Mistress Roxie By Muscle Fan This is a fictional story about a cage fighting muscle woman and finding her new identity. If you enjoy this story, please read my other ones on the Muscle Fan bookshelf in Diana's Library. Also, please let me know by texting me at covert.1@hotmail.com Thank you, Muscle Fan I was late, as usual, but I couldn't rush the orgasm that Tom had delivered. I needed to savor every second of it. Tom was magnificent with a ten inch cock and we had finished a two hour sex session. He was one of my latest 'boy toys' that serviced me. 'My libido is in overdrive, I know, but a girl has to be true to herself,' I thought. True to myself is allowing my body and muscles to control me and my desires. I entered the arena through the back door. "Hello, Bruno," I said to the bouncer as I brushed by him, "is Jack around?" Jack is my manager. "Dressing room," Bruno said, his gaze lingering. 'Perv,' I thought as I walked down the corridor sure that Bruno was watching my ass. "Where the hell have you been?" Jack snarled as I entered the dressing room. I chuckled and said, "And a good evening to you too, asshole." I dropped my gym bag on the bench in front of the lockers and peeled my velvet sweat pants down my twenty-six inch quads. "They had to fill in the card with another match," Jack said, still agitated. "Hmm," I mused, "at least they had some lightweights willing to fill in." I pulled my sweatshirt over my head and turned to Jack, naked. "Do I need to wear anything?" I asked standing in front of him, my hands on my hips. He looked at me from toe to head and said, "Not if you want to get the place shut down and cause a riot," and chuckled. Jack had seen me naked a thousand times and I knew it would snap him out of his bad mood. I weigh a little over two hundred pounds. 'Two hundred pounds of solid muscle,' I thought as I stole a quick glance of myself in a full length mirror. I reached in my gym bag and pulled out a burnt orange velvet bikini that made my deep tan look even darker and that barely covered my areola and pubis. I stepped into the suit and turning my wide back to Jack said, "Fasten that, would you baby?" He pulled the straps across my back and hooked one end into the loop. "Thanks," I said, turning back to him, and putting a finger under his chin lifting his face to mine. I smiled and asked, "What bimbo am I fighting tonight?" "Her name is Suki. Supposedly she's pretty good," Jack said. "Some sort of martial arts expert, I suppose," I said. "I guess, I understand she just came in a day or two ago from Japan," he said. I walked to the door and then to a box above the locker room to watch the ongoing match. Two men were fighting in the cage. Both had been bloodied and both were near exhaustion. It made me excited to watch them. Jack had told me that if I won tonight's match, I would begin to fight against the men. I was looking forward to that; the women hadn't proven to be much of a challenge. The match ended with a right to the jaw of the jackass in the white trunks. He went down in a heap. I made my way to the ramp that would take me to the cage. "Weighing in at one hundred thirty-five pounds," the announcer called over the PA system, "from Tokyo, Japan, Suki Yamamoto." The girl was maybe five foot five and clad in a kimono. She made her way to the cage and entered. Now it was my turn. "Weighing in at two hundred pounds," the announcer said, "from Los Angeles, California, Roxie 'The Body' Hammer." The crowd went wild as I slowly made my way down the ramp to the cage door. I didn't bother with a robe, kimono, or any of that crap, the crowd paid to see me, all of me or as much as I wanted to show them. I stepped into the cage and watched my opponents eyes widen. I thought I detected a slight quiver in her lip as she looked at my quads and ripped abs. I flexed a bicep and kissed the mound. The crowd cheered and whistled. I smiled and Suki shot a quick glance at her manager. The bell sounded and Suki walked slowly to the center of the ring. I was going to play this cool, I'd let little Suki take a few shots, maybe land a few. I wasn't worried. She started with a kick that landed against my abs, causing no damage but the crowd thought it had. They gasped. I threw a few punches at my opponent, one catching her on the jaw that tilted her head back. And so it went for the first round. We more or less sparred with each other, or at least I did. At the sound of the second bell, Suki moved quickly, her confidence bolstered by the few blows I let her land. A minute into the second round, I caught her leg as she was trying to drive her heel into my chin and quickly lifted her leg high sending her off balance. I stepped into her at the same time twisting, throwing her off balance. We both landed on the mat and I quickly put her neck in the crook of my arm and wrapped a leg around her waist. "Tap out Sucki," I said, purposely mispronouncing her name, "I don't want to hurt you." She struggled but there was no way she could break my hold on her body. I hadn't even begun to tighten my bicep. Stretching my leg that encircled her, I could easily pull her spine apart. She realized it too and tapped my thigh. 