Tammy - Teen Muscle Goddess By Muscle Fan, covert.1@hotmail.com Chapter 1 I love standing in front of the mirror at the gym or at home, admiring my muscles. I make them 'dance', tensing the muscles, and then relaxing them, rubbing my hands over my rock hard muscles makes me excited, and when I'm excited, well, I do bad things. I'm Tammy, Tammy Connors, and I wasn't always a muscle goddess. I grew up in a very loving, very open, home with a mother, father and three older brothers. My mother was a stay-at-home mom, who liked to keep herself fit. She didn't spend a lot on fancy clothes, having her hair done or her nails, what she spent the most time and money on was keeping her body in great shape. She worked out daily with the barbells and equipment in the garage and ran mile after mile up and down the hills near our home in San Pedro, California. My father worked at the port and that seemed to be enough to keep him in excellent shape. His broad shoulders, slender waist and head of thick black hair caught the eye of many of our neighbors. Jimmy, Timmy and Tommy, my older brothers, were very athletic and played football, basketball and ran track. They were also protective of their little sister, me. My dad, typical of most fathers, pushed my three brothers hard when it came to school and sports. My dad use to tell us, 'I never had the education and opportunities that you four do. Take advantage of them and always push yourself.' If dad was working a weekend, we could usually be found with mom, lifting weights in the garage or going for a run along the beach. 'Running in the sand,' she would say, 'builds your muscles and will give you more endurance.' She may have been right because I exceled not only academically, but also physically, lettering in track, swimming and gymnastics. When dad was home, a favorite weekend event was a barbecue and a game of water polo in the pool. Occasionally these got physical but dad always said, 'What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.' At the time, I wasn't sure about that, but I did learn to hold my own with the boys, mom and dad. Looking back, this is probably one reason I was such a strong swimmer and why I became competitive, but more about that later. Jim, my oldest brother was twenty-five, Tim was twenty-three and Tom was seventeen when I was sixteen, a junior in high school. That's when our lives changed dramatically. Our parents were killed in a traffic accident when a drunk driver ran a red light and broadsided our parent's car. I thought my world would end. It was a very difficult time for me. I went through shock, denial, sorrow, anger; the entire emotions one could imagine having lost both parents. I through myself into what I knew best, school and sports. I spent every waking moment pushing myself, both scholastically as well as physically. Fortunately, Jim and Tim had good jobs and what with the money from my parent's life insurance policies, we were able to maintain the house and pay the bills. Our lives though had been changed forever. We shared the household duties; cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc., and, even though I was the woman of the house, my brothers still treated me as 'one of the guys.' Unless we had friends over, we generally went about our household chores, studied, or watched TV wearing whatever we were comfortable in; sweatpants, underwear, T-shirts or no T-shirts. It was one of those evenings when Jim had his girlfriend Monica over. Tim and Tom had gone to a movie and I was in my room studying. They had come home and, thinking they had the house to themselves, proceeded to make love on the family room couch. I walked in on the pair as I headed for the kitchen to get a drink. While I had seen my brothers naked, and wasn't a stranger to seeing naked females either, the fact that they were having sex there on the couch stopped me in my tracks. Monica was moaning softly, clutching Jim's butt, as he thrust, his eyes shut. Neither was aware of my presence. As they both climaxed, Jim looked down at Monica and gave her long kiss, then sensing someone else in the room, looked over at me. Monica followed his look. "How long have you been there," he asked. "Long enough," I said, "If you got any of your cum on the couch, you have to clean it up, Jim." "I'm wearing a condom," he said, "so your precious couch is safe." I smiled and said, "That goes for Monica too, if she squirted on the couch you have to clean up after her." "Ooh," Monica said, "That's disgusting, besides, what do you know about squirting, climaxing or cum?" "Probably more than you, Monica," I said. Jim stood up and was removing his condom. He examined it as if it contained some exotic treasure. "Be