Not Quite a Win Muscle Fan If you enjoyed my story, please read others on my bookshelf on Diana the Valkyrie Library and let me know at Thank you ... I was finishing my routine in the Southern California Women's Bodybuilding (SCWB) contest. I was one of the contestants in the heavyweight division and without a doubt the leanest and most muscular of the ten contestants. I had trained hard for this contest and was the tenth and last competitor to step onto the stage. I was pleased to hear several gasps, whistles and some applause as I followed the other nine women onto the stage. Competitive bodybuilding is a dog eats dog competition. Women in my division shied away from me, perhaps partly because of my size. I stand six-foot, one-inch tall and in my three-inch stilettos, well, let's just say I towered over them. Perhaps the other reason my fellow competitors didn't approach me is that I'm so much more muscular than any of them. With twenty inch biceps, a sixteen inch neck and nearly thirty inch thighs, I could probably out lift any of them and half of the male bodybuilders as well, for you see, I don't just look muscular, but I am and strong as well. We did our compulsory routine. Arms, back, abdominals, and, of course, thighs. With each flex, I could hear the crowd inhale and several gasps. I knew they were looking at me and it made me tense my muscles even more. Veins crisscrossed my arms, torso and legs. I had a dark tan and subtle oil on my body which made my veins appear like I had ropes beneath my skin. We finished our compulsory routine and I strode from the stage confident following the other girls. The nine 'also rans', as I thought of them, went to the holding area before each was called on stage for their individual performances. "You've certainly packed on the muscle, Gina," Lori said. Lori was a veteran of the bodybuilding circuit and had won several titles. "Thanks, Lori," I said, grabbing a fifty pound dumbbell and curling it effortlessly. "I think you impressed the judges," I said. "We'll see," she said, "You never know how these things will go." She turned and rejoined the eight other contestants. I didn't feel left out. I was use to training alone, in fact, I preferred it. They called the first girl to the stage and everyone but me closed in behind the curtain to watch her routine. I studied myself in the mirror, watching my arms pump to their full twenty inches. I turned first one way and then the other looking for any defects in my physique. Finding none, I sat the dumbbell down and stood up straight, shoulders back, butt extended slightly. My burnt orange posing suit barely covered my pubis and the bikini top struggled to contain my breasts. The suit had cost me close to $400 with hand sewn sequins and rhinestones. It fit me like a second skin. The triangular nylon material rose to a peak on top of my swollen nipples. 'Will they down grade me because my nipples are hard?' I thought. 'They're hard because seeing myself in the mirror makes me excited,' I thought. My eyes were drawn to my pubis and my clit. 'Hmm,' I thought, 'my nipples aren't the only thing hard,' and I laughed. Lori must have sensed something because she turned and looked in my direction. 'Get a good look, bitch,' I thought and ran a finger over the small triangular patch covering my clit. I glanced at Lori and she quickly turned away. All of the women had finished and it was my turn to take the stage. I knew all eyes were on me and I was only too happy to give the audience what they wanted. My music began to play, the tempo slow as I wanted to take my time allowing each of my body parts to reach their maximum pump. I did a double bicep pose and the audience went crazy. Whistles and yelling; one male member of the audience yelled out, "Those are big guns, baby, big guns!" I tightened my abdominals, one leg slightly in front of the other and watched as the muscles formed eight deep moguls beneath the skin. I ran my fingertips over the surface, lightly touching my clit before I relaxed and turned to show the audience my lat spread. More 'ooh's' and 'aah's'. As the music ended, I was satisfied with my performance. I turned, smiled and blew a kiss to the audience before walking off the stage. The audience responded in appreciative applause. We waited backstage and then were called up. We stood in line, numbers one through ten. I won't drag this out, but I placed fourth. My smile never wavered and clearly the crowd was stunned. Lori took first place. Photos were snapped and we shook hands with all of the officials. As we filed off the stage, Lori whispered to me, "I'm having a fee people up to my room, Gina, you're welcome to come, room five oh five." I smiled and said softly, "Thanks, I'll try and make it." I put my kimono on and walked to my room, carrying my fourth place trophy. My mind was still reeling; 'I was clearly the most muscular,' I thought as I walked, 'I deserved that first place.' In my room, I put the trophy on the dresser and stood before the full length mirror and let my kimono fall to the floor. 