'Too easy,' I thought as I relaxed my hold on her. Before getting up, I said softly, "Nice going baby, come to my dressing room." She blinked and gave a slight nod and then a deep bow after getting to her feet. The referee held up my arm and the announcer made the call. "Winner in two minutes, forty seconds of round two, Roxie 'The Body' Hammer." Roxie Hammer isn't my real name, but it sounds good for cage fighting. I stepped from the cage and made my way back to the dressing room to the thunderous applause of the crowd. "Wonderful," Jack said, "next week you'll face a man, Rox, so rest up and get prepared." I laughed and said, "I'm ready now, Suki wasn't a challenge." "Well, the men are different," he said, "You have to be careful ... " Jack stopped talking and I turned to see Suki at my dressing room door, her kimono open. "Take a hike, Jack," I said not taking my eyes off of Suki, "and close the door behind you," I added. He did as told. "Do you speak English?" I asked. She nodded, and then said, "Yes, a little Mistress Roxie." 'Mistress Roxie,' I thought, 'I like that.' I turned my back to her and said, "Unfasten my top, baby." She quickly unclasped the hook. My breasts and chest are solid and I let my top fall to the floor. I looked down and Suki quickly picked it up, rubbing her hands over the velvet material. With two fingers, I lifted and removed her kimono from her shoulders. "Lock the door," I told her and she padded to the door and threw the deadbolt. "Come here," I said. I reached behind her and unfastened her top. Her breasts were larger than mine and I put a hand on each mound, squeezing slightly. "Hmm," she moaned and whispered something in Japanese. I ran my palm down her firm abs to her bikini bottom and then clutched the top and pulled it down her creamy thighs. A one-inch wide patch of pubic hair ran from the top of her mons to her vagina. I ran my index finger along the soft hair. As I stroked her mons and toyed with her labia, I said, "Suki, before our match tonight, my slave, Tom unleashed a load of cum in my pussy, I want you to suck it out, will you do that for me baby?" She looked at me for a few moments and then nodded. I smiled and said, "Lay on the bench baby." She did after stepping out of her bottoms. I ran mine down my thighs and straddled her face, squatting so that my pussy was an inch above her mouth. I looked down and her eyes were transfixed on my clit. I laughed and my clit jiggled. "Big, isn't it?" I asked. "Yes," she said in a whisper, "biggest I see." "Uh-huh, and probably the biggest you will ever see, go on," I said encouraging her, "suck the cum from my pussy." With eager lips, Suki pulled and sucked on my clit and labia. I tensed my vaginal muscles pushing Tom's load out into her waiting lips. She made faint gulping noises as she slurped the cum. "Oh, Suki," I said as I felt my own orgasm nearing, "That's it, baby, now drive that tongue inside me." She did as I commanded and I gyrated my hips and toyed with my pussy until I came in a rush, moaning with satisfaction and a final shiver. I looked down at this beautiful Asian girl as she licked her lips looking up at me. I smiled at her and with my forefinger and thumb, stroked my clit. Aroused, I lowered myself onto Suki and slid my already wet clit into her pussy. She gasped as I penetrated her and said, "Oh, Mistress Roxie, you so big." I chuckled as I drove my stiff clit deep within her. She moaned as I rhythmically fucked her. Within minutes, Suki was on the brink of her own orgasm, her breathing becoming a pant. Once again I climaxed, my cum drenching her pussy and ass. We lay there while we caught our breath. I kissed her deeply before getting up. She moved her legs to one side of the bench ad looked up at me. "Mistress Roxie," she said, "thank you. I came to see you." She placed her hands on my quads, caressing them and then laid her head on them. "I want to see you in person. You big and strong, stronger than Suki, I was not a worthy opponent." "You were good, baby," I told her, taking her head in my hands and tilting her face towards me, "you landed some good punches and kicks. Thank you for letting me make love to