sure to put that in the trash, Jimmy," I said, "don't try to flush it down the toilet." "Yes, mother," he said, and headed off in the direction of the bathroom, not saying a word to Monica who was sitting up now, gathering her clothes. She stood up and began to pull on her panties. "Enjoying the show, Tammy?" she asked. "Some show," I said, "no muscle tone and far too hairy, but as long as Jimmy finds you attractive, that's all that matters." She seemed to redden. "You've got a smart mouth, Tammy Connors," she said, "I don't know what remark I hate most, the one about my muscle tone or the one about being too hairy." I put my hands on my hips and said, "Both statements are true, you need to wax that bush of yours and you could really use an hour or two in the gym a day." Monica looked at me, and then down to the thong I was wearing. I slid my fingers into the thin waist band and slid the flimsy panty down my legs, allowing it to fall to the floor. Still, without saying a word, I slowly walked to her. She was my height and we held each other's gaze. I gently touched her hairy pubic area, and her eyes closed as I gently touched her clit, then said, "Eat me, Monica, tongue my clit." She looked at me for a moment or two then slowly sank to her knees. With my left hand on the back of Monica's head and my right exploring my hardening nipples, I climaxed quickly, sending a spray of cum into her mouth and onto her chest. "Ahh, yes," I said, squeezing my nipple and holding her face against my pussy. Now it was my turn to be surprised. I released my hold on Monica, and as she slowly got to her feet, Jim said from behind me, "Nicely done, you two, I didn't know I was dating a lesbian, and Tammy, I didn't know you were one either." "Don't be a prick," I told him, "I'm not a lesbian, and neither is Monica. What's the matter with her giving me what I know she's already given you?" "What are you talking about," he asked. "Monica goes down on you, doesn't she, Jimmy," I asked. "Not that it's any of your business, but yes, she does, so?" Jimmy said, and he looked at Monica who was now blushing. "Well," I told him, "what's the difference. Sex is sex." "Oh, and my little sister is now the sex expert, huh?" he said. "Not an expert, I'm observant; I know what I want, and what others want," I said. "Yea," Jimmy said, "And Monica wanted to go down on you?" He was looking between Monica and me. "Yes, she did," I said, and he looked at Monica for confirmation, and she nodded her head. "And I can tell by the little 'tent' in your shorts there that you want me too," I said, and chuckled as I padded back to my bedroom. Nothing was said the next day and apparently Jimmy said nothing to his brothers about what had taken place, however, Jim's glances seemed to linger longer than normal. That had been my first experience with another woman and, in fact, my first sexual experience except for masturbation. Jim and Tim both worked for Biomax, a vitamin supplement company. Jim had majored in chemistry at the state university while Tim had his degree in biochemistry. Both were brilliant chemists, but sometimes I questioned their social skills. While Jim was still dating Monica, Tim, at 23, had no steady girlfriend and dated little. Tom, the high school senior, on the other hand, was a jock like me and was very popular. He had his pick from the cheerleading squad or any other girl on campus for that matter. One evening, at dinner, Tom left the table, probably to call Megan, his cheerleading girlfriend. Jim, Tim and I began clearing the table. "That Amanda has come up with some sort of super-muscle drug," Jim said. "She scares me a little," Tim said. "Why," I asked. "Well, she's big and runs Biomax like a drill sergeant," he replied, "besides, I've heard that she's destroyed some men that have gotten in her way." "That's just gossip," Jim said, "but I would like to see her out of that lab coat, if you know what I mean." "I'm sure you would, big brother," I said, "but tell me more about this super-drug that she's developed." "Don't say anything, Jim," Tim said, "remember our confidentiality agreement." "That's so we don't sell secrets to other labs, not to keep things from our sister," Jim said. Jim looked at Tim, then me, and Tim left the room. "It's said that Amanda's drug will increase muscle mass and make a person stronger," Jim said, "but I don't know if that's true. I suspect if she's conducting experiments, she's conducting them on herself. I think she's gotten a lot bigger in the last couple of weeks." "Really," I said, "I'd like to meet Amanda." "Uh, huh," he said, "no way, Biomax is off limits and like Tim said; if they found out I had told you about the new drug, who knows what they, or