Amanda - New Convert By Muscle Fan, This is the fourteenth installment in the 'Amanda' series. Amanda would have liked to have more time to kill Don, but she hadn't expected to be attacked by the man's battered wife. I will never understand the mentality of the battered woman,' she thought, 'but then I never have to worry about being battered,' and she smiled at the thought of decimating men. Colleen came by the house as she had promised. Rhonda, Amanda and I were in the family room when Howard showed her in. She had come directly from taking Margaret to a women's shelter, but it had taken longer to get her settled in than she had planned. "How's Margaret," Amanda asked, "Will she give you or I any trouble?" "No," Colleen said, "the particular shelter I took her to made her feel right at home, she'll be fine." "I was telling Rhonda and John about killing Don and how Margaret attacked me," Amanda said. "If I may ask, mistress," Colleen said, "you discuss killing as if you were discussing the weather, aren't you afraid the police will find out?" Amanda looked at Colleen a long minute, and then said, "In this house, we may discuss anything. I have no secrets from Rhonda or John and not even Maria or Howard, although I suppose my graphic description of the people I've killed may be too much for them. As for the police finding out, I suppose they may at some point, but I keep my 'kills' to those who need it." "I was to the point of telling Rhonda and John about how Margaret hit me in the stomach with that fireplace poker," Amanda continued, "for a little thing; she swung that poker like a baseball player." "I'm just glad she didn't hurt you," Colleen said. Amanda laughed, "Not a chance, she hit me on the back with a dining room chair as well. The chair faired far worse than I did." "I loved your jumpsuit," Colleen said. "That was a 'catsuit', Colleen, Rhonda and I had them made," Amanda said, "John, show Colleen yours." I stood up since I was still wearing mine. Rhonda and Amanda had removed theirs and were now naked. "See how the material clings to his body," Amanda said, "I think it makes his cock look bigger." Colleen only stared, but said nothing. "You do like John's penis, don't you?" Now the three of us looked at Colleen. Her face reddened and she said, "Yes, of course, I'm just not use to talking about such things openly." Rhonda smiled and said, "That's OK, it took me a while to get use to our lifestyle too. What may help is if you take your clothes off." "Yes, that's a good idea, Rhonda, take your clothes off, Colleen," Amanda said. I sat down and watched as Colleen slowly got to her feet. She kicked her shoes off, then unzipped her slacks and stepped out of them, and sat them on the coffee table in front of her and Rhonda. She slowly unbuttoned her cotton blouse placing it atop her slacks. Now standing in a white bra and panties she hesitated. "Go on," Amanda prompted. Reaching behind her, Colleen unfastened her bra. This too she sat atop her other clothing. Her breasts were firm, with no sag as she removed her bra. Then, she moved her panties down her legs and stepped out of them. She quickly sat down and placed the panties on the stack of clothing. "Stand up, please," Amanda said. Colleen hesitated, and then said, "Please mistress, I'm fine here." "Stand up!" Amanda commanded and Colleen reluctantly got to her feet. "Come here," the Amazon said, and Colleen went to where Amanda sat. "Let's see your clit, Colleen," Amanda said. "Please, mistress, I'm embarrassed," Colleen said. "Nonsense, let's see it," Amanda said. Colleen spread her legs and her clit hung lose, perhaps 2-inches. Amanda reached out and touched the skin. At Amanda's touch, Colleen audibly sucked in her breath. "I've seen men with smaller cocks that this, Colleen, you should be proud of your clit." Colleen looked at Amanda, and then said, "Really, are you serious, you don't consider my deformity an issue?" "Deformity, what deformity," Amanda asked. She gently pushed Colleen aside and stood. "Watch," she said, and began to finger her own clit. Soon, her clit lengthened and was twice the length of Colleen's. Amanda now took her clit-cock in her right hand and stroked it. "You see," Amanda said as she brought herself to an 8-inch erection, "this is a real clit. One you can be proud of. Take it, stroke me." Colleen did and Amanda closed her eyes and began toying with Colleen's nipples as she was masturbated, and then said, "How do I feel?" "You feel huge, mistress, bigger than