Xena - My Story, Part 5 By Love My Muscles If you have comments, please email them to covert.1@hotmail.com attention, Love My Muscles, thanks. Seeing it once is better than being told 100 times. -- Anonymous Hard lessons learned are worth the reward. - 'Xena' I threw open the double doors of the master bedroom, and as I had imagined, Jack was flat on his back, Heidi riding his cock. I stepped aside so that Raymond had an unobstructed view of his wife with Jack. I held an arm across Raymond's way so that he would go no further. "This is what a real man does, Raymond, this is how a real woman expects to be treated," I said. Raymond took in the scene and then bowed his head. Both Jack and Heidi apparently were unaware of our presence. I knew Jack could last for hours if need be, but I could tell by the panting and animal sounds that Heidi was making that she was nearing orgasm. It was refreshing to watch her hard firm breasts bob with each thrust on Jack's shaft. With a final squeal, Heidi collapsed on Jacks chest. She was exhausted and lay there, panting, her hair fanned out across Jack's chest. Jack raised his head and caught sight of Raymond and I standing near the foot of the bed, but said nothing. "Did you enjoy that, Heidi," I asked. At the sound of my voice, Heidi raised her head and looked from me to Raymond. Her body was bathed in sweat. "Raymond, pay attention," I said, still looking at Heidi as she dismounted Jack. "Take note that Jack is still hard even after exhausting Heidi. I have trained him to sustain himself for hours while pleasuring me. He and I have had prolonged sex for hours and the endurance and intensity is euphoric. Turn around Heidi and put your hands on the bedpost." Heidi looked at me and turned, so that once again she was facing the bed. She obediently clutched the bedpost at the foot of the bed. With my right foot, I spread her legs and mounted her as I had Raymond. Jack got to his knees and positioned himself so that Heidi took him orally. "Raymond, come around so that I can watch you," I said, "You'll watch as Jack and I service your wife, but don't think about coming or playing with that puny cock of yours." Jack looked at his boss and smirked. I knew he was proud of his nine-inch cock. Jack and I used Heidi for ten minutes, climaxing together. Heidi gaged once as Jack exploded. Heidi fell on the bed. I turned to Raymond, "Have you learned to control yourself, little man?" I asked. With his head down, he whispered softly, "Yes, Xena." I took a step toward him and he cowered, but with a finger, I raised his chin. "You must practice endurance and stamina with your sexual desires," I said, "Your mind drives your little cock, don't forget that, but you must develop endurance." "Yes, Xena," he said. "What do you think, Jack, was Heidi good?' Jack looked down at the petite woman, her hair fanned out on the bed. "She was, Xena, but she needs practice as does Raymond," Jack replied. "That's what I thought too, we need to come back," I told Jack, "But I think this is enough for one evening, don't you?" "Yes, baby," Jack said, and then turning to Raymond, he said, "Thank you for dinner and a pleasant evening. I'll see you in the office Monday. We'll see ourselves out." He collected his clothes and started for the door. I looked at Raymond and said, "Next time, you will do as I say. Tell Heidi that Jack and I will be back," and I patted him on the cheek. Heidi was snoring softly as I turned and made my way to the living room to dress. In the car on the way home, Jack asked me, "You didn't hurt him, did you?" I chuckled and said, "No, just a little love pat. He'll learn, he's had too many years of being in charge." In the weeks that followed, Jack and I visited Raymond and Heidi several times. On each visit I instructed Raymond on how to control his orgasm and Jack worked with Heidi on prolonging hers. After the fourth visit, Heidi confided in me that Raymond was able to keep his erection for nearly an hour and that she even thought his penis was getting bigger. "For the first time in years, he's making me happy in bed," Heidi said. "I'm glad," I said, and embraced her feeling those magnificent breasts against my chest. "You and Raymond can work on your love making now," I told her, "Jack and I have given you the tools." She looked up at me sadly and asked, "Does this mean we