Muscle Vampire 2 by uscle Fan The following is a sequel to ‘Muscle Vampire’ posted earlier in Diana the Valkyrie’s Library. Muscle Vampire 2 follows the medical examiner as she destroys a victim to satisfy her lust for blood and sexual gratification. If you enjoy this episode, please let me know at Thank you, Muscle Fan "Have you completed the autopsy of our latest John Doe?" Detective Swanson asked. "Not yet, give me another hour, will you?" I told him. He smiled and said, "Sure, no problem doc, I was just in the neighborhood so I thought I'd drop in." Swanson made his way through the double doors and headed for the elevator that would take him upstairs to Police Plaza. The Medical Examiner's office is in the basement, well hidden from the eyes of the public. 'If I didn't know better,' I thought, 'I might think the good detective is flirting with me.' For the most part, my coworkers regarded me as aloof or standoffish, some even thought of me as the 'Ice Queen'. Perhaps they were right, but I'm a firm believer that work is work, especially when it came to the medical examiner's office. We were under constant scrutiny that people's loved ones were treated with dignity and respect before their corpse was released to the mortuary or funeral home. 'Unfortunately, for the John Doe laying on the slab in my laboratory,' I thought, 'his body was brutally handled by yours truly prior to his demise.' We met the previous night in a little market not far from my house. It was quite random. He was there to buy beer and I for a case of water. At the refrigerator at the back of the store, he looked at me and smiled. I returned the smile. The instant he saw me, I knew what was on his mind. "Hey," he said, "I haven't seen you here before." 'Corny come on,' I thought, 'but he appears to be alone and I could use some blood; an easy victim.' "Just on my way home and needed some water," I said, lifting the case of water from the cooler. "Here, let me get that," he said, taking the case from my hand. I didn't protest although I could probably bench press three times what he could. "Thank you," I said. He carried his six-pack of beer and my water to the store clerk. He paid for his and said, "I'll get the ladies water too." "No, really, you don't have to do that," I protested. "I insist," he said and gave the clerk the money. He lifted the purchases and carried them into the parking lot. "Which car is yours?" he asked. I pushed the button on my key fob and the headlights flashed. 'Glad I'm not driving one of the vans tonight,' I thought, 'the word 'CORONER' stenciled across the door is rather off-putting.' He put the flat of water in the back hatch and closed it. "Well, thank you again," I said, and held out my hand. He took it with his free hand and said, "I'm Dave, nice meeting you, would you want to have a beer sometime?" and held up the six-pack he had just bought. I smiled and hesitated, then on a whim said, "Sure, why not." His smile broadened. "I'm parked over there," he said, indicating a Ford Explorer at the back of the lot. He had pulled in where it was dark clearly intent on drinking his beer undisturbed. Once I was in the passenger seat and Dave was behind the wheel he pulled the tabs on two cans of beer and handed me one. "I didn't catch your name," he said. "Jessica," I said, which isn't my real name, "But most people just call me Jess." I took a sip of beer. He took a long drag on his. "What do you do, Dave?" I asked. "I'm an engineer," he said, "electrical engineer, and you?" "Clerk," I said, "at a boutique downtown," another lie. We sat in silence and then he put a hand on my leg. I was wearing leggings and a smock that went to my knees. When he turned to me I could tell he was thinking, 'Damn, this girl has big thighs.' I smiled and said, "I lift weights." "Really!" he said, "That's awesome, I've never known a girl who's into weightlifting." "You might say I'm obsessed," I told him. He nodded, and I added, "Would you like to see?" He nodded, now clearly excited. I found it was always easy to find a 'victim' or someone to feed on. Generally, as in this case, my muscles attracted them. 