The Therapist by Muscle Fan I've been having trouble at work, in part because of the stress of the job; meeting deadlines, achieving the desired results, etc., all the usual reasons. That combined with the fact that I've been taking a few 'supplements', shall we say to enhance my lifestyle away from my job. My lifestyle is that of a dominatrix. Shocking, I know, but not just any dominatrix, in New York City, you have to be unique. You have to stand out, and stand out I do. I'm an African-American standing six-foot tall with short black hair and grey eyes. I've honed my body to be both admired and feared. You don't get to be one of the Big Apples most requested dom's by pussy-footing around. I work hard and play hard, so it's no wonder that at a critical point in the development of a new vitamin supplement, I was pushed to my limit. My daytime job is that of a research scientist for a pharmaceutical firm. I have a staff of five under me. I'm sure they think I'm a bitch, and honestly, I am. I think of the three men and two women as my minions, or more accurately, my slaves. But one of these underlings had the balls to go to corporate and complain that I was being inappropriate. 'Inappropriate, what the hell does that mean,' I thought. Anyway, I was reprimanded and asked to attend an anger management class given by Doctor Tim Johnson, the company therapist. Doctor Johnson was on retainer with the firm and it wasn't so much as a class, per se, as a one-on-one with him. 'OK, whatever,' I thought as I was meeting with the doctor for the first time. I walked into his office which is two blocks off Park Avenue. "May I help you," the young girl behind the reception desk inquired. "Yes," I said, "I'm here to see Doctor Johnson." She looked up at me and I could read the expression on her face. 'Fear,' I thought, 'Good, this little mouse should be afraid. I could break her in half.' "And your name?" she said, checking a planner in front of her. "Tamara Thompson," I said, "Doctor Tamara Thompson," and smiled, showing her my bright white teeth. She smiled back although she looked like she was ready to run from the room. I thought I would have a little fun, so I put my thumbs and fingers on the counter in front of her desk and tensed my trapezius muscles. I knew what they looked like. I have studied them, as well as all of my muscles, at length in the mirror. I admire my body. She swallowed hard as my traps bulged, but tore her eyes away long enough to pick up the phone. Looking back up at me she said, "Doctor, your three o'clock is here; Doctor Thompson." She listened briefly and then hung up. "Please, have a seat, Doctor Johnson will be right out," she said. I relaxed my traps and removed my hands from her counter, turned and took a seat in the small reception area. I was the only one there. "Doctor Thompson," Doctor Johnson said, holding the door to his office open, "thank you for coming." Doctor Johnson was wearing khaki pants, loafers and a navy Polo shirt. 'Quite the yuppie,' I thought. He is trim with dark brown hair, standing about five and a half feet tall. I smiled to myself as I walked by him. "Please, have a seat," he said, indicating a loveseat in front of his desk. I sat on the loveseat. "Before we begin, can I have Megan get you anything, coffee, water?" he asked. Not because I was particularly thirsty, but I said, "Water would be fine." Doctor Johnson lifted the phone handset and said, "Megan, would you bring a water in for Tamara, please? Thanks." A minute later the receptionist brought in a chilled bottle of water and a plastic cup on a tray. She sat it on the small table to my right. "Thank you, Megan," Doctor Johnson said. "Yes, thank you, Megan," I said. Her eyes locked with mine as she stood up and I smiled. "You're welcome," she said, quietly, giving me a brief smile. 