Xena - My Story, Part 13 By Love My Muscles If you have comments, please email them to covert.1@hotmail.com attention, Love My Muscles, thanks. Jack and I took an island catamaran tour, sun bathed naked with our friends, enjoyed the crystal clear water and I got close to one of the boats crew; who could ask for more? ****************************************************************************** ********************* The ship pulled into St. Maarten in the early morning. The harbor was too shallow so we moored in the harbor. The night before, neither Linda, Tiffani nor I went into detail about how I had destroyed the two would-be robbers on St. Thomas; instead, the six of us discussed taking one of the ships tours. After dinner, we went to the purser's office and were in luck that the beach tour we wanted was still available, so Raymond and Linda, Jason and Tiffani and Jack and I boarded a large catamaran with about thirty other passengers and set sail for what was billed as a 'deserted island tour'. Most of the people on the catamaran were young. Complementary rum punch was served on board, so that by the time we arrived at the 'deserted island', everyone was in good spirits. "Just a few words," the captain said before we disembarked, "about the rules of 'Little Babette Island'," and everyone groaned. The captain smiled and said, "Rule number one; there are no rules on 'Little Babette'," and a cheer went up. "But seriously," the captain said, "for those who wish to sunbath au natural, the far side of the island is where you want to head. We will pull the catamaran off shore near a wreck for those who wish to snorkel, but Becky and Ian will be here to set up the barbeque and serve refreshments. Lunch will be at approximately one o'clock. And finally, when we leave, please bring all your trash back with you, be safe and have fun. Any questions?" There were none as people were anxious to get off the catamaran and explore the island. Once ashore, Tiffani looked at me and said, "Where to?" I smiled and said, "Jack and I are going to the other side of the island, come and join us." Linda and Raymond exchanged glances as did Jason and Tiffani. "Count us in," Jason said. "I don't know," Linda said. "Look," I told her, "Jack and I have a pool at home and we sunbath without bathing suits all the time. It's liberating, you'll see," and I began to walk up the low incline towards the crest of the island. Jack, Jason and Tiffani followed. We hadn't gone far when Linda yelled, "OK, we'll come." We stopped and waited for the pair to catch up. "Good," I said, and put my arm around her, "After a few minutes you won't even think about being naked." The six of us started down the far side of the rise. A couple was perhaps two hundred yards to our left and a foursome had made their way to our right. "Looks like a good place," Jack said and we spread our towels on the sugary sand. Small waves washed ashore, the water crystal clear. I removed my cover up and folded it, laying it at the head of my towel. Next, I untied my bikini top and tossed it on the cover-up. I was wearing the bathing suit I had gotten at Diana's on St. Thomas a bright green string top with a small patch of cloth covering my crotch, the back fitting snuggly between my butt cheeks. Linda and Tiffani were wearing the suits they got as well, each equally as revealing, Linda's was black with light blue stripes, and Tiffani's was a nice rust color. I slid the tiny bikini bottom down my thighs as I turned and sat on my towel. I removed it from my foot, and lay back enjoying the warm sunshine. Jack, Jason and Tiffani removed their suits and lay down. Shielding my eyes, I looked at Linda and Raymond. "Come on," I said, "don't be shy." Linda quickly shed her suit, and lay on her stomach, but Raymond looked like he still needed some convincing. He stood looking out the open water. I got to my feet and grabbed his hand, "Come on, Raymond, let's get wet," and pulled him toward the water. Reluctantly he came with me. When we had gone in to our waist I said, "OK, take the trunks off." He looked at me and I said, "Come on, peel those trunks off or I'll do it for you." "Look, I'm just ... " he began but by then I had pulled his trunks down to mid-thigh. He quickly grabbed to pull them up but I grabbed he wrist and held him firm. "Don't be embarrassed," I said, "relax," and I let go of his wrist. He looked down and I followed his gaze. His penis was semi-erect and perhaps four-inches in length. 