some men I've been with," Colleen said. Colleen brought Amanda to an orgasm and as she did, I noticed Rhonda occasionally stroked her own clit. As for me, my erection was total and as Colleen finished, said, "John, please show Colleen what the ultimate cock is." Colleen was barely aware of my presence until I entered her, as gently as I could. She cried out softly as I totally submerged myself in her. We rocked in unison and climaxed together fifteen minutes later. Spent, Colleen sat on the couch next to Rhonda, who turned to her and said, "Lick my pussy, Colleen, pleasure your mistress." Colleen, by now near exhaustion, got up and knelt in front of Rhonda, pleasuring the muscle goddess with her tongue. Colleen was rewarded with an eruption of Rhonda's juices, which she lapped at. "Ahh," Rhonda exhaled as she erupted, "Thanks, Colleen." "John, why don't you show Colleen to my bedroom, she looks like she could use a shower and a good night's sleep," Amanda said, "I think she'll be ready tomorrow." "Yes, mistress," I replied, and I lifted Colleen from the couch and nearly carried her to Amanda's room. "Here," I said, as I turned on the shower, "you'll feel better after a shower." Her energy returned as the water cascaded down; however, I remained in the large shower enclosure with her, lathering her body from head to toe. As I shampooed her hair, she closed her eyes and seemed to enjoy being pampered. Once clean, I toweled her thoroughly and tucked her into Amanda's bed and went back to the family room. Rhonda asked Amanda, "What did you mean when you said, 'you thought she'd be ready for tomorrow'." "I'm going to transform Colleen in to one of us," Amanda said, "she needs more self-confidence, but she's got the genes and desire to be a muscle goddess, don't you think?" "Yes, mistress," Rhonda said, "whatever you want, but she's not part of the Biomax family, we must be careful with who we share our gifts." "Yes, I agree," Amanda said, "but I think with Colleen and her position outside the 'family', she may be a benefit to us." "Is it your intent that she live here with us, mistress," I asked. "No, but I want her to be welcomed when she visits," Amanda said. "Yes, certainly," I said, and Amanda looked at Rhonda, and the muscle goddess merely replied, "Yes, mistress." "Good, then that's settled," Amanda said, "I'm going to bed, I'll see you two in the morning," and she stood up and padded to her room. Once Amanda was gone, I asked Rhonda, "Do you think Mistress Amanda is making a mistake by allowing Colleen to become a muscle goddess?" I've always been able to speak frankly to Mistress Rhonda. "That is up to Mistress Amanda, John," Rhonda replied, "and we shouldn't question her decisions." "You're not jealous are you," I asked. "No, of course not," Rhonda responded too quickly. "Good," I said, "Shall we go to bed as well?" Rhonda had a sly smile on her face, and said, "I think that's a good idea." That night, as Rhonda lay on her stomach on the satin sheets, I lightly ran hand down her spine to her firm butt cheeks. They were amazingly firm and she wasn't tensing her muscles, either. I got up, and kneeling beside her, massaged her powerful legs, working my way down to her calf muscles and eventually her feet. I took my time and worked in silence relishing my task. Once I had completed both legs, Rhonda rolled over on to her back and I repeated the process with the front of her legs, lightly tracing the large veins that snaked below the burnt umber skin. I straddled her thighs and continued massaging her abs and torso. I worked on each of her firm breasts independently, then together, twisting each nipple between my fingers. I leaned and flicked the erect nipple with my tongue, then ran it down her sternum to her waiting clit. "Take me, John," she said, "you've teased me long enough." I smiled and allowed her to spread those massive thighs. With my member clutched in her hand, she guided my shaft into her. As with Amanda, Rhonda had developed unnatural vaginal control. To best describe it is to say all I had to do was hang on and let her do the work, work which she loved. Her breathing became more rapid and I knew that she was near climaxing. I nuzzled and kissed her neck and trap muscles, their warmth radiating power. Her pussy milked me and as she climaxed, she wrapped her legs around me and I thought she would snap me in half. I had to whisper in her ear, "Rhonda, please, you're hurting me." As she removed her legs from around my pelvis, she