'Beautiful mouth,' I thought as she walked from the room, 'it will be nice to have her suck my pussy.' "Please, call me Tim," Doctor Johnson said. I turned back to face him. "Is it OK if I call you Tamara?" he asked. "I prefer Mistress Tamara," I said, "or simply mistress." He furrowed his brow and consulted his notes. "I'm a dominatrix, doctor," I said, "a muscle-dom, to be precise." "Ah," he stammered, making a notation in his notes. "Is that relevant to why you are here?" he asked looking up. I thought about that a minute and then said, "I believe so, it's relevant to how it impacts my life, it's who I am." He made more notations in his folder. "Let me ask about this, ah, incident at work," he said, "Can you tell me about it in your own words?" I smiled and said, "Certainly, I simply asked one of my subordinates to explain why he used certain ingredients in a formula. He took offense to my questioning him." "It says here that you threatened him," Tim said. I smiled and said, "Not at all; he may have been intimidated, he's a little man." "Uh-huh," Tim said, watching me, "Did you physically assault him?" I hesitated and then uncrossed my legs, stretching them in front of me. I wore a gray suede micro mini skirt with matching ankle boots and a dark green silk blouse. I ran a hand along my dark quads. Tim's eyes were focused on my legs. "They're very strong you know," I said, tensing my muscles, "I could crush a man's ribs with them." He looked up into my eyes. I smiled and added, "Would you like me to show you how strong they are?" He shook his head and I chuckled. "To answer your question, doctor," I said, "I did not assault him, I simply had him pinned against a counter in the lab. That's all." Doctor Johnson swallowed, still transfixed by my legs. I flexed my calf muscles. My calves, like my biceps are nineteen inches. "I admit," I said, getting to my feet, "I may have made him uneasy. I may have violated his space by standing too close," as I walked around the desk to where Doctor Johnson sat, "but I didn't assault the man." I stopped by his chair and turned him to face me. He looked up and I put my hands on my hips, my feet spread as far as the suede skirt would allow. "Feel them doctor," I said, "Feel my legs. Feel how strong they are." He looked down at the tree trunk size legs in front of him. "Go on, feel them!" I repeated. Slowly he reached out, first with one hand and then both, running his smooth hands over my thighs. I chuckled and said, "You have soft hands, doctor." He glanced up, but only for a minute as I brought my thighs together trapping his right hand between them. "See," I said, "they're strong. I could probably crush your hand just by flexing my muscles, don't you think, Tim?" He was quiet for a minute and I tensed my muscles. He winced. "Yes, you're very strong, Tamara," he said. "Mistress Tamara," I reminded him and squeezed a little harder. "Please," he said, "you're hurting me." I laughed and waited. "Mistress, please," he finally said and I released his hand. He massaged his right hand with his left. I put my right foot between his knees on the seat of his chair. My skirt rode up my thigh and I knew he had an unobstructed view of my pussy. I made no effort to cover myself. He looked toward his desk and I said, "What's the matter, doc, don't you like women?" He glanced up at me. I laughed. "Feel my calf, doc," I said, "Use both hands." He glanced at my calf, its twin muscles huge. "Nineteen inches," I told him, "Nineteen inches of pure muscle." He touched my calf and then stroked it. "Do you like that?" I asked. He was quiet for a moment and then said barely above a whisper, "Yes." I noticed a small bulge in his pants. 'How could he not get excited,' I thought. I touched the bulge with the toe of my boot. "Oh, I can tell you like what you see, but let's see if I like what I see, open your zipper," I told him. He stopped rubbing my calf and said, "Please, Tamara, please don't make me do this." I chuckled and said, "Do it or I'll crush your balls under my foot," and to emphasis that I applied a little pressure to his crotch. "OK, OK," he said quickly, "I'll show you." I removed my foot from between his legs and stood, hands on hips, waiting to see his manhood. He unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his pants and then pulled the zipper down. He wore white brief. I took the elastic waistband with both hands and ripped it apart exposing his erection. "Hmm," I said, "Not bad, doc, not bad at all." His penis was perhaps seven inches. Certainly not the biggest I had had, but not the smallest either. "Does little Timmy want to come out and play?" I asked and laughed at my own joke. "You know, seeing your cock is making me hot, doc, why don't you eat my pussy," and I lifted the hem of my suede skirt. My clit is large and thick. Doctor Johnson's eyes widened slightly and I smiled. "Come on doc, I need to have an orgasm before I explode. Suck my 'she-cock'," I told him. I spread my legs and pulled the good doctor, still in his desk chair, into my crotch. I reached over and pressed the button for his secretary, Megan. Now on speaker phone, I said, "Hmm," as he took me into his mouth, "That's it, baby, suck me." I noticed that he was fondling his cock as he sucked me. I took his head between my hands and tilted his face upwards. "Keep your hands off of my cock, sugar," I scolded him, "that belongs to me now." He let go of his shaft. 