Genie - Part 45 By Muscle Fan, The beginning of the end - a story of a sadistic, muscle goddess. 'Now, I'm going to explain everything I'm going to do to Tim. First, I'm going to get him undressed', and I took his jeans off and pulled his pullover off. I untied his shoes and even took his socks off. 'I find it easiest and cleaner to work while naked, and I like my 'subjects' to be naked as well,' I said, 'I hit Tim in the jaw fracturing it and knocking him out, but I also hit him in the kidney, not hard, but that's when he pissed his pants. So, that pretty well brings you up to date before I brought you in here, any questions,' and I looked back over my shoulder at Tanya. She nodded a 'no'. 'Now, I want you to watch this. I'm quite prowd of what I can do,' and I sat near Tim's outstretched right hand. I maneuvered so that my clit was near his hand. Picking up his wrist, and pushed his limp hand into my vagina. As I did this I was watching Tanya and her eyes got that 'Holy shit!' look to them. Once his hand was in me, my muscles took over and crushed his hand. 'Right now, Tanya, my vagina muscles are crushing the bones in Tim's hand.' After a minute or two, I relaxed my muscles and pulled the emaciated hand from me. I got up and standing over Tim's body, said, 'He doesn't have a very big cock, does he, Tanya.' I looked to the girl who nodded her head, 'no'. I reached out with my foot and touched his cock with my big toe. It moved to the side. I took it between my big toe and the next one and squeezed. It felt like jello between my toes. 'Yuck', I thought. 'I'm feeling merciful, Tanya, so I'm going to crush Tim's skull and get this over quickly.' I sat near his head and positioned his head between my thighs, so the nap of his neck was against my clit. 'My thighs,' I said and slapped them a couple of times, 'are like tree trunks. You can see the thick veins running through them,' and I traced them with my fingertip, 'aren't they gorgeous, Tanya, don't you just want to kiss them,' I asked and she nodded 'yes' this time. I smiled, 'I thought you might and I may let you, but right now, I've got to crush Tim,' and I applied pressure. After a couple of minutes there was the faint sound of a crack. Not loud, but soft. 'That's it,' I said, 'not very dramatic, was it?' Tears were running down her face, but she managed to shake her head 'no'. 'Don't cry, Tanya, he didn't suffer, like I said, I was merciful.' I got up and moved to where Tanya sat. She had drawn her knees up to her chest, her back against the counter. I reached down and raised her to a kneeling position and with my finger, took the gag from her mouth. I relaxed my thighs then snapped the muscles rigid. I did this several times and watched as the muscles jump. I was making myself wet. 'Kiss my quads, Tanya, make love to them, you know you want to,' I told her. She began kissing them and running her tongue over the veins. Then, taken by surprise, she bit me on the thigh. 'Bitch!' I roared, and hit her on the side of the head, knocking her across the floor. I looked down and a small trickle of blood seeped from the bite marks near my femural artery. 'That was close,' I thought, 'the bitch nearly bit into an artery.' I walked over to where she lay. Reaching down I pulled her up by her hair. 'I was going to let you live, bitch, but now you sealed your fate,' I told her although I think she was still unconcious. I let her drop to the floor. I wanted her awake. I'd wait, but I needed to apply some pressure to the wound she had inflicted. I grabbed a blouse off the hanger above the girls head and then I noticed a part of the girls tooth imbedded in the wound. I nudged it out with my fingernail and folding up the blouse to use as a compress, applied pressure. Tanya was coming around and getting to her knees. I picked up Tim's underwear that he had pissed in and jammed them in Tanya's mouth. 'There, cunt, you might as well taste your boyfriends piss,' I said. I hauled her to her feet and untied her hands. 'Come on, if you're going to fight back, no more biting, bitch, just hit me. I'll even let you have the first shot, come on,' I repeated, taunting her. She gave me a right to the abs, then a left to my right breast followed by another right to my left breast. She came at me and kneed me in the groin. I stood my ground. She backed up and looked at me up and down. 'You really are pathetic, bitch,' sneered. I took a step toward her and she backed up, then I took another one and she found herself against the wall. I grabbed her jaw and broke it with one hand. Then with my left, I crushed her nipple on her other breast. 'How does that feel, cunt?' I asked. She was crying and I laughed at her. By now my nipples had hardened and my adrenalin was pumping. I grabbed a handful of her hair and dragged her into the backroom, shutting the door and locking it. I went to Denise's desk and opened the top drawer, not finding what I wanted, I shut it and opened the next, then the next, and in the bottom drawer, I found what I knew Denise would have hidden away. I grabbed the 12-inch vibrator and turned it on. It hummed to life. Turning, I walked slowly to the prone, cowering figure. I wanted her to watch as I penetrated her. I wanted to savor the time. 'Play time, Tanya,' I said. I stood there over her, straddling her hips. 'Watch how this muscle goddess plays with her toy,' I said and inserted the dildo all the way in. It felt wonderful as it purred. With my muscular control, I ran it in and out and stood proudly with my hands on my hips. Tanya was mesmerized watching the vibrator slide in and out. 'Do you like that, Tanya,' I asked, 'See how easily I control my cock', and I began rubbing my nipples. I was nearing orgasm and reached down and withdrew the vibrator, sending a shower of my juices onto the girl who curled into a fetal position against the packing cartons. 'Ahh,' I sighed as the last drops dripped from me. 'Now it's your turn,' I said and knelt in front of the girl. I pulled on one leg and Tanya lay on the floor, still trying to curl into a ball. With the dildo still humming its song, I thrust it into her even though she tried to skuttle away. I was anything but gentle and continued to run the plastic phallic in and out, in and out until I noticed that a few drops of blood were dripping to the floor. I tapped Tanya on the side of her broken jaw and she came around, at least partially openning her eyes. I again pulled her up by her hair and gave her a short jab to her ribs, breaking several. I followed this with three quick blows to her abs. I noticed that the drops of blood flowing from her had now turned to a trickle. I let her fall to the floor once more, but held her wrist and felt for a pulse. 'Nothing,' I thought, 'good, now I've got to straighten this place up,' I didn't want Denise to have to clean up my mess, and smiled. I took the bodies of Tanya and Tim out back and put them in the back of my truck and covered them with a tarp. Then I set about cleaning the store, finding a mop and bucket in the store room as well as a vacuum for the carpeting in the shop. It took me the better part of the night, and I was finishing up about two o'clock, when there was a knock on the back door. I opened the door to find a police officer standing there, flashlight in hand one hand and his service pistol in the other. Over his shoulder, I saw three other patrol cars and a woman deputy. My heart sank. 'May we come in,' he asked, and I merely stood aside. He entered followed by the female deputy who I thought looked familiar. Then I saw her name tag, "J. Ortiz". Jenny Ortiz, my former classmate, valedictorian and girl I had humiliated by pissing in her mouth at our prom. 'This is not going to go well,' I thought. 'Still playing the hardass, Genie,' Jenny said, 'maybe prison will straighten you up.' I smiled at her and said in a soft, controlled voice, 'Get screwed, Jenny, you were always the troublemaker.' To be continued ...