you." I bent and kissed her a final time on the lips forcing my tongue in her mouth. When I pulled away, I picked her kimono from the floor and handed it to her. She stood and wrapped the silk fabric around her shoulders, bowed and left. Several days went by and I was enjoying the warm California sunshine by my pool. I heard the doorbell but ignored it. Then whoever rang it did so a second time. I got up from my chaise, annoyed, and padded into the house to the front door. "Yes," I asked opening the door wide. "Ah, I, ah, I have a p-package that, ah, needs to be signed for," the delivery man said, clearly embarrassed or shocked by my nakedness. I smiled and reached for the electronic clipboard he held at his side. He took a step back and I said, "I won't bite, at least not yet," and flashed him a smile. He smiled and then understood I was just reaching for the clipboard. I signed and handed the device back to him. 'Cute in a nerdy kind of way,' I thought. "Can I have the package?" I asked after a long pause. He hadn't taken his eyes off of me. "Huh?" he asked, "Ah, oh, yeah, the package," and extended the box. With one hand I took hold of the box and with the other I grabbed the man's wrist and pulled him inside pushing the door shut with my foot. "Wha-wait, what?" he stammered as I led him into the living room and onto my nine-foot long leather sofa. I began to undress him, unbuckling his belt. "I hope your cock is big," I said, "I like big cocks." I unlaced his shoes and pulled them off and then pulled his pants down his legs. "Wait," he said, "Is this a, ah, some sort of, ah, prank?" he asked. 'Stupid man,' I thought, but said, "Yeah, it's a prank, your buddies at work set this up." I ripped open his shirt, buttons flying off. Now lying there with only his boxer shorts on I could see the small bulge in his briefs. 'Very disappointing,' I thought. "Is that it?" I asked nodding at his pelvis, "Is that as big as you get?" and I laughed and then added, "My clit gets bigger than that." He stole a quick glance at my pubis and automatically licked his lips. I took my clit between my thumb and forefinger and began stroking myself. When fully aroused my clit is nearly five inches with small but firm labia. I chuckled and said, "Pull down your briefs, boy, I want to see that puny cock of yours." He hesitated but then did as I said pulling the underwear down to his knees. 'Four inches,' I thought, 'what a pity.' I took the head of his penis between my forefinger and thumb and squeezed lightly. He winced and I chuckled. "Oh," I said, "Did I hurt you?" and then laughed. "Feel my 'she cock', baby, stroke Mistress Roxie," I told him. He reached out and took me in his palm and began to masturbate me. "Hmm," I hummed, "that's it, stroke me faster." He did and soon I was nearing an orgasm, but I wanted to prolong it so I pulled away. "Sit up, I want you to take me in that mouth of yours," I said, "You have to be good for something." He sat up and I stepped in front of him. "Have you ever sucked a clit before?" I asked. He shook his head. I laughed and said, "Well, a clit sucking virgin, how nice. All you have to do is take my cock in your mouth and suck me." I thrust my clit against his lips and he opened his mouth and engulfed my meaty member. For the next fifteen minutes I rode his face until I climaxed drenching his mouth and chin with my cum. I looked down at him, his chin glistening with my cum. I drew a finger across his lips and tasted my juices. "Hmm, sweet," I said, "Did you like that?" He quickly nodded and I laughed. "I bet you did, now go," and I walked to the door and held it open. Hurriedly he put his pants on. His shirt was in tatters from me ripping it open. He carried his shoes with him as he made his way back to his van at the foot of the driveway. "Th-thank you," he said as he passed. I didn't say anything, but shut the door behind him. Picking up the parcel he had delivered, I tore open the flap. A note lay on top of something red. 'Dear Mistress Roxie,' it read, 'thank you for sex. I liked it very much. Please accept this kimono as a present of gratitude.' It was signed Suki. 'How did she know my address' I wondered as I held up the red kimono. I turned it and on the back it said, 'Mistress Roxie'. I chuckled and slipped it on. 'Perfect,' I thought rubbing my hands over the cool silk. In the bedroom, I looked at myself in the mirror my nipples making small tents under the silk. The kimono came to mid-thigh and I tensed my quads. Thick veins appeared amongst the well-defined muscles. I could see striations just below the skin. 'Lean,' I thought, 'Mistress Roxie is ready for the men, but are the men ready for me?'