movie mixed scissors scenes by dmg Sumo Vixens 1996 STARRING: Kei Mizutani--Eba--Shouko Kodou --Arase--John Billingslea--Keisuke ACCESS: video only. it was originally released in 1996, but the English language version just hit the video shelves in 2001. not on cable yet. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: campy soft porn cult classic from Asian Pulp Cinema about a kooky team of female sumo wrestlers. the actresses in this one may be well trained in the marital arts but have no idea what martial arts are. some of the fights are actually laughable but others are surprisingly well done. the camerawork varies from scene to scene as well. in some scenes it's fine and in others the cameraman is trying to get so close that there are a quite a few near collissions. there are also some very funny moments, and the climactic sumo team tournament features more overacting than a William Shatner highlight tape. SCISSORS SCENE: Domino, the big boss, is beating up his men because they got beat up by sumo girl Komasa (Kei Mizutani-the Oriental Julie Strain). suddenly an elevator door opens and three exotic women emerge, led by One Eyed Oryu. she is wearing a Bono hat with a floor length leather jacket. under that all she has on is black boots, a skimpy but fashionable spiderweb bathing suit, and an eyepatch. Oryu (Shouko Kodou) introduces herself and offers their services to help him get even with the sumo girls but Domino becomes angry and tells his men to throw them out. his right hand man, Sebastien is still wearing head bandages and a small oxygen mask after the beating Komasa gave him. he foolishly paws at Oryu's breasts as he invites her to leave. she easily twists his arm behind his back in a hammerlock, making him howl in pain before tossing him to the side. the other three men attack but are repelled with relative ease as the women each adminster a light beating to the demoralized males. Sebastien goes to a desk and gets a gun from the top drawer but Oryu nimbly hops up and sits on the desk swinging her long legs high in the air. seeing what's coming he cries out, "oh, shit," as she lowers her legs trapping his neck between her booted calves and his arm between her knees. the gun impotently dangles from the fingers of his pinned right arm and the terrified man's eyes bulge out at his bizarre tormentress. she effortlessly tightens her grip on her gasping victim and then speaks to him in a completely dominant, superior tone. " never underestimate women. you have no idea how strong we can be. you thought you and the boys would be such a challenge but we proved you wrong. the reason you can't hope to beat us is because you're just a man." Sebastien has been gurgling and gasping as she spoke and now puts the oxygen mask over his face with his free left hand in a desperate struggle to breathe. Domino sits down and says, "very impressive, Miss One Eyed Oryu." she almost gently swings her legs slowly from one side to the other, taking his trapped head back and forth with her as she responds, "glad you see it my way. an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and woman for woman." she releases Sebastien, puts her right foot into his chest, and sends him flying out of camera range. she concludes by saying, "i hope you understand. we're here to help you, Mister Domino," and the scene ends. POSITIVES: good camera work, lighting, and possibly the best, most ego crushing dialogue ever during a scissors. also the duration of the scissors is highly recommended, well over thirty seconds long. the fact that her hold serves to disarm as well as captivate him, and that his neck is squeezed between her shiny booted calves all serve to make this scene unique and absolutely unforgettable. NEGATIVES: the lady's body is a model type, tall and slender. she's not an FBB, or even a fitness type, but her scissors is convincing enough, and she plays the dominant female to perfection. OVERALL RATING: ****