said, "I'm sorry, John, I got carried away. I didn't mean to hurt you, but that was wonderful, thank you." "It was my pleasure, believe me," I said, and meant it. That night I fell asleep thinking how lucky I was to be in a household of true Amazons. One's who appreciated me even though it was I who served and serviced them. I slept contentedly. The next day, Rhonda and I emerged from her room, and we met Amanda at the table in the kitchen. "Well, you two look refreshed," Amanda said. "Yes, mistress," Rhonda replied, "John was kind enough to give me a great massage followed by a spectacular orgasm." Maria served us a plate of eggs and unbuttered toast. Coffee, juice and a side plate with bacon. I was ravenous after my night with Rhonda. "Maria," Amanda said, "Colleen will be here for dinner this evening, could you prepare something special for our guest?" "Certainly, mistress," Maria said, "I have just the thing. I'll run to the market today." "Thank you," Amanda said, and then to Rhonda and me, "I'll give Colleen the supplement shots tonight. We'll begin her training as a muscle goddess as soon as possible, I trust I can rely on you two." "Yes, mistress," we said. That evening, Maria did in fact make a special dinner. Linguini and chicken with olive oil, steamed broccoli and asparagus. We each had a glass of fine California red wine. The conversation remained light, but then turned to Colleen's pending 'transformation.' "Are you ready," Rhonda asked Colleen. "Ready?" Colleen replied, "Ready for what?" "Ready to become one of us." Rhonda said, "Ready to accept the challenges and responsibilities of being an Amazon. Your life will change forever." "You make it sound like a life or death situation," Colleen said. "She's right," Amanda said, "in some cases it is life or death. It's a responsibility, you have the power to destroy those who get in your way, but you must show mercy and restraint, but for those who deserve to die, you have the ability to destroy them. It can be a burden mentally." "I've given it a great deal of thought," Colleen said, "and I'm ready. I've always been a bit of a tomboy and have sometimes felt like I don't fit in. It's hard to explain, but you and Rhonda have made me feel welcome." "All right," Amanda said looking to Rhonda who only gave a slight nod, "Let's go to my office, shall we?" "How does this work?" Colleen asked as we walked down the hall. "I'm going to give you a shot of a special serum that I developed," Amanda said, "I call it a muscle enhancement supplement, and we'll see how it goes." We entered Amanda's office. "Please, sit there in the chair," Amanda said. Rhonda took a seat on the couch and I sat on the edge of Amanda's desk. Amanda retrieved a syringe for a box in the top desk drawer. "Now just relax," Amanda said, then taking the needle cap between her teeth, pulled the needle free and finding Colleen's vein in the crook of her arm, injected her with the 'supplement'. "How long will this take?" Colleen asked. "Not long," Amanda said. "My arm, it feels funny. It feels tingly, sort of warm," Colleen said. Rhonda smiled, and stood up and stood beside Colleen. Looking down at her arm, Colleen said, "It feels like the warmth is spreading up my arm." Rhonda put a hand on Colleens other shoulder and said, "That's the 'Goddess juice' flowing through you," and chuckled. I noticed her muscles becoming more pronounced, almost imperceptible at first, then more defined. Her breasts, while firm, appeared to be rock-solid. "Stand up, Colleen," Amanda said. She stood and her abs had taken on a six-pack appearance. "Flex your biceps, Colleen," Rhonda said, and when she did, they formed two small mountains. She watched as she pumped her arm and with each, they seemed to grow. "This is amazing," Colleen said. "Yes, it is, but you must work out to develop true strength and to maintain your body," Amanda said, "You will become even bigger and harder. You'll see, this is only the beginning." "Thank you, mistress," Colleen said and embraced Amanda. Colleen then turned and hugged Rhonda. They were the same height, but Rhonda was still more defined and solid than Colleen, but I couldn't help but wonder, 'for how long?' Colleen looked at me and smiled, "What do you think, John, will the men love the new me?" and laughed. "They will, mistress," I said, 'They will." "Mistress," she said, "I like that." "Just be sure to exercise restraint, Colleen," Amanda warned, "Restraint, yet firmness." "I will, mistress," she said. "Good, now how do you feel?" Amanda asked. "Horny," Colleen replied, "I feel like my body wants to take control, like its hungry and needs to feed." Rhonda laughed, "I know that feeling. You should feed it, girl." "Yes, I think Rhonda is right," Amanda said, "John, why don't you help Colleen 'feed' her body, as she said." "Yes, mistress, as you wish," I said, then to Colleen, "Mistress Colleen, let's go to my room, shall we?" "Definitely, John," she replied. As we entered my room, she turned abruptly and threw her arms around my neck and kissed me, exploring my mouth with her tongue. I responded and she ground her hips in to mine. 