Xena - My Story, Part 14 By Love My Muscles If you have comments, please email them to covert.1@hotmail.com attention, Love My Muscles, thanks. Jack and I are on the last leg of our cruise and I, for one, will hate to see it end, even though there have been some potential 'rough spots.' I've handled these as only I can, but by the end of the evening, I've wondered if desires and passions have gotten out of control. I'll let you decide. ****************************************************************************** ******************* The following day we began sailing home. It would take two days, but that was two days of lying by the pool, enjoying the ships fine cuisine and perhaps meeting some of the passengers that I hadn't already met. Following my usual routine, I woke early and headed to the gym, and as usual, I had the facility to myself. Today was legs day. My routine had been legs, shoulders and triceps, back and biceps, abs and trapezius, with a day of intense cardio. But today was legs day as I thought of it so I began with some standing calf raises, seated calf raises, seated leg presses, standing presses and finally leg extensions. I was standing in front of the mirror, admiring my veiny thighs and pumped calves when it occurred to me that I needed to see the purser. I looked at the clock on the wall and it was after eight o'clock. I was to meet Jack and have a bite to eat before heading to the pool. A little sweaty, I decided I'd swing by the pursers' office before going to the cabin to change. Jack had been working so hard, at work and pleasuring me, that I thought I'd leave him sleep. I stopped at the purser's desk. "May I help you?" a female officer asked with a distinct British accent, looking at my crop top, bare midriff and workout shorts. "Yes," I said, "I'm here to see the purser about an incident that happened on the 'deserted island tour' yesterday." "Oh, yes," she said her eyes traveling over me once more, "Please, right this way," and she held a swinging door open for me. She led me to a door and knocked, and then opened it, sticking her head and shoulders inside. "Sir, the woman who was assaulted is here," she said. "Please, show her in," the purser said from somewhere inside. He stood as I entered and the female officer left, closing the door. "I'm first officer Sven Pedersen," he said, shaking my hand, "but please, just call me Sven. Have a seat." I sat across the desk in an arm chair and crossed my legs. If he was shocked by my appearance he didn't show it. "May I get you something; water, soft drink, coffee or tea?" he asked. "Some water would be nice," I said and he turned to a small refrigerator that was built in to the credenza behind him. "There you go," he said, handing me the bottle across the desk. I got partially out of my seat and reached forward, the neckline of my crop top drooping to expose my breasts. My eyes never left his face as his eyes widened at the sight of my firm tits. 'Good,' I thought, 'at least he takes notice.' Seated, Sven said, "Now, I understand from the captain of the tour boat that you were assaulted yesterday while on the catamaran tour." "That's true," I said, "a drunken man hit me in the jaw." "Please," the purser said, "tell me what led up to this assault." I uncrossed my legs and re-crossed them changing which was over the other. Sven's eyes followed my movement. "Well," I said, "the man knocked over something at the barbeque and began to verbally abuse the crew of the catamaran." "I see," Sven said, "please, go on." "I went to see if I could help. I was topless and the man made some remark about my breasts," I said. "Your breasts," Sven asked. "Well, he called them 'boobs', I think," I said, "but my breasts." "Yes," the purser said. "Well, then he verbally assaulted the captain's crew, Ian and Becky," I said, "I told him that he should leave them alone and that he had clearly had too much to drink." "And how did he react to that?" Sven asked. I traced a rather thick vein on my leg with my index finger as Sven watched. I thought I'd omit the part about hitting the man in the stomach, but said, "I grabbed his ear to lead him away from the barbeque area in hopes that he would lie on the beach and sleep it off." "Hmm, I see," he said. I took this opportunity to open the water and take a drink, allowing a small trickle of water to run down my chin and neck. My crop top was already wet with perspiration, but the water soaked into the material. I re-crossed my legs and again ran a finger along a vein. Sven shook his head slightly as if clearing his mind and said, "Go on, please." "Well, as I was walking him down to the beach, he put his hand on my chest and shoved me," I said, and I pulled my crop top up revealing my left breast. "Right here," I said. "What," he asked. "I said he pushed me right here," I said, pointing with the water bottle to a spot above my breast. I allowed a little of the cold water to spill on the top of my rock hard tit, the trickle running toward my areola. My nipple stiffened at the cold liquid, and I let my top fall. Sven licked his lips and said, "I see, and then what did you do?" "I grabbed his wrist and twisted it behind his back, but as luck would have it," I said, "the catamaran had just landed and the tour captain yelled at me to ask what was going on." "Uh