pressure cuff around my bicep, the two Velcro strips barely coming into contact with each other. The thermometer beeped and she recorded the temperature in my electronic chart. She pumped the bulb on the blood pressure cuff and then slowly released the pressure listening to my pulse rate. She entered these readings into my chart. "May I ask how big your bicep is, mistress," she asked. "It's eighteen inches when I flex it," I said as I pumped my arm. She put her hand on my muscle and squeezed. The rock hard muscle was firm. Roger came in. "How's she doing, Fi?" "She's fine, doctor, I was just admiring her muscles," Fiona replied. "You are impressive, Xena," Roger said, as he went to the cabinet and unlocked it with a set of keys from his scrubs. He withdrew a syringe and said, "I'm just going to give you a little something to relax you," and he put a rubber tube around my bicep and told me to pump my arm. Instantly a vein appeared and he stuck the needle in and slowly injected the sedative. "Please, follow me," Roger said and he led me next door to a surgical unit that was ablaze with light. I squinted and he said, please, have a seat on the table. I did and lay back. "Put your feet in the stirrups, mistress," Fi's voice said from somewhere to my right. I remember a small stick in the crook of my arm and then I was waking up. I was in bed, a window looking out to the pool. Fiona, now wearing a short suede skirt was leaning over the dresser writing in a chart. I could just make out the roundness of her butt. I looked at the IV line running into the back of my hand. "You look good," I said softly. She stood and turned. She had on a leopard print silk blouse and came to my bedside. "Glad you're awake, mistress," she said feeling my pulse at my wrist. She removed the IV line from the back of my hand, but left the tape in place. "How'd I do?" I asked trying to ascertain whether there was any pain in my pelvic region. I couldn't feel anything. "You did fine," Fiona said, "actually Doctor Roger said, 'better than expected'. He'll be in in a minute." She turned to leave and said over her shoulder, "I'll send the doctor in." I lifted the sheets and blanket to look at my pelvis. It was completely wrapped in dressings. "How are you feeling, mistress?" Roger asked as he came in. He was dressed in shorts and a polo shirt. "Fine, thanks," I said, "How'd it go?" "Better than I thought," he said, "no problems, although your clit was bigger than I remembered. I had to use more AVM than I had planned on. I'm going to leave the dressing on for a day or two. You're on a catheter and Fiona will handle the bed pan duty. Do you have any questions?" "No," I said although I was embarrassed to be on a catheter and require a bed pan. "If you need anything, there's a call button at your pillow," Roger said, "I'm going to let you get some rest now." Later the evening, Fiona came by and got me out of bed. I walked but felt weak probably for the first time in my life. Fiona, Roger and Gloria came to see me on a regular basis. On the second day I told Roger, "You got to get the catheter and stitches out," I said, "they're beginning to itch." "Let me take a look," Roger said and cut the bandages away. "Hmm," he said as he ran a gloved finger along my clit. He was examining me with a magnifying glass. "I think you're right, let me get my suture tray and I'll remove the stitches." He returned a moment later and removed the sutures. "Just take it easy," he said. By the third day I was up and around. It felt good to be moving again. I spent the better part of the day by the pool, not going for a swim quite yet, but lounging in the sun, feeling the sun bake my muscles. On the fourth day post op, I began a light workout routine. It felt good to wrap my fingers around a bar and lift some weights. I put off doing squats and other leg and lower body work until Roger cleared me. 'I may only give him a '2' in the bedroom, but I'd give him a '10' in the operating room', I thought. I looked at my clit every day, its urethra clearly visible, and could hardly wait to try out my 'new toy'. It was the afternoon of the fifth day and I walked into the kitchen from the pool deck. Fiona was in the process of cutting lettuce, peppers, egg and celery for the evenings' salad. Besides an apron tied around her waist, she wore a pair of short shorts and a tight fitting tank top, her firm nipples making small 'tents' in the thin fabric. "Have enough sun, mistress Xena," she asked. "I think so, Fiona," I said, picking up a piece of red pepper and biting it, "what about you, do you ever get a day off?" "Oh, yes, Mistress Gloria will give me time off any time I want," she said. "And you don't want time off," I asked. "No," she said, "I wanted to stay here." I looked at her a moment and then with a hand behind her head, drew her to me, kissing her and exploring her lips and mouth with my tongue. When we parted she said, "Please, mistress, I don't want to hurt you." I laughed softly. Generally it was I who would do the most damage but I understood her concern. I put a finger to her lips and said, "For you, I'll endure the pain," and led her to my bedroom. Once there, she removed her apron, shorts and tank top. I licked and toyed with her dark nipples with my tongue and then worked my way to the nape of her neck. Her body felt hot against my breasts and I pressed my pelvis against hers. I guided her to my bed and whispered, "Lay down, Fi, I can't wait." It was true, I couldn't wait, my clit was responding as if it had a mind of its own. With a free hand, Fi guided my shaft into contact with her labia. In one thrust I penetrated her and began to slowly piston my hips. "Please, mistress, don't stop," she panted. I had no intention of stopping but rather quickened the tempo. "Ah, ah, ah," she panted as I climaxed, sending my cum deep into her vagina. I collapsed on her and whispered in her ear, "Thank you, Fi, how was that?" She laughed and said, "It was wonderful, but how are you?" "Fine," I said, "but you better check out my incision." I stood at the foot of the bed and Fiona held the tip of my now semi-erect clit, looking closely at the incision that ran the length of the shaft. "It looks fine, mistress," and kissed my clit, licking her moisture from her lips. "In fact, it looks better than fine," she added. At dinner that night, Gloria said, "So, how are you feeling, Xena?" "Fine," I said, "Fiona and I tried my new clit out and it felt fine." Gloria exchanged glances with Roger and then said, "So there was no pain and the incision held, no bleeding." "No," I said, "Everything performed as it should." "Good," Roger said, "You're healing faster than what I thought, but that's a good thing." After dinner I informed Gloria that I was going to run home the next day. I wanted to pick up a change of clothes and touch bases with Jack. I had been gone nearly a week and hadn't heard from him. 'He must be caught up with work by now', I thought 'and it will be good to see him'. "Just be careful with that incision," Roger said, "Keep it clean and if you masturbate, be gentle." I smiled and said, "I will doc," and I gave him a kiss. That night, I did just what the doctor ordered. I stood in the bathroom watching myself in the mirror as I gently stroked myself to an orgasm, sending a stream of my cum shooting across the bathroom floor. The feeling was fantastic. To be continued ...