'Stupid men,' I thought, 'they always want to pleasure themselves. He needs to concentrate on pleasuring me.' "Megan, get in here," I said softly and moments later she opened the office door and peered into the room. "Come in sweet cheeks," I said, "and shut the door behind you." She looked from her boss to me and back again, and then did as I asked. "Your boss wants to play with himself, so I'm going to let him," I said, "but I still need to have an orgasm, so I want you to suck my clit and get me off, do you understand?" She stood rooted just inside the door. "Do you understand?" I asked again sternly. Megan jumped but then nodded. I chuckled and said, "Good. Now get over here on your knees and service your mistress." She walked towards me as if in a trance. Megan was petite, not much taller than five-foot, with shoulder length blonde hair. I pushed her hair behind her ears and said, softly, "Get on your knees. I want you to suck my clit and get me off. Have you ever been with a woman before?" She nodded and said in a whisper, "Yes, once." "Uh-huh," I said, "Well, you've never been with a woman like me, now get down there and suck me." She looked down and then got on her knees. Again I held up the hem of my skirt and watched as her eyes widened. She briefly looked up at me and I smiled at her before she took my clit between her lips. "Hmm," I hummed as she pleasured my labia and clit, sucking and pulling. I felt myself getting harder. "Tongue me, baby," I said, "I want to feel that tongue in my pussy." I placed a hand on the back of her head and held her against me. I watched Doctor Tim Johnson masturbate as he watched his secretary pleasure me. It wasn't long until a small geyser of cum shot from his cock, landing on his pelvis and chair. No sooner had he came than I erupted sending a stream of my cum down Megan's throat. She gagged at first but swallowed the majority of my cum. My orgasm subsided and I tightened my vaginal muscles sending the last few drops into her mouth. Releasing her head, she looked up at me, a trickle running from the corner of her mouth down her chin. I laughed and said, "Well done, baby, thank you." I held out my hands and helped her to her feet. "Thank you, ahh, mistress," she said. I wiped the lingering remnants of my cum from her chin and then kissed her deeply savoring the taste of my saltiness on her tongue. 'Megan showed a lot of promise,' I thought. With my arm around Megan, we looked at the spent Doctor Johnson, his flaccid penis limp in his lap. 'Disgusting,' I thought. "Give me your panties," I said to Megan. She reached beneath her skirt and slipped them down her legs. I tossed them to Tim, who made no effort to catch them. "Put those on, bitch," I said, "and when I come in tomorrow, you better be wearing them, do you understand?" He nodded and then said, "Yes, mistress." He stood up and removed his trousers and what was left of his shorts and then stepped into the receptionists white satin underwear. "Cute," I said, "don't you think they're cute on him, Megan?" She giggled and said, "Definitely, but he needs to get rid of that pubic hair." I smiled and said, "Absolutely. Be sure to shave tomorrow. I'll see you at the same time." I kissed Megan once more and walked out. The following day I walked in to Doctor Johnson's office. "Hi, Megan, how are you?" I asked. "Fine, thank you, mistress, how are you?" she said. Today Megan was wearing a scoop necked dark blue top with no bra and when she stood up, I saw she had on a black leather mini-skirt. We kissed across her desk. "I'm good, Megan, is the doctor ready for me?" I asked. She smiled, "He is," she said, "he's been ready all day," and she laughed. She walked me to the office door and knocked and then let me walk in. Megan followed. I was dressed casual today; jean shorts with a crop top and a pair of sandals. "Hello, doc," I said, "Are you ready to begin where we left off?" "Yes, mistress," he said. "Good," I said, and then turned to Megan, "Why don't you have a seat, baby, and watch." I stood in front of Tim and ran a hand down the inside of his pants, grasping his flaccid penis. "Hmm, I see you shaved that thatch of yours," I said, "Very good, baby." He winced as I squeezed slightly. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" I asked, "Sometimes I forget just how strong I am." "No mistress," he said. "You want to fuck me, don't you, Tim?" I asked. "Yes, mistress," he replied. I smiled at him while I unsnapped my jeans shorts. "How badly do you want to fuck me?" I asked. "Very badly, mistress," he said as I stepped out of my shorts, tossing them on his desk. "Uh-huh," I said as I pulled my crop top over my head, "maybe tomorrow, baby, but right now I want to demonstrate how strong I am, and then you're going to eat my pussy so I can climax and come." I opened the top drawer of his desk and pulled out a pair of scissors. Holding the handles in one hand and the tip in the other, I bent them in half just below the pivot point. "Wow," Megan said. I took the stapler from his desk and holding it in my right hand squeezed the tool until it was totally scrap metal. Opening my tote bag, I extracted a small bottle of oil. I tossed it to Tim and said, "Here, oil my muscles. I want Megan to appreciate my definition and vascularity." Tim poured a little oil into the palm of his left hand and then using his right, began to rub the oil into my skin. Soon my body glistened as if I were carved from brown marble. "Are you horny, Megan?" I asked, flexing my muscle and tightening my abdominals. "Oh, yes, mistress," she replied. I chuckled and reaching back into my tote bag, withdrew a twelve-inch vibrator. I tossed it to her and said, "Here, pleasure yourself with that while Tim here sucks my cock, are you ready, Tim?" "Yes, mistress," he replied and got on his knees in front of me. Doctor Johnson was very proficient in pleasuring me. As he pulled and teased my clit, I watched as Megan ran the vibrating dildo I had given her over her pubis. Slowly she inserted the head into her vagina and continued, rocking her hips as the shaft went deeper. "That's it, baby, take the whole thing," I said, encouraging her to go deeper. 'It's exciting to watch someone masturbate while you're having your pussy tended to,' I thought. I ran my hands over my oiled skin, savoring the feel of my hard muscles and rope-like veins. I felt myself nearing an orgasm and said to Tim, "I'm going to cum, baby, enjoy my juice," and then I came. Tim swallowed and swallowed again, savoring my cum. As my orgasm ebbed, I saw that Megan had also climaxed. I stepped away from Tim, and took my dildo from Megan, ran my tongue along the rubberized shaft savoring her saltiness. For the balance of the week, this tableau repeated itself. I never did let Doctor Johnson playout his ultimate fantasy of fucking me. On the final day of my 'therapy', Tim signed off on my completion of my 'anger management' sessions. "Thank you, doc," I said, tucking the paperwork into my tote bag, "I got a lot out of our sessions and I hope you did too." He smiled and said, "I did, mistress, I doubt I will ever have a client like you again." "Perhaps not," I said withdrawing one of my business cards and handing it to him, "but if you want to continue to be my slave, I charge less than you do," and chuckled. "In the meantime, obey Mistress Megan;" I told him, "she'll be your mistress from now on." He glanced from me to Megan and back, "Yes, mistress," he said smiling. "Megan," I said, wrapping my arm around her shoulder and drawing her into my body, "I'll see you soon." "Yes, mistress," she said. "Take care of your slave." I gave her a long kiss. I see Doctor Johnson periodically. He comes by for my kind of therapy. The same can be said for Megan. As for my colleague that initiated my visits to the good doctor, he met with an untimely death two months after I had returned to work. Seems he was out jogging when he fell nearly forty feet into a river. A creature of habit, he followed the same route for his evening runs. I waited patiently for him at the end of the bridge, stepping from the shadows and wrapping my arms around his chest. He pounded on my shoulders and back and even tried to kick me, but it didn't take long for me to crush his chest and squeeze the air from his lungs, breaking three or four ribs in the process. I carried him over my shoulder to the middle of the bridge, making sure no one had seen me, and simple tossed him over the low railing. If you enjoyed, 'The Therapist,' please let me know at Muscle Fan