huh, and then?" he asked. "That's when he hit me, twice," I added. "He hit you twice?" Sven asked. "Yes, once in the jaw as I was turning back to face him," and I rubbed the spot where his fist had connected and then stood up and said, "and once in my abs," pointing to a spot just to the right of my navel. I pushed in with my finger and said, "Fortunately my abs are very strong, so I'm sure his fist hurt worse than my stomach. Would you like to feel how hard my abs are?" He licked his lips and said, "No, that won't be necessary, Xena. I may call you Xena?" I remained standing and put my hands on my hips and said, "Sure, Sven, that's my name, although most people call me Mistress Xena." He stared at me for a full minute before saying, "So, ah, then what happened?" "Well, Sven, that's when I hit him in the jaw," I said, "I knocked him out and he crumpled to the towel like a sack of potatoes." "A sack of potatoes," the purser repeated smiling. "Yes," I said, "by the way, how is he?" "I'm afraid you broke his jaw and he lost a couple of teeth and has a black eye," Sven said, "he's been in sick bay ever since he got back." "I see," I said, and curled my arm making my bicep explode, "I guess I don't know my own strength sometimes," this was a lie of course, but I still wanted to play the accosted woman. "What does he say about what happened," I asked. "Quite frankly, he doesn't remember," the man said, "he was too drunk to tell us the events of yesterday." 'Good,' I thought, 'hopefully it remains a blank spot in his mind.' "So, now what," I asked as I brushed a hand over my abs, lowering the waistband of my shorts. I did this casually as if unintentional but I could see that my action wasn't wasted on Officer Sven. I smiled and he said, "That's it, then," and he stood up. My eyes were immediately drawn to the bulge in his crotch, and he sat down again, his cheeks reddening. "What's the matter, Sven," I said as I slowly walked around the corner of his desk, stopping next to his chair, "Don't you like muscular women?" "I, ah, never really thought about it," he said. "And now that you are thinking about it, what do you think?" I asked. There was a quick rap at the door and the young female purser opened the door as she had with me; "Chief Pedersen, there's a ... " and she cut didn't finish her statement, seeing me standing over the purser. His eyes darted from the woman to me and back. "Yes, Margaret?" he asked. "Ah, there's a woman, ah, err, outside that lost a bracelet," the young officer said. "Please, have her come back or you can take the report, Margaret," Sven said. She was about to close the door when I said, "Margaret, tell the woman to come back, and then close the desk. I want you." She blinked rapidly and then shut the door. She returned a moment later. I left Sven and slowly walked to the young female officer. Her crisp white blouse, skirt and shoes made her appear even paler than she was. Her auburn hair and pale pink lip gloss were in stark contrast to her skin tone and uniform. I stopped inches from her so that she had to crane her neck to see my face. "You don't go out much, do you, Margaret?" I asked. "Pardon me?" she said, softly. "I said, you don't go out much, do you. In the sun I mean." "Oh," she said, looking down at my chest and darkly tanned abs, "I suppose not." "I'll bet you don't even have a tan line, do you?" I asked. Color came to her cheeks and she said, "No, I don't believe so." "Hmm," I said, "let's see. Take off your blouse." Her head lifted and she looked in my eyes perhaps searching as to whether I was joking or not. She snuck a quick look around me to Sven, still sitting at his desk. "I can remove it for you," I said softly. She fumbled with the buttons but after several minutes had her shirt open. "Off," I said and she shrugged out of the top. "Now the bra, Margaret," I commanded. She took another look at Sven who now was torn between saying something and being mesmerized by my power over the young officer. Margaret reached behind her and unclasped the bra, and then removing it from her shoulders tossed it atop her blouse on a nearby chair. "Hmm," I said, looking down at the now topless girl, "I was right, you don't have any tan lines." She glanced down at her small breasts and then put a hand over each mound. I laughed, and quickly pulled my top over my head, and tossed it atop Margaret's clothing. The girl was eye level with my breasts. "I don't have any tan lines either, my little mouse," I said, as I cupped each breast, "but they are tan and they are hard. Feel them." I ran a fingertip around my areolas. She only watched. "Oh, I'm sorry," I said, "please, don't be embarrassed, your breasts are lovely." I stopped playing with my nipples and took hers between my thumb and forefinger. I pulled lightly watching the nipple stretch, and then let go. I smiled as the nipples remain stiff. "Come here, Sven," I said turning my attention to the purser. He remained seated. "Come here, now!" I said more forcefully. Slowly he rose and came around the desk, stopping several feet from Margaret and I. The bulge in his pants was even more pronounced. "You want to feel my breasts, don't you Sven?" I asked. He nodded. "You want to kiss them and make love to them, don't you," I continued. He nodded again. "Go ahead, Sven, pleasure