movie mixed scissors scenes by dmg Pretty Poison 1968 AKA She Let Him Continue (This was the title of the book that the story was taken from, and was also the original working title of the film) Also be careful not to confuse this movie with the made for tv 1996 remake. STARRING: Anthony Perkins Tuesday Weld Beverly Garland John Randolph ACCESS: the Fox Movie Channel has run it a few times. it's hard to get on video. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: When a mentally disturbed young man (who else? Anthony Perkins) is seduced and manipulated by a beautiful, scheming high school cheerleader (Tuesday Weld), the results are coldblooded murders. SCISSORS SCENE: the deranged young couple have decided to sabotage a lumber yard tower. they sneak in at night, and David (Perkins) is loosening the tower bolts when an old watchman appears and shines his flashlight on him. He orders him down but does not see the girl sneaking up behind him. she hits him in the head with a wrench, knocking him unconscious. when David joins her she coolly comments, "he sure is bleeding a lot." they then discuss what to do next, but when David mentions that the old man knows him by name, her mind is made up. a car suddenly comes by and they both dive for cover to avoid being seen in the headlights. as he looks after the car, she sneaks over to the old man and drags him a few feet away into a shallow pond. as the water starts to bring him around, she sits herself high up on his back and clamps her knees tight on his head. as the old man struggles she reaches back with both hands and leans on his back for support. the smile on her face is almost orgasmic as the evil beauty easily drowns her hapless victim. when David arrives on the scene the man is dead, face down in the water. she is sitting on the back of his neck with her legs stretched out on either side of his head. almost innocently, as if she couldn't imagine how such a thing happened, she says. "David, he's dead," POSITIVES: great setup, gorgeous young woman, and the acting is top caliber. the lighting is adequate, which is outstanding when you consider that the scene takes place outdoors and at night. also, the big age difference adds a nice touch of spice. NEGATIVES: as always, it is all too brief. OVERALL RATING: *** (NOTE; The 1996 tv remake has the same scene but the girl sits on his back, her legs straddling his body, and presses down on the back of his head, effectively drowning him. to repeat, there is no scissors in the remake.)