'Like a moth to the flame,' I thought and said, "I'd love to show you but not here in your car." He smiled and said, "How about there?" and pointed to a motel across the street. It wasn't a Hilton or a Marriott, far from it, but the Slumber Inn would have to do. Actually I had to laugh because the neon in the 'S' was out so the sign actually read, 'lumber Inn.' I hesitated and then said, "OK." He drove across the street and then checked in as I waited in the car. The room was surprisingly clean; although the carpet had little to no padding and the king size bedspread looked as if it hadn't been laundered in a while. I tossed my bag on the table and he sat the remaining beer next to it. "Sit on the bed, Dave," I told him, "I'll just be a minute." I went into the bathroom, closing the door. The bathroom was Spartan with little vials of shampoo and conditioner. I undressed, hanging my smock and leggings over the curtain rod. Naked, I turned the light out and opened the door. "Wow!" he said as he looked at me standing in the doorway. I laughed and said, "I use to be embarrassed, you know, women aren't supposed to have muscles. But now I'm proud of what I have," and I flexed my arm. My twenty inch bicep exploded. I walked slowly to him and put a foot between his knees, my toes an inch from his crotch. "Feel them, Dave," I said, "Feel my quads and calves." He didn't hesitate but ran his hands over my calves and then my quads. "See those veins, honey, run your finger along them." His erection was quite evident beneath his trousers. I allowed him to run a finger along my prominent veins for a minute or two before removing my foot. I put both fists on my hips and said, "Get undressed, baby. I hope you have a big cock and can satisfy me." Running his tongue across his lips he undressed quickly. He was my height, toned, but not muscular. "Have you ever seen a female bodybuilder before?" I asked. "N-no," he said, somewhat flustered. I laughed and asked, "Are you married?" and ran a finger along his jaw line. "Yes," he said. "Uh-huh," I said and looked down at his erection. Tracing my finger along his sternum and down to his navel, I grasped his manhood. He flinched and gasped and I asked, "Does your wifey like your cock, Dave?" He nodded. I gripped him harder and he grimaced. "Uh-huh," I said, "and would she be upset if I took it from you?" Now he had a puzzled look on his face, so I said, "Would your wife be upset if I took your cock from you? I could you know," and increased my grasp on him penis, "I could simply tear it from your pelvis." I pulled and he had to take a step towards me. Now we were only inches apart. He was making soft mewing sounds caught in my vise like grip. "Don't worry," I said, releasing my grip, "I won't hurt you, at least not until you service me," and I chuckled. I just love being in control and my libido was working overtime. "Does your wife like you to go down on her?" I asked. He nodded as he reached for his penis. I batted his hand away and said, "Don't touch yourself, your cock belongs to me now. Get on your knees and suck my clit." He quickly got on his knees and took my meaty clit in his mouth. "Go on, suck me and run that tongue of yours inside me," I said. "Hmm," I moaned as he rolled my erect clit between his lips and pulled on it. "That's it," I said as I let my orgasm build. With a shudder, I climaxed sending a gob of creamy cum in his mouth and down his chin. I placed a hand on each side of his head and tilted his face up to me and said, "Lick every bit of my cum from my pussy, bitch, do you understand?" He nodded and I released my grasp. He tongued me until I was clean. I stepped away from him and appraised him. I put my hands behind my head and said, "I want to see how strong you are, baby. Hit me in my stomach." He looked at my eight-pack abs and said, "I, I don't know, ah, Jess, I might hurt you." 'How sweet', I thought. "Come on, hit me," I said. He took a step forward and hit me right in the navel, 'whap.' "Again," I said, and another 'whap,' this time a little harder. I laughed and through a punch to his midsection. It was soft, and he doubled over. "I'm sorry," I said, "sometimes I don't know my own strength," which wasn't true at all. I'm fully aware of my strength. Still gasping I pushed him back and he sat on the bed doubled over. "Come on, I didn't hit you that hard, don't be a wimp," I chided, taking him by the hair and lifting his head. I was getting excited. I walked over to the table where my bag was and got a pair of latex gloves from it. Being the Chief Medical Examiner, I always carry gloves with me. I snapped them on and he croaked, "Wh-what are you, ah, doing, Jess?" "Gloving up, baby, I don't want to leave any fingerprints for my forensic friends," I replied. Before he could say anything more, or maybe before he had a chance to process this, I hit him in the jaw. Not hard, but enough that I knew I broke it and knocked him out. I didn't want him screaming. Looking down at the man, I felt no pity or remorse, perhaps a little sadness for his wife, but that was all. I quickly undressed him, tossing his clothes about the room. Stepping back, I looked at him and then taking his flaccid cock in my finger and thumb, examined it. 