won't see you again?" "Oh, you'll see us," I said, "but I need to concentrate on my studies and Jack, well, Jack needs to devote himself to me. You've been a distraction," and I smiled down at her and she blushed. "I can't compete with you, Xena," she said, which was true, but I wanted her to feel good about herself. She was a gorgeous woman. For the next month or two, I threw myself into my studies. It was nearing the end of the semester and I looked forward to taking finals and getting out of school for the summer. I did well on all my tests and was enjoying my first week of having no classes, lounging by the pool when the phone rang next to my chaise lounge. "Hello?" I said. It was Heidi; she was on her cell phone in the car. "May I drop by, Xena; I have someone I want you to meet." Odd, I thought, but I told her that would be fine and gave her our address and told her to come through the side gate. She had never been to our house. I went inside and put on a bikini. Heidi arrived ten minutes later dressed casually in a pair of cotton pants and print top with a pair of wedge-type sandals. The woman with her wore white cotton shorts and a black satin blouse with flat sandals. She was tall and looked vaguely familiar, although I couldn't really recall where I had seen her before. I stood to greet my guests. Heidi made the introductions; "Xena, this is Rhonda, Rhonda, this is Xena, isn't she everything I said?" Then I recognized the face, even with the sunglasses. Rhonda was a movie star. She was married to a director, but didn't appear in many films, rather concentrating on family life, I remember reading. "Hi," I said and shook Rhonda's hand, "I love your work." "Thank you," she said. She probably heard that a thousand times a day. Heidi said, "Rhonda and I were having lunch and we were discussing, how you helped Raymond and my relationship and Rhonda said that she wanted to meet you, and well, here we are." I looked from Heidi to Rhonda and said, "Yes, and here you are. Perhaps you can tell me what this is all about, Rhonda, please, sit down." I sat on a chaise lounge, Rhonda and Heidi across from me on another lounge. I extended my legs out between the two women so they would get sun while we talked. "Well," Rhonda began, "Let me start by saying that I find this difficult to talk about," and she played with the hem of her blouse, "and you must promise not to talk to the paparazzi or the press, but I think Don and I could use your help." "I promise," I said, "you have my word." Rhonda glanced at Heidi and Heidi nodded. Rhonda exhaled and said, "Despite what you see in the movies, I'm a very shy person. Shy to a point of it coming between Don and me. Don would like me to be more, how should I say, assertive." I nodded imagining what their house was like. "Please, go on," I said. "Don, as you may know, is a director. He spends all his time telling cast and crew what to do. When he comes home, he looks to me to take charge; does that make any sense to you?" Rhonda asked. I smiled, "Of course it does," I said, "It makes perfect sense. You just need some tools to help you is all." "That's what I said," Heidi said, and I looked at her, "Well; not in so few words, but I did tell Rhonda how you helped Raymond and I." I smiled at Heidi and said, "You've said that now twice, Heidi, why don't you kiss my foot while Rhonda finishes her story." I put my nearest foot on Heidi's knee and she began to massage my foot and calf, and then bent and began to suck on my toes. I looked back at Rhonda and said, "My methods may seem odd and at sometimes harsh or cruel, but I get results, now tell me, does Don like strong muscular women?" "Well, err, I don't really know, Xena," Rhonda said watching Heidi suck my toes and stroke my legs. "I see," I said, "and what about you, do you like muscular women?" I laughed inwardly as she looked from Heidi to me and back to Heidi, now licking the arch of my foot. I waited and with my other foot, placed it on Rhonda's inner thigh, the ball of my foot touching her pubes. She closed her eyes and parted her lips, and then moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. 