'Was it the suit? Was it my individual routine? Maybe I should have done a few one arm pushups,' I thought. I unfastened my bikini top and tossed it on the bed. My breasts are firm and didn't sag as the material came away. I ran my hands under each breast, feeling the weight of each. Peeling the elasticized sides of my posing suit down my hips, I stepped out of the bottoms. Now standing before the mirror naked except for my three inch stilettos, I assessed my body for any imperfections. 'Those judges must be stupid,' I thought, tightening my abs, 'Look at me, I'm the perfect woman.' I put on a jean skirt and tank top and headed for Lori's room, one floor above mine. The door was propped open so I went in. Most of the girls who competed were there as well as their spouses or boyfriends, several of which competed in the men's division. People congratulated me and tried to make small talk, but my mind was on why I didn't get the first place spot. I found Lori talking to someone near the balcony. "Can I have a word with you, alone," I asked. The man looked up at me and gave a quick smile and moved off. I took Lori by the hand and led her to one of the bedrooms and shut the door behind us. Lori looked up into my eyes and asked, "What's this all about?" Without saying anything, I took her head in my hands and tilted her face towards me and kissed her on lips. She didn't resist, but returned my kiss as I slipped my tongue between her lips and teeth exploring her mouth. I could taste the alcohol on her tongue and lips that she had drank. Her hands immediately ran under my tank top and found my nipples. She squeezed them between her thumb and forefinger, twisting. I broke the kiss and looked her in the eyes. "Why did I lose the contest," I said softly. She blinked and said, "I heard that one of the judges thought you were too masculine." I smiled and asked, "Who?" as I ran my hands down the shorts she was wearing to her butt. "Gordon," she said haltingly as I ran my finger between her butt cheeks. I smiled and kissed her again, this time allowing my tongue to dominate hers. I felt her stiffen in my arms and I broke the kiss. She coughed catching her breath. "I'll be back later, baby. I want you to service my pussy, but right now, I have to teach Gordon a lesson," I told her before I left her standing in the bedroom. The judges all were staying on the eighth floor and I knew which room was Gordon's, the pompous ass. Gordon was a former bodybuilder turned judge who still considered himself to be in good shape. I knocked on his door. I didn't hear a sound from inside. I knocked again and this time heard a muffled, "Just a minute." Gordon opened the door to his room and peered at me through the crack. I immediately pushed the door in and the safety latch ripped from the door frame. He stumbled backwards. "You and I need to have a word," I said, shutting the door behind me as I continued into his suite. Gordon, a former bodybuilder, was clad only in a pair of boxer shorts. "You can't be here," he sputtered, "You have to leave." I looked at him and smiled. "Not until you tell me why I didn't win my division," I said sternly. Just then the door to the bedroom opened and Megan, who had won the lightweight division stood there wearing a man's T-shirt, her hair a mess. The T-shirt fell to her knees on her five-foot tall frame. "Is everything all right, Gordy?" she asked before realizing I was in the room. When she saw me, her hand went to her mouth. "Oh," she said, clearly surprised, "Gina, I, ah, what are you doing here?" "Well, isn't this cozy," I said, "I wonder what the IFBB would say about judges and contestants having sex. Aren't there some rules about that, Gordy?" I emphasized the word, 'Gordy' and ran a finger under the man's chin. Rules specifically stated that sex between contestants and judges was strictly forbidden, regardless of whether it was before or after a competition. Judges would be dismissed and not allowed to judge competitions any longer, thus ending their careers and contestants would be expelled from the competition and suffer such a fate for as many competitions as the IFBB deemed necessary. While