'Three inches,' I thought, 'at best, five or six when he's erect. My clit's nearly that.' I let it fall back against his inner thigh. Taking his left hand in mine, I slowly squeezed watching my bicep explode. When I was nearly at my peak I felt his bones snap. 'So easy,' I thought, 'but I better take his blood while he's still alive.' I spread his legs and moving his scrotum and cock aside, found his femoral artery. I drank mightily, until the artery stopped pumping. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror above the dresser, a trickle of Dave's blood running down my chin. I wiped it away with one gloved finger and wiped it on his chest. Grabbing the man by his ankles, I pulled him from the bed until his bottom was on the floor and his back against the foot of the bed. I straddled him and sat on the bed, positioning his head against my crotch. I laced my ankles and began to tighten my muscles. Slowly, savoring the resistance of his skull, I watched as my muscles constricted, becoming well defined. I felt his skull crack just above the spine. I nearly climaxed, but resisted and moaned, "Ahh," out loud. Dave slumped to one side as I stepped from the bed. I dressed, pulling my leggings over my still bulging clit and put my smock back on. I came back into the room and looked at him. "I'll see you in the morning, baby," I said, and retrieved his wallet and car keys from his pants. I checked the walkway, went to his car and retrieved the beer I had been drinking then continued on to my car across the street. On the way home, I saw a pay phone. 'Who uses these,' I thought as I pulled over. I dialed the Slumber Inn and told the desk clerk that there was a strange noise coming from the room I had just left and hung up. 'That should do it,' I thought as I got back in my car and drove home, finally taking off my gloves as I drove. Still sexually aroused from feeding and killing Dave, I stripped down and stepped into my large shower and with the help of a fourteen inch rubberized dildo, masturbated until I had achieved three orgasms. Now sexually and physically satiated, I dried myself and applied scented oil to my body taking my time to rub the oil well into my skin before slipping between my satin sheets. As promised, the next morning as I was checking the nights 'in-take' roster on my offices computer, I saw a John Doe who was picked up from the Slumber Inn. 'Welcome, Dave, to my world,' I thought as I set about my daily routine of overseeing autopsies and my staff, slipping into my lab coat. 'I'll take care of Dave myself,' I thought, 'since I took care of him last night,' and chuckled at my own joke. Sam Swanson, the detective, was in the office and enquired about the body brought in last night. He had caught the case. 'I like Sam,' I thought, 'and he's a thorough detective. I'll have to be careful about what I put in my report.' I set about the task of autopsying the body. There was very little blood left to drain, but what there was I collected for toxicology. I wrote up and photographed the trauma to the body; broken neck, crushed hand, etc. The only omission was my bite marks. With a little make up concealer, I covered the puncture wounds. I removed most of his organs; brain, liver, kidneys, etc. weighing each. Collected his stomach content and took scrapings from his fingernails, although I know he didn't scratch me. I'm very thorough. "Sam," I said an hour later, into the phone, "I have a preliminary on your John Doe." "OK, doc, let's have it," he said. "Cause of death was blunt force trauma, or more accurately, his skull was crushed." "Huh," Swanson said, "but how?" I chuckled and said, "You're the detective, Sam, but it looks like his head was in a vise; couple of major fractures at the base of the skull." "Huh," he repeated, "That's a weird one. We're still working on ID-ing our victim, so please just keep him on ice, will ya'?" "Sure, Sam," I said, "For you, anything." I hung up the phone before he could reply. Later that day, Sam called back and said they thought they had ID-ed the John Doe. "His car was in the parking lot," Sam said, "motel manager identified it for us. Ran it through DMV and it came back to a David Smith. We contacted Smith's wife and he didn't come home last night. She's on her way in to take a look at the body." "OK, you'll come down with her?" I asked. "That's the protocol, doc," he said. I knew it was and said, "I'll see you then detective," and rang off. If you enjoyed 'Muscle Vampire 2', please let me know at Thank you once again, Muscle Fan