Amanda, might do." "You're afraid of her, aren't you," I asked. "No, no, hell no," he said. I smiled, then said, "OK, then get me a little of that super-drug." He stood there staring at me and then turned and walked off without replying. Two days later, Jim wrapped on my bedroom door. I had been studying and he closed the door behind him as he came in. Without so much as a word, he produced a small vial of amber liquid. "Is that what I think it is?" I asked. "Shh, keep your voice down, Tam, yes, that's Amanda's super drug," Jim said. I took it from him and held it up to the light, then shook the vial a little. "Thanks," I said. "What" Jimmy said. "I said, thanks, I can't wait to try it," I told him. "No, you can't try that, it's not FDA approved, who knows what would happen," Jim said. "You told me yourself that Amanda is taking this," I reminded him. "I said, I had heard that she was experimenting on herself," Jim said, "I don't know that that is true or not." "Well," I said, "there's one way to find out. I just need to get a syringe. I'll get one from my biology class tomorrow." "I wish you wouldn't do that," Jim said, "but I've made the mistake of bringing that home now," indicating the small vial, "just promise me one thing, Tammy, that you won't inject yourself until I come home tomorrow, OK?" "Oh, all right," I said. The following evening, Jim came to my room. I had on a pair of gym shorts and no top. I retrieved the syringe from my book bag and filled the tube with the amber liquid. "Here, let me do it," Jim said and I handed him the syringe. The thought crossed my mind that he would take it and run from the room, but he didn't, instead he applied a scarf around my bicep and at his instructions, I opened and closed my fist several times pumping blood into a vein in the crook of my arm. He stuck the needle in and released the scarf while slowly pushing on the thumb piece of the syringe. The liquid slowly went into my system. Minutes ticked off my bedside clock and I thought nothing was going to happen, then I felt a warmth come over me. It felt as if I were under the lamps of a tanning bed. I was sitting in my desk chair and I extended my leg in front of me, running a hand over my quads, feeling the warm granite like skin. I stretched and pumped my bicep. While it had always had definition, now it had muscle. "Wow," I said, "I feel incredible". "You look incredible, Tammy," Jim said as he ran a hand over my bicep. He squeezed and I barely felt it. "Your bicep feels like a rock, Tam, and your thighs are bigger. Stand up," Jimmy said. I got to my feet and as I did, my shorts fell to the floor. "Looks like my waist is smaller," I said as I ran my hands over my mid-section and stepped out of the shorts. My abs which were flat only minutes ago were now well defined and rock hard like my biceps. I ran my hand down and touched my clit with my index finger. "What are you doing, Tammy," Jim asked. "I feel hot," I said, "Horny and hot, get undressed." "Tammy, no, I'm your big brother," Jim said, but I could see the stirring of an erection in the shorts he had on. "Prove to me how big my brother is," I said, "now I won't ask you again, get undressed." He could tell by the inflection in my voice that I meant it, and he slowly peeled his T-shirt over his head and dropped his shorts on the floor. We embraced, he was still a couple of inches taller than I, but it seemed as if I had grown in height as well as muscle mass. His body felt marvelous next to mine and I could feel his erection stiffen. "Lay down, Jimmy," I said and he did as if hypnotized. I straddled his mid-section as he stroked my thighs. "I feel like a new woman," I said as I flexed my biceps, "What do you think?" "You're awesome," he said, now running his hands along my sides and as far as he could reach up my ribcage. I moved back, now poised over his erect penis and lowered myself slowly onto his shaft. As I did I watched his face; his eyes closed and a smile on his lips. As if by will alone, my vaginal muscles constricted his shaft and began to undulate, rhythmically 'milking' him. He climaxed within minutes, and while I was nowhere near satisfied, I had discovered what true control was. Jimmy was panting hard as I raised myself from his hips. I moved forward so that now my vagina was over his face. "You know what you need to do, Jimmy. Get all of your cum out of me," and as he set to lapping his 'goo' from my pussy, I became aroused. "Don't stop, don't stop," I moaned, and then I climaxed drenching his face. "Ahh," I exhaled, "that was fantastic, much better than Monica. Will that muscle drug wear off?" "I don't think so," he said catching his breath, "Amanda is as muscular as ever, unless she's