yourself. Make love to my tits," I said and he stepped forward and greedily took my areola and nipple in his mouth. While the purser sucked on my left breast and pinched and teased my right, I said, "Take off the skirt, Margaret." Her eyes were wide as she watched her superior officer sucking my breasts. She reached behind her and unzipped her zipper, and then stepped out of her skirt. She placed this on the chair with the other clothing. "Now the pantyhose and panties," I said. She rolled the waistband of the pantyhose down her pelvis and each leg, and then slid her panties off two well-shaped legs. Naked, Margaret placed a hand to her pubis covering the small patch of hair. I always find this somewhat amusing that women try to cover their chest and pubis when there is really nothing to see. I placed a hand on Sven's crisp white shirt and pushed him away from me. "Strip," I said. He practically tore his clothes off, unlike Margaret. As he stepped out of his boxer shorts, his erection sprang free. 'Good,' I thought, 'I was afraid he would be inadequate.' He put his clothes on the top of his desk, but I lifted his crisp shirt off the pile and put it on. It was still warm from his body and snug, but I managed to button it. Standing in front of the two naked officers, I began to flex my biceps. Soon, the cotton material of Sven's shirt was stretched to the limit. Bringing my arms in front of my chest, my trapezius muscles bulged. A faint ripping noise came from the back of the shirt, and then across the shoulders as it could no longer contain my muscles. I puffed out my chest and the top button popped off, and then the next. I grasped the lapels of the shirt and tore it open, throwing it in the corner of the office. I was excited now, adrenaline pumping. Barely able to contain myself, I said to Margaret, "Pull my shorts down, baby; Mistress Xena needs to have sex." Margaret knelt before me and gently pulled my shorts to the floor. I stepped out of them. I could feel my clit growing and the thought of having sex was intoxicating. 'But with who,' I thought, and then it occurred to me, 'both.' "Who wants to be first," I asked. Margaret and Sven looked at each other and said, "Me," nearly in unison. I smiled as I began to stroke myself. Their eyes widened as my clit grew to three, and then four and then five inches. I was totally erect at nearly six-inches in length and thick as a cucumber. I continued to smile as a thought came to me, but I would have to orchestrate these two. "Lay on the desk," I told Sven. He sat on the edge of the desk and then laid back. I lifted Margaret on top of Sven so that she was sitting just back from his erection which was pointed to the ceiling. Margaret put her hands to either side of Sven so as not to put pressure on his body. I straddled Sven's legs and poised the head of his penis at my labia, and then with my vaginal muscles, engulfed his shaft while at the same time thrusting my clit into Margaret. "Ooh, ahh," Margaret said as I penetrated her. "Umm," I said, "Let Mistress Xena do the work," and I began to contract and release my vaginal muscles while thrusting my hips sending my stiff clit deeper and deeper into Margaret. "Oh, oh, aah," Margaret moaned. "Don't stop, mistress," Sven said as I milked him, "Please, please," he pleaded suddenly, and I realized that he had climaxed and I was continuing to apply pressure with my vise like vagina. I willed my vagina to relax, just a little while I continued pounding Margaret. "I'm going to come, I'm going to come," she said softly as we climaxed together. I stood there, watching my clit recede from Margaret. She was panting hard, my juices dripping onto Sven's semi-erect penis and then to the floor. 'That was fantastic,' I thought, smiling to myself. I stepped back from the desk and picking up Margaret's blouse, wiped my juices from my pussy. I handed her the soaked top. She put it to her face and inhaled deeply, as she got off of Sven. Sven, who had collapsed back on the desk, was also breathing heavily. I watched as his chest rose and fell. His penis now flaccid lolled against his leg. I pulled my shorts on and then pulled my crop top over my head. "Thank you both," I said. "Thank you, mistress," Margaret said. Sven, raised himself on his elbows and said, "Thank you, mistress, that was wonderful." "Yes, it was," I said, "you two should practice; I think you would make a nice couple." They looked at each other and then Margaret said, "We're married." I was at a loss of words for a minute and then said, "Congratulations. You two make a great couple." I turned and left. I hurried to the cabin to change into my bathing suit. I was to meet Jack an hour ago by the pool. I knew he wouldn't be mad. He never got mad. I stepped onto the pool deck wearing a low rise leopard print bikini. It looked fantastic, as I had checked myself in the mirror prior to leaving the cabin, but I hated to wear a bathing suit. I much preferred to be naked, but the ship had rules. That's why the outing on St. Maarten was so nice. I spotted Jack right away, Raymond and Linda, Jason and Tiffani, who were tanning nicely, as well as Mark and Cindy and Jonathan and Martha, my slaves. 