movie mixed scissors scenes by dmg Vampire Raiders-Ninja Queen 1989 STARRING: Ruby Cohn Martin Dukes Agnes Chan Deborah Tao Produced by Tomas Tang ACCESS: video only GENERAL DESCRIPTION: standard formula ninja nonsense (they made over 20 of these) about a plot to take over the world's hotel industry. it pits the evil black and yellow nnjas and their vampire henchmen against the good white ninja who is ably assisted by the very fit blonde haired pink ninja.and a giggling group of telephone operators. there are some decent fights and a lot of slapstick vampire gags. SCISSORS SCENE: we see the pink ninja, a light but muscular woman with short blonde hair relaxing on a deserted beach. she is lying on a large beach towel, getting shade from a beach umbrella. she is wearing a tiny two piece bathing suit that reveals an extremely sexy, supple physique. she takes out some suntan oil and ever so slowly applies it to her awesome legs and arms. then she begins a series of tantalizing stretches which are calculated to take away the breath of any onlookers. she then decides to go for a swim and sprints out into the waiting surf. when she returns she picks up her water bottle, takes a swig, and then spits it out. then she takes a drink before drying herself off with a small towel. seeing no one around she lays back down on the beach towel and starts to drift off to sleep. suddenly a pair of arms burst out of the sand on both sides of her. a vampire (a guy in a bellhop's outfit with Kiss facepaint) had buried himself under her beach towel! he grips her in a bear hug from behind with his hands (perhaps not accidentally) on her breasts. they roll around in the sand like this for about 15 seconds until she breaks his grip with a few well placed elbows to the ribs. he swings at her and misses at which time she grabs his arm, lands a kick to the ribs, and monkeyflips him over her, when he lands next to her in the sand she swings her legs around his neck and applies a headscissor choking him with her calves. she squeezes him for about five seconds before raising her top leg high in the air and bringing it down with great force twice on his chest. she then kicks him which sends him rolling away. she leaps up to her feet and assumes a martial arts defensive pose. it's mostly kicks and punches after that, with a 2nd vampire joining the fight and the pink ninja magically changing into her fighting clothes. the entire scene takes over 5 minutes. POSITIVES: fantastic setup, great lighting, the camera must have been handled by "one of us". the early part of the scene could easily be mistaken for a posing video. very sexy. NEGATIVES: the scissors itself was only about five seconds long. other than that all i can say is well done. OVERALL RATING: ***