'She's a hellcat,' I thought, 'she needs to learn to take it slow and enjoy her sex.' Her hand dropped to my penis, which not fully erect, she took in her fist. "Colleen, please, be gentle," I said. She loosened her grip, "Sorry," she said, "Let's lay down." We sat on the edge of the bed and then she pushed me down, falling on top of me. "Colleen, please," I said, "let me help you, all right?" She didn't say anything at first, merely lay there on top of me looking into my eyes, and then she said, "Yes, John, I understand, I need to take it slow." "Yes, slow," I said, "relax and I'll show you. I can guarantee you won't be disappointed." "First, let's roll over," and we did so that now I was on top. I sat straddling her and began to massage her torso and play with her breasts as I had done last night with Rhonda. Soon, Colleen was making soft 'mewing' sounds. I lay back down and she automatically spread her legs. I began to gently guide my shaft into her. She didn't yet have the control that Rhonda and Amanda had of her vaginal muscles so I began to thrust, slowly at first, then picking up the rhythm. She climaxed within ten minutes when I was perhaps halfway in, and I continued. She reached her second orgasm five-minutes later as I neared full penetration. She was now panting as if she had run a mile. "Please, don't stop," she panted and I buried my penis inside her, now thrusting faster. I managed to last another ten-minute when I exploded as did Colleen. We lay entwined in each other's arms, catching our breath and allowing our racing hearts to slow. "That was fantastic," Colleen said, "I've never had an orgasm as strong as that before but I've never been with a man with equipment like yours before either." "Thank you," I said, "I'm glad I could please you." We drifted off to sleep, still in each other's arms, and I awoke the next morning to find Colleen standing before the mirror admiring herself. When she noticed I was awake, she turned and looked over her shoulder and asked, "So, what do you think, John, are my muscles any bigger, do you like what you see?" I wanted to be careful how I answered her, so I said, "You're more defined than before, and yes, I've always had a fixation for muscular women." "I need to speak with Rhonda and Amanda and see what I need to do to bulk up. Both of them make me feel puny," she said. "Both of them are true Amazon's, they work hard at it, and have honed their muscles and skills over a period of time," I said. Now she turned and gazed down at me, still on the bed, and with her hands on her hips, said, "Do you doubt I'll be a 'true Amazon,' as you put it?" "No, no," I said, "I only meant that it will take time. It isn't just about getting a shot of Amanda's muscle supplement, it's not that easy, that's all, it takes hard work and it's also a state of mind." "Well, I've never been opposed to hard work," she said, "and as for my state of mind, I've got my mind set on being the biggest, badest Amazon, you've ever seen. And now I want a repeat of that fuck-fest last night." She grinned as she pushed me back on the bed and straddled my midsection. She was wild and a half hour later, we padded off to the shower together, desperately in need of some 'cool down' time. At the breakfast table, Colleen and I were having a cup of coffee when Rhonda and Amanda entered. "How was it," Amanda asked as she walked behind Colleen and must her hair. "John is a wonderful lover," Colleen said, "he's the biggest and best I've ever had." Amanda smiled, "Yes, he is, but don't get dependent on him, he does what I allow him to do." "Yes, mistress," Colleen said, but I wondered if she meant it. "Today we'll begin your workouts," Rhonda said, "You need to hone that body if you're to get bigger and stronger, do you understand?" "Yes, mistress," Colleen said, "I look forward to pushing my body to the limit." 