'I guess she does like muscular women,' I thought. "That's enough, Heidi," I said and I stood up, "Heidi, undress me, I think Rhonda needs to see what a real woman has to offer." Heidi didn't hesitate. I knew she wouldn't. She got to her feet and came around behind me and unfastened my top, and then slid the bottom down so that I might step out of it. I stood before Rhonda with my hands on my hips, and said, "Watch." I brought first one arm up and then the other making my biceps swell. I balled my hands into fists and brought them across my chest, flaring my trapezius muscles. Next, I placed one foot in front of the other and tightened my abdominals. Rhonda's eyes widened with each pose and I smiled down at the look of awe on her face. "Now I'm going to ask you once again, Rhonda," I said, "Do you like muscular women?" Unable to speak, she nodded, and I smiled. "Good," I said, "and do you know what this muscle woman likes?" She shook her head. "I like to be worshipped, to have you pleasure me and to have you suck my clit." I reached out and placed a hand on the back of her head and gently guided her to my pussy. "Suck me," I said as she enveloped my labia with her mouth. I could feel my erection as she tongued the lips of my labia and clitoris. Soon I filled her mouth. Heidi, put her arms around my midsection and stroked Rhonda's hair. I came and Rhonda swallowed. She was an easy student. Heidi stepped away and I looked down at Rhonda who, with the tip of her tongue, lapped an errant drop of cum from my clit. I noticed that the crotch of her shorts were damp. I sat back on my lounge as did Rhonda and Heidi. "Thank you, Rhonda, as Heidi may have told you, I require sex often," I said, "actually more than what Jack can provide and I always appreciate the, how should I say, 'woman's touch.' That said, I'd like to meet Don." She nodded and said, "Perhaps we can have you and Jack for drinks Saturday if that's good for you." "That will be fine," I said, and turned to Heidi, "and thank you, Heidi for thinking of me." "I think of you often," Heidi said. I smiled and asked, "And do you masturbate while you're thinking of me?" She blushed and quietly said, "Yes." I laughed and said, "Good. Well," and stood up, stretching, "that's your first lesson, Rhonda. We'll see you Saturday. You'll like Jack." Rhonda and Heidi left. I showered and began to prepare dinner. My cell buzzed signaling a text. It was Rhonda's address and it gave the time. I put the phone down and thought, 'Jack is going to be happy he gets to have sex with one of the biggest actress' in Hollywood.' Saturday; Jack and I dressed carefully for this evenings' meeting with Rhonda and Don. I had Jack wear a black nylon thong that barely contained his penis. I wore a similar nylon G-string and spandex leggings, a bikini string top and silk jacket. The leggings ended well short of my navel leaving my abs readily visible. We arrived at precisely the appointed time and Jack rang the bell. The door was answered in short order by Rhonda. As she opened it, I walked in nudging the actress aside, Jack trailing in my wake. Without a word, I shrugged out of my jacket and handed it to Rhonda. "Rhonda, this is my man, Jack; Jack, this is Rhonda," I said, and Jack gave her a peck on each cheek. "It's nice to meet you, Rhonda," he said, "I admire your work." 'How original,' I thought. Rhonda muttered a thank you and then said, "Please come this way," and led us down a wide hallway. As we entered a large family room Don the director stood. I recognized him at once. Rhonda introduced us and then asked, "What would everyone like to drink?" "Martini for me," I said, "I'll have the same," Jack said as did Don. "Please, have a seat," Don said, "Rhonda tells me you're an attorney," Don said to Jack, although I took note that he couldn't keep his eyes off me. "Yes, I'm with," and he mentioned his firm's name. Don then turned to me and said, "And what do you do, Xena?" "Actually I'm a student, but I do a little teaching as well," I replied. "That must be very rewarding," he said. "It is, it's nice that I'm able to help couples," I said, "their lives are fuller when I'm done." "Oh, I thought you might be an elementary school teacher," Don said. I smiled at that thought and said, "No, although some of the men and women I help act like children while I'm instructing them, I deal exclusively with adults." He seemed to consider this, but Rhonda arrived with four martini glasses on a tray as well as a frosted pitcher. She handed each of us a drink and I took a sip, and then set it