Gordon used to be a bodybuilder, the years had left him with a bit of a paunch and a little heavy in the jowls. I turned and walked to Megan. Looking down at the petite woman I said, "I don't know how you can screw a man like that, Megan," and then thought, "He's not really a man, just some blowhard bitch." Looking back at Gordon, his cheeks reddened and he said, "Look, Gina, I don't know why you came here, but Megan and I ... " I waved a hand, and said, "What, in love?" I turned back to Megan, "What was this, really, a thank you fuck for winning your division?" I knew I hit the nail on the head when she sputtered, "Ah, no, ah, like Gordon said, we're in love." "Uh-huh, and so this little love affair wasn't disclosed before the competition and you happened to win," I said, "I think the committee would be very interested in this." "Gordon, you're not just a bitch, you're a liar and a cheat," I said, walking towards the door. "Yeah, well you're some sort of freak," he growled, "Want to know why you only placed fourth, it's because you're more man than woman, Gina, you think you're so high and mighty, but you're nothing but a man in a posing suit." I slapped him across the jaw and he stumbled but caught himself on a chair. "I worked hard to get the muscles I have you little wimp," I said and flexed my bicep which instantly swelled, "I can't help it if you're a has been and your muscles, what little you had, have turned to fat." He rubbed his jaw but stood up. "You're a mouthy bitch, aren't you," he said and balling his fist, hit me in my abs. 'Whack'. It was as if he had hit a side of beef. My abdominals are rock hard and even though I didn't have time to tense them from the blow, it didn't hurt or double me over. I laughed and said, "You poor pathetic little man, want to see what this muscle woman can do?" I punched him in his flabby gut and he instantly lost the air in his lungs and doubled over falling to his knees. He was wheezing, gasping for breath. I looked down at him and then turned to Megan and said, "Come here, baby." She came to me and I ripped the T-shirt down the front from the neckline to the hem. Megan had a firm, defined body for a small woman. Not as muscular or defined as me, but impressive none the less. I put my hand on her breast and squeezed a nipple between my forefinger and thumb. She winced. With my free hand I probed her vagina. She was wet, but I didn't know whether it was her juices or Gordon's. I withdrew my finger and put it to her lips. She sucked my finger dry. I chuckled and looking into her eyes, said, "I'd love to show you how a real woman can please you, but you've been in bed with this pig," and I nodded in Gordon's direction, "and I'm not the type of woman to be second to anyone." I turned and put the sole of my ankle boot on Gordon's head and pushed him onto his side. Now laying in the fetal position on the floor, he was beginning to get some air back in his lungs. I lifted the hem of my jeans skirt and pissed on his face. He tried to turn away and shield his eyes, but the fight had gone out of him. "That's what I think of you, Gordon," I hissed, "you're a pathetic little man who deserves to be pissed on," and then turning back to Megan, I said, "You can do better." I left, leaving the door to the room open for any passerby to glance in and see the balled figure on the floor and went to Lisa's room. Lisa's room was empty now of people. I knocked on the door and she peered around the door. "Oh," she said, "Gina, I wasn't sure you'd be back. Did you talk to Gordon?" I went in and turned toward Lisa. She was naked. My breath caught as I looked at her from head to foot. 'She's gorgeous,' I thought, but said, "Yes, I had a few words with him, but I'll tell you all about it after we make love," and I pulled my tank top over my head. She reached behind me and pulled the zipper of my skirt down and let it fall to the floor. Now, both naked we held each other tightly and explored each other's mouth with our tongues. Rules do not govern contestants engaging in sex, thankfully, and that night, Lisa and I had a lot of sex. Heated sex as only two muscle women can have. The next morning over a large breakfast in the room, I told Lisa all about my visit to Gordon and his affair with Megan. She laughed when I told her about pissing on the bitch. I no longer compete, but still work out and train hard. Gordon and Megan were both suspended, not that I had anything to do with it, but Lisa filled a complaint with the bodybuilding committee. I still have sex with Lisa and she has gone on to win more competitions in the heavyweight division.