'Now that I believe,' I thought. I entered the gym at mid-morning with cold bottles of water. Rhonda was lying on flat bench pressing a barbell with over 300-pounds on it. She was naked, as was Colleen and Amanda, save for the cross-trainers on her feet. She was bathed in sweat and was slowly raising and lowering the bar so that it barely brushed her nard nipples. "Notice the proper form," Amanda was telling Colleen, "how she doesn't rush the motion, but gets all of the pump she can from the weight and bar. She the striations in her upper chest, this is a great exercise." Rhonda finished and sat at the foot of the bench briefly, then got out of the way for Colleen who lay under the bar. Rhonda and Amanda removed a plate from each end of the barbell, and as Colleen lifted the bar from its resting position, Amanda moved behind her to give her support should she need it. Colleen slowly lowered and raised the bar ten times before returning it to its resting hooks. As she sat up, she said, "I see what you mean, I can feel the burn." "You can sit the waters down, John," Amanda said as she sat on the end of the bench, and then to Rhonda and Colleen, "Slip a couple more plates on the bar." The two women did and Amanda began her set of bench presses with what I thought was nearly 400-pounds. She made it look effortless as she slowly raised and lowered the bar. "The key," she said without a trace of stress in her voice, "is to do this exercise slowly. A lot of men and women rush it, but you want to have your muscles experience the pump." She returned the bar to its resting place. "Next, we'll do dumbbell flies," Amanda said. Rhonda took a pair of 50-pound dumbbells from the rack and lay on the flat bench. "Notice how her elbows are slightly bent as she lowers the weights, keeping them in line with her shoulders," Amanda said, "Nice form, Rhonda." As Rhonda did a set of twelve, sweat beaded on her face and chest. I grabbed a towel and waited for her to finish. Next, Colleen took her place as I handed Rhonda her towel. She picked up the 50-pound weights, but had to drop them after attempting one rep. Amanda said, "It's good to push yourself, Colleen, but you're just starting out. Try a little lighter," and Colleen put the 50-pound dumbbells back and got 35-pound dumbbells. She handled these, although struggled at the end. Amanda took Colleen's place on the bench after selecting the 65-pound dumbbells. As she lowered her arms, her traps expanded as did her chest. The nipples atop her small breasts looked to be rock hard and perhaps a half inch in diameter. She lowered and raised the weights slowly, bringing them together over her chest with a slight 'clink'. It was truly amazing to watch this Amazon workout with such poise and lack of effort. When Amanda stood up, she faced the mirror and crossing her wrists in front of herself, admired her trap muscles. "You're 'shredded', mistress," Rhonda said, and stood behind Amanda and massaged those massive shoulders. "What do you think, John," Amanda asked as she watched my reflection in the mirror, "am I 'shredded' as Rhonda put it?" "You are, mistress," I replied, "You are." "How sweet," she replied, then her gaze went to my semi-erection, "I can see that you appreciate all of your mistresses hard work, don't you?" "Yes, I do," I said. My thong was becoming uncomfortably tight. "Why don't you go ahead and come for us, John," she said as she turned to face me. She walked towards me and I felt myself harden. She stopped in front of me and held my stare. She flexed her arm and her huge bicep and triceps sprang to life. Smiling she said, "Lick my armpit, John, I feel a trickle of sweat there from pumping my muscles," and she raised her arm higher to give me access. I leaned forward and lightly tongued her pit, tasting her saltiness. "That's a good boy," she cooed, "you may come, John, show Colleen how your mistress can make you come." Half of my cock was sticking above my thong as I sent a stream of semen into the air, hitting Amanda just below her navel. She looked down as my cum began to run down her pubis. I quickly knelt and licked it from her. "Good, John, now leave us, I have much to show Colleen," Amanda said, and turned away. I headed for the door as I heard Amanda tell Colleen, "You will learn to dominate men, my pet, but you must treat them with respect, do you understand?" I didn't hear Colleen's answer but I hoped she would learn and heed Amanda's instructions, otherwise, I feared it would go badly for the male that crossed her.