been continuing to take it." I climbed off of Jimmy and now stood admiring myself in front of my mirror. "We'll have to see," I said, "if these muscles go away, you need to bring me more." "But, sis, I was running a risk by sneaking that small vial out for you," he said. I turned and taking hold of his now flaccid cock gave a slight squeeze and said, "You'll do what I say or I'll turn you into that sister I've never had, so you understand?" "Yes, please let go, you're hurting me," he said between clenched teeth. I laughed and let go of his penis. He began rubbing himself. "Be careful there big brother," I said, "I don't want you playing with yourself, you belong to me now," and chuckled again as I walked from my bedroom. I found Tim in the family room watching TV. He didn't even glance up as I walked in. He wore a pair of sweat pants and a T-shirt and was barefoot, sitting on the couch. "What are you watching," I said as I stood behind the couch. "I was just flipping through the channels and saw this wrestling match, this stuff is so fake," he said. "What do you mean, fake," I asked. "You know, fake, the moves are choreographed," he said, "These guys are on steroids, but probably couldn't lift a bag of rice." I said nothing as I watched one of the men in the ring grab his opponent by the crotch and neck and lift him skyward, only to slam him to the mat. "I don't know, Tim, it looks pretty real to me," I said. Still without turning around he said, "But who could lift one of those 300-lb. wrestlers like that, that's what I mean when I say it's choreographed." "I could lift one of those guys," I said, "That would be easy." Now he turned to see what the punch line would be when he jumped to his feet. "Holy cow, Tammy, what the hell?" he said, "What did you do?" I walked around to the front of the couch and his eyes never left my body. He had seen me naked hundreds of times but now his eyes were as big as saucers. "Let's just say, I'm not your little sister any longer, Tim, I can tell you like what you see," and I smiled, "do you want to feel what a muscle woman feels like?" "What," he said, "you're my sister, Tammy." "Yes, I am, but don't act so shocked," I said, "I've seen the way you've looked at me when I'm out by the pool or in the garage working out. Besides, I know you secretly want to be dominated by a muscle woman." I had seen Tim many times naked as well and knew he had the largest penis of my three brothers. True, I had never seen him with an erection, but I knew I could change that in a minute. I stood in front of him, my hands on my narrow hips and tightened my abs. "Feel these abs, Tim, feel how hard they are, come on, do it," I commanded. Tim was the timid one of the three, so I reached down and taking him by his right wrist, placed his hand on my abs above my navel. "Do you feel that, Tim, feel the small muscle group beneath my skin," I said, and moved his hand down so that it was on my pelvis. "Finger me, Tim," I said and he placed a finger in my pussy. "Ahh, that's right, now taste it, taste how sweet I am," I said and guided his hand to his face where he put his finger in his mouth and sucked. "Good, Tim, good, now do you want to taste more?" He nodded as I knew he would. "Go ahead, Tim, pleasure me, but first, let me see your cock," I said. He lifted from the couch and pulled his sweat pants off his hips. His nearly erect penis sprang free. It was about 9-inches. As he leaned forward his right hand closed on his shaft and he began stroking himself. "Don't come until I tell you to, Tim," I said, and he proceeded to tongue my clit. After the short workout I had had with Jim, I lasted longer with Tim. Finally I found myself nearing climax and said, "Alright, Tim, you may come," and I watched as his 10-inch cock erupted, we came as one. "Clean that crap off the floor," I told him looking at his semen which had landed on the carpet, "I'm going to shower." I padded to my room. I had rewarded my two older brothers as well as satiated myself. In the process I had been transformed into a muscle goddess. I felt totally alive, in command and wonderful. Before entering the shower, I examined myself in the mirror and was struck by the defined muscles that were now mine. Broad shoulders and narrow waist with large vascular thighs gave my reflection an awesome appearance. Small breasts sat upon a striated chest. I turned and looked at my firm butt and muscled calves. Raising my arms I was pleased to see muscle after muscle jump across my back and shoulders. 'What man or woman could resist this body?' I thought, 'None certainly in this household' I answered and smiled over my shoulder at myself. 'I can't wait to see what the kids at school think,' I thought.