'The next two days should be fun even though we'll be at sea all that time,' I thought. An empty chaise awaited me complete with towels, thanks no doubt to Jonathan and Martha. "I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up," Jack said as I stretched out and took the planter's punch that Mark handed to me. I took it without acknowledging him. "I gave a statement to the purser about the incident on 'Little Babette Island' yesterday and it took longer than I had planned." "Did you seduce the purser?" Jack asked. I turned and looked at him, "It didn't require any seduction, if you must know and in fact, I had fantastic sex with both he and his wife at the same time." He raised an eyebrow but said nothing. "She's also an officer on the staff there," I added. Changing the subject, Jack asked, "Did he say how the man was that you hit?" "He did, he said the man is still in sick bay with a broken jaw and a black eye and is missing a few teeth." "You really worked him over, Xena," Jack said. "Hardly, baby," I said, "I only hit him once, he had it coming, he was drunk and out of control." "Still," Jack said, "he's the worse for wear." "He just paid the price for his actions," I said. I could tell Jack was worried that the man I hit might sue me. 'That's the attorney in him,' I thought, 'even on vacation, his mind is thinking like an attorney.' I took a sip of my drink and said, "Don't worry, Jack, if that prick sues me, I know a pretty good attorney." He looked at me and smiled. "Do you think I should go offer my condolences?" I asked, teasing. Now Jack's smile turned to a scowl and he said, "You are kidding, right?" "Yes, Jack," I said, "I'm kidding," and he seemed to relax. 'I really would like to beat that guy', I thought, and felt my adrenaline begin to rise. That's when I noticed Cindy, and her navy blue bikini. "Cindy," I said, "Come with me," and I got up from my chaise lounge. Cindy followed obediently, glancing at her husband with a questioning look as she passed. Once we were in the passage way and taking the elevator down to my level, I said, "I want to give you something?" "Give me something, mistress," she asked. "Yes," I said, stepping out of the elevator and heading for my cabin, "that bathing suit is terrible, I want you to wear something brighter, newer," and I opened the cabin door, holding it for her. She stepped across the threshold and I stepped in allowing the door to shut. "I'll just be a moment," I said as I stepped into the bathroom. I left the door open and watched Cindy's reflection in the mirror above the toilet as I lowered my leopard print bottom to my ankles and raised the toilet seat. I have done this several times in front of Jack who when he first witnessed it said something to the effect that, 'you're becoming more of a man than I am.' Maybe not those exact words but I did tell him, 'Quit whining or I'd show you what this 'man' is capable of.' He didn't comment after that. Anyway, I found it much more sanitary, especially in a woman's public toilet to just raise the seat and urinate. I grasped my labia and with practiced aim, sent a stream of urine from my urethra into the bowl. "I've never seen a woman piss like that," Cindy said as I emerged from the bathroom. I laughed and said, "No, but you've never met a woman like me before, either." She considered this for a few seconds and said, "You're right." "Cindy," I said, "You and I both know Mark is in love with muscular women. You need to start working out," and I squeezed her bicep, "You've got some muscle tone there, but you need to bulk up," I said, "I already know you have the mind set to dominate that little twerp." "Your suggestion to get waxed helped," she said, "When we get back home, I'll look for a gym and get started, mistress, I promise." "Good," I said, "you'll find that Mark will worship the ground you walk on, literally." She was smiling, no doubt at the thought of dominating that mouse of a husband. I went to the dresser and picked out a multicolored string bikini. "Here," I said, handing it to her, "Put this on. She removed her navy blue bottom and stepped into the one I had handed to her and adjusted the side ties. "Here," I said, "let me take that top off," and I unclasped her old top. She held the multicolored top across her breasts and I tied it in back. I stood behind her looking at our reflection in the mirror. It was quite the contrast with my dark tan and size compared to her pale diminutive size. "That looks much better, Cindy," I said, "Don't you think?" "Yes, mistress," she said turning her hips first one way and then the other admiring herself in the mirror. "Thank you mistress," she said. We returned to the pool deck and basked in the warm Caribbean sun until late afternoon. That night, after our sex, this time with Jack on top, I listened to his even breathing as he slept. I lay there thinking of the last several days. 'It had really been a great vacation,' I thought, 'Meeting new people, the rush of beating several men and the sex.' And then another thought crossed my mind, 'Was I spiraling out of control?' Sex, control and brute force seemed to have taken over my life. It was intoxicating and my desires were becoming greater and greater. 'I need to control my own emotions', I thought, 'more than those of others.' I drifted off to sleep wondering what the last day would bring and as I ran my hands over my washboard abs and muscled thighs. To be continued ...