aside. "Now you were saying that you teach adults," Don asked. "Yes, I do," I said, "although you might consider me a therapist rather than a teacher." "I'm not sure I follow," he said. "Simply put," I said, "I help couples achieve their domestic desires." He gave me a puzzled look and I said, "How often do you have sex, Don?" I asked. "Well, I, err think once, maybe twice a week, but ... " he stammered. "And how long do you last, Don?" "I don't know, but look ... " he said. "Would you say you're fulfilled? I asked. "Ye-yes, I guess so," he said. "Fine," I said, "and what about your partner, Don, is he or she fulfilled, content with having sex only once or twice a week and with your premature ejaculation?" "I don't have premature issues," he said indignantly. I looked at Rhonda who did not return my gaze. "Jack can last hours, Don, can you?" I asked and added, "And we have sex daily, not twice a week. I help couples achieve that, Don, that is what I do, but it takes discipline, hard work, and stamina. It's not for the weak or timid." I looked from Don who was simply sitting there looking at me, and then glanced at Rhonda who was looking at the floor. "Let's go, Jack," I said, getting to my feet. Jack got up too. Rhonda immediately got up as well and looked at me, a bit of panic in her eyes, and said, "What, wait, don't go, why are you leaving?" "Don isn't willing to try; to try to help himself or to please you," I said. Now it was Don who sat studying the carpet. "Please," Rhonda said, "Stay, I want you to help Don and I, our sex life has become, well, stale." At that, Don looked up. "Very well," I said, "but, like I said, it will take discipline, hard work, and stamina. You have to be committed to change." "I am," Rhonda said, and we all looked at Don. "Me too," he said softly. "Good," I said, "Then we'll get started." I stepped out of the stilettos that I wore and peeled my leggings over my muscled thighs. Now, clad only in a G-string and my bikini top, Don's eyes were drawn to my legs, and I shook them and then tightened the muscles making them rigid. Next I turned my leg inward and flexed my calf, its twin muscles exploding. Slowly I rubbed my thighs and asked Don, "Have you ever seen thighs this big, Don?" "N-no," he said, drawing his tongue across his dry lips. "Rhonda, come here and kiss my thighs. Show Don how you worship my legs," I said. She quickly knelt and kissed my quads. Don watched his wife kiss me. I flexed my biceps for him and his eyes were drawn away from Rhonda as I pumped my upper body. "What do you think of these guns, Don, would you like to have these wrapped around your throat?" I asked. "No, Xena," he croaked. I smiled and said, "Jack, untie me." Jack reached behind me and untied my bikini top. As my breasts came free of the soft material, Don's breath caught. "Would you like to suck my breasts, Don?" I asked. I stole a glance at his crotch and noted a small bump. "Yes, Xena," he said. I laughed softly and said, "Not yet." "Jack, take your clothes off," I said and he undressed except for his thong. "Now it's your turn, Don, strip," I commanded. Slowly, he began to unbutton his shirt. He was moving slowly, so I grabbed Rhonda by the hair and she let out a little scream. "Get your clothes off, Don, or I'll put your wife's head between my thighs and crush it like a melon," I said. He moved quicker and even took his briefs off without hesitation. I let go of Rhonda's hair, and pushed her towards Jack. "Show Rhonda your cock, Jack", I said. Jack stepped out of his thong, his muscled penis now erect. Don was semi-erect and he reached to stroke himself. I turned and picked up my bikini top and then stepped in close to Don. I tied his hands behind his back with my top. "Boys always want to play with themselves," I said as I stepped away from him and lowered my G-string. "Kneel before me, boy and suck my clit," I said. He glanced at Rhonda who was staring at my pussy. "Don't worry about Rhonda," I told Don, "she's got her own present to look forward to, now kneel down." He hesitated so I grabbed his penis and pulled down, forcing him to his knees. With a hand on each temple, I guided him to my stiffening clit. "Suck me," I commanded. My hands were covering Don's ears, so I said softly, "Rhonda, you may pleasure Jack. That's my present to you for being a good girl." To be continued ...