'Now I understand,' I thought, 'he's seen Jack and Jason's penis and is intimidated.' I put one arm around him and drew him close to my body. With my other hand I cupped his butt, pulling his pelvis into mine. "Hmm," I said softly in his ear, "I can feel you getting harder. Let me take care of that." I turned him to face out to sea and stepped behind him so that no one else from our group would see what I was about to do next. With my right hand I reached in front of him and stroked his now erect shaft. I stroked gently and panting became more rapid until he climaxed. He exhaled deeply. "There," I said, letting go of his cock, "doesn't that feel better?" "Uh huh," he said, "thank you, you truly are an amazing woman." I chuckled and said, "You don't even know the half of it." We walked back to our towels and I said, "You better put some lotion on your manhood before it burns, Raymond." "Thanks," he said, "I will." "Let me know if you need help," I said and gave him a smile. He laughed now more at ease and knelt on his towel, and then lying on his stomach. He reached out and touched Linda's hand. We lay there relaxing for the better part of a half hour, when Jason said, "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm thirsty." "Me too," Raymond added. "Be a dear and get us all drinks, will you," Tiffani asked, not lifting her head from her towel. "Sure thing, honey," Jason said and he and Raymond stood up and tugged their swim trunks over their hips. They walked over the low rise to the catamaran to get the drinks. Tiffani rolled onto her back and said, "You know, Xena, ever since our beach outing in Nassau, Jason has been very attentive," Tiffani said, "maybe it was seeing me with you, but whatever it was the last couple of days have done wonders for our sex life." "I'm glad to hear that, Tiff," I said, "Being newlyweds it's good to get off on the right foot. Don't let your sex life become stale." "Right now it's anything but that," Tiffani said with a chuckle, "I've been practicing prolonging our orgasm and Jason has been able to maintain his erection a lot longer." "Good," I said, "and have you been in control?" "Absolutely," Tiffani replied, "and Jason loves it." "Wonderful," I said, "I'm glad I was able to help." We lay there in silence until Linda asked, "What's all this about prolonging your orgasm and being in control?" "Xena recommended I take control when it comes to sex, and she was right," Tiffani told her, "I think most men harbor a desire to be controlled." I smiled to myself and thought, 'I couldn't have said it better myself.' "You should try it, Linda," Tiffani added, "Be assertive." Before Linda could pursue the questioning, Raymond and Jason returned with the drinks. "Rum punch for everyone," Jason announced, and Raymond handed a plastic cup to Linda and Jack, while Jason handed one to Tiffani and me. "Ian said that lunch would be ready in about a half hour," Raymond said. "Good, I'm getting hungry," Jack said. Raymond and Jason sat on their towels. "You know," Jason said, "I could get use to this." Everyone laughed and Tiffani said, "Do you mean Little Babette or the rum punch?" "Both, honey, both," Jason said. "Excuse me," a female voice called from the rise, "we'll be serving lunch shortly." It was Becky, one of the crew. Jason got to his feet and helped Tiffani up. "Do we need to put our suits on," Tiffani called to her. "Please, if you don't mind," Becky said, "You six would make the rest of the passengers green with envy." Linda laughed as she pulled on the bottom of her bathing suit. "That will be the day," she said, and then said to Raymond, "Tie my top for me." Becky began walking down the beach toward the group of four. "I'll be along in a minute," I told Jack and turned to follow Becky. I caught up with her a minute later. "I want you," I said as I fell in stride beside her. "Pardon me?" she said. "I said I want you," I repeated. She stopped and turned to stare at me. "I'm straight you know," she said. I smiled and said, "So am I, but I need you to suck my clit." "Look," and she paused. I said, "Xena." "Yes, well, Xena," she said, "I'm flattered, but I only have sex with men. Besides, I'm engaged." "To Ian?" I asked. "Yes, if you must know," and she turned to walk on, but I put an arm in front of her, stopping her. "Have you ever been with a woman?" I asked. "No," she said. "Ever fantasized about being with a woman?" I asked. She hesitated before saying, "No," and I smiled. "So you have fantasized a about it?" "Look," she said, looking up, "You have a fantastic body and I'm flattered, but Ian and I ... " "Yes, I know," I said, cutting her off, "you're engaged, but let me ask you one thing, does he fulfill you sexually?" She looked at me in silence. Sometimes it's what is not said that tells a person the most. After the long pause she said, "I have to be getting back." I quickly wrapped my arms around her and held her against my body. Caught off guard, she didn't know what to do with her hands, so she placed them on my back. I whispered in her ear, "Then I'll make this quick, take your shorts off." He eyes widened as I let her unsnap her shorts. "Now the panties," I said, and she rolled them down her legs. I lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist, probably much like she would with Ian. She weighed practically nothing and I held her poised as my now erect 'she-cock' found her labia. Slowly I entered her, her eyes widening as she realized we were engaged as if we were man and woman. Her breath caught and I kissed her passionately. Quickly I began thrusting my hips, her breathing coming in short gasps. "Ahh," she moaned, "ahh, yes, yes, don't stop, please, yes." We climaxed simultaneously, both with heavy sighs and I with an eruption of my juices. I held her impaled on my shaft and then slowly allowed her to stand. I swiped my finger along her pubis and then put the moist fingers to her lips. "Thank you," I said. She sucked my fingers and then said, "How did you know?" "I know," I said, "I knew you wanted me and were playing hard to get, I know you want to make love to my muscles and I know I'm a better lover than your fianc'e." She stood looking at me for a moment and then pulled her panties up and then the shorts. Snapping the shorts, she looked up and said, "I love you." I smiled and said, "I know that, too, but you belong to Ian." She sighed and turned back to go tell the other guests down the beach about lunch. I walked back to our towels. Picking mine up, I wiped my clit and legs and then slid my bikini on, not bothering with the top, and walked over to the barbeque. Several women were without their tops but most heads turned as I stood in line for a hamburger. I was use to the stares and had actually come to expect it. I knew it was because of my muscular chest, large biceps and veiny thighs. As I stood in the short line, I tightened my pectorals making my breasts 'dance.' Ian put a hamburger patty on the bun on my plate, his eyes glued to my breasts. 'I wonder what he would say if he knew I had just made love to his fianc'e' I thought and smiled at the idea. Jack had saved me a place at one of the folding picnic tables that had been set up. "Did you score with Becky," Jack asked directly. I looked at him and said, "What do you think?" He laughed and said, "Of course you did," and we laughed together. "What are you two laughing about," Tiffani asked. "A private joke," I said, taking a bite of my hamburger. Becky had returned and was helping Ian in the serving line. I could see that the catamaran with the snorkelers on board was on its way back. Soon the beach would fill up. A loud clatter caught my attention and then Ian saying, "Hey, watch it!" A large man, obviously drunk, had tipped over an aluminum lid to a steam table. "You watch it, boy," the man said loud enough for nearly all to hear. Ian didn't say anything further but the man said, "Give me a hot dog, sweetheart," speaking to Becky. He made a grab for Becky's arm and Ian pushed the man who steadied himself on the serving table. "You prick," the big man said. At this point everyone was staring at the drama unfolding in the food line. I stood up and walked to the food station. The man saw me coming and said to no one in particular, "Well, look here, must be my lucky day, or did I win the booby prize?" and he roared with laughter at his own joke. "Sir, you've probably had too much to drink, why don't you go back to your towel and lay down a while?" Becky said. "And why don't you put a cork in it, girly," the man said. "Hey, be nice," Ian said. "You be nice you pansy-ass," the man said. "OK, big boy," I said, "you've had enough; it's time for you to take a nap." "Naps are for sissies," he said, "I'm not taking a nap." "Go sleep it off," Ian said. "Blow me, prick," he said to Ian, and reached for Ian's arm. I stepped in close and gave the man a right jab to the solar plexus. A rush of air left his lungs and he sank to his knees. "You bitch," he said between breathes. I grabbed the top of his ear and lifted up. He had no recourse but to stand. I walked him from the food line down the beach a few yards. "Where's your towel?" I asked, letting go of his ear. He immediately began to rub it. "You bitch, that hurt," he said. "Look," I said, "I'm going to let that bitch remark slide, but you really need to be a good boy and go lie down." He put a hand on my upper chest and tried to push me back. "I'll go to sleep when I'm good and ready," he said, "and right now I'm ready for another drink." I grabbed his wrist and, stepping around him, quickly brought it up behind his back. "Argh!" he cried out as I lifted his arm higher on his back. I leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "I'm done playing nice with you; you're drunk, now go lay down." I let go of his wrist and he began to massage it with his other hand. The catamaran had just pulled in and the captain said, "Is there a problem here?" I turned and said, "No sir, no problem," and was turning back toward the man when he connected a right to my jaw. The blow stung and it snapped my head back, but I didn't go down. I immediately reached for my jaw when he hit me with a left to my abs. Fortunately my abs are hard and I'm sure it was as if he had hit granite. I hit him in the jaw with a solid right hook and blood sprayed from his mouth. He crumpled to the sand. By this time the captain had jumped down from the catamaran and was running to me, standing over the man. Jack, Jason and a dozen or so others were also sprinting to us. I bent down and hissed, "You worthless drunken son of a bitch, you blindsided me. You're lucky there's a crowd, otherwise I'd rip your dick off and bury you in the sand." "Are you all right?" the captain asked. "Yeah," I said, still rubbing my jaw, "I'm fine. He caught me when I wasn't looking." The captain nodded and said, "I saw that." Jack and the rest of the spectators gathered around us in a circle. "Come on, let's get some ice on that jaw," the captain said and with a hand on my shoulder walked me to the barbeque area. We left the drunk laying in the sand, the other passengers still encircling him. "Ian, get a bag of ice for this lady," the captain said. Ian, a thin blonde in his deck hand uniform, put ice cubes from a cooler in a plastic bag and handed it to me. "I'm Steven," the captain said, holding out his hand. "Xena," I replied, shaking his hand. "Sorry about what happened, Xena, occasionally one of our passengers gets out of hand," the captain said. "He's drunk, not that that is an excuse, but he's probably a bully even when he's sober," I said. "You're probably right. You certainly handled yourself well given the situation," he said. Becky and Ian were nearby, listening. "I've been in worse scrapes," I said. "No," Steven said, "I meant you knocked him out with one hit." "Oh, that," I said, "Maybe I got lucky." I was trying to downplay the situation. "Hmm, maybe," he said, "I'm glad you're OK. I better go check on our drunk, I'll have to give a report to the purser of the ship," and he left. I looked up at Becky and said, "Exciting day, isn't it?" She shot a glance at Ian, and then replied, "Yes, it's definitely had its moments." I smiled, still holding the bag of ice against my jaw. "Are you a fighter?" Ian asked and blushed, "I mean, you've got huge muscles." I continued to smile and said, "No, I'm not a fighter. Do you like muscular women?" He looked to Becky and then said, "Well, yes, but you're the first woman I've met with muscles, I've just seen pictures in magazines before now." 'I bet you have you little wimp,' I thought, 'and I know those pictures turned you on.' We were alone, the rest of the passengers down near the water with the drunk and the captain. I moved the ice bag from my jaw to my breast. The ice made my nipple harden. "Suck me," I said to Ian. He took a quick look at Becky, and then said, "No, I, err, I'm engaged." I smiled and said, "Yes, I know, to Becky. Come here, Becky." She took a tentative step forward and I cupped the back of her head and drew her to my swollen nipple. I looked at Ian, the smile never leaving my face. With a fist full of Becky's hair, I pulled her from my breast. "Thank you, baby," I said, "You're boyfriend must be afraid I'll hurt him, I'm glad you're not. Oh, well, his loss." I looked at the bulge in Ian's crotch and chuckled, and then reached down and gave him a playful squeeze. He winced with the little bit of pain. I tossed the ice bag to Becky and said, "Here, he might need this on his balls." I headed down the beach in search of Jack. The bully was now snoring loudly where he had fallen, everyone giving him a wide berth. I found Jack talking to Linda near the catamaran. "Do you think there will need to be a police report filed?" Linda was asking as I walked up. "I don't think so," Jack said, "I think the tour company as well as the cruise line would rather this all go away." "The only problem may be the bully," I said, "If he tries to twist this into me attacking him." "There is that possibility," Jack said, "but there's plenty of witnesses that saw him hit you first. How's the jaw by the way?" "It's fine, he blindsided me," I said. "He did," Linda said, "I saw the whole thing." "I'm just sorry I didn't get a chance to make him pay for it," I said, "come on, let's go back to our towels." The three of us walked to the other side of the island, Jack taking my hand and I with my other arm across Linda's shoulders. Raymond, Jason and Tiffani were there, standing waist deep in the clear water. Jack, Linda and I stripped off our suits and joined them. "Are you OK, Xena," Jason asked. "I'm fine," I said, touching my jaw. I didn't feel a bump but asked Tiffani, "Is it bruised?" She shook her head. "Good," I said, "I'd hate to give that bastard the satisfaction of seeing a bruise on my jaw." Raymond laughed and said, "I doubt that jerk will even remember hitting you." "Maybe not," I said. "I brought some drinks," Ian called to us from the waterline. We all turned. He was carrying a tray with six plastic cups. We waded to where he was and I said, "Thank you, Ian." He smiled but he looked as if he were ready to turn and run. Perhaps it was seeing six strangers naked or perhaps he was afraid I'd crush his balls again. "We'll be leaving in about an hour," he said, "This is the last of the rum punch." "Kind of you to bring it over," Raymond said. Ian gave a weak smile and said, "It was my pleasure." He hesitated and I gave Jack a quick look. He nodded and the rest of the group walked to their towels. "What's on your mind, Ian?" I asked now that we were alone. "I'm sorry, MS Xena, I've never met anyone as, ah, well ... " he stammered and I cut him off with a wave of my hand, "What, Ian; as strong, as muscular, as outspoken as me. I gave you the chance to fulfill your fantasy and you didn't take it. Let that be a lesson; always pursue your fantasy, when it presents itself. I do." He was looking down at his feet and I tilted his head up and gave him a kiss on the lips, my tongue filling his mouth. "Take care of Becky, Ian," I said, dismissing him, "she deserves a man." "I will," he said, and turned to go back to the other side of the island. 'But is she really getting a man,' I wondered. An hour later, the six of us put our bathing suits and cover-ups back on, collected our towels and hiked back to where the catamaran was moored. The drunken man was nowhere to be found. The barbeque and picnic tables had been cleared away and passengers were beginning to file onto the boat. As I stepped aboard, Captain Steve said to me, "As I said earlier, I have to report any incidents to the ships purser, however, I will tell him that that man assaulted you, but I wanted to let you know in case there's any mention or you wanted to press charges." "Thank you for that, but I have no intention of pressing charges," I said, "bullies like him, and especially drunk bullies often are a victim of their own actions." The captain nodded his head and then said, "The man is below decks nursing a hangover, you may wish to avoid him." "Thank you," I said and followed Jack to a seat near the stern. Back aboard the cruise ship, I saw Captain Steve speaking with an officer near the embarkation platform. As I stepped on the float to go up the gangway, the officer said, "Please stop by my desk later or tomorrow morning, ma'am." "All right," I said, "but I don't intend to press charges." "No, ma'am," he said, "but we must take a statement from you. You understand, so that the ship is not liable." "Of course," I said, and made my way up the gangway and back to the cabin. That night, after another fabulous dinner and two-hours of equally fabulous sex with Jack, we lay there in each other's arms. "Do you think I'm too outspoken, Jack," I asked. He was quiet a moment but then said, "You are who you are, Xena. You're an extrovert, you demand the most from your sub missive's and certainly from me, you strive to help individuals and couples who need help, but you're merciless when it comes to punishing those that do wrong. Do I think you are too outspoken? No, I don't." I rolled onto my side, propping my head on my hand and looked at him a long time and then said, "You silver tongue devil, you better be ready to put that tongue to another use," and I smiled, "because Xena's getting horny." To be continued ...